
Name Links
Multilingual Thesaurus of the European Union (EuroVoc) "EuroVoc is a multilingual, multidisciplinary thesaurus covering the activities of the EU, the European Parliament in particular... API
Australian Public Affairs Information Service Thesaurus "The APAIS thesaurus lists the subject terms used to index articles for APAIS: Australian Public Affairs Information Service, a subject guide to literature in the social sciences and humanities...
The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Thesaurus "The IEEE Thesaurus is a controlled vocabulary of over 9,000 descriptive engineering, technical, and scientific terms as well as IEEE-specific society terms...
Thesaurus for Gender Studies and Women "Classification by subject headings, without the proper and constant reevaluations and updates made by experts from each field of study, tends to become a pile of words with little efficacy for the collection, storage and retrieval of documents...
European Committee for Homeopathy Homeopathic Thesaurus "This controlled thesaurus of keyterms in homeopathy is for use when indexing literature on homeopathy and also when searching databases which have been indexed according to this list of terms...
GEODOK Thesaurus Thesaurus of the Geographical Literature Database GEODOK....
Multilingual Thesaurus of Nations "Thesaurus Builder experts are working to construct a thesaurus which contains information about countries in various categories using Thesaurus Builder...
European Union multilingual Thesaurus "Eurovoc is a multilingual thesaurus...
The thesaurus of the Parliament of Catalonia "The Eurovoc thesaurus is a multilingual, multidisciplinary prepared by the Parliament and the Office for Official Publications of the European Communities (OPOCE) that covers all areas of activity of the European Union and allows indexed documents that manage institutions Europe in order to facilitate their consultation...
The Thesaurus Network Computerized access to the Collections of Museums Institutions "The 3 thesauri in free consultation on this site are the result of several years of work and have been specially created to meet the specific needs of the museums members of the AICIM Network, which evolve every day thanks to the additions and suggestions of the museums...
Thesaurus engineering and management The "Thesaurus Technology and Management (TEMA) offers (...) the most comprehensive structured collection of the current technical vocabulary for production and technology-oriented management"...
List of Museological Art Terms of the Acceder Collective Catalog "7053 terms, 8052 relationships between terms, 881 terms not preferred."...
Directory of Materials "RVM has been a world leader in controlled French vocabularies for more than 70 years, serving French-language and bilingual libraries in Quebec and elsewhere in Canada...
Systematic and alphabetical keyword register of the catalog group
Expanded Thesaurus "The goal behind this project is the development of an extensive Arabic thesaurus that would encompass all fields of knowledge – something that most libraries and information centers in the Arab world lack – to serve as the basic instrument of subjective analysis of information retrieval devices, and to keep abreast with developments taking place in information technology...
Mediterranean House of Human Sciences Phonotheque Thesaurus "12799 terms...
Powerhouse Museum Object Names Thesaurus "The thesaurus has been developed specifically for our collection...
Andalusian Historical Heritage Thesaurus "The Andalusian Historical Heritage Thesaurus (TPHA) is the first integrating experience of all disciplines related to Historical Heritage in a single documentary language...
Telecommunications Object Thesaurus "The structure is designed to accommodate additional terms...
Public Company Thesaurus
Thesaurus of Audiovisual Documentation "996 terms, 110 relationships between terms, 240 equivalent terms."...
Thesaurus Bibliothèque du Cirac "CIRAC is a center of research and expertise on the German economy and society and Franco-German relations."...
Thematic Nomenclature GeoBretagne "This nomenclature is important since it allows the viewer to search for data via a thematic entry, and is required for sharing with all GeoBretagne partners who are invited to use this nomenclature for the internal classification of their data... API
Thesaurus of Religious Objects of the Catholic faith "This work is basically derived from the one made in an international project produced by the Ministry for Cultural and Environmental Heritage, by the Central Institute for Catalog and Documentation, the Cd-rom" Thesaurus Multilingual Of the Ecclesiastical Kit "(ICCD, Rome 1999) and by the Ministry of Culture et de la Communication the volume" Thesaurus Objets religieux du culte catholique - Religious Objects of Catholic Faith - ecclesiastical Kit of Catholic Cult "(éditions du Patrimoine, Paris 1999)...
Standard Air Pollution Classification Network: a Thesaurus of Terms "The purpose of this thesaurus, is to present the special standardized terminology used for the storage of, and search for, information in the APTIG file...
Historical Thesaurus of English "The University of Glasgow Historical Thesaurus of English was initiated by the late Professor Michael Samuels in 1965, and the first full version of the Thesaurus was completed in 2008 under the direction of Professor Christian Kay...
Thesaurus of Rock and Soil Mechanics Terms "The thesaurus was originally compiled by J P Jenkins of the Rock Mechanics Information Service in 1976-1977...
Petroleum Abstracts® Exploration and Production Thesaurus "The E&P Thesaurus is a collection of words and phrases that are descriptive of the concepts and equipment pertaining to petroleum exploration, development and production, exclusive of geographic areas and named geologic terms, which are included in the Geographic Thesaurus and its supplement...
Thesaurus of the Bildarchiv of the German colonial society in the university library in Frankfurt am Main
LanguaL™ Thesaurus "The thesaurus provides a standardised language for describing foods, specifically for classifying food products for information retrieval...
Thesaurus for Soil Invertebrate Trait-based Approaches "The T-SITA proposes a non-exhaustive, semantically structured, list of traits and ecological preferences...
Getty Thesaurus of Geographic Names (TGN) "TGN is a structured vocabulary currently containing around 1,106,000 names and other information about places... API
Medical and Health Related Sciences Thesaurus "The Medical and Health Related Sciences Thesaurus is the list of indexing terms developed and maintained as an integral component of CRISP (Computer Retrieval of Information on Scientific Projects), a comprehensive system furnishing scientific data on all research projects supported by the Public Health Services...
Ovid Nursing Subject Thesaurus "Ovid Nursing Subject Thesaurus is a proprietary Controlled Vocabulary and associated Nursing Lexicon which ‘speaks nurse’ to meet the specific needs of nursing professionals of all types and is designed to enhance retrieval of relevant documents for nursing professionals and students...
SRS Research Information System Thesaurus "The SRS Research Information System Thesaurus was empirically derived from the language of reports of research supported by the Social and Rehabilitation Service, Department of Health, Education, and Welfare...
Classification System for Rehabilitation Program Evaluation Technology and Literature "The classification system's purpose is to control the nuances of expression relevant to indexing and retrieving information, technology, and literature of interest to rehabilitation personnel and others concerned with program evaluation...
Instructional Materials Thesaurus for Special Education "The thesaurus delineates the standard terminology used to index and retrieve instructional materials for exceptional children in the Special Education Instructional Materials Center/Regional Media Centers Network...
ANASTASIA Thesaurus "ANASTASIA is a documentary network specializing in psycho-social sciences, health promotion, nursing, office and business management, sustainable development, psychomotricity, agronomy, hotel management, poverty , In matters related to immigration, North-South relations, pedagogy...
Thesaurus Library of the Center for Health and Social Services of Laval "The library is a major player in the acquisition and sharing of knowledge...
Thesaurus Laboratory of Solid Physics "The research activities of the Laboratory of Solid Physics cover a broader field than its title would suggest, and we are interested in condensed matter in all its diversity, even if we like to group our activities According to three main axes, involving a roughly equivalent number of researchers: New electronic states of matter, Physical phenomena with reduced dimensions, Soft matter and physical-biological interface...
Thesaurus Oniris Chantrerie "ONIRIS is an institution of higher education and research of the Ministry of Food of Agriculture and Fisheries...
Thesaurus Oniris Géraudière "ONIRIS is an institution of higher education and research of the Ministry of Food of Agriculture and Fisheries...
Thesaurus Pavillon Bosio - Higher School of Plastic Arts "The specificity of the curriculum given at the Bosio Pavilion is to provide its students with a versatile training in Art & Scenography and to give them the tools they need to translate their personal research into the spaces of the stage as well as those of the exhibition ...
Thesaurus Overseas "Since it exercises the authority of the Overseas State in the Overseas Departments, its powers are those exercised by the Ministry of the Interior in metropolitan France...
Thesaurus National Alpine Veterinary School "The National Veterinary School of Alfort is a public and administrative institution of higher education and research under the supervision of the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Forestry and maintains strong ties with the University of Paris -Est, ANSES, INRA, INSERM...
Thesaurus Integrated Center for Information Management "The Integrated Center for Information Management (CIGI) is a unique documentation center specializing in physical disability accessible from a distance...
Thesaurus Collective Alpha "The Alpha Collective has been organizing literacy courses for adults, men and women for the past 40 years, from the age of 18...
Star Wars Thesaurus "The Thesaurus lists the authority name, nicknames (including military and civilian titles), use for names, related planet (usually homeworld), political alliance/related alliance, and related characters for each Principal Character...
Thesaurus of Development Communication "This controlled vocabulary comprising approximately 1,030 terms commonly used in the field of international development communication was created by the Clearinghouse on Development Communication of the Academy for Educational Development to analyze and index documents...
Thesaurus for the Designation of Architectural and Structural Works "The thesaurus of the designation develops in a methodical form the 1135 terms useful for the designation of architectural works and the 2529 useful for the designation of the movable works The organization proper to the thesaurus thus makes it possible to situate each term in a hierarchy whose entries Are categorized according to functional categories related to religious, funeral, industrial, etc...
Thesaurus of Educational Technology Terms and Their Collocations "This Thesaurus pulls together all the knowledge acquired in the development of ET until now, to update the existing inventory of the terms in this field and to make up a complete list (as complete as it is virtually possible) of the current terms describing all the areas of ET, to single out separate areas of ET and to structure it as a special field, to differentiate between separate phenomena and specify the meaning of the existing terms, and also to give the educators, researchers, students, developers of educational software and educational administrators the tool for understanding and using ET...
Thesaurus of Outdoor Recreation Terms "Presented in this thesaurus are keywords and cross references for the indexing and retrieval of outdoor recreation literature...
Keyword Thesaurus. A List of Terms and Codes to Identify Areas of Interest for Research and Other Types of Sponsored Programs "This list of program types and keywords (with codes) was prepared for program officers at the National Endowment for the Humanities, the National Institute of Education, and the National Science Foundation to use when preparing program announcements and requests for proposals...
Child Abuse and Neglect Thesaurus "The thesaurus contains approximately 4,000 terms used in indexing material for the National Center on Child Abuse and Neglect...
Kellogg Adult Education Thesaurus "This thesaurus was designed for users of the Adult and Continuing Education Research Collection in Syracuse University (New York), which contains the archives of organizations and individuals central to the development of adult education as a field of study and practice...
Dokumentation moderner Fremdsprachenunterricht: Thesaurus "Der Thesaurus umfasst einen systematischen und einen alphabetischen Teil...
Human-Factors Taxonomy "This taxonomy provides a structure for identifying human factors for the purpose of scientific research and system test and evaluation...
Thesaurus of Household Objects "Le Thésaurus de la désignation des objets mobiliers constitue la réédition, revue et complétée, de l'outil élaboré par l’Inventaire général des monuments et richesses artistiques de la France et édité en 2001 par les éditions du patrimoine, dans la collection Documents & méthodes...
