
Name Links
Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC) "The Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC) system, devised by library pioneer Melvil Dewey in the 1870s and owned by OCLC since 1988, provides a dynamic structure for the organization of library collections... API
Integrative Levels Classification (ILC) "The Integrative Levels Classification (ILC) is a knowledge organization system featuring experimental innovations... API
Information Coding Classification (ICC) "(...) ICC (.) is based on the premises that whenever information is to be generated or to be presented (in code form) at least two items are necessary one which plays the part of a subject and the other one that of the predicate of a sentence, with both these items being framed into a third one...
Classification for general libraries (KAB) "The classification for general libraries (KAB) is a library classification developed by the Zentralinstitut für Bibliothekswesen (GDR) and is still being used today (in an revised version) in most municipal libraries of the new federal states, according to the General System for Public Libraries (ASB ), As the east-German counterpart, it is the most widely distributed system in public libraries in Germany...
System of the Real-Catalog of the University Library of Heidelberg "The" Zangemeister signatures "go back to Heidelberg's chief librarian, Karl Zangemeister, who headed the University Library from 1873 to 1902...
Systematic overview of the catalog of dissertations, programs and brochures "The so - called" garter catalog "for dissertations, programs and brochures covered literature up to the year 1935, into 44 systematic groups, within which the titles were arranged in alphabetical order...
The new systematic catalog of the University Library of Berlin "In 1975, the Systematic Catalog of the University Library of Berlin (...) was aborted, as it did not allow a materialization of the material to meet the requirements of teaching and research...
Proposed International Standard Nomenclature for Fields of Science and Technology "The Proposed international standard nomenclature for fields of science and technology was proposed in 1973 and 1974 by the Division of Science Policy and Statistics for Science and Technology of UNESCO and adopted by the Scientific Advisory Committee...
Field of Science and Technology Classification (FOS) "Statistical units in the PNP sector are classified into the six major fields of science and technology suggested in UNESCO’s 'Recommendation Concerning the International Standardisation of Statistics on Science and Technology' (1978)... API
Thema subject classification scheme (thema) "Thema is intended for use by all parts of the book trade: unlike other book trade subject classifications, it aims to be globally applicable... API
UK Standard Library Categories "Note this scheme was originally published as a draft and called e4libraries Subject Category Headings...
Children's Books Marketing Classifications "These codes are for marketing purposes only...
Product group system "The product group system was developed by the bar retailers and has been used in the book trade since 1997...
System for Information on Grey Literature in Europe Classification "System for Information on Grey Literature in Europe, is your open access to 700.000 bibliographical references of grey literature (paper) produced in Europe and allows you to export records and locate the documents."...
Hornbostel-Sachs-systematics "The Hornbostel-Sachs system is a classification system for musical instruments, published in 1914 by Erich Moritz von Hornbostel and Curt Sachs in the Zeitschrift fur Ethnologie under the title Systematik der Musikinstrumente Classification of musical instruments (...) The Hornbostel-Sachs system has a hierarchical structure, each category corresponds to a number, with a number being added in each detail step, so that the number of digits increases with increasing concretization Of the number, while further characters (-,:,], +) allow the notation of special meanings... API
Classification Scheme for Illinois State Publications "The need for a scheme/system to classify state documents has become increasingly apparent as more and more emphasis has been placed on libraries to acquire and service this important body of material...
Systematics for children's and youth libraries (SKJ) "The systematic classification of children's and youth libraries is based on age grades and on formal criteria, whereby children's and youth literature is structured in the same way as the ASB groups."... API
Classfication of the city library Duisburg (SSD) The classfication of the city library Duisburg (SSD) is a classification for the content development of public libraries and was developed specifically for the needs of the Stadtbibliothek Duisburg in line with the ASB... API
Sound carrier systematics "The sound carrier systematics are practice-oriented according to content (musical genres and forms) as well as formal (occupation) criteria."...
SFI Coding and Classification System for Ship Information "The SFI Group System is the most widely-used classification system for maritime and offshore industries worldwide...
Document Classification Scheme "At the same time, the National Library, the National Archives and the Greater Montréal Public Library, the Bibliothèque et Archives nationales du Québec (BAnQ) gathers, preserves and disseminates the Quebec and Québec documentary heritage."...
Plan de Classification des Documents "Les Musées de la civilisation sont : le Musée de la civilisation, le Musée de l'Amérique francophone, le Musée de la Place Royale, la Maison historique Chevalier et le Centre national de conservation et d'études des collections."...
Plan de Classification des Documents "À la fois bibliothèque nationale, archives nationales et bibliothèque publique de grande métropole, Bibliothèque et Archives nationales du Québec (BAnQ) rassemble, conserve et diffuse le patrimoine documentaire québécois ou relatif au Québec."...
Hydro-Québec Document Classification Scheme "Hydro-Québec's classification classification plan is a hierarchical and logical structure made up of headings in which the company's activities are presented and which allows the classification, classification and identification of documents produced or received by the company, Company, whatever the medium...
Classification Plan "The classification plan is a structure consisting of ratings and headings describing all the processes and activities of the DGEQ, which are used to classify all documents and files and to contribute to their identification...
Model files for evangelical-reformed political communities "The file plan provides all the tasks of a community from...
Musteraktenplan für Schulgemeinden "Der Aktenplan bildet sämtliche Aufgaben einer Gemeinde ab...
Model files plan for evangelical-reformed church communities "The file plan provides all the tasks of a community from...
Musteraktenplan für römisch-katholische Kirchgemeinden "Der Aktenplan bildet sämtliche Aufgaben einer Gemeinde ab...
Peacekeeping File Classification Scheme "The PK FCS is based on the functions and activities of peacekeeping operations...
Records Classification and Retention Plan "Every unit shall use the RCRP to organize, sort, destroy or permanently retain records produced or received during the course of their activities...
Chart of Accounts and Functional Classification " The harmonized accounting model MCH2 provides the basis for the presentation of the financial statements of the cantons and municipalities and was developed from MCH1 by the Study Group for Cantonal Finances (FkF) at the request of the Conference of In accordance with the International Public Sector Accounting Standards (IPSAS) and in co-ordination with the new Federal Accounting Model, the FkF has developed the 20 recommendations of the MCH2...
Classification of soils in Switzerland "The classification of the soil has the objective of systematically classifying soils due to their diverse profile and location characteristics, making it possible to identify, compare, distinguish and assess subsoil soils.The classification has its importance mainly within the soil customer himself, Since pedological research and experiments should always be carried out on well-defined and classified soils, so that results can be compared...
Coastal and Marine Ecological Classification Standard "The Coastal and Marine Ecological Classification Standard (CMECS) is a catalog of terms that provides a means for classifying ecological units using a simple, standard format and common terminology (CMECS uses the term 'unit' to refer to any defined entity in the standard at any level of the hierarchy; 'units' include seagrass bed, sand, lagoon, and water mass)...
ASFA and Oceanic Abstracts Classification Codes "The classification codes and descriptions are broad subject headings that are specific to various databases...
Historical Thesaurus of English "The University of Glasgow Historical Thesaurus of English was initiated by the late Professor Michael Samuels in 1965, and the first full version of the Thesaurus was completed in 2008 under the direction of Professor Christian Kay...
Dana Classification "The Dana System of Mineralogy was first published in 1837 by James Dwight Dana, a leading geologist of his time; it is in its eighth edition (1997 ed.)...
Unified Soil Classification System "The Unified Soil Classification System (USCS) is a soil classification system used in engineering and geology to describe the texture and grain size of a soil...
RAPRA Classification Code "Over the past twenty years, Rapra Technology Limited has developed a computer database for use by the rubber and plastics industries, together with the necessary thesaurus...
Subject area system of the University and State Library Düsseldorf (FULD) "The subject system, which divides the knowledge areas into main groups and subgroups and is expressed by a combination of letters and numbers (notation), allows you to search professional-thematically in the search portal...
FTSE Environmental Markets Classification System "The EMCS is a detailed and comprehensive structure for analysis, facilitating the comparison of companies across two levels; sector and subsector, and across national boundaries...
Army Medical Library Classification Medicine "The Classification covers the field of medicine and its related sciences...
Austrian system of the scientific branches (ÖFOS) "The Austrian Systematics of the Sciences 2012 (ÖFOS 2012) is the version of the revised International Classification of Fields of Science and Technology (FOS), adapted to the Austrian situation, whose application is binding in international comparison, and particularly within the European statistical system ÖFOS 2012 consists of 6 main groups: natural sciences (1), technical sciences (2), human medicine, health sciences (3), agricultural sciences, veterinary medicine (4), social sciences (5) and the humanities (6) 3-digit groups In order to be able to deal more closely with the national situation in the new Austrian system of scientific branches, these 3-positioners were provided with further subgroups (4-positioners), taking into account the explanations of the international classification Groups, currently no , The 3-positioner has the same designation as the subgroup (4-positioner, e.g... API
Application of the International Classification of Diseases to Dentistry and Stomatology "When any substantial volume of data has to be recorded, a coherent system of classifying and coding the data is essential, particularly where electronic or mechanical means of retrieval or analysis are to be used...
