Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC)
"The Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC) system, devised by library pioneer Melvil Dewey in the 1870s and owned by OCLC since 1988, provides a dynamic structure for the organization of library collections...
KOS Types Vocabulary (nkostype)
The NKOS KOS Types vocabulary have been developed as Dublin Core Application Profile by the Networked Knowledge Organization Systems (NKOS) group based on an overview of KOS types by Marcia Zeng....
Multilingual Thesaurus of the European Union (EuroVoc)
"EuroVoc is a multilingual, multidisciplinary thesaurus covering the activities of the EU, the European Parliament in particular...
Integrative Levels Classification (ILC)
"The Integrative Levels Classification (ILC) is a knowledge organization system featuring experimental innovations...
Australian Public Affairs Information Service Thesaurus
"The APAIS thesaurus lists the subject terms used to index articles for APAIS: Australian Public Affairs Information Service, a subject guide to literature in the social sciences and humanities...
European Union multilingual Thesaurus
"Eurovoc is a multilingual thesaurus...
The thesaurus of the Parliament of Catalonia
"The Eurovoc thesaurus is a multilingual, multidisciplinary prepared by the Parliament and the Office for Official Publications of the European Communities (OPOCE) that covers all areas of activity of the European Union and allows indexed documents that manage institutions Europe in order to facilitate their consultation...
CMS Ontology
"An ontology to represent the content management systems and their interaction with the triplestore...
Core Concepts Ontology
"The generic BBC ontology for people, places,events, organisations, themes which represent things that make sense across the BBC...
Provenance Ontology
"The provenance ontology supports data management and auditing tasks...
Storyline Ontology
"The News Storyline Ontology is a generic model for describing and organising the stories news organisations tell...
The Thesaurus Network Computerized access to the Collections of Museums Institutions
"The 3 thesauri in free consultation on this site are the result of several years of work and have been specially created to meet the specific needs of the museums members of the AICIM Network, which evolve every day thanks to the additions and suggestions of the museums...
List of Museological Art Terms of the Acceder Collective Catalog
"7053 terms, 8052 relationships between terms, 881 terms not preferred."...
Information Coding Classification (ICC)
"(...) ICC (.) is based on the premises that whenever information is to be generated or to be presented (in code form) at least two items are necessary one which plays the part of a subject and the other one that of the predicate of a sentence, with both these items being framed into a third one...
Classification for general libraries (KAB)
"The classification for general libraries (KAB) is a library classification developed by the Zentralinstitut für Bibliothekswesen (GDR) and is still being used today (in an revised version) in most municipal libraries of the new federal states, according to the General System for Public Libraries (ASB ), As the east-German counterpart, it is the most widely distributed system in public libraries in Germany...
System of the Real-Catalog of the University Library of Heidelberg
"The" Zangemeister signatures "go back to Heidelberg's chief librarian, Karl Zangemeister, who headed the University Library from 1873 to 1902...
Systematic overview of the catalog of dissertations, programs and brochures
"The so - called" garter catalog "for dissertations, programs and brochures covered literature up to the year 1935, into 44 systematic groups, within which the titles were arranged in alphabetical order...
The new systematic catalog of the University Library of Berlin
"In 1975, the Systematic Catalog of the University Library of Berlin (...) was aborted, as it did not allow a materialization of the material to meet the requirements of teaching and research...
Sears List of Subject Headings
"Since the first edition in 1923, the Sears List has served the unique needs of small and medium-sized libraries, suggesting headings appropriate for use in their catalogs and providing patterns and instructions for adding new headings as they are required...
Directory of Materials
"RVM has been a world leader in controlled French vocabularies for more than 70 years, serving French-language and bilingual libraries in Quebec and elsewhere in Canada...
Systematic and alphabetical keyword register of the catalog group
Expanded Thesaurus
"The goal behind this project is the development of an extensive Arabic thesaurus that would encompass all fields of knowledge – something that most libraries and information centers in the Arab world lack – to serve as the basic instrument of subjective analysis of information retrieval devices, and to keep abreast with developments taking place in information technology...
Subject headings for children's materials
"Subject cataloging, in principle, is the same in all types of libraries...
Mediterranean House of Human Sciences Phonotheque Thesaurus
"12799 terms...
Field of Science and Technology Classification (FOS)
"Statistical units in the PNP sector are classified into the six major fields of science and technology suggested in UNESCO’s 'Recommendation Concerning the International Standardisation of Statistics on Science and Technology' (1978)...
Thema subject classification scheme (thema)
"Thema is intended for use by all parts of the book trade: unlike other book trade subject classifications, it aims to be globally applicable...
UK Standard Library Categories
"Note this scheme was originally published as a draft and called e4libraries Subject Category Headings...
Children's Books Marketing Classifications
"These codes are for marketing purposes only...
Product group system
"The product group system was developed by the bar retailers and has been used in the book trade since 1997...
System for Information on Grey Literature in Europe Classification
"System for Information on Grey Literature in Europe, is your open access to 700.000 bibliographical references of grey literature (paper) produced in Europe and allows you to export records and locate the documents."...
Powerhouse Museum Object Names Thesaurus
"The thesaurus has been developed specifically for our collection...
Systematics for children's and youth libraries (SKJ)
"The systematic classification of children's and youth libraries is based on age grades and on formal criteria, whereby children's and youth literature is structured in the same way as the ASB groups."...
Classfication of the city library Duisburg (SSD)
The classfication of the city library Duisburg (SSD) is a classification for the content development of public libraries and was developed specifically for the needs of the Stadtbibliothek Duisburg in line with the ASB...
Plan de Classification des Documents
"Les Musées de la civilisation sont : le Musée de la civilisation, le Musée de l'Amérique francophone, le Musée de la Place Royale, la Maison historique Chevalier et le Centre national de conservation et d'études des collections."...
Plan de Classification des Documents
"À la fois bibliothèque nationale, archives nationales et bibliothèque publique de grande métropole, Bibliothèque et Archives nationales du Québec (BAnQ) rassemble, conserve et diffuse le patrimoine documentaire québécois ou relatif au Québec."...
Thesaurus of Audiovisual Documentation
"996 terms, 110 relationships between terms, 240 equivalent terms."...
Subject area system of the University and State Library Düsseldorf (FULD)
"The subject system, which divides the knowledge areas into main groups and subgroups and is expressed by a combination of letters and numbers (notation), allows you to search professional-thematically in the search portal...
Standard Glossary of Terms used in Software Testing
"Much time and effort is wasted both within and between industry, commerce, government and professional and academic institutions when ambiguities arise as a result of the inability to differentiate adequately between such terms as ‘statement coverage’ and ‘decision coverage’, ‘test suite’, ‘test specification’ and ‘test plan’, and similar terms which form an interface between various sectors of society...
A Proposed Taxonomy of Postsecondary Education Subject Matter Areas
"The development of the NCHEM taxonomy came about because of a need for standardized and comprehensive structures for cataloging and organizing information on the multitude of instructional programs and activities presently functioning in the various levels and sectors of education...
Classification Scheme of the Institute Library Information Science
"The good old ViBI can still be used for a transitional period for orientation about the stock (works created until March 2010)...
List index of the institute library information science
"1) The following subject categories were not included in the keyword list: Keywords (example: Kisch, Egon Erwin), Geographical / Ethnographical Keywords (example: Germany; (Example: Saarbrücken / University), title words (example: the computerization of the company / Nora, Simon), that is, in this keyword list there are only keywords...
Controlled Vocabularies for Use in Rare Book and Special Collections Cataloging
"These thesauri provide standardized vocabulary for retrieving special collections materials by form, genre, or by various physical characteristics that are typically of interest to researchers and special collections librarians, and for relating materials to individuals or corporate bodies."...
Brazilian Thesaurus of Information Science
"The recovery of information has been and continues to be a key issue in information science since its emergence as a scientific field to date.With the advances of science and technology and the era of the information society, the Internet and the vertiginous proliferation of information, Thesauri are essential tools in the search and access to information.The consistency, precision and relevance of the information are basic qualities in this process and depend mainly on thesauri...
Adult Community Learning Thesaurus
ZINE Thesaurus of Subject Terms
"All of the subject terms in the catalogue have been organized by common themes and groups in a Zine Thesaurus...
Institute of Business Information Systems
Nomenclature for Museum Cataloging
"Nomenclature for Museum Cataloging is a structured and controlled list of object terms organized in a classification system to provide a basis for indexing and cataloging collections of human-made objects...
Klassifikation Bibliothek Stadtarchiv Werne
"The holdings of an archive are basically formed according to their origin and their place of origin...
Department of "Historische Fachinformatik und Dokumentation" Library Classification Scheme
Shelf classification of the department of "Historische Fachinformatik und Dokumentation" at the University of Graz....
ISO 5127 Information and Documentation Vocabulary
This International Standard is intended to facilitate international communication in the field of information and documentation...
TECHNOSEUM Keyword register for library systematics
Universal Binary Classification
"This proposed new classification scheme is based on two main elements: hierarchism and binary theory...
Canada School of Public Service Controlled Vocabulary
"1883 terms, 2729 relations between terms, 493 non-preferred terms...
University of Applied Sciences Schwäbisch Gmünd Installation system of the university library
Göttingen online classification (GOK)
"You get systematic access to the Göttinger Universitätskatalog (GUK) through the Göttinger Online-Klassifikation (GOK)...
Systematics for Protestant libraries (SEB)
"The media collections of Protestant libraries are developed with the aid of the system for Protestant libraries (SEB)...