Tesqual "Microthesaurus Tesqual is a controlled vocabulary with a structure based on hierarchical, associative and equivalence relationships...
IMO Thesaurus "The Maritime Knowledge Centre (MKC) provides collections, information resources and services to support the IMO Secretariat, Member States, representatives and delegates...
National Clearinghouse on Aging Thesaurus "The National Clearinghouse on Aging Thesaurus provides a retrieval vocabulary for the document collection currently housed at the Administration on Aging...
Thesaurus for Graphic Materials (TGM) "The thesaurus includes more than 7,000 subject terms and 650 genre/format terms to index types of photographs, prints, design drawings, ephemera, and other pictures...
NILS INsource Insurance Thesaurus "NILS INsource is a Web-based regulatory research tool designed exclusively for insurance compliance professionals...
Thesaurus Mass Communication "The thesaurus comprises two parts...
Low Intensity Conflict Thesaurus "This thesaurus is a presentation of terms to be used for the indexing and retrieval of documents dealing with the subject area of Low Intensity Conflict (LIC)...
DTNSRDC Library Subject Thesaurus "The DTNSRDC Library Subject Thesaurus, which exists both as a printed document and as an on-line computer file, supports the indexing and retrieval functions of the library's automated storage and retrieval system...
PCA Cement and Concrete Thesaurus "The PCA Cement and Concrete Thesaurus, a list of accepted terminology for all aspects of cement and concrete, can now be accessed online...
Thesaurus of Engineering and Scientific Terms "In the fall of 1965, two large projects were set in motion to develop contemporary thesauri in the fields of engineering and science...
Engineering-to-Biology Thesaurus "Biological inspiration for engineering design has occurred through a variety of techniques such as database searches, keyword and antonym searches, knowledge of biology, observations of nature and other 'aha' moments...
Defence Technological and Scientific Thesaurus "DEFTEST now contains 24000 entry terms with 155000 cross references...
MATRIS Indexing and Retrieval Thesaurus "Categories covered in this hierarchy: Manpower; Recruitment, Selection/Classification/Assignment; Education and Training; Human Resources Management; Organizations; Human Factors Engineering; Information Processing/Cognition; Human Performance; Data Management; Program Management; Defense/Welfare; Personnel; Skills; Task/System Analysis; Quantification/Analysis Techniques; Safety/Environmental Factors; Systems/Equipment; and Media/Documents."...
Thesaurus of Musical Instruments "Containing 1480 entries from Accordeon to Zvegljica...
Thesaurus of FAA Descriptors "This edition, with 3,123 descriptors, includes new terms established since the last publication, in November, 1965...
Thesaurus for Pharmacological Literature of the U.S.S.R., East European Communist Countries, and People's Republic of China "Among the features of this third edition of the thesaurus are: (1) Listing of new or not previously listed pharmaceuticals from the above countries...
Keyword dictionary of theology
Controlled Vocabularies for Use in Rare Book and Special Collections Cataloging "These thesauri provide standardized vocabulary for retrieving special collections materials by form, genre, or by various physical characteristics that are typically of interest to researchers and special collections librarians, and for relating materials to individuals or corporate bodies."... API
Brazilian Thesaurus of Information Science "The recovery of information has been and continues to be a key issue in information science since its emergence as a scientific field to date.With the advances of science and technology and the era of the information society, the Internet and the vertiginous proliferation of information, Thesauri are essential tools in the search and access to information.The consistency, precision and relevance of the information are basic qualities in this process and depend mainly on thesauri...
Thesaurus craft "The original thesaurus consisted of an OVERVIEW (only upper terms, = at the same time position of the library, file system), an INDEX (Alphaliste of all slogans) and a SYSTEMATIK (overview with all subdivisions, synonyms, related terms) ...
RESI-Thesaurus for the information system for reactor safety "In the development of the RESI-2 prototype system within the framework of the research project 'Information System on Reactor Safety RESI', a first approach has emerged for a structured index in the problem area 'Atomic Approval Approval Procedure' The computer-assisted system RESI-2, developed by the Institute for Reactor Development of the Gesellschaft für Kernforschung mbR, Karlsruhe, works with the GOLEM program from Siemens, which contains an alphabetical thesaurus for both the so-called bound descriptors (aspects) such as Also for free descriptors The structuring into sub-and superspecies as well as the introduction of synonym links requires a separate work process And overlapping between the administrative and technical vocabulary in the field of reactor safety and the nuclear licensing procedures...
Thesaurus of economics and social sciences ThESS - Thesaurus of Economics and Social Sciences of the Library Mario Rostoni is a controlled vocabulary constructed by drawing the terms mainly but not just from business-legal and business documents...
Adult Community Learning Thesaurus
ZINE Thesaurus of Subject Terms "All of the subject terms in the catalogue have been organized by common themes and groups in a Zine Thesaurus...
Civil Aviation Technical Service Thesaurus
Linguistics Thesaurus "Keywords are always nouns:....
Linguistics Thesaurus "935 terms."...
Electronic Dictionary of Colombian Literature "153 terms."...
Nomenclature for Museum Cataloging "Nomenclature for Museum Cataloging is a structured and controlled list of object terms organized in a classification system to provide a basis for indexing and cataloging collections of human-made objects... API
Harry Potter Thesaurus "The purpose of this project was to examine the issues involved in thesaurus construction and to undertake the creation of thesaurus of Harry Potter novels...
Literature study case glossary "Kirjallisuudentutkimuksen thing vocabulary been prepared according to Finnish language thesauri preparation and maintenance instructions (SFS 5471) and the principles of the general Finnish thesaurus, which are here the main points in brief: Keywords are always nouns; either yksittäistermejä, word associations, or compound words (for example, genre, literary language, ambiguity in point.) ...
Children and Youth Literature "194 terms, 1928 relations between terms."...
Regus of the Empire Thesaurus "The systematic thesaurus of the Opac is a hierarchical collection of categorization covers, which are used to assign the entries in the database to corresponding subject areas, time sections or geographic locations.You can search all categories by full-text search or alphabetical tabs, or in the tree view of the systematic thesaurus The thesaurus divides the titles according to: Geographical assignment, time allocation, thematic assignment...
Thesaurus of Language and Literature "1079 terms, 998 relationships between terms, 92 equivalent terms."...
African Studies Thesaurus "It contains some 5,200 English descriptors (or preferred terms)...
Canada School of Public Service Controlled Vocabulary "1883 terms, 2729 relations between terms, 493 non-preferred terms...
American Folklore Society Ethnographic Thesaurus "The AFS Ethnographic Thesaurus (version 2.2) is a vocabulary that can be used to improve access to information about folklore, ethnomusicology, ethnology, and related fields...
American Museum of Natural History/Division of Anthropology/Collections Thesaurus "This thesaurus is based upon the Art & Architecture Thesaurus (AAT) produced by The Getty Research Institute and follows as closely as possible its theoretical model for the organization of concepts (categories)...
Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada Subject Thesaurus "Welcome to the Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada Subject Thesaurus (IST), which was developed to make retrieval of Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada (INAC) information more efficient...
TEsauro Sealed for Organization of Parliamentary Documents "TESEO is a classification system used in the most important databases of the Senate, the Chamber and some regions...
EURISLAM Thesaurus "The EURISLAM bibliographic database for researchers and teachers lists all publications on the current situation in the wider Europe of Islam as a religion (beliefs, religious practices, religious sensibilities) and Muslims as (Muslim immigration, community institutions, public regulation)...
Agricultural Communications Thesaurus "1351 terms, 458 relations between terms, 240 non-preferred terms."...
Geographic Thesaurus for Ethnology "GeoEthno is a geographical thesaurus designed for the geographic indexing of documents in the field of anthropology and is a documentary tool for establishing a standardized list of keywords that can be used for indexing and / Questioning the bibliographic database of the Eric-de-Dampierre library (the 'catalog') and more broadly in the other libraries of the 'Ethnology Network'...
Iwi-Hapū Names List "It is derived from the waka, iwi and hapū names in He Puna Kupu Māori and Tāpuhi and has been reviewed by Te Taura Whiri (Māori Language Commission)...
Treasures of Jewish Education Thesaurus "This is a controlled vocabulary of education-related subjects and terms linked to the Hebrew index."...
INA Web Thesaurus
Thesaurus of University Terms "In creating TUT we relied extensively on existing finding aids to generate terms and tested the thesaurus against a broad range of record series, thus ensuring that the vocabulary would have literary warrant...
Cultural Research Thesaurus "Asia glossary contains key terminology folklore studies, cultural anthropology, ethnomusicology, comparative religion (especially the people of faith study) and ethnology in...
Thesaurus of ASTIA Descriptors "The Thesaurus is divided into three major sections: the Schedule of Descriptors, the Scope Note Index, and the charts of Generic Relationships...
Energy Data Base Subject Thesaurus "The Energy Data Base: Subject Thesaurus contains the standard vocabulary of indexing terms (descriptors) developed and structured by the technical staff of the Office of Science and Technical Information as part of its subject indexing activities for the building and maintenance of energy information data bases for the Department of Energy...
International Energy Subject Thesaurus "The International Energy Agency: Subject Thesaurus contains the standard vocabulary of indexing terms (descriptors) developed and structured to build and maintain energy information databases...
Geopressured Geothermal Bibliography "This thesaurus of terminology associated with the geopressured geothermal energy field has been developed as a part of the Geopressured Geothermal Information System data base."...
Thesaurus of Descriptors for the Vertical File System "The Thesaurus used for the NYIT Energy Information Center is presented...
Environmental/Chemical thesaurus "The Environmental/Chemical Thesaurus approaches scientific language control problems from a multidisciplinary view...
iDAI.gazetteer Thesaurus "The iDAI.Gazetteer is a webservice that connects place names with coordinates and works in two directions...
National Museum of the American Indian Reference Lists (Thesauri) "The following reference lists represent NMAI controlled terminologies in their respective hierarchies...
American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Thesaurus "The ASHA Thesaurus is a controlled vocabulary used to organize information in the fields of audiology and speech-language pathology."...
European Language Social Science Thesaurus (ELSST) The European Language Social Science Thesaurus (ELSST) is a broad-based, multilingual thesaurus for the social sciences... API
Modern Language Association Thesaurus "A thesaurus developed by our thesaurus staff is used to standardize the terms used in the bibliography...
Thesaurus for Parliamentary Materials "The parliamentary documentation supports you (.) With the thesaurus 'PARTHES', which contains a fixed vocabulary of slogans which are assigned to the documents, but also synonyms are fully recorded in the thesaurus and refer to the keyword 'Used for the synonym' radicalism ', you can search for both terms in such a case, since the referral ensures that you can also find with' radicalism 'all the documents found with' extremism ' The terms contained in 'PARTHES' accurately represent the parliamentary work.To determine whether your search word is included in the thesaurus, you can call the thesaurus function via the corresponding button next to selected search fields...
