Gale Investments Thesaurus
The Gale Investments Thesaurus is a subset of the master Gale Business thesaurus in the narrower domain of investing...
IUPAC Nomenclature of Organic Chemistry
"Chemical nomenclature is used to identify a chemical species by means of written or spoken words and enables a common language for communication amongst chemists...
Gale Labor Thesaurus
The Gale Labor Thesaurus is a subset of the master Gale Business thesaurus in the narrower domain of labor...
Gale Language Thesaurus
The Gale Language Thesaurus is a subset of the master Gale Humanities Thesaurus...
Gale Law Thesaurus
The Gale Law Thesaurus is a subset of the master Gale Social Sciences Thesaurus in the narrower domain of the binding rules of human conduct established by authority, society, or custom...
Gale Library Science Thesaurus
The Gale Library Science Thesaurus is a subset of the master Gale Social Sciences thesaurus in the narrower domain of organizing knowledge and information, other than the purely philosophical terms...
Gale Literature Thesaurus
The Gale Literature Thesaurus is a subset of the master Gale Humanities Thesaurus...
Gale Management Thesaurus
The Gale Management Thesaurus is a subset of the master Gale Business Thesaurus in the narrower domain of business management...
Gale Marketing Thesaurus
The Gale Marketing Thesaurus is a subset of the master Gale Business Thesaurus in the narrower domain of marketing...
Gale Materials Technology Thesaurus
The Gale Materials Technology Thesaurus is a subset of the master Gale Technology Thesaurus in the narrower domain of the development, production, and use of metals, polymers, ceramics, semiconductors, and other materials in manufacturing, and the processes and technologies associated with them...
Gale Mathematics Thesaurus
The Gale Mathematics Thesaurus is a subset of the master Gale Science Thesaurus...
Gale Medical Equipment, Technology and Procedures Thesaurus
The Gale Medical Equipment, Technology and Procedures Thesaurus is a subset of the master Gale Health and Medicine Thesaurus in the narrower domain of equipment, supplies (except drugs), technologies, and procedures used to diagnose, treat, or prevent human or animal diseases and disorders...
Gale Medical Personnel, Occupations and Services Thesaurus
The Gale Medical Personnel, Occupations and Services Thesaurus is a subset of the master Gale Health and Medicine Thesaurus in the narrower domain of healthcare professionals and their assistants, healthcare educators and researchers, healthcare services, healthcare service administrators, support personnel, and public health workers and officials...
Gale Military and Naval Science Thesaurus
The Gale Military and Naval Science Thesaurus is a subset of the master Gale Technology Thesaurus in the narrower domain of defense, training of soldiers, weaponry and armor, military strategy, ROTC, and military applications of various technologies as well as transportation, surveillance, and anything else the military owns or uses...
Gale Occupations Thesaurus
The Gale Occupations Thesaurus is a subset of the Gale Person Type Thesaurus and includes terms that represent vocational or professional pursuits...
Gale Pathogens Thesaurus
The Gale Pathogens Thesaurus is a subset of the master Gale Health and Medicine Thesaurus in the narrower domain of organisms and substances that cause diseases or disorders in humans or animals...
Gale Performing Arts Thesaurus
The Gale Performing Arts Thesaurus is a subset of the master Gale Humanities Thesaurus...
Gale Person Type Thesaurus
The Gale Person Type Thesaurus focuses on describing people by a range of statuses and characteristics including gender, age, social role, nationality and ethnicity, and occupation...
Gale Physics Thesaurus
The Gale Physics Thesaurus is a subset of the master Gale Science Thesaurus...
Gale Political Science Thesaurus
The Gale Political Science Thesaurus is a subset of the master Gale Social Sciences Thesaurus in the narrower domain of the development, arrangement, and conduct of government, as well as the theories and the study of these processes...
Gale Products and Services Thesaurus
The Gale Products and Services Thesaurus comprises of all types of marketable products and services, as generic types, not brand names, both categories and highly specific things...
Gale Psychology Thesaurus
The Gale Psychology Thesaurus is a subset of the master Gale Social Sciences Thesaurus in the narrower domain of the study of the human psyche, emotions, reactions, mental processes, and individual behavior...
Health Thesaurus
"The 7th edition of the Health Thesaurus has been developed by the Departmental Library for use in all areas of the Department of Health...
Gale Public Relations Thesaurus
The Gale Public Relations Thesaurus is a subset of the master Gale Business Thesaurus in the narrower domain of public relations agencies...
Gale Real Estate Thesaurus
The Gale Real Estate Thesaurus is a subset of the master Gale Business Thesaurus in the narrower domain of the business of developing, managing, financing, buying, selling, leasing, renting, and investing in real property...
Gale Religion and Philosophy Thesaurus
The Gale Religion and Philosophy Thesaurus is a subset of the master Gale Humanities Thesaurus...
Gale Science Thesaurus
The Gale Science Thesaurus contains the key subject areas of astronomy, biology, chemistry, earth sciences, mathematics, physics, and psychology...
Gale Social Sciences Thesaurus
The Gale Social Sciences thesaurus is a large thesaurus in the domain of anthropology, economics, education, geography, history, law, library science, political science, psychology, sociology, and sports/recreation...
Gale Sociology Thesaurus
The Gale Sociology Thesaurus is a subset of the master Gale Social Sciences Thesaurus in the narrower domain of the practice of sociology and the study of complex human societies, social groups (from families to nations), and the institutions, processes, movements, issues, and behavior related to those groupings...
Gale Sports and Recreation Thesaurus
The Gale Sports and Recreation Thesaurus is a subset of the master Gale Social Sciences Thesaurus in the narrower domain of specific sports, sporting events, hobbies, and other recreational activities, whether engaged in by individuals or groups, amateurs, or professionals, for simple pleasure or competitive success...
Gale Taxation Thesaurus
The Gale Taxation Thesaurus is a subset of the master Gale Business Thesaurus in the narrower domain of the processes associated with the assessment and collection of federal, state, and municipal taxes...
Gale Technology Thesaurus
The Gale Technology thesaurus is a large general technology thesaurus in the domains of aeronautics and astronautics, chemical technology, communications, computing, electronics, energy, engineering, materials, military and naval science, and transportation...
Gale Transportation Thesaurus
The Gale Transportation Thesaurus is a subset of the master Gale Technology Thesaurus in the narrower domain of modes and mediums of transportation, except for those whose main application is military - such as troop transports, battleships, military aircraft, and tanks...
IUPAC Compendium of Polymer Terminology and Nomenclature
"The IUPAC system of polymer nomenclature has aided the generation of unambiguous names that reflect the historical development of chemistry...
Gale Wellness Thesaurus
The Gale Wellness Thesaurus is a subset of the master Gale Health and Medicine Thesaurus in the narrower domain of wellness and fitness topics and issues...
Bielefeld University Library Classification System (UBBI)
The classification system of Bielefeld University Library is a universal shelf classification developed in the 1960s with the foundation of the University....
Out On The Shelves Classification System
This project, undertaken during the summer of 2018 intended to build a system that is reflective of the mission and values of the Out On The Shelves Library, namely to "foster a free, accessible, and safe space for LGBTQ2IA+ people and their allies to discover and share stories and resources centering on LGBTQ2IA+ experiences" (About: Out On The Shelves) To this end, goals for the new system – approved by the volunteer team at Out On The Shelves Library during the planning process – include updated language, logical order and arrangement to enhance the browsing experience, as well as ensuring it is a living system which is responsive to context and community...
Thesaurus of Scientific Instruments in Portuguese
The Thesaurus of Scientific Instruments in Portuguese aims at normalising and controlling terminology associated with historical collections of artefacts of science...
Bokbasen Thesaurus
Bokbasen has a hierarchical thesaurus with controlled free-standing keywords...
Partage Plus Vocabulary
"The PARTAGE PLUS VOCABULARY is a structured multilingual controlled vocabulary...
WO2 Thesaurus
"De WO2-thesaurus is een gevalideerde, hiërarchisch georganiseerde trefwoordenlijst voor de thematische ontsluiting van (digitale) bronnen uit de periode 1940-1945...
This resource presents an attempt to link the large amount of different concept lists which are used in the linguistic literature, ranging from Swadesh lists in historical linguistics to naming tests in clinical studies and psycholinguistics...
KBpedia is a comprehensive knowledge structure for promoting data interoperability and knowledge-based artificial intelligence, or KBAI...
Library of Congress Subject Schemes
Controlled list of Subject Schemes...
"In each microthesaurus, the descriptors are organized in a hierarchical way and represent the semantic organization of a domain...
IUPAC Compendium of Analytical Nomenclature
"The index of this edition contains ca 6,000 entries...
Library of Congress Classification Schemes
Controlled list of Classification Schemes...
Library of Congress Cultural Heritage Organizations
A system of classification for Cultural Heritage Organizations developed by the Library of Congress....
Library of Congress MARC Genre Terms
This list includes terms that describe general categories, or genres that may be applied to various types of information resources...
Library of Congress Genre/Form Schemes
Library of Congress MARC Countries
The MARC Code List for Countries contains a list of places and their associated two- or three-character lowercase alphabetic codes....
Library of Congress MARC Geographic Areas
The MARC Code List for Geographic Areas consists of a list of geographic areas and their associated one to seven-character codes....
Library of Congress Content Types
This list contains Resource Description and Access (RDA) terms and corresponding three-character lower case alphabetic codes for RDA Content types....
Library of Congress Carriers
A list containing storage containers for data....
Library of Congress Description Conventions
Convention Sources identifies standard rules or guidelines for describing bibliographic resources, commonly called cataloging rules, and assigns a code to each source...
Library of Congress MARC Encoding Level
A list containing the degree of the level of an encoding....
IUPAC Biochemical Nomenclature
"The Biochemical Nomenclature and Related Documents (1992) presents IUPAC-IUBMB (International Union of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology) Joint Commissions' recommendations; it includes sections on amino acids, peptides and proteins, enzymes, nucleotides, nucleic acids and protein synthesis, carbohydrates, lipids, etc."...
