
Name Links
Type (bilddatenbank.gbv.de)
Events in biographies or chronicles Consists of the Getty-people-events and some entries from http://vocab.org/bio....
Phases in biographies or chronicles API
Type of collection API
CSS-Color-Names API
Filetypes API
Gender A list of genders....
Historic Flag
Owners from IKMK API
Production type from IKMK API
Country from IKMK API
Material from IKMK API
Coin stand from IKMK API
Nominal from IKMK API
Location from IKMK API
Person / corporation from IKMK API
Type of person from IKMK API
Region from IKMK API
Subject terms from IKMK API
Type source from IKMK API
Currency from IKMK API
Access type from IKMK API
KENOM Material (kenom_material) Classification of materials used in KENOM portal.... API