Global Agricultural Concept Scheme (GACS) "GACS explored the possibility of creating a global repository of concepts and terminology in the area of agriculture... API
Thesaurus for Fiction "Hierarchy and preferential relations: management of linguistic equivalents The descriptors are arranged on the same hierarchical level in each large lexical field.To limit their number, it is decided to keep a certain number of non-descriptors (which refer to descriptors They could have been used as generic terms, but it is unfortunately not possible to manage several levels of specificity in an alphabetical index...
Directory of UQAM Authorities-Subject "RASUQAM is an encyclopaedic thesaurus developed since 1994 by the Library Service of the Université du Québec à Montréal and is used for the indexing of its collections.RASUQAM has about 47,000 descriptors , Including common names, organization names, titles, geographical names, chronological terms, form descriptors, and some uncontrolled descriptors...
ASIS&T Thesaurus of Information Science, Technology, and Librarianship "Recognized as the authoritative reference to the terminology of information science, technology, and librarianship, the updated and expanded third edition of the ASIST Thesaurus is an essential resource for indexers, researchers, scholars, students, and practitioners in the field...
Education, Skills and Children's Services Thesaurus "The Education, Skills and Children's Services Thesaurus is the controlled vocabulary developed and maintained by the UK Department for Children, Schools and Families...
CERL Thesaurus (CERL) "The CERL Thesaurus File is a unique facility developed to address the particularly European issue that place name and personal names in Europe varied from country to country in the period of hand press printing (1450 - c...
International Coastal Atlas Network Coastal Erosion Global Thesaurus "Terms used at all hierarchical levels in the ICAN global thesaurus for coastal erosion...
Oregon Coastal Atlas Coastal Erosion Thesaurus Markup Terms "Terms used at all hierarchical levels in the Oregon Coastal Atlas for coastal erosion layers, datasets and discovery."...
Oregon Coastal Atlas Coastal Erosion Thesaurus Discovery Terms "Terms used at all hierarchical levels in the Oregon Coastal Atlas for categorisation and discovery, but not for layer or dataset markup."...
MIDA Coastal Erosion Thesaurus "A collection of terms used by the Irish Marine Data Atlas in association with the topic of coastal erosion."...
BODC Annotated Reference Material Classifiers "Terms used to classify the type of reference material used by laboratories in the verification of analytical techniques in terms of consistency, accuracy and precision."...
Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Straight Islander Studies Thesauri "Pathways contains the terms we use to describe the items in the AIATSIS Collections...
Maori Subject Headings "The list of over 1,000 headings and their associated references is appropriate for use at a public library level...
Regional Asset Thesaurus "The information it contains is not definitive and is subject to editorial review and discussion by the scientific community...
Gregorius Thesaurus "'Gregorius' is a database of an international bibliography on the history of canon law."...
Documentation Nature and Landscape - online Thesaurus "In der Datenbank ist eine Schlagwortliste - angereichert mit einigen Thesaurus-Elementen - hinterlegt, die über 11.300 Metadaten enthält (Sach-, Bio-, Geo-, Körperschafts- und Personen-Termini)."...
Pocket Catholic Thesaurus "Over a decade's, diligent research was devoted to a professional search for an existing thesaurus – to facilitate the classification, and processing, of all essential information on Roman Catholicism...
Thesaurus Bibliography Computerized Bibliography of Lausanne "You can search for the hierarchical thesaurus of BiBIL...
Water Quality Planning Bureau Library Thesaurus "The Water Quality Library Database is indexed using controlled vocabulary from the WQPB Library Thesaurus...
Thesaurus Ethics in the life sciences "The Thesaurus Ethics in the Life Sciences is a multilingual and controlled indexing and research tool that covers all areas of bioethics...
Controlled Vocabulary of Philosophy "643 terms, 3676 relationships between terms, 12 non-preferred terms...
Association of Self-Study Research Group Thesaurus "This documentary tool is used by most documentation centers in the continuing education / continuing education sector."...
Australian Thesaurus of Education Descriptors "The Australian Thesaurus of Education Descriptors (ATED) is the definitive reference on Australian terminology in the area of education...
General Multilingual Environmental Thesaurus (GEMET) "The basic idea for the development of GEMET was to use the best of the presently available excellent multilingual thesauri, in order to save time, energy and funds... API
Tezaure terminologice Arheologie Treasures terminology: Archeology, Ethnography, Decorative art, numismatics, fine arts, science and technology, documents, RAMEAU...
Decorative Art Treasures terminology Treasures terminology: Archeology, Ethnography, Decorative art, numismatics, fine arts, science and technology, documents, RAMEAU...
Tezaure terminologice Artă plastică -...
Treasures terminology Documents Treasures terminology: Archeology, Ethnography, Decorative art, numismatics, fine arts, science and technology, documents, RAMEAU...
Treasures terminology Ethnography Treasures terminology: Archeology, Ethnography, Decorative art, numismatics, fine arts, science and technology, documents, RAMEAU...
Numismatic Treasures terminology Treasures terminology: Archeology, Ethnography, Decorative art, numismatics, fine arts, science and technology, documents, RAMEAU...
Tezaure terminologice Ştiinţă şi tehnică
PLOS Subject Area Thesaurus "The 'Subject Areas' panel on each article page displays a set of terms selected for that article based on its content... API
Controlled Health Thesaurus "CDC’s Thesaurus is structured around preferred concepts, sourced whenever possible from standard vocabularies, with their associated properties (metadata) in a polyhierarchical framework...
Power Thesaurus "Power Thesaurus is a fast, convenient and comprehensive online thesaurus...
British Education Thesaurus "The British Education Index continues to serve its original, 50-year old, purpose as an independent subject and author index to the contents of significant education journals published in the UK...
Method list for the databases SOFIS and SOLIS "Indexing and retrieval of the methodological approach of literature and research projects...
Language of Bindings Thesaurus "The Language of Bindings Thesaurus (LoB) includes terms which can be used to describe historical binding structures... API
Thesaurus of Old English "This presentation of Old English vocabulary is conceptually arranged, and is therefore entitled A Thesaurus of Old English (TOE)...
Feministischer Thesaurus "Neue Gedanken von Frauen brauchen neue Begriffe...
thesaurA "With this project idea thesaurA - the name represents the feminist transformation of the male term 'thesaurus' and accentuated by the capitalization of the feminine ending the Austrian-specific approach - a concept was adopted which had already been implemented several times internationally: already in the 70s The American Thesaurus 'On Equal Terms' had been published, the first German-language thesaurus was published in 1994 by the Cologne 'FrauenMediaTurm'...
Canadian Feminist Thesaurus
Computer Network Thesaurus "In the development of this thesaurus, a total of 262 terms have been included, of which 167 are descriptors and 95 are descriptors, and 31 relations of association and 135 relations of hierarchy are presented."...
Female Language
Thesaurus on Women in Development
On Equal Terms: A Thesaurus for Nonsexist Indexing and Cataloging
Thesaurus pedagogy Thesaurus Pedagogy, published by the Documentation Center Pedagogy (DOPAED)...
DOMA Thesaurus Mechanical Engineering
Thesaurus of Metallurgical Terms "A Vocabulary Listing for use in Indexing, Storage and Retrieval of Technical Information in Metallurgy"...
The national term bank of science "The Bank of Finnish Terminology in Arts and Sciences is a multidisciplinary project which aims to gather a permanent terminological database for all fields of research in Finland...
GAMECIP - Computer Game Platforms "A listing of computer game platforms...
PSYNDEX Terms "The PSYNDEX terms are the controlled vocabulary of the PSYNDEX database, which is based on the" Thesaurus of Psychological Index Terms "(Copyright American Psychological Association, all rights reserved), whose entire word stock has been translated into German Has been updated and now contains 5973 main terms of the psychological specialist language in German and English, with a total of 4188 references...
City of Toronto (Canada) Subject Thesaurus "This subject-based controlled vocabulary is used to tag content and improve information and service searches by staff and the public...
List of Authority Actions for the Indexing of Local Archives "The authority list 'Actions' brings together descriptors designating stocks, intervention methods or procedures... API
Authority List Historical Context for the Indexing of Local Archives "The Historical Context list contains descriptors for historical events or periods...
Canadian Literacy Thesaurus "The Canadian Literacy Thesaurus/Thésaurus canadien d' alphabétisation was first published in 1992 by the Canadian Literacy Thesaurus Coalition...
Vocabulary for Photographic Techniques "The purpose of this vocabulary is to provide a standardized list of terms for describing the variety of photographic techniques that archival holdings can contain... API
European Migration Network Glossary & Thesaurus "The EMN Glossary improves comparability by enabling a common understanding and use of terms and definitions relating to asylum and migration...
Resource Type Vocabulary "The Resource Type vocabulary defines concepts to identify the genre of a resource... API
Thesaurus for research terms "Aquest producte terminològic en línia aplega prop de deu mil termes corresponents a les paraules clau i els termes relacionats que s'utilitzen per a l'avaluació de les propostes i sol·licituds d'ajuts en l'àmbit de la recerca (...)...
Institute of Education Thesaurus See "IOE Thesaurus Terminology Rules" (http://eprints.ioe.ac.uk/18585/7/IOE%20Thesaurus%20Terminology%20Rules%20v1.docx)....
Common Thesaurus of Audiovisual Archives "The Dutch Institute for Sound and Vision has teamed up with some other Dutch organizations operating audiovisual cultural heritage developed the Common Thesaurus for Audiovisual Archives (GTAA)... API
TOP-Thesaurus "The TOP-Thesaurus defines standards for a functional approach to plant diversity by stabilizing the terminology for concepts widely used in ecology and evolution...
Brussels Center for Educational Documentation Thesaurus If you want to search for documents on a particular topic but you have not found it by browsing the thesaurus, try to find it via the search by terms...
REEEP Climate Smart Thesaurus "The Climate Tagger is backed by the expansive Climate Compatible Development Thesaurus, a vast catalogue of specialized terminology, including mapped links to synonyms and related terms, in five languages and across a range of sectors relevant for climate compatible development...
Government of Canada Core Subject Thesaurus "The Government of Canada Core Subject Thesaurus is a bilingual thesaurus consisting of terminology which represents all the fields treated in information resources of the Government of Canada...
Animal Disease Thesaurus "The first section is an alphabetical arrangement of keyword terms...
Center Ressources Illettrisme Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur Thesaurus "The fund is mainly focused on the pedagogy of adults with low knowledge."...
European Dictionary of Skills and Competences Thesaurus "DISCO, the European Dictionary of Skills and Competences, is an online thesaurus that currently covers more than 90,000 skills and competence terms and approximately 8,000 example phrases...
Aquo-lex "The Aquo-lex provides a" default language "that aims to prevent speech confusion between people and / or information systems... API
International Thesaurus of Gay and Lesbian Index Terms
Education terms "The A-Z of terms is the controlled vocabulary developed and maintained by the Department for Education... API
A Women's Thesaurus "The language of standard indexing and classification systems-terms used in most journals, libraries, filing systems, and databases-does not offer vocabulary consistently or sufficiently detailed and up-to-date to retrieve the wealth of resources available...
