Wine Ontology
"Derived from the DAML Wine ontology at
VIVO Core Ontology
Visual Modeling tool Model
Vocabulary of a Friend
"VOAF is a vocabulary specification providing elements allowing the description of vocabularies (RDFS vocabularies or OWL ontologies) used in the Linked Data Cloud...
Vocabulary Of Attribution and Governance
"VOAG stands for 'Vocabulary Of Attribution and Governance'...
Shelf Classification Sinology
This is the classification system for romance at the University Library of Trier....
Void Warehouse Ontology
"An extension of W3C VoID that is able to represent these metrics for expressing the Connectivity Metrics of a Semantic Warehouse."...
Vocabulary for Ranking (vrank)
SemWeb Vocab Status ontology
vSearch Vocabulary
Vehicle Sales Ontology
Volkswagen Vehicles Ontology
Roles and Profiles Ontology
Protocol for Web Description Resources
Workflow Invocation Ontology
Shelf Classification Canadian Studies
Shelf Classification of Canadian Studies of the University Library Trier....
The Wfdesc ontology
The Workflow Motif Ontology
"Scientific workflows have been increasingly used in the last decade as an instrument for data intensive science...
The Wfprov Ontology
"The wfprov ontology shows how to express minimal provenance information about the execution of a workflow described using the wfdesc ontology."...
Whisky Ontology
Who's who description vocabulary
The Weighted Interests Vocabulary
The Weighted Interests Vocabulary specification provides basic concepts and properties for describing describing preferences (interests) within contexts, their temporal dynamics and their origin on/ for the Semantic Web...
WIKI tool Model
"A partir del análisis de diversos sistemas, como MediaWiki, Confluence o DokuWiki, se ha diseñado este vocabulario...
WSMO-Lite Ontology
BBC Wildlife Ontology
"A simple vocabulary for describing biological species and related taxa...
Weighting Ontology
"The Weighting Ontology specification provides a vocabulary for describing weightings and their referenced scales, on/ for the Semantic Web."...
Shelf Classifictaion Art history
Shelf Classification of the art history of the Trier University Library....
Web Of Trust
"RDF documents can make any number of statements...
xAPI Controlled Vocabulary Ontology
"XAPI vocabularies are created and shared by Communities of Practice (CoPs) to help facilitate the reuse of Verbs and Activity Types...
A lightweight XBRL vocabulary
"An attempt to publish XBRL standard following best practices on the Web...
XHTML Vocabulary
"This is a vocabulary collection utilized by XHTML Family modules and document types using XHTML Modularization, including XHTML Role and XHTML + RDFa as defined in rdfa-syntax."...
"XKOS leverages the Simple Knowledge Organization System (SKOS) for managing statistical classifications and concept management systems, since SKOS is widely used...
XML Schema
"XSD (XML Schema Definition), a recommendation of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), specifies how to formally describe the elements in an Extensible Markup Language (XML) document...
ZBW Extensions
"Extensions to SKOS and other standard vocabularies used by the German National Library of Economics (ZBW)."...
"The DrugBank database is a unique bioinformatics and cheminformatics resource that combines detailed drug (i.e...
" is a collaborative project dedicated to defining the intellectual concepts of pottery following the tenets of linked open data and the formulation of an ontology for representing and sharing ceramic data across disparate data systems...
Shelf Classification Lusitanistics
"The technical system of Lusitanian book collections is supplemented by a geo-sign, with the exception of groups B, H, L, R and S, which shows whether the work is about Portugal, Portuguese-speaking Africa, Asia or America No geo-sign and stand at the beginning of a system group...
Lexicon of alcohol and drug terms
"Σκοπός του Λεξικού είναι να δώσει μια σειρά ορισμών για όρους που αναφέρονται στα οινοπνευματώδη ποτά, στον καπνό και άλλες ψυχοδραστικές ουσίες...
Law terminology
Since the mid-1960s, an attempt has been made to simplify the legal drafting language in the common law countries...
Shelf Classification Mathmatics
Shelf Classification of the Mathematics of the University Library of Trier....
Widener System
"Note that Widener uses two separate classification systems to shelve books: the Old Widener System and the Library of Congress System indicated by call numbers that begin with WID-LC...
Yale Library Classification
"The beginning of the subject-classification system - books arranged by subject according to a classification schedule - is dated, rather too precisely, as 1890, because in that year the second library building (Chittenden Hall) was opened...
Yale Law Library Classification
"This classification is designed solely to serve the purposes of the Yale Law School and its Library...
Institute Library Classification System
"The Institute Library’s classification system is unique...
English-Greek Glossary of Philosophical Terms
"This collection of glossaries is intended to assist two groups of people: 1) speakers of Modern Greek who need to read and translate works of philosophy written in English or to write philosophical works in English, and 2) speakers of English who need to to read and translate works of philosophy written in Modern Greek or to write philosophical works in Modern Greek...
Aggregation Method
"Identifies the type of aggregation used to combine related categories, usually within a common branch of a hierarchy, to provide information at a broader level than the level at which detailed observations are taken."...
National Institute of Youth and Popular Education Thesaurus
"Telemaque is the documentary base of the resource center of the INJEP."...
Shelf Classification Media science
Shelf Classification of the Media Sciences of the University Library of Trier....
Analysis Unit
"Describes the entity being analyzed in the study or in the variable."...
Character Set
"Standard set of characters upon which many character encodings are based (Wikipedia)."...
Commonality Type
"Describes the degree of similarity between two items or schemes (collections of items)."...
Data Source Type
"Includes a typology of data sources."...
