
Name Links
ASFA and Oceanic Abstracts Classification Codes "The classification codes and descriptions are broad subject headings that are specific to various databases...
WAVES Thesaurus "If you wish to be positive that you find everything there is in WAVES about a particular species, or that is in a certain series, or that is by a particular corporate body, you may use the Thesaurus Search option on the left menu...
Documentation Nature and Landscape - online Thesaurus "In der Datenbank ist eine Schlagwortliste - angereichert mit einigen Thesaurus-Elementen - hinterlegt, die über 11.300 Metadaten enthält (Sach-, Bio-, Geo-, Körperschafts- und Personen-Termini)."...
Oceans & Fisheries Industry Classification The existing special classification of fisheries in operation is expanded to special classification of marine fisheries in order to analyze the structure of the marine industry and understand the basic status such as market size, prepare national statistics related to marine fisheries, and support policies...
Thesaurus of Environmental Education Terms "For use in Electronic Database Searching...
Agriculture Glossary Digital agricultural dictionaries can be searched in Korean, Chinese, English, Japanese, and Chinese characters...
Environment Education Terms Environmental education...
Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Abstracts Thesaurus "The ASFA Thesaurus is an indexing and searching tool...
Department of the Environment and Heritage Thesaurus "The DEH thesaurus is broadly based on a subset of the Thesaurus of Environmental Protection Terms, Department of Environmental Protection, WA, 1995...
International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources Red List of Threatened Species Classification Schemes "In order to ensure global uniformity when describing the habitat in which a taxon occurs, the threats to a taxon, what conservation actions are in place or are needed, and whether or not the taxon is utilized, a set of standard terms (called Classification Schemes; formerly referred to as Authority Files) have been developed for documenting taxa on the IUCN Red List...