Classification System for Rehabilitation Program Evaluation Technology and Literature "The classification system's purpose is to control the nuances of expression relevant to indexing and retrieving information, technology, and literature of interest to rehabilitation personnel and others concerned with program evaluation...
A Proposed Taxonomy of Postsecondary Education Subject Matter Areas "The development of the NCHEM taxonomy came about because of a need for standardized and comprehensive structures for cataloging and organizing information on the multitude of instructional programs and activities presently functioning in the various levels and sectors of education...
Taxonomy of Exemplary Secondary School Programs in the State of California "A research project undertook to develop a system whereby information could be exchanged about exemplary secondary school programs within California...
Cancer Etiology and Selected Aspects of Cancer Pathology: A Decimal Classification "This is a hierarchical decimal classification of information related to various types of carcinogenesis (Chemical, viral, hormonal, radiation), cancer demography, and selected descriptive and 'in vitro' aspects of cancer pathology...
Cancer Biochemistry and Host-Tumor Interactions: A Decimal Classification "This is a hierarchical decimal classification of information related to cancer biochemistry, to host-tumor interactions (including cancer immunology), and to occurrence of cancer in special types of animals and plants...
Hierarchical Decimal Classification of Information Related to Cancer Research "The classification may be used (1) to identify cancer research efforts supported by NCI in selected areas of research (at any general or specific level desired), (2) to store information related to cancer research and retrieve this information on request, and (3) to match interests of cancer research scientists against information in published articles so that scientists can receive copies of articles specifically related to their research (Selective Dissemination)...
Slide Classification System for the Organization and Automatic Indexing of Interdisciplinary Collections of Slides and Pictures "Almost all disciplines make extensive use of the resources provided by slide libraries and picture collections...
Classification Scheme for Career Education Resource Materials "The introductory section of the paper expresses its purpose: to devise a classification scheme for career education resource material, which will be used to develop the USOE Office of Career Education Resource Library and will be disseminated to interested State departments of education and local school districts to assist them in classifying their own career education resource materials...
The Development of a Classification Scheme for Reading Research and Reading Resources "The development of a new scheme for classifying the more than 7,000 documents on reading in the ERIC/CRIER data collection is described...
Classification plan of the Autorité des Marchés Financiers "The Authority's classification plan is a hierarchical and logical structure composed of groupings and sub-groupings based on the processes and activities of the organization."...
Keyword Thesaurus. A List of Terms and Codes to Identify Areas of Interest for Research and Other Types of Sponsored Programs "This list of program types and keywords (with codes) was prepared for program officers at the National Endowment for the Humanities, the National Institute of Education, and the National Science Foundation to use when preparing program announcements and requests for proposals...
Human-Factors Taxonomy "This taxonomy provides a structure for identifying human factors for the purpose of scientific research and system test and evaluation...
A Classification System and Manual for Placement Office Libraries "A classification scheme is given for materials related to occupational and educational opportunities collected by the Rutgers College Placement Office Library...
Shelf classification of the Central Library of Sports Sciences "Shelf classification of the ZBSport"...
Classification Scheme of the Institute Library Information Science "The good old ViBI can still be used for a transitional period for orientation about the stock (works created until March 2010)...
Moys Classification Scheme "The Moys Classification Scheme is a system of library classification for legal materials...
Legal Classification of French-Speaking Switzerland "The documents of the collection of our library are not indexed, but are classified by means of the legal classification of French-speaking Switzerland...
Classification Modern literature
Classification Literature Middle Ages
Linguistic Classification
Classification reference works / dictionaries / bibliographies. Classification reference works and dictionaries and bibliographies...
Classification Généralités
T.M.C. Asser Instituut Classification Scheme "The T.M.C...
Landscape Architecture Classification "This is the first comprehensive classification of the field of Landscape Architecture...
Leeds University Library Classification Scheme "Leeds University Library has a unique classification scheme."...
Max Planck Institute for Marine Microbiology Library Classification Scheme Library Classification Scheme for marine microbiology of the Max Planck Institute....
Brian Deer Classification Scheme "Xwi7xwa Library uses a modified version of the Brian Deer classification system, developed by Kahnawake librarian Brian Deer for the National Indian Brotherhood (now the Assembly of First Nations) in the 1970s...
Classification of Legal Forms of Legal Units "The National Statistical Institute has prepared a complete and coherent classification of legal entities by legal form...
business Rating "The business classification is a requirement of capacity and solvency must certify businesses in procedures for the award of certain typical administrative contracts (Article 65 of TRLCSP)...
Friedensauer library system "The Friedensauer Bibliothek-Systematik combines large parts of the system for libraries (SfB - http://www.sfb-online.de) with specially created system groups for archeology, children's books (KiBü), theology (theol) and Hochschulschriften (HSS) ,This, on the one hand, makes it possible to provide a suitable picture of the Library of the Theological University of Friedensau...
Institute of Economic Ethics "By the end of July 2010, the publicly available institute library was structured according to the following system."...
Library system Theological Theological College Gießen A PDF file about the library systematics of the Freie Theologische Hochschule Giessen...
Shelf Classification of the Library of Topography of Terror Foundation Shelf Classification of the Library of Topography of Terror Foundation....
Categorization Scheme of Neue Galerie Graz "It wasn't until the 70s that the stock was categorised and stored systematically...
German Protestant Institute of Ancient World Studies of the Holy Land Jerusalem Library Systematics Library structure of the German Protestant Institute of Archaeology....
Classification System of the Library of the Hamburg Institute for Social Research "The classification system of the Library of the Hamburg Institute for Social Research is a general system that determines the on-site location of our holdings...
Library systematics of the Department of Sociology at the Vienna University of Technology
University of Navarra Library Classification System Classification System of the University of Navarra Library...
Clasificación Temática - Biblioteca Instituto Internacional de Sociología Jurídica "El sistema de clasificación temática de los libros, de diseño propio, desarrolla las áreas y subáreas de la sociología jurídica permitiendo localizar las secciones de interés para cada investigador, unido a las facilidades del acceso directo a los fondos."...
Boggs and Lewis Classification of Maps and Atlases "To classify maps, atlases, and globes most advantageously in a collection extensively used by geographers, historians, economists, technicians or other specialists and students, it is believed that the categories to be considered, in order of importance, are: (1) Area, (2) Subject, and (3) Date, with (4) Author, frequently necessary...
Library System of the Hans-Bredow-Institut Library System of the Hans-Bredow-Institut for Media Research at the University of Hamburg...
Shelf Classification of the Library of Deutsches Liturgisches Institut The library's holdings are systematically organized, ie organized according to subject areas...
GEOMAR Helmholtz Center for Ocean Research Kiel Library System Library System of the Helmholtz Center for Ocean Research...
John-F.-Kennedy-Institut für Nordamerikastudien Bibliothekssystematik "Im Zeitraum vom 1960 bis 1980 wurde eine speziell auf die Erwerbungspolitik der JFKI-Bibliothek zugeschnittene hauseigene Systematik entwickelt...
Bibliothek der Schweizerischen Theatersammlung Systematik The new entries after 1979 are cataloged according to 23 groups....
JGSGB Library Classification Code "Each book is numbered using the JGSGB's own Library Classification Code...
Library system of the Geographisches Institut der Ruhr-Universität Bochum
Library of the DHBW Mannheim system "The stock of the DHBW Mannheim library is arranged according to an in-house classification scheme."...
Werner Oechslin Library Foundation systematics "This preliminary overview (as of 2011) unites about 41,000 titles that have been registered so far in short abstracts, organized into a thematic order (classification scheme)...
Institute of Business Information Systems
Arbeitsstelle Studium und Beruf Bibliothekssystematik
Library Christian Catholic Theology Systematics "Die Systematik (.) gibt Aufschluss darüber, welche Signaturen sich im Compactus oder im Seminarraum befinden...
Library Evangelical Theology systematics
Musicology Seminar Library Systematics Library systematics of the musicology seminar....
Faculty of Philology, Department Library of Scandinavian Studies Shelf classification Shelf classification of the Department library of Scandinavian Studies...
Faculty of Philology, Department Library Classical Philology Shelf Classification Shelf classification of the Department of Classical Philology...
Faculty of Philology, Faculty Library of Comparative Studies Shelf classification of the department library for comparative studies...
Faculty of Philology, department library Slavic Shelf classification "Systematics: Linguistics, Description of Slavic Individual Languages, Linguistics / Semiotics / Literary Theory, Literary History, Authors / Reginal studies."...
Faculty of Philology, Department library of Linguistics Shelf classification Shelf classification of the department library for linguistic research...
Faculty of Philology, Department library for Romance Shelf classification Shelf classification of the Department of Romance Studies...
Faculty of Philology, Department Library Media Studies Shelf classification "The media science publications are assigned to the upper groups of film, television and media science."...
Faculty of Philology, Department library for Theater science Shelf classification Shelf classification of the Department library of Theater Studies...
Faculty of Philology, Department of German Studies German Studies Linguistics The linguistic literature is gathered under the signature group Sp on the 3rd floor...