Data Type
"Identifies the type of data, which has a bearing on the acceptable data values, the operations that can be performed with the data, and the ways in which the data are stored...
Date Type
"Specifies the type of date...
Kind of Data Format
"Describes the physical format(s) of the data documented in the logical product(s) of a study unit."...
Language Proficiency
"Describes the level of proficiency of an individual in a natural language."...
Lifecycle Event Type
"Specifies the event happening over the data life cycle that is considered significant enough to document."...
Mode of Collection
"The procedure, technique, or mode of inquiry used to attain the data."...
Shelf Classification Classical Philology
Shelf classification of the classical philology of the University Library of Trier....
FRASER Subject Headings
"FRASER is both a digital library of economic history and a repository of the institutional history of the Federal Reserve System...
Numeric Type
"Specifies the type of numeric data."...
Response Unit
"Indicates the entity that provided the information carried by the variable."...
Sampling Procedure
"Includes a typology of sampling methods."...
Software Package
"Indicates the statistical software package used in the production/processing/dissemination of the data...
Summary Statistic Type
"Specifies the type of summary statistic...
Time Method
"Describes the time dimension of the data collection."...
Time Zone
"Time zone specification as an offset from UTC (Coordinated Universal Time) in terms of hours and minutes."...
Type of Address
"Identifies the type of address entered as contact information for an individual or an organization."...
Type of Concept Group
"Specifies the rationale for creating a concept group."...
Shelf Classification Philosophy
Shelf Classification of the Philosophy of the University Library of Trier....
Type of Note
"Includes a typology of notes."...
Type of Telephone
"Identifies the type of telephone entered as contact information for an individual or an organization."...
Lesbian Herstory Archives Subject Files
"Our 1,569 fascinating Subject Files fill the drawers of four, five drawer horizontal file cabinets plus overflow boxes...
Scottish Seed Potato Classification Scheme
"The SPCS maintains high standards for seed health and purity and operates by exerting official control over initial propagating material, the length of the multiplication chain, and application of strict tolerances for diseases, including those caused by viruses."...
Seed Potato Classification Scheme
"The Seed Potato Classification Scheme (SPCS) provides classification of all potatoes produced and marketed in England and Wales, depending on the class of the parent seed, and the health of the crop and tubers...
Fondo Alfonso de Sierra Ochoa
"Plans, reports, photographs and architectural projects of Alfonso de Sierra Ochoa, last municipal architect during the Spanish protectorate in Morocco."...
English-Greek Glossary of Geomorphological Terms
English-Greek Glossary of Geomorphological Terms published by the Hellenic Geomorphological Society....
English-Greek Glossary of Psychology
English-Greek Glossary of Psychology published by the Hellenic Psychological Society....
Shelf Classification Political Science
Shelf Classification of Political Science of the University Library of Trier....
Metadata dictionary
"Metadata Dictionary is a terms and expressions necessary for the description data entity that includes both ISBD-item rules and the terminology of the RDA item's instructions...
Classification of public services
"The general classification of public services consists of 27 main levels and about 180 lower-level categories...
Ontology for Education for Sustainable Development
"Kestävän kehityksen kasvatuksen ontologia (KEKO) laadittiin ympäristöministeriön rahoittamassa Yhteinen käsitys 2 -hankkeessa vuosina 2014–2015...
Finnish Geospatial Domain Ontology
"Paikkatieto-ontologian (PTO) toinen versio muodostuu Yleisestä suomalaisesta ontologiasta (YSO) ja sitä täydentävistä noin 1020 paikkatietokäsitteestä...
Natural resource and environment ontology
"AFO soveltuu erityisesti luonnonvara- ja ympäristöalojen (mm...
Finnish presentation composition vocabulary
"The Finnish Presentation Composition (SEKO) is a single-language vocabulary covering music presentations...
Thesaurus of Mining and Related Matter
"The Thesaurus of Mining and Related Matters is a bilingual (Spanish-English) controlled vocabulary for the indexing of sector information...
Argentine Tourism Thesaurus
"This vocabulary presents the conceptual organization of tourism in Argentina and in particular the vision that is offered by the Ministry of Tourism of the Nation, allowing navigation through its structure evidencing logical-semantic relationships between the terms."...
Tourism Thesaurus
"Tourism, based on the automatic processing of the version published by the WORLD TOURISM ORGANIZATION."...
Tesauro National Archiving System
"The Tesauro of the National Archiving System is made up of the various controlled vocabularies present in the CAT SAN scheme as a support for a standardized description of the various resources - conservation institutes, archiving complexes, producer entities - coming from different systems belonging to the SAN...
Shelf classification of psychology
Shelf classification of psychology of the university library of Trier....
Gender Equality Glossary and Thesaurus
"EIGE’s Gender Equality Glossary and Thesaurus is a specialised terminology tool focusing on the area of gender equality...
Gender and Science Taxonomy
"The Gender and Science Taxonomy provides a fixed set of key topics and keywords to classify all content on GenPORT...
Online Taxonomic Key Application
"Welcome to Online Taxonomic Keys, a joint project of Fisheries and Oceans Canada and the Royal BC Museum...
Classification of Mechanical Puzzles
"A puzzle should be classified by the problem that its designer intended the solver to encounter whilst attempting to solve it...
Insurance terms
Insurance terms glossary published by the Global Insurance Group....
Climate Bonds Taxonomy
"The Climate Bonds Taxonomy provides broad guidance for prospective green bond and climate bond issuers and investors...
IAB Tech Lab Content Taxonomy
"Contextual taxonomy was developed in consultation with taxonomy experts from academia, ad measurement companies, and members of the IAB Networks & Exchanges Committee...
