ISO Language Codes (639-1 and 693-2) and IETF Language Types (ISO639)
Comprehensive language code information, consisting of ISO 639-1, ISO 639-2 and IETF language types...
International Meteorological Vocabulary
Thésaurus dph
"Les thesaurus, c’est à dire les listes de mots-clés utilisés dans le réseau DPH, sont l’outil indispensable de l’échange d’expériences...
GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel Subject Headings
Department of Finance Controlled Subject Vocabulary
"The Department of Finance Controlled Subject Vocabulary (gcfin) is based on the organizational chart of the Department of Finance...
Tezaure terminologice Ştiinţă şi tehnică
AODN Discovery Parameter Vocabulary
"This controlled vocabulary covers parameter terms and their descriptions...
AODN Organisation Category Vocabulary
"An AODN controlled vocabulary describing organisation categories for classifying organisational entities."...
Star Trek Sector List
"A sector is a volume of space approximately 20 cubic light years...
Licence Types
"Types of content licences."...
Organization ID Types
"The nominal type of unique ID used for an organization."...
IAOA Ontology Terminology
"This website is devoted to terms and their definitions used in applied ontology...
Glosario del Colegio de Escribanos de la Provincia de Buenos Aires
391 Términos, 4 Relaciones entre términos, 90 Términos equivalentes....
Vocabulario Controlado Sobre Normativa de la Biblioteca del Ministerio de Trabajo
260 Términos....
Spanish Medieval Poetry
"Controlled Vocabulary on Castilian medieval poetry (from metric to general terminology of tratadística) elaborated in the framework of the projects of the group PoeMetca,"...
Vocabulario Controlado Sobre Biblioclastia
"El desarrollo de este vocabulario forma parte del Proyecto Institucional CAICYT sobre bibliocastía en Argentina...
MARC Code List for Relators
The purpose of this list of relator terms and associated codes is to allow the relationship between an agent and a resource to be designated in bibliographic records....
Tesauro Redprodepaz
82 Términos, 1 Términos equivalentes....
Vocabulary on Production of Educational Materials
114 Terms....
Library of Congress Media Types Scheme
"Media Types Scheme is derived from a controlled list of coded values representing content types principally used in RDA cataloging."...
Portico Library Classification Scheme
"The Portico Library classification scheme is a fixed shelf classification...
ARCHE access restrictions
"A list of access restriction types for ARCHE."...
ARCHE life cycle status
"A list to indicate the life cycle status of an object in ARCHE."...
ARCHE Resource Type Category
"The general resource type an object can have based on controlled vocabulary of DataCite metadata schema 4.0."...
Accession Method
Vocabulary of accession methods....
This resource presents an attempt to link the large amount of different concept lists which are used in the linguistic literature, ranging from Swadesh lists in historical linguistics to naming tests in clinical studies and psycholinguistics...
Library of Congress Subject Schemes
Controlled list of Subject Schemes...
Library of Congress Classification Schemes
Controlled list of Classification Schemes...
Library of Congress Cultural Heritage Organizations
A system of classification for Cultural Heritage Organizations developed by the Library of Congress....
Library of Congress MARC Genre Terms
This list includes terms that describe general categories, or genres that may be applied to various types of information resources...
Library of Congress Genre/Form Schemes
Library of Congress MARC Countries
The MARC Code List for Countries contains a list of places and their associated two- or three-character lowercase alphabetic codes....
Library of Congress MARC Geographic Areas
The MARC Code List for Geographic Areas consists of a list of geographic areas and their associated one to seven-character codes....
Library of Congress Content Types
This list contains Resource Description and Access (RDA) terms and corresponding three-character lower case alphabetic codes for RDA Content types....
Library of Congress Carriers
A list containing storage containers for data....
Library of Congress Description Conventions
Convention Sources identifies standard rules or guidelines for describing bibliographic resources, commonly called cataloging rules, and assigns a code to each source...
Library of Congress MARC Encoding Level
A list containing the degree of the level of an encoding....
Library of Congress MARC File Type
A list containing the file types on which data is saved on....
Library of Congress MARC Illustrative Content
A list containing images of MARC data....
Library of Congress Projection
A method or system used to represent the surface of the Earth or of a celestial sphere on a plane....
Library of Congress Video Format
Used to encode the video content of a resource...
European Union Telematics Controlled Terms
"The European Union Telematics Controlled Terms (EUTCT) System is a Community repository and provider of controlled terms in multiple languages for the ongoing exchange of data between information systems and applications throughout the European Medicines Regulatory Network (EMRN)...
Terms of North Korea:A Comparison of Languages of South and North Korea
A Comparison of Inter-Korean Languages on the Unification Ministry's North Korea Information Portal and information on terms used in real life in North Korea...
