
Name Links
Clinician's Thesaurus "With over 350,000 in print, the Clinician's Thesaurus is an indispensable practitioner resource and course text...
Sigmund Freud Private University of Vienna Library Systems "A system provides information on the layout of the outdoor area of the Lesesaal."...
International Psychoanalytic University classification scheme Our mission includes the prevention of landslides and coastal erosion, sustainable and effective soil works, know-how and methods to remediate contaminated sites and climate adaptation...
Max-Planck-Institut (MPI) für Kognitions- und Neurowissenschaften Bibliothekssystematik Bibliothekssystematik für Kognitions- und Neurowissenschaften des Max Planck Institutes....
Systematic Psychology Systematics for Psychology of the University Library Kaiserslautern....
Evangelical University of Nuremberg systematics of the Testothek Systematics of the Testothek of the Evangelische Hochschule Nürnberg - (EVHN) - University of Applied Sciences....
Glossary of Psychology and Therapy Terms
PSYNDEX Terms "The PSYNDEX terms are the controlled vocabulary of the PSYNDEX database, which is based on the" Thesaurus of Psychological Index Terms "(Copyright American Psychological Association, all rights reserved), whose entire word stock has been translated into German Has been updated and now contains 5973 main terms of the psychological specialist language in German and English, with a total of 4188 references...
English-Greek Glossary of Psychology English-Greek Glossary of Psychology published by the Hellenic Psychological Society....
Shelf classification of psychology Shelf classification of psychology of the university library of Trier....
Hierarchical Taxonomy of Psychopathology "Objectives of the Hierarchical Taxonomy of Psychopathology (HiTOP) are to advance the classification of psychopathology to maximize its usefulness for research and clinical practice...
Classification scheme
Gale Psychology Thesaurus The Gale Psychology Thesaurus is a subset of the master Gale Social Sciences Thesaurus in the narrower domain of the study of the human psyche, emotions, reactions, mental processes, and individual behavior...
Tesauro Online "The Thesaurus is an orderly and open set of terms of a thematic area, on which a synonymy and homonymy control has been made, which allows to find the key words (descriptors) to adequately synthesize the documents and facilitate their location In the Database, constituting a bridge between the terminology of the author and the specific interest of the reader...
PsycTESTS Classification System (PsycTESTS) "Every record in PsycTESTS receives a PsycTESTS Classification, which is used to identify the general area of psychology that the measure is designed to assess...
Psychological Tests Classification
School of the Freudian Cause Thesaurus "Applied in the library database."...
ISOC Psychology Thesaurus "The version presented by the TESAURO ISOC DE PSICOLOGIA, like the previous one, can be improved, since the thesaurus, although it is a controlled language, has to reflect the natural language of a discipline and, therefore, must incorporate the terms This issue, like the previous one, is considered to be a very useful tool for all Documentation Centers and Libraries specializing in Psychology or related sciences ...
Thesaurus of Psychological Index Terms "8222 terms, 5613 postable index terms, 2609 nonpostable terms...
Thésaurus SantéPsy "The HealthPsy thesaurus contains 3373 descriptors and 1562 synonyms (non-descriptors)...
PsycINFO Classification Categories and Codes (PsycINFO) "Every record in PsycINFO® databases receives a classification code, which is used to categorize the document according to the primary subject matter...
List of concepts, terms and acronyms of Psychology and Educational Sciences List of concepts, terms and acronyms of Psychology and Educational Sciences...
Vocabulary of the psychology of learning and conditioning "This is a web interface for consultation online vocabulary conditioning and psychology of learning, indicating the frequency of use of words and their English equivalents, and Louis Garcia Sevilla and Adriana Garau and flowers ...
Controlled Method (CM) Types of controlled methods in psychological studies as used in PubPsych bibliographical database... API
Klarsaurus Glossary of academic terms, especially from Psychology with easy to understand explanation... API