Accident/Incident Data Reporting Taxonomy
"The ADREP taxonomy is a set of definitions and descriptions used during the gathering and reporting of accident/incident data to ICAO."...
Taxonomy of Evaluation
"A wide range of models of PR and communication evaluation exist using a wide range of terms including inputs, outputs, outtakes, outflows, outgrowths, effects, results, and impact...
ACM Taxonomy for Learning Technologies
Shelf Classification Space and environmental sciences
Shelf Classification of Space and environmental sciences of the University Library Trier....
Taxonomy for Service Computing
"This TSC taxonomy is generated collectively by the editorial board in 2013 and is evolved from the ACM taxonomy on service computing and all submissions can use either this taxonomy or continue to use the version available in ScholarOne Manuscripts until it is updated."...
Taxonomy of the Logical Fallacies
"The Fallacy Files Taxonomy is a tree-like structure that classifies all of the fallacies in these files by the sub-fallacy relation...
EPOC Taxonomy
"The first EPOC taxonomy of health systems interventions was developed in 2002, and included the following categories: (1) professional interventions; (2) financial interventions; (3) organisational interventions; and (4) regulatory interventions...
Taxonomy of Innovation
"Fast-changing markets demand rapid development of new products and processes...
COPE Case Taxonomy
"In 2013, it became apparent that the publication ethics cases being brought to COPE for discussion and advice were becoming more complex...
Code of State Categories Scientific and Technical Information
"ГРНТИ - Государственный рубрикатор научно-технической информации (прежнее наименование - Рубрикатор ГАСНТИ) представляет собой универсальную иерархическую классификацию областей знания, принятую для систематизации всего потока научно-технической информации...
Functions and Activities Thesaurus for Business, Academic, Not-for-profit, and Government Entities
"The thesaurus is intended for open access use by government, academic, and business records centers and archives for use in functional (function-based) classification of records and to aid in the arrangement and description (including electronic description) of archival materials...
Vocabulary of indexing ISOC Humanities - Cultural heritage
"Language used in the ISOC sub-bases of Anthropology, Archeology, Fine Arts and History...
UHR's Termbase for Norwegian higher education institutions
"A collection of 2000 administrative terms with English - Norwegian bokmål/Norwegian bokmål - English and English - Norwegian nynorsk/Norwegian nynorsk - English translations, from the Norwegian Institutions of Higher Education...
Shelf Classification of Legal Science
This is the classification system for legal science at the University Library of Trier....
Norwegian-German legal terminology
Collection of more than 3000 concepts from areas of both public and private law....
COSMIN Taxonomy of Measurement Properties
"In the COSMIN taxonomy three quality domains are distinguished, i.e...
Optimization Taxonomy
"It is difficult to provide a taxonomy of optimization because many of the subfields have multiple links...
GEM Building Taxonomy
"It is a uniform classification scheme of buildings across the globe...
NCC MERP Taxonomy of Medication Errors
"This document provides a standard taxonomy of medication errors to be used in combination with systems analysis in recording and tracking of medication errors...
Open Threat Taxonomy
"The goal of this project is simple, to maintain a free, community driven, open source taxonomy of potential threats to information systems...
Taxonomy of Free Will Positions
Healthcare Provider Taxonomy Code Set
"The Healthcare Provider Taxonomy Code Set is a hierarchical code set that consists of codes, descriptions, and definitions...
Biomimicry Taxonomy
"The Biomimicry Taxonomy is a classification system developed by the Biomimicry Institute to organize biological content on the website AskNature...
Shelf Classification Romanistik
This is the classification system for romance at the University Library of Trier....
Systematic Classification Brunet-Parguez-Coulouma
"In 1971, the Toulouse municipal library tested a systematic classification framework developed in 1969 by Henri-Jean MARTIN and Guy PARGUEZ for a study on the automation of cataloging by adding alphanumeric indices to the table frame (1865), the content of the former "classification of booksellers," in which the subjects were divided into five classes: theology, law, science and the arts, belles-lettres, For a decade, the table was used and gradually modified in the presentation and in the content, in conjunction with the cataloging work of the old collection of the WB of Toulouse, then researchers and librarians Have used, which led us to draft a revised version in 1985, in collaboration with the Sibil network and after consulting the users The last update on the "Brunet-Pargue Z "took place in February 1994 in Toulouse during the colloquium organized by LIBER (League of European Research Libraries) (...)...
BSI Classification Plan
"The BSI classification scheme is specific, and from the outset it has been chosen not to use pre-existing classifications such as CDU or Dewey, so BSI has developed its own tool...
Principles of Classification of Musical Documents
"The principles for classifying musical documents, often abbreviated to PCDM, are a musical classification system developed in public libraries in France since 1983, especially for collections of music-related documents...
Library Ranking Plan of the Bpi
"Le plan de classement propre à la Bpi est en effet librement inspiré de la CDU (Classification Décimale Universelle) : ce système, utilisé dans de nombreuses bibliothèques dans le monde, donne une représentation de l'ensemble des connaissances humaines en dix grandes classes, comptant chacune dix subdivisions, qu’on peut encore développer en dix parties et ainsi de suite...
Map of the Canotypes of Drioton
"The fund Drioton was acquired by the NBU in 1961 with the amount in relation to war damage to the Second World War...
Dutch Uniform Classification
"In the 1970s, the Uniform Genre Format (UGI) was introduced and replaced by the Dutch Uniform Genre Classification (NUGI) in 1986...
NARCIS Classification
"The Narcis Classification is a framework of codes with which institutes and experts are classified and can be retrieved...