Terms of North Korea:Comparison of South and North Korean IT Terms
A Comparison of Inter-Korean Languages on the Unification Ministry's North Korea Information Portal and information on terms used in real life in North Korea...
List of Satellite
Satellite name...
National Library of Korea Linked Open Data (NLK LOD)
The National Library of Korea is a national library that collects and preserves works permanently...
Korea Registration, Evaluation, Authorization, and Restriction of Chemicals:Classification
Classification of chemical information...
Terms of Livestock
Provide a description of the terms of livestock...
IANA Language Subtag Registry
The IANA Language Subtag Registry contains language tags (abbreviated language codes) as defined by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF)...
Glossary of art
Provides an explanation of the art terms appearing in the Art Knowledge White Paper...
Classification of Future job guidebook
It introduces not only fields directly related to science and technology, but also jobs that utilize advanced technology and future jobs in various fields...
Classification of new job abroad
It provides information on new jobs that are gaining popularity abroad in various fields...
Classification of Junior job information
Junior job information provides information about jobs that elementary and middle school students are interested in...
Classfication of school information
Classification of school information is a list of schools in Korea provided by the CareerNet career information network...
Design classification code
Korea has been using the international classification of industrial design (12 editions of Locarno classification) as the international design registration application system was implemented from July 1, 2014...
New patent classification system
The previous seven technical fields related to the 4th Industrial Revolution* have been expanded and improved to 16 technical fields** and added to the advanced patent classification (CPC) system...
Product classification code
Type classification: Enter the number of classification of goods or service industries according to the Enforcement Rules of the Trademark Act, and choose from 1-34 types of products and 35-45 types of service industries...
National Notifiable Infectious Disease
National Notifiable Infectious Diseases refer to the infectious diseases listed in the Infectious Disease Portal...
Dangerous Goods
Annex 18 to the International Civil Aviation Organization and the Aviation Safety Act mean substances or goods that are likely to emit explosive, toxic, corrosive, flammable gases or vapors that could harm people or aircraft...
Mineral Lists
"Here are mineral lists (IMA approved mineral names and varieties names) sorted either alphabetically or arranged systematically...
Terminologia de serveis socials i treball social: llista alfabètica de matèries
"La llista d'encapçalaments de matèria de serveis socials i treball social que us presentem és una llista alfabètica de termes que inclou tots els epígrafs emprats per la Biblioteca EUTSB d'aquests dos àmbits que constitueixen el catàleg de matèries."...
Key Words for Digital Newsphoto Archives
"This basic list of Enhancement Terms for electronic photo archiving has its roots in the Library of Congress Thesaurus for Graphic Materials (1987 edition)...
DDB Hierarchietyp (DDB-HT)
Hierarchy type in the Deutschen Digitalen Bibliothek (DDB)...
List of thematic topics ...
ScoLOMFR 7.0
"ScoLOMFR is a format for describing and sharing digital resources, ScoLOMFR helps you to build a free and paying resources offer for school education...
Artists in Canada
Artists in Canada, compiled and maintained by the National Gallery of Canada Library, is a bilingual union list that identifies the location of documentation files on Canadian artists...
Threat Types List
Wordlist for different types of threats to heritage assets (e.g...
Consultation Outcome List
This list relates to the MIDAS unit Management Proposal Outcome...
Consultation Type
This list relates to the MIDAS unit Management Proposal Type...
Event Type List
This list relates to the Event Type unit in MIDAS...
Final Outcome List
This list relates to the MIDAS unit Management Proposal Outcome...
Work Proposed List
This list relates to the MIDAS Management Proposal Work Proposed unit of information...
Archäologisches Museum Hamburg – Stadtmuseum Harburg/Helms-Museum: Ownership status terms
Archäologischen Museum Hamburg – Stadtmuseum Harburg/Helms-Museum: Person roles
Archäologisches Museum Hamburg – Stadtmuseum Harburg/Helms-Museum: Value types
Archäologisches Museum Hamburg – Stadtmuseum Harburg/Helms-Museum: Value groups
Physical publication types from K10plus format (bibliographic_publication_type)
Publication types from the K10plus format field PICA+ 200@ / Pica3 0500 Position 1....
Bibliographic relation type
Type (
Events in biographies or chronicles
Consists of the Getty-people-events and some entries from
Phases in biographies or chronicles
Type of collection
Relations between corporations
FSO: Person role
FSO vocabulary for recording the function of persons and entities in the context of a unit of distortion....
FSO: Status of description
FSO vocabulary for recording the state of development....
FSO: Annotation role
FSO vocabulary for recording the type of remark....
FSO: Content type
FSO vocabulary for recording the classification of the contents of units of description....
