
Name Links
Multilingual Thesaurus of the European Union (EuroVoc) "EuroVoc is a multilingual, multidisciplinary thesaurus covering the activities of the EU, the European Parliament in particular... API
Government of Canada Core Subject Thesaurus "The Government of Canada Core Subject Thesaurus is a bilingual thesaurus consisting of terminology which represents all the fields treated in information resources of the Government of Canada...
Accessibility Name Authority List This table provides a list of options for the use of accessibility criteria for person with disabilities in the technical specifications within the domain of public procurement....
Applicability Name Authority List This table provides a list of the options pertinent to be chosen for a matter concerning the applicability of predefined fields...
Award criterion type Name Authority List This table provides the list of rules to be taken into account for the award decisions within the in public procurement procedures...
Buyer legal type Name Authority List This table provides a list of the the type of procuring authorities within the domain of public procurement according to legislation....
Change corrig justification Name Authority List This table provides the codes and values used in case of justification of correcions applied to a notice within the context of public procurement....
COM internal consultation type Name Authority List COM internal consultation type Named Authority List...
COM internal event Name Authority List COM internal event Named Authority List...
COM internal procedure Name Authority List COM internal procedure Named Authority List...
Communication justification Name Authority List This table provides the justification for restricting access rights to resources within the context of public procurement....
Concept status Name Authority List This table is an internal table at the Publications Office and provides the various statuses used in a harmonized way amongst the various tables (NALs)....
Contract nature Name Authority List This table provides a list of different types of subjects and goods that can be acquired by means of a public contract such as works, supplies and services by one or more contracting authorities from economic operators....
Digital Europa Thesaurus The Digital Europa Thesaurus (DET) is a multilingual thesaurus covering the main subject matters of the European Commission's public communications....
Direct award justification Name Authority List This table provides the list of reasons for using a procedure which allows awarding contracts directly without the requirement of publishing a call for competition in the Official Journal of the European Union....
Document collection Name Authority List This technical table provides the codes used for internal purposes in the CELLAR application....
DPS usage Name Authority List This table provides a list wether a dynamic purchasing system is involved in a procurement and, in case of central purchasing bodies, whether it can be used by buyers not listed in the notice of the Official Journal of the European Union....
Economic operator size Name Authority List This table provides the different categories in which the tenderers to whom a contract can be awarded are classified, according to their size (using as criteria the number of employees)....
Environmental impact Name Authority List This table provides the information about whether a procurement includes (and how) an approach to reducing the environmental impacts of the work, supply or service used in the technical specifications, award criteria, selection criteria or contract performance conditions or not....
File status Name Authority List The file-status authority table describes the different stages in the life cycle of an act (or in the decision-making process of an act) from the moment it is launched until the final step is completed....
Form type Name Authority List This table provides the codes and values used for the type of forms according to procurement legislation....
Framework agreement Name Authority List This table provides the list of codes to distinguish the different type framework agreement involved in a tender....
Grammatical number Name Authority List The Grammatical number NAL provides the list of the grammatical numbers....
Innovative acquisition Name Authority List This table provides the codes and values used for the type of innovative works, supplies or services being procured within the context of public procurement....
Interinstitutional procedure Name Authority List The Interinstitutional procedures NAL lists the different procedures used in the context of data exchange between the institutions involved in the legislative process....
Legal basis Name Authority List This table provides the legal basis based on the legal acts used for a given public procurement procedure...
Main activity Name Authority List This table provides the list of main activities of the buyers...
Measurement unit Name Authority List Measurement unit...
Missing info submission Name Authority List This table provides the list of codes indicating wether tenderer-related information (complete or parcial) can be supplemented even after the submission deadline....
Modification justification Name Authority List This table provides the main reasons for modifying a contract within the domain of public procurement....
Non award justification Name Authority List This table provides the list of reasons of the buyer for not choosing a winner in the procurement procedure....
Notice type Name Authority List This table provides a list of public procurement notices according to procurement legislation published once a project is approved....
Number fixed Name Authority List This table provides the codes linked to fix values within the context of public procurement....
Number threshold Name Authority List This table provides the codes linked to the type of threshold values within the context of public procurement....
Number type Name Authority List The Number type NAL provides the grammatical distinctions of numerals...
