
Name Links
Friend of a Friend vocabulary "FOAF is a project devoted to linking people and information using the Web...
Event Ontology "This ontology is centered around the notion of event, seen here as the way by which cognitive agents classify arbitrary time/space regions (...)...
Timeline Ontology "This ontology is centered around the notion of timeline, seen here as a way to identify a temporal backbone...
Mechanical & Transportation Engineering Abstracts Classification Codes "CSA Mechanical & Transportation Engineering Abstracts provides citations, abstracts, and indexing of the serials literature in mechanical and transportation engineering and their complementary fields, including forensic engineering, management and marketing of engineering services, engineering education, theoretical mechanics and dynamics, and mathematics and computation."...
Thesaurus TOXIBASE "As a result of the mission entrusted to it by the MILDT to develop a national resource center on drugs, OFDT provides a database in its documentary service covering different fields (products, uses and Consequences of these uses, public responses and drug markets) and is aimed primarily at decision-makers and professionals in the health, social and law enforcement sectors...
Aerospace & High Technology Database Classification "The Aerospace & High Technology Database provides bibliographic coverage of basic and applied research in aeronautics, astronautics, and space sciences...
Lipid Classification System "The LIPID MAPS Lipid Classification System is comprised of eight lipid categories, each with its own sublassification hierarchy...
Formacode "The Formacode® thesaurus is an indispensable tool for indexing and retrieving information on the training offer...
Thesaurus for the Indexation of Local Archives "The revised thesaurus remains a mono-hierarchical thesaurus, that is, a given descriptor is linked to only one thematic branch...
World Register of Marine Species (WoRMS) "The aim of a World Register of Marine Species (WoRMS) is to provide an authoritative and comprehensive list of names of marine organisms, including information on synonymy...
Citation Typing Ontology "CiTO, the Citation Typing Ontology, is an ontology written in OWL 2 DL to enable characterization of the nature or type of citations, both factually and rhetorically, and to permit these descriptions to be published on the Web...
Thesaurus Heracles "Project development of a multilingual thesaurus managed by Flora software: French, English, Spanish, German, Italian 3330 descriptors and 954 non-descriptors are distributed in 39 semantic fields."...
French Thesaurus Sustainable Development "The terms of this thesaurus and many others are defined in the Sustainable Development Dictionaries, a nomenclature of over 1,100 terms and abbreviations and more than 1,000 definitions The vocabulary of sustainable development from French official sources, Foreign and International Cooperation: SD 21000, Brundtland Commission, Earth Summit, Framework Convention on Climate Change, Convention on Biodiversity, Work of the United Nations Environment Program, Federal Council for Sustainable Development, Etc...
Indiana Philosophy Ontology (InPhO) "The InPhO analyzes over 37 million words of philosophical content from: Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy; Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy; PhilPapers; HathiTrust/Google Books Collection...
DCMI Metadata Terms "This document is an up-to-date, authoritative specification of all metadata terms maintained by the Dublin Core Metadata Initiative...
Publishing Requirements for Industry Standard Metadata "PRISM Publishing Requirements for Industry Standard Metadata defines an XML/RDF metadata vocabulary for managing, aggregating, post-processing, multi-purposing and aggregating magazine, news, catalog, book, and mainstream journal content...
Schema voor de Indeling van de Systematische Catalogus in Openbare Bibliotheken "SISO is een numeriek systeem dat de informatieve media in uw bibliotheek naar onderwerp indeelt...
Thesaurus Music Colombia "1418 terms, 546 relationships between terms, 277 equivalent terms."...
UniProtKB Keywords "UniProtKB Keywords constitute a controlled vocabulary with a hierarchical structure...
Victorian Local History Thesaurus "Subject terms used in RHSV cataloguing projects."...
Bremer Online Systematics (BOS) "Bremen 's online system allows for the complete presentation of all about 53 Bremen professional systems in the sense of a virtual book shelf with a link to the stock of the individual class, thereby enabling thematic browsing within the individual subject systematics (example informatics) and subsequent presentation of the stock of a notation .... API
Thesaurus of Municipal Archives "The thesaurus of municipal archives aims to reflect the municipal administration, agglutinating and amalgamating, from its logical and semantic concept, the disciplines, activities and functions of the institution...
General Systematic for Public Libraries (ASB) "The General System for Public Libraries (ASB) is a classification that is used by many public libraries, especially in the old federal states of Germany, albeit with different, often in-house variants (ASB) was originally developed in the 1950s, according to the circumstances (in many places conversion from the theken library to the freehand library), it is an answer "This was especially the case with the Association of Libraries of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia, supported by speakers from the magazine Bücherei und Bildung."...
List of subject headings in Catalan "The list of subject headings in Catalan (LEMAC) is a controlled language used for cataloging and indexing of documents theme... API
Thesaurus Language and Literature "The main tool used by the TRACES database to describe the contents of the documents Thesaurus Language and Literature, a documentary language that allows both controlled indexing evenly and reliably retrieve documents easily and tour information each user needs...
Thesaurus of Archives "The implementation of the ARCHIVOS thesaurus has the purpose of having a tool for the treatment of information related to archival documentation...
Toponymic thesaurus of the Province Alicante "Under the same premises and structure as the Thesaurus of Archives, and with the same objective of facilitating documentary description and the search for archival information, we have developed the thesaurus of place names...
Vocabulary Controlled FLACSO Argentina "This is a control initiative on the thematic terminology used in the library in the absence of updates, regionalisms and / or localisms in the field of social sciences in Thesauri.This vocabulary contains mainly descriptors of the Macrotesauro on economic and social development of the OECD...
Latin American Vocabulary of Social Sciences "It is an initiative of exchange and cooperation of the working group SOCIABLES The Library" Norberto Rodriguez Bustamante "of the Faculty of Social Sciences of the UBA was the one who called it, integrating to the same the following libraries of the area of social sciences belonging to these institutions : Cultural Cooperation Center, Latin American Faculty of Social Sciences, Gino Germani Research Institute - UBA, National University of General Sarmiento, National University of Lanús and National University of Quilmes...
Vocabulary of Health Sciences for Argentina "Based on the DECS vocabulary developed and maintained by the Pan American Health Organization...
Vocabulary of Argentine and American History "3166 terms, 554 relationships between terms, 77 equivalent terms."...
CONICET Classification by areas and technologies "Classification of areas and technologies used in the field of CONICET for the structuring and management of its activities and projects, based on the Revised Field of Science and Technology (FOS)...
International Classification for Standards "The ICS (International Classification for Standards) is intended to serve as a structure for catalogues of international, regional and national standards and other normative documents, and as a basis for standing-order systems for international, regional and national standards...
Austrian classification for public libraries (ÖSÖB) "The system is an important tool for the attractive presentation of the stock and the targeted collection of thematic resources, which helps to facilitate access to information, education and culture to the users of libraries Public libraries "(ÖSÖB), which is now available in a completely revised form (ÖSÖB'04) The WWW version offers the complete systematics with all the explanations, references and terms of the keyword register, characterized by comfortable search and navigation possibilities Is continuously updated... API
Unit system for South Tyrolean libraries (ESSB) "The system of systematics for South Tyrolean libraries (ESSB) is the most widely used system for linguistic literature in South Tyrol's public libraries and school libraries... API
Fons Documental i Bibliogràfic Tesaurus temàtic "The Fons of the IEA bibliographical document is a special feature in the field of territorial political autonomy in Spain and abroad, in the political, constitutional, administrative and financial aspects...
Dutch Basic Classification (NBC) "The Dutch Basic Classification (NBC) is originally a Dutch library classification scheme developed for academic libraries... API
New Zealand Standard Classification of Non–Profit Organisations "The New Zealand Standard Classification of Non–Profit Organisations (NZSCNPO) has been developed to assist in the study of the non–profit sector in the New Zealand context...
Activity Classification for the Time Use Survey "The Activity Classification for the Time Use Survey (ACTUS) was developed to assist in the study of time use in the New Zealand context...
New Zealand Accommodation Classification "The standard classification of accommodation is a hierarchical classification of three levels...
Age – New Zealand Standard Classification "Age is a flat classification with single-year categories from 0 years to 119 years inclusive, plus a category for 120 years and over...
Getty Art and Architecture Thesaurus (AAT) "The AAT is a structured vocabulary currently containing around 131,000 terms and other information about concepts... API
Air Routes Classification "Air Routes is a hierarchical classification of four levels...
Standard Classification of Area Unit "The standard classification of area unit is a flat classification and contains 2,020 categories...
Thesaurus of Rural Catalan Culture "In order to structure the information on rural culture has created the first Catalan Thesaurus of rural culture, which has been agreed with Red Roots - cultivation of knowledge." The thesaurus is built based on existing documentation database Roots - cultivation of knowledge...
Thesaurus in Information Science "PUC-Minas and the Federal University of Minas Gerais provided a Thesaurus in Information Science...
Thesaurus of Hydraulic Engineering "The present Thesaurus of hydraulic engineering is directed to the technicians and professionals who must submerge in the problems that the location of the information in this field represents, and to the professionals of the documentation which they approach subjects of hydraulic Engineering...
Deutsche Bundesbank Classification Library Head office "The inventory of the library's library is developed in this form up to and including the acquisition year 2011...
Deutsche Bundesbank Classification Numismatic specialist library "A classification of the Numismatic Library consists of two parts: alphanumeric notation, for example D.2; verbal description of the notation, for example, coin technology."...
Deutsche Bundesbank Schlagwortübersicht "Die Bestände der Bibliothek der Zentrale und der Numismatischen Fachbibliothek sind durch ein einheitliches Schlagwortvokabular erschlossen."...
Broad Economic Categories – New Zealand Standard Classification "The standard classification of broad economic categories is a hierarchical classification of five levels...
Business Type – New Zealand Standard Classification "The classification of business type is a flat classification with 15 categories."...