FSO: Unit of extent (collection)
FSO vocabulary for recording the perimeter units for stocks....
FSO: Unit of extent (item)
FSO vocabulary for recording the circumference units for units of distortion....
FSO: Format
FSO vocabulary for recording the format of reproduction forms in units of distortion....
FSO: Keyword
FSO vocabulary for keywords....
FSO: Keyword (person)
FSO vocabulary for keywords related to persons or entities....
FSO: Keyword (place)
FSO vocabulary for keywords related to places....
FSO: Name role
FSO vocabulary for recording the role of a name variation of persons and entities in the context of a unit of record....
FSO: Object type
FSO vocabulary for recording the object type....
FSO: Place
FSO vocabulary for places....
FSO: Place function
FSO vocabulary for recording the role of a place in the context of a unit of distortion....
FSO: Place name role
FSO vocabulary for recording the role of a place name variant of persons and entities in the context of a unit of record....
FSO: Vervielfältigungsform
FSO vocabulary for recording the form of reproduction of units of distortion....
FSO: Type of title
FSO vocabulary for recording the title role....
A list of genders....
Historic Flag
Production type from IKMK
Material from IKMK
Coin stand from IKMK
Nominal from IKMK
Type of person from IKMK
Subject terms from IKMK
Type source from IKMK
Currency from IKMK
Access type from IKMK
Theses or loci communes of the whole medical field (brunfels)
"In 1532, a student of the learned physician and theologian Otto Brunfels (1488-1534) published an extensive and widely recognised loci communes collection on the field of medicine, which he had compiled on the basis of Brunfels' lessons...
ARCHE Licenses
"A list of licenses that can be used for acdh:hasLicense in ARCHE."...
"A list of sets for the OAI-PMH protocol for ARCHE...
Mapping Mismatch Vocabulary (MMV)
Vocabulary for tagging mismatches in mappings between knowledge organization systems or semantic artifacts....
MARC Instruments and Voices Code List
"Source: This list was derived from a controlled list of coded values in the MARC 21 Format for Bibliographic Data from field 048 (Number of Musical Instruments or Voices Codes)."...
SPDX License List
"The SPDX License List is an integral part of the SPDX Specification...
MIME types
" is an open-source Gatsby-based project that provides a comprehensive database and resources related to various MIME types."...
GOV: List of all types (gov-types)
List of all types for the Historic Geo Information System (
Open Definition License List
"These licenses conform to the Open Definition and are:
Reusable: Not specific to an organization or jurisdiction...
List of wooden tablets by historical site
The List of Wooden tables by historical site is a list of wooden items that were registered on the website of the National Gaya Cultural Research Institute's "Ancient Mokgan" (currently National Heritage Knowledge > Research DB > Ancient Mokgan) by ruins...
National Pathogen Resource List
The National Pathogen Resource List is a list of pathogen resources surveyed pursuant to Article 6 of the ⌋ on the Promotion of Collection, Management and Utilization of ⌈ Pathogen Resources ('National Pathogen Resource Status Survey') and is prepared every five years...
Korea Insect Names Index
The Korea National Insect List is a list of insect species living in Korea that standardizes the names of confusingly used or misrepresented insects, minimizes errors, and organizes them...
The National Mushroom List (Index of Korean Mushroom) is a list of national and scientific names based on the [Korean Mushroom List (2013)] and the [National List of Species (2015]], and reflects the latest scientific names by referring to the MycoBank Database and Index Fungorum...
Korea Plant Names Index
The Korea Plant Names Index Committee is a list prepared by organizing plant names based on recent taxonomic research for standardization of plant names, and jointly reviewed and deliberated by the National Arboretum and the Korean Classification Society...
Korea Lichen Name Index
The Korea Lichen Name Index is a list prepared by organizing the names of lichens based on recent taxonomic research to standardize the names of lichens in Korea, and jointly reviewed and deliberated by the National Arboretum and the Korean Classification Association...
List of marine and marine life resources subject to approval for export abroad
The list of marine and marine life resources subject to export approval is a list of marine and marine life resources designated by the Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries to restrict export to species of high economic, ecological, and academic value...
Munitions inventory
Munitions inventory is a systematic integration of information on the classification, identification, and management of munitions, and is carried out in accordance with the Defense Acquisition Program Administration Act and related regulations...
Disease and Pest Information(by Disease and Pest):Insect
Insecticide and Pest Information: Insect is a list of 'insect' information provided by the National Agricultural and Plant Disease Control System...
List of infectious livestock pathogens subject to import permission
The list of infectious disease pathogens subject to import permission is a list of pathogens for infectious diseases of animals provided by the Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs Administration...
