
Name Links
British Columbia First Nations Subject Headings "CAPs indicate Xwi7xwa subject headings...
International Index to Film Periodicals Subject Headings "A hierarchically ordered controlled thesaurus, containing more than 20,000 subject terms...
Sears List of Subject Headings "Since the first edition in 1923, the Sears List has served the unique needs of small and medium-sized libraries, suggesting headings appropriate for use in their catalogs and providing patterns and instructions for adding new headings as they are required...
Subject headings for children's materials "Subject cataloging, in principle, is the same in all types of libraries...
Canadian Subject Headings (CSH) "CSH on the Web offers free, up-to-date access to over 6000 subject authority records in the English language, providing in-depth coverage of Canadian topics, including those recently in the news...
Thesaurus Circus "Applied in the online catalog 'PasseparCirque' of the 'Cirquotheque'...
Keyword list of the Pro Senectute library "The Pro Senectute Library is Switzerland's largest media and information center on the topics of age, aging and generational relationships...
Current Index to Legal Periodicals Subject Headings "We keep our Subject Headings simple and limited to fewer than 100, so we can index law review articles quickly and get the Current Index to Legal Periodicals (CILP) into your hands as soon as possible."...
List index of the institute library information science "1) The following subject categories were not included in the keyword list: Keywords (example: Kisch, Egon Erwin), Geographical / Ethnographical Keywords (example: Germany; (Example: Saarbrücken / University), title words (example: the computerization of the company / Nora, Simon), that is, in this keyword list there are only keywords...
List of Subject Headings for Small to Medium Sized Law Libraries "The List itself is not exhaustive, nor is it meant to be...
Subject Headings of the Morris Swett Library "This list of subject headings is used at the Morris Swett Library...
Theology in Aotearoa New Zealand: An Annotated Bibliography under Subject Headings "This annotated bibliography is focused on contextual theology in Aotearoa New Zealand...
New Jersey State Legislature Thesaurus "A guide for locating valid subject headings used in indexing Bills Legislative Session...
Vocabulary of Circus Discover the circus arts through our illustrated vocabulary grouped under a tree of subjects...
Subject Headings for Church or Synagogue Libraries "This guide to subject headings for church or synagogue libraries begins by providing guidelines for the subject cataloging process...
Diocesan Library of Versailles Thesaurus Search by term allows to search by keywords in different thesauri....
WAVES Thesaurus "If you wish to be positive that you find everything there is in WAVES about a particular species, or that is in a certain series, or that is by a particular corporate body, you may use the Thesaurus Search option on the left menu...
TECHNOSEUM Keyword register for library systematics
Index of Higher Education Journals and Educational Research Controlled Vocabulary "The VOCABULARY CONTROLLED (VC) consists of a standardized list of topics and identifiers...
Authority List Typology Documentary for the Indexing of Local Archives "The 'Documentary typology' authority list includes terms that refer to easily identifiable categories of documents (eg chrono, register, plan) or more precise terms, but refer to documents that are generally paid and stored in series (example: These descriptors are not by themselves indexing terms but must be associated with one or more descriptors of the subject thesaurus, if the documentary context so requires.... API
Mandragore Thematic descriptor and classification "Descriptor and Thematic classification: the descriptors are accessible by the index (search screen) and by the thematic classification, which, based on the Dewey Classification, allows to know all the descriptors coming from a specific domain used In Mandragore, some descriptors that can be covered by several domains and gives access to the full description of the descriptor which sometimes contains additional information....
Tekord "Controlled vocabulary of Norwegian terms with Universal Decimal Classification numbers; library metadata from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology."... API
Science subject terms "Realfagstermer is a multilingual, controlled vocabulary of pre-coordinated subject headings which mainly covers the physical sciences, mathematics and computer science... API
NEBIS Subject Index
Swedish Subject Headings (SAO) "Swedish subject headings (SAO) is a controlled subject headings system containing 38 000 terms from all disciplines...
Bureau of Meteorology Subject Thesaurus "Bureau Metadata Encoding Scheme used for web page 'Subject'."...