ARTbibliographies Modern Thesaurus "The editors of ARTbibliographies Modern (ABM) use the controlled vocabulary featured in this Thesaurus in order to index entries in the database with the appropriate subject terms."...
Australian Pictorial Thesaurus "The Australian Pictorial Thesaurus (APT) is a hierarchical thesaurus of over 15,000 Australian subject terms for the indexing of images and other original material collections...
Ancient and Rare Book Thesaurus "411 Terms, 20 Relations between Terms, 12 Equivalent Terms."...
NewsIndexer "NewsIndexer uses a broad and deep taxonomy to reflect the news media's evolving coverage of topics...
Forest File Thesaurus "Thesaurus of the Forest File of the General Directorate of Environment of the Autonomous Community of the Region of Murcia."...
Child Dependency Status Standard Classification "Child dependency is an important variable in determining the composition of families and households...
Cigarette Smoking Behaviour Classification "Information on cigarette smoking behaviour is used by both government and private health sector agencies, special interest groups, researchers, other organisations and individuals to plan health promotion programmes, identify and monitor changes in smoking prevalence and withdrawal rates and to identify at risk groups in the population...
Country – New Zealand Standard Classification "Country is a key variable for determining population and economic statistics that relate to birthplace, country of residence, overseas trade, and balance of payments data...
Currency – Standard Classification "Currency is a flat classification with 62 categories."...
Dwelling Address Classification "Dwelling address is a key variable for determining the geographic characteristics of the population...
Dwelling Occupancy Status – Standard Classification "Dwelling occupancy status provides information on whether dwellings are occupied or unoccupied, or are under construction...
Energy Types Used in Private Dwellings – Standard Classification "Information on the types of energy consumed in occupied New Zealand private dwellings is used for marketing research and to monitor changes, over time, in the energy types used by New Zealand households...
Ethnicity New Zealand Standard Classification "The standard classification of ethnicity is a hierarchical classification of four levels...
Family Type "Family type is a key variable for determining the demographic characteristics of a population...
Fertility – Standard Classification "Fertility is one of the main ways through which the size and/or composition of a population may change...
Statistical Classification of Financial Assets and Liabilities "The main purpose of classifying financial assets and liabilities is to provide consistent and relevant statistics that support economic analysis and macroeconomic management for New Zealand...
New Zealand Framework for Cultural Statistics "In 1993, the Ministry of Cultural Affairs approached Statistics New Zealand to discuss strategies for improving the range and quality of statistical information available on New Zealand's cultural sector...
Classification of General Electoral District "Access to general electoral district is a flat classification with 64 categories."...
Hours Worked in Employment Per Week – Standard Classification "The hours worked in employment variable is used to produce information on the nature of employment, the relationship between labour supply and income and to analyse changes in employment characteristics over time...
Household Composition Standard Classification "Household composition is a key variable for determining the demographic characteristics of a population...
Historical Archive of São Paulo Archival Description "2989 terms, 804 relationships between terms, 378 non-preferred terms, referential study for archival description of the AHSP collection structured in vectors."...
Income Bands - Standard Classification "Income bands are a convenient and alternate way of collecting income information when income is not the prime focus of a survey...
Thesaurus of Biodiversity "Terms 5128, Relationship between terms ?, Non-preferred terms 282."...
Social work "Terms 238, Relationships between terms 60, Equivalent terms 15."...
Statistical Classification for Institutional Sectors "The main purpose of classifying statistics by institutional sectors is to provide information that supports economic analysis and macroeconomic management...
Iwi – New Zealand Standard Classification "Statistics on the size and demographic characteristics of Iwi affiliates are needed: to allow the Crown and Iwi to monitor the performance of Treaty of Waitangi obligations; to assist in allocating resources and funds to Iwi; to assist Iwi in planning social and economic developments; to assist Waitangi Tribunal decisions on land ownership, fishing rights, etc; to assist central, regional and local government agencies planning and providing services to Iwi in areas such as housing, health, social welfare and special assistance programmes; to assist local government in the administration of the Resource Management Act 1991...
Classification of documents Catalonia College of Music "For the classification of documents to the library."...
Labour Force Status – Standard Classification "Labour force status is a key labour market variable...
Language – Standard Classification "The standard classification of language is a hierarchical classification of three levels...
Legally Registered Relationship Status – Standard Classification "Legally registered relationship status is a key variable for determining the demographic characteristics of a population...
New Zealand Standard Trade Classification – Level of Processing "The New Zealand Standard Trade Classification – Level of Processing is a hierarchical classification of five levels...
Living Arrangements – New Zealand Standard Classification "Living arrangements is a key variable for deriving complex household and family data...
Main Means of Travel to Work – Standard Classification "Main means of travel to work is a key variable in monitoring changes in travel patterns and in planning transport services...
Māori Descent – Standard Classification "Māori descent is a key variable in meeting the demand for information on the number, distribution and characteristics of the tangata whenua...
Māori Electoral District "Māori electoral district is a flat classification with eight categories."...
Number of children - Standard classification "Number of children is a hierarchical classification of two levels...
Rating of sound recordings "The proposed classification is based on the decimal classification used in libraries...
Terminologia de serveis socials i treball social: llista alfabètica de matèries "La llista d'encapçalaments de matèria de serveis socials i treball social que us presentem és una llista alfabètica de termes que inclou tots els epígrafs emprats per la Biblioteca EUTSB d'aquests dos àmbits que constitueixen el catàleg de matèries."...
Center for Humanities Documentation List of keywords "The keywords were assigned after reading according to a thesaurus constantly updated by specialists, depending on the evolution of the disciplines."...
Semanticscience Integrated Ontology "The Semanticscience Integrated Ontology (SIO) provides a simple, integrated ontology of types and relations for rich description of objects, processes and their attributes."...
Catalan Thesaurus religion "The terms have been chosen as representative of the lexicon of the field where we are working -religion- has reached them by means of inductive or deductive analysis used according to the sources...
Arquitectura "8036 términos, 5063 Relaciones entre términos, 1344 Términos equivalentes."...
Unified Astronomy Thesaurus (UAT) "The Unified Astronomy Thesaurus (UAT) is an open, interoperable and community-supported thesaurus which unifies the existing divergent and isolated Astronomy & Astrophysics thesauri into a single high-quality, freely-available open thesaurus formalizing astronomical concepts and their inter-relationships...
GeoRef Thesaurus "The 11th edition of the GeoRef Thesaurus contains more than 30,800 controlled vocabulary terms and the complete GeoRef indexing structure...
Schema for the description of research data repositories "The re3data.org schema is a list of metadata properties describing a research data repository regarding its general scope, content and infrastructure as well as its compliance with technical, metadata and quality standards...
Thesaurus on the world of comics "This thesaurus is directed, in particular, to the professionals of the documentation and, in general, to all those interested in the world of comics, whether professionals or amateurs...
Bibliography of Contemporary History of Portugal Thesaurus "In the description of the contents of each document registered in the database, the thesaurus was used...
Joconde Thesaurus of subjects represented "To describe representations of objects, museums in France use the iconographic Thesaurus, a descriptive system of François Garnier's representations (Paris, leopard d'or, 1984, out of print)...
The National Archives Thesaurus "The Thesaurus is a subject index of the catalogues and administrative histories in this archive...
EPRA Sound Library Thesaurus "All keywords in the Archives."...
Inspec Thesaurus "The 2012 edition contains 18,755 terms of which 9,722 terms are preferred terms (called Controlled Indexing, Descriptors or Subject Headings on various platforms)...
Inspec Classification "Inspec Classification is a powerful search tool, which enables you to limit your search to predetermined sections of the Inspec Database."...
Art Full Text Thesaurus "More than simply a resource for art students and art historians, Art Full Text rounds out the research experience for those studying other fields, such as women’s, media or cultural studies; history; anthropology; industrial design; and other related areas of study...
Australian Cross-curriculum Priority "These national priorities have been defined by The Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority (ACARA)... API
Australian Curriculum Framework "This is a national vocabulary dividing learning areas into a core set of strands and further subdivisions."... API
Australian General Capability "This is a national vocabulary identifying important general capabilities that schools should help students develop, in addition to content of particular learning areas... API
Australian Professional Standards for Teachers "The development of professional standards for teachers that can guide professional learning, practice and engagement, facilitates the improvement of teacher quality and contributes positively to the public standing of the profession... API
Biobase Thesaurus "The thesaurus field corresponds to the keywords used for the indexing of the documents...
Defense Administration Thesaurus "Glossary currently includes key words 2211 and 2541 case the relationship between the words."...
National Resource Palliative Care Center Thesaurus "Palli @ Doc is the database of the CNDR Palliative Care, in the form of bibliographic records...
Australian Soil Classification "Welcome to the Revised Edition of the Australian Soil Classification...
World Reference Base for Soil Resources "The WRB is a soil classification system for naming soils and creating soil map legends...
New Zealand Soil Classification "The New Zealand Soil Classification was developed in the 1980s...
Base Arcade Thesaurus "For more convenience, it is recommended to print the thesaurus...
Kela terminology glossary "Social Insurance terminology is assembled terminological entries and käsitekaavioina data in almost 500 concept...
Social Welfare economic classifications glossary "Glossary of Social Welfare economic classifications are summarized in terminological entries and käsitekaavioina information on more than 200 concept, which relates to social welfare customers of private individuals on revenue, expenditure, assets and liabilities...
Social Welfare Clients vocabulary document "The Social Welfare Clients document vocabulary Version 2.0 includes a Finnish information 290 concept, which are mainly social welfare client documents...
Social Welfare data components glossary "Social care data components vocabulary Version 2.0 includes a Finnish-language information on most of the social welfare client information model data components...
Real estate vocabulary "As a whole vocabulary contains 128 concept, the content of which is described in Finnish and using the English language definitions and additional comments...
