European Committee for Homeopathy Homeopathic Thesaurus
"This controlled thesaurus of keyterms in homeopathy is for use when indexing literature on homeopathy and also when searching databases which have been indexed according to this list of terms...
Food Ontology
"A simple vocabulary for describing recipes, ingredients, menus and diets."...
Thesaurus engineering and management
The "Thesaurus Technology and Management (TEMA) offers (...) the most comprehensive structured collection of the current technical vocabulary for production and technology-oriented management"...
SFI Coding and Classification System for Ship Information
"The SFI Group System is the most widely-used classification system for maritime and offshore industries worldwide...
Document Classification Scheme
"At the same time, the National Library, the National Archives and the Greater Montréal Public Library, the Bibliothèque et Archives nationales du Québec (BAnQ) gathers, preserves and disseminates the Quebec and Québec documentary heritage."...
Chart of Accounts and Functional Classification
" The harmonized accounting model MCH2 provides the basis for the presentation of the financial statements of the cantons and municipalities and was developed from MCH1 by the Study Group for Cantonal Finances (FkF) at the request of the Conference of In accordance with the International Public Sector Accounting Standards (IPSAS) and in co-ordination with the new Federal Accounting Model, the FkF has developed the 20 recommendations of the MCH2...
Standard Air Pollution Classification Network: a Thesaurus of Terms
"The purpose of this thesaurus, is to present the special standardized terminology used for the storage of, and search for, information in the APTIG file...
Thesaurus of Rock and Soil Mechanics Terms
"The thesaurus was originally compiled by J P Jenkins of the Rock Mechanics Information Service in 1976-1977...
Unified Soil Classification System
"The Unified Soil Classification System (USCS) is a soil classification system used in engineering and geology to describe the texture and grain size of a soil...
Petroleum Abstracts® Exploration and Production Thesaurus
"The E&P Thesaurus is a collection of words and phrases that are descriptive of the concepts and equipment pertaining to petroleum exploration, development and production, exclusive of geographic areas and named geologic terms, which are included in the Geographic Thesaurus and its supplement...
RAPRA Classification Code
"Over the past twenty years, Rapra Technology Limited has developed a computer database for use by the rubber and plastics industries, together with the necessary thesaurus...
LanguaL™ Thesaurus
"The thesaurus provides a standardised language for describing foods, specifically for classifying food products for information retrieval...
Army Medical Library Classification Medicine
"The Classification covers the field of medicine and its related sciences...
Medical and Health Related Sciences Thesaurus
"The Medical and Health Related Sciences Thesaurus is the list of indexing terms developed and maintained as an integral component of CRISP (Computer Retrieval of Information on Scientific Projects), a comprehensive system furnishing scientific data on all research projects supported by the Public Health Services...
Application of the International Classification of Diseases to Dentistry and Stomatology
"When any substantial volume of data has to be recorded, a coherent system of classifying and coding the data is essential, particularly where electronic or mechanical means of retrieval or analysis are to be used...
Ovid Nursing Subject Thesaurus
"Ovid Nursing Subject Thesaurus is a proprietary Controlled Vocabulary and associated Nursing Lexicon which ‘speaks nurse’ to meet the specific needs of nursing professionals of all types and is designed to enhance retrieval of relevant documents for nursing professionals and students...
Thesaurus Library of the Center for Health and Social Services of Laval
"The library is a major player in the acquisition and sharing of knowledge...
Thesaurus Oniris Chantrerie
"ONIRIS is an institution of higher education and research of the Ministry of Food of Agriculture and Fisheries...
Thesaurus Oniris Géraudière
"ONIRIS is an institution of higher education and research of the Ministry of Food of Agriculture and Fisheries...
Thesaurus National Alpine Veterinary School
"The National Veterinary School of Alfort is a public and administrative institution of higher education and research under the supervision of the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Forestry and maintains strong ties with the University of Paris -Est, ANSES, INRA, INSERM...
Cancer Etiology and Selected Aspects of Cancer Pathology: A Decimal Classification
"This is a hierarchical decimal classification of information related to various types of carcinogenesis (Chemical, viral, hormonal, radiation), cancer demography, and selected descriptive and 'in vitro' aspects of cancer pathology...
Cancer Biochemistry and Host-Tumor Interactions: A Decimal Classification
"This is a hierarchical decimal classification of information related to cancer biochemistry, to host-tumor interactions (including cancer immunology), and to occurrence of cancer in special types of animals and plants...
Hierarchical Decimal Classification of Information Related to Cancer Research
"The classification may be used (1) to identify cancer research efforts supported by NCI in selected areas of research (at any general or specific level desired), (2) to store information related to cancer research and retrieve this information on request, and (3) to match interests of cancer research scientists against information in published articles so that scientists can receive copies of articles specifically related to their research (Selective Dissemination)...
DTNSRDC Library Subject Thesaurus
"The DTNSRDC Library Subject Thesaurus, which exists both as a printed document and as an on-line computer file, supports the indexing and retrieval functions of the library's automated storage and retrieval system...
Thesaurus for Pharmacological Literature of the U.S.S.R., East European Communist Countries, and People's Republic of China
"Among the features of this third edition of the thesaurus are: (1) Listing of new or not previously listed pharmaceuticals from the above countries...
Glossary of Forest Terminology
"This forest terminology largely follows that contained in the British Commonwealth Forest Terminology, or the Forest Terminology of the Society of American Foresters...
Compilation of Forestry Terms and Definitions
"The terms and their definitions were collected from publications and by utilising the Internet...
Glossary of Forestry Terms
Glossary of Common Forestry Terminology
Terminology for Forest Landowners
"We prepared this reference bulletin primarily for forest landowners...
Forestry Terms for Mississippi Landowners
"You are a member of an important group...
Glossary of Optical Communication Terms
"This glossary was first published in June 1986 by the Engineering Division of the FAA Technical Center, under the title "Glossaryof Fiber Optic Terms" (Division Report CT-110-86-15)...
Brain Architecture Management System Thesaurus
"The search of Thesaurus in BAMS 2.0 consists of a simple yet powerful form, which allows users to search by strings included in the thesaurus' terms, abbreviations, references and definitions."...
Thesaurus craft
"The original thesaurus consisted of an OVERVIEW (only upper terms, = at the same time position of the library, file system), an INDEX (Alphaliste of all slogans) and a SYSTEMATIK (overview with all subdivisions, synonyms, related terms) ...
Global Medical Device Nomenclature
"The Global Medical Device Nomenclature (GMDN) is a system of internationally agreed generic descriptors used to identify all medical device products...
"In the late 1990s, the International Conference on Harmonisation of Technical Requirements for Registration of Pharmaceuticals for Human Use (ICH) developed MedDRA, a rich and highly specific standardised medical terminology to facilitate sharing of regulatory information internationally for medical products used by humans...
Classification System of the University Library Vetmed
Classification scheme of the library of the University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna....
ISO 4885:1996 Ferrous Products - Heat Treatments Vocabulary
"This International Standard defines the terms used in the heat treatment of ferrous products...
