Basic terminology of mobile devices
"This dictionary contains fifty terms related to mobile devices, especially smartphones and tablets, as defined in Catalan and equivalents in Spanish, French and English...
Terminology Digital Marketing
"In the field of digital marketing and social media are all learning and there is a big stage to explore creative...
Terminology and phraseology of computer products
"To assist in decision making linguistic and terminology during the creation or translation of computer products in Catalan, we present a set of chips that collect terminology and phraseology common in this industry...
Open Data Handbook Glossary
Glossary about the topic Open Data by Open Knowledge International....
Electronic Government Controlled Vocabulary
"O VCGE é um esquema para ser utilizado no elemento assunto.categoria (subject.category) do Padrão de Metadados do Governo Eletrônico (e-PMG)1...
Digital Humanities Thesaurus
"The Digital Humanities Thesaurus is a subject thesaurus covering the topic of digital humanities, and it is intended to be used for indexing Digital Humanities projects and articles...