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Corporate Body Classification Name Authority List "The corporate-body-classification authority table is a controlled vocabulary providing types of corporate bodies... API
Fire Industry Classification - Select items corresponding to the fire industry based on the Korean standard industry classification and prepare a special classification of the fire industry, and use them as a means to prepare basic statistics for policymaking in related industries...
Disaster & Safety Industry Classification - provide a classification system to establish a statistical foundation for structural analysis of the disaster safety industry, understanding the current status of the market, establishing and supporting policies for fostering the relevant industries, and supporting systematic development policies...
Korean Standard Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (KCF) The overall purpose of the KCF is to provide a unified standard language and system to represent health and health-related states...
Korean Diagnosis Related Group (KDRG) KDRG is a Korean version of DRG(Diagnosis Related Group), which is used as a payment unit for medical expenses for each disease group in Korea, and is used to calibrate patient composition when calculating relative indicators for comparison of hospital expenses....
Korean Diagnosis Related Group-KM (KDRG-KM) Korean Diagnosis Related Group-KM (KDRG-KM) developed Ver 1.0 in January 2015 to use it as a correction tool for patient composition for comparison between medical institutions and has been continuously revised to reflect changing healthcare environments....
Classification of Materials for Medical Treatment It is classified for the efficiency of price calculation and management by reflecting item-specific characteristics such as function for use purposes, and the medical material code system consists of the code of the place...
Simplified Explanation of Health Insurance Review & Assessment Service Terms The difficult terms used by the Health Insurance Review and Assessment Service were easily solved....
Classification of Health Insurance Code This is a manual on the disease classification system and the code relating to claims for medical care currently used by the Health Insurance Review and Assessment Service...
Glossary of statistical terms for health industry Medications, medical devices, cosmetics, food, medical services, etc....
Corporate bodies Name Authority List The Corporate bodies name authority list (NAL) or Common Authority Table (CAT) is a controlled vocabulary listing corporate entities such as European institutions and bodies with their authority code and label(s) in the 24 official languages of the EU (when available)... API