ISO 5138 Office Machines Vocabulary
"Office machines give rise to numerous international commercial exchanges which often become difficult, either because of the great variety of terms used in various fields or languages to express the same concept, or because of the absence of, or the imprecision of, useful concepts...
ISO 6196 Micrographics Vocabulary
"Micrographics gives rise to numerous international exchanges of both an intellectual and a material nature...
ISO 787 Fuel Injection Equipment Vocabulary
"Establishes a vocabulary with terms and definitions relating to fuel injection pumps for compression-ignition engines...
ISO 8147:1995 Shipbuilding and Marine Structures - Derrick Rigs and Component Parts Vocabulary
"This International Standard establishes the vocabulary for the various terms in use relative to the most important components of derrick rigs on ships...
Shelf Classification Cultural anthropology of the textile
Shelf Classification Cultural Anthropology of the Textile of the Emil-Figge Library....
Agricultural Communications Thesaurus
"1351 terms, 458 relations between terms, 240 non-preferred terms."...
Brandenburg University of Technology (BTU) Cottbus-Senftenberg Systematics of the University Library
"The inventory of the University Library of Cottbus, which is freely accessible to our users, is arranged in a systematic order, and the system underlying this list is divided into several hierarchical levels, within which the different groups are represented by a notation consisting of numbers and partial numbers Numbers and letters...
University for forestry in rottenburg (HFR)
forestal shelf classification of the university for forestry in rottenburg...
Hospital System Classification System
"The hospital system classification system (SKS) consists of several thousand codes that are used to provide structured information to different information systems...
NOMESCO Classification of Surgical Procedures
"The Classification of Surgical Procedures (NCSP) is based on the traditions of the surgical profession in the Nordic countries and reflects surgical practice in these countries in 1994...
Management Classification
"Management Classification (...) is a new classification developed for use in property management...
Omaha System
"Consists of three relational, reliable, and valid components designed to be used together: Problem Classification Scheme (client assessment); Intervention Scheme (care plans and services); Problem Rating Scale for Outcomes (client change/evaluation)...
Classification Scheme of the Tecnun Library
"The library of Tecnun has a system of classification of works of its own.The signature of each work is alphanumeric being formed by one or several letters and by a number, which indicate:
The matter (A Mechanics, B Computer science, etc.)
The sub-material (indicated in letters and numbers: A Tribology 001)
The order number within each section "...
Classification of the medical central library
Classification scheme of the medical school of the University Hospital Magdeburg....
Energy Data Base Subject Thesaurus
"The Energy Data Base: Subject Thesaurus contains the standard vocabulary of indexing terms (descriptors) developed and structured by the technical staff of the Office of Science and Technical Information as part of its subject indexing activities for the building and maintenance of energy information data bases for the Department of Energy...
International Energy Subject Thesaurus
"The International Energy Agency: Subject Thesaurus contains the standard vocabulary of indexing terms (descriptors) developed and structured to build and maintain energy information databases...
Thesaurus of Descriptors for the Vertical File System
"The Thesaurus used for the NYIT Energy Information Center is presented...
Systematics ARUBI
Systematics of the library of the University of Kaiserslautern....
Classifications of Electrical Engineering and Computer Engineering
Classification sheme of the Electrical Engineering and Information Technology of the Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology, University Library Kaiserslautern....
Mechanical Engineering / Process Engineering
Systematics for Mechanical Engineering and Process Engineering at the University Library Kaiserslautern....
Clinical Care Classification System
"The Clinical Care Classification (CCC) System (...) provides a standardized framework and a unique coding structure for assessing, documenting, and classifying patient care by nurses and other clinical professionals in any health care setting...
Brucellosis Ontology
"The Brucellosis Ontology (IDOBRU), a biomedical ontology in the brucellosis domain, is an extension ontology of the core Infectious Disease Ontology (IDO-core) and follows OBO Foundry principles...
"The following is a dictionary for terminology used in the study of human and animal vision...
Glossary of Ebola-Related Terms
NIA Glossary of Clinical Research Terms
Glossary of the National Institute on Aging about Clinical Research Terms....
Glossary of Stone Slate Roofing
"Traditional roofing has a vocabulary of unfamiliar technical terms for materials and techniques...
The Complete Plumbing Glossary
A glossary about plumbing....
Walls of Pamplona Glossary
Glossary about the Pamplona's City Walls by the Ayuntamiento de Pamplona....
Nanotechnology Glossary
"Some terms used in discussing nanotechnology and other anticipated technologies"...
Vocabulary of Health
"This vocabulary is part of a collection of thematic vocabularies published by the General Delegation for the French Language and the Languages of France, under the French Language Enrichment Device...
Vocabulary of the Automobile
"This vocabulary is part of a collection of thematic vocabularies published by the General Delegation for the French Language and the Languages of France, under the French Language Enrichment Device...
Vocabulary of Oil and Gas
"The fascicles of this collection include the lists of terms, expressions and definitions published in the Official Journal of the French Republic by the General Commission for Terminology and Neology, in application of the Decree of 3 July 1996 on the enrichment of the French language The terms proposed by the specialized committees for terminology and neology are subject to an approval procedure involving the General Committee on Terminology and Neology, the French Academy and the Minister concerned...
SilvaVoc Terminology
"In the light of forestry research in a changing world, the forestry world needs a clear and comprehensible language and a forum to study and reconsider the correct meaning of forestry terms...
Dictionary of Anatomy
"The dictionary contains 3622 terms of anatomy directly related to the human anatomy...
Terminology health sciences
"The health sciences terminology presented in a single product from thirteen dictionaries terminology related to medical science and pharmacology, TERMCAT made by or with the advice and published in the collection Online dictionaries...
Terminology chronicity
"This dictionary contains 80 terms in the field of health and prevention of chronicity, the result of joint work and consensus among professionals terminology formalized program of prevention and chronicity care at the Department of Health and TERMCAT has had the collaboration of institutions and organizations of the sectors involved...
Encyclopedic dictionary of medicine
"Encyclopedic Dictionary of Medicine (DEMCAT)...
Lexicon of drugs
"This dictionary contains more than three thousand terms that designate the most widely used drugs with names in Catalan and equivalents in Spanish, French and English, in addition to the registered number CAS and their mechanisms of action and therapeutic actions the most common, which can also be accessed via the Access theme...
Dictionary of Physiotherapy
"The dictionary includes 1,800 specific terms physiotherapy in the field of physiotherapy classified into ten areas: general concepts, anatomy, physiology, semiology, pathology examination and diagnosis, therapy and prevention; conceptual and methodological trends, body positions and units of measure...
Dictionary homeopathy
"This dictionary is the online version of the Dictionary of homeopathy, developed by Xavier Cabré and Playà advised TERMCAT terminology, in collaboration with the Medical Association of Homeopathic Academy of Barcelona and Barcelona Heel-sponsored Phinter...
Dictionary of Nursing
"This dictionary includes nearly a thousand terms used in nursing, considered the most important from a point of view, with the names and Catalan definition and the equivalents in Spanish, French and English and often contextual notes...
Dictionary of Ophthalmology
"This dictionary includes 1,200 terms in the field of ophthalmology, corresponding to the six thematic areas: anatomy, physiology, examination, semiotics, pathology and therapy...