Faculty of Philology, Department of German Studies, Shelf Classification of Dutch studies Shelf classification of the Department of German Studies library of the Faculty of Philology for Dutch Studies...
Faculty of Philology, Department of German Studies library, Shelf classification Folklore Shelf classification of the Department of German Studies library of the Faculty of Philology for Folklore...
Faculty of Philology, Department of German Studies, media studies Installation system for the field of media studies...
Faculty of Philology, Department of German Studies Medieval Latin Installation system for the field of Medieval Latin...
Nomenclature for Museum Cataloging "Nomenclature for Museum Cataloging is a structured and controlled list of object terms organized in a classification system to provide a basis for indexing and cataloging collections of human-made objects... API
Library Systematics Political Science In-house classification scheme....
Library of the Geographical Institute
Classification System of the University Library Vetmed Classification scheme of the library of the University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna....
Classifications of the Central Library "All media from the Zentralbibliothek of the Hanover University of Applied Sciences are freely accessible and systematically arranged according to subject areas...
Klassifikation Bibliothek Stadtarchiv Werne "The holdings of an archive are basically formed according to their origin and their place of origin...
Classification Scheme of the Library of the Center of Finance and Justice Rotenburg a.d. Fulda
State College of Music and Performing Arts Mannheim Bibliothekssystematik "Here you will find the systematics for the music writing (books), for the music (notes) and for the phonograms (we also use for videos and DVDs) as well as a register to the phonogram system as a pdf file (...) You can also browse the OPAC within the 'extended search' to see the works you are looking for....
Institute of Contemporary History Library Classification System "The IfZ system provides you with structured access to the collection areas of the library in chronological and thematic groups...
Systematics of the Gellert library Systematics of the library of the Gellert Museum...
Sigmund Freud Private University of Vienna Library Systems "A system provides information on the layout of the outdoor area of the Lesesaal."...
Alice Salomon University of Applied Sciences Berlin Library Classification Scheme
Institut für Mittelstandsforschung Library Classification Scheme
Library systematics of the Institute of Statistics and Mathematics The aim of the institution is to provide doctoral students and WU staff who are involved in applied empirical research with competent advice on the use of statistical concepts and methods...
Joseph Wulf Mediothek Systematics The Mediothek is named after the historian Joseph Wulf (1912-1974), who failed in the sixties with the attempt to set up a documentary center in the villa for the investigation of the national socialism....
Arbitration Documentation and Information Center Library Systematics "The inventory of the library is covered by a uniform system, and an overview of the inventory (space plan) is available."...
Department of "Historische Fachinformatik und Dokumentation" Library Classification Scheme Shelf classification of the department of "Historische Fachinformatik und Dokumentation" at the University of Graz....
Economic, social and technological history Descriptors / Keywords of the library system "In the course of the integration into the faculty library, all books are given a new signature according to the Regensburger classification."...
Classification scheme of the Birkach house Classification scheme of the study centre "house Birkach" of the evangelic state church of Württemberg....
ISO 5138 Office Machines Vocabulary "Office machines give rise to numerous international commercial exchanges which often become difficult, either because of the great variety of terms used in various fields or languages to express the same concept, or because of the absence of, or the imprecision of, useful concepts...
Systematics archive and library of the Berliner Geschichtswerkstatt e.V. Die Systematik des Archivs und der Bibliothek der Berliner Geschichtswerkstatt e.V....
Shelf Classification Cultural anthropology of the textile Shelf Classification Cultural Anthropology of the Textile of the Emil-Figge Library....
Classification scheme of the Herzog Anton Ulrich museum Classification scheme of the Herzog Anton Ulrich museum in Brunswick...
Institute for Modern Art Nuremberg Archive / Library Classification Scheme
Cambridge University Library Classification Scheme "This is the Library's 'three-figure' classification scheme which is used to determine the subject stem of the classmarks of the great majority of monographs on the open shelves...
Study Library BASIC system "Because the library BASIS mainly includes Swiss law, it has its own system."...
Classification scheme of the Institute of Law Classification scheme of the Institute of Law of the University of Zurich....
American Planning Association Library Classification Scheme "The Library of the American Planning Association (APA) developed the American Planning Association Library Classification Scheme...
FHNW Olten Classification Scheme
Schiller Classification System "The Schiller system is a locally developed system for classifying foreign, comparative, pre-literate, ancient, medieval, and religious law materials...
Bodleian Law Library Classification "The Library has separate sections either for jurisdictions or for certain legal systems or legal topics...
Universal Binary Classification "This proposed new classification scheme is based on two main elements: hierarchism and binary theory...
Classification for Asian and African studies
Classification of the antiquarian research
Classification for European Documentation Centre Kaisa House Shelf Ratings: EU Information Center...
Classification for philosophy A classification for philosophy of the Helsinki University Library....
Classification for history of Finland, Scandinavia and Baltic countries Kaisa House Shelf Ratings: History of Finland, Scandinavia and the Baltic States...
Yleisen historian hyllyluokitus
Archeology shelf classification
Classification for folkloristics A classification for folkloristics of the Helsinki University Library....
National Shelf Classification Kaisa-Haus Shelf Classification: Ethnology...
North America Research Shelf Rating Kaisa House Shelf Ratings: North American Research...
Shelf rating of research in Russia and Eastern Europe
Fiction classification of fiction Kaisa-Haus Shelf Classification: Fiction...
Classification for Finnish Shelf ratings of Kaisa House: Finnish language...
Classification for Finno-Ugrian Studies Shelf ratings of Kaisa House: Finnish-Ugrian languages...
Classification for English Kaisa House Shelf Ratings: English Language...
Classification for Germanic languages A classification for Germanic languages...
Classification of Nordic languages Kaisa House Shelf Ratings: Nordic Languages...
Romance Language Classification -...
Classification for Slavonic and Baltic languages
Yleisen kielitieteen hyllyluokitus
Law School Shelf Rating
Shelf Rating of Literary Research, Aesthetics, Theater Science, Film and Television Research
Classification for musicology Music Anthropology shelf classification...
Shelf rating of art history
Classification for biblical and Jewish studies Kaisa House Shelf Ratings: Biblical and Judaism...
"Practical Theology Shelf Rating " The Helka catalogue includes collections of Helsinki University Library, National Library, Institute for the Languages of Finland, National Board of Antiquities Library, Finnish Literature Society, Library of the Labour Movement and Baltia-kirjasto....
Classification of the Orthodox Church and theology (Coct)
Practical Theology Shelf Rating The Helka catalogue includes collections of Helsinki University Library, National Library, Institute for the Languages of Finland, National Board of Antiquities Library, Finnish Literature Society, Library of the Labour Movement and Baltia-kirjasto....
Luther study shelf rating
Classification for systematic theology Kaisa House Shelf Ratings: Systematic Theology...
Classification for social sciences
English and American Studies Library Classification Classification of the Department of English and American Studies at the University of Vienna....
Sirkuksen tiedotuskeskus luokat ja hyllypaikat
University Archives Classification Schedule "This Archives Classification Schedule is an outline of the holdings of the University Archives...
International Psychoanalytic University classification scheme Our mission includes the prevention of landslides and coastal erosion, sustainable and effective soil works, know-how and methods to remediate contaminated sites and climate adaptation...
Classification Roy "The Roy classification is unique to the Law Library of the Université de Montréal, and our documentation is entirely classified according to an alphabetical system that divides it into two main areas: general collections and specialized collections."...
Classification system for sound recordings "BAnQ has a collection of more than 100,000 sound recordings, and the collection's classification system makes it easy to find a record and make great discoveries." The Iris catalog offers helpful help features for more detailed research...
Film Classification Plan "Fiction films are grouped into eight major cinematographic genres to help you choose from the collection...
German Historical Institute Warsaw Library System Library system of the German Historical Institute Warsaw....
Schwules Museum* Bestandssystematik The Gay Museum * was founded in 1985 and today is one of the largest and most important institutions for archiving, researching and communicating the history and culture of the LGBT * with its highly acclaimed exhibitions, archive collections, numerous research papers and more than thirty-five - mostly volunteer employees - I * Q communities...
Systematics of the subject library economics "The literature in our library is organized in a systematic manner...
Musikwissenschaftliches Seminar der Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg/Br. Systematik der Bibliothek
Max-Planck-Institut (MPI) für Kognitions- und Neurowissenschaften Bibliothekssystematik Bibliothekssystematik für Kognitions- und Neurowissenschaften des Max Planck Institutes....
Library of the State College of Music Trossingen Systematics "You can also click directly in the OPAC through the systematics and display the titles by selecting the corresponding systematic group in the search field (eg A-Gb) in the advanced search in the scrolling menu 'System group' and then right on the tab click."...
University of Applied Sciences Schwäbisch Gmünd Installation system of the university library
Classification scheme of the house of the history of women Classification scheme of the house of the history of women in Bonn...
Classification of the Iglf-Bibliothek Classification of the Iglf-Bibliothek...
Göttingen online classification (GOK) "You get systematic access to the Göttinger Universitätskatalog (GUK) through the Göttinger Online-Klassifikation (GOK)...