Nonfiction classification of Catholic public libraries (SKB)
"The presentation of the material from the various fields of knowledge, also as a report, an experience sign, a guidebook or a reference book, are organized according to the 'Specialist System for Catholic Public Libraries' (SKB-E) and the enlarged version (SKB-E) Non-book media for children are classified according to the 'Systematics for Children's Books' The systematic catalog opens up the material stock in libraries according to content (systematics) and provides information on the question whether media is available on a specific topic or subject area, For example, which media are to be found in the library on the subject of the "family" or "child education" The classification of the subject media into the shelves is determined by the systematics, the 'Sachbuch-Systematik for Catholic public libraries' Library in two differently finely divided editions: The basic edition (p KB) is used in Catholic public libraries with small non-fiction books...
European Documentation Center Classification Plan
"To facilitate the user access to the document and to use the information contained therein, a classification plan for 19 topics, based on the same tabular storage on the shelf after a quota system."...
General Archive of the University of São Paulo Classification Plan
"The Classification Plan is proposed as a tool for ordering, organizing and finding the documents generated or received by the University in the fulfillment of its duties, competencies and activities...
Codices Salemitani X,44a library system
"Library classification from the year 1783."...
Library Classification
"There are already in the field many rival schemes of classification for libraries...
Systematics Bibliology and Librarianship
Systematics for Bibliology and Librarianship at the University of Kaiserslautern...
Systematics Computer Science
Systematics for Computer Science of the University Library Kaiserslautern....
TOVE Organization Ontology
"Based on: Fox, M.S., Barbuceanu, M., Gruninger, M., and Lin, J., (1998), 'An Organisation Ontology for Enterprise Modeling', In Simulating Organizations: Computational Models of Institutions and Groups, M...
Directory of UQAM Authorities-Subject
"RASUQAM is an encyclopaedic thesaurus developed since 1994 by the Library Service of the Université du Québec à Montréal and is used for the indexing of its collections.RASUQAM has about 47,000 descriptors , Including common names, organization names, titles, geographical names, chronological terms, form descriptors, and some uncontrolled descriptors...
ASIS&T Thesaurus of Information Science, Technology, and Librarianship
"Recognized as the authoritative reference to the terminology of information science, technology, and librarianship, the updated and expanded third edition of the ASIST Thesaurus is an essential resource for indexers, researchers, scholars, students, and practitioners in the field...
CERL Thesaurus (CERL)
"The CERL Thesaurus File is a unique facility developed to address the particularly European issue that place name and personal names in Europe varied from country to country in the period of hand press printing (1450 - c...
A german shelf mark about kid-books...
Systematic compartments of the State Library Passau
Systematic division of subjects from the Staatliche Bibliothek Passau....
Group system of the former state library Eichstätt
"The old prints (up to the year 1800) of the University Library of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt and the libraries which it administers are, for the most part, not developed and arranged according to the 'Regensburg System' Of the Central Library of the Bavarian Capuchin (Altötting) until the year of the year 1800 are developed with the help of the group system of the former state library of Eichstatt...
Systematic of book science
Systematics for Book science at the University of Mainz...
Glossary of Library & Information Science
"Glossary of Library & Information Science is a glossary of terms and acronyms of librarianship, library science, information science, information technology, and knowledge organization & management...
"BioPAX is a standard language that aims to enable integration, exchange, visualization and analysis of biological pathway data...
DataCite Metadata Schema
"The DataCite Metadata Schema is a list of core metadata properties chosen for the accurate and consistent identification of a resource for citation and retrieval purposes, along with recommended use instructions...
"CERIF is: A concept about research entities and their relationships – Specification (Conceptual Level); A description of research entities and their relationships – Model (Logical Level); A formalization of research entities and their relationships – Database Scripts (Physical Level)...
Biomedical Resource Ontology
"A key enabling technology for Biositemaps is the Biomedical Resource Ontology (BRO) which is a controlled terminology for the 'resource_type' and which is used to improve the sensitivity and specificity of web searches...
Terminology trade fairs and congresses
"This dictionary includes more than two hundred words, with the names and Catalan definition and the equivalents in Spanish, French, English and Portuguese...
Bioinformatics Web Services Ontology
"The Bioinformatics Web Services ontology (OBIws) is an ontology that extends the Ontology for Biomedical Investigations (OBI) to build an Ontology that supports consistent annotation of Bioinformatics Web services...
Book Terminology
"This dictionary defines and brings together nearly two hundred terms relating to the publishing industry relating to areas such as editing, printing, marketing and advertising...
Terminology and phraseology of computer products
"To assist in decision making linguistic and terminology during the creation or translation of computer products in Catalan, we present a set of chips that collect terminology and phraseology common in this industry...
Pan-Latin vocabulary of social networks
"This vocabulary contains 114 terms related to different social networks, especially Facebook and Twitter...
Treasures terminology Documents
Treasures terminology: Archeology, Ethnography, Decorative art, numismatics, fine arts, science and technology, documents, RAMEAU...
EMBRACE Data and Methods
"EDAM (EMBRACE Data And Methods) is an ontology of bioinformatics operations (tool, application, or workflow functions), types of data, topics (application domains), and data formats...
Power Thesaurus
"Power Thesaurus is a fast, convenient and comprehensive online thesaurus...
British Education Thesaurus
"The British Education Index continues to serve its original, 50-year old, purpose as an independent subject and author index to the contents of significant education journals published in the UK...
Language of Bindings Thesaurus
"The Language of Bindings Thesaurus (LoB) includes terms which can be used to describe historical binding structures...
Classification System for Knowledge Organization Literature
"Classification System for Knowledge Organization Literature was devised by Ingetraut Dahlberg and is currently used by the editors of the Knowledge Organization Literature bulletins at ISKO."...
Computer Network Thesaurus
"In the development of this thesaurus, a total of 262 terms have been included, of which 167 are descriptors and 95 are descriptors, and 31 relations of association and 135 relations of hierarchy are presented."...
On Equal Terms: A Thesaurus for Nonsexist Indexing and Cataloging
Library-Bibliographical Classification
"The Library-Bibliographical Classification (LBC), which is the National Classification System of the Russian Federation, is considered as one of the largest universal classification systems according to the opinion of International Society of Knowledge Organization (ISKO)...
GAMECIP - Computer Game Platforms
"A listing of computer game platforms...
KOS Relation-Type Vocabulary
"Relationships between entities of different types and relationships between entities of the same type"...
List of Authority Actions for the Indexing of Local Archives
"The authority list 'Actions' brings together descriptors designating stocks, intervention methods or procedures...
Authority List Typology Documentary for the Indexing of Local Archives
"The 'Documentary typology' authority list includes terms that refer to easily identifiable categories of documents (eg chrono, register, plan) or more precise terms, but refer to documents that are generally paid and stored in series (example: These descriptors are not by themselves indexing terms but must be associated with one or more descriptors of the subject thesaurus, if the documentary context so requires....
Open Science Taxonomy
"The FOSTER portal is an e-learning platform that brings together the best training resources for those who need to know more about Open Science, or who need to develop strategies and skills for implementing Open Science practices in their daily workflows...
Resource Type Vocabulary
"The Resource Type vocabulary defines concepts to identify the genre of a resource...
Thesaurus for research terms
"Aquest producte terminològic en línia aplega prop de deu mil termes corresponents a les paraules clau i els termes relacionats que s'utilitzen per a l'avaluació de les propostes i sol·licituds d'ajuts en l'àmbit de la recerca (...)...
DK5 Decimal Classification
"DK5 is the common setup and classification system for the Danish public and school libraries...
Common Thesaurus of Audiovisual Archives
"The Dutch Institute for Sound and Vision has teamed up with some other Dutch organizations operating audiovisual cultural heritage developed the Common Thesaurus for Audiovisual Archives (GTAA)...
Mandragore Thematic descriptor and classification
"Descriptor and Thematic classification: the descriptors are accessible by the index (search screen) and by the thematic classification, which, based on the Dewey Classification, allows to know all the descriptors coming from a specific domain used In Mandragore, some descriptors that can be covered by several domains and gives access to the full description of the descriptor which sometimes contains additional information....
"The growing availability of data on the Web provided by Web 2.0 applications and, more recently through Linked Data, brought the computational pattern expressed as ETL to reemerge in a scenario with additional complexity, where the number of data sources and the data heterogeneity that needs to be supported by ETL drastically increases...
"orca, the Ontology of Reasoning, Certainty and Attribution, is an ontology for characterizing the certainty of information, how it is known, and its source."...
Brussels Center for Educational Documentation Thesaurus
If you want to search for documents on a particular topic but you have not found it by browsing the thesaurus, try to find it via the search by terms...
Data Cube Vocabulary
"There are many situations where it would be useful to be able to publish multi-dimensional data, such as statistics, on the web in such a way that it can be linked to related data sets and concepts...
Data Catalog Vocabulary
"DCAT is an RDF vocabulary designed to facilitate interoperability between data catalogs published on the Web."...
Vocabulary of Interlinked Datasets
"The Vocabulary of Interlinked Datasets (VoID) is an RDF Schema vocabulary for expressing metadata about RDF datasets...
Science subject terms
"Realfagstermer is a multilingual, controlled vocabulary of pre-coordinated subject headings which mainly covers the physical sciences, mathematics and computer science...
Classification Digital Library
"The purpose of this classification is to organize media of all kinds, which is of interest to the topic of" digital library ", but the scope of application is not restricted to virtual or digital libraries, but conventional libraries can also use this classification without problems...
Metis Classification
"Metis is a flexible, intuitive and child-friendly system of library categorization...