Dictionary of Psychiatry
"This dictionary includes nearly a thousand names and terms with the Catalan definition and the equivalents in Spanish, French, English and German...
Dictionary of otolaryngology
"This dictionary includes over 1,100 terms in the field of otolaryngology, corresponding to five themes: Otology, Rhinology, faringologia, laringólogo and related disciplines...
Dictionary of clinical drugs
"This dictionary contains more than seven hundred words belonging to the field of clinical trials that have the drug as a core, especially those related to the methodology and biostatistics, pharmacology, bioethics, and epidemiology public health, research and scientific publishing and legal regulation and quality control...
Multilingual Vocabulary of AIDS
"This dictionary contains more than 400 terms relating to HIV and AIDS that are commonly used in the healthcare setting...
Dictionary of Sinology
"Dictionary of Sinology Online makes available to users over 1,100 terms specific to this discipline, especially terms related to breast anatomy and physiology, diagnostic techniques, pathology and treatment of breast cancer...
Dictionary of veterinary medicine and livestock
"This dictionary defines and brings together nearly six thousand Catalan terms with the equivalents in Spanish, French and English, pertaining to the thematic areas of pathology and histopathology, pathogens and disease, clinical animal production , reproduction and printing techniques, identification systems, bromatology, veterinary inspection and pets, among others...
Lexicon of food additives
"This lexicon contains about four hundred terms that designate food additives authorized in Spain in accordance with current regulations...
Carpentry dictionary
"This dictionary includes nearly 1,400 terms carpentry, corresponding to seven subject areas: equipment, utensils, tools and instruments, machinery and auxiliary equipment, structural and machine tools, materials, structures, techniques and processes, trades and installations ...
Exotic woods terminology
"This dictionary includes sixty terms standardized by the Supervisory Council TERMCAT corresponding to wood currently used in Europe but from countries outside Europe, mainly in Africa, Asia and America...
Terminology Digital Marketing
"In the field of digital marketing and social media are all learning and there is a big stage to explore creative...
"Launched in 1997, Uniclass, the classification for the construction industry, is the UK implementation of BS ISO 12006-2, providing a structured approach to classifying the building information by organising information based upon common characteristics...
Controlled Health Thesaurus
"CDC’s Thesaurus is structured around preferred concepts, sourced whenever possible from standard vocabularies, with their associated properties (metadata) in a polyhierarchical framework...
DOMA Thesaurus Mechanical Engineering
Thesaurus of Metallurgical Terms
"A Vocabulary Listing for use in Indexing, Storage and Retrieval of Technical Information in Metallurgy"...
TNM Classification of Malignant Tumors
"The classification of cancer by anatomic disease extent, i.e...
"DBK was the first bid for a coherent classification system for construction in Denmark and was developed in the period 2003-2006...
Semantically Linked Users and Actions
"SLUA (Semantically Linked Users and Actions) ontology aims to model users and tasks in crowdsourcing systems in terms of the human factors such as actions, capabilities, and rewards."...
Classification proficl @ ss
"The importance of e-business and electronic data has never been as important as today, regardless of whether it is a marketplace on the Internet, an eProcurement system, a shop or catalog creation software - every participant at PVH uses electronic data almost every day, (...) The consequences of this lack of standardization: Just about every data delivery has to be controlled manually and adapted to almost everyone And the classification standard proficl @ ss, which has been developed in 2003 and has since then been regularly updated, makes this unevenness and the associated handling problems in the PVH ultimately a thing of the past, because all relevant information, eg technical product data, pictures, short - and Langtexte to de N individual products, can be transferred without a layout and imported into the database by the data receiver (customer, dealer, Internet marketplace)...
The Strokesaurus is a thesaurus from the National Stroke Foundation....
ISPE Glossary of Pharmaceutical and Biotechnology Terminology
"The ISPE Glossary of Pharmaceutical and Biotechnology Terminology is the result of many years of gathering material from sources such as scientific journals, industrial magazines, professional organizations, the world wide web, industry seminars, company guides, vendor and manufacturer information, national and international codes, and diverse individuals...
CDISC Clinical Research Glossary
"The CDISC Glossary (...) defines terms commonly used in clinical research (including acronyms, abbreviations, and initials)...
Glossary of Housing Terms
"Formerly titled A Glossary of House-Building and Site-Development Terms, this invaluable reference text has been used for three decades by people in the housing industry and by university and college students enrolled in construction-related education programs...
Glossary of Vision-Related Terminology
Glossary about Vision-Related Terminology by VisionAware...
Furniture Glossary®
A furniture glossary by Furniture Row...
Supply Chain Management Terms and Glossary
AFEMS Glossary
"The Glossary presented in this part of the website has been compiled by AFEMS’s Technical Committee on the base of its practical experience and intends to provide an operative support to the Member of the Association dealing with the proper definition of technical words in the most common EU languages...
WIPO Pearl
"WIPO’s multilingual terminology portal gives access to scientific and technical terms derived from patent documents...
"The TERM PORTAL has been created to store, manage and update concepts, terms and definitions related to the various fields of FAO’s activity...
"I·ATE is an interactive multilingual glossary on culinary terms that allows to share common knowledge, discover and preserve related concepts widespread across Europe...
An English-Spanish Glossary of Terminology used in Forestry, Range, Wildlife, Fishery, Soils, and Botany
"The English-Spanish/Spanish-English equivalent translations of scientific and management terms (jargon) commonly used in the field of natural resource management are presented...
Medical Dictionary - Medical Encyclopedia
Eating and Drinking Ability Classification System for Individuals with Cerebral Palsy
"We have developed a new Eating and Drinking Ability Classification System (EDACS) for people with cerebral palsy...
Glossary of Anesthesia Terms
Glossary of Anesthesia Terms published by Evangelia Papapostolou....
Principles of Epidemiology in Public Health Practice Glossary
"Principles of Epidemiology in Public Health Practice, Third Edition...
Healthcare metadata - DICOM ontology
"Ontology for healthcare metadata - especially metadata found in DICOM files (Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine, see"...
Europeana Food and Drink Classification
"The Europeana Food and Drink Classification scheme (EFD classification) is a multi-dimensional scheme for discovering and classifying Cultural Heritage Objects (CHO) related to Food and Drink (FD)...
Ship Types
"The Ship Type List contains terms that are useful when registering a vessel, a map of a vessel or item attached to a vessel...
Used Cars Ontology
Wine Ontology
"Derived from the DAML Wine ontology at
Web Of Trust
"RDF documents can make any number of statements...
Scottish Seed Potato Classification Scheme
"The SPCS maintains high standards for seed health and purity and operates by exerting official control over initial propagating material, the length of the multiplication chain, and application of strict tolerances for diseases, including those caused by viruses."...
Seed Potato Classification Scheme
"The Seed Potato Classification Scheme (SPCS) provides classification of all potatoes produced and marketed in England and Wales, depending on the class of the parent seed, and the health of the crop and tubers...
Thesaurus of Mining and Related Matter
"The Thesaurus of Mining and Related Matters is a bilingual (Spanish-English) controlled vocabulary for the indexing of sector information...