Australian School Level "This is a national vocabulary identifying levels in the school sector, including years preceding formal schooling... API
Thesaurus of the Journal of Debates "In use since 1988, the Thesaurus of the Journal des débats is a documentary tool composed of more than 4500 descriptors used to index the Journal of Debates to the National Assembly of Quebec.These descriptors cover the vast field of information Political, economic and social issues arising from the discussions and work of Quebec parliamentarians...
Vocabulary of documentation "The vocabulary of the documentation you have access to here corresponds to the paper edition, coordinated by Arlette Boulogne and published by the ADBS in 2004...
IEEE Standard for Learning Object Metadata "This is a multi-part standard that specifies learning object metadata...
Thesaurus for Exceptional Child Education "Listed are terms relevant to the Indexing of professional materials in the field of exceptional child education...
Beethoven Thesaurus "The Beethoven Thesaurus is a list of approximately 9,000 subject and category (formerly known as genre) terms...
Thesaurus specializing in Philosophy, with a gender focus "The importance of producing a thesaurus with this specific theme is that it will facilitate the access to the information of the researchers related to philosophy, also adding a much wider and more inclusive vision where the work of both women philosophers and Male philosophers are represented in a working instrument (in this case, the thesaurus) in an equitable and fair way, recognizing the differences and without exclusions or discrimination, such as those related to sex that is the subject of interest in this work gender)."...
Thesaurus Myobase "The Myobase thesaurus is a structured list of keywords related to the clinical, scientific, psycho-social aspects of the neuromuscular domain...
Thesaurus Foundation for Biodiversity Research "This thesaurus has been developed according to a thematic classification at two hierarchical levels: each chapter is associated with a limited number of keywords (generally less than 50) In order to avoid redundancy of keywords, each of these Is allocated to one or two themes maximum...
Bank and Finance Terminology "Terminology Center TSK coordinated by the banking and financial sector glossary project publishes glossary of materials in the field for public use published recommendations have been born Terminology Center, as well as a number of banking and cooperation with financial experts from the banking and financial terminology bank has been opened in February 2002...
Terminals for information technology "The ESC's Terminology Projects' Thesis proposes recommendations on Finnish-language IT terminology, followed by a number of IT professionals, language and communications professionals." Termites in IT terminology include Finnish and English terms and Finnish definitions and conceptual concepts...
Social media Glossary "Many social media concepts to missing Finnish terms or used in the terms is the standard deviation, and on the other hand the contents of a number of concepts have different interpretations of these reasons Terminology Center TSK...
broadband Glossary "Broadband Glossary The project started Terminology Center TSK at the beginning of 2011 the initiative of the Finnish Communications Regulatory Authority The terminology working group of the project was to compile a glossary for publication of key concepts related to broadband, thereby facilitating and harmonizing the broadband communication attached, the project led to a glossary is intended for all broadband services, users and broadband service providers Vocabulary aim.....
BIBFRAME "The BIBFRAME Model is a conceptual/practical model that balances the needs of those recording detailed bibliographic description, the needs of those describing other cultural materials, and those who do not require such a detailed level of description...
Thesaurus of Folklore and Brasilian Popular Culture "This thesaurus is the result of systematic work involving a multidisciplinary team with extensive experience in the area of Brazilian popular culture." Its first version, sponsored by Unesco, resulted in 2,092 terms, selected from the CNFCP's documentary and museological collections....
Thesaurus on human rights "The present thesaurus has been constructed as an instrument to facilitate the use of information technologies to assist in the management of human rights knowledge and to achieve greater communication and integration among users of the Joint Library of the Court and This thesaurus has been conceived not only as a guide for the construction of the database, but as a conceptual reference tool useful for guiding and facilitating the selection, retrieval, analysis, indexing and dissemination of information...
Biblioteca Ambrosiana Subject Keys "Subject or key words, including dating by quarter century, e.g., 1500-1 (first quarter of sixteenth century); and school, e.g., Lombard, Central Italian, Roman, Emilian, etc...
Keyword Catalog "The Keyword Catalog is a hierarchical, controlled vocabulary composed of commonly used key words, synonyms and phrases...
Key Words for Digital Newsphoto Archives "This basic list of Enhancement Terms for electronic photo archiving has its roots in the Library of Congress Thesaurus for Graphic Materials (1987 edition)...
Colon Classification "Colon classification (CC) is a system of library classification developed by S...
REHABDATA Thesaurus "Every document that is abstracted for the REHABDATA database is tagged with up to 8 keywords or descriptors from the REHABDATA Thesaurus, a taxonomy developed over more than 30 years by rehabilitation professionals, researchers, and librarians."...
A Classification System for Libraries of Judaica "While it was conceived in 1952, the first published edition of this classification system appeared in 1962...
Weine Classification Scheme and Relative Index for Judaica Libraries "The lack of a satisfactory classification scheme for the average Jewish library has long been a problem to the Jewish librarian...
Thesaurus for German-Jewish history "The thesaurus on German-Jewish history is used by the Jewish Museum Berlin to close the collections, including an archive, which currently contains 7,500 descriptors, including art and culture, business and transport, education, history, law and justice; The vocabulary is partially mapped to GND and AAT...
Pendlebury Library of Music Classification System "Understanding the basic principles of the classification system will make browsing and finding materials in the Pendlebury Library a lot easier...
Superintendent of Documents Classification System "The U.S...
San Diego Zoo Global Library Subject Terms (Thesaurus) "The following is a list of terms used to index the holdings of the Society Library...
Vincent-Warren Dance Library Thesaurus "With more than 25,000 documents, the Vincent-Warren Dance Library holds Canada's largest and most important dance collection in Canada, acquiring, conserving and distributing information in all its forms Dance, its history and its development, and thus supports the pedagogical mission of the École supérieure de ballet du Québec...
Maternal and Child Health Thesaurus "The purpose of developing this thesaurus is to provide the maternal and child health (MCH) professional community with a standard vocabulary in MCH program development and management, including health services, research, training, and program administration...
Harvard-Yenching Classification "In 1931, the growing collection was transferred from Widener Library to the Harvard-Yenching Institute, founded in 1928...
Nigerian Local Government Area Geodemographic Classification System and Profiler "In a nut-shell, a geodemographic classification system is an attempt to simplify a large and complex body of information about people, where and how they live, work or recreate...
Picture of the classification of the documentary hamlets "We present below a picture frame classification applies to all funds of the former municipalities of Plan added to Barcelona in the late nineteenth century and the first quarter of the twentieth century...
Thesaurus of the coast "EUROSION document elaborated by the Group of the Institute of Environmental Science and Technology (UAB) on 16 March 2004, in collaboration with the Ministry of Land Infrastructure and Transport (ETSECCPB - UPC)...
Road Network Classification "The Current Road Classification System was developed over 30 years ago and has six road classes named from Classes A to E and a Special Purpose Road class...
National Diet Library Classification Table "The National Diet Library classification table was created as a classification table for the purpose of efficiently managing and utilizing all the collections collected from domestic and overseas in this way...
Internet Call Dictionary "Internet Call Dictionary (ESC 37) defines Finnish about 80 concepts related to Internet telephone calls and recommendations from Finnish terms...
Thesaurus issues "This document provides a trilingual thesaurus, which will allow the producer data document metadata in three different languages: Catalan, Spanish and English...
BIRTH Television Archive Multilingual Thesaurus "To enable a thematical and geographical searching for archive material with different language background a multilingual thesaurus is available...
European Commission Libraries Catalogue Thesaurus "ECLAS covers the EU's official publications as well as documents of most intergovernmental organizations, commercial, academic and government presses, and selected periodical articles of lasting interest...
Thesaurus for SoyaScan Database of Soybeans and Soyfoods "A list of keywords or subject headings such as this is known technically as a thesaurus...
Thesaurus objects "This document provides a trilingual thesaurus, which will allow the producer data document metadata in three different languages: Catalan, Spanish and English...
HIV/AIDS Thesaurus "Although there are many specialized thesauri in the health and the social sciences, the HIV/AIDS Thesaurus is unique in its character and focus...
Dictionary of Materials "The most evident wealth of cultural heritage is its own set of materials and techniques, which are properly integrated, making cultural objects, documents of an irreplaceable value on technical evolutions, craftsmanship, social meanings and identity symbols of the community... API
Thesaurus and Dictionary of Denominations of Cultural Property "The Thesaurus and Dictionary of Denominations of Cultural Property, due to its wide range of themes and the large number of descriptors it gathers, is being the subject of independent publication of its different sections... API
Geographic Dictionary "The identification of geographical landmarks - countries, cities, and regions - is basic when it comes to dealing with the cataloging of a cultural asset... API
Dictionary of Ceramics "Ceramic materials are very present among man-made objects to respond to their most diverse needs... API
Numismatic Dictionary "The coin has accompanied Humanity in its last twenty-six centuries of history... API
Furniture Dictionary "The furniture has been an important part of the home environment of man throughout history... API
British Museum Materials Thesaurus "The decision to publish The British Museum materials thesaurus was based on the interest shown in it over the years by visiting documentation specialists, and their requests for copies...
Management Thesaurus "A long tradition of cooperation brings together documentalists from the major French management schools, and many exchanges and common achievements have made it possible to establish a wide network of information, training and mutual assistance...
The panlatine lexicon of economic marketing "The panlatine lexicon of economic marketing was developed within the Panlatine Network of Terminology (Realiter) and coordinated by Prof...
Thesaurus of Senado Federal "The Secretariat for Information, the Department of Documentation and Information of the Senate, keeps the terminological control (...) The terms are presented in alphabetical order and can be: Authorized Terms:...
Chinese Library Classification "China Library Book Classification" is a representative of China after the founding of a large-scale comprehensive classification, referred to as "since the law." Since the fourth edition in 1999 changed its name to "China Library Classification "Abbreviation is unchanged, the English translation of the Chinese Library Classification, the English abbreviation for the CLC." Chinese law "and other domestic classification, compared to the preparation of late, but the development of fast, it not only systematically summed up our classification At present, the "China map" has been widely used in the various types of libraries, the major domestic large bibliography, search journals, machine readable database, and "China" in the preparation of foreign classification of the theory and technology...
