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Management Classification "Management Classification (...) is a new classification developed for use in property management...
Uniclass "Launched in 1997, Uniclass, the classification for the construction industry, is the UK implementation of BS ISO 12006-2, providing a structured approach to classifying the building information by organising information based upon common characteristics...
DBK-Classification "DBK was the first bid for a coherent classification system for construction in Denmark and was developed in the period 2003-2006...
Glossary of Housing Terms "Formerly titled A Glossary of House-Building and Site-Development Terms, this invaluable reference text has been used for three decades by people in the housing industry and by university and college students enrolled in construction-related education programs...
Terms of Construction Administration This dictionary organize terms related to architectural administration in a way that is easy to understand and is not case-sensitive and only searches for data within the site of the Setup....
Construction Information Classification Construction Information Classification is a classification system developed by the Korea Institute of Construction Technology, which presents the necessary criteria for systematic classification and unique code assignment of information generated during the construction project process according to the purpose of classification...
Canadian Thesaurus of Construction Science and Technology "There are 15,331 files in the TC/CS...
Contractors State License Board Licensing Classifications "CSLB licenses contractors in 43 classifications."...