IAB Tech Lab Content Taxonomy
"Contextual taxonomy was developed in consultation with taxonomy experts from academia, ad measurement companies, and members of the IAB Networks & Exchanges Committee...
Accident/Incident Data Reporting Taxonomy
"The ADREP taxonomy is a set of definitions and descriptions used during the gathering and reporting of accident/incident data to ICAO."...
EPOC Taxonomy
"The first EPOC taxonomy of health systems interventions was developed in 2002, and included the following categories: (1) professional interventions; (2) financial interventions; (3) organisational interventions; and (4) regulatory interventions...
Taxonomy of Innovation
"Fast-changing markets demand rapid development of new products and processes...
COSMIN Taxonomy of Measurement Properties
"In the COSMIN taxonomy three quality domains are distinguished, i.e...
NCC MERP Taxonomy of Medication Errors
"This document provides a standard taxonomy of medication errors to be used in combination with systems analysis in recording and tracking of medication errors...
International Geotechnical Classification System
The Swedish Geotechnical Institute (SGI) is an expert agency that works for a safe, efficient and sustainable development and sustainable use of land and natural resources....
Shelf Classification of the textbook collection of the University Library Leoben.
Shelf Classification of the textbook collection of the University Library Leoben....
Shelf Classification Main Library - departments of the university
Shelf Classifications of the University Library of Leoben....
Shelf Classification Main Library - General and Historical
Shelf classification Main Library - General and historical aspects of the University Library of Leoben....
Shelf Classification synthetic material library
Shelf Classification of the synthetic materials of the Montanuniversität of the university Library Leoben....
Chinese Agricultural Thesaurus
"Chinese Agricultural Thesaurus (CAT) is the largest agricultural domain thesaurus in China, which is held and maintained by AII of CAAS...
Processing Activity
"This file contains the CGI Processing Activity vocabulary, as defined by the IUGS Commission for Geoscience Information (CGI) Geoscience Terminology Working Group...
Shelf classification DKZF-Central Library
"Systematics of the literature"...
RAL color codes
The RAL color standard defines a set of normed colors with unique numbers...
Thesaurus Onroerend Erfgoed Materials
"A thesaurus is a mostly hierarchical list of words used to standardize terminology...
Thesaurus Onroerend Erfgoed Styles and Cultures
"A thesaurus is a mostly hierarchical list of words used to standardize terminology...
Australian Health Thesaurus
"The Australian Health Thesaurus (AHT) is a taxonomy (or controlled vocabulary) of medical, health and human services related concepts, organised into a hierarchical structure...
Electronics and Optoelectronics Vocabulary
"Vocabulary used for indexing bibliographical records dealing with “Electronics” in the PASCAL database, until 2014...
Thesaurus of Blood Transfusion
"This thesaurus is based on the vocabulary used in scientific publications dealing with Blood Transfusion and neighbor fields...
Wessex Classification Scheme
"The Wessex Classification Scheme is a revision of the National Library of Medicine (NLM) schedules incorporating current UK medical and health practice...
Wessex Annotated Subject Heading Index
"This annotated index to the Wessex Classification Scheme was produced primarily for cataloguers within the SWIMS Network (formerly SWRLIN) Cataloguing Co-operative...
Carpet Encyclopedia Glossary
"(...) different terms and expressions from the world of carpets are explained and outlined."...
Σχεδιασμός και κατασκευή πλοίων: ορολογία, ονοματολογία, διαστάσεις πλοίου
Wine Glossary
"(.) Wine Glossary is an informative resource of key wine terms...
English Wood Structure Terminology
Swiss Classification for Surgical Interventions
"Im Rahmen der Medizinischen Statistik werden jährlich in allen Krankenhäusern und Kliniken der Schweiz sämtliche stationäre Spitalaufenthalte erfasst...
CINAHL Subject Headings
"The CINAHL subject headings are based on the MeSH headings, with additional specific nursing and allied health headings added as appropriate...
Culinary Thesaurus
"Ce projet a pour objet de constituer plusieurs thésaurus pour Lightroom en français, hiérarchisés, et avec des synonymes (et si possible la traduction anglaise dans les synonymes)...
Gale Accounting Thesaurus
The Gale Accounting Thesaurus is a subset of the master Gale Business Thesaurus in the narrower domain of accounting and its principles and procedures...
Gale Advertising Thesaurus
The Gale Advertising Thesaurus is a subset of the master Gale Business Thesaurus in the narrower domain of advertising...
Gale Aeronautics and Astronautics Thesaurus
The Gale Aeronautics and Astronautics Thesaurus is a subset of the master Gale Technology Thesaurus in the narrower domain of design, construction, and operation of aircraft and spacecraft, and the technologies and processes that apply directly to the science of flight...
Gale Agriculture Thesaurus
The Gale Agriculture Thesaurus is a subset of the master Gale Business Thesaurus in the narrower domain of the science or art of cultivating the soil, producing crops, and raising livestock...
Gale Alternative Medicine Thesaurus
The Gale Alternative Medicine Thesaurus is a subset of the master Gale Health and Medicine Thesaurus in the narrower domain of herbal medicines, homeopathic treatments, and non-Western therapies such as acupuncture...
Gale Automotive Thesaurus
The Gale Automotive Thesaurus is a subset of the master Gale Technology Thesaurus...
Gale Chemical Technology Thesaurus
The Gale Chemical Technology Thesaurus is a subset of the master Gale Technology Thesaurus in the narrower domain of commercial and industrial applications of chemicals and chemical processes...
Gale Communications Thesaurus
The Gale Communications Thesaurus is a subset of the master Gale Technology Thesaurus in the narrower domain of voice, data, or both delivered through the air or over wire and cable...
Gale Diseases Thesaurus
The Gale Diseases Thesaurus is a subset of the master Gale Health and Medicine Thesaurus in the narrower domain of diseases, disorders, conditions and symptoms (both physical and psychological) that impact humans or animals...
Gale Drugs Thesaurus
The Gale Drugs Thesaurus is a subset of the master Gale Health and Medicine Thesaurus in the narrower domain of chemicals and other substances that are administered (usually orally, topically, or subcutaneously) to diagnose, treat, or prevent human or animal diseases or disorders...
Gale Electronics Thesaurus
The Gale Electronics Thesaurus is a subset of the master Gale Technology Thesaurus in the narrower domain all electronic devices and components used by consumers and industry in the form of finished products or parts for manufacturing except computers, computer components, and peripherals specifically intended for use with stand-alone or networked computers...
Gale Engineering Thesaurus
The Gale Engineering Thesaurus is a subset of the master Gale Technology Thesaurus in the narrower domain of general engineering as well as specific engineering disciplines, such as civil engineering, and the systems created by practitioners in those disciplines, (e.g., water and sewer systems, public works, etc.)...
Gale Food, Cooking and Nutrition Thesaurus
The Gale Food, Cooking and Nutrition Thesaurus is a subset of the master Gale Health and Medicine Thesaurus in the narrower domain of foods and beverages consumed by humans or animals; the noncommercial production, processing, cooking, and serving of those foods and beverages, and the related human or animal nutrition, including the non-medical study of nutrition and the non-medical application of nutritional principles...
