Multilingual Thesaurus of the European Union (EuroVoc)
"EuroVoc is a multilingual, multidisciplinary thesaurus covering the activities of the EU, the European Parliament in particular...
Canada School of Public Service Controlled Vocabulary
"1883 terms, 2729 relations between terms, 493 non-preferred terms...
Archival Information Classification Plan for Local Administration
In this course, the initial assumptions of the project were maintained, namely: a) Creation of a single tool with classification and evaluation concerns; b) Construction of an instrument that promotes transversality and semantic interoperability; ) Application of the classification plan to the documentation at the stage of its creation or reception...
Secretariat of the Environment Classification Plan
"The SMA - 6 Resolution of 8-2-2007, published in the Official Gazette of February 10, 2007, approved the Classification Plan and the Timetable of Documents of the Activities - End of the State Secretariat of the Environment The Document Classification Plan and the Temporary Document Table are the basic instruments of Document Management and are the result of a process of analysis that allows the identification of the values of the documents for the purposes of defining their custody and destination deadlines...
INA Web Thesaurus
ISO 37120 indicator URIs
"This OWL file defines a class for each indicator defined in the ISO 37120 standard...
Classification Scheme of the Documentary Resources Center of the Regional Institute of Administration of Lyon
A - the culture corner
00 - preparation for competition and professional examinations
10 - frame of publication
20 - public action
30 - questions international and european
40 - questions economic and social
50 - questions budget, financial and accounting
60 - questions administrative and juristic
70 - function public
80 - management
90 - professional tools...
City of Toronto (Canada) Subject Thesaurus
"This subject-based controlled vocabulary is used to tag content and improve information and service searches by staff and the public...
"TERMDAT is an extensive multilingual specialist dictionary, and is a versatile aid for communication, text composition and translation...
State of Minnesota Thesaurus
"The State of Minnesota Thesaurus is a comprehensive, cross-indexed set of subjects intended for search assistance...
State Publications Classification
"When the Documents Section of the North Carolina State Library was organized between 1957-1960, this classification scheme was devised by the documents librarian, Sangster Parrott, for the Library's large collection of North Carolina public documents...
State Library of Ohio Classification Scheme
"We also receive and distribute state government publications as mandated by ORC 149.11...
Electronic Government Controlled Vocabulary
"O VCGE é um esquema para ser utilizado no elemento assunto.categoria (subject.category) do Padrão de Metadados do Governo Eletrônico (e-PMG)1...
Arizona Governmental Publications Agency Names and Classification Codes
"This database contains the AzDoc Classification Scheme, used to classify state documents for the state of Arizona...
Irish Public Service Thesaurus
"The Public Service Thesaurus (PST) has been developed as a list of descriptors, or controlled vocabulary, by which public sector resources may be indexed...
GOV.UK Taxonomy
"As members of the Finding Things team have written previously, we’ve long understood the need for a GOV.UK taxonomy that’s subject-based and site-wide, and we’ve been working towards achieving this challenging aim for a while...
Corporate Body Classification Name Authority List
"The corporate-body-classification authority table is a controlled vocabulary providing types of corporate bodies...
Procedure Nature Name Authority List
"The Procedure nature authority table is a controlled vocabulary that provides a classification of procedures applicable to the adoption of legislation and other acts by the institutions of the European Union as defined by the treaties...
Foreign Name Book
"Foreign Directory contains translations into English, German, French, Spanish and, to a certain extent Finnish and Russian, by names of authorities and organizations, EU agencies and countries...
Integrated Public Sector Vocabulary
"The Integrated Public Sector Vocabulary (IPSV) is an 'encoding scheme' for populating the e-GMS Subject element of metadata...
Local Government Category List
"The Local Government Category List (LGCL) was developed by the LAWs Project to define the subject matter of local government and related community resources according to a common vocabulary...
Publishing and Depository Services Program Subject Thesaurus
"From 1999 until April 2005, the DSP thesaurus was adopted as the Government of Canada Core Subject Thesaurus (CST) and during that period the two vocabularies were identical...
Public Administration Thesaurus
"Based on the Multilingual Thesaurus International Public Administration Society for the International Encyclopaedia of Public Administration."...
Thesaurus of Municipal Archives
"The thesaurus of municipal archives aims to reflect the municipal administration, agglutinating and amalgamating, from its logical and semantic concept, the disciplines, activities and functions of the institution...
Fons Documental i Bibliogràfic Tesaurus temàtic
"The Fons of the IEA bibliographical document is a special feature in the field of territorial political autonomy in Spain and abroad, in the political, constitutional, administrative and financial aspects...
Julkisen hallinnon palveluontologia
"Julkisen hallinnon palveluontologian tavoitteena on edistää palvelujen semanttisesti yhdenmukaista kuvailua ja löydettävyyttä eri verkkopalveluissa sekä helpottaa palveluja koskevan tiedon käyttämistä ja tuottamista tietoverkoissa...
Corporate bodies Name Authority List
The Corporate bodies name authority list (NAL) or Common Authority Table (CAT) is a controlled vocabulary listing corporate entities such as European institutions and bodies with their authority code and label(s) in the 24 official languages of the EU (when available)...