
Name Links
Clinician's Thesaurus "With over 350,000 in print, the Clinician's Thesaurus is an indispensable practitioner resource and course text...
Cancer Etiology and Selected Aspects of Cancer Pathology: A Decimal Classification "This is a hierarchical decimal classification of information related to various types of carcinogenesis (Chemical, viral, hormonal, radiation), cancer demography, and selected descriptive and 'in vitro' aspects of cancer pathology...
Cancer Biochemistry and Host-Tumor Interactions: A Decimal Classification "This is a hierarchical decimal classification of information related to cancer biochemistry, to host-tumor interactions (including cancer immunology), and to occurrence of cancer in special types of animals and plants...
Hierarchical Decimal Classification of Information Related to Cancer Research "The classification may be used (1) to identify cancer research efforts supported by NCI in selected areas of research (at any general or specific level desired), (2) to store information related to cancer research and retrieve this information on request, and (3) to match interests of cancer research scientists against information in published articles so that scientists can receive copies of articles specifically related to their research (Selective Dissemination)...
Brucellosis Ontology "The Brucellosis Ontology (IDOBRU), a biomedical ontology in the brucellosis domain, is an extension ontology of the core Infectious Disease Ontology (IDO-core) and follows OBO Foundry principles...
Glossary of Ebola-Related Terms
Terminology chronicity "This dictionary contains 80 terms in the field of health and prevention of chronicity, the result of joint work and consensus among professionals terminology formalized program of prevention and chronicity care at the Department of Health and TERMCAT has had the collaboration of institutions and organizations of the sectors involved...
Dictionary of Immunology "The dictionary contains more than 1,300 immunology terms directly related to this field of knowledge...
Dictionary of Ophthalmology "This dictionary includes 1,200 terms in the field of ophthalmology, corresponding to the six thematic areas: anatomy, physiology, examination, semiotics, pathology and therapy...
Dictionary of Psychiatry "This dictionary includes nearly a thousand names and terms with the Catalan definition and the equivalents in Spanish, French, English and German...
Multilingual Vocabulary of AIDS "This dictionary contains more than 400 terms relating to HIV and AIDS that are commonly used in the healthcare setting...
TNM Classification of Malignant Tumors "The classification of cancer by anatomic disease extent, i.e...
Strokesaurus The Strokesaurus is a thesaurus from the National Stroke Foundation....
Glossary of Vision-Related Terminology Glossary about Vision-Related Terminology by VisionAware...
Eating and Drinking Ability Classification System for Individuals with Cerebral Palsy "We have developed a new Eating and Drinking Ability Classification System (EDACS) for people with cerebral palsy...
Hierarchical Taxonomy of Psychopathology "Objectives of the Hierarchical Taxonomy of Psychopathology (HiTOP) are to advance the classification of psychopathology to maximize its usefulness for research and clinical practice...
Classification scheme
Gale Diseases Thesaurus The Gale Diseases Thesaurus is a subset of the master Gale Health and Medicine Thesaurus in the narrower domain of diseases, disorders, conditions and symptoms (both physical and psychological) that impact humans or animals...
Gale Pathogens Thesaurus The Gale Pathogens Thesaurus is a subset of the master Gale Health and Medicine Thesaurus in the narrower domain of organisms and substances that cause diseases or disorders in humans or animals...
LOINC "LOINC was initiated in 1994 by Clem McDonald, an investigator at the Regenstrief Institute, which is an internationally respected non-profit medical research organization associated with Indiana University...
Thesaurus of Clinical Signs "This file contains the thesaurus of clinical signs used for indexing rare disorders...
Korean Outpatient Group (KOPG) The Outpatient Classification System (KOPG) is used as a correction tool for patient composition in comparison with hospital-to-patient care costs and has been continuously revised to reflect clinical reality since Ver 1.0 was developed in 2006....
Classification of cancer Sites, definitions, and types of occurrences by type of cancer, and relevant statistics...
Essential Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases Terminology It is a miniature version of the 2017 Tuberculosis and Respiratory Medicine Dictionary, which is based on terms directly related to Tuberculosis and Respiratory Science...
Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases Medical Terminology We confirm that the following medical terminology principles have been applied to the publication of this glossary...
List of Parasite Species The Korean language name of the domestic parasite is summarized and included in the "Korean Animal Collection" published by the Korean Society for Animal Classification in 1997...
Korean Terminology of Parasites The Korean Society of Parasite Studies wanted to increase the effectiveness of the parasite's academic vocabulary by adding terms based on the Korean Medical Association's "Fiveth Book of Medicine (2009)" and examining the validity of some terms...
Korean Terminology of Parasitology The revision of the Korean name for parasites in 1994 began with the principle of cooperating with the Korean Society for Animal Classification's decision to publish "Korean Animal Master's Book." Accordingly, there have been significant revisions and supplementations to past academic glossary (Parasite Academic Terminology I, 1977)...
Glossary of health information Health education, health information, disease information...
National Notifiable Infectious Disease National Notifiable Infectious Diseases refer to the infectious diseases listed in the Infectious Disease Portal...
International Classification of Sleep Disorders "The International Classification of Sleep Disorders is the authoritative text for clinicians to access information about sleep disorders, criteria for diagnosis and other relevant information imperative for the treatment of their patients...