Open Data Handbook Glossary
Glossary about the topic Open Data by Open Knowledge International....
Subject Taxonomy Books University Library Paderborn (FBUP)
"The 'Fachsystematik Bücher' of the University Library of Paderborn (UB) serves as a layout for the creation of the book inventory in the freehand areas of the UB...
Roget's Thesaurus
"Roget's Thesaurus is composed of six primary classes...
NEBIS Subject Index
Swedish Subject Headings (SAO)
"Swedish subject headings (SAO) is a controlled subject headings system containing 38 000 terms from all disciplines...
Genre Thesaurus for the opening of store collections of children's books
abbreviations meaning
List of genres of audiovisual material
Hierarchical view of the special book form
Register of preferred terms"...
SIBi / USP Controlled Vocabulary
"The USP Controlled Vocabulary is a list of subjects used for the indexing of information resources in the Bibliographic Database of USP - DEDALUS...
ISFOL Multimedial Glossary
"Isfol's multimedia glossary is an instrument for accompanying portal consultation...
Information Technology TermBase INFORTERM
"The Information Technology TermBase INFORTERM is trilingual and includes the Greek terms produced by the Group ELOT/TE48/OE1 «Information Technology Terminology» and equivalent English terms and French terms, based on International Standards (ISO/IEC 2382 series) of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC)."...
Data Science Glossary
"Terms included in this glossary are the kind that typically come up in data science discussions and job postings...
"TERMIUM Plus®, one of the largest terminology and linguistic data banks in the world, gives you access to millions of terms in English, French, Spanish and Portuguese...
terminology porta
Latvian terminology about IT...
"TEPA is a term bank compiled and maintained by the Finnish Terminology Centre TSK (Sanastokeskus TSK)...
classification system of Repentino
"O REPENTINO é um repositório público que contém exemplos de entidades nomeadas, ou seja, de entidades concretas ou abstractas que possuem um nome próprio...
Dutch-speaking Uniform Classification
"NUR stands for Dutch-language Uniform Classification...
Kleuter ZIZO
"Kleuter ZIZO is a thematic classification system for toddler and toddler books (target group 0-6 years)...
ZIZO Youth
"ZIZO Youth is a thematic classification system for informative materials with target audience 6+...
ZIZO Adults
"ZIZO adults is a thematic classification scheme that allows you to organize the adult non-fiction collection of a public library...
Classifications of the Central Library of the University of Ludwigshafen on the Rhine
"A small part of the library's holdings are organized according to the (...) earlier system of the central library, which is an older, only weakly used media unit, which is therefore moved into our closed magazine the central library is for our classification work today no longer relevant additions are classified rather since mid-2012, according to the Regensburg classification (RVK) and -...
Thesaurus for the areas of computer science, business and transport
"Since 2013, a bilingual thesaurus (dt./en.) For the fields of computer science, business and transport has been established at the library of TH Wildau, with the aim of providing students with an overview of their subject area and related fields Thesaurus as a research aid in Wilbert's library search machine...
CASRAI Dictionar
"The dictionary is shared infrastructure meant to serve as a key component of the national and international interoperability strategies of research organizations...
RCUK Subject Classification
"PRGPG agreed that in the long term classification harmonisation across the whole higher education and research sector would be desirable and that the Research Councils should aim to achieve alignment over a period of a few years and would not adopt JACS at this stage, although JACS could be used for external reporting...
Contributor Roles Taxonomy
"A high-level classification of the diverse roles performed in the work leading to a published research output in the sciences...
Licence Types
"Types of content licences."...
London Library Classification Scheme
"The London Library has a unique and rather unorthodox classification scheme...
IAOA Ontology Terminology
"This website is devoted to terms and their definitions used in applied ontology...
Presentation system Informative Media
"PIM is an alphabetic word system (as opposed to a numerical hierarchical system such as SISO) that consists of two levels: categories (" subject areas ") and keywords below...
object genres of university collections in Germany
Classification of typical object genres found in German university collections....
Biological Collections Ontology
"The Biological Collections Ontology (BCO) is an application ontology developed as part of the Biocode Commons project, within the OBO Foundry framework...
Keyword Thesaurus
"The NBD | Biblion Trefwoordenthesaurus is an automated subject termination system for collections in public libraries, based on the terms assigned to NBD | Biblion's bibliographic products...
Extensible Observation Ontology
"The Extensible Observation Ontology (OBOE) is a formal ontology for capturing the semantics of scientific observation and measurement...
Association Ontology
Monarch Method
"Three years ago, with the help of some dedicated library volunteers, I decided I was 'Done with Dewey' - we built our own classification system from the ground up based on how my students and staff search for books...
Vocabularies for Vocabulary Schema
"The ANDS Vocabularies for vocabulary schema (lists of terms or permissible data values) are a source for metadata values recorded in the ANDS Vocabulary Portal."...
CIRCL Taxonomy
"A key success factor, while performing incident response, is to share a common understanding of the security incident...
DBpedia Data ID is an ontology with the goal of describing LOD datasets via RDF files in a uniform way...
Dataset Catalog Vocabulary
"This vocabulary is used for modelling catalogs of datasets and its relationships with the datasets."...
Open Research Glossary
"This glossary is designed to be a resource to inform people about the culture of ‘open scholarship’...
Encyclopedic and Unified Alphabetical Directory of Authority-Matter (RAMEAU)
"RAMEAU (Directory of Encyclopaedic and Unified Alphabet Authority and Subject Matter) is the material indexing language used in France by the Bibliothèque nationale de France, university libraries, numerous public and research libraries and several organizations private...
Glossary of Open Access Terms
Ein vom Imperial College London erstelltes Glossar, welches Begriffe zum Open Access verzeichnet....
IoT lite Ontology
"The IoT lite Ontology is a lightweight ontology to represent Internet of Things resources, entities and services...
IT Service Management Ontology
Vocabulario Controlado Sobre Biblioclastia
"El desarrollo de este vocabulario forma parte del Proyecto Institucional CAICYT sobre bibliocastía en Argentina...
Digital Humanities Thesaurus
"The Digital Humanities Thesaurus is a subject thesaurus covering the topic of digital humanities, and it is intended to be used for indexing Digital Humanities projects and articles...
Ontology for archival description
"An ontology for the description of archival data (OAD, “Ontology of Archival Description”) using the Web Ontology Language (OWL)...
Incluseum Metadata Schema
"Over the last three years of our work with the Incluseum, we’ve thought, written, and talked extensively of the power of words...
Preservation Schemes
"An umbrella scheme to collocate all the preservation vocabularies."...
The Publishing Roles Ontology
"PRO, the Publishing Roles Ontology, is an ontology written in OWL 2 DL for the characterization of the roles of agents (people, corporate bodies and computational agents) in the publication process...
Provenance Vocabulary types
"Extends the Provenance Vocabulary by defining subclasses of the types of provenance elements introduced in the core ontology."...
The Publishing Status Ontology
"PSO, the Publishing Status Ontology, is an ontology written in OWL 2 DL for characterizing the publication status of a document or other publication entity at each of the various stages in the publishing process (e.g...
RAUL Vocabulary
"A vocabulary to describe Web form widgets...
FRBR Entities for RDA
RDA Relationships for Works, Expressions, Manifestations, Items
RDA Work properties
RDF Logging Ontology
"This is a helper ontology for NIF 2.0 to be able to log errors and warning messages."...
The Research Object Ontology
"The Wf4Ever Research Object Model provides a vocabulary for the description of workflow-centric Research Objects: aggregations of resources relating to scientific workflows."...
Test-Driven Data Debugging Ontology
Social Semantic Cloud of Tags
"SCOT (Social Semantic Cloud of Tags) is an ontology for describing the structure and the semantics for tagging data across heterogenous users, sources, and applications."...
Positioning system Digital Humanities
"Systematics of Bookstocks on Digital Humanities in the Freehand Area of the University Library Trier"...
Semantic Sensor Network Ontology
"This ontology describes sensors and observations, and related concepts...
Security Toolbox : Attacks and Countermeasures
"A vocabulary to describe main security and cryptographic concepts: attacks, security mechanisms, OSI model, security protocols, security tools in numerous technologies: Web applications, network management, Sensor networks, Cellular (2G, 3G, 4G) and Wireless (Wifi), etc."...
Semantic Web Rule Language
"This document contains a proposal for a Semantic Web Rule Language (SWRL) based on a combination of the OWL DL and OWL Lite sublanguages of the OWL Web Ontology Language with the Unary/Binary Datalog RuleML sublanguages of the Rule Markup Language...
Test Metadata
SIOC Types Ontology Module
"Extends the SIOC Core Ontology (Semantically-Interlinked Online Communities) by defining subclasses and subproperties of SIOC terms."...
A user interface ontology
UNESKOS Vocabulary
"An RDF vocabulary for extending some SKOS and ISO-THES functions in order to improve the linked data consumption of SKOS datasets."...
URI Vocabulary
"This vocabulary describes the entities which may be derived from a URI and the relationships between them, such as Internet Domains, prototcols, file suffixes etc...
The Visual Analytics Vocabulary
Shelf Classification Computer Science
Shelf Classification der Informationswissenschaften der Universitätsbibliothek Trier....
An Ontology for vCards
Vocabulary of a Friend
"VOAF is a vocabulary specification providing elements allowing the description of vocabularies (RDFS vocabularies or OWL ontologies) used in the Linked Data Cloud...
Vocabulary Of Attribution and Governance
"VOAG stands for 'Vocabulary Of Attribution and Governance'...