Homosaurus "This is an International Thesaurus of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Index Terms that is currently used by https://www.digitaltransgenderarchive.net... API
Genre Thesaurus for the opening of store collections of children's books "CONTENT ALPHABETICAL LIST OF TERMS abbreviations meaning List of genres of audiovisual material Hierarchical view of the special book form Register of preferred terms"...
Glossary feminine terminology
BGS Geoscience Thesaurus "The BGS Geoscience Thesaurus contains approximately 6000 descriptor terms for concepts in the geoscience and related subjects...
Legal Thesaurus of the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation. Controlled and Structured Vocabulary "The Legal Thesaurus of the Supreme Court of the Nation is a valuable linguistic resource dedicated to simplifying the work of documentalists in the use of specialized language during their work of thematic classification, which entails facilitating the retrieval of information in form Pertinent and useful.This way, it provides support to the users of the information, in the definition of the criteria for their search or consultation through the computer systems available, with which it is intended to reduce the impact it produces The legal thesaurus that I am pleased to place at the disposal of the legal community, the centers that manage documentary collections or provide information services...
DAMT "The DAMT is a unique multilingual dictionary grouping the concepts of globalization, economics and social issues pertaining to the field of Industrial Relations...
State of Minnesota Thesaurus "The State of Minnesota Thesaurus is a comprehensive, cross-indexed set of subjects intended for search assistance...
Vitruvio "Controlled vocabulary specialized in architecture, art, design and urbanism...
Thesaurus for the areas of computer science, business and transport "Since 2013, a bilingual thesaurus (dt./en.) For the fields of computer science, business and transport has been established at the library of TH Wildau, with the aim of providing students with an overview of their subject area and related fields Thesaurus as a research aid in Wilbert's library search machine...
Electronic Government Controlled Vocabulary "O VCGE é um esquema para ser utilizado no elemento assunto.categoria (subject.category) do Padrão de Metadados do Governo Eletrônico (e-PMG)1... API
Thesaurus of the library of the Friedrich Ebert Foundation Thesaurus of the library of the Friedrich Ebert Foundation...
Wordnet culture Thesaurus used for monument preservation and related disciplines....
Education Thesaurus "The revised and corrected 2001 edition of the thesaurus has 3,889 terms, ie 1,855 descriptors and 2,034 non-descriptors (synonyms and quasi-synonyms), followed by a qualifier to clarify the meaning of the descriptor...
Keyword Thesaurus "The NBD | Biblion Trefwoordenthesaurus is an automated subject termination system for collections in public libraries, based on the terms assigned to NBD | Biblion's bibliographic products...
Environmental thesaurus "UMTHES® includes 13,500 descriptors and 40,000 linked German-language synonyms with 35,000 English translations / equivalents and around 11,000 definitions...
Terminological Vocabulary on Children's and Youth Culture "The field of children's literature recognizes its specificity within literary studies and, at the same time, establishes relationships with other fields such as cultural studies, studies on childhood, editorial production and the study of illustration and Design as fields of study and professional practice...
Irish Public Service Thesaurus "The Public Service Thesaurus (PST) has been developed as a list of descriptors, or controlled vocabulary, by which public sector resources may be indexed...
Education Resources Information Center Thesaurus "The Thesaurus of ERIC Descriptors (Thesaurus) is a controlled vocabulary – a carefully selected list of education-related words and phrases assigned to ERIC records to organize them by subject and make them easier to retrieve through a search...
CBS Taxonomie "Taxonomy for the content of CBS website." 4267 Terms, 422 Relationships Between Terms, 1463 Preferred Terms."...
Forensic science vocabulary "Controlled vocabulary of terms in Criminalistics Developed by staff of the Central Library of the Faculty of Law of the University of Buenos Aires Author: Maria Lia Miranda Lawyer Technical and linguistic assistance of Infojus: Diego Ferreyra and María Osés...
Vocabulario Controlado Sobre Biblioclastia "El desarrollo de este vocabulario forma parte del Proyecto Institucional CAICYT sobre bibliocastía en Argentina...
Digital Humanities Thesaurus "The Digital Humanities Thesaurus is a subject thesaurus covering the topic of digital humanities, and it is intended to be used for indexing Digital Humanities projects and articles... API
Ship Types "The Ship Type List contains terms that are useful when registering a vessel, a map of a vessel or item attached to a vessel...
Europeana Fashion Vocabulary Thesaurus for fashion and fashion-related concepts in 10 languages based on the Art and Architecture Thesaurus (AAT)...
European Training Thesaurus "The European Training Thesaurus (ETT) constitutes the controlled vocabulary of reference for vocational education and training (VET) in Europe...
Irish Monuments Discovery Programme for Irish Monuments...
University Information "Thesaurus for University Information Services."...
Kerameikos "Kerameikos.org is a collaborative project dedicated to defining the intellectual concepts of pottery following the tenets of linked open data and the formulation of an ontology for representing and sharing ceramic data across disparate data systems...
National Institute of Youth and Popular Education Thesaurus "Telemaque is the documentary base of the resource center of the INJEP."...
Fondo Alfonso de Sierra Ochoa "Plans, reports, photographs and architectural projects of Alfonso de Sierra Ochoa, last municipal architect during the Spanish protectorate in Morocco."...
Metadata dictionary "Metadata Dictionary is a terms and expressions necessary for the description data entity that includes both ISBD-item rules and the terminology of the RDA item's instructions...
Finnish presentation composition vocabulary "The Finnish Presentation Composition (SEKO) is a single-language vocabulary covering music presentations...
Thesaurus of Mining and Related Matter "The Thesaurus of Mining and Related Matters is a bilingual (Spanish-English) controlled vocabulary for the indexing of sector information...
Argentine Tourism Thesaurus "This vocabulary presents the conceptual organization of tourism in Argentina and in particular the vision that is offered by the Ministry of Tourism of the Nation, allowing navigation through its structure evidencing logical-semantic relationships between the terms."...
Tourism Thesaurus "Tourism, based on the automatic processing of the version published by the WORLD TOURISM ORGANIZATION."...
Tesauro National Archiving System "The Tesauro of the National Archiving System is made up of the various controlled vocabularies present in the CAT SAN scheme as a support for a standardized description of the various resources - conservation institutes, archiving complexes, producer entities - coming from different systems belonging to the SAN... API
Gender Equality Glossary and Thesaurus "EIGE’s Gender Equality Glossary and Thesaurus is a specialised terminology tool focusing on the area of gender equality... API
Functions and Activities Thesaurus for Business, Academic, Not-for-profit, and Government Entities "The thesaurus is intended for open access use by government, academic, and business records centers and archives for use in functional (function-based) classification of records and to aid in the arrangement and description (including electronic description) of archival materials...
Vocabulary of indexing ISOC Humanities - Cultural heritage "Language used in the ISOC sub-bases of Anthropology, Archeology, Fine Arts and History...
Thesaurus Elderecho.com
Learning Activities "517 terms."...
Technical Requirement "This vocabulary describes the platform, versions of browsers and plug-ins that an item has been tested on and confirmed to support."... API
Library of Congress Genre/Form Terms "The Library of Congress Genre/Form Terms for Library and Archival Materials (LCGFT) is a thesaurus that describes what a work is versus what it is about... API
London Education Classification "The London Education Classification is a library classification and indexing thesaurus used at the UCL Institute of Education...
Microthesaurus in Didactics of the Social Sciences "276 terms, 254 relationships between terms, 67 equivalent terms."...
Chinese Agricultural Thesaurus "Chinese Agricultural Thesaurus (CAT) is the largest agricultural domain thesaurus in China, which is held and maintained by AII of CAAS...
Thesaurus for Cultural Heritage "Ordnøkkelen – tesaurus for kulturminnevern er utarbeidet av Riksantikvaren...
DOCAM Glossaurus "The Glossaurus is a bilingual tool that acts as both a glossary and a thesaurus: terms associated with the principal media arts concepts used by DOCAM, together with their definitions, are structured in a tree diagram."...
FISH First World War Thesaurus "For the recording of monuments related to the First World War in the UK...
Genre and subject headings for rare books by the AAD (AADGENRES) The genre headings by the Working Group on Rare Books (AAD) serves as the basis for a consistent tagging of rare books published until 1850 in the GBV Common Library Network... API
Thesaurus Onroerend Erfgoed Materials "A thesaurus is a mostly hierarchical list of words used to standardize terminology...
Thesaurus Onroerend Erfgoed Styles and Cultures "A thesaurus is a mostly hierarchical list of words used to standardize terminology...
Thesaurus Onroerend Erfgoed Periods "A thesaurus is a mostly hierarchical list of words used to standardize terminology...
Thesaurus Onroerend Erfgoed Heritage Types "A thesaurus is a mostly hierarchical list of words used to standardize terminology...
Thesaurus Onroerend Erfgoed Value Types "A thesaurus is a mostly hierarchical list of words used to standardize terminology...
Thesaurus Onroerend Erfgoed Event Types "A thesaurus is a mostly hierarchical list of words used to standardize terminology...
Thesaurus Onroerend Erfgoed Decree Types "A thesaurus is a mostly hierarchical list of words used to standardize terminology... API
Thesaurus Onroerend Erfgoed Species "A thesaurus is a mostly hierarchical list of words used to standardize terminology...
Cadastre and Land Administration Thesaurus (CaLAThe) Cadastre and Land Administration Thesaurus, shortly CaLAThe is a controlled vocabulary for the domain of cadastre and land administration... API
Information Literacy Thesaurus "This project is working with the Journal of Information Literacy (JIL) to develop a thesaurus for the field of information literacy based on a keyword list compiled by them, and then to publish it as a linked open thesaurus that adheres to the SKOS standard as recommended by the W3C... API
Australian Health Thesaurus "The Australian Health Thesaurus (AHT) is a taxonomy (or controlled vocabulary) of medical, health and human services related concepts, organised into a hierarchical structure...
Thesaurus of International Trade Terms "The International Trade Administration’s (ITA) Thesaurus of International Trade Terms is a controlled and structured list of words and phrases used to tag and index information found on the ITA’s websites and databases...
AnaEE Thesaurus "The AnaEE thesaurus aims to provide a controlled vocabulary for the semantic description of the study of continental ecosystems and their biodiversity...
Thot - Thesauri & Ontology for documenting Ancient Egyptian Resources "(...) the Department of Egyptology of the University of Liege, in collaboration with the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and the Saxon Academy of Sciences in Leipzig (Thesaurus Linguae Aegyptiae), is now developing Thot, a set of resources for documenting and encoding ancient Egyptian resources in a shared, interoperable approach...
LandVoc - the Linked Land Governance Thesaurus "The Land Portal Foundation has taken the lead in the land governance sector to develop such a standardized vocabulary: LandVoc, the Linked Land Governance Thesaurus...
Thesaurus for Subject Cataloging "Der Thesaurus zur Inhaltserschließung wurde im Sommersemester 2004 am Institut für Bibliothekswissenschaft an der Humboldt Universität zu Berlin von den Teilnehmerinnen und Teilnehmern des Hauptseminars 'Terminologieproblematik beim Aufbau von Thesauri' unter der Leitung von Frau Dr...
