The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Thesaurus
"The IEEE Thesaurus is a controlled vocabulary of over 9,000 descriptive engineering, technical, and scientific terms as well as IEEE-specific society terms...
Thesaurus engineering and management
The "Thesaurus Technology and Management (TEMA) offers (...) the most comprehensive structured collection of the current technical vocabulary for production and technology-oriented management"...
United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction Terminology
"The UNISDR Terminology aims to promote a common understanding and usage of disaster risk reduction concepts and to assist the disaster risk reduction efforts of authorities, practitioners and the public...
Proposed International Standard Nomenclature for Fields of Science and Technology
"The Proposed international standard nomenclature for fields of science and technology was proposed in 1973 and 1974 by the Division of Science Policy and Statistics for Science and Technology of UNESCO and adopted by the Scientific Advisory Committee...
FTSE Environmental Markets Classification System
"The EMCS is a detailed and comprehensive structure for analysis, facilitating the comparison of companies across two levels; sector and subsector, and across national boundaries...
Library of the DHBW Mannheim system
"The stock of the DHBW Mannheim library is arranged according to an in-house classification scheme."...
Economic, social and technological history Descriptors / Keywords of the library system
"In the course of the integration into the faculty library, all books are given a new signature according to the Regensburger classification."...
ISO 4791-1:1985 Laboratory Apparatus Vocabulary
"This part of ISO 4791 lists the names of items of laboratory apparatus, made essentially from glass, porcelain or vitreous silica, together with items of equipment, made from other materials, which are commonly used in association with such apparatus...
TECHNOSEUM Keyword register for library systematics
Brandenburg University of Technology (BTU) Cottbus-Senftenberg Systematics of the University Library
"The inventory of the University Library of Cottbus, which is freely accessible to our users, is arranged in a systematic order, and the system underlying this list is divided into several hierarchical levels, within which the different groups are represented by a notation consisting of numbers and partial numbers Numbers and letters...
Classifications of Electrical Engineering and Computer Engineering
Classification sheme of the Electrical Engineering and Information Technology of the Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology, University Library Kaiserslautern....
Electropedia: The World's Online Electrotechnical Vocabulary
"Electropedia (also known as the 'IEV Online') is the world's most comprehensive online electrical and electronic terminology database containing more than 20 000 terms and definitions in English and French organized by subject area, with equivalent terms in various other languages (...)...
International Electrotechnical Commission Glossary
"The IEC Glossary is a compilation of electrotechnical terminology in English and French extracted from the "Terms and Definitions" clause of IEC publications (those issued since 2002)...
Nanotechnology Glossary
"Some terms used in discussing nanotechnology and other anticipated technologies"...
Vocabulary of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT)
"This vocabulary is part of a collection of thematic vocabularies published by the General Delegation for the French Language and the Languages of France, under the French Language Enrichment Device...
Tezaure terminologice Ştiinţă şi tehnică
PLOS Subject Area Thesaurus
"The 'Subject Areas' panel on each article page displays a set of terms selected for that article based on its content...
"Controlled vocabulary of Norwegian terms with Universal Decimal Classification numbers; library metadata from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology."...
Classification proficl @ ss
"The importance of e-business and electronic data has never been as important as today, regardless of whether it is a marketplace on the Internet, an eProcurement system, a shop or catalog creation software - every participant at PVH uses electronic data almost every day, (...) The consequences of this lack of standardization: Just about every data delivery has to be controlled manually and adapted to almost everyone And the classification standard proficl @ ss, which has been developed in 2003 and has since then been regularly updated, makes this unevenness and the associated handling problems in the PVH ultimately a thing of the past, because all relevant information, eg technical product data, pictures, short - and Langtexte to de N individual products, can be transferred without a layout and imported into the database by the data receiver (customer, dealer, Internet marketplace)...
WIPO Pearl
"WIPO’s multilingual terminology portal gives access to scientific and technical terms derived from patent documents...
IAB Tech Lab Content Taxonomy
"Contextual taxonomy was developed in consultation with taxonomy experts from academia, ad measurement companies, and members of the IAB Networks & Exchanges Committee...
Biomimicry Taxonomy
"The Biomimicry Taxonomy is a classification system developed by the Biomimicry Institute to organize biological content on the website AskNature...
Ordinary shelf categories
Shelf catagories of the technical University of Tampereen....
Gale Technology Thesaurus
The Gale Technology thesaurus is a large general technology thesaurus in the domains of aeronautics and astronautics, chemical technology, communications, computing, electronics, energy, engineering, materials, military and naval science, and transportation...
Disaster & Safety Industry Classification
- provide a classification system to establish a statistical foundation for structural analysis of the disaster safety industry, understanding the current status of the market, establishing and supporting policies for fostering the relevant industries, and supporting systematic development policies...
New patent classification system
The previous seven technical fields related to the 4th Industrial Revolution* have been expanded and improved to 16 technical fields** and added to the advanced patent classification (CPC) system...
Classification of the German Patent and Trademark Office (DEKLA)
Extension of the International Patent Classification published and internally used by the German Patent Office....
Institute of Major Hazards Thesaurus
"The 'Risk Thesaurus' is a set of terms chosen for their ability to facilitate the description of the major hazards theme...
Microthesaurus in Prevention and Emergency Care of Bogota
"1112 terms, 624 relations between terms, 65 equivalent terms."...
European Classification System
"The European Classification System (ECLA) is an extension of the IPC and is used by the EPO...
Derwent World Patents Index Classification System
"Companies often use different names for the same invention, and additional variation may be introduced when the patent application is translated into different languages...
International Patent Classification
"The International Patent Classification (IPC), established by the Strasbourg Agreement 1971, provides for a hierarchical system of language independent symbols for the classification of patents and utility models according to the different areas of technology to which they pertain...
United States Patent Classification
"The USPC is a system for organizing all U.S...
Cooperative Patent Classification
"The Cooperative Patent Classification (CPC) effort is a joint partnership between the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) and the European Patent Office (EPO) where the Offices have agreed to harmonize their existing classification systems (European Classification (ECLA) and United States Patent Classification (USPC) respectively) and migrate towards a common classification scheme."...
Ontology for Biomedical Investigations
"The Ontology for Biomedical Investigations (OBI) project is developing an integrated ontology for the description of biological and clinical investigations...
International Classification for Standards
"The ICS (International Classification for Standards) is intended to serve as a structure for catalogues of international, regional and national standards and other normative documents, and as a basis for standing-order systems for international, regional and national standards...
Inspec Thesaurus
"The 2012 edition contains 18,755 terms of which 9,722 terms are preferred terms (called Controlled Indexing, Descriptors or Subject Headings on various platforms)...
Inspec Classification
"Inspec Classification is a powerful search tool, which enables you to limit your search to predetermined sections of the Inspec Database."...
Canadian Thesaurus of Construction Science and Technology
"There are 15,331 files in the TC/CS...
The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Taxonomy
"The IEEE Taxonomy comprises the first three hierarchical 'levels' under each term-family (or branch) that is formed from the top-most terms of the IEEE Thesaurus...
Classification of Scientific and Technological Materials
The Classification of Scientific and Technological Materials is a classification of scientific and technological data collected, investigated, studied, preserved, and exhibited in the Science Museum, and is stipulated in Article 3 of the Enforcement Decree of the Act on the Establishment, Operation, and Promotion of Science Museums...
National Science and Technology Standard Classification System
The National Science and Technology Standard Classification System is a national standard classification framework for information management and distribution, efficient human resource management, and efficient planning and management of R&D projects in the field of science and technology, and is an independent two-dimensional classification system for research and application fields...