Number weight Name Authority List This table provides the codes linked to the type of weight values used in award criteria within the context of public procurement....
Organisation role Name Authority List This table provides the list of the different functions of the organisations in a procurement procedure....
Organisation subrole Name Authority List This table provides the list of the different sub-functions of the organisations in a procurement procedure....
Other place service Name Authority List This table provides the broad geopolitical areas linked to the location of works and the place of performance or delivery within the context of public procurement....
Permission Name Authority List This table provides the codes linked to the different values of permission and/or obligation....
Procedure phase Name Authority List The Procedure phase authority table is a controlled vocabulary listing phases of various decisional processes...
Procurement procedure type Name Authority List This table provides a list of activities leading to the conclusion of public contracts used in public procurement according to the legislation....
Public event type Name Authority List The table defines public event types...
Received submission type Name Authority List This table provides the list of relevant categories used to classify tenders or requests to participate received within the context of public procurement....
Reserved procurement Name Authority List This table provides the values used to indicate wether the participation in the procurement is reserved for specific organisations....
Selection criterion Name Authority List This table provides the list of condictions that are concerned for evaluation purposes...
Social objective Name Authority List This table provides the values linked to any social objective promoted by the technical specifications, award criteria, selection criteria or contract performance conditions included in a procurement....
Strategic procurement Name Authority List This table provides the information about whether a procurement aims to reduce environmental impact, fulfil social objectives and/or buy innovative works, supplies or services...
Subcontracting indication Name Authority List This table provides the list of codes and values used to indicate information regarding the share of parts of a contract to third parties...
Subcontracting obligation Name Authority List This table provides the list of codes and values used for the obligation of the economic operator of sharing parts of the original contract to third parties...
Subject matter Name Authority List The Subject matter classification shows the concepts used for the indexation of notices published on EUR-Lex... API
Usage Name Authority List This table provides the list of codes and values indicating the application of criteria or other concepts and information....
Winner selection status Name Authority List This table provides the list of codes and values used to indicate whether a tenderer was chosen to be awarded with a contract and wether the competiotion is open....
CRS Named-Entity Subject Terms Used in THOMAS "Legislative analysts from the Congressional Research Service (CRS) closely examine the content of each bill and resolution and assign (index) as many Subject terms as are required to describe the measure's substance and effects...
Korean Classification of the Functions of Government (COFOG-K) Classification of transactions concerning final consumption, intermediate consumption, total capital formation, current transfers and capital transfers spent by the government...
Classification of the Functions of Government "Developed by the OECD, the Classification of the Functions of Government (COFOG) classifies government expenditure data from the System of National Accounts by the purpose for which the funds are used."... API
Code of Federal Regulations "The Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) annual edition is the codification of the general and permanent rules published in the Federal Register by the departments and agencies of the Federal Government...
Thesaurus of the Governmental Activity of Québec "The Government Activity Thesaurus is the result of efforts to bring together the terms that the French language spoken in Quebec offers to name the concepts used in the Administration, to communicate about government activity and to promote the use of Programs and public services The thesaurus is a standardized mechanism that promotes the development of a general semantic base of important vocabulary components in the functioning of public services and the description of government activity...
Thesaurus of Australian Government Subjects "It contains a total of 3216 terms, comprising 1430 Preferred terms and 1786 Non-preferred terms (entry terms or reference points)...
Australian Governments' Interactive Functions Thesaurus "The Australian Governments' Interactive Functions Thesaurus (AGIFT) is a three-level hierarchical thesaurus that describes the business functions carried out across Australian, state and local governments in Australia... API
Thesaurus of the Journal of Debates "In use since 1988, the Thesaurus of the Journal des débats is a documentary tool composed of more than 4500 descriptors used to index the Journal of Debates to the National Assembly of Quebec.These descriptors cover the vast field of information Political, economic and social issues arising from the discussions and work of Quebec parliamentarians...
Superintendent of Documents Classification System "The U.S...
Julkishallinnon ontologia "JUHO on julkishallinnon erikoissanasto, joka pohjautuu Valtioneuvoston asiasanastoon...
Corporate bodies Name Authority List The Corporate bodies name authority list (NAL) or Common Authority Table (CAT) is a controlled vocabulary listing corporate entities such as European institutions and bodies with their authority code and label(s) in the 24 official languages of the EU (when available)... API