Dutch Thesaurus of Author Names (NTA) "De Nederlandse Thesaurus van Auteursnamen (NTA) ook wel Persoonsnamenthesaurus genoemd, is onderdeel van het Gemeenschappelijk Geautomatiseerd Catalogiseersysteem (GGC) dat beheerd wordt door OCLC...
INIS/ETDE Thesaurus "It contains a total of 30 741 descriptors, of which 22 064 are valid descriptors and 8677 are forbidden terms...
Brinkman subjects "Volgens de thesaurus Brinkmanonderwerpen worden alle collecties van de Koninklijke Bibliotheek ontsloten... API
Gemeenschappelijke Trefwoordenthesaurus "De Gemeenschappelijk Onderwerpsontsluiting (GOO) of Gemeenschappelijke Trefwoordenthesaurus (GTR) is tot 1 januari 2012 bijgehouden en beheerd door de Koninklijke Bibliotheek t.b.v...
Italian Thesaurus on Childhood and Adolescence The Italian Thesaurus on Childhood and Adolescence (Th.I.A.) contains all the terms used to enter the documents acquired by the Centre (bibliographic materials, rules and regulations, statistics and films) into a subject catalogue...
Mexican Macrothesaurus for Educational Content "Contains 20,604 terms of the alphabetical corpus, permuted index, hierarchical indexes, list of controlled identifiers of characters and institutions."...
Thesaurus Cognitive psychology of human memory "This bilingual (French-English) thesaurus, developed at Inist-CNRS, identifies the concepts of the cognitive psychology of human memory (memory systems and processes, empirical effects, memory disorders, study methods, theories and models), organized in the form of hierarchical (generic and specific terms), equivalence (synonyms) and association relationships."... API
Thesaurus of Blood Transfusion "This thesaurus is based on the vocabulary used in scientific publications dealing with Blood Transfusion and neighbor fields... API
ITIL – Information Technology Infrastructure Library "ITIL is a set of detailed practices for IT service management that focuses on aligning IT services with the needs of business... API
Thésaurus ArchiRès "Le thésaurus ArchiRès a été élaboré par le réseau documentaire des écoles d’architecture... API
Thesaurus KBcode API
Justice Thesaurus "This is the seventh edition (2016) of the Justice Thesaurus of the Dutch Ministry of Justice and Security."...
DemoVoc Thesaurus "The thesaurus DemoVoc, which aims to facilitate searching and indexing of documents in the field of population studies, is derived from the Popin thesaurus, created and maintained by CICRED (Committee for International Cooperation in National Research in Demography) from 1979 to 1993... API
MoTIF Pilot Thesaurus of Irish Folklore "MoTIF, the pilot thesaurus of Irish folklore, is intended to accompany the Thesaurus Construction Guidelines: An Introduction to Thesauri and Guidelines on Their Construction and act as a sample thesaurus and demonstration of the international principles and best practices outlined in that document... API
Military Thesaurus of the Union "O TesJMU tem por finalidade padronizar a linguagem de representação temática dos documentos constitutivos das bases de informação dos órgãos da Justiça Militar da União, com vistas a facilitar a recuperação de informações por seus usuários internos – magistrados e servidores – e externos – advogados, cidadãos e outras instituições do Poder Judiciário...
Sailing Glossary/Terminology "A glossary of all the key sailing/yachting terminology used in sailing."...
Dictionary of Techniques "The technical complexity and material diversity used in the processes of conformation and decoration of objects require an approach from different disciplines... API
National Information Center for Educational Media Thesaurus "Titles (about 60,000) are indexed by the thesaurus developed for NICEM which contains 6,000 subject terms...
Thesaurus City of Paris "Ce projet a pour objet de constituer plusieurs thésaurus pour Lightroom en français, hiérarchisés, et avec des synonymes (et si possible la traduction anglaise dans les synonymes)...
Thesaurus City of Lyon "Ce projet a pour objet de constituer plusieurs thésaurus pour Lightroom en français, hiérarchisés, et avec des synonymes (et si possible la traduction anglaise dans les synonymes)...
Culinary Thesaurus "Ce projet a pour objet de constituer plusieurs thésaurus pour Lightroom en français, hiérarchisés, et avec des synonymes (et si possible la traduction anglaise dans les synonymes)...
French Communes "This thesaurus lists all the French communes including metropolitan France and overseas regions and departments...
Gale Accounting Thesaurus The Gale Accounting Thesaurus is a subset of the master Gale Business Thesaurus in the narrower domain of accounting and its principles and procedures...
Gale Advertising Thesaurus The Gale Advertising Thesaurus is a subset of the master Gale Business Thesaurus in the narrower domain of advertising...
Gale Aeronautics and Astronautics Thesaurus The Gale Aeronautics and Astronautics Thesaurus is a subset of the master Gale Technology Thesaurus in the narrower domain of design, construction, and operation of aircraft and spacecraft, and the technologies and processes that apply directly to the science of flight...
Gale Agriculture Thesaurus The Gale Agriculture Thesaurus is a subset of the master Gale Business Thesaurus in the narrower domain of the science or art of cultivating the soil, producing crops, and raising livestock...
Gale Alternative Medicine Thesaurus The Gale Alternative Medicine Thesaurus is a subset of the master Gale Health and Medicine Thesaurus in the narrower domain of herbal medicines, homeopathic treatments, and non-Western therapies such as acupuncture...
Gale Anatomy Thesaurus The Gale Anatomy Thesaurus is a subset of the master Gale Health and Medicine Thesaurus in the narrower domain of the human or animal body as a whole and all of the body’s systems, regions, and parts...
Gale Anthropology Thesaurus The Gale Anthropology Thesaurus is a subset of the master Gale Social Sciences Thesaurus in the narrower domain of the origin, development, and varieties of human beings and their societies...
Gale Astronomy Thesaurus The Gale Astronomy Thesaurus is a subset of the master Gale Science Thesaurus...
Gale Automotive Thesaurus The Gale Automotive Thesaurus is a subset of the master Gale Technology Thesaurus...
Gale Banking Thesaurus The Gale Banking Thesaurus is a subset of the master Gale Business Thesaurus in the narrower domain of banking...
Gale Biology Thesaurus The Gale Biology Thesaurus a subset of the master Gale Science Thesaurus...
Gale Building and Construction Thesaurus The Gale Building and Construction Thesaurus is a subset of the master Gale Technology Thesaurus...
Gale Business Thesaurus The Gale Business thesaurus is a large, general business thesaurus in the domains of accounting, advertising, agriculture, banking, commerce, currency and coinage, finance, human resources, industries, insurance, investments, management, marketing, labor, products and services, public relations, real estate, and taxation...
Gale Chemical Technology Thesaurus The Gale Chemical Technology Thesaurus is a subset of the master Gale Technology Thesaurus in the narrower domain of commercial and industrial applications of chemicals and chemical processes...
Gale Chemistry Thesaurus The Gale Chemistry Thesaurus a subset of the master Gale Science Thesaurus...
Gale Commerce Thesaurus The Gale Commerce Thesaurus is a subset of the master Gale Business Thesaurus in the narrower domain of the exchange of goods or commodities between different countries, or between different regions of the same country...
Gale Communications Thesaurus The Gale Communications Thesaurus is a subset of the master Gale Technology Thesaurus in the narrower domain of voice, data, or both delivered through the air or over wire and cable...
Gale Computing Thesaurus The Gale Computing Thesaurus is a subset of the master Gale Technology Thesaurus in the narrower domain of personal, business, and large-scale computing...
Gale Currency and Coinage Thesaurus The Gale Currency and Coinage Thesaurus is a subset of the master Gale Business Thesaurus in the narrower domain of currency, government notes, and bank notes that are in circulation as a medium of exchange...
Gale Diseases Thesaurus The Gale Diseases Thesaurus is a subset of the master Gale Health and Medicine Thesaurus in the narrower domain of diseases, disorders, conditions and symptoms (both physical and psychological) that impact humans or animals...
Gale Drugs Thesaurus The Gale Drugs Thesaurus is a subset of the master Gale Health and Medicine Thesaurus in the narrower domain of chemicals and other substances that are administered (usually orally, topically, or subcutaneously) to diagnose, treat, or prevent human or animal diseases or disorders...
Gale Earth Sciences Thesaurus The Gale Earth Sciences Thesaurus is a subset of the master Gale Science Thesaurus...
Gale Economics Thesaurus The Gale Economics Thesaurus is a subset of the master Gale Social Sciences Thesaurus in the narrower domain of economic theories, principles, systems, policies, practices, concepts, and conditions...
Gale Education Thesaurus The Gale Education Thesaurus is a subset of the master Gale Social Sciences Thesaurus in the narrower domain of teaching, training, and learning...
Gale Electronics Thesaurus The Gale Electronics Thesaurus is a subset of the master Gale Technology Thesaurus in the narrower domain all electronic devices and components used by consumers and industry in the form of finished products or parts for manufacturing except computers, computer components, and peripherals specifically intended for use with stand-alone or networked computers...
Gale Energy Thesaurus The Gale Energy Thesaurus is a subset of the master Gale Technology thesaurus in the narrower domain of the production, distribution, regulation, and uses of energy resources, including new sources/production methods and their environmental ramifications...
Gale Engineering Thesaurus The Gale Engineering Thesaurus is a subset of the master Gale Technology Thesaurus in the narrower domain of general engineering as well as specific engineering disciplines, such as civil engineering, and the systems created by practitioners in those disciplines, (e.g., water and sewer systems, public works, etc.)...
Gale Facilities Thesaurus The Gale Facilities Thesaurus is a subset of the master Gale Business Thesaurus and includes subject areas related to a number of types of facilities, buildings, structures, and locations at which commercial or industrial enterprises conduct their manufacturing, distribution, or retail operations...
Gale Finance Thesaurus The Gale Finance Thesaurus is a subset of the master Gale Business Thesaurus in the narrower domain of international, domestic, corporate, and personal finance...
Gale Fine Arts Thesaurus The Gale Fine Arts Thesaurus is a subset of the master Gale Arts and Humanities Thesaurus...
Gale Food, Cooking and Nutrition Thesaurus The Gale Food, Cooking and Nutrition Thesaurus is a subset of the master Gale Health and Medicine Thesaurus in the narrower domain of foods and beverages consumed by humans or animals; the noncommercial production, processing, cooking, and serving of those foods and beverages, and the related human or animal nutrition, including the non-medical study of nutrition and the non-medical application of nutritional principles...
Gale Geography Thesaurus The Gale Geography Thesaurus is a subset of the master Gale Social Sciences Thesaurus in the narrower domain of the description, distribution, and interaction of the physical, biological, and geographical features found on the earth’s surface...
Gale Health and Medicine Thesaurus The Gale Health and Medicine Thesaurus is a large thesaurus in the domains of alternative medicine, anatomy, diseases, drugs, food, cooking and nutrition, medical equipment, technologies and procedures, medical personnel, occupations and services, and pathogens...
Gale Herbs and Supplements Thesaurus The Gale Herbs and Supplements Thesaurus is a subset of the master Gale Health and Medicine Thesaurus in the narrower domain of herbs, herbal remedies, and dietary supplements that affect human and animal health...
