British Columbia First Nations Subject Headings
"CAPs indicate Xwi7xwa subject headings...
Keyword list of the Pro Senectute library
"The Pro Senectute Library is Switzerland's largest media and information center on the topics of age, aging and generational relationships...
National Clearinghouse on Aging Thesaurus
"The National Clearinghouse on Aging Thesaurus provides a retrieval vocabulary for the document collection currently housed at the Administration on Aging...
Brian Deer Classification Scheme
"Xwi7xwa Library uses a modified version of the Brian Deer classification system, developed by Kahnawake librarian Brian Deer for the National Indian Brotherhood (now the Assembly of First Nations) in the 1970s...
Schwules Museum* Bestandssystematik
The Gay Museum * was founded in 1985 and today is one of the largest and most important institutions for archiving, researching and communicating the history and culture of the LGBT * with its highly acclaimed exhibitions, archive collections, numerous research papers and more than thirty-five - mostly volunteer employees - I * Q communities...
Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada Subject Thesaurus
"Welcome to the Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada Subject Thesaurus (IST), which was developed to make retrieval of Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada (INAC) information more efficient...
Classification of the Iglf-Bibliothek
Classification of the Iglf-Bibliothek...
Iwi-Hapū Names List
"It is derived from the waka, iwi and hapū names in He Puna Kupu Māori and Tāpuhi and has been reviewed by Te Taura Whiri (Māori Language Commission)...
National Museum of the American Indian Reference Lists (Thesauri)
"The following reference lists represent NMAI controlled terminologies in their respective hierarchies...
Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Straight Islander Studies Thesauri
"Pathways contains the terms we use to describe the items in the AIATSIS Collections...
Maori Subject Headings
"The list of over 1,000 headings and their associated references is appropriate for use at a public library level...
LGBT terminology vocabulary
"This vocabulary Brief prepared by Marta, includes nearly 200 terms relating to the LGBT sphere, ie, the group of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender...
International Thesaurus of Gay and Lesbian Index Terms
A Women's Thesaurus
"The language of standard indexing and classification systems-terms used in most journals, libraries, filing systems, and databases-does not offer vocabulary consistently or sufficiently detailed and up-to-date to retrieve the wealth of resources available...
"This is an International Thesaurus of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Index Terms that is currently used by
Glossary feminine terminology
Library of Congress Demographic Group Terms
"This vocabulary will be used to describe the creators of, and contributors to, resources, and also the intended audience of resources...
Lesbian Herstory Archives Subject Files
"Our 1,569 fascinating Subject Files fill the drawers of four, five drawer horizontal file cabinets plus overflow boxes...
Gender Equality Glossary and Thesaurus
"EIGE’s Gender Equality Glossary and Thesaurus is a specialised terminology tool focusing on the area of gender equality...
Gender and Science Taxonomy
"The Gender and Science Taxonomy provides a fixed set of key topics and keywords to classify all content on GenPORT...
Library of Congress Children's Subject Headings
"The Library of Congress Subject Headings Supplemental Vocabularies: Children’s Headings (LCSHAC) is a thesaurus which is used in conjunction with LCSH...
Queer Books for Teens Controlled Vocabulary
"This website aims to create a comprehensive bibliography of Young Adult fiction with significant LGBTQ content published between 2000 and 2017 by major and minor presses in the United States, with a few exceptions...
Gale Person Type Thesaurus
The Gale Person Type Thesaurus focuses on describing people by a range of statuses and characteristics including gender, age, social role, nationality and ethnicity, and occupation...
Home and Insertion Thesaurus
"The thesaurus, in its current state, needs to be validated by the professionals of the reception / integration of the young people of the Center region...
Thesaurus Women
"Total number of terms: 849, Total number of descriptors: 645, Total number of non-descriptors: 204...
Thesaurus of Aging Terminology
"This edition of the Thesaurus contains 2,095 main terms, including 228 geographical terms, as well as 753 nonpostable cross-references...
Open Family Services Directory
"The Open Family Services subject vocabulary provides a way of categorising family services within the Open Family Services Directory (formerly DfE Family Information Directory)...
Child Dependency Status Standard Classification
"Child dependency is an important variable in determining the composition of families and households...
Iwi – New Zealand Standard Classification
"Statistics on the size and demographic characteristics of Iwi affiliates are needed: to allow the Crown and Iwi to monitor the performance of Treaty of Waitangi obligations; to assist in allocating resources and funds to Iwi; to assist Iwi in planning social and economic developments; to assist Waitangi Tribunal decisions on land ownership, fishing rights, etc; to assist central, regional and local government agencies planning and providing services to Iwi in areas such as housing, health, social welfare and special assistance programmes; to assist local government in the administration of the Resource Management Act 1991...
Māori Descent – Standard Classification
"Māori descent is a key variable in meeting the demand for information on the number, distribution and characteristics of the tangata whenua...
Number of children - Standard classification
"Number of children is a hierarchical classification of two levels...
"Lapponica thesaurus is within Rovaniemi library's decades-edited a special vocabulary that is used to Lapland collection and the wider pohjoiskalottikokoelman for indexing...
Archäologisches Museum Hamburg – Stadtmuseum Harburg/Helms-Museum: Cultural groups
FrauenMediaThesaurus (FMT)
FrauenMediaThesaurus is used by Feminist Archive and Library FrauenMediaTurm ...