Curriculum Ontology
"This ontology aims to provide data model and vocabularies for describing the national curricula within the UK."...
British Education Thesaurus
"The British Education Index continues to serve its original, 50-year old, purpose as an independent subject and author index to the contents of significant education journals published in the UK...
Gazetteer of British Place Names
"The Gazetteer provides an exhaustive Place Name Index to Great Britain, containing over 50,000 entries...
Historic England Periods Authority File
"Terminology used to record the broad date of a site, monument, building or structure...
Integrated Public Sector Vocabulary
"The Integrated Public Sector Vocabulary (IPSV) is an 'encoding scheme' for populating the e-GMS Subject element of metadata...
Local Government Category List
"The Local Government Category List (LGCL) was developed by the LAWs Project to define the subject matter of local government and related community resources according to a common vocabulary...
Local Government Classification Scheme
"This Local Government Classification Scheme (LGCS) is published on behalf of the Records Management Society of Great Britain, Local Government Group...
UK Archival Thesaurus
"UKAT is a subject thesaurus which has been created for the archive sector in the United Kingdom...
English Heritage Defence Of Britain Thesaurus
"Types of defensive monuments relating to the 20th century in Great Britain and Northern Ireland...
Forum on Information Standards in Heritage Farmstead Types
"Thesaurus for indexing different types of farmsteads, related buildings, areas and layouts."...
Forum on Information Standards in Heritage Heritage Crime
"Thesaurus for indexing types of crime and incidents against heritage assets."...
Forum on Information Standards in Heritage Historic Landscape Characterisation
"Thesaurus for mapping current and past land use or character of rural areas."...
National Vegetation Classification
"The National Vegetation Classification (NVC) is one of the key common standards developed for the country nature conservation agencies...