Gale History Thesaurus The Gale History Thesaurus is a subset of the master Gale Social Sciences Thesaurus in the narrower domain of the description, analysis, and interpretation of past events involving human beings...
Gale Human Resource Management Thesaurus The Gale Human Resource Management Thesaurus is a subset of the master Gale Business Thesaurus in the narrower domain of the field of management that has responsibility for recruiting, hiring, training, developing, compensating, managing, and supervising employees...
Gale Humanities Thesaurus The Gale Humanities Thesaurus contains the subject areas of fine arts, language, literature, performing arts, religion, and philosophy...
Gale Industries Thesaurus The Gale Industries Thesaurus is a subset of the master Gale Business Thesaurus in the narrower domain of distinct groups of productive or profit-making industries, enterprises, companies, and firms...
Gale Insurance Thesaurus The Gale Insurance Thesaurus is a subset of the master Gale Business Thesaurus in the narrower domain of the business of insuring persons and property...
Gale Investments Thesaurus The Gale Investments Thesaurus is a subset of the master Gale Business thesaurus in the narrower domain of investing...
Gale Labor Thesaurus The Gale Labor Thesaurus is a subset of the master Gale Business thesaurus in the narrower domain of labor...
Gale Language Thesaurus The Gale Language Thesaurus is a subset of the master Gale Humanities Thesaurus...
Gale Law Thesaurus The Gale Law Thesaurus is a subset of the master Gale Social Sciences Thesaurus in the narrower domain of the binding rules of human conduct established by authority, society, or custom...
Gale Library Science Thesaurus The Gale Library Science Thesaurus is a subset of the master Gale Social Sciences thesaurus in the narrower domain of organizing knowledge and information, other than the purely philosophical terms...
Gale Literature Thesaurus The Gale Literature Thesaurus is a subset of the master Gale Humanities Thesaurus...
Gale Management Thesaurus The Gale Management Thesaurus is a subset of the master Gale Business Thesaurus in the narrower domain of business management...
Gale Marketing Thesaurus The Gale Marketing Thesaurus is a subset of the master Gale Business Thesaurus in the narrower domain of marketing...
Gale Materials Technology Thesaurus The Gale Materials Technology Thesaurus is a subset of the master Gale Technology Thesaurus in the narrower domain of the development, production, and use of metals, polymers, ceramics, semiconductors, and other materials in manufacturing, and the processes and technologies associated with them...
Gale Mathematics Thesaurus The Gale Mathematics Thesaurus is a subset of the master Gale Science Thesaurus...
Gale Medical Equipment, Technology and Procedures Thesaurus The Gale Medical Equipment, Technology and Procedures Thesaurus is a subset of the master Gale Health and Medicine Thesaurus in the narrower domain of equipment, supplies (except drugs), technologies, and procedures used to diagnose, treat, or prevent human or animal diseases and disorders...
Gale Medical Personnel, Occupations and Services Thesaurus The Gale Medical Personnel, Occupations and Services Thesaurus is a subset of the master Gale Health and Medicine Thesaurus in the narrower domain of healthcare professionals and their assistants, healthcare educators and researchers, healthcare services, healthcare service administrators, support personnel, and public health workers and officials...
Gale Military and Naval Science Thesaurus The Gale Military and Naval Science Thesaurus is a subset of the master Gale Technology Thesaurus in the narrower domain of defense, training of soldiers, weaponry and armor, military strategy, ROTC, and military applications of various technologies as well as transportation, surveillance, and anything else the military owns or uses...
Gale Occupations Thesaurus The Gale Occupations Thesaurus is a subset of the Gale Person Type Thesaurus and includes terms that represent vocational or professional pursuits...
Gale Pathogens Thesaurus The Gale Pathogens Thesaurus is a subset of the master Gale Health and Medicine Thesaurus in the narrower domain of organisms and substances that cause diseases or disorders in humans or animals...
Gale Performing Arts Thesaurus The Gale Performing Arts Thesaurus is a subset of the master Gale Humanities Thesaurus...
Gale Person Type Thesaurus The Gale Person Type Thesaurus focuses on describing people by a range of statuses and characteristics including gender, age, social role, nationality and ethnicity, and occupation...
Gale Physics Thesaurus The Gale Physics Thesaurus is a subset of the master Gale Science Thesaurus...
Gale Political Science Thesaurus The Gale Political Science Thesaurus is a subset of the master Gale Social Sciences Thesaurus in the narrower domain of the development, arrangement, and conduct of government, as well as the theories and the study of these processes...
Gale Products and Services Thesaurus The Gale Products and Services Thesaurus comprises of all types of marketable products and services, as generic types, not brand names, both categories and highly specific things...
Gale Psychology Thesaurus The Gale Psychology Thesaurus is a subset of the master Gale Social Sciences Thesaurus in the narrower domain of the study of the human psyche, emotions, reactions, mental processes, and individual behavior...
Health Thesaurus "The 7th edition of the Health Thesaurus has been developed by the Departmental Library for use in all areas of the Department of Health...
Gale Public Relations Thesaurus The Gale Public Relations Thesaurus is a subset of the master Gale Business Thesaurus in the narrower domain of public relations agencies...
Gale Real Estate Thesaurus The Gale Real Estate Thesaurus is a subset of the master Gale Business Thesaurus in the narrower domain of the business of developing, managing, financing, buying, selling, leasing, renting, and investing in real property...
Gale Religion and Philosophy Thesaurus The Gale Religion and Philosophy Thesaurus is a subset of the master Gale Humanities Thesaurus...
Gale Science Thesaurus The Gale Science Thesaurus contains the key subject areas of astronomy, biology, chemistry, earth sciences, mathematics, physics, and psychology...
Gale Social Sciences Thesaurus The Gale Social Sciences thesaurus is a large thesaurus in the domain of anthropology, economics, education, geography, history, law, library science, political science, psychology, sociology, and sports/recreation...
Gale Sociology Thesaurus The Gale Sociology Thesaurus is a subset of the master Gale Social Sciences Thesaurus in the narrower domain of the practice of sociology and the study of complex human societies, social groups (from families to nations), and the institutions, processes, movements, issues, and behavior related to those groupings...
Gale Sports and Recreation Thesaurus The Gale Sports and Recreation Thesaurus is a subset of the master Gale Social Sciences Thesaurus in the narrower domain of specific sports, sporting events, hobbies, and other recreational activities, whether engaged in by individuals or groups, amateurs, or professionals, for simple pleasure or competitive success...
Gale Taxation Thesaurus The Gale Taxation Thesaurus is a subset of the master Gale Business Thesaurus in the narrower domain of the processes associated with the assessment and collection of federal, state, and municipal taxes...
Gale Technology Thesaurus The Gale Technology thesaurus is a large general technology thesaurus in the domains of aeronautics and astronautics, chemical technology, communications, computing, electronics, energy, engineering, materials, military and naval science, and transportation...
Gale Transportation Thesaurus The Gale Transportation Thesaurus is a subset of the master Gale Technology Thesaurus in the narrower domain of modes and mediums of transportation, except for those whose main application is military - such as troop transports, battleships, military aircraft, and tanks...
Gale Wellness Thesaurus The Gale Wellness Thesaurus is a subset of the master Gale Health and Medicine Thesaurus in the narrower domain of wellness and fitness topics and issues...
Thesaurus of Scientific Instruments in Portuguese The Thesaurus of Scientific Instruments in Portuguese aims at normalising and controlling terminology associated with historical collections of artefacts of science...
Bokbasen Thesaurus Bokbasen has a hierarchical thesaurus with controlled free-standing keywords... API
Partage Plus Vocabulary "The PARTAGE PLUS VOCABULARY is a structured multilingual controlled vocabulary... API
WO2 Thesaurus "De WO2-thesaurus is een gevalideerde, hiërarchisch georganiseerde trefwoordenlijst voor de thematische ontsluiting van (digitale) bronnen uit de periode 1940-1945... API
Promosanthes "In each microthesaurus, the descriptors are organized in a hierarchical way and represent the semantic organization of a domain...
Library of Congress MARC Genre Terms This list includes terms that describe general categories, or genres that may be applied to various types of information resources...
Library of Congress Genre/Form Schemes
ISOCAT ISOcat ist ein Verzeichnis für alle Konzepte, die Relevanz haben für Linguistik und den Bereich Sprachquellen inklusive Metadatenkategorien usw.....
Humanities and Social Science Electronic Thesaurus (retired and replaced by ELSST in January 2025) (HASSET) For many years UKDS studies have been indexed with terms from the Humanities and Social Science Electronic Thesaurus (HASSET)... API
School Networks and Educational Portals of Latin America "109 terms, 46 terms not preferred."...
Digital Europa Thesaurus The Digital Europa Thesaurus (DET) is a multilingual thesaurus covering the main subject matters of the European Commission's public communications....
Thesaurus Unesp The UNESP Thesaurus has vocabulary with specialized terms from the areas of knowledge of its teaching, research and extension activities...
Schools Online Thesaurus "The Schools Online Thesaurus (ScOT) provides a controlled vocabulary of terms used in Australian and New Zealand schools... API
Thesaurus of Clinical Signs "This file contains the thesaurus of clinical signs used for indexing rare disorders...
Tesauro de Educación Superior "1690 términos, 1615 descriptores, 2972 palabras clave (1356 diferentes), 75 términos no preferentes (USE), 17 relaciones de especificidad (NA), 1490 relaciones jerárquicas (TA/TE), 1074 relaciones asociativas (TR)...
Thesaurus of European Education Systems Thesaurus of European Educational System "21 microthesauri, 4 unstructured lists, 1387 descriptors, 1371 non-descriptors and 312 explanatory notes, as a multilingual thesaurus, TESE is tailored to the needs of the Eurydice network, Lifelong Learning ', the European Union's action program on cooperation in the field of education...
INTAL Documentation Center Thesaurus "This service allows you to search by topics, navigating the different areas of knowledge and selecting the term or terms to make a query...
Humord "A thesaurus that originates from the humanities and social sciences, but has grown to cover most subjects... API
NPRIE Probation Thesaurus "The NPRIE Probation Thesaurus has been developed over many years by librarians and information managers within Probation trusts in England and Wales including Alida Teijken, Andrew Parkes, Cath Fell, Helen Parris, Hilary Lawrenson, Jill Whiteman, Judith Sawbridge, Kath Oates and Steve Burgess...
Home and Insertion Thesaurus "The thesaurus, in its current state, needs to be validated by the professionals of the reception / integration of the young people of the Center region...
Social Semantic Web Thesaurus "Concepts in the semantic web and social web domain."... API
Glossary of terms of information competences As of Dec...
Electoral Political Thesaurus "It is an ordered relationship of the terms (related to each other) that are included or described individually in books, documents, etc., and which form part of the library catalog of the National Electoral Institute."...
Serbian thesaurus of matters 62880 Terms, 5732 Relationship between terms, 14643 Equivalent terms....