ARKO Arts Archive collections Description
The ARKO Arts Archive collections Description is a material that introduces the archives of the ARKO Arts Archive*...
Classification and List of Noxious Liquid Substances
Classification and List of Noxious Liquid Substances is a classification and list of hazardous liquid substances under Article 2, Item 7 of the Marine Environment Management Act, and is stipulated in Article 3 and [Asterisk 1] of the Rules on Prevention of Pollution in Ships...
Disaster Management Resources Catalog Number System and Assignment Method
The Disaster Management Resources Catalog Number System and Assignment Method establishes the criteria for creating a list of disaster management goods and the method of granting a list number as stipulated in the "Notice on Classification Standards for Disaster Management Resources, etc."...
Ironmaking Technology in the Jungwon Region: A List of Ironmaking Sites
The Ironmaking Technology in the Jungwon Region: A List of Ironmaking Sites shows that the Jungwon region is optimized for iron production thanks to the Namhan River water system and its abundant resources such as iron ore, charcoal, and clay...
National Portrait List
A portrait is a painting of a specific person...
List of Plant Diseases in Korea
The online List of Plant Diseases in Korea provides plant names, disease names, pathogen names and related documents for all diseases that occur in Korean plants...
Folk religion of villages in Korea
Polk Religion of Villages in Korea is a survey of village community beliefs that are currently handed down at the National Folk Museum of Korea...
Folk religion of villages in Korea:Gwangju Metropolitan City and Jeollanam-do
South Korea's Village Faith: Gwangju Metropolitan City, South Jeolla Province (Polk Religion of Villages in Korea - Wangju Metropolitan City and Jeolanam-do)
Starting in 2022, the National Folk Museum of Korea has divided the whole country into six regions, including Seoul, Gyeonggi, Incheon, Gyeongsang, Jeolla, Chungcheong, Gangwon, and Jeju, and is conducting a survey on village beliefs by region...
Village Beliefs in Korea:Daegu Metropolitan City and Gyeongsangbuk-do
Village Beliefs in Korea: Daegu Metropolitan City and Gyeongsangbuk-do (Village Beliefs in Korea: Degu Metropolitan City and Gyeongsangbuk-do) is part of a survey of village beliefs by region conducted by the National Folk Museum of Korea, which is the record of Daegu Metropolitan City and Gyeongsangbuk-do among the Gyeongsang village beliefs surveyed in 2024...
Folk religion of villages in Korea:Volume1,2
Folk Religion of Villages in Korea (Volume1,2) is a survey of nearly 150 folk scholars nationwide on a national scale and unit of Korean village beliefs at the National Folk Museum of Korea in 2005 and 2006...
Village Beliefs in Korea:Ulsan Metropolitan City&Gyeongsangnam-do
Village Beliefs in Korea: Ulsan Metropolitan City, South Gyeongsang Province (Ulsan Metropolitan City & Gyeongsangnam-do) is part of a survey of village beliefs by region conducted by the National Folk Museum of Korea and is a record of Ulsan Metropolitan City and South Gyeongsang Province among the Gyeongsang village beliefs surveyed in 2024...
Folk religion of villages in Korea:Jeollabuk-do
Village Faith in Korea: North Jeolla Province (Polk Religion of Villages in Korea - Jeollabuk-do)
Starting in 2022, the National Folk Museum of Korea has divided the whole country into six regions, including Seoul, Gyeonggi, Incheon, Gyeongsang, Jeolla, Chungcheong, Gangwon, and Jeju, and is conducting a survey on village beliefs by region...
Folk religion of villages in Korea:Jeju-do
Village Faith in Korea: Jeju Special Self-Governing Province (Polk regulation of villages in Korea - Jeju-do)
Starting in 2022, the National Folk Museum of Korea has divided the whole country into six regions, including Seoul, Gyeonggi, Incheon, Gyeongsang, Jeolla, Chungcheong, Gangwon, and Jeju, and is conducting a survey on village beliefs by region...
Folk religion of villages in Korea:Chungcheongnam-do
South Korea's Village Belief: South Chungcheong Province (Polk Religion of Villages in Korea - Chungcheongnam-do)
The National Folk Museum of Korea is responsible for conducting folk surveys that publicly and diachronically discover and identify the origins and transmission of folklore that make up our lives from traditional society to modern society, and at the same time, it is in charge of transmitting them...
Folk religion of villages in Korea:Chungcheongbuk-do
South Korea's Village Belief: Chungcheongbuk-do (Polk Religion of Villages in Korea - Chungcheongbuk-do)
The National Folk Museum of Korea is responsible for conducting folk surveys that publicly and diachronically discover and identify the origins and transmission of folklore that make up our lives from traditional society to modern society, and at the same time, it is in charge of transmitting them...