GEODOK Thesaurus
Thesaurus of the Geographical Literature Database GEODOK....
Multilingual Thesaurus of Nations
"Thesaurus Builder experts are working to construct a thesaurus which contains information about countries in various categories using Thesaurus Builder...
Andalusian Historical Heritage Thesaurus
"The Andalusian Historical Heritage Thesaurus (TPHA) is the first integrating experience of all disciplines related to Historical Heritage in a single documentary language...
Thematic Nomenclature GeoBretagne
"This nomenclature is important since it allows the viewer to search for data via a thematic entry, and is required for sharing with all GeoBretagne partners who are invited to use this nomenclature for the internal classification of their data...
Getty Thesaurus of Geographic Names (TGN)
"TGN is a structured vocabulary currently containing around 1,106,000 names and other information about places...
Canadian Subject Headings (CSH)
"CSH on the Web offers free, up-to-date access to over 6000 subject authority records in the English language, providing in-depth coverage of Canadian topics, including those recently in the news...
Thesaurus Overseas
"Since it exercises the authority of the Overseas State in the Overseas Departments, its powers are those exercised by the Ministry of the Interior in metropolitan France...
Shelf Classification of the Library of Topography of Terror Foundation
Shelf Classification of the Library of Topography of Terror Foundation....
German Protestant Institute of Ancient World Studies of the Holy Land Jerusalem Library Systematics
Library structure of the German Protestant Institute of Archaeology....
Boggs and Lewis Classification of Maps and Atlases
"To classify maps, atlases, and globes most advantageously in a collection extensively used by geographers, historians, economists, technicians or other specialists and students, it is believed that the categories to be considered, in order of importance, are: (1) Area, (2) Subject, and (3) Date, with (4) Author, frequently necessary...
John-F.-Kennedy-Institut für Nordamerikastudien Bibliothekssystematik
"Im Zeitraum vom 1960 bis 1980 wurde eine speziell auf die Erwerbungspolitik der JFKI-Bibliothek zugeschnittene hauseigene Systematik entwickelt...
Library of the Geographical Institute
Institute of Contemporary History Library Classification System
"The IfZ system provides you with structured access to the collection areas of the library in chronological and thematic groups...
Joseph Wulf Mediothek Systematics
The Mediothek is named after the historian Joseph Wulf (1912-1974), who failed in the sixties with the attempt to set up a documentary center in the villa for the investigation of the national socialism....
Systematics archive and library of the Berliner Geschichtswerkstatt e.V.
Die Systematik des Archivs und der Bibliothek der Berliner Geschichtswerkstatt e.V....
Classification for Asian and African studies
Classification of the antiquarian research
Classification for history of Finland, Scandinavia and Baltic countries
Kaisa House Shelf Ratings: History of Finland, Scandinavia and the Baltic States...
Yleisen historian hyllyluokitus
Archeology shelf classification
North America Research Shelf Rating
Kaisa House Shelf Ratings: North American Research...
Shelf rating of research in Russia and Eastern Europe
German Historical Institute Warsaw Library System
Library system of the German Historical Institute Warsaw....
The Schleswig Collection Signatures & Classification
"The collection contains books, journals, pamphlets, etc...
Classifications of the Zentralbibliothek of the Roman-Germanic Central Museum
Classiification sheme of the Zentralbibliothek of the Roman-Germanic Central Museum....
Classification of the Country library
"The books on our shelves are arranged according to Sachthemen, and our library system allows you to see where in the house you can find works on a certain topic."...
Bielefeld systematics
"In addition to the library systematic for all subject groups, we also offer the search for a Bielefeld system in the online catalog, especially for the literature on Bielefeld, which serves to further improve the factual relevance of these publications, and also has the advantage of being quickly comprehensible...
Viennese system for public libraries
"The system serves the content development of the media and can also help to limit the amount of hits."...
Institute of Comparative City History Library Systematics
iDAI.gazetteer Thesaurus
"The iDAI.Gazetteer is a webservice that connects place names with coordinates and works in two directions...
Systematics History
Systematics for the subject of History of the University Library Kaiserslautern....
