
Name Links
Hornbostel-Sachs-systematics "The Hornbostel-Sachs system is a classification system for musical instruments, published in 1914 by Erich Moritz von Hornbostel and Curt Sachs in the Zeitschrift fur Ethnologie under the title Systematik der Musikinstrumente Classification of musical instruments (...) The Hornbostel-Sachs system has a hierarchical structure, each category corresponds to a number, with a number being added in each detail step, so that the number of digits increases with increasing concretization Of the number, while further characters (-,:,], +) allow the notation of special meanings... API
Thesaurus of Musical Instruments "Containing 1480 entries from Accordeon to Zvegljica...
Common Violin Terminology "Terminology for string players."...
CIMCIM Terminology "All of us are frequently confronted with the problem of identifying musical instruments and their components correctly, whether in the process of defining a part that has been damaged or restored, or trying to transmit our knowledge to school children, students or our academic colleagues...
Encyclopedia of Musical Instruments The Encyclopedia of Musical Instruments is an instrument information provided by the Music History Research Association by dividing it into orchestra, air echo, joule echo, body echo, curtain echo, and electronic instruments, and is also provided through Naver Knowledge Encyclopedia....
Instruments Tree "506 terms."...