
Name Links
Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC) "The Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC) system, devised by library pioneer Melvil Dewey in the 1870s and owned by OCLC since 1988, provides a dynamic structure for the organization of library collections... API
Multilingual Thesaurus of the European Union (EuroVoc) "EuroVoc is a multilingual, multidisciplinary thesaurus covering the activities of the EU, the European Parliament in particular... API
Classification for general libraries (KAB) "The classification for general libraries (KAB) is a library classification developed by the Zentralinstitut für Bibliothekswesen (GDR) and is still being used today (in an revised version) in most municipal libraries of the new federal states, according to the General System for Public Libraries (ASB ), As the east-German counterpart, it is the most widely distributed system in public libraries in Germany...
Field of Science and Technology Classification (FOS) "Statistical units in the PNP sector are classified into the six major fields of science and technology suggested in UNESCO’s 'Recommendation Concerning the International Standardisation of Statistics on Science and Technology' (1978)... API
Thema subject classification scheme (thema) "Thema is intended for use by all parts of the book trade: unlike other book trade subject classifications, it aims to be globally applicable... API
Hornbostel-Sachs-systematics "The Hornbostel-Sachs system is a classification system for musical instruments, published in 1914 by Erich Moritz von Hornbostel and Curt Sachs in the Zeitschrift fur Ethnologie under the title Systematik der Musikinstrumente Classification of musical instruments (...) The Hornbostel-Sachs system has a hierarchical structure, each category corresponds to a number, with a number being added in each detail step, so that the number of digits increases with increasing concretization Of the number, while further characters (-,:,], +) allow the notation of special meanings... API
Systematics for children's and youth libraries (SKJ) "The systematic classification of children's and youth libraries is based on age grades and on formal criteria, whereby children's and youth literature is structured in the same way as the ASB groups."... API
Classfication of the city library Duisburg (SSD) The classfication of the city library Duisburg (SSD) is a classification for the content development of public libraries and was developed specifically for the needs of the Stadtbibliothek Duisburg in line with the ASB... API
Subject area system of the University and State Library Düsseldorf (FULD) "The subject system, which divides the knowledge areas into main groups and subgroups and is expressed by a combination of letters and numbers (notation), allows you to search professional-thematically in the search portal...
Austrian system of the scientific branches (ÖFOS) "The Austrian Systematics of the Sciences 2012 (ÖFOS 2012) is the version of the revised International Classification of Fields of Science and Technology (FOS), adapted to the Austrian situation, whose application is binding in international comparison, and particularly within the European statistical system ÖFOS 2012 consists of 6 main groups: natural sciences (1), technical sciences (2), human medicine, health sciences (3), agricultural sciences, veterinary medicine (4), social sciences (5) and the humanities (6) 3-digit groups In order to be able to deal more closely with the national situation in the new Austrian system of scientific branches, these 3-positioners were provided with further subgroups (4-positioners), taking into account the explanations of the international classification Groups, currently no , The 3-positioner has the same designation as the subgroup (4-positioner, e.g... API
Classification of the Orthodox Church and theology (Coct)
Göttingen online classification (GOK) "You get systematic access to the Göttinger Universitätskatalog (GUK) through the Göttinger Online-Klassifikation (GOK)...
Systematics for Protestant libraries (SEB) "The media collections of Protestant libraries are developed with the aid of the system for Protestant libraries (SEB)... API
Hochschule Konstanz University of Applied Sciences (HTWG) classification scheme (HTWG) Classification scheme for the Hochschule Konstanz University of Applied Sciences (HTWG)... API
Bielefeld systematics "In addition to the library systematic for all subject groups, we also offer the search for a Bielefeld system in the online catalog, especially for the literature on Bielefeld, which serves to further improve the factual relevance of these publications, and also has the advantage of being quickly comprehensible...
CERL Thesaurus (CERL) "The CERL Thesaurus File is a unique facility developed to address the particularly European issue that place name and personal names in Europe varied from country to country in the period of hand press printing (1450 - c...