International Contact Ontology
"This ontology provides basic classes and more detailed properties for representating international street addresses, phone numbers and emails...
Systematics Archaeology
Systematics for Archeology at the University of Konstanz...
Systematics for collection focus Marburgensia
"The system opens up the number of publications on Marburg and the Marburg-Biedenkopf district in the University Library from 1970 onwards."...
Systematics Geography
"With the number 01 .....
Systematics of Ancient History
Systematics for Ancient History at the University of Mainz...
Systematics of Byzantine Studies
Systematics for Byzantine Studies at the University of Mainz...
Classification of the Classical Archeology
Classification scheme of the Classical Archeology of the Johannes Gutenberg University....
Systematics of the Middle and Modern History
Classification scheme of the Middle and Modern History of the Johannes Gutenberg University....
Classifications of the Eastern European history
Classification scheme of the East European History of the Johannes Gutenberg University....
Buzz Words and Catch Phrases
"Terms discussed here include people, places, agencies, technology, jargon and clichés used in the aftermath of the attack on the United States...
Dictionary of Archeology
"This dictionary contains more than two thousand terms with the names and the definition and the equivalents in Spanish and English, concerning the theory, fieldwork and laboratory construction and performance, covering areas as diverse as the numismatic the musivària, dating techniques or methods of excavation...
cartographic Dictionaries
"What is it? Diccionaris cartogràfics (‘Cartographic dictionaries’) is a compilation of four dictionaries edited by the Cartographic and Geological Institute of Catalonia with the advice of TERMCAT, printed by Enciclopèdia Catalana...
Tezaure terminologice Arheologie
Treasures terminology: Archeology, Ethnography, Decorative art, numismatics, fine arts, science and technology, documents, RAMEAU...
Authority List Historical Context for the Indexing of Local Archives
"The Historical Context list contains descriptors for historical events or periods...
"The GeoNames geographical database is available for download free of charge under a creative commons attribution license...
Gazetteer of British Place Names
"The Gazetteer provides an exhaustive Place Name Index to Great Britain, containing over 50,000 entries...
EMA Templates – Names of EU-EEA countries
"The EMA (European Medicines Agency) provides information on the linguistic aspects of the product information for a medicine, which includes the summary of product characteristics, labelling and package leaflet...
Glossary of Key Terms
Digital Atlas of the Roman Empire (DARE)
"The Digital Atlas of the Roman Empire (DARE) is a gazetteer of ancient places of the Roman Empire, based on the Barrington Atlas of the Greek and Roman World among other sources...
Wordnet culture
Thesaurus used for monument preservation and related disciplines....
Geographic Names
Register of geographic names in Germany...
ISO 3166 Country Codes
"ISO 3166 is the International Standard for country codes and codes for their subdivisions...
WGS84 Geo Positioning
"A vocabulary for representing latitude, longitude and altitude information in the WGS84 geodetic reference datum."...
Ontologie géographique de l'INSEE
"Ontologie des objets géographiques de l'INSEE, en particulier des territoires administratifs de la France."...
Shelf Classification Egyptology
Shelf Classification of Egyptology from the Library of the University of Trier...
Shelf Classification Archaeology
Shelf Classification of Archaeology of the University Library Trier....
Shelf Classification Ancient History
Shelf Classification of the Ancient History of the University Library of Trier....
Shelf Classification Medieval and Modern History
Shelf Classification for the Middle and New History of the University Library of Trier....
Shelf Classification Sinology
This is the classification system for romance at the University Library of Trier....
Shelf Classification Canadian Studies
Shelf Classification of Canadian Studies of the University Library Trier....
Map of the Canotypes of Drioton
"The fund Drioton was acquired by the NBU in 1961 with the amount in relation to war damage to the Second World War...
Historic England Periods Authority File
"Terminology used to record the broad date of a site, monument, building or structure...
Nomenclature of Territorial Units for Statistics
"The current NUTS 2013 classification is valid from 1 January 2015 and lists 98 regions at NUTS 1, 276 regions at NUTS 2 and 1342 regions at NUTS 3 level...