Thesaurus Archives of the City Arganda del Rey
JURISCAN Thesaurus "JURISCAN is a database developed by the Government of the Canary Islands with the aim of disseminating knowledge and facilitating the consultation of the legal system of the Autonomous Community...
Environmental Thesaurus for Colombia
Thesaurus of the Environment for Latin America and the Caribbean "For a better understanding of the subject and adequate application of the descriptors in the process of analysis of environmental information, we considered it necessary to present in the first part of the thesaurus, the modules or large categories under which the descriptors have been grouped...
Thesaurus of Latin American Criminal Policy "The purpose of this project is the development of a system for the treatment and recovery of legal documentary information in criminal matters that allows the judicial officer and the legal operator to have updated, systematic and official information in the field of jurisprudence , Legislation and doctrine (...) This instrument is the result of the merger of the Criminologist Thesaurus and  Of the Criminal Legal Thesaurus elaborated by ILANUD in 1983 and 1985 respectively and includes the most important descriptors in both subjects...
Thesaurus of Natural and Productive Resources of Chile "The current Thesaurus of Natural and Productive Resources of Chile, based on the Thesaurus prepared by IREN in 1979, has undergone numerous revisions and updates over the years...
Thesaurus Brased "The Brazilian Thesaurus of Education (Brased) is a controlled vocabulary that brings together terms and concepts, extracted from documents analyzed in the Information Center and Library in Education (Cibec), related to each other from a conceptual framework of the area.These terms, Called descriptors, are intended for indexing and retrieval of information... API
Health Education Thesaurus "The thesaurus in health education was developed from version 2 of the BDSP (Public Health Databank) thesaurus used at the National Institute for Prevention and Education for Health and in some education committees This thesaurus BDSP 2 contains 5,200 descriptors and has wide-ranging possibilities for use in areas such as epidemiology, care or health technologies, but it has deficiencies, notably in education for health And Patient Education, in Psychology, Pedagogy and Sociology The Thesaurus in Health Education is a documentary tool gathering all the notions useful to characterize the content of documents in health education."...
Inter-Active Terminology for Europe "In IATE you can find EU-specific terminology and jargon, as well as terms from all sorts of areas, such as law, agriculture, information technology and many others...
Thesaurus MOTBIS "Unique controlled language for indexing, exchanging, searching for educational information, language for the various actors of education: pupils, documentalists, teachers, administrative staff, etc...
Czech National Authority Database "The portal of the National Authority of the Czech Republic focuses on a fragmented information on the issue (in the broadest sense) of the creation and use of sets of national authorities of all types...
Unified Medical Language System (UMLS) The Unified Medical Language System (UMLS) is a compendium of many controlled vocabularies in the biomedical sciences.... API
Thesaurus of Basler Afrika Bibliographien
Estonian Subject Thesaurus "Eesti märksõnastik' (EMS) is a estonian subejct thesaurus structure"...
Thesaurus of Environmental Education Terms "For use in Electronic Database Searching...
Thesaurus of Gugak: Korean Traditional Music - Gugak sisaurus is a type of dictionary that defines the association of terms (search terms) and improves the accuracy and reproducibility of searches...
DIMOC Controlled Vocabulary "The DIMOC Controlled Vocabulary contains hierarchical terms covering DoD People, Places and Things...
Thesaurus PREALP "This thesaurus does not claim to compete with the major instruments of the genre...
USC Shoah Foundation Institute Thesaurus "Containing thousands of genocide‐related concepts and experiences, the USC Shoah Foundation Institute Thesaurus is one of the first of its kind...
Glossary of Ariculture An easy-to-understand agricultural vocabulary house purifies, digitizes, and provides difficult Chinese character-oriented agricultural terms in easy-easy terms....
Chiropractic Subject Headings "Chiropractic Subject Headings (ChiroSH) is a thesaurus developed by librarians at chiropractic college libraries, intended for use by indexers for the Index to Chiropractic Literature (ICL) and by catalogers at chiropractic and natural health sciences libraries...
Everglades Online Thesaurus "The Everglades Online Thesaurus is a structured vocabulary of concepts and terms relating to the south Florida environment...
Natural England Corporate Vocabulary "The Corporate Vocabulary is a purpose-built indexing tool which can be used for many applications across Natural England to search for and retrieve information more effectively...
Thesaurus of law
VOCED Thesaurus "This thesaurus is based on the original APSDEP Thesaurus, produced in 1993 by the International Labour Organisation's Asian and Pacific Skills Development Programme (ILO/APSDEP)...
Graphic vocabulary "The use of controlled vocabulary for cataloging is the basis for consistent object documentation, and the co-ordination of a common controlled vocabulary is all the more important when combining heterogeneous metadata from different collections in a portal to ensure optimal research conditions...
EcoLexicon "EcoLexicon is a terminological resource developed by the LexiCon Research Group at the University of Granada...
Textile Museum Thesaurus "The Textile Museum Thesaurus is a data management tool for cataloging and searching for textiles in The Textile Museum’s collection in its electronic database...
Database for scientific papers in nursing Thesaurus "The thesaurus used for the database CINAHL is probably the most advanced in the field of nursing sciences, but it is not a comprehensive thesaurus in English...
School of the Freudian Cause Thesaurus "Applied in the library database."...
ISOC Psychology Thesaurus "The version presented by the TESAURO ISOC DE PSICOLOGIA, like the previous one, can be improved, since the thesaurus, although it is a controlled language, has to reflect the natural language of a discipline and, therefore, must incorporate the terms This issue, like the previous one, is considered to be a very useful tool for all Documentation Centers and Libraries specializing in Psychology or related sciences ...
Thesaurus of Psychological Index Terms "8222 terms, 5613 postable index terms, 2609 nonpostable terms...
Thésaurus SantéPsy "The HealthPsy thesaurus contains 3373 descriptors and 1562 synonyms (non-descriptors)...
Subject index "11497 terms, 12386 relationships between terms, 5408 equivalent terms, headings of subjects structured by different thematic areas."...
CAB Thesaurus (CABT) "The CAB Thesaurus is the essential search tool for all users of the CAB ABSTRACTS™ and Global Health databases and related products...
California Environmental Resources Evaluation System Thesaurus "An integrated controlled environmental vocabulary...
Occupational Safety and Health Thesaurus "The terms are organised hierarchically according to their specificity...
German Center of Gerontology tag list "The keyword list of the DZA serves as a basis for the content development of the literature in GeroLit and was created by the staff of the library with regard to the specialized literature."...
Index New Zealand Thesaurus "Until September 2007 subject terms used in Index New Zealand were from the Index New Zealand Thesaurus, which is based on the APAIS thesaurus, created by the National Library of Australia...
Thesaurus of Documentation Sciences (DOCUTES) "The purpose of this web site is the online publication of the Thesauri of Sciences of the Documenation 'DOCUTES' prepared by the Library and Documentation Department of the University of León thanks to the Research Project granted by the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Junta de Castilla y León in the year 2000...
Integrated Public Sector Vocabulary "The Integrated Public Sector Vocabulary (IPSV) is an 'encoding scheme' for populating the e-GMS Subject element of metadata...
German Central Institute for Social Issues Thesaurus "The DZI uses a thesaurus - a structured list of words - with a short and concise description of all content.These descriptors are assigned according to a uniform principle and reduce complex contents to simple basic forms.the DZI thesaurus does not contain any except the target group 'Migrantin' Feminine forms and also plural formations such as 'human rights', 'living conditions' or 'psychological consequences' are rare...
European Education Thesaurus "3516 terms, 2100 relationships between terms, 520 terms not preferred."...
UNESCO-IBE Education Thesaurus "Since 1998, the International Bureau of Education has concentrated its activities on the adaptation of educational content to the challenges of the twenty-first century, focusing on the strengthening of capacity-building in the area of curriculum change...
Multilingual European Thesaurus on Health Promotion "1383 terms, 2106 relations between terms, 178 non-preferred terms."...
Learning Resource Exchange Thesaurus "A controlled and hierarchical vocabulary developed for European School Sector."...
Family Thesaurus "Family Thesaurus is arranged in an alphabetical sequence showing the hierarchical relationship of each main term to other terms...
Functions of New Zealand Thesaurus "1543 terms, 40 relations between terms, 307 non-preferred terms."...
Gender Inn search index "In order to provide you with a differentiated search, we have now brought this search index into a transparent form, so please make use of this index, which lists all keywords both thematically and alphabetically, with each index being an index Number, which can be entered into the search form as a substitute for this...
Illinois Researcher Information Service Keyword Thesaurus "IRIS (Illinois Researcher Information Service) has been replaced by the grants database service GrantForward, hosted and managed by Cazoodle, Inc...
Geography and Urbanism Thesaurus "369 terms."...
Inter-University Consortium for Political and Social Research Thesaurus "The ICPSR Thesaurus is a controlled vocabulary system composed of three separate lists: Subject Thesaurus, Personal Names Authority List, and Geographic Names Thesaurus...
International Labour Organization Thesaurus "The ILO Thesaurus is a compilation of more than 4000 terms relating to the world of work...
National Institute for Demographic Studies Thesaurus "The Thesaurus is an adaptation of the Third Edition of the Population Information Network (POPIN), containing subject, period and geographic keywords, structured by semantic relationships, searchable via a database module, Keywords materials, containing all significant words in alphabetical order This version of the POPIN thesaurus is composed of the keywords that are actually used for indexing and retrieving documents...
Institute of Political Studies of Lyon Keywords "It is possible to search through a query with a few letters of a word either in the set of keywords or in one of the 4 categories proposed: anthropo (names of personalities), geography (names of cities, regions, Countries ...), subjects (common names) and organizations (company name, political party, NGO ...) The list of answers allows to visualize the key word, to know its father and its category .The notice of each keyword allows to bounce on the articles associated with it...
European Thesaurus on International Relations and Area Studies (etiras) "You will find here alphabetically and systematically ordered keywords (descriptors) that you can use for your search in the portal content of IREON... API
International Social Security Association Social Security Thesaurus "The ISSA provides access to information, expert advice, business standards, practical guidelines and platforms for members to build and promote dynamic social security systems worldwide...
Institute of Major Hazards Thesaurus "The 'Risk Thesaurus' is a set of terms chosen for their ability to facilitate the description of the major hazards theme...
International Thesaurus of Refugee Terminology "The Thesaurus grew out of the Draft Thesaurus of Refugee Terminology compiled in English for the UNHCR by Piers Campbell in 1986...
Vocabulary of Social Studies of Science "2478 terms, 1124 relations between terms, 442 equivalent terms."...
Korea Social Science Data Archive Thesaurus "The total number of search terms covered in KOSSDA Thesaurus is 17,389, including 2,357 preferred terms(descriptors), 2,364 non-preferred terms, and as many as 25,766 terms of hierarchical(broader terms and narrower terms) and associative relationships(related terms)...
Documentary Language in Public Policies of the Capital District "236 terms, 34 relations between terms, 5 equivalent terms"...
Los Angeles Comprehensive Bibliographic Database Thesaurus "The LACBD Thesaurus was compiled from the subject indexes that accompany the two bibliographies to provide a controlled vocabulary that spans one hundred years of Los Angeles subject matter...
