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International Index to Film Periodicals Subject Headings "A hierarchically ordered controlled thesaurus, containing more than 20,000 subject terms...
Programmes ontology "A vocabulary for programme data...
The Moving Image Genre-Form Guide "While developing terminology for application to the moving image holdings of archives and libraries, the Moving Image Genre-Form Guide follows the traditional methods of film and television scholarship as closely as possible...
Star Wars Thesaurus "The Thesaurus lists the authority name, nicknames (including military and civilian titles), use for names, related planet (usually homeworld), political alliance/related alliance, and related characters for each Principal Character...
Thesaurus Mass Communication "The thesaurus comprises two parts...
Library System of the Hans-Bredow-Institut Library System of the Hans-Bredow-Institut for Media Research at the University of Hamburg...
Film Classification Plan "Fiction films are grouped into eight major cinematographic genres to help you choose from the collection...
German Kinemathek - Museum for Film and Television library system Library system of the Museum of Film and Television....
Systematics Media studies, Performing Arts, Theater, Dance, Artistics, Film, Broadcasting, Radio, Television "The 'old' system for the field of media science in the library of the University of Konstanz was no longer up to the requirements of the rapidly developing subject, the list was too coarse, a differentiated research was not possible, we wanted to thank our scientists and the large number of researchers The library of the University of Constance under the leadership of Ralph Hafner (specialist for media science) in cooperation with the university The media in Stuttgart (Prof...
Systematics of the Library of Film Science / Media Dramaturgy "The media are arranged according to an in-house system (...)."...
Systematics Journalism "The media are arranged according to an in-house systematic."...
Film genres A structured list of various film genres...
Cinema Optics Terminology "While doing research on how to represent real world camera and lenses the real meanings behind the 'focus-related' terms we use in the film industry...
Star Trek Planetary Classification "A planet is a celestial body in orbit around a star or stellar remnants, that has sufficient mass for self-gravity and is nearly spherical in shape...
Star Trek Nebula Classification "A nebula is an interstellar cloud of dust, gas, and plasma, where star formation usually occurs...
Star Trek Sector Classification Sector Classification for the Star Trek Universe....
Star Trek Sector List "A sector is a volume of space approximately 20 cubic light years...
Star Trek Spectral Classification "Stars can generally be classified by their color...
Taxonomy of Horror Sub-Genres "I’ve broken the horror genre down into 10 sub-genres and 3 additional non-sub-genre classifications...
Screenwriter's Ultimate Guide to Hollywood Meeting Terminology "As screenwriters venture deeper and deeper into the waters of movie studio development offices, agencies, and management companies — after years of trying to break through and finally seeing some attention - it’s imperative that they are prepared for the meetings, the conversations, the emails, and more important, the terminology...
Shelf Classification Media science Shelf Classification of the Media Sciences of the University Library of Trier....
Cultural-ON "The ontology aims at modelling the data on cultural institutes or sites such as data regarding the agents that play a specific role on cultural institutes or sites, the sites themselves, the contact points, all multimedia files which describe the cultural institute or site and any other information useful to the public in order to access the institute or site...
National Information Center for Educational Media Thesaurus "Titles (about 60,000) are indexed by the thesaurus developed for NICEM which contains 6,000 subject terms...
EBU SKOS Classification Scheme for Role Codes A vocabulary defining television, radio and associated media contributor roles.... API
WITNESS Media Archive Topic Terms "At present, only our Topic Terms are accessible online, but we will be adding our other vocabularies in the near future...
BIRTH Television Archive Multilingual Thesaurus "To enable a thematical and geographical searching for archive material with different language background a multilingual thesaurus is available...
Domain of fiction "Verkko-Kaunokki is the subject matter of fictive material and its content and functionality is managed by the Helsingin kaupunginkirjasto - Central Library of the Public Libraries, based on the Kaunokki: fiktiv aineistanius published by BTJ Finland, published by BTJ Finland...
Cine-Resources Thesaurus "13 semantic fields are proposed, and a navigation in the subdivisions of each is possible to search for the exact correct subject."...
Ontology for Fiction "KAUNO is an ontology for works of fiction...
Communication Thesaurus Used in the database 'Communication & Mass Media Complete'....
Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission Thesaurus "The CRTC Thesaurus contains the preferred terms used to index CRTC information resources on its website...
Guidelines on Subject Access to Individual Works of Fiction, Drama, etc. Genre Terms "Guidelines on Subject Access to Individual Works of Fiction, Drama, Etc., 2nd edition, was published in 2000...