Void Warehouse Ontology
"An extension of W3C VoID that is able to represent these metrics for expressing the Connectivity Metrics of a Semantic Warehouse."...
The Workflow Motif Ontology
"Scientific workflows have been increasingly used in the last decade as an instrument for data intensive science...
The Wfprov Ontology
"The wfprov ontology shows how to express minimal provenance information about the execution of a workflow described using the wfdesc ontology."...
The Weighted Interests Vocabulary
The Weighted Interests Vocabulary specification provides basic concepts and properties for describing describing preferences (interests) within contexts, their temporal dynamics and their origin on/ for the Semantic Web...
WIKI tool Model
"A partir del análisis de diversos sistemas, como MediaWiki, Confluence o DokuWiki, se ha diseñado este vocabulario...
XHTML Vocabulary
"This is a vocabulary collection utilized by XHTML Family modules and document types using XHTML Modularization, including XHTML Role and XHTML + RDFa as defined in rdfa-syntax."...
XML Schema
"XSD (XML Schema Definition), a recommendation of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), specifies how to formally describe the elements in an Extensible Markup Language (XML) document...
Widener System
"Note that Widener uses two separate classification systems to shelve books: the Old Widener System and the Library of Congress System indicated by call numbers that begin with WID-LC...
Yale Library Classification
"The beginning of the subject-classification system - books arranged by subject according to a classification schedule - is dated, rather too precisely, as 1890, because in that year the second library building (Chittenden Hall) was opened...
Institute Library Classification System
"The Institute Library’s classification system is unique...
Aggregation Method
"Identifies the type of aggregation used to combine related categories, usually within a common branch of a hierarchy, to provide information at a broader level than the level at which detailed observations are taken."...
Analysis Unit
"Describes the entity being analyzed in the study or in the variable."...
Character Set
"Standard set of characters upon which many character encodings are based (Wikipedia)."...
Commonality Type
"Describes the degree of similarity between two items or schemes (collections of items)."...
Data Source Type
"Includes a typology of data sources."...
Data Type
"Identifies the type of data, which has a bearing on the acceptable data values, the operations that can be performed with the data, and the ways in which the data are stored...
Date Type
"Specifies the type of date...
Kind of Data Format
"Describes the physical format(s) of the data documented in the logical product(s) of a study unit."...
Lifecycle Event Type
"Specifies the event happening over the data life cycle that is considered significant enough to document."...
Mode of Collection
"The procedure, technique, or mode of inquiry used to attain the data."...
Numeric Type
"Specifies the type of numeric data."...
Response Unit
"Indicates the entity that provided the information carried by the variable."...
Sampling Procedure
"Includes a typology of sampling methods."...
Software Package
"Indicates the statistical software package used in the production/processing/dissemination of the data...
Summary Statistic Type
"Specifies the type of summary statistic...
Time Method
"Describes the time dimension of the data collection."...
Time Zone
"Time zone specification as an offset from UTC (Coordinated Universal Time) in terms of hours and minutes."...
Type of Address
"Identifies the type of address entered as contact information for an individual or an organization."...
Type of Concept Group
"Specifies the rationale for creating a concept group."...
Type of Note
"Includes a typology of notes."...
Metadata dictionary
"Metadata Dictionary is a terms and expressions necessary for the description data entity that includes both ISBD-item rules and the terminology of the RDA item's instructions...
Tesauro National Archiving System
"The Tesauro of the National Archiving System is made up of the various controlled vocabularies present in the CAT SAN scheme as a support for a standardized description of the various resources - conservation institutes, archiving complexes, producer entities - coming from different systems belonging to the SAN...
Taxonomy for Service Computing
"This TSC taxonomy is generated collectively by the editorial board in 2013 and is evolved from the ACM taxonomy on service computing and all submissions can use either this taxonomy or continue to use the version available in ScholarOne Manuscripts until it is updated."...
COPE Case Taxonomy
"In 2013, it became apparent that the publication ethics cases being brought to COPE for discussion and advice were becoming more complex...
Code of State Categories Scientific and Technical Information
"ГРНТИ - Государственный рубрикатор научно-технической информации (прежнее наименование - Рубрикатор ГАСНТИ) представляет собой универсальную иерархическую классификацию областей знания, принятую для систематизации всего потока научно-технической информации...
Functions and Activities Thesaurus for Business, Academic, Not-for-profit, and Government Entities
"The thesaurus is intended for open access use by government, academic, and business records centers and archives for use in functional (function-based) classification of records and to aid in the arrangement and description (including electronic description) of archival materials...
Vocabulary of indexing ISOC Humanities - Cultural heritage
"Language used in the ISOC sub-bases of Anthropology, Archeology, Fine Arts and History...
UHR's Termbase for Norwegian higher education institutions
"A collection of 2000 administrative terms with English - Norwegian bokmål/Norwegian bokmål - English and English - Norwegian nynorsk/Norwegian nynorsk - English translations, from the Norwegian Institutions of Higher Education...
Open Threat Taxonomy
"The goal of this project is simple, to maintain a free, community driven, open source taxonomy of potential threats to information systems...
Systematic Classification Brunet-Parguez-Coulouma
"In 1971, the Toulouse municipal library tested a systematic classification framework developed in 1969 by Henri-Jean MARTIN and Guy PARGUEZ for a study on the automation of cataloging by adding alphanumeric indices to the table frame (1865), the content of the former "classification of booksellers," in which the subjects were divided into five classes: theology, law, science and the arts, belles-lettres, For a decade, the table was used and gradually modified in the presentation and in the content, in conjunction with the cataloging work of the old collection of the WB of Toulouse, then researchers and librarians Have used, which led us to draft a revised version in 1985, in collaboration with the Sibil network and after consulting the users The last update on the "Brunet-Pargue Z "took place in February 1994 in Toulouse during the colloquium organized by LIBER (League of European Research Libraries) (...)...
Library Ranking Plan of the Bpi
"Le plan de classement propre à la Bpi est en effet librement inspiré de la CDU (Classification Décimale Universelle) : ce système, utilisé dans de nombreuses bibliothèques dans le monde, donne une représentation de l'ensemble des connaissances humaines en dix grandes classes, comptant chacune dix subdivisions, qu’on peut encore développer en dix parties et ainsi de suite...
Dutch Uniform Classification
"In the 1970s, the Uniform Genre Format (UGI) was introduced and replaced by the Dutch Uniform Genre Classification (NUGI) in 1986...
Dictionary of computer architecture terms
Dictionary of computer architecture terms published by the Department of Informatics and Telecommunications....
Subject Categories from the Deutsche Nationalbibliografie (DNBSGR)
Systematik der Deutschen Nationalbibliographie (bis 2003)....
Internet of Things Taxonomy
"There is no common way to describe or classify the ‘things’ that make up the IoT or the projects or systems and services based on them...
The Glossary of Human Computer Interaction
"A comprehensive - an ever-growing - glossary of key terms in Human-Computer Interaction."...
Portico Library Classification Scheme
"The Portico Library classification scheme is a fixed shelf classification...
GND subject categories
The GND subject categories are used to provide a broad classification of concepts in the Integrated Authority File....
RePEc Author Service
"The RePEc Author Service aims to link economists with their research output in the RePEc bibliographic database."...
International Standard Identifier for Libraries and Related Organizations (ISIL)
The International Standard Identifier for Libraries and Related Organisations (ISIL), ISO 15511, assigns unique identifiers to libraries and related organisations, such as archives and museums....
Semantic Web Company Glossary
Library of Congress Name Authority File (LCNAF)
"The Library of Congress Name Authority File (NAF) file provides authoritative data for names of persons, organizations, events, places, and titles...
Library of Congress Children's Subject Headings
"The Library of Congress Subject Headings Supplemental Vocabularies: Children’s Headings (LCSHAC) is a thesaurus which is used in conjunction with LCSH...
Library of Congress Genre/Form Terms
"The Library of Congress Genre/Form Terms for Library and Archival Materials (LCGFT) is a thesaurus that describes what a work is versus what it is about...
Classification System of the Ducal Collection (ducal)
The ducal collection of the research library of Gotha counts 227.000 works...
Korean Decimal Classification (KDC)
"The Korean decimal classification (KDC) is a system of library classification used in South Korea...
Garside Classification
"The Garside Classification Scheme is one of those used in the libraries of UCL...
Vocabulary Relation
"This file contains the CGI Vocabulary Relation vocabulary, as defined by the IUGS Commission for Geoscience Information (CGI) Geoscience Terminology Working Group...
Value Qualifier
"This file contains the CGI Value Qualifier vocabulary, as defined by the IUGS Commission for Geoscience Information (CGI) Geoscience Terminology Working Group...
NPG Summary Types Ontology
"The SummaryTypes Ontology is a categorization of summaries – including Short Summary, Long Summary and Standfirst – that are associated with specific articles...
NPG Review States Ontology
"The ReviewStates Ontology is a categorization of the various states that mark the review status of a publication...
ArticleTypes Ontology
"The ArticleTypes Ontology is a categorization of kinds of publication which are used to index and group content published on
NPG Blogs Ontology
"The Blogs Ontology is the master catalogue of blogs from Macmillan Science and Education."...
NPG Journals Ontology
"The Journals Ontology is the master catalogue of journals from Macmillan Science and Education, including the Nature Publishing Group and Palgrave Macmillan imprints."...
NPG Publish States Ontology
"The PublishStates Ontology is a categorization of the various states that mark the publishing status of a publication...
NPG Relations Ontology
"The Relations Ontology is a catalogue of the kinds of relation which are used to manage our linked publications...