Dictionary of computer architecture terms
Dictionary of computer architecture terms published by the Department of Informatics and Telecommunications....
Strongs Greek-English Glossary
This Strongs Greek-English Glossary has been generated based on “Lexical Form” glosses and Strong’s number assignment from the Lexham Greek-English Interlinear New Testament, available from Logos Bible Software (
Shelf Classifications Slavistics
This is the classification system for Slavistics at the University Library of Trier....
Naval Headquarters Classification System
Naval Headquarters Classification System of the Anna-Lindh-Library....
Defense Staff Library's Classification System
Shelf classification of the Anna Lindh Library....
Military Staff Library's Classification System
Military Staff Library's Classification System...
International Geotechnical Classification System
The Swedish Geotechnical Institute (SGI) is an expert agency that works for a safe, efficient and sustainable development and sustainable use of land and natural resources....
Sibelius Academy book classification system
University libraries offer information search and information literacy teaching for their students and staff...
Aufstellungssystematik Theologie
This is the classification system for Theology at the University Library of Trier....
Subject Categories from the Deutsche Nationalbibliografie (DNBSGR)
Systematik der Deutschen Nationalbibliographie (bis 2003)....
Categories for the Description of Works of Art (CDWA)
"CDWA is a set of guidelines for the description of art, architecture, and other cultural works...
GOV.UK Taxonomy
"As members of the Finding Things team have written previously, we’ve long understood the need for a GOV.UK taxonomy that’s subject-based and site-wide, and we’ve been working towards achieving this challenging aim for a while...
Learning Activities
"517 terms."...
Shelf Classification Economics
This is the classification system for Economics at the University Library of Trier....
National Geographic Society Glossary
"Search the Glossary for geography, science, and social studies terms."...
Hierarchical Taxonomy of Psychopathology
"Objectives of the Hierarchical Taxonomy of Psychopathology (HiTOP) are to advance the classification of psychopathology to maximize its usefulness for research and clinical practice...
US GAAP Financial Reporting Taxonomy
"The Financial Accounting Foundation (FAF) and the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) are responsible for the ongoing development and maintenance of the U.S...
Internet of Things Taxonomy
"There is no common way to describe or classify the ‘things’ that make up the IoT or the projects or systems and services based on them...
The Glossary of Human Computer Interaction
"A comprehensive - an ever-growing - glossary of key terms in Human-Computer Interaction."...
List of Useful Words of Army’s Services - NATO Glossary
Aviation Dictionary
Compressors: Glossary of Part names
United States Code
"The United States Code is a consolidation and codification by subject matter of the general and permanent laws of the United States."...
Testapedia Taxonomy
Portico Library Classification Scheme
"The Portico Library classification scheme is a fixed shelf classification...
GND subject categories
The GND subject categories are used to provide a broad classification of concepts in the Integrated Authority File....
RePEc Author Service
"The RePEc Author Service aims to link economists with their research output in the RePEc bibliographic database."...
Historic England Periods Authority File
"Terminology used to record the broad date of a site, monument, building or structure...
International Standard Identifier for Libraries and Related Organizations (ISIL)
The International Standard Identifier for Libraries and Related Organisations (ISIL), ISO 15511, assigns unique identifiers to libraries and related organisations, such as archives and museums....
Nomenclature of Territorial Units for Statistics
"The current NUTS 2013 classification is valid from 1 January 2015 and lists 98 regions at NUTS 1, 276 regions at NUTS 2 and 1342 regions at NUTS 3 level...
EAGLE Vocabulary - Execution Technique
"This vocabulary collects all writing techniques and types as attested in the EAGLE BPN...
Physics Glossary
"Translation of Physics terms based on the Coursework for Physics Grades 9 to 12."...
Living Environment Glossary
"Translation of Living Environment terms based on the Coursework for Living Environment Grades 9 to 12."...
Systematics of the faculty library for natural sciences
Systematics of the faculty library for natural sciences
Date: 10/2015...
EAGLE Vocabulary - Type of Inscription
"In this vocabulary are described all terms which concern the type of text written on a stone according to its function and aim as a text...
EAGLE Vocabulary - Object Type
"The classification of objects on which an inscription can be written is extremely complex in many cases...
EAGLE Vocabulary - Decoration
"Terms in this vocabulary refer to any decoration surrounding an inscription...
EAGLE Vocabulary - Dating Criteria
"The common use among Members of the BPN is to insert, when this information is available two dates...
EAGLE Vocabulary - State of Preservation
"State of preservation (which could probably be abbreviated to 'Condition') is a small vocabulary describing the general condition in which the inscription was at the moment of the latest inspection...
Literary Terms & Devices in English for Language Arts
"Literary terms and devices are a collection of universal artistic structures that are typical of all works of literature frequently employed by the writers to give meanings and a logical framework to their works through language...
Semantic Web Company Glossary
Russian Economic Activities Classification System
"Общероссийский классификатор видов экономической деятельности (сокращ...
Weston Library Music Open Shelf Classification
"The open shelf music material in the Weston Library is classified according to the following sequence."...
Technical Requirement
"This vocabulary describes the platform, versions of browsers and plug-ins that an item has been tested on and confirmed to support."...
Teacher career stage
"The Australian Professional Standards for Teachers career stages guide the preparation, support and development of teachers...
Skill Level
"Skill level is defined as a function of the range and complexity of the set of tasks performed in a particular occupation...
Language Modes
"Modes refer to the various forms of communication – listening, speaking, reading, viewing and writing."...
Australian Curriculum Element
"Elements used to organise the Australian Curriculum."...
