
Name Links
Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC) "The Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC) system, devised by library pioneer Melvil Dewey in the 1870s and owned by OCLC since 1988, provides a dynamic structure for the organization of library collections... API
PLOS Subject Area Thesaurus "The 'Subject Areas' panel on each article page displays a set of terms selected for that article based on its content... API
Vocabulary of the Central Library of the FFyL "6101 terms, 1641 relations between terms, 709 equivalent terms."...
BNCF Thesaurus (NSogg) "Nuovo soggettario, edited by the National Central Library of Florence (Biblioteca nazionale centrale di Firenze), is a subject indexing tool for various types of information resources...
Universal Decimal Classification (UDC) "The Universal Decimal Classification (UDC) is the world's foremost multilingual classification scheme for all fields of knowledge, a sophisticated indexing and retrieval tool...
Schema voor de Indeling van de Systematische Catalogus in Openbare Bibliotheken "SISO is een numeriek systeem dat de informatieve media in uw bibliotheek naar onderwerp indeelt...