Library of Congress MARC File Type
A list containing the file types on which data is saved on....
Library of Congress MARC Illustrative Content
A list containing images of MARC data....
Library of Congress Projection
A method or system used to represent the surface of the Earth or of a celestial sphere on a plane....
Library of Congress Video Format
Used to encode the video content of a resource...
Subject classification for higher education in Germany
There are three classification parts:
- by subject group ("Fächergruppe")
- by study area ("Studienbereiche")
- by field of study ("Studienfelder")
Everything study-related inside the Hochschulkompass can be assigned to one or more fields of study...
ZDB-Classification (ZDB-FGS)
This classification was used in the German Union Catalogue of Serials until 2010 to classify journals...
ISOcat ist ein Verzeichnis für alle Konzepte, die Relevanz haben für Linguistik und den Bereich Sprachquellen inklusive Metadatenkategorien usw.....
Classification of board games
The german games-archive in Marburg (now Nuremberg) created a classification for board- and tablegames, which is used for archiving....
Classification of card games
The german games-archive in Marburg (now Nuremberg) created a Classification, which differentiates classes between goals, mechanisms or both....
Systematik der Fächergruppen, Studienbereiche und Studienfächer
Fächersystematik der Statistischen Bundesamts für Statistiken im Bereich "Studierende an Hochschulen"...
IUPAC Quantities, Units and Symbols in Physical Chemistry
"The purpose of this manual is to improve the exchange of scientific information among the readers in different disciplines and across different nations...
Systematik der Fächergruppen, Lehr- und Forschungsbereiche und Fachgebiete (DFÄ)
Fächersystematik der Statistischen Bundesamts für Statistiken im Bereich "Personal an Hochschulen"...
Sondersammelgebiets-Nummer (SSG)
The Sondersammelgebiets-Nummer was used in German libraries until 2015 to organize distributed collection of publications among disciplines...
FID classification (FID)
The FID classification replaced the Sondersammelgebiets-Nummer (SSG) in 2016...
Meteorite Classification
"This page provides a survey of the different classes of meteorites...
Universal Medical Device Nomenclature System™ (UMDNS)
"Universal Medical Device Nomenclature System™ (UMDNS) is a standard, free of charge, monthly updated, international nomenclature and computer coding system to help you better manage medical devices...
Unified Code for Units of Measure (UCUM)
"The Unified Code for Units of Measure is a code system intended to include all units of measures being contemporarily used in international science, engineering, and business...
"LOINC was initiated in 1994 by Clem McDonald, an investigator at the Regenstrief Institute, which is an internationally respected non-profit medical research organization associated with Indiana University...
Glossary of Academic Publishing Terms
"We know that some terms that we use, or that you may come across, may be unfamiliar to you, so we have come up with this glossary of terms to make things easier."...
Physics Subject Headings (PhySH)
"PhySH (Physics Subject Headings) is a physics classification scheme developed by the American Physical Society to organize journals, meetings, and other content by topic...
Humanities and Social Science Electronic Thesaurus (retired and replaced by ELSST in January 2025) (HASSET)
For many years UKDS studies have been indexed with terms from the Humanities and Social Science Electronic Thesaurus (HASSET)...
School Networks and Educational Portals of Latin America
"109 terms, 46 terms not preferred."...
Accessibility Name Authority List
This table provides a list of options for the use of accessibility criteria for person with disabilities in the technical specifications within the domain of public procurement....
Applicability Name Authority List
This table provides a list of the options pertinent to be chosen for a matter concerning the applicability of predefined fields...
Award criterion type Name Authority List
This table provides the list of rules to be taken into account for the award decisions within the in public procurement procedures...
Buyer legal type Name Authority List
This table provides a list of the the type of procuring authorities within the domain of public procurement according to legislation....
Change corrig justification Name Authority List
This table provides the codes and values used in case of justification of correcions applied to a notice within the context of public procurement....
COM internal consultation type Name Authority List
COM internal consultation type Named Authority List...
COM internal event Name Authority List
COM internal event Named Authority List...
COM internal procedure Name Authority List
COM internal procedure Named Authority List...
Communication justification Name Authority List
This table provides the justification for restricting access rights to resources within the context of public procurement....
Concept status Name Authority List
This table is an internal table at the Publications Office and provides the various statuses used in a harmonized way amongst the various tables (NALs)....
Contract nature Name Authority List
This table provides a list of different types of subjects and goods that can be acquired by means of a public contract such as works, supplies and services by one or more contracting authorities from economic operators....
Digital Europa Thesaurus
The Digital Europa Thesaurus (DET) is a multilingual thesaurus covering the main subject matters of the European Commission's public communications....
Celestial Emporium of Benevolent Knowledge
"The celestial Emporium of benevolent knowledge is a certain Chinese encyclopedia fiction by the Argentine writer Jorge Luis Borges in the essay The analytical idiom of John Wilkins .....
Direct award justification Name Authority List
This table provides the list of reasons for using a procedure which allows awarding contracts directly without the requirement of publishing a call for competition in the Official Journal of the European Union....
Document collection Name Authority List
This technical table provides the codes used for internal purposes in the CELLAR application....
DPS usage Name Authority List
This table provides a list wether a dynamic purchasing system is involved in a procurement and, in case of central purchasing bodies, whether it can be used by buyers not listed in the notice of the Official Journal of the European Union....
Economic operator size Name Authority List
This table provides the different categories in which the tenderers to whom a contract can be awarded are classified, according to their size (using as criteria the number of employees)....
Environmental impact Name Authority List
This table provides the information about whether a procurement includes (and how) an approach to reducing the environmental impacts of the work, supply or service used in the technical specifications, award criteria, selection criteria or contract performance conditions or not....
File status Name Authority List
The file-status authority table describes the different stages in the life cycle of an act (or in the decision-making process of an act) from the moment it is launched until the final step is completed....
Form type Name Authority List
This table provides the codes and values used for the type of forms according to procurement legislation....
Framework agreement Name Authority List
This table provides the list of codes to distinguish the different type framework agreement involved in a tender....
Grammatical number Name Authority List
The Grammatical number NAL provides the list of the grammatical numbers....
Innovative acquisition Name Authority List
This table provides the codes and values used for the type of innovative works, supplies or services being procured within the context of public procurement....
eMuseum Kategorien
Interinstitutional procedure Name Authority List
The Interinstitutional procedures NAL lists the different procedures used in the context of data exchange between the institutions involved in the legislative process....
Legal basis Name Authority List
This table provides the legal basis based on the legal acts used for a given public procurement procedure...
Main activity Name Authority List
This table provides the list of main activities of the buyers...
Measurement unit Name Authority List
Measurement unit...
Missing info submission Name Authority List
This table provides the list of codes indicating wether tenderer-related information (complete or parcial) can be supplemented even after the submission deadline....
Modification justification Name Authority List
This table provides the main reasons for modifying a contract within the domain of public procurement....
Non award justification Name Authority List
This table provides the list of reasons of the buyer for not choosing a winner in the procurement procedure....
Notice type Name Authority List
This table provides a list of public procurement notices according to procurement legislation published once a project is approved....
Number fixed Name Authority List
This table provides the codes linked to fix values within the context of public procurement....
Number threshold Name Authority List
This table provides the codes linked to the type of threshold values within the context of public procurement....
Number type Name Authority List
The Number type NAL provides the grammatical distinctions of numerals...
Number weight Name Authority List
This table provides the codes linked to the type of weight values used in award criteria within the context of public procurement....
Organisation role Name Authority List
This table provides the list of the different functions of the organisations in a procurement procedure....
Organisation subrole Name Authority List
This table provides the list of the different sub-functions of the organisations in a procurement procedure....
Other place service Name Authority List
This table provides the broad geopolitical areas linked to the location of works and the place of performance or delivery within the context of public procurement....
Permission Name Authority List
This table provides the codes linked to the different values of permission and/or obligation....
Procedure phase Name Authority List
The Procedure phase authority table is a controlled vocabulary listing phases of various decisional processes...
Procurement procedure type Name Authority List
This table provides a list of activities leading to the conclusion of public contracts used in public procurement according to the legislation....
Public event type Name Authority List
The table defines public event types...
Received submission type Name Authority List
This table provides the list of relevant categories used to classify tenders or requests to participate received within the context of public procurement....
A Taxonomy of David Bowie’s Many Personas and Their Many Imitators
"It doesn’t take a rock expert to know that David Bowie’s musical influence has cast a large shadow ever since he broke out as a quasi-alien pop star with his 1972 classic The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders From Mars...
Reserved procurement Name Authority List
This table provides the values used to indicate wether the participation in the procurement is reserved for specific organisations....
Selection criterion Name Authority List
This table provides the list of condictions that are concerned for evaluation purposes...
Social objective Name Authority List
This table provides the values linked to any social objective promoted by the technical specifications, award criteria, selection criteria or contract performance conditions included in a procurement....
Strategic procurement Name Authority List
This table provides the information about whether a procurement aims to reduce environmental impact, fulfil social objectives and/or buy innovative works, supplies or services...
Subcontracting indication Name Authority List
This table provides the list of codes and values used to indicate information regarding the share of parts of a contract to third parties...
Subcontracting obligation Name Authority List
This table provides the list of codes and values used for the obligation of the economic operator of sharing parts of the original contract to third parties...
Subject matter Name Authority List
The Subject matter classification shows the concepts used for the indexation of notices published on EUR-Lex...
Usage Name Authority List
This table provides the list of codes and values indicating the application of criteria or other concepts and information....
Winner selection status Name Authority List
This table provides the list of codes and values used to indicate whether a tenderer was chosen to be awarded with a contract and wether the competiotion is open....
Thesaurus Unesp
The UNESP Thesaurus has vocabulary with specialized terms from the areas of knowledge of its teaching, research and extension activities...