Library of Congress Name Authority File (LCNAF)
"The Library of Congress Name Authority File (NAF) file provides authoritative data for names of persons, organizations, events, places, and titles...
Library of Congress Children's Subject Headings
"The Library of Congress Subject Headings Supplemental Vocabularies: Children’s Headings (LCSHAC) is a thesaurus which is used in conjunction with LCSH...
Library of Congress Genre/Form Terms
"The Library of Congress Genre/Form Terms for Library and Archival Materials (LCGFT) is a thesaurus that describes what a work is versus what it is about...
PBCoreAssetType Vocabulary
"pbcoreAssetType is a broad definition of the type of intellectual content being described...
Shelf Classification of the textbook collection of the University Library Leoben.
Shelf Classification of the textbook collection of the University Library Leoben....
@dateType Vocabulary
"dateType is an attribute that classifies by named type the date-related data of the element e.g., created, broadcast, dateAvailableStart...
@descriptionType Vocabulary
"@descriptionType is an attribute used to indicate the type of description being assigned to the element, such as ‘abstract,’ ‘summary,’ or ‘physical description.’ Can be used as an attribute of the pbcoreDescription element."...
@titleType Vocabulary
"@titleType is an attribute used to indicate the type of title being assigned to the asset, such as series title, episode title or project title...
pbcoreRelationType Vocabulary
"pbcoreRelationType describes the relationship between the asset being describe by the pbcore document and any other asset...
instantiationRelationType Vocabulary
"instantiationRelationType describes the relation between the instantiation being described and another instantiation...
creatorRole and contributorRole Vocabulary
"creatorRole is used to identify the role played by the person, people or organization(s) identified in the companion descriptor creator...
publisherRole Vocabulary
"publisherRole is used to identify the role played by the specific publisher or publishing entity identified in the companion descriptor publisher...
instantiationPhysical: Audio Vocabulary
"instantiationPhysical is used to identify the format of a particular instantiation as it exists in a physical form that occupies physical space (e.g...
instantiationPhysical: Film Vocabulary
"instantiationPhysical is used to identify the format of a particular instantiation as it exists in a physical form that occupies physical space (e.g...
instantiationPhysical: Video Vocabulary
"instantiationPhysical is used to identify the format of a particular instantiation as it exists in a physical form that occupies physical space (e.g...
Shelf Classification Main Library - departments of the university
Shelf Classifications of the University Library of Leoben....
instantiationMediaType Vocabulary
"instantiationMediaType identifies the general, high level nature of the content of an instantiation...
instantiationGenerations Vocabulary
"instantiationGenerations identifies the use type and provenance of the instantiation...
Shelf Classification Main Library - General and Historical
Shelf classification Main Library - General and historical aspects of the University Library of Leoben....
Library Classification of the Herder Institute for Historical Research on East Central Europe
"Die erste Fassung dieser Systematik entstand kurz nach der Gründung der Bibliothek im Jahr 1950...
Classification System of the Ducal Collection (ducal)
The ducal collection of the research library of Gotha counts 227.000 works...
Shelf Classification of Bibliotheca Augustiniana
Bioethics Research Library Numerical Classification List
"One of the easiest and most useful ways to search the historical databases created by the Bioethics Research Library at Georgetown University is to browse its classification scheme...
Dickinson Classification
"The Dickinson classification is a library classification scheme used to catalogue and classify musical compositions...
Shelf Classification Specialized library for geosciences
Shelf Classification of the specialized library for geosciences of the library of the Montsnuniversity Leoben...
Korean Decimal Classification (KDC)
"The Korean decimal classification (KDC) is a system of library classification used in South Korea...
Garside Classification
"The Garside Classification Scheme is one of those used in the libraries of UCL...
London Education Classification
"The London Education Classification is a library classification and indexing thesaurus used at the UCL Institute of Education...
Australian and New Zealand Standard Research Classification: Fields of Research
"The Australian and New Zealand Standard Research Classification (ANZSRC) is jointly produced by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) and Statistics New Zealand (Statistics NZ)...
Australian and New Zealand Standard Research Classification: Socio-Economic Objective
"The Australian and New Zealand Standard Research Classification (ANZSRC) is jointly produced by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) and Statistics New Zealand (Statistics NZ)...
DoGi Classification of branches of law
"This is the translated text of a number of notations of the DoGi classification system...
Shelf Classification synthetic material library
Shelf Classification of the synthetic materials of the Montanuniversität of the university Library Leoben....
CGI Waste Storage Vocabulary
"This file contains the CGI Waste Storage vocabulary, as defined by the IUGS Commission for Geoscience Information (CGI) Geoscience Terminology Working Group...
Vocabulary Relation
"This file contains the CGI Vocabulary Relation vocabulary, as defined by the IUGS Commission for Geoscience Information (CGI) Geoscience Terminology Working Group...
Value Qualifier
"This file contains the CGI Value Qualifier vocabulary, as defined by the IUGS Commission for Geoscience Information (CGI) Geoscience Terminology Working Group...
Geoscience Australia's Units of Measure
"This file contains the CGI UNFC Code vocabulary, as defined by the IUGS Commission for Geoscience Information (CGI) Geoscience Terminology Working Group...
Tenement Type
"This concept scheme defines terms used to describe the type of mineral tenements granted in Australian and New Zealand jurisdictions (eg, exploration licence, mining lease)."...
Tenement Status
"This concept scheme defines terms used to describe the status of mineral tenements in Australian and New Zealand jurisdictions (eg, granted, application, expired)."...
Stratigraphic Rank
"This scheme specifies concepts used to categorize the stratigraphic rank of geologic units, as compiled by the IUGS Commission for Geoscience Information (CGI) Geoscience Terminology Working Group...