Library Classification of the Herder Institute for Historical Research on East Central Europe
"Die erste Fassung dieser Systematik entstand kurz nach der Gründung der Bibliothek im Jahr 1950...
Thesaurus for Cultural Heritage
"Ordnøkkelen – tesaurus for kulturminnevern er utarbeidet av Riksantikvaren...
AODN Geographic Extents Vocabulary
"A vocabulary of geographic regions and their bounding box coordinates...
Classification of the Morrison Collection in Toyo Bunko
"The Morrison Collection: This collection was painstakingly amassed by George Ernest Morrison during his 20-year residency in Beijing...
Thesaurus Onroerend Erfgoed Periods
"A thesaurus is a mostly hierarchical list of words used to standardize terminology...
Thesaurus Onroerend Erfgoed Heritage Types
"A thesaurus is a mostly hierarchical list of words used to standardize terminology...
Thesaurus Onroerend Erfgoed Value Types
"A thesaurus is a mostly hierarchical list of words used to standardize terminology...
Thesaurus Onroerend Erfgoed Event Types
"A thesaurus is a mostly hierarchical list of words used to standardize terminology...
Linked Heritage Glossary
Thot - Thesauri & Ontology for documenting Ancient Egyptian Resources
"(...) the Department of Egyptology of the University of Liege, in collaboration with the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and the Saxon Academy of Sciences in Leipzig (Thesaurus Linguae Aegyptiae), is now developing Thot, a set of resources for documenting and encoding ancient Egyptian resources in a shared, interoperable approach...
Prehistory and Protohistory Vocabulary
"Controlled vocabulary used for indexing bibliographical records for the 'Prehistory and Protohistory' FRANCIS database (1972-2015,"...
Systematic Bibliography on Deir el-Medîna Classification Scheme
Address Type Name Authority List
"This table provides the address types as used in the EU Whoiswho."...
Continent Name Authority List
"The continent authority table is a controlled vocabulary providing a list of continents...
Honorific Name Authority List
"This table provides the honorific titles used in addressing or referring to a person as used in the EU Whoiswho."...
Site Name Authority List
"This table provides the sites referring to the premises occupied by the various EU institutions and bodies."...
Lexicon of Greek Personal Names
"The Lexicon of Greek Personal Names (LGPN) was established to collect and publish all ancient Greek personal names, drawing on the full range of written sources from the 8th century B.C...
Thesaurus City of Paris
"Ce projet a pour objet de constituer plusieurs thésaurus pour Lightroom en français, hiérarchisés, et avec des synonymes (et si possible la traduction anglaise dans les synonymes)...
Thesaurus City of Lyon
"Ce projet a pour objet de constituer plusieurs thésaurus pour Lightroom en français, hiérarchisés, et avec des synonymes (et si possible la traduction anglaise dans les synonymes)...
French Communes
"This thesaurus lists all the French communes including metropolitan France and overseas regions and departments...
Filipiniana Subject Authority File
"Subject authority headings for Filipiniana materials.This will contain terms on: 1...
Gale Geography Thesaurus
The Gale Geography Thesaurus is a subset of the master Gale Social Sciences Thesaurus in the narrower domain of the description, distribution, and interaction of the physical, biological, and geographical features found on the earth’s surface...
Gale History Thesaurus
The Gale History Thesaurus is a subset of the master Gale Social Sciences Thesaurus in the narrower domain of the description, analysis, and interpretation of past events involving human beings...
WO2 Thesaurus
"De WO2-thesaurus is een gevalideerde, hiërarchisch georganiseerde trefwoordenlijst voor de thematische ontsluiting van (digitale) bronnen uit de periode 1940-1945...
Berlin system
"A taxonomy of Late Antique, Byzantine, and post-Byzantine sites, created as the basis for the places taxonomy for the collection management system mailto:AtoM@DO of the Image Collections and Fieldwork Archives of Dumbarton Oaks."...
Systematics of the Hittite Bibliography
"The present update extends the continuous bibliography of the author in the HethitologiePortal with a systematic classification that facilitates access and orientation in new scientific production according to different thematic and methodological aspects as well as specializations in the field of hittitology and anatolian archeology The necessary extension to related disciplines and adjacent areas...
