
Name Links
Children and Youth Literature "194 terms, 1928 relations between terms."...
Resource Type Vocabulary "The Resource Type vocabulary defines concepts to identify the genre of a resource... API
Vocabulario Controlado Sobre Biblioclastia "El desarrollo de este vocabulario forma parte del Proyecto Institucional CAICYT sobre bibliocastía en Argentina...
WITNESS Media Archive Topic Terms "At present, only our Topic Terms are accessible online, but we will be adding our other vocabularies in the near future...
NewsCodes "For the news industry - but also far beyond - it is a strict requirement being able to assert something about the content of a news item, to apply so called metadata...
Computer-Based Patient Record Ontology "The (Computer-Based Patient Record) CPR ontology burrows its name from the Institute of Medicine term used to define medical records systems of the future and the important features that distinguish them for EHRs of today...
Resource type Name Authority List "The Resource types named authority list (NAL) or Common Authority Table (CAT) is a controlled vocabulary listing resource or document types with their authority code and label(s) in the 24 official languages of the EU (when available)... API
List of wooden tablets by historical site The List of Wooden tables by historical site is a list of wooden items that were registered on the website of the National Gaya Cultural Research Institute's "Ancient Mokgan" (currently National Heritage Knowledge > Research DB > Ancient Mokgan) by ruins...