Info-Muse Classification System for Ethnology, History and Historical Archaeology Museums "The Info-Muse classification system for ethnology, history and historical archaeology museums is largely based on the classification system for Parks Canada Service collections, itself based in part on The Revised Nomenclature for Museum Cataloging...
Info-Muse Classification System for Fine Arts and Decorative Arts museums "Since 1995, the Info-Muse classification system for fine arts and decorative arts collections has been based on the Art & Architecture Thesaurus (AAT), with the approval of AAT authorities...
Classification of Meshblock "The standard classification of Meshblock is a flat classification and contains 46,643 categories in 2014...
Religious Affiliation – New Zealand Standard Classification "Religious affiliation is a variable of strong interest to religious organisations, social scientists, and can be used as an explanatory variable in studies on topics such as marriage formation and dissolution, fertility and income...
Standard Classification of Territorial Authority "The standard classification of territorial authority is a flat classification and contains 68 categories...
Zoological Record Thesaurus "The Zoological Record Thesaurus contains controlled terms used to index records...
Archives in London and the M25 Area Thesaurus "AIM25 uses subject terms taken from the UNESCO thesaurus, with the inclusion of terms at a more detailed level or for cross referring purposes from other thesauri where appropriate...
British Museum Object Names Thesaurus "A Collections Data Management Section (CDMS) Working Party was set up in the 1980s to analyse the terms used to record object names in the British Museum, and to incorporate them into an on-line thesaurus...
Register of the FIS education literature database "The FIS Educational Literature Database is the most comprehensive compilation of literary literatures in the German-speaking world, with a focus on educational science research and education, but also provides a comprehensive range of pedagogical practice (kindergarten, school, special education, etc.) From all disciplines of educational science, as well as from educational scripts and practical texts and materials...
Classification UPC "This classification functional groups the documents to reflect the functions and activities of the University following a hierarchical structure and logic...
Domain of fiction "Verkko-Kaunokki is the subject matter of fictive material and its content and functionality is managed by the Helsingin kaupunginkirjasto - Central Library of the Public Libraries, based on the Kaunokki: fiktiv aineistanius published by BTJ Finland, published by BTJ Finland...
Finnish Public Libraries Classification System "The WebPLC is the webversion of the Finnish Public Libraries Classification System... API
Agrotezaver: Flora in Favna "Prek svetovnega spleta (WWW) je dostopno nešteto seznamov rastlin in živali, in to v najrazličnejših jezikih...
Basic Terminology of Stereochemistry "The definitions used in this glossary are identical to those in the published document, see G.P...
Classification of the Biogeographical Provinces of the World "This is a hierarchical system which consists of (1) biogeographic regions, i.e...
Wildland Planning Glossary "More than 1400 terms useful in wildland and related resource planning are defined...
Classification Lenoch "The system comprises forty-six main groups, which are represented by a two letter code...
Lapponica "Lapponica thesaurus is within Rovaniemi library's decades-edited a special vocabulary that is used to Lapland collection and the wider pohjoiskalottikokoelman for indexing... API
Canadian Thesaurus of Construction Science and Technology "There are 15,331 files in the TC/CS...
General Finnish Ontology (YSO) "General Finnish Upper Ontology YSO is a trilingual ontology consisting mainly of general concepts... API
Glossary for academics and teaching at the University of Barcelona "This glossary is intended as a resource to facilitate communication within the UB around academic subjects and teachers...
Ontology for Music "Musiikin ontologia MUSO on kehitetty musiikin kuvaamiseen, perustuen suomenkieliseen Musiikin asiasanastoon MUSA sekä ruotsinkieliseen sanastoon Specialtesaurus för musik (CILLA)...
The Finnish Ontology of Photography "Valokuvausalan ontologia VALO perustuu Valokuvan asiasanastoon, jota ylläpitää Suomen valokuvataiteen museo...
Kulttuurien tutkimuksen ontologia "KULO - Kulttuurien tutkimuksen ontologia on Suomalaisen Kirjallisuuden Seuran kirjaston laatiman ja ylläpitämän kaksikielisen (suomi-englanti) Kulttuurien tutkimuksen asiasanaston (Kula) pohjalta muodostettu erikoisontologia... API
Ontology for Museum Domain and Applied Arts "Taideteollisuusalan ontologia TAO perustuu Muotoilun ja viestinnän asiasanastoon, jota ylläpitää Savonia-ammattikorkeakouluun kuuluva Kuopion Muotoiluakatemia... API
List of concepts, terms and acronyms of Psychology and Educational Sciences List of concepts, terms and acronyms of Psychology and Educational Sciences...
KOKO Ontology "KOKO is a collection of Finnish core ontologies, which have been merged together...
Names of Finnish Corporate Bodies "Please, do not use... API
Julkishallinnon ontologia "JUHO on julkishallinnon erikoissanasto, joka pohjautuu Valtioneuvoston asiasanastoon...
Cine-Resources Thesaurus "13 semantic fields are proposed, and a navigation in the subdivisions of each is possible to search for the exact correct subject."...
Julkisen hallinnon palveluontologia "Julkisen hallinnon palveluontologian tavoitteena on edistää palvelujen semanttisesti yhdenmukaista kuvailua ja löydettävyyttä eri verkkopalveluissa sekä helpottaa palveluja koskevan tiedon käyttämistä ja tuottamista tietoverkoissa...
A discipline classification used in higher education research collection "On development activities in statistics Research and Statistics Finland, in 2007, introduced by the discipline classification was revised in 2010 by dividing classes into smaller and earlier given the most appropriate entities Discipline classification is based on the OECD Discipline rating OKM used..., Published by R & D activities in support of statistics Frascati-Manual FOS classification"... API
Liiketoimintaontologia "Liiketoimintaontologia (LIITO) koostuu noin 3000 liiketoimintaan ja yrityspalveluihin liittyvästä käsitteestä... API
Merenkulkualan ontologia "Merenkulkualan ontologia perustuu Merenkulkualan asiasanastoon, jonka ovat koonneet Suomen merialan kirjastot...
Puolustushallinnon ontologia "Puolustushallinnon ontologia PUHO on Puolustushallinnon asiasanaston pohjalta muodostettu erikoisontologia, joka sisältää maanpuolustukseen liittyvää käsitteistöä... API
TSR ontology "TSR-ontologia laadittiin Työsuojelurahaston rahoittamana hankkeena, joka toteutettiin alan asiantuntijoista ja Sanastokeskus TSK:n terminologeista koostuvassa työryhmässä vuosina 2011–2013... API
Viikin kampuskirjaston ontologia "Maa- ja metsätalousalojen AFO-ontologia (n...
Finnish Names of Plants "Kasvien suomenkieliset nimet ­-ontologia tarjoaa kattavan kokoelman suomenkielisiä nimiä ja niiden tieteellisiä vastineita...
Finnish Ontology of Health and Welfare "Tero eli Terveyden ja hyvinvoinnin ontologia on mm...
Ontology for Fiction "KAUNO is an ontology for works of fiction...
Communication Thesaurus Used in the database 'Communication & Mass Media Complete'....
Kirjallisuudentutkimuksen ontologia "KITO - Kirjallisuudentutkimuksen ontologia on Suomalaisen Kirjallisuuden Seuran kirjaston laatiman ja ylläpitämän kaksikielisen (suomi-englanti) Kirjallisuudentutkimuksen asiasanaston (Kitu) pohjalta muodostettu erikoisontologia...
Kielitieteen ontologia "Uralistiikan tutkimuksen bibliografian asiasanaluettelon pohjalta on tehty alan julkaisujen sisällönkuvailuun soveltuva kielitieteellinen asiasanasto, johon tämä ontologia pohjaa... API
Long Term Ecological Research Network Controlled Vocabulary "911 Terms, 462 Relations between terms, 196 Non preferred terms."...
Lista de descriptores Consejo Latinoamericano de Ciencias Sociales "7102 Términos, 427 Términos equivalentes."...
Colombian Contemporary Children's Literature "190 Terms, Relationships between Terms, 18 Equivalent Terms....
Guidelines for the Construction, Format, and Management of Monolingual Controlled Vocabularies "127 Terms, 60 Relations between terms, 15 Non preferred terms." "This Standard presents guidelines and conventions for the contents, display, construction, testing, maintenance, and management of monolingual controlled vocabularies...
OSZKÓ Thesaurus / Köztaurusz "A OSZK TEZAURUSZ/KÖZTAURUSZ az Országos Széchényi Könyvtárban és a közművelődési könyvtárakban a dokumentumok tartalmi feltárásához és kereséséhez használható." "Az OSZK TEZAURUSZ, a KÖZTAURUSZ, a TAXAURUSZ és a GEOTAURUSZ ÉS GEOHISTAURUSZ egymással összehangolva készült, és jelenleg egyetlen tezauruszt alkot...
Lista de Encabezamientos de Materia en Galego API
List of Subject Headings for Public Libraries "This publication offers a list of subject headings in the service of the standardization and effectiveness of Spanish public libraries... API
The Cultural Objects Names Authority (CONA) "The focus of CONA is works cataloged in scholarly literature, museum collections, visual resources collections, archives, libraries, and indexing projects with a primary emphasis on art, architecture, or archaeology...