SIBi / USP Controlled Vocabulary "The USP Controlled Vocabulary is a list of subjects used for the indexing of information resources in the Bibliographic Database of USP - DEDALUS...
Library of Congress Medium of Performance Thesaurus for Music "Library of Congress Subject Headings (LCSH) has long included headings that represent the genre or form of musical works in combination with the mediums of performance (e.g., Sonatas (Trombone and organ); Concertos (Bassoon, clarinet, English horn, flute)), as well as headings that represent the mediums of performance alone (e.g., Bass clarinet and piano music)...
Encyclopedic and Unified Alphabetical Directory of Authority-Matter (RAMEAU) "RAMEAU (Directory of Encyclopaedic and Unified Alphabet Authority and Subject Matter) is the material indexing language used in France by the Bibliothèque nationale de France, university libraries, numerous public and research libraries and several organizations private...
Controlled Vocabulary for Arts of the Show 2135 Terms, 683 Relationships between terms, 519 Terms not preferred....
Lemmary for Absorbing Abduction and Clothing "" "The lemmario-guide is aimed at compiling the Dress-Dresser Board...
FRASER Subject Headings "FRASER is both a digital library of economic history and a repository of the institutional history of the Federal Reserve System...
Lesbian Herstory Archives Subject Files "Our 1,569 fascinating Subject Files fill the drawers of four, five drawer horizontal file cabinets plus overflow boxes...
Library of Congress Children's Subject Headings "The Library of Congress Subject Headings Supplemental Vocabularies: Children’s Headings (LCSHAC) is a thesaurus which is used in conjunction with LCSH... API
Język haseł przedmiotowych Biblioteki Narodowej "JHP BN zawiera słownictwo, które umożliwia budowę haseł adekwatnie charakteryzujących treść i formę dokumentów gromadzonych w bibliotekach...
Controlled Vocabulary of Arts "O vocabulário Controlado apresenta os assuntos da área de Artes...
Helecon Vocabulary "HELECON-services are library's own content production and a special service for our customers...
Queer Books for Teens Controlled Vocabulary "This website aims to create a comprehensive bibliography of Young Adult fiction with significant LGBTQ content published between 2000 and 2017 by major and minor presses in the United States, with a few exceptions...
Prehistory and Protohistory Vocabulary "Controlled vocabulary used for indexing bibliographical records for the 'Prehistory and Protohistory' FRANCIS database (1972-2015, http://pascal-francis.inist.fr/)."... API
Art and Archaeology Vocabulary "Controlled vocabulary used for indexing bibliographical records for the 'Art and Archaeology' FRANCIS database (1972-2015, http://pascal-francis.inist.fr/)."... API
History and Sciences of Religions Vocabulary "Controlled vocabulary used for indexing bibliographical records for the 'History and Sciences of Religions' FRANCIS database (1972-2015, http://pascal-francis.inist.fr/)."... API
Vocabulary of Philosophy "Controlled vocabulary used for indexing bibliographical records for the 'Philosophy' FRANCIS database (1972-2015, http://pascal-francis.inist.fr/)."... API
Sociology Vocabulary "Controlled vocabulary used for indexing bibliographical records for the 'Sociology' FRANCIS database (1972-2015, http://pascal-francis.inist.fr/)."... API
Vocabulary of Heat Transfers "Controlled vocabulary used for indexing bibliographical records dealing with 'Classical Thermodynamics / Heat Transfers' in the PASCAL database (1972-2015, http://pascal-francis.inist.fr/)."... API
Electronics and Optoelectronics Vocabulary "Vocabulary used for indexing bibliographical records dealing with “Electronics” in the PASCAL database, until 2014... API
Biodiversity Thesaurus "This bilingual thesaurus structures the key-concepts of biodiversity in its fundamental and applied ecological components... API
Human Rights Terms "Human Rights Terms is a controlled subject headings vocabulary covering mainly human rights literature, and is maintained by the Human Rights Library, part of the UiO Law Library."... API
American Planning Association Library Subject Headings "This list is intended to be used with and supplement the Library of Congress subject headings...
