
Name Links
GEODOK Thesaurus Thesaurus of the Geographical Literature Database GEODOK....
Multilingual Thesaurus of Nations "Thesaurus Builder experts are working to construct a thesaurus which contains information about countries in various categories using Thesaurus Builder...
Thematic Nomenclature GeoBretagne "This nomenclature is important since it allows the viewer to search for data via a thematic entry, and is required for sharing with all GeoBretagne partners who are invited to use this nomenclature for the internal classification of their data... API
Getty Thesaurus of Geographic Names (TGN) "TGN is a structured vocabulary currently containing around 1,106,000 names and other information about places... API
Library of the Geographical Institute
Geographic Thesaurus for Ethnology "GeoEthno is a geographical thesaurus designed for the geographic indexing of documents in the field of anthropology and is a documentary tool for establishing a standardized list of keywords that can be used for indexing and / Questioning the bibliographic database of the Eric-de-Dampierre library (the 'catalog') and more broadly in the other libraries of the 'Ethnology Network'...
Institute of Comparative City History Library Systematics
iDAI.gazetteer Thesaurus "The iDAI.Gazetteer is a webservice that connects place names with coordinates and works in two directions...
International Contact Ontology "This ontology provides basic classes and more detailed properties for representating international street addresses, phone numbers and emails...
Systematics Geography "With the number 01 .....
Dictionary of Physical Geography "This dictionary includes more than two thousand words belonging primarily in the areas of biogeography, the science of soil, climate, geomorphology and hydrology...
Lexicon of tourist transport "This dictionary contains more than two hundred specific terms in this field in eleven different languages...
GeoNames "The GeoNames geographical database is available for download free of charge under a creative commons attribution license...
ISO 3166 Country Codes "ISO 3166 is the International Standard for country codes and codes for their subdivisions...
WGS84 Geo Positioning "A vocabulary for representing latitude, longitude and altitude information in the WGS84 geodetic reference datum."...
Ontologie géographique de l'INSEE "Ontologie des objets géographiques de l'INSEE, en particulier des territoires administratifs de la France."...
Argentine Tourism Thesaurus "This vocabulary presents the conceptual organization of tourism in Argentina and in particular the vision that is offered by the Ministry of Tourism of the Nation, allowing navigation through its structure evidencing logical-semantic relationships between the terms."...
Tourism Thesaurus "Tourism, based on the automatic processing of the version published by the WORLD TOURISM ORGANIZATION."...
Shelf Classification Space and environmental sciences Shelf Classification of Space and environmental sciences of the University Library Trier....
National Geographic Society Glossary "Search the Glossary for geography, science, and social studies terms."...
AODN Geographic Extents Vocabulary "A vocabulary of geographic regions and their bounding box coordinates...
Address Type Name Authority List "This table provides the address types as used in the EU Whoiswho."... API
Continent Name Authority List "The continent authority table is a controlled vocabulary providing a list of continents... API
Site Name Authority List "This table provides the sites referring to the premises occupied by the various EU institutions and bodies."... API
Gale Geography Thesaurus The Gale Geography Thesaurus is a subset of the master Gale Social Sciences Thesaurus in the narrower domain of the description, distribution, and interaction of the physical, biological, and geographical features found on the earth’s surface...
AtoM-Places "A taxonomy of Late Antique, Byzantine, and post-Byzantine sites, created as the basis for the places taxonomy for the collection management system mailto:AtoM@DO of the Image Collections and Fieldwork Archives of Dumbarton Oaks."...
CRS Named-Entity Subject Terms Used in THOMAS "Legislative analysts from the Congressional Research Service (CRS) closely examine the content of each bill and resolution and assign (index) as many Subject terms as are required to describe the measure's substance and effects...
Marine Gazetteer "Geographic Information Systems have become indispensable tools in managing and displaying marine data and information...
Glossary of spatial information 1...
Geography and Urbanism Thesaurus "369 terms."...
ISOC Thesaurus of Place Names "It collects more than 14400 political-administrative toponyms representing 196 countries...
Tourism Thesaurus "2332 terms, 207 relationships between terms, 95 equivalent terms...
Standard Australian Classification of Countries "The scope of the SACC is all countries, as defined above, currently existing in the world...
Australian Statistical Geography Standard "The ASGS brings all the regions for which the ABS publishes statistics within the one framework and will be used by the ABS for the collection and dissemination of geographically classified statistics from 1 July 2011...
Australian Standard Geographical Classification "The ASGC provides seven hierarchies of geographical areas...
National Statistics Country Classification "Country is a key variable for determining a range of social and economic statistics including country of birth, country of residence, migration, international trade and balance of payments...
Outline of World Cultures "This outline supplements the topical classification of the 'Outline of Cultural Materials' with a new outline organizing and classifying the known cultures of the world...
New Zealand Accommodation Classification "The standard classification of accommodation is a hierarchical classification of three levels...
Standard Classification of Area Unit "The standard classification of area unit is a flat classification and contains 2,020 categories...
Country – New Zealand Standard Classification "Country is a key variable for determining population and economic statistics that relate to birthplace, country of residence, overseas trade, and balance of payments data...
Dwelling Address Classification "Dwelling address is a key variable for determining the geographic characteristics of the population...
Dwelling Occupancy Status – Standard Classification "Dwelling occupancy status provides information on whether dwellings are occupied or unoccupied, or are under construction...
Energy Types Used in Private Dwellings – Standard Classification "Information on the types of energy consumed in occupied New Zealand private dwellings is used for marketing research and to monitor changes, over time, in the energy types used by New Zealand households...
Geographic Dictionary "The identification of geographical landmarks - countries, cities, and regions - is basic when it comes to dealing with the cataloging of a cultural asset... API
Classification of Meshblock "The standard classification of Meshblock is a flat classification and contains 46,643 categories in 2014...
Classification of the Biogeographical Provinces of the World "This is a hierarchical system which consists of (1) biogeographic regions, i.e...
Places Name Authority List "The Places name authority list (NAL) or Common Authority Table (CAT) is a controlled vocabulary listing locations relevant for the descriptive metadata used at the Publications Office and the core metadata used in the data exchange between the institutions involved in the legal decision making process... API
Country Name Authority List "This country codes authority table is intended to provide a code related to the names of the countries – in a short and in a long form – in the 24 official languages of the European Union.These codes are used for the documentary metadata and may present slight differences with those used for the production of documents at a stylistic level... API
ISO/TC 211 Multi-Lingual Glossary of Terms (MLGT) The ISO/TC 211 Multi-Lingual Glossary of Terms has been compiled from International Standards developed by ISO/TC 211...
Classification scheme of the Bibliographia Cartographia (BC) This classification scheme structures a collection of cartographic contents... API
travel!digital Thesaurus "The travel!digital Thesaurus is a knowledge organization system for the travel!digital Corpus, a unique collection of historical Baedeker travel guides published between 1875 and 1914... API
Codes for Units Of Measure Used in International Trade (UNECE Rec 20) "Recommendation 20 Provides three character alphabetic and alphanumeric codes for representing units of measurement for length, area, volume/capacity, mass (weight), time, and other quantities used in international trade...