EAGLE Vocabulary Material
"This hierarchic Vocabulary relies on the definitions of the Simplified Petrography in Salzburg...
EAGLE Vocabulary - Execution Technique
"This vocabulary collects all writing techniques and types as attested in the EAGLE BPN...
EAGLE Vocabulary - Type of Inscription
"In this vocabulary are described all terms which concern the type of text written on a stone according to its function and aim as a text...
EAGLE Vocabulary - Object Type
"The classification of objects on which an inscription can be written is extremely complex in many cases...
EAGLE Vocabulary - Decoration
"Terms in this vocabulary refer to any decoration surrounding an inscription...
EAGLE Vocabulary - Dating Criteria
"The common use among Members of the BPN is to insert, when this information is available two dates...
EAGLE Vocabulary - State of Preservation
"State of preservation (which could probably be abbreviated to 'Condition') is a small vocabulary describing the general condition in which the inscription was at the moment of the latest inspection...
Writing System Name Authority List
"The Writing system NAL provides the list of the main writing systems...