Roles Name Authority List "The Roles name authority list (NAL) or authority table is a controlled vocabulary listing the roles relevant for the descriptive metadata used at the Publications Office and the core metadata used in the data exchange between the institutions involved in the legal decision making process... API
Places Name Authority List "The Places name authority list (NAL) or Common Authority Table (CAT) is a controlled vocabulary listing locations relevant for the descriptive metadata used at the Publications Office and the core metadata used in the data exchange between the institutions involved in the legal decision making process... API
Interinstitutional procedures Name Authority List "The Interinstitutional procedures name authority list (NAL) is a controlled vocabulary listing the procedures that are part of the legal decision making process with their authority code and label(s) in the 24 official languages of the EU (when available)... API
Formation of the Court Name Authority List "This authority table is a controlled vocabulary showing the composition of the courts of the European Union according to the case they are seized with (Articles 251, 254 and 257 of the Treaty on Functioning of the European Union (TFEU)... API
Legal proceeding result Name Authority List "This table presents concepts relating to the results of a case or procedure following the delivery of the decision... API
Treaties Name Authority List "The treaty authority table is a controlled vocabulary listing the different EU treaties, including treaties and protocols, accession treaties, Schengen Convention and Charter of Fundamental Rights...
Legal proceeding Name Authority List "This table presents concepts relating to different legal remedies available to an applicant before the EU Courts (Court of Justice, the General Court and the Civil Service Tribunal) (Articles 260, 263, 268 and 270 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union)... API
Resource type Name Authority List "The Resource types named authority list (NAL) or Common Authority Table (CAT) is a controlled vocabulary listing resource or document types with their authority code and label(s) in the 24 official languages of the EU (when available)... API
Multilingual Name Authority List "The multilingual authority table is a controlled vocabulary based on the language authority table... API
Language Name Authority List "The Language authority table is a controlled vocabulary that lists concepts associated with languages... API
Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission Thesaurus "The CRTC Thesaurus contains the preferred terms used to index CRTC information resources on its website...
File Type Name Authority List "The File types name authority list (NAL) or Common Authority Table (CAT) is a controlled vocabulary listing file types (...) with their authority code and label(s) in the 24 official languages of the EU (when available)... API
Country Name Authority List "This country codes authority table is intended to provide a code related to the names of the countries – in a short and in a long form – in the 24 official languages of the European Union.These codes are used for the documentary metadata and may present slight differences with those used for the production of documents at a stylistic level... API
Currencies Name Authority List "The Currencies name authority list (NAL) or Common Authority Table (CAT) is a controlled vocabulary listing currencies with their authority code and label(s) in the 24 official languages of the EU (when available)... API
Event Name Authority List The Event authority table (AT) is a controlled vocabulary listing the events that are part of the legal decision making process... API
Corporate bodies Name Authority List The Corporate bodies name authority list (NAL) or Common Authority Table (CAT) is a controlled vocabulary listing corporate entities such as European institutions and bodies with their authority code and label(s) in the 24 official languages of the EU (when available)... API
Authorized Osteopathic Thesaurus "Recently, various groups within the osteopathic profession discovered that the current sources of osteopathic terminology were inadequate to meet their needs...
National Agricultural Thesaurus "Thesagro is the responsibility of the National Agricultural Library - BINAGRI, an agency of the Executive Secretariat of the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply...
Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System "The Harmonized System is an international nomenclature for the classification of products...
Classification for Land Use Statistics
Database of Virtual Art Keywords Used in the 'Database of Virtual Art'....
Classification of Environmental Protection Activities and Expenditure "CEPA is a functional classification used to classifiy activities, products, outlays and other transactions whose primary purpose is environmental protection...
BISAC Subject Headings "The BISAC Subject Headings List, also known as the BISAC Subject Codes List, is a standard used by many companies throughout the supply chain to categorize books based on topical content...
Subject areas of the Hessian Bibliography "A systematic set-up system provides thematic access to the titles of the Hessian Bibliography."...
Consortium of European Social Science Data Archives Topic Classification "Resources are classified at study level by one or more of topics taken from the CESSDA classification."... API
Disciplines of the Information Archives "The Finnish Social Science Data Archive uses the CESSDA topic classification in its descriptors as well as its own classification."...
National Vegetation Classification "The National Vegetation Classification (NVC) is one of the key common standards developed for the country nature conservation agencies...
New Zealand Threat Classification System "The New Zealand Threat Classification System's long-term goal is to list all extant species that exist here according to their threat of extinction...
North American Product Classification System "In February 1999, the statistical agencies of Canada, Mexico, and the United States launched a joint multi-phase initiative (...) to develop a comprehensive demand-oriented product classification system to complement the new supply-oriented industry classification system introduced in 1997...
American Society of Anesthesiologists Physical Status Classification System "The purpose of the grading system is simply to assess the degree of a patient’s 'sickness' or 'physical state' prior to selecting the anesthetic or prior to performing surgery...
Contractors State License Board Licensing Classifications "CSLB licenses contractors in 43 classifications."...
Thesaurus of Contemporary History of Spain "The thesaurus consists of an alphabetical part, descriptor to descriptor with all its relations, and the thesaurus consists of an alphabetical part, descriptor to descriptor with all its relations, and The main purpose of our thesaurus is to serve as a terminological tool in the indexing and retrieval of information, Of a set of documents, those related to the field of research of Contemporary History of Spain and forming part of an automated information system...
International Standard Classification of Occupations "ISCO is a tool for organizing jobs into a clearly defined set of groups according to the tasks and duties undertaken in the job...
Nursing Interventions Classification "The Nursing Interventions Classification (NIC) is a comprehensive, research-based, standardized classification of interventions that nurses perform...
Nursing Outcomes Classification "The Nursing Outcomes Classification (NOC) is a comprehensive, standardized classification of patient/client outcomes developed to evaluate the effects of interventions provided by nurses or other health care professionals...
Human Genome Project Glossary "The Human Genome Project (HGP) was an international 13-year effort, 1990 to 2003...
AlgaeBase Taxonomy "You can browse though the hierarchy by clicking on the names below and drilling down...
GRIN Taxonomy for Plants "The National Plant Germplasm System of the Agricultural Research Service, U.S...
On-Line Glossary of Technical Terms in Plant Pathology "Each entry consists of a term (in bold), a definition of the term, and a number in parentheses indicating the source of the definition...
Multilingual Property Thesaurus "In 1999, FAO published the first French version of the multilingual land tenure thesaurus...
Multilingual Egyptian Thesaurus "This Thesaurus is a compilation of many sources used in general for computer applications and has been developed by an international team of Egyptologists in seven languages and consists of 15 sections and aims to provide a documentation standard to describe Many museums have already adopted it, and it is becoming an increasingly recognized international standard...
FAO Glossary of Biotechnology for Food and Agriculture "The 'Glossary of Biotechnology for Food and Agriculture' is a revised, augmented version of the 'Glossary of Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering' published by FAO in 1999...
Guidelines on Subject Access to Individual Works of Fiction, Drama, etc. Genre Terms "Guidelines on Subject Access to Individual Works of Fiction, Drama, Etc., 2nd edition, was published in 2000...
Glossary of terms on livestock manure management "Manure management, utilisation and the potential impacts on the environment are topics of high relevance across Europe...
Thesaulangue "Thesaulangue is above all a documentary tool for scientific indexing, a homogenization of the linguistic indexing on the terminological level, intended to facilitate all bibliographic searches and to promote the relevance of the results of an automated request on the bibliographic database of Documentation and futures center on HAL (hyper online article) which provides an interface allowing authors to deposit manuscripts of scientific articles in all disciplines on the basis of the CCSD (Center for Direct Scientific Communication - UPS 2275)...
Swiss Wildlife Information Service Keyword catalogs (Thesaurus) "Keywords (German, English): alphabetically arranged list for the reproduction of the content of a publication, synonymously used terms are placed behind the keyword in brackets (" also includes "), references to similar keywords are listed under") (German, English) or systematically (German, English) Parasitology / Diseases (German, English): For diseases the respective pathogens are used as keywords, diseases are listed as synonyms."...
Thesaurus Institute of Studies on Development and International Cooperation "The Hegoa Documentation Center aims to set up and disseminate a specialized fund for international development and cooperation...
Tesauro Biblioteca Hispánica AECID "37525 terms, 7076 relationships between terms, 4469 equivalent terms."...
Thésaurus de l'Institut Agronomique Méditerranéen de Montpellier "C'est une liste de mot-clés, organisés, qui permettent aux documentalistes de décrire la thématique et le contenu des documents La partie supérieure vous renvoie les mot-clés correspondants à votre recherche...
Thesaurus of the High School of Social Work and Health Lausanne "Documentation Center of the EESP"...
Thesaurus of the Bernard Liou Library "The Bernard Liou Library is the scientific library of the Department of underwater and underwater archaeological research (DRASSM)."...
Thesaurus of Industrial Technology and Applied Sciences "The Thesaurus of Industrial Technology and Applied Sciences developed in the Technical Processes Sector of the INTI Library began to be compiled in 1981, starting with the terminology proper to the monographic works of the technical staff of the Institute.After a first collection Of terms, the respective hierarchical and horizontal relationships mentioned above were compared by comparing the terms selected with their equivalents in other thesauri (eg Root Thesaurus (BSI), Macrothesaurus (OECD), Thesaurus of Engineering and Scientific Terms ), Agrovoc (FAO), FSTA thesaurus, and others), as well as new terms from the books and monographic series found in the bibliographic database of the Library The descriptors or keywords thus compiled were recorded in a Microisis support database...
Librarianship and Documentation Thesaurus "The first version of this Thesaurus of Library and Documentation was published three years ago, specifically in the spring of 2002...
The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Taxonomy "The IEEE Taxonomy comprises the first three hierarchical 'levels' under each term-family (or branch) that is formed from the top-most terms of the IEEE Thesaurus...
Thesaurus of Animal Biology "The ICYT Thesaurus of Animal Biology, developed within the framework of this project, was born from the concrete need to standardize, update and structure the scientific terms used for documentary analysis in the field of Animal Biology.There is no other thesaurus on this This option was more appropriate than the translation and adaptation of a thesaurus in a foreign language, because it was better adapted to the specific needs of that database...