Gale Health and Medicine Thesaurus
The Gale Health and Medicine Thesaurus is a large thesaurus in the domains of alternative medicine, anatomy, diseases, drugs, food, cooking and nutrition, medical equipment, technologies and procedures, medical personnel, occupations and services, and pathogens...
Gale Management Thesaurus
The Gale Management Thesaurus is a subset of the master Gale Business Thesaurus in the narrower domain of business management...
Gale Materials Technology Thesaurus
The Gale Materials Technology Thesaurus is a subset of the master Gale Technology Thesaurus in the narrower domain of the development, production, and use of metals, polymers, ceramics, semiconductors, and other materials in manufacturing, and the processes and technologies associated with them...
Gale Medical Equipment, Technology and Procedures Thesaurus
The Gale Medical Equipment, Technology and Procedures Thesaurus is a subset of the master Gale Health and Medicine Thesaurus in the narrower domain of equipment, supplies (except drugs), technologies, and procedures used to diagnose, treat, or prevent human or animal diseases and disorders...
Gale Medical Personnel, Occupations and Services Thesaurus
The Gale Medical Personnel, Occupations and Services Thesaurus is a subset of the master Gale Health and Medicine Thesaurus in the narrower domain of healthcare professionals and their assistants, healthcare educators and researchers, healthcare services, healthcare service administrators, support personnel, and public health workers and officials...
Gale Pathogens Thesaurus
The Gale Pathogens Thesaurus is a subset of the master Gale Health and Medicine Thesaurus in the narrower domain of organisms and substances that cause diseases or disorders in humans or animals...
Health Thesaurus
"The 7th edition of the Health Thesaurus has been developed by the Departmental Library for use in all areas of the Department of Health...
Gale Public Relations Thesaurus
The Gale Public Relations Thesaurus is a subset of the master Gale Business Thesaurus in the narrower domain of public relations agencies...
Gale Technology Thesaurus
The Gale Technology thesaurus is a large general technology thesaurus in the domains of aeronautics and astronautics, chemical technology, communications, computing, electronics, energy, engineering, materials, military and naval science, and transportation...
Gale Wellness Thesaurus
The Gale Wellness Thesaurus is a subset of the master Gale Health and Medicine Thesaurus in the narrower domain of wellness and fitness topics and issues...
Thesaurus of Scientific Instruments in Portuguese
The Thesaurus of Scientific Instruments in Portuguese aims at normalising and controlling terminology associated with historical collections of artefacts of science...
"In each microthesaurus, the descriptors are organized in a hierarchical way and represent the semantic organization of a domain...
Universal Medical Device Nomenclature System™ (UMDNS)
"Universal Medical Device Nomenclature System™ (UMDNS) is a standard, free of charge, monthly updated, international nomenclature and computer coding system to help you better manage medical devices...
"LOINC was initiated in 1994 by Clem McDonald, an investigator at the Regenstrief Institute, which is an internationally respected non-profit medical research organization associated with Indiana University...
Material Archive Glossary
"The glossary supplements the more detailed material data sets and material group descriptions of the database, as well as additional information on processing and manufacturing techniques."...
Decimal System for Classifying Data Pertaining to the Petroleum Industry
"The 'Decimal Classification' was first printed by the National Petroleum Publishing Company, publishers of National Petroleum News, in 1928...
"The HRCS is a system for classifying and analysing biomedical and health research funding...
Thesaurus of Clinical Signs
"This file contains the thesaurus of clinical signs used for indexing rare disorders...
Glossary on Assisted Reproductive Technology Terminology
"Many definitions used in medically assisted reproduction (MAR) vary in different settings, making it difficult to standardize and compare procedures in different countries and regions...
Unified Medical Language System (UMLS)
The Unified Medical Language System (UMLS) is a compendium of many controlled vocabularies in the biomedical sciences....
Logistics Industry Classification
- Provides a framework for analyzing industry-related and cost-benefit analysis of activities (logistics) related to freight transport that cannot be directly identified in the Korean Standard Industry Classification
- Prepare the logistics business as prescribed by the Framework Act on Logistics Policy and the Restriction of Special Taxation Act based on the logistics industry...
Oceans & Fisheries Industry Classification
The existing special classification of fisheries in operation is expanded to special classification of marine fisheries in order to analyze the structure of the marine industry and understand the basic status such as market size, prepare national statistics related to marine fisheries, and support policies...
Intellectual Property Service Industry Classification
- Establishes a statistical foundation for the intellectual property service industry, whose international value is increasing due to the increase in patent applications and disputes, and provides a basic classification system to support the establishment of systematic incubation policies for related industries...
Environment Industry Classification
- prepared to understand the current status of environment-related industries and utilize them for policies based on the OECD's "Environmental Goods and Services Industry" and "Korea Standard Industry Classification"
- Established in collaboration with the Ministry of Environment on the basis of the "Environmental Goods and Services Industry" stipulated by the OECD
- Industries that produce goods and services that can measure, prevent, control, and minimize environmental hazards of water, air, and soil and problems related to waste, noise, and environmental systems...
Classification of Activities for Time Use Survey (CATUS)
- Behavior classifications are divided into 9 sections, 42 divisions, and 138 subcategories according to the purpose of the respondents' actions...
Patient Classification System
The Patient Classification System is a system in which patients are classified into similar groups in terms of clinical significance and medical resource consumption using chronic diseases, procedures, and functional conditions...
Korean Rehabilitation Patient Group (KRPG)
The Rehabilitation Patient Classification System (KRPG) is a system that classifies inpatients who receive intensive rehabilitation treatment, and is the first of its kind developed in Korea after the acute period...
Korean Outpatient Group (KOPG)
The Outpatient Classification System (KOPG) is used as a correction tool for patient composition in comparison with hospital-to-patient care costs and has been continuously revised to reflect clinical reality since Ver 1.0 was developed in 2006....
Chiropractic Subject Headings
"Chiropractic Subject Headings (ChiroSH) is a thesaurus developed by librarians at chiropractic college libraries, intended for use by indexers for the Index to Chiropractic Literature (ICL) and by catalogers at chiropractic and natural health sciences libraries...
Classification of the German Patent and Trademark Office (DEKLA)
Extension of the International Patent Classification published and internally used by the German Patent Office....
Database for scientific papers in nursing Thesaurus
"The thesaurus used for the database CINAHL is probably the most advanced in the field of nursing sciences, but it is not a comprehensive thesaurus in English...
African Traditional Medicine Ontology
"The ontology consists of concepts or terms (nodes) that are linked by three types of relationships (edges)...
Newborn Screening Coding and Terminology Guide
"The goal of the Newborn Screening Coding and Terminology Guide is to promote and facilitate the use of electronic health data standards in recording and transmitting newborn screening test results...
Adverse Event Reporting Ontology
"The Adverse Event Reporting Ontology (AERO) is an ontology aimed at supporting clinicians at the time of data entry, increasing quality and accuracy of reported adverse events...