Microthesaurus in Prevention and Emergency Care of Bogota "1112 terms, 624 relations between terms, 65 equivalent terms."...
Montague Institute Review Index and Thesaurus "A-Z links show index terms in alphabetical order, one section at a time...
Thesaurus der Bibliothek des Mannheimer Zentrums für Europäische Sozialforschung "Der Thesaurus ist hierarchisch aufgebaut und umfasst bis zu vier Gliederungsebenen...
Peace and Security Studies Thesaurus "The Thesaurus is displayed in a hierarchical and alphabetical fashion...
Hydrocarbon Thesaurus "549 terms, 2 relations between terms, 16 equivalent terms."...
Library Dr. Jorge Villalobos Padilla, S.J. Thesaurus "The thesauri base that the ITESO Library makes available to the user is a project under construction and permanent improvement, so that at each stage it reflects the thesauri developed until that moment by the Classification and Development Area of ​​Collections...
Population Multilingual Thesaurus "The POPIN Thesaurus provides alphabetical, thematic or subject, and permuted arrangements of terms...
Population/Fertility Control Thesaurus "The Population/Fertility Control Thesaurus is presented in four sections: an alphabetical list, a descriptor list, a category list and a hierarchical list...
Local Government Category List "The Local Government Category List (LGCL) was developed by the LAWs Project to define the subject matter of local government and related community resources according to a common vocabulary...
PRISME Thesaurus "This thesaurus, the implementation of which was envisaged at the first meetings of the" GREDIN "group, was developed during the working sessions which took place from 1976 and which benefited from the participation of a very large number Librarians and documentalists in the social and medico-social sector, in order to take into account the entries of the different vocabularies used within the organizations in their diversities and their disciplinary, administrative and ideological specificities...
Public Health Language "The Health Development Agency and England's Public Health Observatories (PHO's) have developed a unified Public Health Language (PHL) [formally known as the National Public Health Language] to facilitate interoperability...
SafetyLit Thesaurus "11006 terms, 534 relations between terms, 2243 non-preferred terms."...
Semiotics thesaurus of library science "This is the discussion basis for a semiotic thesaurus of library science, which serves as the basis for a terminology of modern library science."...
Stockholm International Peace Research Institute Library Thesaurus "SIPRI is an independent international institute dedicated to research into conflict, armaments, arms control and disarmament...
SocINDEX Thesaurus "20,000+ terms."...
Thesaurus of the Governmental Activity of Québec "The Government Activity Thesaurus is the result of efforts to bring together the terms that the French language spoken in Quebec offers to name the concepts used in the Administration, to communicate about government activity and to promote the use of Programs and public services The thesaurus is a standardized mechanism that promotes the development of a general semantic base of important vocabulary components in the functioning of public services and the description of government activity...
PICO Thesaurus "The Thesaurus of the Italian Culture Portal is a controlled vocabulary, designed to subject indexing and classification of very heterogeneous resources, from cultural extremely different domains data-source... API
Gender Thesaurus: Language with Equity The thesaurus presented here has been prepared by the National Institute of Women with the aim of providing the libraries and documentation centers of the country, with a total of 3,104 terms, of which 2,573 are descriptors and 531 are non-descriptors, Dedicated to the theme of gender and women, a complete and updated tool for the classification of their materials...
Thesaurus of Sociology "The final terminological universe consists of just over 4,000 descriptors and 700 NO-preferred terms (which refer to some of the main descriptors) that are grouped and hierarchically articulated in 12 families or semantic fields."...
ISOC Thesaurus of Place Names "It collects more than 14400 political-administrative toponyms representing 196 countries...
Tourism Thesaurus "2332 terms, 207 relationships between terms, 95 equivalent terms...
Thesaurus for Architecture, Urban Planning and the Environment "The AUE Thesaurus of Architectural, Urban and Environmental Terms, first published in 1999, is a working tool used today by all the CAUEs as well as by certain partners in these fields...
Thésaurus de Coordination SUD "Coordination SUD ensures a double mission to support the professionalization of French NGOs and to represent their positions with public and private institutions in France, Europe and the world."...
Thesaurus of the Library of the International Development Research Center "The IDRC Library Thesaurus consists of four main parts: the alphabetical list, the facet list, the ANY tables, and the full names of the organizations, the latter two sections being a new element in this work...
Public Information Thesaurus "All the texts, speeches, interviews, press releases, press conferences ..... API
Thesaurus Women "Total number of terms: 849, Total number of descriptors: 645, Total number of non-descriptors: 204...
Polythematic Structured Subject (PSH) "Polythematic Structured Subject Heading System (PSH) is a bilingual Czech–English controlled vocabulary of subject headings which is used for organizing and searching the documents by subject... API
Thesaurus of Aging Terminology "This edition of the Thesaurus contains 2,095 main terms, including 228 geographical terms, as well as 753 nonpostable cross-references...
Thesaurus of Political Science Indexing Terms "The Thesaurus of Political Science Indexing Terms contains an alphabetical listing of Main Term descriptors used for indexing and searching the PS database and printed index, beginning with the May 2002 issue...
Thesaurus of Sociological Indexing Terms "The Thesaurus of Sociological Indexing Terms contains an alphabetical listing of Main Term descriptors used for indexing and searching the SA database and printed index, beginning with the April 1986 issue...
Public Health Thesaurus "This fourth edition consists of 12825 terms, or 7144 descriptors, divided into 57 subdomains (also called 'fields' or 'micro-thesaurus') and 5681 synonyms, or 'non-descriptors', which refer to a valid descriptor The BDSP thesaurus can be freely used in documentation centers or libraries working in the health and social sectors."... API
Thesaurus for the Social Sciences (TheSoz) "The thesaurus currently contains about 12,000 entries, of which about 8,000 descriptors and around 4,000 synonyms, covers all disciplines of social sciences.The thesaurus is available in interactive form with its own user interface in the Fachportal sowiport The thesaurus of social sciences is a central one Instrument for content-oriented searches in the databases SOFIS and SOLIS... API
Thésaurus Travail Emploi Santé Solidarité "The thesaurus contains a total of 6796 terms including 5367 descriptors and 1429 non-descriptors (synonyms), descriptors are written in the form of substantives in the singular, unless use requires the use of the plural, a monohierarchical thesaurus , That is to say that each term belongs only to a semantic field, and is hierarchized at four levels from the generic term, but in some semantic fields the hierarchy can comprise up to 6 The thesaurus is used for the selection of the relevant keywords and their standardized writing, but also as a tool for classifying information...
Thésaurus Urbamet "L'application permet la recherche et l'affichage de ces thèmes et la circulation à travers les différents tableaux...
Publishing and Depository Services Program Subject Thesaurus "From 1999 until April 2005, the DSP thesaurus was adopted as the Government of Canada Core Subject Thesaurus (CST) and during that period the two vocabularies were identical...
Thesaurus Care and Welfare "The Thesaurus Care and Welfare: the language of the social domain...
Transportation Research Thesaurus "The TRT Web site allows users to access terminology through Alphabetical, Hierarchical, Keyword In Context or Keyword Out of Context displays...
Thesaurus for economic and social development (TWSE) "Der Thesaurus für wirtschaftliche und soziale Entwicklung (TWSE) ist die Dokumentationssprache des Fachinformationsgebietes Entwicklungspolitik / Entwicklungszusammenarbeit... API
Women's thesaurus "The Women’s Thesaurus is a useful tool for searching by subject...
AGROVOC "AGROVOC is a controlled vocabulary covering all areas of interest of the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations, including food, nutrition, agriculture, fisheries, forestry, environment etc... API
Australian Occupational Health and Safety Thesaurus "The scope of AOHST is to cover concepts relevant to OHS in Australia at national, State and local level...
Business Thesaurus "The Business Thesaurus is a controlled vocabulary of terms that assists in the effective searching of this business content...
Concept Space "Concept Space is a visual interface to a formal framework for describing business literature...
Canada Revenue Agency Controlled Subject Vocabulary "The CRA's Controlled Subject Vocabulary (CRA CSV) has been developed to help Content managers, Librarians and Metadata developers in the Agency to select controlled subject terms for metadata requirements under TBITS 39.1 & 2...
Subjects of New Zealand Thesaurus "1937 terms, 1302 relations between terms, 832 non-preferred terms...
Lyon Regional Administrative Institute Thesaurus "1471 terms."...
Macrothesaurus for Information Processing in the Field of Economic and Social Development "An early tool for the referencing of development terms, that became an indispensable tool for the libraries and documentation centres of both developing and developed countries cataloguing work on economic development."...
Patent and Registration Office Thesaurus "Thesaurus is a database of selected and controlled subject that is partly organized hierarchically...
STW Thesaurus for Economics (STW) "The STW Thesaurus for Economics is the world's most comprehensive bilingual thesaurus for representing and searching for economics-related content... API
ISOC Thesaurus for Economics "First edition of the ISOC Thesaurus of Economy published in 1995, prepared by the Centro de Información y Documentación Científica (CINDOC)...
Transport Thesaurus "This Thesaurus is the result of cooperation between the European Conference of Ministers of Transport (ECMT) and UIC...
United States Department of Agriculture Thesaurus "The thesaurus is organized into 17 subject categories, indicated by the 'Subject Category' designation... API
World Bank Thesaurus "The Enterprise Topic Thesaurus is a thesaurus which represents the concepts and terms used to describe the World Bank Group’s topical knowledge domains and areas of expertise – the ‘what we do’ and ‘what we know’ aspect of the Bank’s work... API
Al-Muqtafi Legal Thesaurus "This Database accommodates all pieces of legislation enacted in Palestine since the mid 1900s until nowadays...
European Commission for Democracy Through Law Systematic Thesaurus "The Systematic Thesaurus is subdivided into five chapters, like the branches of a tree (hence the branched, hierarchical structure of the Thesaurus)...
Statistics Canada Thesaurus "The Statistics Canada Thesaurus was developed to provide subject access to Statistics Canada's information resources...
U.S. Government Accountability Office Thesaurus "This fourth edition of the GAQ Thesaurus lists more than 2500 terms which are used to index GAO documents and to retrieve information from the GAO documents database...
Genre/Form Terms for Law Materials "From 2007 through 2009, members of the working group discussed the terms that should be included in the thesaurus and used a wiki to help organize the various phases of the project...
Human Rights Information and Documentation Systems Micro-Thesauri "A collection of 48 lists with terminology...
Thesaurus of Australian Government Subjects "It contains a total of 3216 terms, comprising 1430 Preferred terms and 1786 Non-preferred terms (entry terms or reference points)...
Thesaurus of the Board of Andalusia "The OIA thesaurus has been developed and updated from the Thesaurus of Social Issues (1993)." The thesaurus is presented in two indexes, alphabetical and hierarchical....
Intellectual Property Subject Thesaurus "836 terms, 322 relations between terms, 463 non-preferred terms."...
International Children's Rights Thesaurus "The International Children's Rights Thesaurus consists of a core of several hundred terms that express the specific rights and concerns of the Convention on the Rights of the Child together with a number of more general terms that set these issues in their economic and social context...