
Name Links
Walls of Pamplona Glossary Glossary about the Pamplona's City Walls by the Ayuntamiento de Pamplona....
Cairo Gazetteer "The Cairo Gazetteer is a tool for the identification and indexing of documentary collections relating to Cairo's monuments, which raise difficulties of treatment because of the many variants resulting from the transliteration into Latin characters of Arabic toponyms...
FISH First World War Thesaurus "For the recording of monuments related to the First World War in the UK...
Components (EH) "Elements of a monument relating to the built or buried heritage...
Evidence (EH) "Terminology covering the existing physical remains of a monument, or the means by which a monument has been identified where no physical remains exist...
FISH Building Materials Thesaurus "Construction materials for monuments relating to the built and buried heritage... API
FISH Thesaurus of Monument Types "Types of monuments relating to the built and buried heritage in England...
Monument Type Thesaurus (Scotland) "Monument types relating to the archaeological and built heritage of Scotland...
Monument Thesaurus (Wales) "Classification of monument types in Wales by function."...