A table of geologic time
"This work is a collection of about a thousand words, the result of two centuries of accumulated scientific development...
United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction Terminology
"The UNISDR Terminology aims to promote a common understanding and usage of disaster risk reduction concepts and to assist the disaster risk reduction efforts of authorities, practitioners and the public...
Classification of soils in Switzerland
"The classification of the soil has the objective of systematically classifying soils due to their diverse profile and location characteristics, making it possible to identify, compare, distinguish and assess subsoil soils.The classification has its importance mainly within the soil customer himself, Since pedological research and experiments should always be carried out on well-defined and classified soils, so that results can be compared...
Systematics Geosciences
"The systematics of the geoscientific system (...) consist of a combination of uppercase letters (which denote the individual basic disciplines general, geology, mineralogy, paleontology, geophysics, geography, geography, archeology, biology, mathematics, physics and chemistry) and digits...
Dictionary of Physical Geography
"This dictionary includes more than two thousand words belonging primarily in the areas of biogeography, the science of soil, climate, geomorphology and hydrology...
AGU Index Terms
"Index terms are a key part of AGU's strategy for categorizing and electronic distribution of journal articles, books, meeting abstracts, and e-mail alerts...
National Geographic Society Glossary
"Search the Glossary for geography, science, and social studies terms."...
Gale Earth Sciences Thesaurus
The Gale Earth Sciences Thesaurus is a subset of the master Gale Science Thesaurus...
Disaster & Safety Industry Classification
- provide a classification system to establish a statistical foundation for structural analysis of the disaster safety industry, understanding the current status of the market, establishing and supporting policies for fostering the relevant industries, and supporting systematic development policies...
Glossary of environment
1,500 environmental terms...
Institute of Major Hazards Thesaurus
"The 'Risk Thesaurus' is a set of terms chosen for their ability to facilitate the description of the major hazards theme...
Microthesaurus in Prevention and Emergency Care of Bogota
"1112 terms, 624 relations between terms, 65 equivalent terms."...
Multilingual Thesaurus of Geosciences
"The Multilingual Thesaurus contains 5823 key terms expressed as descriptors (preferred terms) or non-descriptors (non-preferred terms) in the language versions of the MT...
Earth Observation Thesaurus
"The project aims at developing a controlled and structured terminology system related to GIS and remote sensing...
Soil Taxonomy
"The publication Keys to Soil Taxonomy serves two purposes...
Environment Ontology
"The Environment Ontology (EnvO) provides a controlled, structured vocabulary that is designed to support the annotation of any organism or biological sample with environment descriptors...
"2085 terms, 1154 relations between terms, 27 non preferred terms."...
GeoRef Thesaurus
"The 11th edition of the GeoRef Thesaurus contains more than 30,800 controlled vocabulary terms and the complete GeoRef indexing structure...
Australian Soil Classification
"Welcome to the Revised Edition of the Australian Soil Classification...
World Reference Base for Soil Resources
"The WRB is a soil classification system for naming soils and creating soil map legends...
New Zealand Soil Classification
"The New Zealand Soil Classification was developed in the 1980s...
Italian thesaurus of Earth Sciences
"The objective of creating an Italian thesaurus of earth sciences stems from the desire to do justice to terminology and documentary complexity of our prestigious national heritage, muffled still largely imported from indexing tools and therefore often improper...