
Name Links
BBC Ontology "The BBC ontology is used to describe BBC concepts in the store...
Core Concepts Ontology "The generic BBC ontology for people, places,events, organisations, themes which represent things that make sense across the BBC...
Telecommunications Object Thesaurus "The structure is designed to accommodate additional terms...
Thesaurus Mass Communication "The thesaurus comprises two parts...
Library System of the Hans-Bredow-Institut Library System of the Hans-Bredow-Institut for Media Research at the University of Hamburg...
Systematics Journalism "The media are arranged according to an in-house systematic."...
Systematics Communication "The set-up system for the subject areas of the UdK (visual communication with film and photography, corporate and economic communication, electronic business), summarized here under the term 'communication', is based on that in many German libraries ) Was used for the use of the Regensburg classification system RVK (...), but this system was reduced and, if necessary, simplified or modified for use at the UdK A * marked in the following list indicate the specifications for the previously mentioned place, which are no longer used for new books....
Telecom Terms and Acronyms "Prior to the internet, wireless and high speed communications, 'fax' and 'vcr' were the buzzwords of the day...
Audiovisual and Communication Vocabulary "This vocabulary is part of a collection of thematic vocabularies published by the General Delegation for the French Language and the Languages ​​of France, under the French Language Enrichment Device...
Vocabulary of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) "This vocabulary is part of a collection of thematic vocabularies published by the General Delegation for the French Language and the Languages ​​of France, under the French Language Enrichment Device...
Basic terminology of mobile devices "This dictionary contains fifty terms related to mobile devices, especially smartphones and tablets, as defined in Catalan and equivalents in Spanish, French and English...
Common Thesaurus of Audiovisual Archives "The Dutch Institute for Sound and Vision has teamed up with some other Dutch organizations operating audiovisual cultural heritage developed the Common Thesaurus for Audiovisual Archives (GTAA)... API
Type of Telephone "Identifies the type of telephone entered as contact information for an individual or an organization."...
Testapedia Taxonomy
Mobile Phone Parts Guide Telephone was one of the greatest inventions of mankind, and it became a means of communication revolution that brought the whole world together...
ICT(Information & Communication Technology) integrated classification system It standardizes the scope of the ICT industry and provides an ICT integrated classification system that can reflect ICT technology and market changes...
Glossary of Information and Communications The Korea Information and Communication Technology Association (TTA) describes and standardizes information and communication terms that are generated by the development of information and communication technology and convergence of technology with other fields...
Communication Thesaurus Used in the database 'Communication & Mass Media Complete'....
Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission Thesaurus "The CRTC Thesaurus contains the preferred terms used to index CRTC information resources on its website...
ICT R&D Technology Classification The ICT R&D technology classification system was created in consideration of technology trends and support fields in the ICT field to efficiently promote the planning, evaluation, and management of R&D projects under Article 3 of the Information and Communication and Broadcast R&D Management Regulations....