Simple Lithology
"This scheme specifies the concept space for Simple Lithology concepts, as defined by the IUGS Commission for Geoscience Information (CGI) Geoscience Terminology Working Group...
Ordinary shelf categories
Shelf catagories of the technical University of Tampereen....
Resource Assessment Category
"This file contains the CGI Resource Assessment Category vocabulary, as defined by the IUGS Commission for Geoscience Information (CGI) Geoscience Terminology Working Group...
NPG Summary Types Ontology
"The SummaryTypes Ontology is a categorization of summaries – including Short Summary, Long Summary and Standfirst – that are associated with specific articles...
NPG Review States Ontology
"The ReviewStates Ontology is a categorization of the various states that mark the review status of a publication...
ArticleTypes Ontology
"The ArticleTypes Ontology is a categorization of kinds of publication which are used to index and group content published on
NPG Blogs Ontology
"The Blogs Ontology is the master catalogue of blogs from Macmillan Science and Education."...
NPG Journals Ontology
"The Journals Ontology is the master catalogue of journals from Macmillan Science and Education, including the Nature Publishing Group and Palgrave Macmillan imprints."...
NPG Publish States Ontology
"The PublishStates Ontology is a categorization of the various states that mark the publishing status of a publication...
NPG Relations Ontology
"The Relations Ontology is a catalogue of the kinds of relation which are used to manage our linked publications...
NPG Severity Levels Ontology
"The SeverityLevels Ontology is a modelling of the syslog message severity values from RFC 5424...
WordNet-Affect Taxonomy
"WordNet-Affect is an extension of WordNet Domains...
Microthesaurus in Didactics of the Social Sciences
"276 terms, 254 relationships between terms, 67 equivalent terms."...
Institute of Philosophy Institute Library
Digital Bibliography & Library Project
DBLP is the most comprehensive computer science bibliography including information about authors, conferences, series, and journals...
Reserve Assessment Category
"This file contains the CGI Reserve Assessment Category vocabulary, as defined by the IUGS Commission for Geoscience Information (CGI) Geoscience Terminology Working Group...
Registry Interchange Format - Collections and Services (Vocabularies)
"The RIF-CS schema is a data interchange format that supports the electronic exchange of collection and service descriptions...
Raw Material Role
"This file contains the CGI Raw Material Role vocabulary, as defined by the IUGS Commission for Geoscience Information (CGI) Geoscience Terminology Working Group...
Atlas of the World's Languages in Danger
comprehensive list of the world's endangered languages...
Chinese Agricultural Thesaurus
"Chinese Agricultural Thesaurus (CAT) is the largest agricultural domain thesaurus in China, which is held and maintained by AII of CAAS...
Proportion Term
"This file contains the CGI Proportion Term vocabulary, as defined by the IUGS Commission for Geoscience Information (CGI) Geoscience Terminology Working Group...
Język haseł przedmiotowych Biblioteki Narodowej
"JHP BN zawiera słownictwo, które umożliwia budowę haseł adekwatnie charakteryzujących treść i formę dokumentów gromadzonych w bibliotekach...
Controlled Vocabulary of Arts
"O vocabulário Controlado apresenta os assuntos da área de Artes...
Helecon Vocabulary
"HELECON-services are library's own content production and a special service for our customers...
Name Authority File
"A base de controle de autoridades contém nomes padronizados de artistas plásticos, historiadores, críticos nacionais e estrangeiros, juntamente com suas variações de nomes, data e local de nascimento e morte, área de atuação entre outras informações...
Processing Activity
"This file contains the CGI Processing Activity vocabulary, as defined by the IUGS Commission for Geoscience Information (CGI) Geoscience Terminology Working Group...
Particle Type
"This file contains the CGI Particle type vocabulary, as defined by the IUGS Commission for Geoscience Information (CGI) Geoscience Terminology Working Group...
Particle Shape
"This file contains the CGI Particle Shape vocabulary, as defined by the IUGS Commission for Geoscience Information (CGI) Geoscience Terminology Working Group...
Particle Aspect Ratio
"This file contains the CGI Particle Aspect Ratio vocabulary, as defined by the IUGS Commission for Geoscience Information (CGI) Geoscience Terminology Working Group...
Orientation Determination Method
"This scheme specifies concepts used to describe the method used to determine the planar or linear orientation of a GeologicFeature (eg, the dip of a fault), as defined by the IUGS Commission for Geoscience Information (CGI) Geoscience Terminology Working Group...
Observation Method (Mapped Feature)
"This file contains the CGI Observation Method (Mapped Feature) vocabulary, as defined by the IUGS Commission for Geoscience Information (CGI) Geoscience Terminology Working Group...
NEII Site Status
"Site status provides a description of whether an environmental monitoring site within the National Environmental Monitoring Sites Register is active, in-active, decommissioned etc."...
NEII Licencing
"Site licencing describes the type of licence that data are available under."...
Shelf classification DKZF-Central Library
"Systematics of the literature"...
Thesaurus for Cultural Heritage
"Ordnøkkelen – tesaurus for kulturminnevern er utarbeidet av Riksantikvaren...
DOCAM Glossaurus
"The Glossaurus is a bilingual tool that acts as both a glossary and a thesaurus: terms associated with the principal media arts concepts used by DOCAM, together with their definitions, are structured in a tree diagram."...