Vocabulary of the psychology of learning and conditioning "This is a web interface for consultation online vocabulary conditioning and psychology of learning, indicating the frequency of use of words and their English equivalents, and Louis Garcia Sevilla and Adriana Garau and flowers ...
Thesaurus Insee
Contemporary Women's Issues Subject Thesaurus "Contemporary Women's Issues (CWI), a multidisciplinary, full-text database that brings together relevant content from mainstream periodicals, "gray" literature, and the alternative press -- with a focus on the critical issues and events that influence women's lives in more than 190 countries...
Catalan classification of productes per activitats "The statistical classifications are grouped into typologies of family anomalies, principally economic classificacions (economic and product activitats) and demographic and social classifications (occupations, education and health)...
Thesaurus of cultural heritage "Thesaurus of cultural heritage" was created within the framework of the project "Dictionary of hierarchical terminology of cultural heritage - a tool supporting the creation and use of databases of monuments of art", realized by the Documentary Museum of Art Monuments of the Institute of Art History of the University of Wrocław in 2007-2009 under the supervision of prof...
Thesaurus Italian on Bioethics "The Italian on Bioethics Thesaurus born in the SIBIL project (Information System for Bioethics Online), which has produced, among other things an archive of bioethics literature produced in Italy from 1995 to present...
Italian thesaurus of Earth Sciences "The objective of creating an Italian thesaurus of earth sciences stems from the desire to do justice to terminology and documentary complexity of our prestigious national heritage, muffled still largely imported from indexing tools and therefore often improper...
Archive Linz of the Spanish Transition Thesaurus "It contains the list of descriptors that define the topics of the articles and help them to search the Archive...
International Development Research Centre Library Thesaurus "When the IDRC Library began to index the material in its collection and to build a data base using the ISIS computer systems, the OECD's Macrothesaurus was selected as the source of descriptors for indexing and retrieval...
All Science Journal Classification Codes (ASJC) The All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) System is used in Scopus to classify journals and conference proceedings under four broad subject areas (life sciences, physical sciences, health sciences and social sciences and humanities) which are further divided into groups and 333 minor fields...
Test ( )
Key Concepts of Museology (ICOM) The development of professional standards is one of the core objectives of ICOM, particularly in the area of advancement, sharing, and communication of knowledge to the broad-ranging global museum community, but also to those who develop policies in relation to its work, to those responsible for managing the legal and social aspects of its profession, and not least to those to whom it is directed and who are expected to participate in and benefi t from it...
Mathematical Dictionary The Mathematical Dictionary was created by SolidarityNow as part of the project “Comprehensive Service Provision for the Integration and Well-Being of Refugee Children and Families”, supported by UNICEF with funding from the European Union Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations (DG-ECHO), and in collaboration with METAdrasi...
GLOSSARY of the European Convention on Human Rights The glossary has been developed by the Human Rights National Implementation Division of the Directorate General of Human Rights and Rule of Law, under the HELP umbrella...
Glossary on Migration (IOM) The IOM "Glossary on Migration" is as an accessible and comprehensive collection of migration-related terminology...
ISO/TC 211 Multi-Lingual Glossary of Terms (MLGT) The ISO/TC 211 Multi-Lingual Glossary of Terms has been compiled from International Standards developed by ISO/TC 211...
Classification of the Old Berlin State Library Catalog (ARK) Die Systematik des Alten Realkatalog (ARK) der Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin erschließt rund drei Millionen Bücher und Zeitschriftenbände, die zwischen 1501 und 1955 erschienen sind, nach inhaltlich-sachlichen Kriterien....
Classification of the New Berlin State Library Catalog (NSK) Die Systematik des neuen Sachkatalog der Staatsbibliothek Preußischer Kulturbesitz wurde zur Erschließung von Erwerbungen von 1945 bis 1999 im Haus Potsdamer Straße eingesetzt... API
Code on Dental Procedures and Nomenclature (CDT) The Code on Dental Procedures and Nomenclature is used to provide for the efficient processing of dental claims, and to populate an Electronic Health Record....
Ελληνική ορολογία ολυμπιακών αθλημάτων Olympic games glossary (English, Greek, French)...
DDB Hierarchietyp (DDB-HT) Hierarchy type in the Deutschen Digitalen Bibliothek (DDB)... API
Newspaper Genre List (NGL) The Newspaper Genre List is an attempt to standardize terms used to designate genres of newspapers... API
Backbone Thesaurus (BBT) The BBT is the research outcome of work undertaken by the DARIAH Thesaurus Maintenance WG in an effort to design and establish a coherent overarching thesaurus for the humanities, under which specialist thesauri and structured vocabularies used across scholarly communities can be aligned and form a thesaurus federation... API
PRECIS Subject Headings (PRECIS) The PRECIS Subject Heading System was used 1974-1990 by the British Library...
COMPuter Aided Subject System (COMPASS) The COMPuter Aided Subject System (COMPASS) is a subject indexing system developed by the British Library...
L-skjema L-scheme is a controlled vocabulary for legal terms.... API
DYAS Humanities Thesaurus "The Thesaurus is the intellectual property of the Academy of Athens (AA), the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (UOA) and the Athens School of Fine Arts (ASFA)... API
Parthenos Vocabularies "PARTHENOS vocabularies is the research outcome of the H2020 Project “PARTHENOS Pooling Activities, Resources and Tools for Heritage E-research Networking, Optimization and Synergies”... API
INRAE Thesaurus "open and shared thesaurus covering INRAE's research fields... API
Thèmes List of thematic topics ... API
ScoLOMFR 7.0 "ScoLOMFR is a format for describing and sharing digital resources, ScoLOMFR helps you to build a free and paying resources offer for school education... API
Open science thesaurus "This multilingual thesaurus structures, with a polyhierarchy, the main concepts of open science... API
Chinese Thesaurus (CCT) The Chinese Thesaurus (CT) was created by the Scientific and Technical Information Institute of China and the National Library of China for subject indexing of books and serials in library...
Chinese Classified Thesaurus (CCT) The Chinese Classified Thesaurus (CCT) was created 1986-1994 to to integrate the Chinese Library Classification (CLC) and the Chinese Thesaurus (CT)....
Norsk tesaurus for sjanger og form (NTSF) Thesaurus containing genre and form terms, mostly applicable to printed and electronic publications, and covering literature for children as well as adults... API
Bibbi authorities (BIBBI) Bibbi authorities is the integrated authority file of Biblioteksentralen, containing authorities for persons, corporations, place names, meetings/events and subjects.... API
Emneord for musikk Emneordsliste til bruk for emneord beregnet på registrering av trykt og innspilt musikkmateriale i bibliotek, arkiv og dokumentasjonssentre...
Løøv classification Classification scheme used to classify literature in The Sami bibliography, a joint project between the National library of Norway, the Sami special library at the Sami Special Library at the Rovaniemi City Library, the Murmansk State Regional Universal Scientific Library, and Ájtte, Swedish Mountain- and Sami museum... API
CHIN Humanities Data Dictionary The CHIN Data Dictionaries contain a description of database fields for museum collection and archaeological site management and documentation...
Artists in Canada Artists in Canada, compiled and maintained by the National Gallery of Canada Library, is a bilingual union list that identifies the location of documentation files on Canadian artists...
Threat Types List Wordlist for different types of threats to heritage assets (e.g...
Consultation Outcome List This list relates to the MIDAS unit Management Proposal Outcome...
Consultation Type This list relates to the MIDAS unit Management Proposal Type...
Event Type List This list relates to the Event Type unit in MIDAS...
Final Outcome List This list relates to the MIDAS unit Management Proposal Outcome...
Work Proposed List This list relates to the MIDAS Management Proposal Work Proposed unit of information...
Fauna Europaea Fauna Europaea is Europe's main zoological taxonomic index...
Uberon Uberon is an anatomical ontology that represents body parts, organs and tissues in a variety of animal species, with a focus on vertebrates...
Archäologisches Museum Hamburg – Stadtmuseum Harburg/Helms-Museum: Age dating terms API
Algorithm Metadata Vocabulary (AMV) "Algorithm Metadata Vocabulary is a vocabulary for capturing and storing the metadata about the algorithms (a procedure or a set of rules that is followed step-by-step to solve a problem, especially by a computer)...
Ontology for collection and analysis of COviD-19 data (CODO) The purpose of CODO ontology to represent and reason information related to COVID-19 cases and patient information...
Metadata for Ontology Description and publication (MOD) Metadata for Ontology Description and publication was created by reviewing of standard existing metadata vocabularies (e.g., Dublin Core, OMV, DCAT, VoID) and selecting relevant properties for describing ontologies....
Archäologisches Museum Hamburg – Stadtmuseum Harburg/Helms-Museum: Ownership status terms API
Archäologisches Museum Hamburg – Stadtmuseum Harburg/Helms-Museum: Cultural groups API
Archäologisches Museum Hamburg – Stadtmuseum Harburg/Helms-Museum: Material terms API
Archäologisches Museum Hamburg – Stadtmuseum Harburg/Helms-Museum: Object description terms API
Archäologisches Museum Hamburg – Stadtmuseum Harburg/Helms-Museum: Persons API
Archäologischen Museum Hamburg – Stadtmuseum Harburg/Helms-Museum: Person roles API
Archäologisches Museum Hamburg – Stadtmuseum Harburg/Helms-Museum: Subject groups API
Archäologisches Museum Hamburg – Stadtmuseum Harburg/Helms-Museum: Technique (craft) terms API
Archäologisches Museum Hamburg – Stadtmuseum Harburg/Helms-Museum: Item types (exhibition types) API
Archäologisches Museum Hamburg – Stadtmuseum Harburg/Helms-Museum: Value types API
Archäologisches Museum Hamburg – Stadtmuseum Harburg/Helms-Museum: Value groups API
Physical publication types from K10plus format (bibliographic_publication_type) Publication types from the K10plus format field PICA+ 200@ / Pica3 0500 Position 1.... API
Bibliographic relation type
Type (bilddatenbank.gbv.de)
Events in biographies or chronicles Consists of the Getty-people-events and some entries from http://vocab.org/bio....