Konstanz library classification (KonSys) The Konstanzer Systematik (KonSys) is a classification scheme for academic libraries, developed at the Library of the University of Konstanz in 1966 for the newly founded University as an in-house classification scheme for its own extensive holdings on the open shelves... API
Classification for Romance Studies of the Bonn University and State Library (ULBB) “The entire Romance Studies Collection of the Bonn USL is indexed according to a special classification system (more than 250,000 titles)."... API
Subject Taxonomy Books University Library Paderborn (FBUP) "The 'Fachsystematik Bücher' of the University Library of Paderborn (UB) serves as a layout for the creation of the book inventory in the freehand areas of the UB...
Geographic Names Register of geographic names in Germany...
Nomisma (NOMISMA) "Nomisma.org is a collaborative project to provide stable digital representations of numismatic concepts according to the principles of Linked Open Data... API
Subject Categories from the Deutsche Nationalbibliografie (DNBSGR) Systematik der Deutschen Nationalbibliographie (bis 2003)....
Library of Congress Name Authority File (LCNAF) "The Library of Congress Name Authority File (NAF) file provides authoritative data for names of persons, organizations, events, places, and titles... API
Basic Classification (BK) German decimal classification system based on the Dutch Basic Classification (NBC)... API
IxTheo classification (IxTheo) The classification of Index Theologicus bibliography uses uppercase letter notations for topics of theological interest.... API
Bielefeld University Library Classification System (UBBI) The classification system of Bielefeld University Library is a universal shelf classification developed in the 1960s with the foundation of the University.... API
ZDB-Classification (ZDB-FGS) This classification was used in the German Union Catalogue of Serials until 2010 to classify journals... API
Systematik der Fächergruppen, Studienbereiche und Studienfächer Fächersystematik der Statistischen Bundesamts für Statistiken im Bereich "Studierende an Hochschulen"... API
Systematik der Fächergruppen, Lehr- und Forschungsbereiche und Fachgebiete (DFÄ) Fächersystematik der Statistischen Bundesamts für Statistiken im Bereich "Personal an Hochschulen"... API
Sondersammelgebiets-Nummer (SSG) The Sondersammelgebiets-Nummer was used in German libraries until 2015 to organize distributed collection of publications among disciplines... API
FID classification (FID) The FID classification replaced the Sondersammelgebiets-Nummer (SSG) in 2016...
Wikidata (WD) "Wikidata is a free linked database that can be read and edited by both humans and machines... API
Classification for music libraries (KfM) "The classification makes it possible to record music (graphical music recordings, music prints, notes, acoustic music recordings, musical instruments, files)...
Systematics of the University Library Dortmund (FUD) "The UB Dortmund presents its media in the Central Library according to the set-up system of economics and social sciences...
Subject classification system of the University of Marburg (FUM) The subject system of the Department of Religious Studies lists 17 topics of the religions divided into continents and religious groups...
Comprehensive University Library System (GHB) "According to this system, numerous university and technical college libraries provide their books freely accessible to the users...
Systematics of the Mecklenburg-Vorpommern bibliography (MV) The bibliography of Mecklenburg-Hither Pomerania is indexed by this classification scheme... API
Spatial System of the North-West-Westphalian Bibliography
Sachgruppen der Schleswig-Holsteinischen Bibliographie (SHBSG) "The content development is carried out according to a systematically arranged system, adapted to the needs of a regional bibliography and the literature supply in Schleswig-Holstein."... API
Sachgruppen der DNB (SDNB) DDC-Subject groups and included DDC classes for the New Release Service and the Series A, B, C, H and O of the Deutsche Nationalbibliografie (based on DDC 23)... API
Fachklassifikation Digitale Bibliothek (FKDigBib) Die Idee zu dieser Klassifikation entstand im Sommersemester 2001 im Rahmen des Wahlpflichfaches "Digitale Bibliotheken" an der Hochschule der Medien, Stuttgart... API
Educational Subjects Classification (ESC) The Educational Subjects Classification (ESC) is an extension of the International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED-2013)... API
Interdisziplinäre Forschungsfeldklassifikation (kdsf-ffk) Klassifikation für interdisziplinäre Forschungsfelder im Rahmen des Kerndatensatz Forschung... API
Classification of the German Patent and Trademark Office (DEKLA) Extension of the International Patent Classification published and internally used by the German Patent Office....