University management nomenclature
"Aquest diccionari és fruit de la col·laboració entre la Xarxa Vives d’Universitats i el Centre de Terminologia TERMCAT, amb l’objectiu de difondre en línia el treball dut a terme per la Comissió de Llengua de la Xarxa Vives mitjançant el grup de treball de Terminologia i Nomenclatura, integrat per tècnics dels serveis lingüístics de 14 universitats de la Xarxa...
FISH First World War Thesaurus
"For the recording of monuments related to the First World War in the UK...
Nippon Decimal Classification
The Nippon Decimal Classification (NDC) or Nippon Decimal System (NDC) is a library classification based on the Dewey Decimal System...
Putnam Classification System
The Putnam Classification System was created by Herbert Putnam at the Minneapolis Central Library (1887-1891) before he moved to the Library of Congress...
Genre and subject headings for rare books by the AAD (AADGENRES)
The genre headings by the Working Group on Rare Books (AAD) serves as the basis for a consistent tagging of rare books published until 1850 in the GBV Common Library Network...
Economics Departments, Institutes and Research Centers in the World
EDIRC is an index of economics institutions and part of the RePEc bibliographic database...
Systematic theater-acting media
"Our system is organized according to different systematics, so you can also search directly on the shelf for a topic or a musical genre or occupation."...
Global Industry Classification Standard
"In 1999, MSCI and S&P Global developed the Global Industry Classification Standard (GICS), seeking to offer an efficient investment tool to capture the breadth, depth and evolution of industry sectors...
AODN Geographic Extents Vocabulary
"A vocabulary of geographic regions and their bounding box coordinates...
AODN Organisation Vocabulary
"An AODN controlled vocabulary describing organisational entities."...
AODN Parameter Category Vocabulary
"A classification scheme to support faceted searching across parameter types in the AODN/IMOS Portal 1-2-3."...
AODN Platform Category Vocabulary
"A classification scheme to support faceted searching across platform types in the AODN/IMOS Portal 1-2-3."...
AODN Platform Vocabulary
"A controlled vocabulary for platforms that can be used in Marine Community Profile metadata...
AODN Sampling Parameter Vocabulary
"An AODN controlled vocabulary describing sampling parameters."...
AODN Units of Measure Vocabulary
"A controlled vocabulary for units of measure that can be used in Marine Community Profile metadata."...
AODN XBT line vocabulary
"This register contains a controlled vocabulary for XBT lines."...
Classification of the Morrison Collection in Toyo Bunko
"The Morrison Collection: This collection was painstakingly amassed by George Ernest Morrison during his 20-year residency in Beijing...
RAL color codes
The RAL color standard defines a set of normed colors with unique numbers...
Schema des Realkatalogs der Königlichen Universitätsbibliothek zu Halle a.S.
"Ich bin der Meinung-, dass jeder Realkatalog einer Bibliothek ein, so zu sagen, individuelles d...
Climate and Forecast Standard Names
"Terms used for definitive but not necessarily comprehensive descriptions of measured phenomena in the CF conventions (a content standard for data stored in NetCDF)."...
ISO 4271 Currency Codes
Currency codes intended for use in any application of trade, commerce and banking, as well as in the public sector....
Thesaurus Onroerend Erfgoed Materials
"A thesaurus is a mostly hierarchical list of words used to standardize terminology...
Thesaurus Onroerend Erfgoed Styles and Cultures
"A thesaurus is a mostly hierarchical list of words used to standardize terminology...
Thesaurus Onroerend Erfgoed Periods
"A thesaurus is a mostly hierarchical list of words used to standardize terminology...
Thesaurus Onroerend Erfgoed Heritage Types
"A thesaurus is a mostly hierarchical list of words used to standardize terminology...
Thesaurus Onroerend Erfgoed Value Types
"A thesaurus is a mostly hierarchical list of words used to standardize terminology...
Thesaurus Onroerend Erfgoed Event Types
"A thesaurus is a mostly hierarchical list of words used to standardize terminology...
Classification Schemes
"The material is organized for subjects that reflect the library's specialized orientation, particularly attentive to religious-historical disciplines, related to the Byzantine religious and liturgical tradition...
Thesaurus Onroerend Erfgoed Decree Types
"A thesaurus is a mostly hierarchical list of words used to standardize terminology...
Thesaurus Onroerend Erfgoed Species
"A thesaurus is a mostly hierarchical list of words used to standardize terminology...
Cadastre and Land Administration Thesaurus (CaLAThe)
Cadastre and Land Administration Thesaurus, shortly CaLAThe is a controlled vocabulary for the domain of cadastre and land administration...
LIDO Terminology Actor Type
"The LIDO Terminology refers to LIDO – Lightweight Information Describing Objects, the XML Schema for contributing content to cultural heritage repositories, provided by the CIDOC LIDO Working Group...
LIDO Terminology Event Type
"The LIDO Terminology refers to LIDO – Lightweight Information Describing Objects, the XML Schema for contributing content to cultural heritage repositories, provided by the CIDOC LIDO Working Group...
LIDO Terminology Identifier Type
"The LIDO Terminology refers to LIDO – Lightweight Information Describing Objects, the XML Schema for contributing content to cultural heritage repositories, provided by the CIDOC LIDO Working Group...
LIDO Terminology Record Metadata Date Type
"The LIDO Terminology refers to LIDO – Lightweight Information Describing Objects, the XML Schema for contributing content to cultural heritage repositories, provided by the CIDOC LIDO Working Group...
LIDO Terminology Record Type
"The LIDO Terminology refers to LIDO – Lightweight Information Describing Objects, the XML Schema for contributing content to cultural heritage repositories, provided by the CIDOC LIDO Working Group...
