
Name Links
Glossary of the European Higher Education "The Glossary is a collection of the EHEA multilingual Catalan, Spanish, English and French keywords on the European Higher Education explained extensively from the documentation generated by this new reality...
The new systematic catalog of the University Library of Berlin "In 1975, the Systematic Catalog of the University Library of Berlin (...) was aborted, as it did not allow a materialization of the material to meet the requirements of teaching and research...
Field of Science and Technology Classification (FOS) "Statistical units in the PNP sector are classified into the six major fields of science and technology suggested in UNESCO’s 'Recommendation Concerning the International Standardisation of Statistics on Science and Technology' (1978)... API
System for Information on Grey Literature in Europe Classification "System for Information on Grey Literature in Europe, is your open access to 700.000 bibliographical references of grey literature (paper) produced in Europe and allows you to export records and locate the documents."...
Records Classification and Retention Plan "Every unit shall use the RCRP to organize, sort, destroy or permanently retain records produced or received during the course of their activities...
Subject area system of the University and State Library Düsseldorf (FULD) "The subject system, which divides the knowledge areas into main groups and subgroups and is expressed by a combination of letters and numbers (notation), allows you to search professional-thematically in the search portal...
Austrian system of the scientific branches (ÖFOS) "The Austrian Systematics of the Sciences 2012 (ÖFOS 2012) is the version of the revised International Classification of Fields of Science and Technology (FOS), adapted to the Austrian situation, whose application is binding in international comparison, and particularly within the European statistical system ÖFOS 2012 consists of 6 main groups: natural sciences (1), technical sciences (2), human medicine, health sciences (3), agricultural sciences, veterinary medicine (4), social sciences (5) and the humanities (6) 3-digit groups In order to be able to deal more closely with the national situation in the new Austrian system of scientific branches, these 3-positioners were provided with further subgroups (4-positioners), taking into account the explanations of the international classification Groups, currently no , The 3-positioner has the same designation as the subgroup (4-positioner, e.g... API
A Proposed Taxonomy of Postsecondary Education Subject Matter Areas "The development of the NCHEM taxonomy came about because of a need for standardized and comprehensive structures for cataloging and organizing information on the multitude of instructional programs and activities presently functioning in the various levels and sectors of education...
Keyword Thesaurus. A List of Terms and Codes to Identify Areas of Interest for Research and Other Types of Sponsored Programs "This list of program types and keywords (with codes) was prepared for program officers at the National Endowment for the Humanities, the National Institute of Education, and the National Science Foundation to use when preparing program announcements and requests for proposals...
A Classification System and Manual for Placement Office Libraries "A classification scheme is given for materials related to occupational and educational opportunities collected by the Rutgers College Placement Office Library...
Tesqual "Microthesaurus Tesqual is a controlled vocabulary with a structure based on hierarchical, associative and equivalence relationships...
Leeds University Library Classification Scheme "Leeds University Library has a unique classification scheme."...
University of Navarra Library Classification System Classification System of the University of Navarra Library...
Arbeitsstelle Studium und Beruf Bibliothekssystematik
Classifications of the Central Library "All media from the Zentralbibliothek of the Hanover University of Applied Sciences are freely accessible and systematically arranged according to subject areas...
Cambridge University Library Classification Scheme "This is the Library's 'three-figure' classification scheme which is used to determine the subject stem of the classmarks of the great majority of monographs on the open shelves...
University Archives Classification Schedule "This Archives Classification Schedule is an outline of the holdings of the University Archives...
University of Applied Sciences Schwäbisch Gmünd Installation system of the university library
Göttingen online classification (GOK) "You get systematic access to the Göttinger Universitätskatalog (GUK) through the Göttinger Online-Klassifikation (GOK)...
Library Classification System of the Gregorian Pontifical University "The Pontifical Gregorian University Library has developed her own system to classify books and periodicals...
The Royal Library Systematic Catalog 2nd Edition. "SK2 (Systematic Catalog 2nd Edition) is used for books in the University Library Collections acquired since 1995."...
The Royal Library Systematic Catalog 1.th. "SK1 (Systematic Catalog 1st Edition) is used for books in the University Library Collections acquired 1980 - 1995."...
University Groningen University Classification Scheme
General Archive of the University of São Paulo Classification Plan "The Classification Plan is proposed as a tool for ordering, organizing and finding the documents generated or received by the University in the fulfillment of its duties, competencies and activities...
Document Classification Plan of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul
Thesaurus of University Terms "In creating TUT we relied extensively on existing finding aids to generate terms and tested the thesaurus against a broad range of record series, thus ensuring that the vocabulary would have literary warrant...
Directory of UQAM Authorities-Subject "RASUQAM is an encyclopaedic thesaurus developed since 1994 by the Library Service of the Université du Québec à Montréal and is used for the indexing of its collections.RASUQAM has about 47,000 descriptors , Including common names, organization names, titles, geographical names, chronological terms, form descriptors, and some uncontrolled descriptors...
