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Application of the International Classification of Diseases to Dentistry and Stomatology "When any substantial volume of data has to be recorded, a coherent system of classifying and coding the data is essential, particularly where electronic or mechanical means of retrieval or analysis are to be used...
NOMESCO Classification of Surgical Procedures "The Classification of Surgical Procedures (NCSP) is based on the traditions of the surgical profession in the Nordic countries and reflects surgical practice in these countries in 1994...
Visionary "The following is a dictionary for terminology used in the study of human and animal vision...
Dictionary of otolaryngology "This dictionary includes over 1,100 terms in the field of otolaryngology, corresponding to five themes: Otology, Rhinology, faringologia, laringólogo and related disciplines...
Glossary of Anesthesia Terms Glossary of Anesthesia Terms published by Evangelia Papapostolou....
Swiss Classification for Surgical Interventions "Im Rahmen der Medizinischen Statistik werden jährlich in allen Krankenhäusern und Kliniken der Schweiz sämtliche stationäre Spitalaufenthalte erfasst...
Chiropractic Subject Headings "Chiropractic Subject Headings (ChiroSH) is a thesaurus developed by librarians at chiropractic college libraries, intended for use by indexers for the Index to Chiropractic Literature (ICL) and by catalogers at chiropractic and natural health sciences libraries...
Center for International Rehabilitation Research Information and Exchange Thesaurus "The CIRRIE Thesaurus is an alphabetical listing of approved terms for searching the CIRRIE Database."...
Operation and procedure keys (OPS) "The Operations and Procedures Key (OPS) is the official classification for encrypting operations, procedures and general medical procedures in the inpatient area and for outpatient surgery."...
International Classification of External Causes of Injury "ICECI is a free practical tool for classifying the circumstances in which injuries occur...
American Society of Anesthesiologists Physical Status Classification System "The purpose of the grading system is simply to assess the degree of a patient’s 'sickness' or 'physical state' prior to selecting the anesthetic or prior to performing surgery...
Code on Dental Procedures and Nomenclature (CDT) The Code on Dental Procedures and Nomenclature is used to provide for the efficient processing of dental claims, and to populate an Electronic Health Record....
Shoulder and Elbow Terminology The shoulder joint is a joint that extends from the shoulder to the elbow, and it is intended to help understand the basic and overall contents of shoulder joint and subjective anatomy, one of the most active clinical and basic research areas in the orthopedic field....