
Name Links
Thesaurus Laboratory of Solid Physics "The research activities of the Laboratory of Solid Physics cover a broader field than its title would suggest, and we are interested in condensed matter in all its diversity, even if we like to group our activities According to three main axes, involving a roughly equivalent number of researchers: New electronic states of matter, Physical phenomena with reduced dimensions, Soft matter and physical-biological interface...
Systematic Physics Systematics for Physics of the University Library Kaiserslautern....
Systematic Table of Physics "The signature of the phy books is composed of the signature and individual signature, the basic signature is separated from the individual signature in the OPAC by '/', on the signature sticker in the book by a horizontal line (...) The unambiguous identification of a book is achieved by means of the individual signature, which is formed by the author 's initial letter followed by two digits, and in the case of multi - volume works, the band is followed by' - ' The circulation is indicated in brackets...
Dictionary of Physics "Dictionary of physics, developed jointly by the Polytechnic University of Catalonia, Catalan Encyclopaedia and TERMCAT, brings together more than three thousand and defines terms used in physics...
Physics Glossary "Translation of Physics terms based on the Coursework for Physics Grades 9 to 12."...
Geoscience Australia's Units of Measure
AODN Units of Measure Vocabulary "A controlled vocabulary for units of measure that can be used in Marine Community Profile metadata."...
Gale Physics Thesaurus The Gale Physics Thesaurus is a subset of the master Gale Science Thesaurus...
Unified Code for Units of Measure (UCUM) "The Unified Code for Units of Measure is a code system intended to include all units of measures being contemporarily used in international science, engineering, and business...
Physics Subject Headings (PhySH) "PhySH (Physics Subject Headings) is a physics classification scheme developed by the American Physical Society to organize journals, meetings, and other content by topic...
PIRA Demonstration Classification Scheme "The goal of the Physics Instructional Resource Association (PIRA) Demonstration Classification Scheme is to create a logically organized and universally inclusive taxonomy giving a unique code to every lecture demonstration...
Properties Source Index "The properties-source index provides databases, reference works, and websites for physico-chemical and other material-related properties (data, definition, measurement), realized as a system of two entangled thesauri for physical properties and chemical systems , 347 synonyms, 126 facets, the following are given: property names, synonyms and translations, a definition and common symbols and physical units according to the IUPAC "Green Book." 326 descriptors, 70 synonyms Sources: Round 830 Sources: Databases, reference books, websites, etc...
Physics and Astronomy Classification Scheme (PACS) "The Physics and Astronomy Classification SchemeĀ® (PACS) was developed by the American Institute of Physics (AIP) and has been used in Physical Review since 1975 to identify fields and sub-fields of physics...