Book Industry Communication Standard Subject Categories (BSSC) The BIC Standard Subject Categories scheme (BSSC) was created in the mid-1990s and used as the standard classification scheme for the UK book trade and other English language markets... API
European Thesaurus on International Relations and Area Studies (etiras) "You will find here alphabetically and systematically ordered keywords (descriptors) that you can use for your search in the portal content of IREON... API
Thesaurus for the Social Sciences (TheSoz) "The thesaurus currently contains about 12,000 entries, of which about 8,000 descriptors and around 4,000 synonyms, covers all disciplines of social sciences.The thesaurus is available in interactive form with its own user interface in the Fachportal sowiport The thesaurus of social sciences is a central one Instrument for content-oriented searches in the databases SOFIS and SOLIS... API
STW Thesaurus for Economics (STW) "The STW Thesaurus for Economics is the world's most comprehensive bilingual thesaurus for representing and searching for economics-related content... API
SfB classification (SfB) "The goal is to be able to work permanently with a current system, which is closely aligned with the practice, and which is designed in a work-based manner...
Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) "MeSH is the National Library of Medicine's controlled vocabulary thesaurus... API
UNESCO Thesaurus "The UNESCO Thesaurus is a controlled and structured list of concepts used in subject analysis and retrieval of documents and publications in the fields of education, culture, natural sciences, social and human sciences, communication and information... API
Integrated Authority File (GND) "GND is a standard file for people, bodies, conferences, geographics, subject - matter and work titles, mainly for the cataloging of literature in libraries, but increasingly also for archives, museums, projects and web applications Is co-operated by the Deutsche Nationalbibliothek, all German-speaking library associations, the Zeitungsdatenatenbank (ZDB) and numerous other institutions... API
Library of Congress Subject Headings (LCSH) "LCSH in this service includes all Library of Congress Subject Headings, free-floating subdivisions (topical and form), Genre/Form headings, Children's (AC) headings, and validation strings for which authority records have been created... API
Iconclass (ICONCLASS) "Iconclass is a subject-specific classification system... API
Mathematics Subject Classification (MSC2010) The Mathematics Subject Classification (MSC2010) is the previous version of the MSC2020... API
Library of Congress Classification (LCC) "The Library of Congress Classification (LCC) is a classification system that was first developed in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries to organize and arrange the book collections of the Library of Congress...
TUM classification (TUM) "The book stock of the University Library of the Technical University of Munich will be developed from the year 1982 onwards, in addition to the verbal classification of subjects by subject headings are characterized by a three-digit, mnemonic letter code, the subclasses by a three-digit numeric code, the systematic (not strictly) hierarchical...
Universal Decimal Classification (UDC) "The Universal Decimal Classification (UDC) is the world's foremost multilingual classification scheme for all fields of knowledge, a sophisticated indexing and retrieval tool...
International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED) "As national education systems vary in terms of structure and curricular content, it can be difficult to benchmark performance across countries over time or monitor progress towards national and international goals... API
Systematics of the subjects and colleges of the German Research Association (DFG) German Research Foundation (DFG) classification of scientific disciplines, research areas, review boards, and subject areas... API
National Library of Medicine Classification (NLM) "The NLM Classification covers the field of medicine and related sciences...
Regensburger Association Classification (RVK) "The Regensburger Verbundklassifikation (RVK) is a classification scheme for academic libraries... API
Bremer Online Systematics (BOS) "Bremen 's online system allows for the complete presentation of all about 53 Bremen professional systems in the sense of a virtual book shelf with a link to the stock of the individual class, thereby enabling thematic browsing within the individual subject systematics (example informatics) and subsequent presentation of the stock of a notation .... API
General Systematic for Public Libraries (ASB) "The General System for Public Libraries (ASB) is a classification that is used by many public libraries, especially in the old federal states of Germany, albeit with different, often in-house variants (ASB) was originally developed in the 1950s, according to the circumstances (in many places conversion from the theken library to the freehand library), it is an answer "This was especially the case with the Association of Libraries of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia, supported by speakers from the magazine Bücherei und Bildung."...
