
Name Links
Thesaurus Oniris Géraudière "ONIRIS is an institution of higher education and research of the Ministry of Food of Agriculture and Fisheries...
Thesaurus of Engineering and Scientific Terms "In the fall of 1965, two large projects were set in motion to develop contemporary thesauri in the fields of engineering and science...
Engineering-to-Biology Thesaurus "Biological inspiration for engineering design has occurred through a variety of techniques such as database searches, keyword and antonym searches, knowledge of biology, observations of nature and other 'aha' moments...
Defence Technological and Scientific Thesaurus "DEFTEST now contains 24000 entry terms with 155000 cross references...
Classification Scheme of the Tecnun Library "The library of Tecnun has a system of classification of works of its own.The signature of each work is alphanumeric being formed by one or several letters and by a number, which indicate: The matter (A Mechanics, B Computer science, etc.) The sub-material (indicated in letters and numbers: A Tribology 001) The order number within each section "...
Energy Data Base Subject Thesaurus "The Energy Data Base: Subject Thesaurus contains the standard vocabulary of indexing terms (descriptors) developed and structured by the technical staff of the Office of Science and Technical Information as part of its subject indexing activities for the building and maintenance of energy information data bases for the Department of Energy...
International Energy Subject Thesaurus "The International Energy Agency: Subject Thesaurus contains the standard vocabulary of indexing terms (descriptors) developed and structured to build and maintain energy information databases...
Thesaurus of Descriptors for the Vertical File System "The Thesaurus used for the NYIT Energy Information Center is presented...
Systematics ARUBI Systematics of the library of the University of Kaiserslautern....
Mechanical Engineering / Process Engineering Systematics for Mechanical Engineering and Process Engineering at the University Library Kaiserslautern....
Vocabulary of the Automobile "This vocabulary is part of a collection of thematic vocabularies published by the General Delegation for the French Language and the Languages ​​of France, under the French Language Enrichment Device...
Vocabulary of Nuclear Engineering "Les fascicules de cette collection reprennent les listes de termes, expressions et définitions publiées au Journal officiel de la République française par la Commission générale de terminologie et de néologie, en application du décret du 3 juillet 1996 relatif à l’enrichissement de la langue française...
Gale Engineering Thesaurus The Gale Engineering Thesaurus is a subset of the master Gale Technology Thesaurus in the narrower domain of general engineering as well as specific engineering disciplines, such as civil engineering, and the systems created by practitioners in those disciplines, (e.g., water and sewer systems, public works, etc.)...
Material Archive Glossary "The glossary supplements the more detailed material data sets and material group descriptions of the database, as well as additional information on processing and manufacturing techniques."...
Word list of Energy
Terms of Energy
Inspec Thesaurus "The 2012 edition contains 18,755 terms of which 9,722 terms are preferred terms (called Controlled Indexing, Descriptors or Subject Headings on various platforms)...
Inspec Classification "Inspec Classification is a powerful search tool, which enables you to limit your search to predetermined sections of the Inspec Database."...