International Classification of adult underweight, overweight and obesity according to BMI
Classification of underweight/overweight based on the Body Mass Index (BMI)...
Multilingual European Thesaurus on Health Promotion
"1383 terms, 2106 relations between terms, 178 non-preferred terms."...
Product Classification
"The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has established classifications for approximately 1,700 different generic types of devices and grouped them into 16 medical specialties referred to as panels...
Public Health Language
"The Health Development Agency and England's Public Health Observatories (PHO's) have developed a unified Public Health Language (PHL) [formally known as the National Public Health Language] to facilitate interoperability...
SafetyLit Thesaurus
"11006 terms, 534 relations between terms, 2243 non-preferred terms."...
International Classification of Sleep Disorders
"The International Classification of Sleep Disorders is the authoritative text for clinicians to access information about sleep disorders, criteria for diagnosis and other relevant information imperative for the treatment of their patients...
International Classification of Childhood Cancer
"The classification of childhood cancer is based on tumor morphology and primary site with an emphasis on morphology rather than the emphasis on primary site for adults...
Public Health Thesaurus
"This fourth edition consists of 12825 terms, or 7144 descriptors, divided into 57 subdomains (also called 'fields' or 'micro-thesaurus') and 5681 synonyms, or 'non-descriptors', which refer to a valid descriptor The BDSP thesaurus can be freely used in documentation centers or libraries working in the health and social sectors."...
Thesaurus Care and Welfare
"The Thesaurus Care and Welfare: the language of the social domain...
"AGROVOC is a controlled vocabulary covering all areas of interest of the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations, including food, nutrition, agriculture, fisheries, forestry, environment etc...
Patent and Registration Office Thesaurus
"Thesaurus is a database of selected and controlled subject that is partly organized hierarchically...
United States Department of Agriculture Thesaurus
"The thesaurus is organized into 17 subject categories, indicated by the 'Subject Category' designation...
Common Procurement Vocabulary
"The CPV establishes a single classification system for public procurement aimed at standardising the references used by contracting authorities and entities to describe the subject of procurement contracts...
Classification of Forest Products
"This classification is designed to cover the wood and wood-based products for which FAO and ECE collect statistics on a regular basis...
Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals
"The goal of the GHS is to identify the intrinsic hazards found in substances and mixtures and to convey hazard information about these hazards...
Classification of Pesticides by Hazard
"This document sets out a classification system to distinguish between the more and the less hazardous forms of selected pesticides based on acute risk to human health (that is the risk of single or multiple exposures over a relatively short period of time)...
Classification of Eye Movement Abnormalities and Strabismus
"The design and conceptual foundation of the CEMAS classification scheme follows traditional ideas and attempts to remain clinically pragmatic...
Intellectual Property Subject Thesaurus
"836 terms, 322 relations between terms, 463 non-preferred terms."...
Industrial Property Thesaurus
"As a result of these phases, the Thesaurus has been configured in 24 sub-abbreviations that include a total of 1,702 terms, of which 829 correspond to descriptors and 873 to referrals...
Australian Standard Classification of Drugs of Concern
"The Australian Standard Classification of Drugs of Concern (ASCDC) is the Australian statistical standard for classifying data relating to drugs which are considered to be of concern in Australian society...
Health Sciences Descriptors
"The concepts that characterize the DeCS vocabulary are organized in a tree structure allowing a search on broader or narrower terms or on all terms from the same tree within the hierarchical structure...
Center for International Rehabilitation Research Information and Exchange Thesaurus
"The CIRRIE Thesaurus is an alphabetical listing of approved terms for searching the CIRRIE Database."...
Alzheimer's Disease Thesaurus
"The Alzheimer's disease thesaurus is used for indexing and online searching of materials cited in the ADEAR database."...
Medical Subject Headings (MeSH)
"MeSH is the National Library of Medicine's controlled vocabulary thesaurus...
The Alcohol and Other Drugs Thesaurus
"Initial development of the AOD Thesaurus started with collecting terms and term relationships from many sources; search requests received for ETOH and NCADI databases; document titles and index terms; more than 40 special thesauri; and NIAAA's Reports to Congress on Alcohol and Health and other publications...
International Classification for Nursing Practice
"The ICNP® is a unified nursing language system...
International Classification of Headache Disorders
"This classification is hierarchical and you must decide how detailed you want to make your diagnosis...
Health Canada Controlled Subject Vocabulary
"The Health Canada Controlled Subject Vocabulary was developed to provide subject access to Health Canada's information resources...
Multilingual synoptic thesaurus of affections of the soft tissues of the oral cavity
"1954 terms, 1534 relations between terms, 989 equivalent terms."...
NosoBase Thesaurus
"This thesaurus consists of 1079 descriptors organized by preferential, non-preferential, generic and specific terms...
Derwent Biotechnology Abstracts Thesaurus
"Generic terms (Higher Terms) associated with specific keywords are indicated by the use of the abbreviation 'h.t.'...
Derwent Drug File Thesaurus
"The Thesaurus contains all searchable keywords except the newest drug names and novel concepts that have arisen since publication...
AFO - Natural resource and environment ontology
"AFO soveltuu erityisesti luonnonvara- ja ympäristöalojen (mm...
European multilingual thesaurus on AIDS and HIV infection
"To facilitate its use, the thesaurus is presented in three parts: A multilingual main part on AIDS and HIV infection A multilingual geographical part describing the countries and major regions of the world A monolingual part containing the annexes of Belgium, Spain, France, the Netherlands, Portugal and Switzerland The thesaurus is presented in each language version in the following forms: Main part on AIDS and HIV infection: structured alphabetical list (In the language of the language version with indication of the terms in the other languages), hierarchical list by microthesaurus (in the language version of the language version), lexical exchange (in the language of the linguistic version) Geographical part: structured alphabetical list (In the language of the linguistic version with indication of the terms in the other languages), hierarchical list by microthesaurus (in the language of the verse Linguistic ion) Annexes country: structured alphabetical list (in the language or languages of the country); Hierarchical list by microthesaurus (in the language or languages of the country)...
Thésaurus des traitements VIH/sida
"The HIV / AIDS Treatment Thesaurus is presented in alphabetical order, which combines in a single alphabetical list descriptors and non-descriptors accompanied by semantic links, as designated by the EA (English equivalent), EM (Employ), EP (employee for), TG (generic term), TS (specific term) and TA (associate term) Sometimes an explanatory note (BN) is used to specify the use of a given term, To refer the user to the European multilingual thesaurus on AIDS and HIV infection...
Civil Engineering Database Subject Headings
"You can browse this alphabetical list of Subject headings or you can select a letter to jump to a specific portion of the list."...
The International Welding Thesaurus
"This thesaurus consists of a list of 'preferred terms' and 'non-preferred terms' each with an indication of the keyword(s) to be used in indexing...
International Classification of Diseases for Oncology (ICD-O)
"Used principally in tumour or cancer registries for coding the site (topography) and the histology (morphology) of neoplasms, usually obtained from a pathology report...
International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health
"The International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health, known more commonly as ICF, is a classification of health and health-related domains...