Wessex Annotated Subject Heading Index "This annotated index to the Wessex Classification Scheme was produced primarily for cataloguers within the SWIMS Network (formerly SWRLIN) Cataloguing Co-operative...
OLAC Video Game Vocabulary "Video games are extremely popular materials held by both public libraries and academic libraries... API
Web NDL Authorities (NDLSH) Web NDL Authorities is a service by the National Diet Library (NDL), Japan, to access authority data created and maintained by the NDL... API
CINAHL Subject Headings "The CINAHL subject headings are based on the MeSH headings, with additional specific nursing and allied health headings added as appropriate...
Controlled vocabulary for Mexico 1968: information resources "El vocabulario en cuestión se construyó con base en el análisis temático de documentos recopilados y transcritos por María de los Ángeles Knochenhauer durante el movimiento estudiantil de 1968 en México...
Filipiniana Subject Authority File "Subject authority headings for Filipiniana materials.This will contain terms on: 1...
Physics Subject Headings (PhySH) "PhySH (Physics Subject Headings) is a physics classification scheme developed by the American Physical Society to organize journals, meetings, and other content by topic...
SCIS Subject Headings "Includes subject headings specific to Australia, New Zealand and Pacific Islands...
AP News Taxonomy "The AP News Taxonomy is a comprehensive set of standardized vocabularies for describing English-language news content...
CRS Legislative Subject Terms Used in THOMAS "Beginning with the 111th Congress, all legislative measures are assigned at least one Subject term drawn from a new list of terms presented on this page...
Database of historical persons, things (lemma) and place names "The goal of this project is to develop a database for historical persons, places and concepts - and relationships between them - for the collection of Swiss sources of law." The database is intended to allow all relevant information (ie, Which are contained in the printed registers) in a structured form, and it should also be possible to produce printed registers for individual volumes from these data...
Tesauro Online "The Thesaurus is an orderly and open set of terms of a thematic area, on which a synonymy and homonymy control has been made, which allows to find the key words (descriptors) to adequately synthesize the documents and facilitate their location In the Database, constituting a bridge between the terminology of the author and the specific interest of the reader...
Thesaurus of Natural and Productive Resources of Chile "The current Thesaurus of Natural and Productive Resources of Chile, based on the Thesaurus prepared by IREN in 1979, has undergone numerous revisions and updates over the years...
Classification of game rating As stipulated in Articles 1 and 21 of the Game Industry Promotion Act (hereinafter referred to as the Game Industry Promotion Act), "Video or related devices and devices designed to enhance entertainment, leisure, learning and exercise effects using computer programs or other information processing technology or machinery" shall be classified as game management committee...
Encyclopedia of Korean Folk Culture It is a specialized encyclopedia for collecting Korean folklore, and is currently working on a compilation project by dividing the subject into eight major categories...
Encyclopedia of Korean Culture of Basic Necessities:Clothing This dictionary classifies the clothing life into a large number of hats, tops, bottoms, outerwear, underwear, large, shoes, ornaments, hair, makeup, fabrics, dyeing, patterns, and terms...
Encyclopedia of Korean Culture of Basic Necessities:Food This dictionary systematically and comprehensively describes the dietary life that has been passed down in the life of our people....
Encyclopedia of Korean Culture of Basic Necessities:Housing This dictionary systematically and comprehensively describes the housing life that has been passed down in the lives of our people....
Encyclopedia of Korean Folk Arts:Folk Dramas The Korean folk drama dictionary deals with mask plays, puppet plays, and good plays, which were developed from rituals related to the lives of the Korean people and developed into entertainment...
Encyclopedia of Korean Folk Arts:Folk Plays The Korean folk drama dictionary deals with mask plays, puppet plays, and good plays, which were developed from rituals related to the lives of the Korean people and developed into entertainment...
Encyclopedia of Korean Folk Arts:Folk Dance This dictionary classified folk dances into Nongak dance, mask dance, sound dance, nonsense dance, imitation dance, Gyobang dance, ritual dance, and new dance, and classified folk paintings into harmony, characterization, literary painting, landscape painting, and literary style...