Phases in biographies or chronicles API
BSZ - Stylistic epochs Art historical stylistic epochs and art movements with period specifications... API
Citizenship (ISO 3166) API
Type of collection API
Relations between corporations API
CSS-Color-Names API
Filetypes API
FSO: Person FSO vocabulary for persons and entities.... API
FSO: Person role FSO vocabulary for recording the function of persons and entities in the context of a unit of distortion.... API
FSO: Status of description FSO vocabulary for recording the state of development.... API
FSO: Annotation role FSO vocabulary for recording the type of remark.... API
FSO: Content type FSO vocabulary for recording the classification of the contents of units of description.... API
FSO: Unit of extent (collection) FSO vocabulary for recording the perimeter units for stocks.... API
FSO: Unit of extent (item) FSO vocabulary for recording the circumference units for units of distortion.... API
FSO: Format FSO vocabulary for recording the format of reproduction forms in units of distortion.... API
FSO: Keyword FSO vocabulary for keywords.... API
FSO: Keyword (person) FSO vocabulary for keywords related to persons or entities.... API
FSO: Keyword (place) FSO vocabulary for keywords related to places.... API
FSO: Material FSO vocabulary for recording the types of material occurring in units of distortion.... API
FSO: Name role FSO vocabulary for recording the role of a name variation of persons and entities in the context of a unit of record.... API
FSO: Object type FSO vocabulary for recording the object type.... API
FSO: Place FSO vocabulary for places.... API
FSO: Place function FSO vocabulary for recording the role of a place in the context of a unit of distortion.... API
FSO: Place name role FSO vocabulary for recording the role of a place name variant of persons and entities in the context of a unit of record.... API
FSO: Vervielfältigungsform FSO vocabulary for recording the form of reproduction of units of distortion.... API
FSO: Type of title FSO vocabulary for recording the title role.... API
Gender A list of genders....
Historic Flag
Owners from IKMK API
Production type from IKMK API
Country from IKMK API
Material from IKMK API
Coin stand from IKMK API
Nominal from IKMK API
Location from IKMK API
Person / corporation from IKMK API
Type of person from IKMK API
Region from IKMK API
Subject terms from IKMK API
Type source from IKMK API
Currency from IKMK API
Access type from IKMK API
The European Science Vocabulary (EuroSciVoc) "EuroSciVoc is a multilingual taxonomy that represents all the main fields of science that were discovered from CORDIS content and organised through a semi-automatic process based on NLP techniques...
EUropean Research Information Ontology (EURIO) "EURIO (EUropean Research Information Ontology) conceptualises, formally encodes and makes available in an open, structured and machine-readable format data about resarch projects funded by the EU's framework programmes for research and innovation."...
BLL-Thesaurus (BLL) "The Bibliography of Linguistic Literature (BLL) is one of the most comprehensive linguistic bibliographies worldwide...
European Science Vocabulary (EuroSciVoc) European Science Vocabulary (EuroSciVoc) is the taxonomy of fields of science based on OECD's 2015 Frascati Manual taxonomy... API
EUropean Research Information Ontology (EURIO) EURIO (EUropean Research Information Ontology) conceptualises, formally encodes and makes available in an open, structured and machine-readable format data about resarch projects funded by the EU's framework programmes for research and innovation.... API
Mathematics Subject Classification System (MSC2020) "Mathematical Reviews (MR) and zbMATH collaborate on maintaining the Mathematics Subject Classification, which is used by these reviewing services, publishers, funding agencies, and others to categorize items in the mathematical sciences literature... API
Classification of the classified book catalogue of the Göttingen State and University Library This classification scheme was used to classifie the collection of the Göttingen State and University Library till 1945...
Classification scheme of the Bibliographia Cartographia (BC) This classification scheme structures a collection of cartographic contents... API
Metadata4Ing (m4i) "The ontology Metadata4Ing is developed within the NFDI Consortium NFDI4Ing with the aim of providing a thorough framework for the semantic description of research data, with a particular focus on engineering sciences and neighbouring disciplines... API
Art and Rare Materials (ARM) BIBFRAME Ontology Extensions (ARM) "The ontology housed in this repository is being developed as an extension of the BIBFRAME ontology for generalized bibliographic description to provide specialized modeling in the archives, art and rare materials domains."...
Retrospective classification of medical, scientific, legal and theological prints (retrohab) "In the 1980s, the Duke August Library made an attempt to retrospectively classify its old holdings... API
21 Books of Universal Knowledge or Universal Partitioning (gessner) "In the mid-16th century, the learned physician Conrad Gessner (1516-1565) published his „Bibliotheca Universalis“, a comprehensive bibliography that claimed to list all books printed in Latin, Greek and Hebrew in alphabetical order... API
Theses or loci communes of the whole medical field (brunfels) "In 1532, a student of the learned physician and theologian Otto Brunfels (1488-1534) published an extensive and widely recognised loci communes collection on the field of medicine, which he had compiled on the basis of Brunfels' lessons... API
Catalogue of the Thuana Library (thuana) "The catalogue of the Bibliotheca Thuana was first published in 1679 in two parts... API
Terminology of documentation (TID) Die Terminologie der Information und Dokumentation wurde 1975 mit 1.200 Begriffen in fünf Sprachen vorgelegt und 1998 bzw...
FrauenMediaThesaurus (FMT) FrauenMediaThesaurus is used by Feminist Archive and Library FrauenMediaTurm ...
NFDI4Culture Ontology (NFDICO) The NFDICO core ontology describes all resouces (datasets, data providers, persons, projects and other entities) in the data domain of NFDI4Culture (see: https://nfdi4culture.de/resource/about.html)...
iDAI.world Thesaurus "The iDAI.world Thesaurus brings together and harmonises all thesauri and vocabularies of the libraries and the projects of the German Archaeological Institute... API
VICAV Taxonomy of Arabic Dialects "The „VICAV Taxonomy of Arabic Dialects“ provides a classification scheme for Arabic dialects used in the VICAV application and sources."... API
legalkraus-Taxonomie Taxonomy within the project "Intertextuality in the Legal Papers of Karl Kraus – A Scholarly Digital Edition"... API
travel!digital Thesaurus "The travel!digital Thesaurus is a knowledge organization system for the travel!digital Corpus, a unique collection of historical Baedeker travel guides published between 1875 and 1914... API
DEFC Thesaurus "DEFC thesaurus is a knowledge organization system designed for Digitizing Early Farming Cultures project."... API
Iron-Age-Danube thesaurus "The Iron-Age-Danube thesaurus is based on controlled vocabulary of Iron-Age-Danube database created in the frame of the Interreg Iron-Age-Danube project (www.iron-age-danube.eu)... API
ARCHE Licenses "A list of licenses that can be used for acdh:hasLicense in ARCHE."... API
ARCHE OAI Sets "A list of sets for the OAI-PMH protocol for ARCHE... API
Glossary of metadata standards "The sheer number of metadata standards in the cultural heritage sector is overwhelming, and their inter-relationships further complicate the situation...
Elective Studies category scheme The Elective Studies category scheme provides the ability to categorize elective studies at the variable level.... API
Bibliothekssystematik der Schleswig-Holsteinischen Landesbibliothek The classification of the State Library of Schleswig-Holstein is used to classify the holdings of this library....
Fields of Science A taxonomy to the dataset of OpenAIRE....
World Historical Gazetteer (WHG) "World Historical Gazetteer (WHG) is providing a collection of content and services that permit world historians, their students, and the general public to do spatial and temporal reasoning and visualization in a data rich environment at global and trans-regional scales."... API
Illustrative Multilingual Dictionary for Architects, Builders and Construction Workers ARCHIDICT is an illustrative multilingual dictionary for architects, builders, construction workers, designers, architectural technologists and all those interested in architecture and design...
Thesaurus of provenance terms (T-PRO) The thesaurus of provenance terms is used in German libraries to describe the provenance of (rare) books.... API
Kerndatensatz Forschung (KSDF) Der Kerndatensatz Forschung (KDSF) ist ein Datenmodell für Forschungsinformationen (Informationen über Forschungsaktivitäten, Personal.....
Gemeinsames Vokabular für Publikations- und Dokumenttypen Das Gemeinsame DINI-Vokabular stellt einen Wertevorrat zur Verfügung, mit dem die Beschreibung und Charakterisierung der Publikationen im Rahmen des Dublin Core Elements »type« oder verwandter Zusammenhänge erfolgen kann... API
Semantic Mapping Vocabulary (semapv) The Semantic Mapping Vocabulary provides and defines terms used for creating and maintaining semantic mappings, in particular mapping metadata....
Mapping Mismatch Vocabulary (MMV) Vocabulary for tagging mismatches in mappings between knowledge organization systems or semantic artifacts.... API
OBV classes (OBV) The OBV classes are used in the Austrian Library Network (OBV) as broad classification.... API
Pleiades "Pleiades gives scholars, students, and enthusiasts worldwide the ability to use, create, and share historical geographic information about the ancient world in digital form... API
Biblissima iconography thesaurus thesaurus iconographique constitué à partir des données des bases partenaires de l'équipex Biblissima, Mandragore (BnF) et Initiale (IRHT)...
Types of functional texts Controlled vocabulary of types of functional texts by Eckard Rolf (1993) in its online version by FactGrid (2023)... API
arXiv categories (arXiv) Subject categories of arXiv.org repository....
Historic Geo Information System (GOV) gazetteer used in German genealogy... API
Lexicon Model for Ontologies (lemon) The aim of the lexicon model for ontologies (lemon) is to provide rich linguistic grounding for ontologies...
Ontologie historischer, deutschsprachiger Berufs- und Amtsbezeichnungen (OhdAB) Beruht auf der Klassifizierung der Berufe (KldB) der Bundesagentur für Arbeit und des Statistischen Bundesamtes aus dem Jahr 2010...