Material Archive Glossary
"The glossary supplements the more detailed material data sets and material group descriptions of the database, as well as additional information on processing and manufacturing techniques."...
User-oriented vocabulary for public services in Norway, maintained by the Norwegian Digitalisation Agency...
General Formal Ontology
The General Formal Ontology is an upper ontology developed by Onto-Med....
Yet Another More Advanced Top-level Ontology
YAMATO is an upper ontology developed by Riichiro Mizoguchi....
Unified Foundational Ontology
The Unified Foundational Ontology (UFO) is an upper ontology that incorporating developments from GFO, DOLCE and the Ontology of Universals...
Shelf classification of the Landtagsbibliothek Rheinland-Pfalz
Library Systematics Last update: 29.07.2014...
Decimal System for Classifying Data Pertaining to the Petroleum Industry
"The 'Decimal Classification' was first printed by the National Petroleum Publishing Company, publishers of National Petroleum News, in 1928...
"The HRCS is a system for classifying and analysing biomedical and health research funding...
SCIS Subject Headings
"Includes subject headings specific to Australia, New Zealand and Pacific Islands...
Swedish-English Dictionary of Higher Education
"The Swedish-English dictionary contains translations of terms relevant to higher education...
Foreign Name Book
"Foreign Directory contains translations into English, German, French, Spanish and, to a certain extent Finnish and Russian, by names of authorities and organizations, EU agencies and countries...
Cutter Expansive Classification
"Charles Ammi Cutter (1837–1903), inspired by the decimal classification of his contemporary Melvil Dewey, originally developed his own classification scheme for the collections of the Boston Athenaeum, at which he served as librarian for two dozen years...
Berlin system
Referativni Zhurnal Classification Scheme
"This classification was prepared as a piece of the UDC (Universal Decimal Classification) which covers all knowledge in a fairly uniform way."...
Catalogue of Life (CoL)
"The Catalogue of Life (CoL) is the nearest thing to a comprehensive catalogue of all known species of organisms on Earth...
IWRF Functional Classification System
"Wheelchair Rugby, with roots in wheelchair basketball and ice hockey, began in Canada in the 1970s as a counterpart to wheelchair basketball for persons with tetraplegia or tetra-equivalent function...
Schools Online Thesaurus
"The Schools Online Thesaurus (ScOT) provides a controlled vocabulary of terms used in Australian and New Zealand schools...
Terminology of European Education and Training Policy
"This multilingual glossary of terms used in education and training policy is intended for researchers and more generally for all those involved in education and training policy...
Thesaurus of Clinical Signs
"This file contains the thesaurus of clinical signs used for indexing rare disorders...
Human Phenotype Ontology
"The Human Phenotype Ontology (HPO) aims to provide a standardized vocabulary of phenotypic abnormalities encountered in human disease...
Open Shelves Classification
"(...) a free, 'humble', modern, open-source, crowd-sourced replacement for the Dewey Decimal System...
Tesauro de Educación Superior
"1690 términos, 1615 descriptores, 2972 palabras clave (1356 diferentes), 75 términos no preferentes (USE), 17 relaciones de especificidad (NA), 1490 relaciones jerárquicas (TA/TE), 1074 relaciones asociativas (TR)...
Wikidata (WD)
"Wikidata is a free linked database that can be read and edited by both humans and machines...
Classification for music libraries (KfM)
"The classification makes it possible to record music (graphical music recordings, music prints, notes, acoustic music recordings, musical instruments, files)...
Systematics of the University Library Dortmund (FUD)
"The UB Dortmund presents its media in the Central Library according to the set-up system of economics and social sciences...
Subject classification system of the University of Marburg (FUM)
The subject system of the Department of Religious Studies lists 17 topics of the religions divided into continents and religious groups...
Billings Classification
"The Billings Classification is a subject classification developed by John Shaw Billings in 1899...
Fintech Taxonomy
"Fintech is a broad category describing an entire market...
Aves - A Taxonomy in Flux
"There are big changes underway in bird taxonomy...
Thesaurus of European Education Systems
Thesaurus of European Educational System "21 microthesauri, 4 unstructured lists, 1387 descriptors, 1371 non-descriptors and 312 explanatory notes, as a multilingual thesaurus, TESE is tailored to the needs of the Eurydice network, Lifelong Learning ', the European Union's action program on cooperation in the field of education...
AP News Taxonomy
"The AP News Taxonomy is a comprehensive set of standardized vocabularies for describing English-language news content...
European Union Telematics Controlled Terms
"The European Union Telematics Controlled Terms (EUTCT) System is a Community repository and provider of controlled terms in multiple languages for the ongoing exchange of data between information systems and applications throughout the European Medicines Regulatory Network (EMRN)...
Glossary of Talent Acquisition Metrics
"For quite some time now, recruiting organizations have been capturing and monitoring performance data...
"A taxonomy of Late Antique, Byzantine, and post-Byzantine sites, created as the basis for the places taxonomy for the collection management system mailto:AtoM@DO of the Image Collections and Fieldwork Archives of Dumbarton Oaks."...
INTAL Documentation Center Thesaurus
"This service allows you to search by topics, navigating the different areas of knowledge and selecting the term or terms to make a query...
CRS Legislative Subject Terms Used in THOMAS
"Beginning with the 111th Congress, all legislative measures are assigned at least one Subject term drawn from a new list of terms presented on this page...
CRS Named-Entity Subject Terms Used in THOMAS
"Legislative analysts from the Congressional Research Service (CRS) closely examine the content of each bill and resolution and assign (index) as many Subject terms as are required to describe the measure's substance and effects...
"A thesaurus that originates from the humanities and social sciences, but has grown to cover most subjects...
NPRIE Probation Thesaurus
"The NPRIE Probation Thesaurus has been developed over many years by librarians and information managers within Probation trusts in England and Wales including Alida Teijken, Andrew Parkes, Cath Fell, Helen Parris, Hilary Lawrenson, Jill Whiteman, Judith Sawbridge, Kath Oates and Steve Burgess...
Glossary of Architectural Terms
"The mission of the Trust for Architectural Easements is to preserve America’s architectural heritage...
Home and Insertion Thesaurus
"The thesaurus, in its current state, needs to be validated by the professionals of the reception / integration of the young people of the Center region...
Glossary on Assisted Reproductive Technology Terminology
"Many definitions used in medically assisted reproduction (MAR) vary in different settings, making it difficult to standardize and compare procedures in different countries and regions...
Social Semantic Web Thesaurus
"Concepts in the semantic web and social web domain."...
Database of historical persons, things (lemma) and place names
"The goal of this project is to develop a database for historical persons, places and concepts - and relationships between them - for the collection of Swiss sources of law." The database is intended to allow all relevant information (ie, Which are contained in the printed registers) in a structured form, and it should also be possible to produce printed registers for individual volumes from these data...
Admiralty Scale
"The Admiralty Scale (also called the NATO System) is used to rank the reliability of a source and the credibility of an information."...
Traffic Light Protocol
"The Traffic Light Protocol - or short: TLP - was designed with the objective to create a favorable classification scheme for sharing sensitive information while keeping the control over its distribution at the same time."...
Vocabulary for Event Recording and Incident Sharing
"The Vocabulary for Event Recording and Incident Sharing (VERIS) is a set of metrics designed to provide a common language for describing security incidents in a structured and repeatable manner...
Glossary of terms of information competences
As of Dec...
Electoral Political Thesaurus
"It is an ordered relationship of the terms (related to each other) that are included or described individually in books, documents, etc., and which form part of the library catalog of the National Electoral Institute."...
Serbian thesaurus of matters
62880 Terms, 5732 Relationship between terms, 14643 Equivalent terms....
Thesaurus Archives of the City Arganda del Rey
Comprehensive University Library System (GHB)
"According to this system, numerous university and technical college libraries provide their books freely accessible to the users...
Glossary of Knowledge Organization
"Extended and up-to-date version of the glossary published in Claudio Gnoli, Vittorio Marino, and Luca Rosati, Hops, 2006...
Glossary of Terms Relating to Thesauri and Other Forms of Structured Vocabulary for Information Retrieval
"Confusion often arises when different people use terms to mean different things...
Information Architecture Glossary
"This glossary is intended to foster development of a shared vocabulary within the new and rapidly evolving field of information architecture...
JURISCAN Thesaurus
"JURISCAN is a database developed by the Government of the Canary Islands with the aim of disseminating knowledge and facilitating the consultation of the legal system of the Autonomous Community...
Tesauro Online
"The Thesaurus is an orderly and open set of terms of a thematic area, on which a synonymy and homonymy control has been made, which allows to find the key words (descriptors) to adequately synthesize the documents and facilitate their location In the Database, constituting a bridge between the terminology of the author and the specific interest of the reader...
Environmental Thesaurus for Colombia
e-Science Thesaurus
"The e-Science Thesaurus is a resource that supports and provides direction to the health sciences and science and technology library community by exploring the terminology, literature, and resources that describe and inform librarians about patron instruction, collection development, and research services related to e-Science and research data management principles and practice...
Thesaurus of the Environment for Latin America and the Caribbean
"For a better understanding of the subject and adequate application of the descriptors in the process of analysis of environmental information, we considered it necessary to present in the first part of the thesaurus, the modules or large categories under which the descriptors have been grouped...
Thesaurus of Latin American Criminal Policy
"The purpose of this project is the development of a system for the treatment and recovery of legal documentary information in criminal matters that allows the judicial officer and the legal operator to have updated, systematic and official information in the field of jurisprudence , Legislation and doctrine (...) This instrument is the result of the merger of the Criminologist Thesaurus and
Of the Criminal Legal Thesaurus elaborated by ILANUD in 1983 and 1985 respectively and includes the most important descriptors in both subjects...
Thesaurus of Natural and Productive Resources of Chile
"The current Thesaurus of Natural and Productive Resources of Chile, based on the Thesaurus prepared by IREN in 1979, has undergone numerous revisions and updates over the years...