Systematics for Protestant libraries (SEB) "The media collections of Protestant libraries are developed with the aid of the system for Protestant libraries (SEB)... API
Nonfiction classification of Catholic public libraries (SKB) "The presentation of the material from the various fields of knowledge, also as a report, an experience sign, a guidebook or a reference book, are organized according to the 'Specialist System for Catholic Public Libraries' (SKB-E) and the enlarged version (SKB-E) Non-book media for children are classified according to the 'Systematics for Children's Books' The systematic catalog opens up the material stock in libraries according to content (systematics) and provides information on the question whether media is available on a specific topic or subject area, For example, which media are to be found in the library on the subject of the "family" or "child education" The classification of the subject media into the shelves is determined by the systematics, the 'Sachbuch-Systematik for Catholic public libraries' Library in two differently finely divided editions: The basic edition (p KB) is used in Catholic public libraries with small non-fiction books...
The Schleswig Collection Signatures & Classification "The collection contains books, journals, pamphlets, etc...
Library Classification System of the Gregorian Pontifical University "The Pontifical Gregorian University Library has developed her own system to classify books and periodicals...
Classification of Youth Literature Genres "Fiction narratives are sorted according to a genre rating specifically designed by the Aosta cataloging center...
Central Institute of Art History "In order to facilitate this process, the books are arranged according to a so - called system of positioning, which is reflected in the signatures The individual signature groups in this sense refer to the main contents or types of literature listed in the (.) Overview...
Classification system for The Faculty of Theology
Marianist Library Classification "The schedules that form the Marianist Library Classification were developed because the classification scheme most commonly used in Marianist libraries, 'Marianist Classification 1960; For Archives and Documentary Libraries' developed by Father William Ferree, SM, became impossible to implement successfully...
Astronomical Observatory of Trieste Library Classification system -...
The Faculty of Theology Faculty Library Classification Schemes "The Library of Biblical Exegesis has a comprehensive classification system that applies to all sub-areas...
Classifications of the Zentralbibliothek of the Roman-Germanic Central Museum Classiification sheme of the Zentralbibliothek of the Roman-Germanic Central Museum....
Hochschule Konstanz University of Applied Sciences (HTWG) classification scheme (HTWG) Classification scheme for the Hochschule Konstanz University of Applied Sciences (HTWG)... API
Classification of the Country library "The books on our shelves are arranged according to Sachthemen, and our library system allows you to see where in the house you can find works on a certain topic."...
Bielefeld systematics "In addition to the library systematic for all subject groups, we also offer the search for a Bielefeld system in the online catalog, especially for the literature on Bielefeld, which serves to further improve the factual relevance of these publications, and also has the advantage of being quickly comprehensible...
Brandenburg University of Technology (BTU) Cottbus-Senftenberg Systematics of the University Library "The inventory of the University Library of Cottbus, which is freely accessible to our users, is arranged in a systematic order, and the system underlying this list is divided into several hierarchical levels, within which the different groups are represented by a notation consisting of numbers and partial numbers Numbers and letters...
Viennese system for public libraries "The system serves the content development of the media and can also help to limit the amount of hits."...
University for forestry in rottenburg (HFR) forestal shelf classification of the university for forestry in rottenburg...
The Royal Library Systematic Catalog 2nd Edition. "SK2 (Systematic Catalog 2nd Edition) is used for books in the University Library Collections acquired since 1995."...
The Royal Library Systematic Catalog 1.th. "SK1 (Systematic Catalog 1st Edition) is used for books in the University Library Collections acquired 1980 - 1995."...
Systematic Register to the Nordic Journal of Criminal Science 1983-2012 "In 2013, the Royal Library has made a pragmatic assurance that the Nordic Journal of Criminal Law and its replacement of the Nordic Journal of Criminal Science from the period 1912-2012 has been made available on the internet...
European Documentation Center Classification Plan "To facilitate the user access to the document and to use the information contained therein, a classification plan for 19 topics, based on the same tabular storage on the shelf after a quota system."...
University Groningen University Classification Scheme
Hospital System Classification System "The hospital system classification system (SKS) consists of several thousand codes that are used to provide structured information to different information systems...
NOMESCO Classification of Surgical Procedures "The Classification of Surgical Procedures (NCSP) is based on the traditions of the surgical profession in the Nordic countries and reflects surgical practice in these countries in 1994...
Management Classification "Management Classification (...) is a new classification developed for use in property management...
Omaha System "Consists of three relational, reliable, and valid components designed to be used together: Problem Classification Scheme (client assessment); Intervention Scheme (care plans and services); Problem Rating Scale for Outcomes (client change/evaluation)...
Classification Scheme of the Tecnun Library "The library of Tecnun has a system of classification of works of its own.The signature of each work is alphanumeric being formed by one or several letters and by a number, which indicate: The matter (A Mechanics, B Computer science, etc.) The sub-material (indicated in letters and numbers: A Tribology 001) The order number within each section "...
General Archive of the University of São Paulo Classification Plan "The Classification Plan is proposed as a tool for ordering, organizing and finding the documents generated or received by the University in the fulfillment of its duties, competencies and activities...
Document Classification Plan of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul
Library of the Order of Lawyers Classification plan of the documentation The lawyers' office of the library is a resource center specializing in the acquisition, technical processing and dissemination of legal information, with the primary objective to meet the information requirements of lawyer and legal trainee....
Classification Plan and Temporary Table of Administrative and Judicial Documents of the Superior Labor Court "The classification code is a working tool used to classify any document produced or received by the Superior Labor Court (TST), and, where applicable, it will also be adopted by the Superior Council of Labor Justice (CSJT) and by the The classification by subjects is used to group the documents under the same theme, as a way of accelerating the recovery and facilitating the activities related to the evaluation, selection, elimination In the classification code, subjects are given numerical codes, which reflect the functional hierarchy of the organ, defined through classes, subclasses, groups and subgroups, always starting from the general to the particular...
Classification of the medical central library Classification scheme of the medical school of the University Hospital Magdeburg....
Institute of Comparative City History Library Systematics
German Kinemathek - Museum for Film and Television library system Library system of the Museum of Film and Television....
Codices Salemitani X,44a library system "Library classification from the year 1783."...
Library Classification "There are already in the field many rival schemes of classification for libraries...
IAC Library Book Classification System "The IAC library has its own book classification system."...
Archival Information Classification Plan for Local Administration In this course, the initial assumptions of the project were maintained, namely: a) Creation of a single tool with classification and evaluation concerns; b) Construction of an instrument that promotes transversality and semantic interoperability; ) Application of the classification plan to the documentation at the stage of its creation or reception...
Secretariat of the Environment Classification Plan "The SMA - 6 Resolution of 8-2-2007, published in the Official Gazette of February 10, 2007, approved the Classification Plan and the Timetable of Documents of the Activities - End of the State Secretariat of the Environment The Document Classification Plan and the Temporary Document Table are the basic instruments of Document Management and are the result of a process of analysis that allows the identification of the values ​​of the documents for the purposes of defining their custody and destination deadlines...
Document Classification Plan Is not an instrument of retroactive application, nor does it intend to reorganize the documentation already produced; (D) Use of the instrument to classify documentation on paper or other media...
Code of Classification of Archive Documents of the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation "The document classification code is a working tool used to classify any document produced or received by an organ in the exercise of its functions and activities...
Teaching unit Philosophy Library system "In the historical department the philosophical primary and secondary literatures are placed, arranged chronologically according to the birth years of the philosophers, beginning with -800 (Zarathustra), the year of birth being a primary part of the site signature And the year of publication of the present title, or the year of publication of the first edition...
Systematics ARUBI Systematics of the library of the University of Kaiserslautern....
Systematics Biology Systematics for Biology at the University of Kaiserslautern...
Systematics Bibliology and Librarianship Systematics for Bibliology and Librarianship at the University of Kaiserslautern...
Systematics Chemistry Systematics for Chemistry at the University of Kaiserslautern...
Classifications of Electrical Engineering and Computer Engineering Classification sheme of the Electrical Engineering and Information Technology of the Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology, University Library Kaiserslautern....
Systematics Pedagogy Systematics for Pedagogy of the University Library Kaiserslautern....
Systematics History Systematics for the subject of History of the University Library Kaiserslautern....
Systematics Computer Science Systematics for Computer Science of the University Library Kaiserslautern....
Systematics Art / Media Systematics for the Arts and Media of the University Library Kaiserslautern....
Mechanical Engineering / Process Engineering Systematics for Mechanical Engineering and Process Engineering at the University Library Kaiserslautern....
Systematics Mathmatics Systematics of Mathematics, University Library Kaiserslautern....
Location-free systematics Mathematics Systematics of Mathematics, University Library Kaiserslautern....
Systematics Music Systematics for Music of the University Library Kaiserslautern....
Systematic Philosophy Systematics for Philosophy of the University Library Kaiserslautern....
Systematic Physics Systematics for Physics of the University Library Kaiserslautern....
Systematic Politics System for policy of the University Library Kaiserslautern....