NPG Severity Levels Ontology
"The SeverityLevels Ontology is a modelling of the syslog message severity values from RFC 5424...
Digital Bibliography & Library Project
DBLP is the most comprehensive computer science bibliography including information about authors, conferences, series, and journals...
Registry Interchange Format - Collections and Services (Vocabularies)
"The RIF-CS schema is a data interchange format that supports the electronic exchange of collection and service descriptions...
Język haseł przedmiotowych Biblioteki Narodowej
"JHP BN zawiera słownictwo, które umożliwia budowę haseł adekwatnie charakteryzujących treść i formę dokumentów gromadzonych w bibliotekach...
Helecon Vocabulary
"HELECON-services are library's own content production and a special service for our customers...
NEII Licencing
"Site licencing describes the type of licence that data are available under."...
Nippon Decimal Classification
The Nippon Decimal Classification (NDC) or Nippon Decimal System (NDC) is a library classification based on the Dewey Decimal System...
Putnam Classification System
The Putnam Classification System was created by Herbert Putnam at the Minneapolis Central Library (1887-1891) before he moved to the Library of Congress...
Economics Departments, Institutes and Research Centers in the World
EDIRC is an index of economics institutions and part of the RePEc bibliographic database...
Schema des Realkatalogs der Königlichen Universitätsbibliothek zu Halle a.S.
"Ich bin der Meinung-, dass jeder Realkatalog einer Bibliothek ein, so zu sagen, individuelles d...
LIDO Terminology Actor Type
"The LIDO Terminology refers to LIDO – Lightweight Information Describing Objects, the XML Schema for contributing content to cultural heritage repositories, provided by the CIDOC LIDO Working Group...
LIDO Terminology Event Type
"The LIDO Terminology refers to LIDO – Lightweight Information Describing Objects, the XML Schema for contributing content to cultural heritage repositories, provided by the CIDOC LIDO Working Group...
LIDO Terminology Identifier Type
"The LIDO Terminology refers to LIDO – Lightweight Information Describing Objects, the XML Schema for contributing content to cultural heritage repositories, provided by the CIDOC LIDO Working Group...
LIDO Terminology Record Metadata Date Type
"The LIDO Terminology refers to LIDO – Lightweight Information Describing Objects, the XML Schema for contributing content to cultural heritage repositories, provided by the CIDOC LIDO Working Group...
LIDO Terminology Record Type
"The LIDO Terminology refers to LIDO – Lightweight Information Describing Objects, the XML Schema for contributing content to cultural heritage repositories, provided by the CIDOC LIDO Working Group...
LIDO Terminology Repository Set Type
"The LIDO Terminology refers to LIDO – Lightweight Information Describing Objects, the XML Schema for contributing content to cultural heritage repositories, provided by the CIDOC LIDO Working Group...
LIDO Terminology Resource Representation Type
"The LIDO Terminology refers to LIDO – Lightweight Information Describing Objects, the XML Schema for contributing content to cultural heritage repositories, provided by the CIDOC LIDO Working Group...
LIDO Terminology Term Materials Tech Type
"The LIDO Terminology refers to LIDO – Lightweight Information Describing Objects, the XML Schema for contributing content to cultural heritage repositories, provided by the CIDOC LIDO Working Group...
Information Literacy Thesaurus
"This project is working with the Journal of Information Literacy (JIL) to develop a thesaurus for the field of information literacy based on a keyword list compiled by them, and then to publish it as a linked open thesaurus that adheres to the SKOS standard as recommended by the W3C...
Bibliographic Classification of all the Sciences
"The BC consists of 14 main topics which are arranged in 25 main classes...
Step by Step Classification
"Step by Step Classification (SSC) is a formula-based library classification scheme...
Thesaurus for Subject Cataloging
"Der Thesaurus zur Inhaltserschließung wurde im Sommersemester 2004 am Institut für Bibliothekswissenschaft an der Humboldt Universität zu Berlin von den Teilnehmerinnen und Teilnehmern des Hauptseminars 'Terminologieproblematik beim Aufbau von Thesauri' unter der Leitung von Frau Dr...
Dutch Thesaurus of Author Names (NTA)
"De Nederlandse Thesaurus van Auteursnamen (NTA) ook wel Persoonsnamenthesaurus genoemd, is onderdeel van het Gemeenschappelijk Geautomatiseerd Catalogiseersysteem (GGC) dat beheerd wordt door OCLC...
ARCHE access restrictions
"A list of access restriction types for ARCHE."...
ARCHE life cycle status
"A list to indicate the life cycle status of an object in ARCHE."...
ARCHE Resource Type Category
"The general resource type an object can have based on controlled vocabulary of DataCite metadata schema 4.0."...
Authoring Tool Accessibility Guidelines
"Authoring tools are software and services that 'authors' (web developers, designers, writers, etc.) use to produce web content (static web pages, dynamic web applications, etc.)...
Brinkman subjects
"Volgens de thesaurus Brinkmanonderwerpen worden alle collecties van de Koninklijke Bibliotheek ontsloten...
Gemeenschappelijke Trefwoordenthesaurus
"De Gemeenschappelijk Onderwerpsontsluiting (GOO) of Gemeenschappelijke Trefwoordenthesaurus (GTR) is tot 1 januari 2012 bijgehouden en beheerd door de Koninklijke Bibliotheek t.b.v...
"This document describes requirements for some important aspects of the character model for W3C specifications...
Composite Capability/Preference Profiles (CC/PP): Structure and Vocabularies
"This document describes CC/PP (Composite Capabilities/Preference Profiles) structure and vocabularies...
Data Repositories Taxonomy
"The Data Repositories taxonomy is a categorization of research data repositories that have been evaluated by the Scientific Data team as being suitable for archiving research data in conjunction with a Springer Nature publication."...
DHA Taxonomy
"DHA taxonomy is a knowledge organization system designed to describe resources and subjects within activities of Digital Humanities Austria."...
Document Object Model (DOM) Level 2 Traversal and Range Specification
"This specification defines the Document Object Model Level 2 Traversal and Range, platform- and language-neutral interfaces that allow programs and scripts to dynamically traverse and identify a range of content in a document...
Dublin Core Collection Description Frequency Vocabulary
"The Collection Description Frequency Vocabulary provides a set of terms that can be used as values of the dcterms:accrualPeriodicity property in descriptions of collections...
ITIL – Information Technology Infrastructure Library
"ITIL is a set of detailed practices for IT service management that focuses on aligning IT services with the needs of business...
NPG Subjects Ontology
"The Subjects Ontology is a polyhierarchical categorization of scholarly subject areas which are used for the indexing of content by Macmillan Science and Education."...
Thesaurus KBcode
Jefferson's Library Classification
Thomas Jefferson created this classification for his private library...
Access Right Name Authority List
"The access-right authority table is a controlled vocabulary listing the access rights or restrictions to resources...
Browser Name Authority List
"The browser authority table is a controlled vocabulary listing the different web browsers used in web crawling...
Concept Status Name Authority List
"This table is an internal table at the Publications Office and provides the various statuses used in a harmonized way amongst the various tables (NALs)."...
Correction Status Name Authority List
"The Correction status NAL provides the possible statuses of proofreading of labels and descriptions."...
Crawler Name Authority List
"The crawler table provides a list of programs used for web crawling designed for web archiving...
MDR data themes
The Data theme authority table was developed in the context of the revision of the DCAT application profile (DCAT-AP)...
Dataset Status Name Authority List
"The dataset-status authority table is a controlled vocabulary providing possible statuses for datasets...
Dataset Type Name Authority List
"The dataset-type authority table is a controlled vocabulary providing possible types for categorising a dataset...
Distribution Type Name Authority List
"The distribution-type authority table is a controlled vocabulary providing possible distribution types...
Documentation Type Name Authority List
"This table provides possible documentation types...
Frequency Name Authority List
"This table provides the accrual periodicities in the 24 official languages of the European Union."...
Label Type Name Authority List
"This table provides the various forms of labels that are considered as 'alternative labels' in the SKOS format...
Licence Domain Name Authority List
"The Licence domain authority table is a controlled vocabulary that provides a list of domains covered by licences in the Licence authority table...
Notation Type Name Authority List
"The authority table notation type provides the list of notation types used in EU Vocabularies authority tables as well as in the context of DCAT-AP."...
Organization Type Name Authority List
"The organisation-type authority table is a controlled vocabulary listing the various types of organizations as used in the EU Whoiswho application...
Product Form Name Authority List
"This table provides the various product forms published at the Publications office, mainly those related to the general publications (brochures, leaflets, …) and the EU Open Data Portal (ODP).."...
Publication Theme Name Authority List
"This table provides the various themes used for the general publications."...
Basic Classification (BK)
German decimal classification system based on the Dutch Basic Classification (NBC)...
Target Audience Name Authority List
"This table provides the target audiences used for the general publications."...
Use Context Name Authority List
"This table provides a list of the different applications or environments that make use of the various tables (NALs)...
Website Identifier Name Authority List
"The website-identifier table provides a list of websites (URL) included in the domain and subdomains...
Dictionary Network
Web NDL Authorities (NDLSH)
Web NDL Authorities is a service by the National Diet Library (NDL), Japan, to access authority data created and maintained by the NDL...
ADMS Controlled Vocabularies
"The Asset Description Metadata Schema (v1.00) (ADMS) proposes six new controlled vocabularies (...), and specifies for each vocabulary and term corresponding term URIs (...):
Asset Type: e.g...
Accession Method
Vocabulary of accession methods....
