Classification for philosophy
A classification for philosophy of the Helsinki University Library....
Teaching unit Philosophy Library system
"In the historical department the philosophical primary and secondary literatures are placed, arranged chronologically according to the birth years of the philosophers, beginning with -800 (Zarathustra), the year of birth being a primary part of the site signature And the year of publication of the present title, or the year of publication of the first edition...
Systematic Philosophy
Systematics for Philosophy of the University Library Kaiserslautern....
Systematic Philosophy
Systematics for Philosophy of the University Library of Constance....
Systematics of philosophy
Classification scheme of philosophy of the Johannes Gutenberg University....
Controlled Vocabulary of Philosophy
"643 terms, 3676 relationships between terms, 12 non-preferred terms...
English-Greek Glossary of Philosophical Terms
"This collection of glossaries is intended to assist two groups of people: 1) speakers of Modern Greek who need to read and translate works of philosophy written in English or to write philosophical works in English, and 2) speakers of English who need to to read and translate works of philosophy written in Modern Greek or to write philosophical works in Modern Greek...
Shelf Classification Philosophy
Shelf Classification of the Philosophy of the University Library of Trier....
Institute of Philosophy Institute Library
Vocabulary of Philosophy
"Controlled vocabulary used for indexing bibliographical records for the 'Philosophy' FRANCIS database (1972-2015,"...
Role Nature Name Authority List
"The role-nature authority table is a controlled vocabulary that provides a list of values used for controlling the attribution of roles with the respective authority codes...
Gale Religion and Philosophy Thesaurus
The Gale Religion and Philosophy Thesaurus is a subset of the master Gale Humanities Thesaurus...
PhilPapers Categories
"Welcome to the PhilPapers Bibliography, the most comprehensive bibliography of philosophy...
Vocabulary of the Central Library of the FFyL
"6101 terms, 1641 relations between terms, 709 equivalent terms."...
Event Ontology
"This ontology is centered around the notion of event, seen here as the way by which cognitive agents classify arbitrary time/space regions (...)...
Indiana Philosophy Ontology (InPhO)
"The InPhO analyzes over 37 million words of philosophical content from: Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy; Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy; PhilPapers; HathiTrust/Google Books Collection...
Thesaurus specializing in Philosophy, with a gender focus
"The importance of producing a thesaurus with this specific theme is that it will facilitate the access to the information of the researchers related to philosophy, also adding a much wider and more inclusive vision where the work of both women philosophers and Male philosophers are represented in a working instrument (in this case, the thesaurus) in an equitable and fair way, recognizing the differences and without exclusions or discrimination, such as those related to sex that is the subject of interest in this work gender)."...