Thesaurus Brased
"The Brazilian Thesaurus of Education (Brased) is a controlled vocabulary that brings together terms and concepts, extracted from documents analyzed in the Information Center and Library in Education (Cibec), related to each other from a conceptual framework of the area.These terms, Called descriptors, are intended for indexing and retrieval of information...
PsycTESTS Classification System (PsycTESTS)
"Every record in PsycTESTS receives a PsycTESTS Classification, which is used to identify the general area of psychology that the measure is designed to assess...
Systematics of the Saarland Bibliography
"The system of the Saarland Library with a link to the library catalog."...
Systematics of the Hittite Bibliography
"The present update extends the continuous bibliography of the author in the HethitologiePortal with a systematic classification that facilitates access and orientation in new scientific production according to different thematic and methodological aspects as well as specializations in the field of hittitology and anatolian archeology The necessary extension to related disciplines and adjacent areas...
Systematics of the Bavarian Bibliography
"The Bavarian Bibliography is the largest national bibliography in the German-speaking world...
Systematics of the country library Baden Wurttemberg
"Systematics of the Landesbibliographie Baden-Württemberg with proof of possession of the respective library"...
Systematics topics of the Hamburg-Bibliography
"The Hamburg bibliography documents all literature, whether printed or electronic, referring to Hamburg and personalities from Hamburg...
Systematics of the Mecklenburg-Vorpommern bibliography (MV)
The bibliography of Mecklenburg-Hither Pomerania is indexed by this classification scheme...
Systematics of the Lower Saxon Bibliography
"The Lower Saxon Bibliography is a regional bibliography for the states of Lower Saxony and Bremen...
System of the North Rhine-Westphalian Bibliography
"Association catalog of the university libraries of North Rhine-Westphalia and a large part of Rhineland-Palatinate"...
Spatial System of the North-West-Westphalian Bibliography
Health Education Thesaurus
"The thesaurus in health education was developed from version 2 of the BDSP (Public Health Databank) thesaurus used at the National Institute for Prevention and Education for Health and in some education committees This thesaurus BDSP 2 contains 5,200 descriptors and has wide-ranging possibilities for use in areas such as epidemiology, care or health technologies, but it has deficiencies, notably in education for health And Patient Education, in Psychology, Pedagogy and Sociology The Thesaurus in Health Education is a documentary tool gathering all the notions useful to characterize the content of documents in health education."...
Sachsystematik der Rheinland-Pfälzischen Bibliographie
"Rhineland-Palatinate Bibliography with bibliographical references from all areas of knowledge"...
Local Systematics of the Rhineland-Palatinate Bibliography
Sachgruppen der Schleswig-Holsteinischen Bibliographie (SHBSG)
"The content development is carried out according to a systematically arranged system, adapted to the needs of a regional bibliography and the literature supply in Schleswig-Holstein."...
Systematics Time, epochs of the Schleswig-Holstein bibliography
"The content development is carried out according to a systematically arranged system, adapted to the needs of a regional bibliography and the literature supply in Schleswig-Holstein."...
Systematics of bibliography of Oldenburg
"The Oldenburgische Bibliographie is the regional bibliography for the area of the old country Oldenburg...
System of the country library Oldenburg
"System for the establishment of media in the free hand area of the Landesbibliothek Oldenburg"...
Installation system of the state library Niederösterreich
"There is a selection of reference works in the reading room, which are excluded from regular borrowing as a reference stock...
Directory search of the Bibliography on Upper Austrian History
"For the directory search, the table of contents, which is pre-presented to each printed bibliography, is presented, which provides a first content structuring and classification of the bibliographic single entries into a thematic framework And to improve the accuracy of the results for selected topics, but minor errors can also be caused by slight differences in the chapter names of the individual bibliographic pages forming the database of the present database...
Classifications of the bibliography portal on the history of East Central Europe
Classification sheme of the bibliography portal on the history of East Central Europe....
PhilPapers Categories
"Welcome to the PhilPapers Bibliography, the most comprehensive bibliography of philosophy...
Inter-Active Terminology for Europe
"In IATE you can find EU-specific terminology and jargon, as well as terms from all sorts of areas, such as law, agriculture, information technology and many others...
Thesaurus MOTBIS
"Unique controlled language for indexing, exchanging, searching for educational information, language for the various actors of education: pupils, documentalists, teachers, administrative staff, etc...
Systematics of the International Archives Bibliography
Systematics for the International Archive Bibliography of the Archive School Marburg...
Systematics of the Annotated Bibliography of Political Science
"The system was developed in 1995 and is a mirror of its time, it can be limited and very carefully changed...
Bibliografia Historii Śląska Systematyka
The bibliography on the history of Silesia records the history of the historically working sciences on the past of the region and thus fulfills a scientific and a scientific-popular function...
Llista d'encapçalaments de noms i títols de la Biblioteca de Catalunya
"The list heading names and titles of the Library of Catalonia (Lenôtre) contains authority records name, title, and name-title used for the classification of documents...
Name and Title Authority File of Catalonia
"The catalog of names and titles authorities of Catalonia (canticle) is a catalog of cooperative authorities carried out in the Catalog of the Universities of Catalonia (CCUC) and is led by the Library of Catalonia...
Sachgruppen der DNB (SDNB)
DDC-Subject groups and included DDC classes for the New Release Service and the Series A, B, C, H and O of the Deutsche Nationalbibliografie (based on DDC 23)...
Czech National Authority Database
"The portal of the National Authority of the Czech Republic focuses on a fragmented information on the issue (in the broadest sense) of the creation and use of sets of national authorities of all types...
Fachklassifikation Digitale Bibliothek (FKDigBib)
Die Idee zu dieser Klassifikation entstand im Sommersemester 2001 im Rahmen des Wahlpflichfaches "Digitale Bibliotheken" an der Hochschule der Medien, Stuttgart...
Open Science Taxonomy
The Open Science Taxonomy has been developed in project FOSTER (Facilitate Open Science Training for European Research) to map basic concepts of Open Science....
Unified Medical Language System (UMLS)
The Unified Medical Language System (UMLS) is a compendium of many controlled vocabularies in the biomedical sciences....
Joining vocabulary
Collection of more than 6,000 words and terms in Catalan, Spanish and English related mainly with the welding and allied technologies...
Contribution to the Catalan geographical terminology
Dictionary of geographical terms in Catalan, with some 4,000 entries....
Glossary of Library and Information Science
This book is a necessary reference for librarians, researchers, students, and general users of the library, including the overall literature and information science of Korea and the current status and operation of libraries...
Korea Standard Industry Code (KSIC)
The Korea Standard Industry Code (KSIC) is a systematic classification of industrial activities performed mainly by production units (business units, business units, etc.) according to their similarity...
Educational Subjects Classification (ESC)
The Educational Subjects Classification (ESC) is an extension of the International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED-2013)...
Aufstellungssystematik Alte Geschichte (Hist Ant)
local shelf classification ancient history at TIB library...
Aufstellungssystematik Fachbestand Rechtswissenschaften (FBR)
local shelf classification law at TIB library...
Thesaurus of Basler Afrika Bibliographien
Aufstellungssystematik Fachbestand Sozialwissenschaften (FBS)
local shelf classification social sciences at TIB library...
Aufstellungssystematik Fachbestand Wirtschaftswissenschaften (FBH)
local shelf classification economics at TIB library...
Aufstellungssystematik Geschichte (Hist)
local shelf classification history at TIB library...
Aufstellungssystematik Mathematik
local shelf classification mathematics at TIB library...
Aufstellungssystematik Religionsgeschichte: Geschichte und Lehre der Religionen (RelGes)
local shelf classification history of religion at TIB library...
Aufstellungssystematik Religionswissenschaft: Systematisch und vergleichend (RelSys)
local shelf classification religion at TIB library...
Blockchain Technology Industry Classification
It is preparing and implementing development strategies at the pan-government level to enhance social benefits through the development of blockchain technology, support the development of source technology and manpower, survey the status of policy effects analysis, and establish a standardized classification system...
Standard Korean Trade Classification (SKTC)
The Korean Standard Trade Classification is a systematic classification of this product according to certain criteria and principles, such as its characteristics, characteristics of materials used in production, and production stages, in order to collect, analyze and compare data on products subject to foreign trade....
Korean standard Classification of Expenditure According to Purpose (KCEAP)
▶ Purpose of classification
SNA(System of National Account) is prepared, used as a standard for household expenditure surveys and consumer price surveys of consumer price surveys...
Korean Standard Classification of Individual Consumption According to Purpose, COICOP-K (COICOP-K)
Classification of all consumption expenditures by households, individual consumption expenditures by non-profit organizations and governments serving households...
Estonian Subject Thesaurus
"Eesti märksõnastik' (EMS) is a estonian subejct thesaurus structure"...
Korean Classification of the Purposes of Non-Profit Institutions Serving Households (COPNI-K)
The Classification of Purpose of Non-Profit Institutions Serving Households of Korea (COPNI-K) of non-profit organizations serving households is one of the attached categories for Korean standard purposes prepared by the National Statistical Office and classifies transactions related to final consumption, intermediate consumption, total capital formation, current and capital transfer spent by non-profit organizations...
Korean Classification of the Functions of Government (COFOG-K)
Classification of transactions concerning final consumption, intermediate consumption, total capital formation, current transfers and capital transfers spent by the government...
Geospatial Information Industry Classification
- In order to foster the rapidly growing spatial information industry in various fields such as logistics and culture as a new growth engine, the scope of related industries is specified and prepared for the production of accurate industrial status statistics...
Tourist Industry Classification
- Established to prepare the standards for basic surveys to establish tourism policies
- Based on the Standard International Classification of Tourism Activities co-written by the World Tourism Organization and the United Nations Statistical Commission, it reflects the characteristics of the domestic industry...
Design Industry Classification
- Establishment of design policies to enhance the competitiveness of the design industry and upgrading the forecast environment
- Improving the reliability of design industry statistics defined as design companies and design utilization companies and enhancing the effectiveness of design policies such as time series prediction...