Multilingual Dictionary of Cataloguing Terms and Concepts
"The Multilingual dictionary of cataloguing terms and concepts contains definitions for many terms and concepts used by the library cataloguing community...
Helsinki City Library Classification System
"The Web-HCLCS is the webversion of the Helsinki City Library Classification System...
Integrated Classification of Scientific Journals
"La Clasificación Integrada de Revistas Científicas – CIRC se propone como objetivo la construcción de una clasificación de revistas científicas de Ciencias Sociales y Humanas en función de su calidad integrando los productos de evaluación existentes considerados positivamente por las diferentes agencias de evaluación nacionales como CNEAI, ANECA)...
Gale Computing Thesaurus
The Gale Computing Thesaurus is a subset of the master Gale Technology Thesaurus in the narrower domain of personal, business, and large-scale computing...
Gale Humanities Thesaurus
The Gale Humanities Thesaurus contains the subject areas of fine arts, language, literature, performing arts, religion, and philosophy...
Gale Library Science Thesaurus
The Gale Library Science Thesaurus is a subset of the master Gale Social Sciences thesaurus in the narrower domain of organizing knowledge and information, other than the purely philosophical terms...
Bielefeld University Library Classification System (UBBI)
The classification system of Bielefeld University Library is a universal shelf classification developed in the 1960s with the foundation of the University....
Bokbasen Thesaurus
Bokbasen has a hierarchical thesaurus with controlled free-standing keywords...
KBpedia is a comprehensive knowledge structure for promoting data interoperability and knowledge-based artificial intelligence, or KBAI...
Sondersammelgebiets-Nummer (SSG)
The Sondersammelgebiets-Nummer was used in German libraries until 2015 to organize distributed collection of publications among disciplines...
FID classification (FID)
The FID classification replaced the Sondersammelgebiets-Nummer (SSG) in 2016...
Glossary of Academic Publishing Terms
"We know that some terms that we use, or that you may come across, may be unfamiliar to you, so we have come up with this glossary of terms to make things easier."...
Accessibility Name Authority List
This table provides a list of options for the use of accessibility criteria for person with disabilities in the technical specifications within the domain of public procurement....
Applicability Name Authority List
This table provides a list of the options pertinent to be chosen for a matter concerning the applicability of predefined fields...
Award criterion type Name Authority List
This table provides the list of rules to be taken into account for the award decisions within the in public procurement procedures...
Buyer legal type Name Authority List
This table provides a list of the the type of procuring authorities within the domain of public procurement according to legislation....
Change corrig justification Name Authority List
This table provides the codes and values used in case of justification of correcions applied to a notice within the context of public procurement....
COM internal consultation type Name Authority List
COM internal consultation type Named Authority List...
COM internal event Name Authority List
COM internal event Named Authority List...
COM internal procedure Name Authority List
COM internal procedure Named Authority List...
Communication justification Name Authority List
This table provides the justification for restricting access rights to resources within the context of public procurement....
Concept status Name Authority List
This table is an internal table at the Publications Office and provides the various statuses used in a harmonized way amongst the various tables (NALs)....
Contract nature Name Authority List
This table provides a list of different types of subjects and goods that can be acquired by means of a public contract such as works, supplies and services by one or more contracting authorities from economic operators....
Digital Europa Thesaurus
The Digital Europa Thesaurus (DET) is a multilingual thesaurus covering the main subject matters of the European Commission's public communications....
Direct award justification Name Authority List
This table provides the list of reasons for using a procedure which allows awarding contracts directly without the requirement of publishing a call for competition in the Official Journal of the European Union....
Document collection Name Authority List
This technical table provides the codes used for internal purposes in the CELLAR application....
DPS usage Name Authority List
This table provides a list wether a dynamic purchasing system is involved in a procurement and, in case of central purchasing bodies, whether it can be used by buyers not listed in the notice of the Official Journal of the European Union....
Economic operator size Name Authority List
This table provides the different categories in which the tenderers to whom a contract can be awarded are classified, according to their size (using as criteria the number of employees)....
Environmental impact Name Authority List
This table provides the information about whether a procurement includes (and how) an approach to reducing the environmental impacts of the work, supply or service used in the technical specifications, award criteria, selection criteria or contract performance conditions or not....
File status Name Authority List
The file-status authority table describes the different stages in the life cycle of an act (or in the decision-making process of an act) from the moment it is launched until the final step is completed....
Form type Name Authority List
This table provides the codes and values used for the type of forms according to procurement legislation....
Framework agreement Name Authority List
This table provides the list of codes to distinguish the different type framework agreement involved in a tender....
Grammatical number Name Authority List
The Grammatical number NAL provides the list of the grammatical numbers....
Innovative acquisition Name Authority List
This table provides the codes and values used for the type of innovative works, supplies or services being procured within the context of public procurement....
eMuseum Kategorien
Interinstitutional procedure Name Authority List
The Interinstitutional procedures NAL lists the different procedures used in the context of data exchange between the institutions involved in the legislative process....
Legal basis Name Authority List
This table provides the legal basis based on the legal acts used for a given public procurement procedure...
Main activity Name Authority List
This table provides the list of main activities of the buyers...
Measurement unit Name Authority List
Measurement unit...
Missing info submission Name Authority List
This table provides the list of codes indicating wether tenderer-related information (complete or parcial) can be supplemented even after the submission deadline....
Modification justification Name Authority List
This table provides the main reasons for modifying a contract within the domain of public procurement....
Non award justification Name Authority List
This table provides the list of reasons of the buyer for not choosing a winner in the procurement procedure....
Notice type Name Authority List
This table provides a list of public procurement notices according to procurement legislation published once a project is approved....
Number fixed Name Authority List
This table provides the codes linked to fix values within the context of public procurement....
Number threshold Name Authority List
This table provides the codes linked to the type of threshold values within the context of public procurement....
Number type Name Authority List
The Number type NAL provides the grammatical distinctions of numerals...
Number weight Name Authority List
This table provides the codes linked to the type of weight values used in award criteria within the context of public procurement....
Organisation role Name Authority List
This table provides the list of the different functions of the organisations in a procurement procedure....
Organisation subrole Name Authority List
This table provides the list of the different sub-functions of the organisations in a procurement procedure....
Other place service Name Authority List
This table provides the broad geopolitical areas linked to the location of works and the place of performance or delivery within the context of public procurement....
Permission Name Authority List
This table provides the codes linked to the different values of permission and/or obligation....
Procedure phase Name Authority List
The Procedure phase authority table is a controlled vocabulary listing phases of various decisional processes...
Procurement procedure type Name Authority List
This table provides a list of activities leading to the conclusion of public contracts used in public procurement according to the legislation....
Public event type Name Authority List
The table defines public event types...
Received submission type Name Authority List
This table provides the list of relevant categories used to classify tenders or requests to participate received within the context of public procurement....
Reserved procurement Name Authority List
This table provides the values used to indicate wether the participation in the procurement is reserved for specific organisations....
Selection criterion Name Authority List
This table provides the list of condictions that are concerned for evaluation purposes...
Social objective Name Authority List
This table provides the values linked to any social objective promoted by the technical specifications, award criteria, selection criteria or contract performance conditions included in a procurement....
Strategic procurement Name Authority List
This table provides the information about whether a procurement aims to reduce environmental impact, fulfil social objectives and/or buy innovative works, supplies or services...
Subcontracting indication Name Authority List
This table provides the list of codes and values used to indicate information regarding the share of parts of a contract to third parties...
Subcontracting obligation Name Authority List
This table provides the list of codes and values used for the obligation of the economic operator of sharing parts of the original contract to third parties...
Subject matter Name Authority List
The Subject matter classification shows the concepts used for the indexation of notices published on EUR-Lex...
Usage Name Authority List
This table provides the list of codes and values indicating the application of criteria or other concepts and information....
Winner selection status Name Authority List
This table provides the list of codes and values used to indicate whether a tenderer was chosen to be awarded with a contract and wether the competiotion is open....
SCIS Subject Headings
"Includes subject headings specific to Australia, New Zealand and Pacific Islands...
Cutter Expansive Classification
"Charles Ammi Cutter (1837–1903), inspired by the decimal classification of his contemporary Melvil Dewey, originally developed his own classification scheme for the collections of the Boston Athenaeum, at which he served as librarian for two dozen years...
Human Phenotype Ontology
"The Human Phenotype Ontology (HPO) aims to provide a standardized vocabulary of phenotypic abnormalities encountered in human disease...
Open Shelves Classification
"(...) a free, 'humble', modern, open-source, crowd-sourced replacement for the Dewey Decimal System...
Wikidata (WD)
"Wikidata is a free linked database that can be read and edited by both humans and machines...
Billings Classification
"The Billings Classification is a subject classification developed by John Shaw Billings in 1899...
AP News Taxonomy
"The AP News Taxonomy is a comprehensive set of standardized vocabularies for describing English-language news content...
"A thesaurus that originates from the humanities and social sciences, but has grown to cover most subjects...
Social Semantic Web Thesaurus
"Concepts in the semantic web and social web domain."...
Admiralty Scale
"The Admiralty Scale (also called the NATO System) is used to rank the reliability of a source and the credibility of an information."...
Traffic Light Protocol
"The Traffic Light Protocol - or short: TLP - was designed with the objective to create a favorable classification scheme for sharing sensitive information while keeping the control over its distribution at the same time."...
Vocabulary for Event Recording and Incident Sharing
"The Vocabulary for Event Recording and Incident Sharing (VERIS) is a set of metrics designed to provide a common language for describing security incidents in a structured and repeatable manner...
Glossary of terms of information competences
As of Dec...