Austrian classification for public libraries (ÖSÖB) "The system is an important tool for the attractive presentation of the stock and the targeted collection of thematic resources, which helps to facilitate access to information, education and culture to the users of libraries Public libraries "(ÖSÖB), which is now available in a completely revised form (ÖSÖB'04) The WWW version offers the complete systematics with all the explanations, references and terms of the keyword register, characterized by comfortable search and navigation possibilities Is continuously updated... API
Unit system for South Tyrolean libraries (ESSB) "The system of systematics for South Tyrolean libraries (ESSB) is the most widely used system for linguistic literature in South Tyrol's public libraries and school libraries... API
Dutch Basic Classification (NBC) "The Dutch Basic Classification (NBC) is originally a Dutch library classification scheme developed for academic libraries... API
Classification of the New Berlin State Library Catalog (NSK) Die Systematik des neuen Sachkatalog der Staatsbibliothek Preußischer Kulturbesitz wurde zur Erschließung von Erwerbungen von 1945 bis 1999 im Haus Potsdamer Straße eingesetzt... API
Mathematics Subject Classification System (MSC2020) "Mathematical Reviews (MR) and zbMATH collaborate on maintaining the Mathematics Subject Classification, which is used by these reviewing services, publishers, funding agencies, and others to categorize items in the mathematical sciences literature... API
Classification scheme of the Bibliographia Cartographia (BC) This classification scheme structures a collection of cartographic contents... API
Retrospective classification of medical, scientific, legal and theological prints (retrohab) "In the 1980s, the Duke August Library made an attempt to retrospectively classify its old holdings... API
21 Books of Universal Knowledge or Universal Partitioning (gessner) "In the mid-16th century, the learned physician Conrad Gessner (1516-1565) published his „Bibliotheca Universalis“, a comprehensive bibliography that claimed to list all books printed in Latin, Greek and Hebrew in alphabetical order... API
Theses or loci communes of the whole medical field (brunfels) "In 1532, a student of the learned physician and theologian Otto Brunfels (1488-1534) published an extensive and widely recognised loci communes collection on the field of medicine, which he had compiled on the basis of Brunfels' lessons... API
Catalogue of the Thuana Library (thuana) "The catalogue of the Bibliotheca Thuana was first published in 1679 in two parts... API
Thesaurus of provenance terms (T-PRO) The thesaurus of provenance terms is used in German libraries to describe the provenance of (rare) books.... API
OBV classes (OBV) The OBV classes are used in the Austrian Library Network (OBV) as broad classification.... API
FIV General Classification (fivs) Topic classification of the German Information Network for International Relations and Area Studies (FIV)... API
FIV-Regionalklassifikation (fivr) Regional classification (countries and areas) of the German Information Network for International Relations and Area Studies (FIV)... API
Classification of the Bibliography of German History (DHB) "The Classification of the Bibliography of German History (DHB-Systematik) is a faceted classification scheme partially following the Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC)... API
Bamberg vocabulary for historical architecture (BVhA) "For the indexing of information from the historical record and for the quantitatively evaluable description of the characteristics of building components, an extensive digital vocabulary was developed in the project "Die Nürnberger Großkirchen – Best Practice für die digitale Erfassung komplexer Baudenkmale", which contains several thousand terms for the designation of building components, materials, damage, traces of processing and static interactions... API
Bibliothekssystematik des IAMO (IAMO-BibSys) Aufstellungssystematik der Bibliothek des IAMO....
GOV: List of all types (gov-types) List of all types for the Historic Geo Information System (https://bartoc.org/en/node/20435).... API
Fachbereich Literatur und Sprachwissenschaften der TIB Hannover (FBL) API