Systematic Psychology Systematics for Psychology of the University Library Kaiserslautern....
Systematic Law Systematics for the subject area Law of the University Library Kaiserslautern....
Systematics Sociology Systematics for Sociology of the University Library Kaiserslautern....
Systematics Sport Systematics Sport of the University Library Kaiserslautern....
Systematics Linguistics and literary sciences Systematics of the language and literature sciences of the University Library Kaiserslautern....
Systematic Religion Systematics for the Department of Religion of the University Library Kaiserslautern....
Systematics Economics Systematics for Economics of the University Library Kaiserslautern....
Clinical Care Classification System "The Clinical Care Classification (CCC) System (...) provides a standardized framework and a unique coding structure for assessing, documenting, and classifying patient care by nurses and other clinical professionals in any health care setting...
Thesaurus for Fiction "Hierarchy and preferential relations: management of linguistic equivalents The descriptors are arranged on the same hierarchical level in each large lexical field.To limit their number, it is decided to keep a certain number of non-descriptors (which refer to descriptors They could have been used as generic terms, but it is unfortunately not possible to manage several levels of specificity in an alphabetical index...
Systematics Media studies, Performing Arts, Theater, Dance, Artistics, Film, Broadcasting, Radio, Television "The 'old' system for the field of media science in the library of the University of Konstanz was no longer up to the requirements of the rapidly developing subject, the list was too coarse, a differentiated research was not possible, we wanted to thank our scientists and the large number of researchers The library of the University of Constance under the leadership of Ralph Hafner (specialist for media science) in cooperation with the university The media in Stuttgart (Prof...
Systematic Philosophy Systematics for Philosophy of the University Library of Constance....
Classifications of the German Language and Literature Science Classification sheme of the German Language and Literature Science of the University Library of Constance....
Systematics General Linguistics A systematic for general linguistics at the University of Konstanz...
Systematic book setting up of the Ancient Classical Studies, Classical Philology Systematic book setting up of ancient science, classical philology of the communication, information, media center (KIM) of the University of Konstanz....
Systematics Archaeology Systematics for Archeology at the University of Konstanz...
Overview of the subject classification system of Educational sciences A system of the Unibibliothek Konstanz for the educational sciences...
kid-shelf-mark A german shelf mark about kid-books...
Systematic book setting up of the law Systematic book setting up of the law of the communication, information, media center (KIM) of the University of Konstanz....
Shelf Classification Mathmatics "The signature of the mat books is composed of the basic signature and the individual signature, the basic signature is separated from the individual signature in the OPAC by '/', and on the signature sticker in the book by a horizontal line (...) The unambiguous identification of a book becomes By means of the individual signature.It is formed by the initial letter of the title followed by two digits.Then the volumes are followed by '-' in multi-volume works, if there are several editions of the book, the edition is indicated in parentheses....
Systematic book setting up of music Systematic book setting up of music of the communication, information, media center (KIM) of the University of Konstanz....
Systematic Table of Physics "The signature of the phy books is composed of the signature and individual signature, the basic signature is separated from the individual signature in the OPAC by '/', on the signature sticker in the book by a horizontal line (...) The unambiguous identification of a book is achieved by means of the individual signature, which is formed by the author 's initial letter followed by two digits, and in the case of multi - volume works, the band is followed by' - ' The circulation is indicated in brackets...
Systematic book setting up of sociology Systematic book setting up of sociology of the communication, information, media center (KIM) of the University of Konstanz....
Systematik Ethnologie Systematics of the Ethnology of the University Library of Constance....
Systematic book setting up of sports science Systematic book setting up of sports science of the communication, information, media center (KIM) of the University of Konstanz....
Overview of the subject area of general literary studies A systematics of the University Library of Constance for the Literary Studies...
Systematic book setting up of the English studies/American studies Systematic book setting up of English studies/American studies of the communication, information, media center (KIM) of the University of Konstanz....
Systematic book setting up of Near Eastern studies Systematic book setting up of Near Eastern studies of the communication, information, media center (KIM) of the University of Konstanz....
Systematic book setting up of other Languages ​​and Literatures Systematic book setting up of other Languages ​​and Literatures of the communication, information, media center (KIM) of the University of Konstanz....
Book collection system Romanistik Since its inception as a university of applied sciences, excellence in teaching and study, internationality and interdisciplinary cooperation have existed for the University of Konstanz in 1966...
Buchaufstellungssystematik Slavistik
Systematic book setting up of Theology Systematic book setting up of theology of the communication, information, media center (KIM) of the University of Konstanz....
Systematic book setting up of Economic Sciences Systematic book setting up of economic sciences of the communication, information, media center (KIM) of the University of Konstanz....
Systematic book setting up of Stastical Source Material Systematic book setting up of Stastical Source Material of the communication, information, media center (KIM) of the University of Konstanz....
Konstanz library classification (KonSys) The Konstanzer Systematik (KonSys) is a classification scheme for academic libraries, developed at the Library of the University of Konstanz in 1966 for the newly founded University as an in-house classification scheme for its own extensive holdings on the open shelves... API
Official Classification System "The SOC was designed to allow the various academic and administrative units of the Université de Montréal to classify, index and classify their active documents and files in a consistent and systematic manner."...
Subject catalog of the Central Library Kiel for thematic search "The subject catalog offers you the media available in the central library according to subject areas and sorted by topic, within the subject areas, so it is well suited for a specific subject-specific, thematic search entry.In each subject area, you will find formally defined sections such as magazines and bibliographies The subjects of the subject follow in a factual sequence in an increasingly subtropical subdivision, similar to a textbook of the respective subject, the subject of which can be divided into the subject matter of each subject, the psychology, for example, psy, which is combined with a three - digit number (...) Not all areas of knowledge are identified by their own subject system, and smaller subjects are often grouped together with neighboring ones, for example, archiving and genealogy form sections in Ges (Gsb 225-253 and gsb 260-275, respectively), cartography is a section in geography (ggr 710-978)...
Systematic compartments of the State Library Passau Systematic division of subjects from the Staatliche Bibliothek Passau....
Group system of the former state library Eichstätt "The old prints (up to the year 1800) of the University Library of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt and the libraries which it administers are, for the most part, not developed and arranged according to the 'Regensburg System' Of the Central Library of the Bavarian Capuchin (Altötting) until the year of the year 1800 are developed with the help of the group system of the former state library of Eichstatt...
Systematics for collection focus Marburgensia "The system opens up the number of publications on Marburg and the Marburg-Biedenkopf district in the University Library from 1970 onwards."...
Catholic theology "The holdings of the two theological faculties are arranged according to their own system."...
Evangelische Theologie - Shelf Classification "The holdings of the two theological faculties are arranged according to their own system."...
Systematics of the Library of Film Science / Media Dramaturgy "The media are arranged according to an in-house system (...)."...
Shelf Classification for the subject of Foreign European Languages and Literatures Shelf Classification for the subject of Foreign European Languages and Literatures...
Sports systematics "The sports science media are organized according to an in-house sports system (...)...
Classifications of drama science Classification sheme of the drama science of the Johannes Gutenberg Universityl....
Systematics of the Library of the Institute of Art History "The literature is written according to a very fine-art in-house system (...)."...
Systematics for university didactics Systematics for university didactics of the University Library of Mainz....
Systematics Geography "With the number 01 .....
Systematics Geosciences "The systematics of the geoscientific system (...) consist of a combination of uppercase letters (which denote the individual basic disciplines general, geology, mineralogy, paleontology, geophysics, geography, geography, archeology, biology, mathematics, physics and chemistry) and digits...
Systematics Journalism "The media are arranged according to an in-house systematic."...
Systematics Sociology "The media are set up according to an in-house system (...), which has been valid since 1995."...
Systematics Ethnology Systematics of Mainz University Library of Anthropology....
Systematics African Studies Systematics of African Studies at the University Library Mainz....
Systematics Jahn Library for African Literatures Systematics for African literatures of the Jahn-Bibliothek Mainz....
Systematics Sociology Hradil / Schwägler "(...) until 30.09.1994." Systematics of sociology according to Hradil / Schwägler of the University Library of Mainz....
Systematik Soziologie Landwehrmann/Nedelmann "(...) to 30.09.94." Systematics of sociology according to Landwehrmann / Nedelmann of the University Library of Mainz....
Systematics of General and Comparative Literary Studies Systematics for General and Comparative Literary Studies at the University of Mainz...
Systematik der Allgemeinen und Vergleichenden Sprachwissenschaft
Systematics of Ancient History Systematics for Ancient History at the University of Mainz...
Systematic of book science Systematics for Book science at the University of Mainz...
Systematics of Byzantine Studies Systematics for Byzantine Studies at the University of Mainz...
Systematics of German Studies Systematics for German Studies at the University of Mainz...
Systematics of English / American Studies Systematics for English / American Studies at the University of Mainz...
Classification of the Classical Archeology Classification scheme of the Classical Archeology of the Johannes Gutenberg University....
Classification of the Classical Philology Classification scheme of the classical philology of the Johannes Gutenberg University....