Serbian thesaurus of matters
62880 Terms, 5732 Relationship between terms, 14643 Equivalent terms....
Thesaurus Archives of the City Arganda del Rey
Glossary of Knowledge Organization
"Extended and up-to-date version of the glossary published in Claudio Gnoli, Vittorio Marino, and Luca Rosati, Hops, 2006...
Glossary of Terms Relating to Thesauri and Other Forms of Structured Vocabulary for Information Retrieval
"Confusion often arises when different people use terms to mean different things...
Information Architecture Glossary
"This glossary is intended to foster development of a shared vocabulary within the new and rapidly evolving field of information architecture...
e-Science Thesaurus
"The e-Science Thesaurus is a resource that supports and provides direction to the health sciences and science and technology library community by exploring the terminology, literature, and resources that describe and inform librarians about patron instruction, collection development, and research services related to e-Science and research data management principles and practice...
Systematics of the Saarland Bibliography
"The system of the Saarland Library with a link to the library catalog."...
Systematics of the Bavarian Bibliography
"The Bavarian Bibliography is the largest national bibliography in the German-speaking world...
Systematics of the country library Baden Wurttemberg
"Systematics of the Landesbibliographie Baden-Württemberg with proof of possession of the respective library"...
Systematics topics of the Hamburg-Bibliography
"The Hamburg bibliography documents all literature, whether printed or electronic, referring to Hamburg and personalities from Hamburg...
Systematics of the Lower Saxon Bibliography
"The Lower Saxon Bibliography is a regional bibliography for the states of Lower Saxony and Bremen...
System of the North Rhine-Westphalian Bibliography
"Association catalog of the university libraries of North Rhine-Westphalia and a large part of Rhineland-Palatinate"...
Sachsystematik der Rheinland-Pfälzischen Bibliographie
"Rhineland-Palatinate Bibliography with bibliographical references from all areas of knowledge"...
Sachgruppen der Schleswig-Holsteinischen Bibliographie (SHBSG)
"The content development is carried out according to a systematically arranged system, adapted to the needs of a regional bibliography and the literature supply in Schleswig-Holstein."...
Systematics of bibliography of Oldenburg
"The Oldenburgische Bibliographie is the regional bibliography for the area of the old country Oldenburg...
System of the country library Oldenburg
"System for the establishment of media in the free hand area of the Landesbibliothek Oldenburg"...
Installation system of the state library Niederösterreich
"There is a selection of reference works in the reading room, which are excluded from regular borrowing as a reference stock...
Inter-Active Terminology for Europe
"In IATE you can find EU-specific terminology and jargon, as well as terms from all sorts of areas, such as law, agriculture, information technology and many others...
Systematics of the International Archives Bibliography
Systematics for the International Archive Bibliography of the Archive School Marburg...
Sachgruppen der DNB (SDNB)
DDC-Subject groups and included DDC classes for the New Release Service and the Series A, B, C, H and O of the Deutsche Nationalbibliografie (based on DDC 23)...
Fachklassifikation Digitale Bibliothek (FKDigBib)
Die Idee zu dieser Klassifikation entstand im Sommersemester 2001 im Rahmen des Wahlpflichfaches "Digitale Bibliotheken" an der Hochschule der Medien, Stuttgart...
Glossary of Library and Information Science
This book is a necessary reference for librarians, researchers, students, and general users of the library, including the overall literature and information science of Korea and the current status and operation of libraries...
Blockchain Technology Industry Classification
It is preparing and implementing development strategies at the pan-government level to enhance social benefits through the development of blockchain technology, support the development of source technology and manpower, survey the status of policy effects analysis, and establish a standardized classification system...
Estonian Subject Thesaurus
"Eesti märksõnastik' (EMS) is a estonian subejct thesaurus structure"...
Map of the Bibliography of Friborg
Classification of Information and Communication Technology (ICT)
- Prepare in order to understand the current status of information and communication technology related industries and to utilize them for related policies...
Systematics of the Glarner Bibliography
The Glarner Bibliography has been published annually since 1996...
Basic Concepts Classification
"The purpose of the Basic Concepts Classification is first to identify an extensive and hierarchically organized set of ‘basic concepts’: concepts that can readily be understood across disciplines and cultures...
Installation system for the bibliographic reference library
Cataloging system which describes the bibliographic reference library of the University Library of the Ruhr University Bochum...
Terminology of standard records management
Provides standardized records management terminology search according to standardization of records management terminology...
National name authority service
National name authority service is a national bicycle data disclosure service that enables efficient access, sharing, and convergence of national knowledge information resources through the disclosure of authority data established by the National Library of Korea to promote the use of National name authority data...
Glossary of Library Terms
Glossary of Library Terms
Glossary of Library Terms is one of the World Library services in the librarian support service division of the National Library of Korea, and provides explanations of terms in domestic and foreign libraries and related fields...
Glossary of Practical Terms in the National Library of Korea
a glossary of practical terms in the library...
National Library of Korea Linked Open Data (NLK LOD)
The National Library of Korea is a national library that collects and preserves works permanently...
Nature Publishing Group Subject Ontology
"The Taxonomy of subject areas used to index content on"...
"ORCID provides a persistent digital identifier that distinguishes you from every other researcher and, through integration in key research workflows such as manuscript and grant submission, supports automated linkages between you and your professional activities ensuring that your work is recognized."...
Interdisziplinäre Forschungsfeldklassifikation (kdsf-ffk)
Klassifikation für interdisziplinäre Forschungsfelder im Rahmen des Kerndatensatz Forschung...
"STRUNA is a database of Croatian Special Field Terminology...
National Terminology Database for Irish
"The database contains over 338,000 terms, searchable under both Irish and English versions...
Encoded Archival Description (EAD)
"EAD stands for Encoded Archival Description, and is a non-proprietary de facto standard for the encoding of finding aids for use in a networked (online) environment...
Sweden´s national term bank
"At its grand opening, Rikstermbanken contained more than 50 000 term records, and it will continue to grow contentwise...
Melvil Decimal System
"The Melvil Decimal System (MDS) is based on the 1922 public domain edition of Dewey Decimal System with class labels adjusted to modern language."...
Virtual International Authority File (VIAF)
"The Virtual International Authority File (VIAF) is an international service designed to provide convenient access to the world's major name authority files...
Configuration Taxonomy
"The following represents a linear or flat taxonomy of key Configuration Types or Categorizations that are used by Information Technology (IT) organizations and professionals to help define, structure, organize, and understand various forms of Data, Information, and Knowledge that are specifically associated with 'Configurations' and Configuration Management...
Configuration Item Taxonomy
"The following represents a linear or flat taxonomy of the different Configuration Item types that are tracked and managed as part of the Configuration Management discipline and its related set of processes...
Configuration Management Taxonomy
"The following represents a linear or flat taxonomy of the many different Configuration Management types that are tracked, managed and performed as part of the Configuration Management discipline and its related set of processes...
Data Entity Taxonomy
"The following represents a linear or flat taxonomy of key Data Entities that are used by Information Technology (IT) organizations and professionals to help define, structure, organize, and understand various forms of Data, Information, and Knowledge...
Document Taxonomy
"The following represents a linear or flat representation of the different enterprise Discipline related Document types or classifications...
File Plan Taxonomy
"The following represents a linear or flat representation of the different File Plan Types or Categories that are used by Information Technology (IT) organizations, professionals and their business clients, such as Records Management Organizations, to help identify, define, manage, and support the many different File Plan Types that are used to facilitate, both, File Plan Management and Records Management solutions."...
Glossary Taxonomy
"The following represents a hierarchical taxonomy of key Enterprise and Information Technology (IT) Glossary Types or Categorizations, along with dynamic HTML links to their semantically grouped Term/Definition pairs...
Governance Taxonomy
"The following represents a linear or flat representation of key forms of Governance that are used by Information Technology (IT) organizations and professionals to help manage themselves and to help define, structure, organize, and understand various forms of Data, Information, and Knowledge within their enterprises...
Inventory Taxonomy
"The following represents a linear or flat taxonomy of key Inventories that are used and should be maintained by Information Technology (IT) organizations and professionals...
IT Discipline Taxonomy
"The following represents a linear or flat taxonomy of key IT Disciplines that are used by Information Technology (IT) organizations and professionals to help define, structure, organize, and understand various forms of Data, Information, and Knowledge associated with the many Discplines performed by IT Organizations and their IT Professionals, both, for themselves and for their business stakeholders...
Knowledge Management Taxonomy
"The following represents a linear or flat taxonomy of key Enterprise Knowledge Management types or categories that are important to most enterprises, Information Technology (IT) Organizations, IT Professionals, and Knowledge Management Professionals who support or provide services to enterprises...
Policy Taxonomy
"The following represents a linear or flat representation of the different Categories or Types of Policies that are common to most enterprises...
Process Taxonomy
"The following represents a linear or flat taxonomy of different Process types or categorizations that are used by Information Technology (IT) professionals to help identify, define, classify, structure, organize, track and understand various Processes...
Records Taxonomy
"The following represents a linear or flat taxonomy of different Record types or categorizations that are used by Information Technology (IT) professionals in order to help define, structure, organize, track and understand various forms of Data, Information, and Knowledge...
Records Management Taxonomy
"The following represents a linear or flat taxonomy of different Records Management types or categorizations that are used by Information Technology (IT) professionals in order to help define, structure, organize, track and understand various forms of Data, Information, and Knowledge...
Roadmap Taxonomy
"The following represents a linear or flat taxonomy of different Roadmap types or categorizations that are used by Information Technology (IT) professionals, their organizations and the business they support, in order to help with the definition and understanding of Work and Delivery that is critical to the implementation and oversight of Strategy...