Systematics of the Mecklenburg-Vorpommern bibliography (MV)
The bibliography of Mecklenburg-Hither Pomerania is indexed by this classification scheme...
Spatial System of the North-West-Westphalian Bibliography
Local Systematics of the Rhineland-Palatinate Bibliography
Systematics Time, epochs of the Schleswig-Holstein bibliography
"The content development is carried out according to a systematically arranged system, adapted to the needs of a regional bibliography and the literature supply in Schleswig-Holstein."...
Directory search of the Bibliography on Upper Austrian History
"For the directory search, the table of contents, which is pre-presented to each printed bibliography, is presented, which provides a first content structuring and classification of the bibliographic single entries into a thematic framework And to improve the accuracy of the results for selected topics, but minor errors can also be caused by slight differences in the chapter names of the individual bibliographic pages forming the database of the present database...
Classifications of the bibliography portal on the history of East Central Europe
Classification sheme of the bibliography portal on the history of East Central Europe....
Bibliografia Historii Śląska Systematyka
The bibliography on the history of Silesia records the history of the historically working sciences on the past of the region and thus fulfills a scientific and a scientific-popular function...
Llista d'encapçalaments de noms i títols de la Biblioteca de Catalunya
"The list heading names and titles of the Library of Catalonia (Lenôtre) contains authority records name, title, and name-title used for the classification of documents...
Name and Title Authority File of Catalonia
"The catalog of names and titles authorities of Catalonia (canticle) is a catalog of cooperative authorities carried out in the Catalog of the Universities of Catalonia (CCUC) and is led by the Library of Catalonia...
Czech National Authority Database
"The portal of the National Authority of the Czech Republic focuses on a fragmented information on the issue (in the broadest sense) of the creation and use of sets of national authorities of all types...
Aufstellungssystematik Alte Geschichte (Hist Ant)
local shelf classification ancient history at TIB library...
Thesaurus of Basler Afrika Bibliographien
Aufstellungssystematik Geschichte (Hist)
local shelf classification history at TIB library...
Marine Gazetteer
"Geographic Information Systems have become indispensable tools in managing and displaying marine data and information...
MoEML Gazetteer of Early Modern London
"The MoEML Gazetteer of Early Modern London is a descriptive gazetteer in that each place is linked to an Encyclopedia page with a 'thick description' of place...
Functions of New Zealand Thesaurus
"1543 terms, 40 relations between terms, 307 non-preferred terms."...
ISOC Thesaurus of Place Names
"It collects more than 14400 political-administrative toponyms representing 196 countries...
Standard Australian Classification of Countries
"The scope of the SACC is all countries, as defined above, currently existing in the world...
Australian Statistical Geography Standard
"The ASGS brings all the regions for which the ABS publishes statistics within the one framework and will be used by the ABS for the collection and dissemination of geographically classified statistics from 1 July 2011...
Alexandria Digital Library Feature Type Thesaurus
"The Feature Type Thesaurus contains a hierarchical scheme of terms for typing gazetteer entries; that is, for typing named geographic places...
Australian Standard Geographical Classification
"The ASGC provides seven hierarchies of geographical areas...
Utah Taxonomy
"A collection of Utah-specific independent controlled vocabulary terms divided into discrete, mutually exclusive facets (i.e...
FISH Archaeological Objects Thesaurus
"Physical evidence, usually portable, resulting from past human activity or environmental remains that can be recovered from archaeological fieldwork...
National Statistics Country Classification
"Country is a key variable for determining a range of social and economic statistics including country of birth, country of residence, migration, international trade and balance of payments...
FISH Archaeological Sciences Thesaurus
"Used for recording the techniques, recovery methods and materials associated with the archaeological sciences...
English Heritage Maritime Place Name Thesaurus
"Maritime ports, countries and bodies of water from and to which ships may have sailed or been registered...
English Heritage National Trust Thred Thesaurus (THRED)
"Terminology for the description of archive type and format...
