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Dictionary of civil law "This dictionary contains 1160 words corresponding to the five major traditional areas of civil law: general civil law, civil law of obligations and contracts, real rights, family law and inheritance law...
Glosario del Colegio de Escribanos de la Provincia de Buenos Aires 391 Términos, 4 Relaciones entre términos, 90 Términos equivalentes....
Vocabulary Of Attribution and Governance "VOAG stands for 'Vocabulary Of Attribution and Governance'...
Licence Name Authority List "The Licence authority table is a controlled vocabulary that lists the European Commission Reuse Notice and the European Union Public Licences... API
Copyright Industry Classification - Systematic production of the copyright industry statistics due to the expansion of the scope of the copyright industry and the increase of social interest - To establish a classification system necessary for establishing policies for the copyright industry based on the WIPO (World Intelligent Property Organization)'s Guide to Economic Contribution of Copyright-Based Industries...
Glossary of intellectual Property Terms Intellectual property rights such as patents and trademarks are very professional, making it difficult for the general public to easily understand related terms...
Classification of the Purposes of Non-Profit Institutions Serving Households "In principle, COPNI classifies individual outlays of NPISHs according to the purpose they serve... API
International Classification of the Figurative Elements of Marks "The Vienna Classification constitutes a hierarchical system that proceeds from the general to the particular, classifying the figurative elements of marks into categories, divisions and sections, on the basis of their shape...
National Taxonomy of Exempt Entities "The National Taxonomy of Exempt Entities (NTEE) system is used by the IRS and NCCS to classify nonprofit organizations...
The International Classification of Non-profit Organizations "Non-profit institutions in the satellite account are classified by primary area of activity according to the International Classification of Non-profit Organizations (ICNPO)...
New Zealand Standard Classification of Non–Profit Organisations "The New Zealand Standard Classification of Non–Profit Organisations (NZSCNPO) has been developed to assist in the study of the non–profit sector in the New Zealand context...
Legally Registered Relationship Status – Standard Classification "Legally registered relationship status is a key variable for determining the demographic characteristics of a population...
ARCHE Licenses "A list of licenses that can be used for acdh:hasLicense in ARCHE."... API
Intellectual Property Law Dictionary Legal terms used in intellectual property lawsuits were reviewed to present appropriate English translations for Korean terms and appropriate Korean translations for English terms, and explanations and use cases for terms were added to Korean and English so that domestic and foreign judgments and materials could be translated and understood easily and accurately....