Service Taxonomy
"The following represents a linear or flat representation of the different Service Types or Categories that are used by Information Technology (IT) organizations, professionals and their business clients to help define, deploy and manage the many different Services that are used to facilitate Work Management or Service Management solutions."...
Taxonomy Taxonomy
"The following represents a linear or flat taxonomy of the many different key Taxonomy types or categorizations that are used by Information Technology (IT) organizations and professionals to help define, structure, organize, and understand various forms of Data, Information, and Knowledge...
Unique Identifier (ID) Taxonomy
"The following represents a linear or flat representation of the different Unique Identifier Types that are used by Information Technology (IT) organizations and professionals (especially Data professionals) to help create Data Solutions that allow unique identification of instances of Data Entities or Data Items...
Information Technology Glossary of Terms and Phrases
"The IF4IT’s IT Glossary is intended to be a centralized, thorough, public and freely available repository of Information Technology 'Operations' (or 'Operational') terms...
Key Concepts of Museology
"A common language that conveys the complex reality of current social and cultural values–ethical, aesthetic, scientific and technological–remains a constant concern for those in charge of transmitting a message to society, particularly in the field of museology...
"SNORRE contains terms and definitions which have been extracted from national, European or international standards and which have been quality assured by subject specialists and linguists...
Subject index
"11497 terms, 12386 relationships between terms, 5408 equivalent terms, headings of subjects structured by different thematic areas."...
Basic Formal Ontology
"BFO grows out of a philosophical orientation which overlaps with that of DOLCE and SUMO...
Index New Zealand Thesaurus
"Until September 2007 subject terms used in Index New Zealand were from the Index New Zealand Thesaurus, which is based on the APAIS thesaurus, created by the National Library of Australia...
Book Industry Communication Standard Subject Categories (BSSC)
The BIC Standard Subject Categories scheme (BSSC) was created in the mid-1990s and used as the standard classification scheme for the UK book trade and other English language markets...
Thesaurus of Documentation Sciences (DOCUTES)
"The purpose of this web site is the online publication of the Thesauri of Sciences of the Documenation 'DOCUTES' prepared by the Library and Documentation Department of the University of León thanks to the Research Project granted by the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Junta de Castilla y León in the year 2000...
Vocabulary of Social Studies of Science
"2478 terms, 1124 relations between terms, 442 equivalent terms."...
Los Angeles Comprehensive Bibliographic Database Thesaurus
"The LACBD Thesaurus was compiled from the subject indexes that accompany the two bibliographies to provide a controlled vocabulary that spans one hundred years of Los Angeles subject matter...
Montague Institute Review Index and Thesaurus
"A-Z links show index terms in alphabetical order, one section at a time...
Library Dr. Jorge Villalobos Padilla, S.J. Thesaurus
"The thesauri base that the ITESO Library makes available to the user is a project under construction and permanent improvement, so that at each stage it reflects the thesauri developed until that moment by the Classification and Development Area of Collections...
Population Multilingual Thesaurus
"The POPIN Thesaurus provides alphabetical, thematic or subject, and permuted arrangements of terms...
Semiotics thesaurus of library science
"This is the discussion basis for a semiotic thesaurus of library science, which serves as the basis for a terminology of modern library science."...
PICO Thesaurus
"The Thesaurus of the Italian Culture Portal is a controlled vocabulary, designed to subject indexing and classification of very heterogeneous resources, from cultural extremely different domains data-source...
Public Information Thesaurus
"All the texts, speeches, interviews, press releases, press conferences .....
Polythematic Structured Subject (PSH)
"Polythematic Structured Subject Heading System (PSH) is a bilingual Czech–English controlled vocabulary of subject headings which is used for organizing and searching the documents by subject...
Subjects of New Zealand Thesaurus
"1937 terms, 1302 relations between terms, 832 non-preferred terms...
Capability Taxonomy
"The following represents a linear or flat taxonomy of key Enterprise Capability Types or Categorizations that are used by Information Technology (IT) organizations, its professionals and their business constituents to help define, structure, organize, and understand the Capabilities that are required by an enterprise for successful operation...
Software Taxonomy
"The following represents a linear or flat representation of the different Software Types or Software Categories that are used by Information Technology (IT) organizations and professionals to help build solutions that enable their businesses to operate successfully...
Thesaurus of Australian Government Subjects
"It contains a total of 3216 terms, comprising 1430 Preferred terms and 1786 Non-preferred terms (entry terms or reference points)...
SfB classification (SfB)
"The goal is to be able to work permanently with a current system, which is closely aligned with the practice, and which is designed in a work-based manner...
Thesaurus of the Board of Andalusia
"The OIA thesaurus has been developed and updated from the Thesaurus of Social Issues (1993)." The thesaurus is presented in two indexes, alphabetical and hierarchical....
SPINES Thesaurus
"It consists of a controlled and structured vocabulary consisting of more than 10,000 terms (descriptors and non descriptors) and about 77,000 semantic relationships that refer to development, both in its scientific and technological, as well as in economic and social, in the The SPINES Thesaurus, developed within the framework of the intergovernmental cooperation program in the field of scientific and technical information, was conceived as a key instrument of an international information exchange system."...
Finnish General Thesaurus (YSA)
"Outdated, do not use...
UK Archival Thesaurus
"UKAT is a subject thesaurus which has been created for the archive sector in the United Kingdom...
United Nations Bibliographical Information System Thesaurus
"The multilingual UNBIS Thesaurus contains the terminology used in subject analysis of documents and other materials relevant to United Nations programmes and activities...
UNESCO Thesaurus
"The UNESCO Thesaurus is a controlled and structured list of concepts used in subject analysis and retrieval of documents and publications in the fields of education, culture, natural sciences, social and human sciences, communication and information...
Classification of HTTP-based APIs
"This table provides a classification of HTTP-based APIs...
Controlled Vocabulary of the Library of the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters (UNCUYO)
"In general, the Unesco Thesaurus is taken as a guide, and when it has been necessary, some of its relations (alternatives of synonyms and of the relation UP or USE) have been modified or those of other thesauri have been incorporated...
Integrated Authority File (GND)
"GND is a standard file for people, bodies, conferences, geographics, subject - matter and work titles, mainly for the cataloging of literature in libraries, but increasingly also for archives, museums, projects and web applications Is co-operated by the Deutsche Nationalbibliothek, all German-speaking library associations, the Zeitungsdatenatenbank (ZDB) and numerous other institutions...
Thesaurus of the Autonomous University of Guadalajara
"The 'UAG Thesaurus' is based on TEMATRES, which is free software for thesaurus management and on the academic structure of the UAG, since it is considered to be the academic areas and their various faculties, schools, departments, academic degrees and Materials that request and generate information resources with which the collections of the Library Network are developed, and that these in turn are the basis for teaching, learning and research in the various educational programs of the UAG...
Terminosaurus Rex
"T-REX is a classification and thesaurus of information science at the same time, which has two possibilities: 1...
BNCF Thesaurus (NSogg)
"Nuovo soggettario, edited by the National Central Library of Florence (Biblioteca nazionale centrale di Firenze), is a subject indexing tool for various types of information resources...
"Includes about 1,000 descriptors plus...
BSZ periods BC
The Dating Systematics of the BSZ for the period from the Palaeolithic to the Migration Period contains, for a large part, time definitions, sources and definitions of the term, the archaeological and historical periods of the respective period."...
Coarse systematics
"Scope: 62 main groups, with about 9000 items down to the fourth hierarchy level."...
Library of Congress Subject Headings (LCSH)
"LCSH in this service includes all Library of Congress Subject Headings, free-floating subdivisions (topical and form), Genre/Form headings, Children's (AC) headings, and validation strings for which authority records have been created...
The Bliss Bibliographic Classification
"The Bibliographic Classification (BC2 or Bliss) is the leading example of a fully faceted classification scheme...
Social History and Industrial Classification
"SHIC is a subject classification widely used by UK museums...
Gnomon Thesaurus
Applied in Gnomon online - Eichstätter Information system for classical antiquity science....
Broad System of Ordering
"The primary purpose for which BSO has been compiled is to serve as an exchange or switching language for use in an information network covering all subjects and in principle extending to users anywhere in the world."...
Association for Computing Machinery Computing Classification System (CSS)
"ACM's first classification system for the computing field was published in 1964...
Library of Congress Classification (LCC)
"The Library of Congress Classification (LCC) is a classification system that was first developed in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries to organize and arrange the book collections of the Library of Congress...
Nomenclature for inventorying cultural history collections in museums
"These so-called...
TUM classification (TUM)
"The book stock of the University Library of the Technical University of Munich will be developed from the year 1982 onwards, in addition to the verbal classification of subjects by subject headings are characterized by a three-digit, mnemonic letter code, the subclasses by a three-digit numeric code, the systematic (not strictly) hierarchical...
Universal Decimal Classification (UDC)
"The Universal Decimal Classification (UDC) is the world's foremost multilingual classification scheme for all fields of knowledge, a sophisticated indexing and retrieval tool...
Preamble file (OBG)
"The Preamble file (OBG) is a hierarchical collection of object names for cultural history museums, divided into 45 main groups and subgroups Of the Landesstelle for the non-state museums in Bavaria...
"For the news industry - but also far beyond - it is a strict requirement being able to assert something about the content of a news item, to apply so called metadata...
Regensburger Association Classification (RVK)
"The Regensburger Verbundklassifikation (RVK) is a classification scheme for academic libraries...