Categories for the Description of Works of Art (CDWA)
"CDWA is a set of guidelines for the description of art, architecture, and other cultural works...
Art and Archaeology Vocabulary
"Controlled vocabulary used for indexing bibliographical records for the 'Art and Archaeology' FRANCIS database (1972-2015,"...
Contents Industry Classification
- To support the policy, the Ministry of Culture decided to unify the promotion policy of the content industry following the reorganization of the government in 2008...
Classification of Culture and Art Industry
* Purpose and Background
- The importance of qualitative growth of national life increases, and the need for accurate market size estimation of the culture and arts industry arises...
Encyclopedia of Art Knowledge
It provides information by dividing it into plays, music, dance, art, video, culture, architecture, and festival culture....
Glossary of art
Provides an explanation of the art terms appearing in the Art Knowledge White Paper...