Robot Industry Classification
- Statistical infrastructure to support the robot industry selected as a national strategic industry...
Logistics Industry Classification
- Provides a framework for analyzing industry-related and cost-benefit analysis of activities (logistics) related to freight transport that cannot be directly identified in the Korean Standard Industry Classification
- Prepare the logistics business as prescribed by the Framework Act on Logistics Policy and the Restriction of Special Taxation Act based on the logistics industry...
Social Service Industrial Special Code (SSISC)
- Select items corresponding to the social service industry based on the Korean standard industry classification and prepare a social service industrial special code (SSISC) and use it as a means to prepare basic statistics for the relevant industries...
Fire Industry Classification
- Select items corresponding to the fire industry based on the Korean standard industry classification and prepare a special classification of the fire industry, and use them as a means to prepare basic statistics for policymaking in related industries...
Oceans & Fisheries Industry Classification
The existing special classification of fisheries in operation is expanded to special classification of marine fisheries in order to analyze the structure of the marine industry and understand the basic status such as market size, prepare national statistics related to marine fisheries, and support policies...
Map of the Bibliography of Friborg
Sports Industry Classification
As the national health promotion industry grows to foster healthy bodies and minds and use leisure time, it provides a basic framework for statistics and structural analysis of sports-related industries...
Energy Industry Classification
- As the importance of the environment and energy industry increases, the framework for statistics and structural analysis of energy-related industries is provided...
E-learning Industry Classification
- Special classification of eLearning industries is established to analyze structures for eLearning industries, which are representative knowledge service industries, to understand the basic status such as market size, and to enhance the effectiveness of policies for fostering industries...
Disaster & Safety Industry Classification
- provide a classification system to establish a statistical foundation for structural analysis of the disaster safety industry, understanding the current status of the market, establishing and supporting policies for fostering the relevant industries, and supporting systematic development policies...
Copyright Industry Classification
- Systematic production of the copyright industry statistics due to the expansion of the scope of the copyright industry and the increase of social interest
- To establish a classification system necessary for establishing policies for the copyright industry based on the WIPO (World Intelligent Property Organization)'s Guide to Economic Contribution of Copyright-Based Industries...
Classification of Information and Communication Technology (ICT)
- Prepare in order to understand the current status of information and communication technology related industries and to utilize them for related policies...
Intellectual Property Service Industry Classification
- Establishes a statistical foundation for the intellectual property service industry, whose international value is increasing due to the increase in patent applications and disputes, and provides a basic classification system to support the establishment of systematic incubation policies for related industries...
Contents Industry Classification
- To support the policy, the Ministry of Culture decided to unify the promotion policy of the content industry following the reorganization of the government in 2008...
Environment Industry Classification
- prepared to understand the current status of environment-related industries and utilize them for policies based on the OECD's "Environmental Goods and Services Industry" and "Korea Standard Industry Classification"
- Established in collaboration with the Ministry of Environment on the basis of the "Environmental Goods and Services Industry" stipulated by the OECD
- Industries that produce goods and services that can measure, prevent, control, and minimize environmental hazards of water, air, and soil and problems related to waste, noise, and environmental systems...
Korean General Classification of Income, Consumption and wealth (KICW)
According to the Classification of Households total income and expenditures, income is the sum of income for all household members, including householders, mainly for labor and business, and consists of ordinary income and non-ordinary income...
Systematics of the Glarner Bibliography
The Glarner Bibliography has been published annually since 1996...
Classification by Broad Economic Categories (BEC)
Classification by Broad Economic Categories (BEC) identified by SKTC (Standard Korean Trade Classification), Harmonized Community and Coding System of Korea (HS-K), Korea Product Classification (KCP) Service, etc...
Korean Central Product Classification (KCPC)
Based on internationally agreed concepts, definitions, principles, and rules, the KCPC organized a logical and consistent statistical classification system for products such as goods and services...
Korean Standard Classification of Education (KSCED)
- It is designed to improve comparability between domestic and foreign educational statistics, to identify education-related population trends, to efficiently allocate human and financial resources to education, to diagnose advantages and disadvantages of policies and institutions, and to benchmark outstanding overseas education policies and systems...
Korean Standard Classification of Occupations (KSCO)
It is the job classification that systematically types what individuals are doing for income (economic activities) according to the type of work performed, and the Korean Standard Classification of Occupations (KSCO) is standardized to suit the job structure and status of Korea...
Korean Employment Classification of Occupations (KECO)
The Korean Employment Classification of Occupations (KECO) is a systematic classification of jobs that reflects labor market conditions, demand, and realistic job structures...
Human Resources in Science and Technology (HRST)
Redesigning the concept of maximum consultation, consultation, and extended intention by combining the level of education above the level of professional education by the International Standard Education Classification with managers, experts and related workers...
Information and Communication Technology Classification of Occupations (ICTCO)
In the digital economy, ICT (Information Communication Technology) personnel have emerged as a major force in the information age, providing a framework for efficient identification of personnel, enhancing statistical timeliness and international comparability, and providing basic data for ICT personnel policy...
Classification of Activities for Time Use Survey (CATUS)
- Behavior classifications are divided into 9 sections, 42 divisions, and 138 subcategories according to the purpose of the respondents' actions...
Korea Classification of Status in Employment (KCSE)
Korea Classification of Status in Employment (KCSE) was created to classify an individual's occupation and the type of employment contract they have at a given point in time...
Korean Standard Classification of Diseases (KCD)
The Korean Standard Classification of Diseases (KCD) is a systematic classification of disease and death data in South Korea, including medical records and cause-of-death statistical surveys, based on similarities in their nature...
Thesaurus of Environmental Education Terms
"For use in Electronic Database Searching...
Basic Concepts Classification
"The purpose of the Basic Concepts Classification is first to identify an extensive and hierarchically organized set of ‘basic concepts’: concepts that can readily be understood across disciplines and cultures...
Korean Standard Classification of Diseases(Oriental Medicine)
The Oriental Medicine-Korean Standard Classification of Diseases is a classification table prepared and provided by the National Statistical Office, and like the classification table for disease statistics in the Korean Classification of Diseases (KCD), it is a classification table for statistical statistics on the classification of Korean medicine in U-code...
Korean Standard Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (KCF)
The overall purpose of the KCF is to provide a unified standard language and system to represent health and health-related states...
Patient Classification System
The Patient Classification System is a system in which patients are classified into similar groups in terms of clinical significance and medical resource consumption using chronic diseases, procedures, and functional conditions...
Korean Diagnosis Related Group (KDRG)
KDRG is a Korean version of DRG(Diagnosis Related Group), which is used as a payment unit for medical expenses for each disease group in Korea, and is used to calibrate patient composition when calculating relative indicators for comparison of hospital expenses....
Korean Rehabilitation Patient Group (KRPG)
The Rehabilitation Patient Classification System (KRPG) is a system that classifies inpatients who receive intensive rehabilitation treatment, and is the first of its kind developed in Korea after the acute period...
Korean Outpatient Group (KOPG)
The Outpatient Classification System (KOPG) is used as a correction tool for patient composition in comparison with hospital-to-patient care costs and has been continuously revised to reflect clinical reality since Ver 1.0 was developed in 2006....
Korean Diagnosis Related Group-KM (KDRG-KM)
Korean Diagnosis Related Group-KM (KDRG-KM) developed Ver 1.0 in January 2015 to use it as a correction tool for patient composition for comparison between medical institutions and has been continuously revised to reflect changing healthcare environments....
Statistical Terms Glossary
Statistics Korea has provided 426 statistical terms on Statistics Korea's website since 2012 so that statistical producers and users can use accurate and consistent statistical terms in the process of creating, utilizing, and interpreting statistics, and expanding the existing 400 statistical terms to 1,606 in 2013, and expanding the service content to include only existing definitions and explanations by term, commentary, related terms, related statistical names, and English terms....
Korean Classification of Administrative Districts (KCAD)
- Systematic preparation of regional statistics by coding administrative districts nationwide according to administrative system and administrative order
- Regional statistical data is not only used to enhance comparability but also to refer to administrative work...
Dictionary of North Korea
A Comparison of Inter-Korean Languages on the Unification Ministry's North Korea Information Portal and information on terms used in real life in North Korea...
Systematics of the Bibliography on the History of the German Workers' Movement
"The" Bibliography on the History of the German Workers Movement "is the oldest periodical publication of the library of the Friedrich Ebert Foundation...
Terms of North Korea
A Comparison of Inter-Korean Languages on the Unification Ministry's North Korea Information Portal and information on terms used in real life in North Korea...
Terms of North Korea:A Comparison of Languages of South and North Korea
A Comparison of Inter-Korean Languages on the Unification Ministry's North Korea Information Portal and information on terms used in real life in North Korea...
Terms of North Korea:Comparison of South and North Korean IT Terms
A Comparison of Inter-Korean Languages on the Unification Ministry's North Korea Information Portal and information on terms used in real life in North Korea...
Terms of North Korea:resident slang
A Comparison of Inter-Korean Languages on the Unification Ministry's North Korea Information Portal and information on terms used in real life in North Korea...
Terms of North Korea:North Korea Knowledge Dictionary
A Comparison of Inter-Korean Languages on the Unification Ministry's North Korea Information Portal and information on terms used in real life in North Korea...
Classification of Materials for Medical Treatment
The Classification of Materials for Medical Treatment is designed to enhance the efficiency of pricing and management by reflecting item-specific characteristics such as purpose, function, and other features...
Simplified Explanation of Health Insurance Review & Assessment Service Terms
The difficult terms used by the Health Insurance Review and Assessment Service were easily solved....
Classification of Health Insurance Code
This is a manual on the disease classification system and the code relating to claims for medical care currently used by the Health Insurance Review and Assessment Service...
Multilingual Dictionary of Korean Art Terminology
Encourage foreigners to recognize Korean art by proposing a translation of high-quality Korean art terms...