Encyclopedia of Korean Folk Arts:Folk Painting This dictionary classified folk dances into Nongak dance, mask dance, sound dance, nonsense dance, imitation dance, Gyobang dance, ritual dance, and new dance, and classified folk paintings into harmony, characterization, literary painting, landscape painting, and literary style...
Encyclopedia of Korean Folk Arts: Folk Music The newly published Korean Folk Art Dictionary, "Music and Nongak," consisted of 240 items for table control, 3,200 manuscripts, 100 photos, 92 items for table control, 2,100 manuscripts, and 100 photographs for Nongak...
Encyclopedia of Korean folk arts:Nongak The newly published Korean Folk Art Dictionary, "Music and Nongak," consisted of 240 items for table control, 3,200 manuscripts, 100 photos, 92 items for table control, 2,100 manuscripts, and 100 photographs for Nongak...
Encyclopedia of Korean Rites of Passage This dictionary classifies lifelong rituals into birth rites, official rites, weddings, wedding ceremonies, public ceremonies, and rituals, and selected materials deemed essential for understanding the contents of the dictionary...
Encyclopedia of Korean Folk Literture:Folkale The Korean Folk Literature Dictionary consists of a narrative, folk song, and pansori...
Encyclopedia of Korean Folk Literature:Folk Song The Korean Folk Literature Dictionary consists of a narrative, folk song, and pansori...
Encyclopedia of Korean Folk Literture:Pansori(Epic Chant) The Korean Folk Literature Dictionary consists of a narrative, folk song, and pansori...
Encyclopedia of Korean Folklore and Traditional Culture:Household Religion The Korean Folklore and Faith Dictionary has set its direction to strengthen the independence of individual headlines...
Encyclopedia of Korean Folklore and Traditional Culture:Communal Folk Religion The Korean Folklore and Faith Dictionary has set its direction to strengthen the independence of individual headlines...
Encyclopedia of Korean Folk Beliefs:Shamanism The Korean Folklore and Faith Dictionary has set its direction to strengthen the independence of individual headlines...
Encyclopedia of Korean Seasonal Customs:January This dictionary was published in spring, summer, autumn, and winter according to the characteristics of seasonal customs...
Encyclopedia of Korean Seasonal Customs:Season This dictionary was published in spring, summer, autumn, and winter according to the characteristics of seasonal customs...
Encyclopedia of Korean Seasonal Customs:Supplement Encyclopedia of Korean Seasonal Customs: Supplement is a part of the Encyclopedia of Korean Seasonal Customs in the Encyclopedia of Korean Folk Culture...
Chiropractic Subject Headings "Chiropractic Subject Headings (ChiroSH) is a thesaurus developed by librarians at chiropractic college libraries, intended for use by indexers for the Index to Chiropractic Literature (ICL) and by catalogers at chiropractic and natural health sciences libraries...
Canadian Immigration and Citizenship Indexing Terms "The Canadian Immigration and Citizenship Indexing Terms is a bilingual standardized vocabulary developed to facilitate the indexing and retrieval of resources available from Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC)...
WOMEN'S PROPERTY List of topics "Subject words are chosen from a consistent female perspective, ie the subject word of women is always implied." The author of the author refers to female writers, the term "police" means female police officers (or possibly male police in relation to female colleagues / criminals)...
POPLINE Keyword Guide "The POPLINE Keyword Guide is a compilation of 2,000+ keywords used to index documents represented in the POPLINE database...
Anthropological Index Online Keywords "The Anthropological Index Online is an online bibliographic index which catalogues the contents of anthropology journals in The Centre for Anthropology Library at the The British Museum (formerly the Museum of Mankind Library, incorporating the Royal Anthropological Institute Library) which receives periodicals in all branches of anthropology, from academic institutions and publishers around the world...
Health Sciences Descriptors "The concepts that characterize the DeCS vocabulary are organized in a tree structure allowing a search on broader or narrower terms or on all terms from the same tree within the hierarchical structure...
Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) "MeSH is the National Library of Medicine's controlled vocabulary thesaurus... API
Integrated Authority File (GND) "GND is a standard file for people, bodies, conferences, geographics, subject - matter and work titles, mainly for the cataloging of literature in libraries, but increasingly also for archives, museums, projects and web applications Is co-operated by the Deutsche Nationalbibliothek, all German-speaking library associations, the Zeitungsdatenatenbank (ZDB) and numerous other institutions... API
Civil Engineering Database Subject Headings "You can browse this alphabetical list of Subject headings or you can select a letter to jump to a specific portion of the list."...
Library of Congress Subject Headings (LCSH) "LCSH in this service includes all Library of Congress Subject Headings, free-floating subdivisions (topical and form), Genre/Form headings, Children's (AC) headings, and validation strings for which authority records have been created... API
Thesaurus of Occupational Therapy Subject Headings "The thesaurus of occupational therapy subject headings is a reference guide for use with OT SEARCH, an online bibliographic database which indexes the holdings of the Wilma L...
Sports media librarry Magglingen Keyword index The Sports Media Center of the Federal Office of Sports FOSPO is the largest sports media library in Switzerland...
Faceted Application of Subject Terminology (FAST) "FAST subject headings were developed by adapting the Library of Congress Subject Headings (LCSH) with a simplified syntax, retaining the very rich vocabulary of LCSH while making the schema easier to understand, control, apply, and use."... API
List of subject headings in Catalan "The list of subject headings in Catalan (LEMAC) is a controlled language used for cataloging and indexing of documents theme... API
Vocabulary Controlled FLACSO Argentina "This is a control initiative on the thematic terminology used in the library in the absence of updates, regionalisms and / or localisms in the field of social sciences in Thesauri.This vocabulary contains mainly descriptors of the Macrotesauro on economic and social development of the OECD...
Center for Humanities Documentation List of keywords "The keywords were assigned after reading according to a thesaurus constantly updated by specialists, depending on the evolution of the disciplines."...
Vocabulary of documentation "The vocabulary of the documentation you have access to here corresponds to the paper edition, coordinated by Arlette Boulogne and published by the ADBS in 2004...
Biblioteca Ambrosiana Subject Keys "Subject or key words, including dating by quarter century, e.g., 1500-1 (first quarter of sixteenth century); and school, e.g., Lombard, Central Italian, Roman, Emilian, etc...
Keyword Catalog "The Keyword Catalog is a hierarchical, controlled vocabulary composed of commonly used key words, synonyms and phrases...
Thesaurus for SoyaScan Database of Soybeans and Soyfoods "A list of keywords or subject headings such as this is known technically as a thesaurus...
Register of the FIS education literature database "The FIS Educational Literature Database is the most comprehensive compilation of literary literatures in the German-speaking world, with a focus on educational science research and education, but also provides a comprehensive range of pedagogical practice (kindergarten, school, special education, etc.) From all disciplines of educational science, as well as from educational scripts and practical texts and materials...
Lista de descriptores Consejo Latinoamericano de Ciencias Sociales "7102 Términos, 427 Términos equivalentes."...
BISAC Subject Headings "The BISAC Subject Headings List, also known as the BISAC Subject Codes List, is a standard used by many companies throughout the supply chain to categorize books based on topical content...
Newspaper Genre List (NGL) The Newspaper Genre List is an attempt to standardize terms used to designate genres of newspapers... API
PRECIS Subject Headings (PRECIS) The PRECIS Subject Heading System was used 1974-1990 by the British Library...
COMPuter Aided Subject System (COMPASS) The COMPuter Aided Subject System (COMPASS) is a subject indexing system developed by the British Library...
L-skjema L-scheme is a controlled vocabulary for legal terms.... API
Bibbi authorities (BIBBI) Bibbi authorities is the integrated authority file of Biblioteksentralen, containing authorities for persons, corporations, place names, meetings/events and subjects.... API
Autoridades de la Biblioteca Nacional de España (ABNE) Subject indexing file of the National Library of Spain....
Encabezamientos de materia de la Biblioteca Nacional de España (EMBNE) Part of the Autoridades de la Biblioteca Nacional de España....