Systematics of neo-tradition Classification scheme of the neo-tradition of the Johannes Gutenberg University....
Classification of the Cultural anthropology / folklore Classification scheme of the cultural anthropology / folklore of the Johannes Gutenberg University....
Systematics of the Middle and Modern History Classification scheme of the Middle and Modern History of the Johannes Gutenberg University....
Classifications of the Eastern European history Classification scheme of the East European History of the Johannes Gutenberg University....
Systematics of philosophy Classification scheme of philosophy of the Johannes Gutenberg University....
Systematics of the Slavistics Classification sheme of the slavistics of the Johannes Gutenberg University....
Shelf Classification Anthropology Shelf Classification of Anthropology of the University Library Mainz....
Shelf Classification Botany Shelf Classification of Botany of the University Library Mainz....
Shelf Classification Zoology This is the classification system for Zoology at the University Library of Trier....
Protestant University of Applied Sciences Nuremberg "The university library has a unique stock of more than 2,100 final theses, which have been submitted to the EVHN and its predecessors since 1980...
Evangelical University of Nuremberg systematics of the Testothek Systematics of the Testothek of the Evangelische Hochschule Nürnberg - (EVHN) - University of Applied Sciences....
Classifications of design Classification scheme of the design stock of the University of the Arts Berlin....
Classifications of education Classification scheme of the of the university library University of the Arts Berlin....
Systematics Communication "The set-up system for the subject areas of the UdK (visual communication with film and photography, corporate and economic communication, electronic business), summarized here under the term 'communication', is based on that in many German libraries ) Was used for the use of the Regensburg classification system RVK (...), but this system was reduced and, if necessary, simplified or modified for use at the UdK A * marked in the following list indicate the specifications for the previously mentioned place, which are no longer used for new books....
Systematics Art / Architecture "The system of visual art and architecture gives the objective order for the establishment of the freely accessible (= 'freehand') literature stock in the reading room...
Systematics Music / Theatre Systematics for Music and Theater at the University Library of the University of the Arts, Berlin....
Systematic Notes "The grades of the library (...) have not been included in the system!"...
Film genres A structured list of various film genres...
Classification of the Literature of Freemasonry and Related Societies "The Masonic Classification herewith presented is the result of some twenty-two years of practical experience in the largest masonic library in the world — the Library of the Supreme Council, 33rd Degree at Washington...
Classification Scheme of the Documentary Resources Center of the Regional Institute of Administration of Lyon Content: A - the culture corner 00 - preparation for competition and professional examinations 10 - frame of publication 20 - public action 30 - questions international and european 40 - questions economic and social 50 - questions budget, financial and accounting 60 - questions administrative and juristic 70 - function public 80 - management 90 - professional tools...
Uniclass "Launched in 1997, Uniclass, the classification for the construction industry, is the UK implementation of BS ISO 12006-2, providing a structured approach to classifying the building information by organising information based upon common characteristics...
Checklist Political Education "In this system, the two main tasks of a modern political-social education are contained: (1) the mediation and reflection of political and social knowledge for the purpose of the individual judgment and opinion formation with regard to upcoming social problems and problems; The promotion and support of competences, motives and emotional dispositions for competent and socially responsible commitment and action to deal with or solve these tasks and problems...
Combined Nomenclature "The Combined Nomenclature is the goods classification used within the EU for the purposes of foreign trade statistics...
Central Archive classification scheme "The central archive classification scheme was developed to control the content, form, and function of questions from surveys of empirical social research, which is why the naming of the categories is based on the variational language of survey research And the retrieval of study descriptions in the data stock catalog (.) 36 main classes (collection categories), each with several categories and subcategories, index (alphabetical register) with about 1000 entries....
CEWS categories "Women in science and research" "Classification of and Basis of Topics for Literature, Links Collection as well as the 'News' (Scientific News, Event Calendar, Call for Papers, Job Market, CEWS News) in the CEWS-Portal....
Thesaurus of Old English "This presentation of Old English vocabulary is conceptually arranged, and is therefore entitled A Thesaurus of Old English (TOE)...
Classification System for Knowledge Organization Literature "Classification System for Knowledge Organization Literature was devised by Ingetraut Dahlberg and is currently used by the editors of the Knowledge Organization Literature bulletins at ISKO."...
Descriptors / Keywords of the library system "The system presented here applies to the old stocks of the library (...)."...
Library-Bibliographical Classification "The Library-Bibliographical Classification (LBC), which is the National Classification System of the Russian Federation, is considered as one of the largest universal classification systems according to the opinion of International Society of Knowledge Organization (ISKO)...
Universitätsbibliothek Business Classification Freehand Area (RH Signatures) "The following classification scheme covers the following areas: general, secondary disciplines, economics, economics and industry, business economics, sociology, political science and political sociology But there are different and equivalent possibilities of the location, especially in the case of interdisciplinary and equally worked questions: these are then referred to as references or pragmatic all aspects of the subject are grouped together in individual subject groups: cf., for example, subject groups 010 019, 123, 340, 385 or 721...
TNM Classification of Malignant Tumors "The classification of cancer by anatomic disease extent, i.e...
Glottolog Classification "Languages are classified (...) into 243 families and 189 isolates, i.e., one-member families...
Thomson Reuters Business Classification "TRBC classifies the primary business activity of over 72,000 listed companies from 130 countries into a five level hierarchy...
Global Product Classification "In order to make sure products are properly and consistently classified, the Global Product Classification is used in the GDSN The GPC provides a common language for all partners involved in the master data exchange to group products in the same way, Improves the integrity and quality of the master data in the GDS network, and reduces language barriers, as the GPC is available in multiple languages, and enables evaluations across different product groups...
ETIM Classification "Product classification is simply a logical, unambiguous classification (taxonomy) of products in different product classes (categories), designed so that anyone within the sector can communicate about those products without misunderstandings...
DBK-Classification "DBK was the first bid for a coherent classification system for construction in Denmark and was developed in the period 2003-2006...
DK5 Decimal Classification "DK5 is the common setup and classification system for the Danish public and school libraries...
Mandragore Thematic descriptor and classification "Descriptor and Thematic classification: the descriptors are accessible by the index (search screen) and by the thematic classification, which, based on the Dewey Classification, allows to know all the descriptors coming from a specific domain used In Mandragore, some descriptors that can be covered by several domains and gives access to the full description of the descriptor which sometimes contains additional information....
Classification proficl @ ss "The importance of e-business and electronic data has never been as important as today, regardless of whether it is a marketplace on the Internet, an eProcurement system, a shop or catalog creation software - every participant at PVH uses electronic data almost every day, (...) The consequences of this lack of standardization: Just about every data delivery has to be controlled manually and adapted to almost everyone And the classification standard proficl @ ss, which has been developed in 2003 and has since then been regularly updated, makes this unevenness and the associated handling problems in the PVH ultimately a thing of the past, because all relevant information, eg technical product data, pictures, short - and Langtexte to de N individual products, can be transferred without a layout and imported into the database by the data receiver (customer, dealer, Internet marketplace)...
Classification Digital Library "The purpose of this classification is to organize media of all kinds, which is of interest to the topic of" digital library ", but the scope of application is not restricted to virtual or digital libraries, but conventional libraries can also use this classification without problems...
Surface Water Classifications "Surface Water Classifications are designations applied to surface water bodies, such as streams, rivers and lakes, which define the best uses to be protected within these waters (for example swimming, fishing, drinking water supply) and carry with them an associated set of water quality standards to protect those uses...
Metis Classification "Metis is a flexible, intuitive and child-friendly system of library categorization...
Classification for Romance Studies of the Bonn University and State Library (ULBB) “The entire Romance Studies Collection of the Bonn USL is indexed according to a special classification system (more than 250,000 titles)."... API
Subject Taxonomy Books University Library Paderborn (FBUP) "The 'Fachsystematik Bücher' of the University Library of Paderborn (UB) serves as a layout for the creation of the book inventory in the freehand areas of the UB...
Motif-Index of Folk-Literature "Folklorists also use motif to refer to the recognizable and consistently repeated story elements (e.g., common characters, objects, actions, and events) that are used in the traditional plot structures, or tale types, of many stories and folktales...
ATU Types of Folktales "In 'The Types of International Folktales', the 'ATU Catalogue' edited by Hans-Jörg Uther (2004), ATU numbers replace AT numbers...
Optics Classification and Indexing Scheme "OCIS provides a flexible, comprehensive classification system for all optical author input and user retrieval needs...
Roget's Thesaurus "Roget's Thesaurus is composed of six primary classes...
Saffir-Simpson Hurricane Wind Scale "The Saffir-Simpson Hurricane Wind Scale is a 1 to 5 rating based on a hurricane's sustained wind speed...
Spatial Synoptic Classification "The SSC is based solely on surface based observations at an individual station...
Environmental Classification "The environmental classification serves the content development of objects (literature, R & D projects / legislation, ...) in the interdisciplinary thematic area 'Environment', which makes it possible to assign them to specific environmental topics, thus facilitating an accurate yet comprehensive (re- ) This classification is usually presented as a meta-information in directories about the storage location of the objects (eg databases, library catalogs) For clarification, the classification can be imagined as a group of 14 columns that symbolize the environmental areas (Eg, LU11, WA54), which in principle are the same in all areas of the environment (columns)...