International Statistical Classification of Diseases (ICD)
"The International Classification of Diseases (ICD) is the standard diagnostic tool for epidemiology, health management and clinical purposes...
Global InVitro Diagnostic Classification (EDMA)
"An effective product classification system is critical to the functioning of any industry in the knowledge-based markets of today...
Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical Classification System (ATC)
"In the Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical (ATC) classification system, the active substances are divided into different groups according to the organ or system on which they act and their therapeutic, pharmacological and chemical properties...
Operation and procedure keys (OPS)
"The Operations and Procedures Key (OPS) is the official classification for encrypting operations, procedures and general medical procedures in the inpatient area and for outpatient surgery."...
Hoidokki online dictionary
"Terminology and monitored by SHKS...
International Rice Research Institute Rice Thesaurus
"The Rice Thesaurus now contains 3,807 terms (descriptors and nondescriptors)...
Acupuncture Thesaurus
"Founded in 1983, on the initiative of AFERA, Professor Jean Bossy and the Bibliothèque de Médecine de Nîmes...
Drug Interactions Thesaurus
"The ANSM provides health professionals with all the drug interactions identified by the ad hoc working group and grouped together in a Thesaurus...
Thesaurus of Occupational Therapy Subject Headings
"The thesaurus of occupational therapy subject headings is a reference guide for use with OT SEARCH, an online bibliographic database which indexes the holdings of the Wilma L...
International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources Red List of Threatened Species Classification Schemes
"In order to ensure global uniformity when describing the habitat in which a taxon occurs, the threats to a taxon, what conservation actions are in place or are needed, and whether or not the taxon is utilized, a set of standard terms (called Classification Schemes; formerly referred to as Authority Files) have been developed for documenting taxa on the IUCN Red List...
European Classification System
"The European Classification System (ECLA) is an extension of the IPC and is used by the EPO...
Vessels and forms
"A typology for museums and collections: 12 basic shapes of vessels as well as a hierarchy of these types of forms, the forms are represented by extensive drawings and photographs, each of which is presented in alphabetical order with numerous concrete object names Phrases and each illustrated by a photo...
Thesaurus for farm equipment, field orders - Agricultural transport - Utility tools (woodworking)
"Scope: 4 main groups with subdivision up to the 5th hierarchical level."...
Classification of therapeutic services in medical rehabilitation
"The classification of therapeutic services (CTD) in medical rehabilitation has been a tried and tested instrument for the documentation of the therapeutic services in the rehabilitation discharge reports since 1997...
Derwent World Patents Index Classification System
"Companies often use different names for the same invention, and additional variation may be introduced when the patent application is translated into different languages...
International Patent Classification
"The International Patent Classification (IPC), established by the Strasbourg Agreement 1971, provides for a hierarchical system of language independent symbols for the classification of patents and utility models according to the different areas of technology to which they pertain...
United States Patent Classification
"The USPC is a system for organizing all U.S...
Cooperative Patent Classification
"The Cooperative Patent Classification (CPC) effort is a joint partnership between the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) and the European Patent Office (EPO) where the Offices have agreed to harmonize their existing classification systems (European Classification (ECLA) and United States Patent Classification (USPC) respectively) and migrate towards a common classification scheme."...
Emergency Classification
"An Emergency Classification is a set of plant conditions which indicate a level of risk to the public...
National Library of Medicine Classification (NLM)
"The NLM Classification covers the field of medicine and related sciences...
Association of German Prädikatsweingüter e. V. Classification model
"The classification rules of the VDP define the quality of a wine in particular according to the terroir, the origin in connection with the quality, the maintenance of this particular terroir is the focus - and this is accompanied by the renouncement of all area, generic and simple position designations Terroir is defined by a 'magical triangle' of the first quality and character of the vineyard, the second hand of the winemaker, and the 3rd quality of the grapes, which is recognizable in the wine, and the quality of a vineyard is defined Through the soil (topographical location, climate and microclimate), and the use of appropriate grape varieties is defined as a terroir....
Advancing Clinico-Genomic Trials on Cancer Master Ontology
"The intention of the ACGT Master Ontology (MO) is to represent the domain of cancer research and management in a computationally tractable manner...
Neglected Tropical Disease Ontology
"The Neglected Tropical Diseases (NTDs) are a set of diseases which persist in exactly the physical, psychosocial and economic situation of the poorest, most marginalized populations of the developing world...
NanoParticle Ontology for Cancer Nanotechnology Research
"Data generated from cancer nanotechnology research are so diverse and large in volume that it is difficult to share and efficiently use them without informatics tools...
Ontology for Drug Discovery Investigations
"The goal of DDI project is to develop an ontology for the description of drug discovery investigations...
Ontology for General Medical Science
"The Ontology for General Medical Science (OGMS) is an ontology of entities involved in a clinical encounter...
International Classification of Primary Care
"ICPC (International Classification of Primary Care) is a clinical coding system...
Dengue Ontology
"The Dengue ontology (IDODEN) is an extension of the Infectious Disease Ontology (IDO) for dengue fever."...
FISH Building Materials Thesaurus
"Construction materials for monuments relating to the built and buried heritage...
Crop Ontology
"The Crop Ontology (CO) current objective is to compile validated concepts along with their inter-relationships on anatomy, structure and phenotype of Crops, on trait measurement and methods as well as on Germplasm with the multi-crop passport terms...
Foundational Model of Anatomy (FMA)
"The Foundational Model of Anatomy Ontology (FMA) is an evolving computer-based knowledge source for biomedical informatics; it is concerned with the representation of classes or types and relationships necessary for the symbolic representation of the phenotypic structure of the human body in a form that is understandable to humans and is also navigable, parseable and interpretable by machine-based systems...
Genomic Clinical Decision Support Ontology
"The Genomic Clinical Decision Support (Genomic CDS) project aims to create and maintain an integrated, ontology-based knowledge base of clinically relevant pharmacogenomic information...
Disease Ontology (DO)
"The Disease Ontology has been developed as a standardized ontology for human disease with the purpose of providing the biomedical community with consistent, reusable and sustainable descriptions of human disease terms, phenotype characteristics and related medical vocabulary disease concepts through collaborative efforts of researchers at Northwestern University, Center for Genetic Medicine and the University of Maryland School of Medicine, Institute for Genome Sciences...
Computer-Based Patient Record Ontology
"The (Computer-Based Patient Record) CPR ontology burrows its name from the Institute of Medicine term used to define medical records systems of the future and the important features that distinguish them for EHRs of today...
Infectious Disease Ontology
"The IDO ontologies are designed as a set of interoperable ontologies that will together provide coverage of the infectious disease domain...
International Classification of External Causes of Injury
"ICECI is a free practical tool for classifying the circumstances in which injuries occur...
National Cancer Institute Thesaurus
"The NCI Thesaurus is a reference terminology and biomedical ontology used in a growing number of NCI and other systems...
National Cancer Institute Metathesaurus
"NCI Metathesaurus (NCIm) is a wide-ranging biomedical terminology database that covers most terminologies used by NCI for clinical care, translational and basic research, and public information and administrative activities...