Multilingual Dictionary of Korean Art Terminology:Terms
Art terms cover art and culture terms that must be addressed in order to form Korean art in the 20th century, and include materials, techniques, ideas, papa, art movements, events, exhibitions, art organizations, educational institutions, museums, galleries, etc....
Installation system for the bibliographic reference library
Cataloging system which describes the bibliographic reference library of the University Library of the Ruhr University Bochum...
Multilingual Dictionary of Korean Art Terminology:Names(individuals)
It is based on the website of the National Museum of Contemporary Art and the National Museum of Art, which currently has the largest number of DBs of writers based on people born between 1850 and 1970 and the person DB of the Korea Culture and Arts Council, and the Kim Dal-jin Institute of Art (see other writers' representative agencies and sites)...
Multilingual Dictionary of Korean Art Terminology:Names(organizations)
The names of organizations and institutions include art organizations, academic societies, educational institutions, art galleries, museums, galleries, etc...
Life insurance Terms
It guides you through difficult and hard life insurance terms...
Terms of annuity insurance
It is a glossary of terms for pension insurance provided by IBK Pension Insurance...
Insurance Term
The Insurance term is an insurance terminology dictionary provided by KDB Life Insurance, making it easier to search for insurance-related terms....
Classification of game rating
As stipulated in Articles 1 and 21 of the Game Industry Promotion Act (hereinafter referred to as the Game Industry Promotion Act), "Video or related devices and devices designed to enhance entertainment, leisure, learning and exercise effects using computer programs or other information processing technology or machinery" shall be classified as game management committee...
Employment and Labor Terminology
Employment and Labor Terminology is a dictionary of employment and labor terms provided by the Korea Employment and Labor Education Institute and contains 997 terms in six fields of labor...
Explanation of Casino Practical Terminology
Explanation of Casino Practical Terminology is a book that explains practical terminology related to casinos...
Fair Trade Commission Glossary
The Fair Trade Commission Glossary of Terms is a dictionary provided on the Fair Trade Commission website, offering terms and explanations related to fair trade policies...
2016 Terms of Custom Tariff
Imports of overseas Internet shopping (also known as direct overseas shopping) amounted to 1.7 trillion won in 2015...
PIRA Demonstration Classification Scheme
"The goal of the Physics Instructional Resource Association (PIRA) Demonstration Classification Scheme is to create a logically organized and universally inclusive taxonomy giving a unique code to every lecture demonstration...
Terms of Custom Tariff(2019)
With the development of science and technology, new products such as superfoods are increasing as Internet of Things (IoT) products that incorporate smart technologies are emerging and public interest in healthy eating is increasing...
Classification of Automobile Parts
Based on the component classification system used in the automotive HS guide book, the classification system was prepared in conjunction with the HS classification system in consideration of the accessibility and ease of access of parts manufacturers....
Semiconductor Guide
The semiconductor guide systematically covers all the items used by semiconductor technology, from semiconductor devices to manufacturing and inspection equipment...
Mobile Phone Parts Guide
Telephone was one of the greatest inventions of mankind, and it became a means of communication revolution that brought the whole world together...
Flat Panel Display Guide
Item classification has been systematized for products related to display front and rear industries such as LCD, OLED, PDP, manufacturing and inspection equipment, and parts and materials...
Financial Terminology Dictionary
The Financial Terminology Dictionary is a dictionary of insurance, loans, funds, trusts, and retirement pensions provided by Kyobo Life Insurance....
Terminology of standard records management
Provides standardized records management terminology search according to standardization of records management terminology...
Terms of Satellite
위성사전, 위성용어...
List of Satellite
Satellite name...
Korean Industrial Standards (KS)
The term "industrial standard" means the standard for unifying and simplifying the type, shape, quality, production methods, methods of testing, inspection, measurement, methods of providing services related to industrial activities, etc...
Library of Avalon Classification System
"The Library's classification system is unique, having been devised specifically for its purpose by the Founders (who based it upon the Bliss system), and formally copyrighted in 1990...
Classification of cancer
Sites, definitions, and types of occurrences by type of cancer, and relevant statistics...
Human Rights Education Basic Terminology
Definitions and descriptions of human rights-related terms or words can be identified....
National Classification of Biological Resources
The National Classification of Biological Resources is a classification of domestic biological resources established in the Korean Natural History Research Information System, and is used for resource searches...
Terms of Taekwondo Skills
Taekwondo technical terms were not easy to name new technologies due to their lack of consistency and unity, and the same technology was sometimes called differently by different people...
Classification of Gugak: Korean Traditional Music
It is a classification system for managing and searching the collection of Korean traditional music archives under the National Gugak Center...
Thesaurus of Gugak: Korean Traditional Music
- Gugak sisaurus is a type of dictionary that defines the association of terms (search terms) and improves the accuracy and reproducibility of searches...
Standard terms of Gugak
- Consistently adopt terminology throughout the classification/genre...
Standard Korean Language Dictionary
(1) Standard language and other common non-standard words are included...
Basic Korean Dictionary
The Korean language basic dictionary is a Korean dictionary created by the National Institute of Korean Language in Korea, which is a basic dictionary for learning Korean on the Internet for foreign Korean learners...
Korean Sign Language Dictionaries
① The Korean sign language dictionary provides sign language in three areas: 'Daily Life Sign', 'professional sign language' and 'Cultural Information Sign language'...
DIMOC Controlled Vocabulary
"The DIMOC Controlled Vocabulary contains hierarchical terms covering DoD People, Places and Things...
Encyclopedia of Korean Folk Culture
It is a specialized encyclopedia for collecting Korean folklore, and is currently working on a compilation project by dividing the subject into eight major categories...
Encyclopedia of Korean Culture of Basic Necessities:Clothing
This dictionary classifies the clothing life into a large number of hats, tops, bottoms, outerwear, underwear, large, shoes, ornaments, hair, makeup, fabrics, dyeing, patterns, and terms...
Encyclopedia of Korean Culture of Basic Necessities:Food
This dictionary systematically and comprehensively describes the dietary life that has been passed down in the life of our people....
Encyclopedia of Korean Culture of Basic Necessities:Housing
This dictionary systematically and comprehensively describes the housing life that has been passed down in the lives of our people....
Encyclopedia of Korean Folk Arts:Folk Dramas
The Korean folk drama dictionary deals with mask plays, puppet plays, and good plays, which were developed from rituals related to the lives of the Korean people and developed into entertainment...
Encyclopedia of Korean Folk Arts:Folk Plays
The Korean folk drama dictionary deals with mask plays, puppet plays, and good plays, which were developed from rituals related to the lives of the Korean people and developed into entertainment...
Encyclopedia of Korean Folk Arts:Folk Dance
This dictionary classified folk dances into Nongak dance, mask dance, sound dance, nonsense dance, imitation dance, Gyobang dance, ritual dance, and new dance, and classified folk paintings into harmony, characterization, literary painting, landscape painting, and literary style...
Encyclopedia of Korean Folk Arts:Folk Painting
This dictionary classified folk dances into Nongak dance, mask dance, sound dance, nonsense dance, imitation dance, Gyobang dance, ritual dance, and new dance, and classified folk paintings into harmony, characterization, literary painting, landscape painting, and literary style...
Encyclopedia of Korean Folk Arts: Folk Music
The newly published Korean Folk Art Dictionary, "Music and Nongak," consisted of 240 items for table control, 3,200 manuscripts, 100 photos, 92 items for table control, 2,100 manuscripts, and 100 photographs for Nongak...
Encyclopedia of Korean folk arts:Nongak
The newly published Korean Folk Art Dictionary, "Music and Nongak," consisted of 240 items for table control, 3,200 manuscripts, 100 photos, 92 items for table control, 2,100 manuscripts, and 100 photographs for Nongak...
Encyclopedia of Korean Rites of Passage
This dictionary classifies lifelong rituals into birth rites, official rites, weddings, wedding ceremonies, public ceremonies, and rituals, and selected materials deemed essential for understanding the contents of the dictionary...
Encyclopedia of Korean Folk Literture:Folkale
The Korean Folk Literature Dictionary consists of a narrative, folk song, and pansori...
Encyclopedia of Korean Folk Literature:Folk Song
The Korean Folk Literature Dictionary consists of a narrative, folk song, and pansori...
Encyclopedia of Korean Folk Literture:Pansori(Epic Chant)
The Korean Folk Literature Dictionary consists of a narrative, folk song, and pansori...
Encyclopedia of Korean Folklore and Traditional Culture:Household Religion
The Korean Folklore and Faith Dictionary has set its direction to strengthen the independence of individual headlines...
Encyclopedia of Korean Folklore and Traditional Culture:Communal Folk Religion
The Korean Folklore and Faith Dictionary has set its direction to strengthen the independence of individual headlines...
Encyclopedia of Korean Folk Beliefs:Shamanism
The Korean Folklore and Faith Dictionary has set its direction to strengthen the independence of individual headlines...
Encyclopedia of Korean Seasonal Customs:January
This dictionary was published in spring, summer, autumn, and winter according to the characteristics of seasonal customs...
Encyclopedia of Korean Seasonal Customs:Season
This dictionary was published in spring, summer, autumn, and winter according to the characteristics of seasonal customs...
Encyclopedia of Korean Seasonal Customs:Supplement
Encyclopedia of Korean Seasonal Customs: Supplement is a part of the Encyclopedia of Korean Seasonal Customs in the Encyclopedia of Korean Folk Culture...
Psychological Tests Classification
Encyclopedia of Biodiversity
Search Categories
First grade in elementary school.It provides information on biological resources in 630 sixth-grade textbooks....
National name authority service
National name authority service is a national bicycle data disclosure service that enables efficient access, sharing, and convergence of national knowledge information resources through the disclosure of authority data established by the National Library of Korea to promote the use of National name authority data...
Glossary of Library Terms
Glossary of Library Terms
Glossary of Library Terms is one of the World Library services in the librarian support service division of the National Library of Korea, and provides explanations of terms in domestic and foreign libraries and related fields...
