Theology in Aotearoa New Zealand: An Annotated Bibliography under Subject Headings
"This annotated bibliography is focused on contextual theology in Aotearoa New Zealand...
Friedensauer library system
"The Friedensauer Bibliothek-Systematik combines large parts of the system for libraries (SfB - with specially created system groups for archeology, children's books (KiBü), theology (theol) and Hochschulschriften (HSS) ,This, on the one hand, makes it possible to provide a suitable picture of the Library of the Theological University of Friedensau...
Library system Theological Theological College Gießen
A PDF file about the library systematics of the Freie Theologische Hochschule Giessen...
Subject Headings for Church or Synagogue Libraries
"This guide to subject headings for church or synagogue libraries begins by providing guidelines for the subject cataloging process...
Classification system for The Faculty of Theology
The Faculty of Theology Faculty Library Classification Schemes
"The Library of Biblical Exegesis has a comprehensive classification system that applies to all sub-areas...
Systematic Religion
Systematics for the Department of Religion of the University Library Kaiserslautern....
Systematic book setting up of Theology
Systematic book setting up of theology of the communication, information, media center (KIM) of the University of Konstanz....
Systematic compartments of the State Library Passau
Systematic division of subjects from the Staatliche Bibliothek Passau....
Group system of the former state library Eichstätt
"The old prints (up to the year 1800) of the University Library of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt and the libraries which it administers are, for the most part, not developed and arranged according to the 'Regensburg System' Of the Central Library of the Bavarian Capuchin (Altötting) until the year of the year 1800 are developed with the help of the group system of the former state library of Eichstatt...
Dictionary of Religions
"Dictionary of Religions 1604 spreads Catalan denominations corresponding to 1,427 different items...
Bodleian Old Theology Library Scheme
Aufstellungssystematik Theologie
This is the classification system for Theology at the University Library of Trier....
Classification Schemes
"The material is organized for subjects that reflect the library's specialized orientation, particularly attentive to religious-historical disciplines, related to the Byzantine religious and liturgical tradition...
History and Sciences of Religions Vocabulary
"Controlled vocabulary used for indexing bibliographical records for the 'History and Sciences of Religions' FRANCIS database (1972-2015,"...
IxTheo classification (IxTheo)
The classification of Index Theologicus bibliography uses uppercase letter notations for topics of theological interest....
Gale Religion and Philosophy Thesaurus
The Gale Religion and Philosophy Thesaurus is a subset of the master Gale Humanities Thesaurus...
Subject classification system of the University of Marburg (FUM)
The subject system of the Department of Religious Studies lists 17 topics of the religions divided into continents and religious groups...
Australian Standard Classification of Religious Groups
"The scope of the classification is all religions and subsets of religions in the world as defined above...
Theological Thesaurus
"Abbreviations for this subject word: hand = use the following term, the left column term is not used, instead the right-hand column term is used LT = broader term RT = parallel term ST = narrower term see YSA = see General Finnish keyword KT = The library's cataloging information is usually marked with one or more keyword descriptive content, which can be used to find books on the subject or subject matter to be explored, and library purchases have been listed in HELKA since 1992...
Facet Analytical Theory in Managing Knowledge Structure for Humanities
"FATHUM is a faceted classification designed to accommodate the humanities and was developed for the FATKS project (
Catalan Thesaurus religion
"The terms have been chosen as representative of the lexicon of the field where we are working -religion- has reached them by means of inductive or deductive analysis used according to the sources...
Religious Affiliation – New Zealand Standard Classification
"Religious affiliation is a variable of strong interest to religious organisations, social scientists, and can be used as an explanatory variable in studies on topics such as marriage formation and dissolution, fertility and income...