Forum on Information Standards in Heritage Farmstead Types
"Thesaurus for indexing different types of farmsteads, related buildings, areas and layouts."...
Forum on Information Standards in Heritage Historic Landscape Characterisation
"Thesaurus for mapping current and past land use or character of rural areas."...
AGRIS/CARIS Categorization Scheme
"The scope of AGRIS and CARIS coincides with the scope of FAO and covers agriculture and its related fields, including fisheries, forestry, food, veterinary science and rural development...
Intellectual Property Services Classification
"The Intellectual Property Services Classification (IPSC) defines types of business activities that are executed by companies active in the IP market...
WHO Classification of Tumours of the Central Nervous System
"A possibility of systematisation of cns-tumours is the distinction regarding the cellular origin, the cell composition and growth behavior, on which the classification of the World Health Organization (WHO) is based...
Vital Sign Ontology
"The Vital Sign Ontology (VSO) is an extension of the Ontology for General Medical Science (OGMS)...
Timeline Ontology
"This ontology is centered around the notion of timeline, seen here as a way to identify a temporal backbone...
Mechanical & Transportation Engineering Abstracts Classification Codes
"CSA Mechanical & Transportation Engineering Abstracts provides citations, abstracts, and indexing of the serials literature in mechanical and transportation engineering and their complementary fields, including forensic engineering, management and marketing of engineering services, engineering education, theoretical mechanics and dynamics, and mathematics and computation."...
Thesaurus TOXIBASE
"As a result of the mission entrusted to it by the MILDT to develop a national resource center on drugs, OFDT provides a database in its documentary service covering different fields (products, uses and Consequences of these uses, public responses and drug markets) and is aimed primarily at decision-makers and professionals in the health, social and law enforcement sectors...
Aerospace & High Technology Database Classification
"The Aerospace & High Technology Database provides bibliographic coverage of basic and applied research in aeronautics, astronautics, and space sciences...
Vocabulary of Health Sciences for Argentina
"Based on the DECS vocabulary developed and maintained by the Pan American Health Organization...
International Classification for Standards
"The ICS (International Classification for Standards) is intended to serve as a structure for catalogues of international, regional and national standards and other normative documents, and as a basis for standing-order systems for international, regional and national standards...
Thesaurus of Rural Catalan Culture
"In order to structure the information on rural culture has created the first Catalan Thesaurus of rural culture, which has been agreed with Red Roots - cultivation of knowledge." The thesaurus is built based on existing documentation database Roots - cultivation of knowledge...
Thesaurus of Hydraulic Engineering
"The present Thesaurus of hydraulic engineering is directed to the technicians and professionals who must submerge in the problems that the location of the information in this field represents, and to the professionals of the documentation which they approach subjects of hydraulic Engineering...
Cigarette Smoking Behaviour Classification
"Information on cigarette smoking behaviour is used by both government and private health sector agencies, special interest groups, researchers, other organisations and individuals to plan health promotion programmes, identify and monitor changes in smoking prevalence and withdrawal rates and to identify at risk groups in the population...
Household Composition Standard Classification
"Household composition is a key variable for determining the demographic characteristics of a population...
Living Arrangements – New Zealand Standard Classification
"Living arrangements is a key variable for deriving complex household and family data...
Inspec Thesaurus
"The 2012 edition contains 18,755 terms of which 9,722 terms are preferred terms (called Controlled Indexing, Descriptors or Subject Headings on various platforms)...
Inspec Classification
"Inspec Classification is a powerful search tool, which enables you to limit your search to predetermined sections of the Inspec Database."...
Biobase Thesaurus
"The thesaurus field corresponds to the keywords used for the indexing of the documents...
National Resource Palliative Care Center Thesaurus
"Palli @ Doc is the database of the CNDR Palliative Care, in the form of bibliographic records...
Thesaurus Myobase
"The Myobase thesaurus is a structured list of keywords related to the clinical, scientific, psycho-social aspects of the neuromuscular domain...
Maternal and Child Health Thesaurus
"The purpose of developing this thesaurus is to provide the maternal and child health (MCH) professional community with a standard vocabulary in MCH program development and management, including health services, research, training, and program administration...
Thesaurus for SoyaScan Database of Soybeans and Soyfoods
"A list of keywords or subject headings such as this is known technically as a thesaurus...
HIV/AIDS Thesaurus
"Although there are many specialized thesauri in the health and the social sciences, the HIV/AIDS Thesaurus is unique in its character and focus...
Management Thesaurus
"A long tradition of cooperation brings together documentalists from the major French management schools, and many exchanges and common achievements have made it possible to establish a wide network of information, training and mutual assistance...
Canadian Thesaurus of Construction Science and Technology
"There are 15,331 files in the TC/CS...
Viikin kampuskirjaston ontologia
"Maa- ja metsätalousalojen AFO-ontologia (n...
Finnish Ontology of Health and Welfare
"Tero eli Terveyden ja hyvinvoinnin ontologia on mm...
Authorized Osteopathic Thesaurus
"Recently, various groups within the osteopathic profession discovered that the current sources of osteopathic terminology were inadequate to meet their needs...
National Agricultural Thesaurus
"Thesagro is the responsibility of the National Agricultural Library - BINAGRI, an agency of the Executive Secretariat of the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply...
American Society of Anesthesiologists Physical Status Classification System
"The purpose of the grading system is simply to assess the degree of a patient’s 'sickness' or 'physical state' prior to selecting the anesthetic or prior to performing surgery...
Contractors State License Board Licensing Classifications
"CSLB licenses contractors in 43 classifications."...
Nursing Interventions Classification
"The Nursing Interventions Classification (NIC) is a comprehensive, research-based, standardized classification of interventions that nurses perform...
Nursing Outcomes Classification
"The Nursing Outcomes Classification (NOC) is a comprehensive, standardized classification of patient/client outcomes developed to evaluate the effects of interventions provided by nurses or other health care professionals...
FAO Glossary of Biotechnology for Food and Agriculture
"The 'Glossary of Biotechnology for Food and Agriculture' is a revised, augmented version of the 'Glossary of Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering' published by FAO in 1999...
Glossary of terms on livestock manure management
"Manure management, utilisation and the potential impacts on the environment are topics of high relevance across Europe...
Code on Dental Procedures and Nomenclature (CDT)
The Code on Dental Procedures and Nomenclature is used to provide for the efficient processing of dental claims, and to populate an Electronic Health Record....
Ontology for collection and analysis of COviD-19 data (CODO)
The purpose of CODO ontology to represent and reason information related to COVID-19 cases and patient information...
Archäologisches Museum Hamburg – Stadtmuseum Harburg/Helms-Museum: Technique (craft) terms
Theses or loci communes of the whole medical field (brunfels)
"In 1532, a student of the learned physician and theologian Otto Brunfels (1488-1534) published an extensive and widely recognised loci communes collection on the field of medicine, which he had compiled on the basis of Brunfels' lessons...
Thesaurus of the Vienna Museum of Science and Technology
The thesaurus contains data about technical terms and classes from the Thesaurus of the Vienna Museum of Science and Technology....
"A vocabulary for all areas of catalysis initiated in NFDI4Cat...