Glossary of Practical Terms in the National Library of Korea
a glossary of practical terms in the library...
National Library of Korea Linked Open Data (NLK LOD)
The National Library of Korea is a national library that collects and preserves works permanently...
CAPSS Selected Nomen-clature for sources of Air Pollution (CAPSS SNAP)
CAPSS SNAP(Clean Air Policy Support System - Selected Nomen-clature for sources of Air Pollution) is a classification system created by the Ministry of Environment's National Fine Dust Information Center based on the European CORINAIR (CORE INventory AIR) emission classification system (SNAP 97), which is changed to suit the domestic reality and adds scattering dust and biological combustion to the existing 11 major categories to supplement them into 13 major categories....
Korea Registration, Evaluation, Authorization, and Restriction of Chemicals:Glossary
Glossary of Chemical Information...
Korea Registration, Evaluation, Authorization, and Restriction of Chemicals:Classification
Classification of chemical information...
Land Use Terminology Dictionary
The Land Use Terminology Dictionary is a specialized dictionary that compiles terms related to land use regulation...
Land Use Regulation Manual
Land Use Regulation Manual refers to a guide that outlines the criteria, procedures, and required documents for obtaining approvals or permits in accordance with relevant laws and regulations, in order for citizens to install facilities such as housing or factories, which are defined by Presidential Decree...
Marine Gazetteer
"Geographic Information Systems have become indispensable tools in managing and displaying marine data and information...
Glossary of Land, Infrastructure and Transport
Glossary of Land, Infrastructure and Transport...
Dictionary of logistics
Terms of Construction Administration
This dictionary organize terms related to architectural administration in a way that is easy to understand and is not case-sensitive and only searches for data within the site of the Setup....
Construction Information Classification
Construction Information Classification is a classification system developed by the Korea Institute of Construction Technology, which presents the necessary criteria for systematic classification and unique code assignment of information generated during the construction project process according to the purpose of classification...
Terms of Aviation
Terminology of Atmosphere Watch
Terms of Climate
Terms of Climate
Terms of Climate is one of three climate dictionaries (Terms of Climate, Climate change words explanation, and Climate abbreviation dictionary) provided by the Climate Information Portal...
Climate abbreviation dictionary
Climate abbreviation List
The climate abbreviation dictionary is one of the three climate dictionaries (Terms of Climate, Climate change words explanation, and Climate abbreviation dictionary) provided by the climate information portal...
Disease and Pest Information(by Disease and Pest):Disease
Screen description: This is the screen for the list of disease information for each classification search...
Disease and Pest Information(by Disease and Pest):Phytopathogen
The List of phytopathogen information is a list corresponding to the ‘phytopathogen’ information provided by the National Crop Pest Management System under Pest Information > Pest Guide Information notation...
Thesaurus PREALP
"This thesaurus does not claim to compete with the major instruments of the genre...
Disease and Pest Information(by Disease and Pest):Pest
Disease and Pest Information (by Disease and Pest): Pest
This list includes "Pest" information from the pest and disease catalog provided by the National Crop Disease and Pest Management System...
Disease and Pest Information(by Disease and Pest):Weed
The List of weed informationt is a list corresponding to ‘weed’ information among pest information > pest index information provided by the National Crop Pest Management System...
Disease and Pest Information(by Disease and Pest):Beneficial Insects
The natural enemy insect information list is a list corresponding to the ‘natural enemy insect’ information among the pest information > pest index information provided by the National Crop Pest Management System...
Disease and Pest Information(by Crop):Food Crops
It provides basic information, pathogen information, and general information about pests by crop...
Disease and Pest Information(by Crop):Fruit Trees
It provides basic information, pathogen information, and general information about pests by crop...
Disease and Pest Information(by Crop):Vegetables
It provides basic information, pathogen information, and general information about pests by crop...
Disease and Pest Information(by Crop):Flowers
It provides basic information, pathogen information, and general information about pests by crop...
Disease and Pest Information(by Crop):Special Crops
It provides basic information, pathogen information, and general information about pests by crop...
Disease and Pest Information(by Crop):Weeds
It provides basic information, pathogen information, and general information about pests by crop...
Agriculture Glossary
Digital agricultural dictionaries can be searched in Korean, Chinese, English, Japanese, and Chinese characters...
USC Shoah Foundation Institute Thesaurus
"Containing thousands of genocide‐related concepts and experiences, the USC Shoah Foundation Institute Thesaurus is one of the first of its kind...
Nature Publishing Group Subject Ontology
"The Taxonomy of subject areas used to index content on"...
Old Agriculture Books Glossary
The Agricultural Science Library of the Rural Development Administration digitalizes terms and examples of agricultural ancient books of the Joseon Dynasty and provides search services, so please use them a lot...
Terms of Insect Form
It is not too much to say that all fields of entomology should start with accurate identification...
Terms of Livestock
Provide a description of the terms of livestock...
Glossary of Ariculture
An easy-to-understand agricultural vocabulary house purifies, digitizes, and provides difficult Chinese character-oriented agricultural terms in easy-easy terms....
Essential Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases Terminology
It is a miniature version of the 2017 Tuberculosis and Respiratory Medicine Dictionary, which is based on terms directly related to Tuberculosis and Respiratory Science...
Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases Medical Terminology
We confirm that the following medical terminology principles have been applied to the publication of this glossary...
List of Parasite Species
The Korean language name of the domestic parasite is summarized and included in the "Korean Animal Collection" published by the Korean Society for Animal Classification in 1997...
Korean Terminology of Parasites
The Korean Society of Parasite Studies wanted to increase the effectiveness of the parasite's academic vocabulary by adding terms based on the Korean Medical Association's "Fiveth Book of Medicine (2009)" and examining the validity of some terms...
Korean Terminology of Parasitology
The revision of the Korean name for parasites in 1994 began with the principle of cooperating with the Korean Society for Animal Classification's decision to publish "Korean Animal Master's Book." Accordingly, there have been significant revisions and supplementations to past academic glossary (Parasite Academic Terminology I, 1977)...
Stage Art Terms:Stage Lighting
In this glossary, about 1,300 words related to lighting that are widely used in the field of stage lighting were selected and organized, and the current classification system was corrected to improve work efficiency, especially to help understand the vocabulary used at the performance site....
"ORCID provides a persistent digital identifier that distinguishes you from every other researcher and, through integration in key research workflows such as manuscript and grant submission, supports automated linkages between you and your professional activities ensuring that your work is recognized."...
Stage Art Terms:Stage Acoustics
As the performance has become a daily life of modern people, interest in the stage is increasing, but even concert hall officials are using unpurified foreign terms, which makes it necessary to understand and disseminate the right words...
Stage Art Terms:Stage General, Mechanical, and Equipment
The characteristics of this glossary are that of the terms widely used in the field of stage art, foreign words have been rewritten in Korean as much as possible, and those used in the same meaning or more are unified into one...
Encyclopedia of Musical Instruments
The Encyclopedia of Musical Instruments is an instrument information provided by the Music History Research Association by dividing it into orchestra, air echo, joule echo, body echo, curtain echo, and electronic instruments, and is also provided through Naver Knowledge Encyclopedia....
Encyclopedia of Classic music
Provides information divided into works, performers, performance organizations, composers, jazz, gugak, and world music...
Glossary of spatial information
Dictionary of Korean Food Culture
The Dictionary of Korean Food Culture is a dictionary created by the Korean Cultural Center Association in collaboration with the Ministry of Culture, Sports, and Tourism, starting in 2016, as part of the Korean Food Culture Promotion Project...
Food Glossary
Provide information on the description of the food ingredients, nutritional components, weaknesses, and folk remedies using the food....
Classification of Advertising Industry
* Purpose and Background
- Prepare measures to estimate the size of the advertising industry in an objective and consistent manner
- The classification and scope of the relevant business statistical survey is unclear, making the population representative vulnerable
- Advertising industry classification of actual statistics is not linked to Korea Standard Industry Classification (KSIC)
※ It is a classification system created by the Korean Cultural Information Service for statistical production of related industries, not officially established...
Classification of Culture and Art Industry
* Purpose and Background
- The importance of qualitative growth of national life increases, and the need for accurate market size estimation of the culture and arts industry arises...
Encyclopedia of Art Knowledge
It provides information by dividing it into plays, music, dance, art, video, culture, architecture, and festival culture....
IANA Language Subtag Registry
The IANA Language Subtag Registry contains language tags (abbreviated language codes) as defined by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF)...
Glossary of art
Provides an explanation of the art terms appearing in the Art Knowledge White Paper...
Job Classifications
It is one of the national classification systems of occupations, focusing on the knowledge, ability, and temperament needed to perform jobs in each profession....
Classification of Future job guidebook
It introduces not only fields directly related to science and technology, but also jobs that utilize advanced technology and future jobs in various fields...
Classification of new job abroad
It provides information on new jobs that are gaining popularity abroad in various fields...
Classification of Junior job information
Junior job information provides information about jobs that elementary and middle school students are interested in...
Classification of curriculum information
Classification of curriculum information refers to details about departments in high schools and universities provided by the CareerNet career information network...
Classfication of school information
Classification of school information is a list of schools in Korea provided by the CareerNet career information network...
ICT(Information & Communication Technology) integrated classification system
It standardizes the scope of the ICT industry and provides an ICT integrated classification system that can reflect ICT technology and market changes...
Classification System of SW Industry
Classification System of SW Industry and Detailed Items in Wide Field...
Classification of cloud computing
Classification of cloud computing is a software industry and a detailed software item classification system...
MoEML Gazetteer of Early Modern London
"The MoEML Gazetteer of Early Modern London is a descriptive gazetteer in that each place is linked to an Encyclopedia page with a 'thick description' of place...
Classification of big data
Big data software, services, hardware, network, security, etc....
Classification of IoT
Internet of Things software, services, hardware, network, security, etc....