Official Classification System "The SOC was designed to allow the various academic and administrative units of the Université de Montréal to classify, index and classify their active documents and files in a consistent and systematic manner."...
Subject catalog of the Central Library Kiel for thematic search "The subject catalog offers you the media available in the central library according to subject areas and sorted by topic, within the subject areas, so it is well suited for a specific subject-specific, thematic search entry.In each subject area, you will find formally defined sections such as magazines and bibliographies The subjects of the subject follow in a factual sequence in an increasingly subtropical subdivision, similar to a textbook of the respective subject, the subject of which can be divided into the subject matter of each subject, the psychology, for example, psy, which is combined with a three - digit number (...) Not all areas of knowledge are identified by their own subject system, and smaller subjects are often grouped together with neighboring ones, for example, archiving and genealogy form sections in Ges (Gsb 225-253 and gsb 260-275, respectively), cartography is a section in geography (ggr 710-978)...
Systematics for university didactics Systematics for university didactics of the University Library of Mainz....
Index of Higher Education Journals and Educational Research Controlled Vocabulary "The VOCABULARY CONTROLLED (VC) consists of a standardized list of topics and identifiers...
Higher Education Glossary "When you first arrive at university in your first year things can seem a little overwhelming...
DataCite Metadata Schema "The DataCite Metadata Schema is a list of core metadata properties chosen for the accurate and consistent identification of a resource for citation and retrieval purposes, along with recommended use instructions...
CERIF "CERIF is: A concept about research entities and their relationships – Specification (Conceptual Level); A description of research entities and their relationships – Model (Logical Level); A formalization of research entities and their relationships – Database Scripts (Physical Level)...
The national term bank of science "The Bank of Finnish Terminology in Arts and Sciences is a multidisciplinary project which aims to gather a permanent terminological database for all fields of research in Finland...
Subject Taxonomy Books University Library Paderborn (FBUP) "The 'Fachsystematik Bücher' of the University Library of Paderborn (UB) serves as a layout for the creation of the book inventory in the freehand areas of the UB...
European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System Glossary "ECTS is a credit system designed to make it easier for students to move between different countries...
Classifications of the Central Library of the University of Ludwigshafen on the Rhine "A small part of the library's holdings are organized according to the (...) earlier system of the central library, which is an older, only weakly used media unit, which is therefore moved into our closed magazine the central library is for our classification work today no longer relevant additions are classified rather since mid-2012, according to the Regensburg classification (RVK) and -...
RCUK Subject Classification "PRGPG agreed that in the long term classification harmonisation across the whole higher education and research sector would be desirable and that the Research Councils should aim to achieve alignment over a period of a few years and would not adopt JACS at this stage, although JACS could be used for external reporting...
Organization ID Types "The nominal type of unique ID used for an organization."...
University Information "Thesaurus for University Information Services."...
UHR's Termbase for Norwegian higher education institutions "A collection of 2000 administrative terms with English - Norwegian bokmål/Norwegian bokmål - English and English - Norwegian nynorsk/Norwegian nynorsk - English translations, from the Norwegian Institutions of Higher Education...
NARCIS Classification "The Narcis Classification is a framework of codes with which institutes and experts are classified and can be retrieved...
Australian and New Zealand Standard Research Classification: Fields of Research "The Australian and New Zealand Standard Research Classification (ANZSRC) is jointly produced by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) and Statistics New Zealand (Statistics NZ)...
Australian and New Zealand Standard Research Classification: Socio-Economic Objective "The Australian and New Zealand Standard Research Classification (ANZSRC) is jointly produced by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) and Statistics New Zealand (Statistics NZ)...
University management nomenclature "Aquest diccionari és fruit de la col·laboració entre la Xarxa Vives d’Universitats i el Centre de Terminologia TERMCAT, amb l’objectiu de difondre en línia el treball dut a terme per la Comissió de Llengua de la Xarxa Vives mitjançant el grup de treball de Terminologia i Nomenclatura, integrat per tècnics dels serveis lingüístics de 14 universitats de la Xarxa...
Controlled vocabulary for Mexico 1968: information resources "El vocabulario en cuestión se construyó con base en el análisis temático de documentos recopilados y transcritos por María de los Ángeles Knochenhauer durante el movimiento estudiantil de 1968 en México...
UPIANA Classification Scheme "The UPIANA Classification Schedule forms part of a set of three special classification schedules developed by the Cataloging and Metadata Services Section of the University of the Philippines Diliman University Library...
