Sound carrier systematics
"The sound carrier systematics are practice-oriented according to content (musical genres and forms) as well as formal (occupation) criteria."...
Musicology Seminar Library Systematics
Library systematics of the musicology seminar....
State College of Music and Performing Arts Mannheim Bibliothekssystematik
"Here you will find the systematics for the music writing (books), for the music (notes) and for the phonograms (we also use for videos and DVDs) as well as a register to the phonogram system as a pdf file (...) You can also browse the OPAC within the 'extended search' to see the works you are looking for....
Classification for musicology
Music Anthropology shelf classification...
Classification system for sound recordings
"BAnQ has a collection of more than 100,000 sound recordings, and the collection's classification system makes it easy to find a record and make great discoveries." The Iris catalog offers helpful help features for more detailed research...
Musikwissenschaftliches Seminar der Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg/Br. Systematik der Bibliothek
Library of the State College of Music Trossingen Systematics
"You can also click directly in the OPAC through the systematics and display the titles by selecting the corresponding systematic group in the search field (eg A-Gb) in the advanced search in the scrolling menu 'System group' and then right on the tab click."...
Systematics Music
Systematics for Music of the University Library Kaiserslautern....
Systematic book setting up of music
Systematic book setting up of music of the communication, information, media center (KIM) of the University of Konstanz....
Systematics Music / Theatre
Systematics for Music and Theater at the University Library of the University of the Arts, Berlin....
Systematic Notes
"The grades of the library (...) have not been included in the system!"...
British Catalogue of Music Classification
"The British Catalogue of Music Classification (BCM Classification) is a faceted classification that was commissioned from E...
Classification of Musical Instruments
"The MIMO (Musical Instrument Museums Online) project has created a single access point to digital content and information on the collections of musical instruments held in a consortium of European museums...
Library of Congress Medium of Performance Thesaurus for Music
"Library of Congress Subject Headings (LCSH) has long included headings that represent the genre or form of musical works in combination with the mediums of performance (e.g., Sonatas (Trombone and organ); Concertos (Bassoon, clarinet, English horn, flute)), as well as headings that represent the mediums of performance alone (e.g., Bass clarinet and piano music)...
Music Vocabulary
"A vocabulary, or music ontology, to describe classical music and performances...
Finnish presentation composition vocabulary
"The Finnish Presentation Composition (SEKO) is a single-language vocabulary covering music presentations...
Principles of Classification of Musical Documents
"The principles for classifying musical documents, often abbreviated to PCDM, are a musical classification system developed in public libraries in France since 1983, especially for collections of music-related documents...
Sibelius Academy book classification system
University libraries offer information search and information literacy teaching for their students and staff...
Weston Library Music Open Shelf Classification
"The open shelf music material in the Weston Library is classified according to the following sequence."...
Dickinson Classification
"The Dickinson classification is a library classification scheme used to catalogue and classify musical compositions...
Systematics of the bibliography of the musical writing
"With the systematics of the bibliography of the musical writing system, you can call up a chronologically sorted overview of the publications for a specific area by clicking on the search results...
Basle Bibliography for Historical Performance Practice Classification Scheme
"The Basle Bibliography differs from all other music-oriented bibliography databases (e.g., RILM, BMS) above all due to its classification scheme (i.e., Index)...
RILM Classification System
"Browse RILM’s Classification System which groups 87 classes under 12 super classes."...
Classification scheme of historical-musicological documentation
Classification for music libraries (KfM)
"The classification makes it possible to record music (graphical music recordings, music prints, notes, acoustic music recordings, musical instruments, files)...
Standard terms of Gugak
- Consistently adopt terminology throughout the classification/genre...
Finnish Music Thesaurus (MUSA)
"Outdated, please, do not use...
MusicMoz Music Styles
"549 terms."...
Alpha-Numeric System for Classification of Recordings
"The Alpha-Numeric System for Classification of Recordings (ANSCR) is composed of 46 major categories into which all sound recordings are organized."...
Music Ontology
"The Music Ontology Specification provides main concepts and properties fo describing music (i.e...
Timeline Ontology
"This ontology is centered around the notion of timeline, seen here as a way to identify a temporal backbone...
Thesaurus Music Colombia
"1418 terms, 546 relationships between terms, 277 equivalent terms."...
Classification of documents Catalonia College of Music
"For the classification of documents to the library."...
Rating of sound recordings
"The proposed classification is based on the decimal classification used in libraries...
Beethoven Thesaurus
"The Beethoven Thesaurus is a list of approximately 9,000 subject and category (formerly known as genre) terms...
Pendlebury Library of Music Classification System
"Understanding the basic principles of the classification system will make browsing and finding materials in the Pendlebury Library a lot easier...
Ontology for Music
"Musiikin ontologia MUSO on kehitetty musiikin kuvaamiseen, perustuen suomenkieliseen Musiikin asiasanastoon MUSA sekä ruotsinkieliseen sanastoon Specialtesaurus för musik (CILLA)...
Emneord for musikk
Emneordsliste til bruk for emneord beregnet på registrering av trykt og innspilt musikkmateriale i bibliotek, arkiv og dokumentasjonssentre...