SIBi / USP Controlled Vocabulary "The USP Controlled Vocabulary is a list of subjects used for the indexing of information resources in the Bibliographic Database of USP - DEDALUS...
Star Trek Planetary Classification "A planet is a celestial body in orbit around a star or stellar remnants, that has sufficient mass for self-gravity and is nearly spherical in shape...
Star Trek Nebula Classification "A nebula is an interstellar cloud of dust, gas, and plasma, where star formation usually occurs...
Star Trek Sector Classification Sector Classification for the Star Trek Universe....
Star Trek Spectral Classification "Stars can generally be classified by their color...
Yosemite Decimal System "The Yosemite Decimal System (YDS) is a three-part system used for rating the difficulty of walks, hikes, and climbs...
classification system of Repentino "O REPENTINO é um repositório público que contém exemplos de entidades nomeadas, ou seja, de entidades concretas ou abstractas que possuem um nome próprio...
Dutch-speaking Uniform Classification "NUR stands for Dutch-language Uniform Classification...
Kleuter ZIZO "Kleuter ZIZO is a thematic classification system for toddler and toddler books (target group 0-6 years)...
ZIZO Youth "ZIZO Youth is a thematic classification system for informative materials with target audience 6+...
ZIZO Adults "ZIZO adults is a thematic classification scheme that allows you to organize the adult non-fiction collection of a public library...
Classifications of the Central Library of the University of Ludwigshafen on the Rhine "A small part of the library's holdings are organized according to the (...) earlier system of the central library, which is an older, only weakly used media unit, which is therefore moved into our closed magazine the central library is for our classification work today no longer relevant additions are classified rather since mid-2012, according to the Regensburg classification (RVK) and -...
Classifications of the Partial Library Social and Health Care "A small part of the library's social and health care system is organized according to the previous system of the sub-library, Department IV, Social and Health Care, which is older, only weakly used and therefore outsourced to our closed magazine...
State Publications Classification "When the Documents Section of the North Carolina State Library was organized between 1957-1960, this classification scheme was devised by the documents librarian, Sangster Parrott, for the Library's large collection of North Carolina public documents...
Bodleian Old Theology Library Scheme
State Library of Ohio Classification Scheme "We also receive and distribute state government publications as mandated by ORC 149.11...
British Catalogue of Music Classification "The British Catalogue of Music Classification (BCM Classification) is a faceted classification that was commissioned from E...
RCUK Subject Classification "PRGPG agreed that in the long term classification harmonisation across the whole higher education and research sector would be desirable and that the Research Councils should aim to achieve alignment over a period of a few years and would not adopt JACS at this stage, although JACS could be used for external reporting...
Contributor Roles Taxonomy "A high-level classification of the diverse roles performed in the work leading to a published research output in the sciences...
Arizona Governmental Publications Agency Names and Classification Codes "This database contains the AzDoc Classification Scheme, used to classify state documents for the state of Arizona...
Languages in the Library The Language Centre opened in 1980 as an independent university-wide service...
John Trim Centre Resources The Language Centre supports the teaching and learning of languages throughout the University...
Centre for the Study of African and Asian Christianity Classification
Classification of Musical Instruments "The MIMO (Musical Instrument Museums Online) project has created a single access point to digital content and information on the collections of musical instruments held in a consortium of European museums...
London Library Classification Scheme "The London Library has a unique and rather unorthodox classification scheme...
Eating and Drinking Ability Classification System for Individuals with Cerebral Palsy "We have developed a new Eating and Drinking Ability Classification System (EDACS) for people with cerebral palsy...
Presentation system Informative Media "PIM is an alphabetic word system (as opposed to a numerical hierarchical system such as SISO) that consists of two levels: categories (" subject areas ") and keywords below...
object genres of university collections in Germany Classification of typical object genres found in German university collections....
EUNIS Habitat Classification "The EUNIS habitat classification is a comprehensive pan-European system to facilitate the harmonised description and collection of data across Europe through the use of criteria for habitat identification...
Coastal and Marine Ecological Classification Standard "The Coastal and Marine Ecological Classification Standard (CMECS) provides a national framework for organizing information about coasts and oceans and their living systems...
Harvard Spectral Classification Scheme "The modern stellar spectral classification scheme (also known as the Harvard Spectral Classification Scheme) was created by Annie Jump Cannon through her examination of spectra from 1918 to 1924...
Monarch Method "Three years ago, with the help of some dedicated library volunteers, I decided I was 'Done with Dewey' - we built our own classification system from the ground up based on how my students and staff search for books...
Europeana Food and Drink Classification "The Europeana Food and Drink Classification scheme (EFD classification) is a multi-dimensional scheme for discovering and classifying Cultural Heritage Objects (CHO) related to Food and Drink (FD)...
Spanish Medieval Poetry "Controlled Vocabulary on Castilian medieval poetry (from metric to general terminology of tratadística) elaborated in the framework of the projects of the group PoeMetca, http://poemetca.linhd.es/."...
Music Vocabulary "A vocabulary, or music ontology, to describe classical music and performances...
Shelf Classification Egyptology Shelf Classification of Egyptology from the Library of the University of Trier...
Shelf Classification General Linguistics and Literary Studies Shelf Classification of General Linguistics and Literary Studies from the University Library Trier...
Shelf Classification English Shelf Classification of English of the University Library Trier...
Shelf Classification Archaeology Shelf Classification of Archaeology of the University Library Trier....
Positioning system Digital Humanities "Systematics of Bookstocks on Digital Humanities in the Freehand Area of ​​the University Library Trier"...
Shelf classification Educational Sciences Shelf classification of the education sciences at the library of the University of Trier....
Shelf classification ethnology Shelf Classification of Ethnology at the Library of the University of Trier....
Shelf classification German Studies Shelf Classiification for German Studies at the University Library of Trier....
Shelf Classification Ancient History Shelf Classification of the Ancient History of the University Library of Trier....
Shelf Classification Medieval and Modern History Shelf Classification for the Middle and New History of the University Library of Trier....
Shelf Classification Computer Science Shelf Classification der Informationswissenschaften der Universitätsbibliothek Trier....
Shelf Classification Sinology This is the classification system for romance at the University Library of Trier....
Shelf Classification Canadian Studies Shelf Classification of Canadian Studies of the University Library Trier....
Shelf Classifictaion Art history Shelf Classification of the art history of the Trier University Library....
Shelf Classification Lusitanistics "The technical system of Lusitanian book collections is supplemented by a geo-sign, with the exception of groups B, H, L, R and S, which shows whether the work is about Portugal, Portuguese-speaking Africa, Asia or America No geo-sign and stand at the beginning of a system group...
Shelf Classification Mathmatics Shelf Classification of the Mathematics of the University Library of Trier....
Widener System "Note that Widener uses two separate classification systems to shelve books: the Old Widener System and the Library of Congress System indicated by call numbers that begin with WID-LC...
Yale Library Classification "The beginning of the subject-classification system - books arranged by subject according to a classification schedule - is dated, rather too precisely, as 1890, because in that year the second library building (Chittenden Hall) was opened...
Yale Law Library Classification "This classification is designed solely to serve the purposes of the Yale Law School and its Library...
Institute Library Classification System "The Institute Library’s classification system is unique...
Shelf Classification Media science Shelf Classification of the Media Sciences of the University Library of Trier....
Shelf Classification Classical Philology Shelf classification of the classical philology of the University Library of Trier....
Shelf Classification Philosophy Shelf Classification of the Philosophy of the University Library of Trier....
Scottish Seed Potato Classification Scheme "The SPCS maintains high standards for seed health and purity and operates by exerting official control over initial propagating material, the length of the multiplication chain, and application of strict tolerances for diseases, including those caused by viruses."...
Seed Potato Classification Scheme "The Seed Potato Classification Scheme (SPCS) provides classification of all potatoes produced and marketed in England and Wales, depending on the class of the parent seed, and the health of the crop and tubers...
Shelf Classification Political Science Shelf Classification of Political Science of the University Library of Trier....
Classification of public services "The general classification of public services consists of 27 main levels and about 180 lower-level categories...
Shelf classification of psychology Shelf classification of psychology of the university library of Trier....
Classification of Mechanical Puzzles "A puzzle should be classified by the problem that its designer intended the solver to encounter whilst attempting to solve it...
Shelf Classification Space and environmental sciences Shelf Classification of Space and environmental sciences of the University Library Trier....
Code of State Categories Scientific and Technical Information "ГРНТИ - Государственный рубрикатор научно-технической информации (прежнее наименование - Рубрикатор ГАСНТИ) представляет собой универсальную иерархическую классификацию областей знания, принятую для систематизации всего потока научно-технической информации...
Shelf Classification of Legal Science This is the classification system for legal science at the University Library of Trier....
Shelf Classification Romanistik This is the classification system for romance at the University Library of Trier....