Thesaurus Peuples, Anthroponymes, Chronologie, Toponymes, Œuvres, Lieux et Sujets
"The PACTOLS (Peoples, Anthroponyms, Chronology, Toponymies, Works, Places and Subjects) thesauri, specializing in the sciences of antiquity and archeology from prehistory to the industrial era, are poly-hierarchical, evolutive and multilingual...
Archaeological Objects Thesaurus (Scotland)
"Objects made by human activity."...
Period (Wales)
"A list of periods for use in Wales."...
Thesaurus History of Catalonia
"The History of Catalonia Thesaurus is a controlled vocabulary of terminology in Catalan, on the history of Catalonia...
Thesaurus Locorum
"The Thesaurus Locorum lists in 40,063 entries the names of the places recorded in the archives and libraries of Hesse, Thuringia, Saxony and Silesia in the catalogs of the Research Center for Personnel Records The database contains the entire German-speaking area of the Early Modern Age, which allows the identification of early-modern names, as they appear in different sources, not just in the preaching of the dead, with their modern place names It gives an overview of the various, sometimes very different, German and Latin names of a place in the early modern period...
Thesaurus Professionum
"The Thesaurus Professionum is a database of professional terms of the Early Modern Period, which currently records 28,877 historical professional names from funeral pretexts and other mourning libraries in Hessian, Saxon, Silesian and Thuringian libraries and archives, which were recorded in the catalogs of the Research Center for Personnel Records The database contains the entire German-speaking area of the early modern period, with the help of the search for registries, one can search specifically for the abolition of abbreviated or translations of foreign-language occupational terms, as they appear in the sources The database also provides the opportunity to systematically search for the early-modern names of a particular profession from seven main professions...
Victorian Local History Thesaurus
"Subject terms used in RHSV cataloguing projects."...
Toponymic thesaurus of the Province Alicante
"Under the same premises and structure as the Thesaurus of Archives, and with the same objective of facilitating documentary description and the search for archival information, we have developed the thesaurus of place names...
Vocabulary of Argentine and American History
"3166 terms, 554 relationships between terms, 77 equivalent terms."...
Standard Classification of Area Unit
"The standard classification of area unit is a flat classification and contains 2,020 categories...
Country – New Zealand Standard Classification
"Country is a key variable for determining population and economic statistics that relate to birthplace, country of residence, overseas trade, and balance of payments data...
Dwelling Address Classification
"Dwelling address is a key variable for determining the geographic characteristics of the population...
Dwelling Occupancy Status – Standard Classification
"Dwelling occupancy status provides information on whether dwellings are occupied or unoccupied, or are under construction...
Energy Types Used in Private Dwellings – Standard Classification
"Information on the types of energy consumed in occupied New Zealand private dwellings is used for marketing research and to monitor changes, over time, in the energy types used by New Zealand households...
Harvard-Yenching Classification
"In 1931, the growing collection was transferred from Widener Library to the Harvard-Yenching Institute, founded in 1928...
Thesaurus issues
"This document provides a trilingual thesaurus, which will allow the producer data document metadata in three different languages: Catalan, Spanish and English...
Thesaurus objects
"This document provides a trilingual thesaurus, which will allow the producer data document metadata in three different languages: Catalan, Spanish and English...
Dictionary of Materials
"The most evident wealth of cultural heritage is its own set of materials and techniques, which are properly integrated, making cultural objects, documents of an irreplaceable value on technical evolutions, craftsmanship, social meanings and identity symbols of the community...
Thesaurus and Dictionary of Denominations of Cultural Property
"The Thesaurus and Dictionary of Denominations of Cultural Property, due to its wide range of themes and the large number of descriptors it gathers, is being the subject of independent publication of its different sections...
Geographic Dictionary
"The identification of geographical landmarks - countries, cities, and regions - is basic when it comes to dealing with the cataloging of a cultural asset...
Classification of Meshblock
"The standard classification of Meshblock is a flat classification and contains 46,643 categories in 2014...
Places Name Authority List
"The Places name authority list (NAL) or Common Authority Table (CAT) is a controlled vocabulary listing locations relevant for the descriptive metadata used at the Publications Office and the core metadata used in the data exchange between the institutions involved in the legal decision making process...