Systematik der Fächergruppen, Studienbereiche und Studienfächer Fächersystematik der Statistischen Bundesamts für Statistiken im Bereich "Studierende an Hochschulen"... API
Systematik der Fächergruppen, Lehr- und Forschungsbereiche und Fachgebiete (DFÄ) Fächersystematik der Statistischen Bundesamts für Statistiken im Bereich "Personal an Hochschulen"... API
Thesaurus Unesp The UNESP Thesaurus has vocabulary with specialized terms from the areas of knowledge of its teaching, research and extension activities...
Swedish-English Dictionary of Higher Education "The Swedish-English dictionary contains translations of terms relevant to higher education...
Tesauro de Educación Superior "1690 términos, 1615 descriptores, 2972 palabras clave (1356 diferentes), 75 términos no preferentes (USE), 17 relaciones de especificidad (NA), 1490 relaciones jerárquicas (TA/TE), 1074 relaciones asociativas (TR)...
Comprehensive University Library System (GHB) "According to this system, numerous university and technical college libraries provide their books freely accessible to the users...
Nature Publishing Group Subject Ontology "The Taxonomy of subject areas used to index content on nature.com."...
Classification of curriculum information Classification of curriculum information refers to details about departments in high schools and universities provided by the CareerNet career information network...
Classfication of school information Classification of school information is a list of schools in Korea provided by the CareerNet career information network...
Classification of department Classification of department is a feature provided by JobKorea that allows users to explore department information from universities...
Illinois Researcher Information Service Keyword Thesaurus "IRIS (Illinois Researcher Information Service) has been replaced by the grants database service GrantForward, hosted and managed by Cazoodle, Inc...
American Medical College Application Service Course Classification Guide "Each course in the AMCAS application must be classified strictly on the primary content of the course."...
Classification of Instructional Programs "The Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP) provides a taxonomic scheme that supports the accurate tracking and reporting of fields of study and program completions activity...
Thesaurus for Use in College and University Archives "The approximately 1,300 terms in this thesaurus come from many sources; before weeding, there were nearly 5,000 seed terms that originated in several existing controlled and uncontrolled vocabularies...
Thesaurus of the Autonomous University of Guadalajara "The 'UAG Thesaurus' is based on TEMATRES, which is free software for thesaurus management and on the academic structure of the UAG, since it is considered to be the academic areas and their various faculties, schools, departments, academic degrees and Materials that request and generate information resources with which the collections of the Library Network are developed, and that these in turn are the basis for teaching, learning and research in the various educational programs of the UAG...
Thesaurus of the University of Barcelona The Thesaurus of the University of Barcelona (THUB) is a tool that facilitates the consultation by subjects in the Catalog because: it normalizes the way to access the indexes of subjects; unambiguously identifies the term sought; Group the catalog documents from the accepted forms... API
Joint Academic Coding System "The Joint Academic Coding System (JACS) is owned and maintained by the Universities and Colleges Admissions Service (UCAS) and the Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA) and is used for subject coding of provision across higher education in the UK...
Australian and New Zealand Standard Research Classification: Type of Activity "The Australian and New Zealand Standard Research Classification (ANZSRC) is jointly produced by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) and Statistics New Zealand (Statistics NZ)...
Systematics of the subjects and colleges of the German Research Association (DFG) German Research Foundation (DFG) classification of scientific disciplines, research areas, review boards, and subject areas... API
Oregon University System Human Resources Classification Specifications "Human Resources, within the Finance and Administration Division, provides system-wide leadership, consultative services, and coordination of major human resources functions in cooperation with the seven public universities that comprise the Oregon University System...
The Carnegie Classification of Institutions of Higher Education "The Carnegie Classification™ has been the leading framework for recognizing and describing institutional diversity in U.S...
Community Engagement Elective Classification "The classification for Community Engagement is an elective classification, meaning it is based on voluntary participation by institutions...
Classification UPC "This classification functional groups the documents to reflect the functions and activities of the University following a hierarchical structure and logic...
Glossary for academics and teaching at the University of Barcelona "This glossary is intended as a resource to facilitate communication within the UB around academic subjects and teachers...
A discipline classification used in higher education research collection "On development activities in statistics Research and Statistics Finland, in 2007, introduced by the discipline classification was revised in 2010 by dividing classes into smaller and earlier given the most appropriate entities Discipline classification is based on the OECD Discipline rating OKM used..., Published by R & D activities in support of statistics Frascati-Manual FOS classification"... API
Disciplines of the Information Archives "The Finnish Social Science Data Archive uses the CESSDA topic classification in its descriptors as well as its own classification."...
Systematics of the subjects and colleges of the German Research Association (2016-2019) (DFG) German Research Foundation (DFG) classification of scientific disciplines, research areas, review boards, and subject areas for 2016-2019...
Systematics of the subjects and colleges of the German Research Association (2020-2024) (DFG) German Research Foundation (DFG) classification of scientific disciplines, research areas, review boards, and subject areas for 2020-2024...