International Classification of Childhood Cancer "The classification of childhood cancer is based on tumor morphology and primary site with an emphasis on morphology rather than the emphasis on primary site for adults...
Classification of Eye Movement Abnormalities and Strabismus "The design and conceptual foundation of the CEMAS classification scheme follows traditional ideas and attempts to remain clinically pragmatic...
Alzheimer's Disease Thesaurus "The Alzheimer's disease thesaurus is used for indexing and online searching of materials cited in the ADEAR database."...
International Classification of Headache Disorders "This classification is hierarchical and you must decide how detailed you want to make your diagnosis...
Multilingual synoptic thesaurus of affections of the soft tissues of the oral cavity "1954 terms, 1534 relations between terms, 989 equivalent terms."...
NosoBase Thesaurus "This thesaurus consists of 1079 descriptors organized by preferential, non-preferential, generic and specific terms...
European multilingual thesaurus on AIDS and HIV infection "To facilitate its use, the thesaurus is presented in three parts: A multilingual main part on AIDS and HIV infection A multilingual geographical part describing the countries and major regions of the world A monolingual part containing the annexes of Belgium, Spain, France, the Netherlands, Portugal and Switzerland The thesaurus is presented in each language version in the following forms: Main part on AIDS and HIV infection: structured alphabetical list (In the language of the language version with indication of the terms in the other languages), hierarchical list by microthesaurus (in the language version of the language version), lexical exchange (in the language of the linguistic version) Geographical part: structured alphabetical list (In the language of the linguistic version with indication of the terms in the other languages), hierarchical list by microthesaurus (in the language of the verse Linguistic ion) Annexes country: structured alphabetical list (in the language or languages ​​of the country); Hierarchical list by microthesaurus (in the language or languages ​​of the country)...
Thésaurus des traitements VIH/sida "The HIV / AIDS Treatment Thesaurus is presented in alphabetical order, which combines in a single alphabetical list descriptors and non-descriptors accompanied by semantic links, as designated by the EA (English equivalent), EM (Employ), EP (employee for), TG (generic term), TS (specific term) and TA (associate term) Sometimes an explanatory note (BN) is used to specify the use of a given term, To refer the user to the European multilingual thesaurus on AIDS and HIV infection...
International Classification of Diseases for Oncology (ICD-O) "Used principally in tumour or cancer registries for coding the site (topography) and the histology (morphology) of neoplasms, usually obtained from a pathology report...
International Statistical Classification of Diseases (ICD) "The International Classification of Diseases (ICD) is the standard diagnostic tool for epidemiology, health management and clinical purposes...
Advancing Clinico-Genomic Trials on Cancer Master Ontology "The intention of the ACGT Master Ontology (MO) is to represent the domain of cancer research and management in a computationally tractable manner...
Neglected Tropical Disease Ontology "The Neglected Tropical Diseases (NTDs) are a set of diseases which persist in exactly the physical, psychosocial and economic situation of the poorest, most marginalized populations of the developing world...
NanoParticle Ontology for Cancer Nanotechnology Research "Data generated from cancer nanotechnology research are so diverse and large in volume that it is difficult to share and efficiently use them without informatics tools...
Dengue Ontology "The Dengue ontology (IDODEN) is an extension of the Infectious Disease Ontology (IDO) for dengue fever."...
Disease Ontology (DO) "The Disease Ontology has been developed as a standardized ontology for human disease with the purpose of providing the biomedical community with consistent, reusable and sustainable descriptions of human disease terms, phenotype characteristics and related medical vocabulary disease concepts through collaborative efforts of researchers at Northwestern University, Center for Genetic Medicine and the University of Maryland School of Medicine, Institute for Genome Sciences...
Infectious Disease Ontology "The IDO ontologies are designed as a set of interoperable ontologies that will together provide coverage of the infectious disease domain...
National Cancer Institute Thesaurus "The NCI Thesaurus is a reference terminology and biomedical ontology used in a growing number of NCI and other systems...
WHO Classification of Tumours of the Central Nervous System "A possibility of systematisation of cns-tumours is the distinction regarding the cellular origin, the cell composition and growth behavior, on which the classification of the World Health Organization (WHO) is based...
Thesaurus TOXIBASE "As a result of the mission entrusted to it by the MILDT to develop a national resource center on drugs, OFDT provides a database in its documentary service covering different fields (products, uses and Consequences of these uses, public responses and drug markets) and is aimed primarily at decision-makers and professionals in the health, social and law enforcement sectors...
National Resource Palliative Care Center Thesaurus "Palli @ Doc is the database of the CNDR Palliative Care, in the form of bibliographic records...
Thesaurus Myobase "The Myobase thesaurus is a structured list of keywords related to the clinical, scientific, psycho-social aspects of the neuromuscular domain...
HIV/AIDS Thesaurus "Although there are many specialized thesauri in the health and the social sciences, the HIV/AIDS Thesaurus is unique in its character and focus...
Ontology for collection and analysis of COviD-19 data (CODO) The purpose of CODO ontology to represent and reason information related to COVID-19 cases and patient information...
National Pathogen Resource List The National Pathogen Resource List is a list of pathogen resources surveyed pursuant to Article 6 of the ⌋ on the Promotion of Collection, Management and Utilization of ⌈ Pathogen Resources ('National Pathogen Resource Status Survey') and is prepared every five years...