Classification of artificial intelligence
The Classification of Artificial Intelligence provides classification by dividing it into artificial intelligence software, services, and hardware....
Classification of VR/AR/MR
The VR/AR/MR classification system (Classification of VR/AR/MR) classifies virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), and mixed reality (MR) into software, services, and networks....
Classification of software convergence new service
The SW classification system is a classification of software convergence new service and includes the SW industry, ICT integrated items, blockchain, artificial intelligence, VR/AR/MR, IoT, big data, cloud classification system and Korean Standard Industrial Classification (KSIC), Korean Standard Classification (KSCO), Korean Employment Classification (KECO), International Standard Industrial Classification (ISCO), International Standard Industrial Classification (ISIC), North American Industrial Classification (NAICS), European Union Economic Activity Classification (NACE), Chinese Economic Industry Classification (ICNEA), and Japanese Standard Industrial Classification (JSIC)....
Classification of Blockchain
Blockchain software, services, hardware, network, security, etc....
Toxicity information service system (Tox-Info)
Toxicity information service system (Tox-Info) is a toxic information service system developed by the Korea Food and Drug Administration, which makes it easier for the general public and experts to access information on chemicals used in direct-to-human products such as food and medicine...
Classification of Food and Drug Safety Technology
The Ministry of Food and Drug Safety's safety technology classification system is divided into six major categories: 1...
Terms of Food and Drug
Food and Drugs List...
Design classification code
Korea has been using the international classification of industrial design (12 editions of Locarno classification) as the international design registration application system was implemented from July 1, 2014...
New patent classification system
The previous seven technical fields related to the 4th Industrial Revolution* have been expanded and improved to 16 technical fields** and added to the advanced patent classification (CPC) system...
Product classification code
Type classification: Enter the number of classification of goods or service industries according to the Enforcement Rules of the Trademark Act, and choose from 1-34 types of products and 35-45 types of service industries...
Glossary of intellectual Property Terms
Intellectual property rights such as patents and trademarks are very professional, making it difficult for the general public to easily understand related terms...
Legal Terms
Legal Terms...
The latest Legislation Standard Terms
The latest legal terminology is a legal term provided by the Korea Legal Research Institute and guides the recently added legal terminology....
Legislation Terms
Provide a description of the terms used in the statute...
Radioactive Waste Terms
This dictionary is a translation of the "Radioactive Waste Dictionary" published by the IAEA....
Nuclear Terminology
Nuclear Terminology is a dictionary related to nuclear non-proliferation and nuclear security provided by the Korea Institute of Nuclear Control and Technology...
Glossary of the waste management business
Dictionary of Terms and Conditions for Radioactive Waste Management Projects...
Glossary of environment
1,500 environmental terms...
Chiropractic Subject Headings
"Chiropractic Subject Headings (ChiroSH) is a thesaurus developed by librarians at chiropractic college libraries, intended for use by indexers for the Index to Chiropractic Literature (ICL) and by catalogers at chiropractic and natural health sciences libraries...
Classification of medical waste
This data provides overview and type of medical waste, medical institutions that generate medical waste, testing and inspection institutions, and RFID medical waste management system....
Terms of vehicle emission gas
Automotive emissions terms...
Environment Education Terms
Environmental education...
KOREAN STANDARD HEALTH INDUSTRIAL CLASSIFICATION:Pharmaceutical Industry refers to the Pharmaceutical Industry under the Korean Standard Health Industrial Classification (KSHIC) for health industry statistics, with industry codes assigned in alignment with the Korean Standard Industrial Classification (KSIC)...
KOREAN STANDARD HEALTH INDUSTRIAL CLASSIFICATION: Medical Device Industry refers to the Medical Device Industry under the Korean Standard Health Industrial Classification (KSHIC) for health industry statistics, with industry codes assigned in alignment with the Korean Standard Industrial Classification (KSIC)...
KOREAN STANDARD HEALTH INDUSTRIAL CLASSIFICATION: Cosmetics Industry refers to the classification under the Korean Standard Health Industrial Classification (KSHIC) for health industry statistics, with industry codes assigned in alignment with the Korean Standard Industrial Classification (KSIC)...
KOREAN STANDARD HEALTH INDUSTRIAL CLASSIFICATION: Healthcare Industry refers to the Healthcare Industry within the Korean Standard Health Industrial Classification (KSHIC) for health industry statistics, which includes health services and social welfare services (such as hospitals, clinics, and welfare facilities)...
Glossary of statistical terms for health industry
Medications, medical devices, cosmetics, food, medical services, etc....
Dictionary of defense scientific and technical terms
It shows the number of terms registered by dictionary type and classification....
Standard Classification of Defense Technology
Everglades Online Thesaurus
"The Everglades Online Thesaurus is a structured vocabulary of concepts and terms relating to the south Florida environment...
Standard Classification of Weapon Systems
Terms of tax
Tax terminology...
Tax Law Terms
Reference for tax code terms...
Terms of Radar
Weather radar...
Terms of Lightning
a meteorological lightning strike...
Encyclopedia of livestock diseases
Animal Disease Information
Medical Terminology:English-Korean, Korean-English (Korean Medical Association)
The Medical Terminating Committee was born in 1976 and was formed to communicate and share information between the public and medical personnel, and has been working hard to standardize and maintain medical terminology and develop and disseminate Korean medical terms...
Essential Medical Terminology
4,365 basic terms of the fourth chapter of the medical vocabulary book, 5 or more medical terminology developed by the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), and 1 or more medical term used in the Korea Science Foundation Medical Research Information Center from 1998 to 1998....
Terms of defense business
The dictionary consists of a glossary of terms, abbreviations, numbers, and an English index, containing approximately 5,000 terms related to defense projects...
Natural England Corporate Vocabulary
"The Corporate Vocabulary is a purpose-built indexing tool which can be used for many applications across Natural England to search for and retrieve information more effectively...
Terms of defence e-procurement
Terms related to electronic procurement can be searched through initial consonants and keywords...
Encyclopedia of law
The encyclopedia is a content composed of the contents of major documents published by the court on key terms of important laws such as civil, criminal, and civil enforcement...
Thesaurus of law
Dictionary of Trade Policy Terms
Terms of FTA
Free Trade Agreement (FTA) refers to a preferential trade agreement that eases not only tariff barriers for goods but also non-tariff barriers in various fields such as services and investment among the signatory countries...
Glossary of health information
Health education, health information, disease information...
National Notifiable Infectious Disease
National Notifiable Infectious Diseases refer to the infectious diseases listed in the Infectious Disease Portal...
Water resource terms
Terminology provided by the Han River Flood Control Office...
Flood terms
Flood terms provided by the Han River Flood Control Office...
Korean dictionary of occupations
The Korean Vocational Dictionary provides occupational and classification codes (regular education, skilled period, work strength, qualification, etc.) as a general occupation general manager of Korea (12,145 occupations, 16,442 occupations' name, as of the end of 2018)....
Classification of department
Classification of department is a feature provided by JobKorea that allows users to explore department information from universities...
Dangerous Goods
Annex 18 to the International Civil Aviation Organization and the Aviation Safety Act mean substances or goods that are likely to emit explosive, toxic, corrosive, flammable gases or vapors that could harm people or aircraft...
Word list of Energy
Terms of Energy
Terms of Electric Power
KEPCO implemented the term purification process to improve public understanding of electricity terms...
Terms of Electric Power
Terminology of Korea Electric Power Corporation's Electric Power ...
Glossary of Information and Communications
The Korea Information and Communication Technology Association (TTA) describes and standardizes information and communication terms that are generated by the development of information and communication technology and convergence of technology with other fields...
Interdisziplinäre Forschungsfeldklassifikation (kdsf-ffk)
Klassifikation für interdisziplinäre Forschungsfelder im Rahmen des Kerndatensatz Forschung...
VOCED Thesaurus
"This thesaurus is based on the original APSDEP Thesaurus, produced in 1993 by the International Labour Organisation's Asian and Pacific Skills Development Programme (ILO/APSDEP)...
Classification of the German Patent and Trademark Office (DEKLA)
Extension of the International Patent Classification published and internally used by the German Patent Office....
System for the description, input and processing of art-technical information for drawings on paper in databases
"Within the framework of the research project" The Heritage of Schinkel - from the depot into the discourse "funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research, a system for the art - technological description of drawings on paper in databases was developed in the Department of Conservation / Restoration of the Kupferstichkabinett Berlin 2010 (.), A publication of the model developed at the Kupferstichkabinett appears to be overdue (...)...
Graphic vocabulary
"The use of controlled vocabulary for cataloging is the basis for consistent object documentation, and the co-ordination of a common controlled vocabulary is all the more important when combining heterogeneous metadata from different collections in a portal to ensure optimal research conditions...
"EcoLexicon is a terminological resource developed by the LexiCon Research Group at the University of Granada...
Textile Museum Thesaurus
"The Textile Museum Thesaurus is a data management tool for cataloging and searching for textiles in The Textile Museum’s collection in its electronic database...
"STRUNA is a database of Croatian Special Field Terminology...
National Terminology Database for Irish
"The database contains over 338,000 terms, searchable under both Irish and English versions...
Encoded Archival Description (EAD)
"EAD stands for Encoded Archival Description, and is a non-proprietary de facto standard for the encoding of finding aids for use in a networked (online) environment...
"Consistent, harmonised and easily accessible terminology is an extremely important stronghold for ensuring true multilingualism in the European Union and throughout the world...
Sweden´s national term bank
"At its grand opening, Rikstermbanken contained more than 50 000 term records, and it will continue to grow contentwise...
Database for scientific papers in nursing Thesaurus
"The thesaurus used for the database CINAHL is probably the most advanced in the field of nursing sciences, but it is not a comprehensive thesaurus in English...
Melvil Decimal System
"The Melvil Decimal System (MDS) is based on the 1922 public domain edition of Dewey Decimal System with class labels adjusted to modern language."...