Geology thesaurus The aim of this work is the creation of a "Thesaurus of Geology" exclusively nourished with terms from the ICYT database of the CSIC...
Dictionary of mathematics and statistics Concise dictionary of mathematics and statistics with encyclopedic supplements, intended to be useful in helping to write and understand mathematics and also including biographies of the most important mathematicians in history....
Silk heritage thesaurus Thesaurus about silk developed by SILKNOW, "a research project that improves the understanding, conservation and dissemination of European silk heritage from the 15th to the 19th century"....
Multilingual archival terminology "The purpose of the "Multilingual archival terminology" is to support archivists, records managers and information managers in the use of records-related terms, from the traditional ones to those related to the preservation of authentic records in digital systems...
Panlatin electronic commerce glossary "The terminology was drawn from a number of subfields, including e-transactions, marketing, security, cryptography, communications, customer and business products and services, consumer protection, as well as information technologies."...
Wood glossary This glossary aims to facilitate communication between the agents of the wood sector in the various territories on both sides of the Pyrenees....
Controlled Method (CM) Types of controlled methods in psychological studies as used in PubPsych bibliographical database... API
Klarsaurus Glossary of academic terms, especially from Psychology with easy to understand explanation... API
FIV General Classification (fivs) Topic classification of the German Information Network for International Relations and Area Studies (FIV)... API
FIV-Regionalklassifikation (fivr) Regional classification (countries and areas) of the German Information Network for International Relations and Area Studies (FIV)... API
Chinese Iconography Thesaurus (cit)
Autoridades de la Biblioteca Nacional de España (ABNE) Subject indexing file of the National Library of Spain....
Encabezamientos de materia de la Biblioteca Nacional de España (EMBNE) Part of the Autoridades de la Biblioteca Nacional de España....
Uniform Content Descriptors (UCD) Categorization of measures used in Astronomy...
German classification of occupations (KldB) The German classification of occupations was last revised in 2020...
Classification of the Bibliography of German History (DHB) "The Classification of the Bibliography of German History (DHB-Systematik) is a faceted classification scheme partially following the Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC)... API
Artificial intelligence glossary Σχετικά με το σύγγραμμα Τεχνητή Νοημοσύνη είναι ο τομέας της επιστήμης των υπολογιστών που ασχολείται με τη σχεδίαση ευφυών υπολογιστικών συστημάτων, δηλαδή συστημάτων που επιδεικνύουν χαρακτηριστικά που σχετίζονται με τη νοημοσύνη στην ανθρώπινη συμπεριφορά...
Artificial intelligence glossary Σχετικά με το σύγγραμμα Τεχνητή Νοημοσύνη είναι ο τομέας της επιστήμης των υπολογιστών που ασχολείται με τη σχεδίαση ευφυών υπολογιστικών συστημάτων, δηλαδή συστημάτων που επιδεικνύουν χαρακτηριστικά που σχετίζονται με τη νοημοσύνη στην ανθρώπινη συμπεριφορά...
Spatial development glossary Το γλωσσάριο της Συνόδου των Υπουργών Χωροταξίας του Συμβουλίου της Ευρώπης (CEMAT) με τις βασικές εκφράσεις που χρησιμοποιούνται στις ευρωπαϊκές πολιτικές χωρικής ανάπτυξης ήταν μέρος του Προγράμματος εργασιών της Επιτροπής Υψηλόβαθμων Αντιπροσώπων και παρουσιάστηκε στη 14η Σύνοδο των Υπουργών Χωροταξίας στη Λισαβόνα (Πορτογαλία), 26-27 Οκτωβρίου 2006, με θέμα τα “Δίκτυα για τη βιώσιμη χωρική ανάπτυξη της ευρωπαϊκής ηπείρου: Γέφυρες πάνω από την Ευρώπη”...
European Position Paper on the Anatomical Terminology of the Internal Nose and Paranasal Sinuses This European Position Paper on the Anatomical Terminology of the Internal Nose and Paranasal Sinuses was conceived to re-evaluate the anatomical terms in common usage by endoscopic sinus surgeons and to compare this with the official Terminologica Anatomica...
Geography file It's recommended to use Geonames, Wikidata or the GND (entity Geographika)....
Codes for Units Of Measure Used in International Trade (UNECE Rec 20) "Recommendation 20 Provides three character alphabetic and alphanumeric codes for representing units of measurement for length, area, volume/capacity, mass (weight), time, and other quantities used in international trade...
Cataloging Cultural Objects (CCO) "A manual to help you describe, document, and catalog cultural artifacts (like art and architecture) and visual media that represent them."...
Thesaurus of the Vienna Museum of Science and Technology The thesaurus contains data about technical terms and classes from the Thesaurus of the Vienna Museum of Science and Technology.... API
Bamberg vocabulary for historical architecture (BVhA) "For the indexing of information from the historical record and for the quantitatively evaluable description of the characteristics of building components, an extensive digital vocabulary was developed in the project "Die Nürnberger Großkirchen – Best Practice für die digitale Erfassung komplexer Baudenkmale", which contains several thousand terms for the designation of building components, materials, damage, traces of processing and static interactions... API
International Standard Name Identifier (ISNI) "ISNI is the ISO certified global standard number for identifying the millions of contributors to creative works and those active in their distribution, including researchers, inventors, writers, artists, visual creators, performers, producers, publishers, aggregators, and more...
MARC Instruments and Voices Code List "Source: This list was derived from a controlled list of coded values in the MARC 21 Format for Bibliographic Data from field 048 (Number of Musical Instruments or Voices Codes)."...
UNIMARC: Medium of performance (MOP) "Instruments and/or voices, devices and other performers which make up a musical work."...
Thesaurus for Illustrations "Thesaurus for the identification and description of scenes and figures of the Christian iconography; connections with the iconographic class ifications IconClass and Réau...
BSZ periods AD The Dating Systematics of the BSZ contains, for a large part, time definitions, sources and definitions of the term, the archaeological and historical periods of the respective period." ... API
Navis.one Maritime Thesaurus Maritime thesaurus based on the NAVIS I-III databases....
Linked Archaeological Data Ontology (LADO) A linked ontology for archaeological data....
MiMoText Ontology "The MiMoText ontology is dedicated to the domain of literary history and historiography – a broad and far-reaching field of knowledge which we do not intend to address in its entirety... API
Cultural Policies Thesaurus
iDAI.chronontology iDAI.chronontology is a web service that combines concepts of time with dating... API
Research Organization Registry (ROR) "ROR is a global, community-led registry of open persistent identifiers for research organizations"... API
Open Funder Registry (OFR) "It is good practice for authors to acknowledge support for and contributions to their research in their published articles...
GRAPHIS Image Region "This GRAPHIS Image Region vocabulary contains all concepts GRAPHIS currently provides its users to annotate image regions... API
INDIGO Graffiti Thesaurus "The INDIGO Graffiti Thesaurus is a curated academic resource centred on contemporary graffiti terminology, with a spatial focus on the Danube Canal in Vienna, Austria... API
ScAPA : Scottish Archaeological Periods & Ages (ScAPA) "List of archaeological periods & ages for cultural heritage use in Scotland."...
Status of property (MK Berlin) "The type of ownership or legal status of property of an object in the collection, e.g...
Owner (MK Berlin) "The owner of the collection in question."...
Weight The weight of a (numismatic) object...
Manufacture (MK Berlin) "The technique of manufacture, e.g...
Peculiarity of production (MK Berlin) "A notable, characteristic or unusual physical feature of an individual numismatic object which distinguishes it from other examples of the same group, or of a group of numismatic objects that marks it out from other groups, and which is related to the process of production of a numismatic object."...
Corporation (MK Berlin) "A corporation, public or private, which is related to an object in the collection."...
Country (MK Berlin) "A modern state or country to which certain regions, places (as mints, places of issue for paper money), and find places are being assigned to."...
Material (MK Berlin) (mk-material) "The physical material from which an object is made."...
Class/status (MK Berlin) "The legal status of the person, ethnic, or institutional authority under which any numismatic object is issued...
Denomination (MK Berlin) "Term indicating the value of a coin or banknote within a certain denominational system."...
Object status (MK Berlin) "Term to describe the physical status of an object, e.g...
Location (MK Berlin) "The location or place, in which a coin was minted, paper money issued or an object found."...
Period (MK Berlin) "A period in time and in the history of humans, also used here to categorizing certain periods in art history."...
Person (MK Berlin) "Any individual in his or her relationship or role to an object in question."...
Region (MK Berlin) "A region either historic or contemporary within a modern state."...
Item (MK Berlin) "The type of a numismatic object, e.g...
Secondary Treatment (MK Berlin) "Any features which arise subsequent to the actual production of a numismatic object; for example halving, chop-marking, etc."...
Die-axis (MK Berlin) "The relationship between the orientation of obverse and reverse of a (struck) coin or medal...
Type for person and corporation (MK Berlin) "Term to describe the role of an individual or corporation regarding a numismatic object, e.g...
Type of Source (MK Berlin) "A website, portal or digital resource which either represents a database to browse a certain collection or allows for a systematic presentation of types or concepts in relation to individual numismatic objects."...
Currency (MK Berlin) "A system of monetary units in common use, issued by a state, city, or any other legal authority, consisting of various subunits and multiples (denominations)."...
Accession (MK Berlin) "The type of accession of an object into the collection: e.g...
voc4cat "A vocabulary for all areas of catalysis initiated in NFDI4Cat...
Architecture Thesaurus "Thesaurus for the identification and description of elements of architecture...
Artists of the world (AKL) "The Allgemeines Künstlerlexikon (AKL) is a name authority file...
Multilingual Inventory of Cultural Heritage in Europe (MICHAEL) "Through the multilingual MICHAEL service you can find and explore digital collections from museums, archives, libraries and other cultural institutions from across Europe...