Country Name Authority List
"This country codes authority table is intended to provide a code related to the names of the countries – in a short and in a long form – in the 24 official languages of the European Union.These codes are used for the documentary metadata and may present slight differences with those used for the production of documents at a stylistic level...
Thesaurus of Contemporary History of Spain
"The thesaurus consists of an alphabetical part, descriptor to descriptor with all its relations, and the thesaurus consists of an alphabetical part, descriptor to descriptor with all its relations, and The main purpose of our thesaurus is to serve as a terminological tool in the indexing and retrieval of information, Of a set of documents, those related to the field of research of Contemporary History of Spain and forming part of an automated information system...
Multilingual Egyptian Thesaurus
"This Thesaurus is a compilation of many sources used in general for computer applications and has been developed by an international team of Egyptologists in seven languages and consists of 15 sections and aims to provide a documentation standard to describe Many museums have already adopted it, and it is becoming an increasingly recognized international standard...
Thesaurus of the Bernard Liou Library
"The Bernard Liou Library is the scientific library of the Department of underwater and underwater archaeological research (DRASSM)."...
ISO/TC 211 Multi-Lingual Glossary of Terms (MLGT)
The ISO/TC 211 Multi-Lingual Glossary of Terms has been compiled from International Standards developed by ISO/TC 211...
DYAS Humanities Thesaurus
"The Thesaurus is the intellectual property of the Academy of Athens (AA), the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (UOA) and the Athens School of Fine Arts (ASFA)...
CHIN Humanities Data Dictionary
The CHIN Data Dictionaries contain a description of database fields for museum collection and archaeological site management and documentation...
Archäologisches Museum Hamburg – Stadtmuseum Harburg/Helms-Museum: Age dating terms
Classification scheme of the Bibliographia Cartographia (BC)
This classification scheme structures a collection of cartographic contents...
| Thesaurus
"The Thesaurus brings together and harmonises all thesauri and vocabularies of the libraries and the projects of the German Archaeological Institute...
Taxonomy within the project "Intertextuality in the Legal Papers of Karl Kraus – A Scholarly Digital Edition"...
travel!digital Thesaurus
"The travel!digital Thesaurus is a knowledge organization system for the travel!digital Corpus, a unique collection of historical Baedeker travel guides published between 1875 and 1914...
DEFC Thesaurus
"DEFC thesaurus is a knowledge organization system designed for Digitizing Early Farming Cultures project."...
Iron-Age-Danube thesaurus
"The Iron-Age-Danube thesaurus is based on controlled vocabulary of Iron-Age-Danube database created in the frame of the Interreg Iron-Age-Danube project (
World Historical Gazetteer (WHG)
"World Historical Gazetteer (WHG) is providing a collection of content and services that permit world historians, their students, and the general public to do spatial and temporal reasoning and visualization in a data rich environment at global and trans-regional scales."...
"Pleiades gives scholars, students, and enthusiasts worldwide the ability to use, create, and share historical geographic information about the ancient world in digital form...
| Maritime Thesaurus
Maritime thesaurus based on the NAVIS I-III databases....
Linked Archaeological Data Ontology (LADO)
A linked ontology for archaeological data....
iDAI.chronontology is a web service that combines concepts of time with dating...
ScAPA : Scottish Archaeological Periods & Ages (ScAPA)
"List of archaeological periods & ages for cultural heritage use in Scotland."...
Thesaurus Archaeological Finds (RA)
The terminological tool presented here constitutes a reworking, edited by the ICCU and the VAST-LAB Laboratory within the framework of the EU project ARIADNE (Advanced Research Infrastructure for Archaeological Dataset Networking in Europe), of the standard thesaurus released by the ICCD for the definition of movable archaeological property, functional for the compilation of the RA - Archaeological Finds catalog card, for which please refer to the institutional page
Thesaurus of Archaeological Terminology (TEATER)
"The Thesaurus of Archaeological Terminology is a web thesaurus aimed at making the terminology of archaeology and the related disciplines more available...