Systematic Classification Brunet-Parguez-Coulouma "In 1971, the Toulouse municipal library tested a systematic classification framework developed in 1969 by Henri-Jean MARTIN and Guy PARGUEZ for a study on the automation of cataloging by adding alphanumeric indices to the table frame (1865), the content of the former "classification of booksellers," in which the subjects were divided into five classes: theology, law, science and the arts, belles-lettres, For a decade, the table was used and gradually modified in the presentation and in the content, in conjunction with the cataloging work of the old collection of the WB of Toulouse, then researchers and librarians Have used, which led us to draft a revised version in 1985, in collaboration with the Sibil network and after consulting the users The last update on the "Brunet-Pargue Z "took place in February 1994 in Toulouse during the colloquium organized by LIBER (League of European Research Libraries) (...)...
BSI Classification Plan "The BSI classification scheme is specific, and from the outset it has been chosen not to use pre-existing classifications such as CDU or Dewey, so BSI has developed its own tool...
Principles of Classification of Musical Documents "The principles for classifying musical documents, often abbreviated to PCDM, are a musical classification system developed in public libraries in France since 1983, especially for collections of music-related documents...
Library Ranking Plan of the Bpi "Le plan de classement propre à la Bpi est en effet librement inspiré de la CDU (Classification Décimale Universelle) : ce système, utilisé dans de nombreuses bibliothèques dans le monde, donne une représentation de l'ensemble des connaissances humaines en dix grandes classes, comptant chacune dix subdivisions, qu’on peut encore développer en dix parties et ainsi de suite...
Map of the Canotypes of Drioton "The fund Drioton was acquired by the NBU in 1961 with the amount in relation to war damage to the Second World War...
Dutch Uniform Classification "In the 1970s, the Uniform Genre Format (UGI) was introduced and replaced by the Dutch Uniform Genre Classification (NUGI) in 1986...
NARCIS Classification "The Narcis Classification is a framework of codes with which institutes and experts are classified and can be retrieved...
Shelf Classifications Slavistics This is the classification system for Slavistics at the University Library of Trier....
Naval Headquarters Classification System Naval Headquarters Classification System of the Anna-Lindh-Library....
Defense Staff Library's Classification System Shelf classification of the Anna Lindh Library....
Military Staff Library's Classification System Military Staff Library's Classification System...
International Geotechnical Classification System The Swedish Geotechnical Institute (SGI) is an expert agency that works for a safe, efficient and sustainable development and sustainable use of land and natural resources....
Sibelius Academy book classification system University libraries offer information search and information literacy teaching for their students and staff...
Aufstellungssystematik Theologie This is the classification system for Theology at the University Library of Trier....
Subject Categories from the Deutsche Nationalbibliografie (DNBSGR) Systematik der Deutschen Nationalbibliographie (bis 2003)....
Shelf Classification Economics This is the classification system for Economics at the University Library of Trier....
Hierarchical Taxonomy of Psychopathology "Objectives of the Hierarchical Taxonomy of Psychopathology (HiTOP) are to advance the classification of psychopathology to maximize its usefulness for research and clinical practice...
United States Code "The United States Code is a consolidation and codification by subject matter of the general and permanent laws of the United States."...
Portico Library Classification Scheme "The Portico Library classification scheme is a fixed shelf classification...
GND subject categories The GND subject categories are used to provide a broad classification of concepts in the Integrated Authority File....
EAGLE Vocabulary - Execution Technique "This vocabulary collects all writing techniques and types as attested in the EAGLE BPN... API
Systematics of the faculty library for natural sciences Systematics of the faculty library for natural sciences Date: 10/2015...
EAGLE Vocabulary - Object Type "The classification of objects on which an inscription can be written is extremely complex in many cases... API
Russian Economic Activities Classification System "Общероссийский классификатор видов экономической деятельности (сокращ...
Weston Library Music Open Shelf Classification "The open shelf music material in the Weston Library is classified according to the following sequence."...
Shelf Classification of the textbook collection of the University Library Leoben. Shelf Classification of the textbook collection of the University Library Leoben....
Shelf Classification Main Library - departments of the university Shelf Classifications of the University Library of Leoben....
Shelf Classification Main Library - General and Historical Shelf classification Main Library - General and historical aspects of the University Library of Leoben....
Library Classification of the Herder Institute for Historical Research on East Central Europe "Die erste Fassung dieser Systematik entstand kurz nach der Gründung der Bibliothek im Jahr 1950...
Classification System of the Ducal Collection (ducal) The ducal collection of the research library of Gotha counts 227.000 works...
Shelf Classification of Bibliotheca Augustiniana
Bioethics Research Library Numerical Classification List "One of the easiest and most useful ways to search the historical databases created by the Bioethics Research Library at Georgetown University is to browse its classification scheme...
Dickinson Classification "The Dickinson classification is a library classification scheme used to catalogue and classify musical compositions...
Shelf Classification Specialized library for geosciences Shelf Classification of the specialized library for geosciences of the library of the Montsnuniversity Leoben...
Korean Decimal Classification (KDC) "The Korean decimal classification (KDC) is a system of library classification used in South Korea...
Garside Classification "The Garside Classification Scheme is one of those used in the libraries of UCL...
London Education Classification "The London Education Classification is a library classification and indexing thesaurus used at the UCL Institute of Education...
Australian and New Zealand Standard Research Classification: Fields of Research "The Australian and New Zealand Standard Research Classification (ANZSRC) is jointly produced by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) and Statistics New Zealand (Statistics NZ)...
Australian and New Zealand Standard Research Classification: Socio-Economic Objective "The Australian and New Zealand Standard Research Classification (ANZSRC) is jointly produced by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) and Statistics New Zealand (Statistics NZ)...
DoGi Classification of branches of law "This is the translated text of a number of notations of the DoGi classification system...
Shelf Classification synthetic material library Shelf Classification of the synthetic materials of the Montanuniversität of the university Library Leoben....
Ordinary shelf categories Shelf catagories of the technical University of Tampereen....
Institute of Philosophy Institute Library
Shelf classification DKZF-Central Library "Systematics of the literature"...
Nippon Decimal Classification The Nippon Decimal Classification (NDC) or Nippon Decimal System (NDC) is a library classification based on the Dewey Decimal System...
Putnam Classification System The Putnam Classification System was created by Herbert Putnam at the Minneapolis Central Library (1887-1891) before he moved to the Library of Congress...
Systematic theater-acting media "Our system is organized according to different systematics, so you can also search directly on the shelf for a topic or a musical genre or occupation."...
Global Industry Classification Standard "In 1999, MSCI and S&P Global developed the Global Industry Classification Standard (GICS), seeking to offer an efficient investment tool to capture the breadth, depth and evolution of industry sectors...
AODN Parameter Category Vocabulary "A classification scheme to support faceted searching across parameter types in the AODN/IMOS Portal 1-2-3."...
AODN Platform Category Vocabulary "A classification scheme to support faceted searching across platform types in the AODN/IMOS Portal 1-2-3."...
Classification of the Morrison Collection in Toyo Bunko "The Morrison Collection: This collection was painstakingly amassed by George Ernest Morrison during his 20-year residency in Beijing...
Schema des Realkatalogs der Königlichen Universitätsbibliothek zu Halle a.S. "Ich bin der Meinung-, dass jeder Realkatalog einer Bibliothek ein, so zu sagen, individuelles d...
Classification Schemes "The material is organized for subjects that reflect the library's specialized orientation, particularly attentive to religious-historical disciplines, related to the Byzantine religious and liturgical tradition...
Systematik der Bibliothek von Arcetri
CAMEO Event Data Codebook "CAMEO -- Conflict and Mediation Event Observations -- is the coding scheme we developed in conjunction with our research on third-party mediation...
Bibliographic Classification of all the Sciences "The BC consists of 14 main topics which are arranged in 25 main classes...
Institute of Theory and Techniques of Legal Information Library - Classification The Institute for Legal Information Theory and Techniques (ITTIG), the organ of the National Research Council, conducts research on computer science and computer law...
Step by Step Classification "Step by Step Classification (SSC) is a formula-based library classification scheme...
Classification scheme of childhood and adolescence "This classification scheme was elaborated mainly to help classify documents on the bookshelves and it is based on simple principles which do not require special classification skills ("mark and park")...
Classification scheme
Systematics of the bibliography of the musical writing "With the systematics of the bibliography of the musical writing system, you can call up a chronologically sorted overview of the publications for a specific area by clicking on the search results...
Basle Bibliography for Historical Performance Practice Classification Scheme "The Basle Bibliography differs from all other music-oriented bibliography databases (e.g., RILM, BMS) above all due to its classification scheme (i.e., Index)...
Wessex Classification Scheme "The Wessex Classification Scheme is a revision of the National Library of Medicine (NLM) schedules incorporating current UK medical and health practice...
Systematic Bibliography on Deir el-Medîna Classification Scheme
RILM Classification System "Browse RILM’s Classification System which groups 87 classes under 12 super classes."...
Jefferson's Library Classification Thomas Jefferson created this classification for his private library...
Classification scheme of historical-musicological documentation