LIDO Terminology Repository Set Type
"The LIDO Terminology refers to LIDO – Lightweight Information Describing Objects, the XML Schema for contributing content to cultural heritage repositories, provided by the CIDOC LIDO Working Group...
LIDO Terminology Resource Representation Type
"The LIDO Terminology refers to LIDO – Lightweight Information Describing Objects, the XML Schema for contributing content to cultural heritage repositories, provided by the CIDOC LIDO Working Group...
Systematik der Bibliothek von Arcetri
LIDO Terminology Term Materials Tech Type
"The LIDO Terminology refers to LIDO – Lightweight Information Describing Objects, the XML Schema for contributing content to cultural heritage repositories, provided by the CIDOC LIDO Working Group...
Information Literacy Thesaurus
"This project is working with the Journal of Information Literacy (JIL) to develop a thesaurus for the field of information literacy based on a keyword list compiled by them, and then to publish it as a linked open thesaurus that adheres to the SKOS standard as recommended by the W3C...
NASA Name Authority File
"The NASA Name Authority File from the NASA Goddard Library is a controlled vocabulary for mission and instrument names."...
Queer Books for Teens Controlled Vocabulary
"This website aims to create a comprehensive bibliography of Young Adult fiction with significant LGBTQ content published between 2000 and 2017 by major and minor presses in the United States, with a few exceptions...
CAMEO Event Data Codebook
"CAMEO -- Conflict and Mediation Event Observations -- is the coding scheme we developed in conjunction with our research on third-party mediation...
Bibliographic Classification of all the Sciences
"The BC consists of 14 main topics which are arranged in 25 main classes...
Australian Health Thesaurus
"The Australian Health Thesaurus (AHT) is a taxonomy (or controlled vocabulary) of medical, health and human services related concepts, organised into a hierarchical structure...
Thesaurus of International Trade Terms
"The International Trade Administration’s (ITA) Thesaurus of International Trade Terms is a controlled and structured list of words and phrases used to tag and index information found on the ITA’s websites and databases...
Institute of Theory and Techniques of Legal Information Library - Classification
The Institute for Legal Information Theory and Techniques (ITTIG), the organ of the National Research Council, conducts research on computer science and computer law...
"The ontology aims at modelling the data on cultural institutes or sites such as data regarding the agents that play a specific role on cultural institutes or sites, the sites themselves, the contact points, all multimedia files which describe the cultural institute or site and any other information useful to the public in order to access the institute or site...
Linked Heritage Glossary
Controlled Vocabularies for the Asset Description Metadata Schema
"SKOS, the Simple Knowledge Organisation System, is a common data model for sharing controlled vocabularies such as code lists, thesauri, and taxonomies via the Web in a machine-readable format...
AnaEE Thesaurus
"The AnaEE thesaurus aims to provide a controlled vocabulary for the semantic description of the study of continental ecosystems and their biodiversity...
Thot - Thesauri & Ontology for documenting Ancient Egyptian Resources
"(...) the Department of Egyptology of the University of Liege, in collaboration with the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and the Saxon Academy of Sciences in Leipzig (Thesaurus Linguae Aegyptiae), is now developing Thot, a set of resources for documenting and encoding ancient Egyptian resources in a shared, interoperable approach...
FIBO Vocabulary
"The FIBO vocabulary is distributed using the Simple Knowledge Organization System (SKOS)...
LandVoc - the Linked Land Governance Thesaurus
"The Land Portal Foundation has taken the lead in the land governance sector to develop such a standardized vocabulary: LandVoc, the Linked Land Governance Thesaurus...
Land Portal Resource Types
"The Land Portal's Land Library contains highly curated metadata of over 20,000 land-related publications, articles and multimedia...
Step by Step Classification
"Step by Step Classification (SSC) is a formula-based library classification scheme...
Thesaurus for Subject Cataloging
"Der Thesaurus zur Inhaltserschließung wurde im Sommersemester 2004 am Institut für Bibliothekswissenschaft an der Humboldt Universität zu Berlin von den Teilnehmerinnen und Teilnehmern des Hauptseminars 'Terminologieproblematik beim Aufbau von Thesauri' unter der Leitung von Frau Dr...
Classification scheme of childhood and adolescence
"This classification scheme was elaborated mainly to help classify documents on the bookshelves and it is based on simple principles which do not require special classification skills ("mark and park")...
Dutch Thesaurus of Author Names (NTA)
"De Nederlandse Thesaurus van Auteursnamen (NTA) ook wel Persoonsnamenthesaurus genoemd, is onderdeel van het Gemeenschappelijk Geautomatiseerd Catalogiseersysteem (GGC) dat beheerd wordt door OCLC...
INIS/ETDE Thesaurus
"It contains a total of 30 741 descriptors, of which 22 064 are valid descriptors and 8677 are forbidden terms...
ARCHE access restrictions
"A list of access restriction types for ARCHE."...
ARCHE life cycle status
"A list to indicate the life cycle status of an object in ARCHE."...
ARCHE Resource Type Category
"The general resource type an object can have based on controlled vocabulary of DataCite metadata schema 4.0."...
Authoring Tool Accessibility Guidelines
"Authoring tools are software and services that 'authors' (web developers, designers, writers, etc.) use to produce web content (static web pages, dynamic web applications, etc.)...
Brinkman subjects
"Volgens de thesaurus Brinkmanonderwerpen worden alle collecties van de Koninklijke Bibliotheek ontsloten...
Gemeenschappelijke Trefwoordenthesaurus
"De Gemeenschappelijk Onderwerpsontsluiting (GOO) of Gemeenschappelijke Trefwoordenthesaurus (GTR) is tot 1 januari 2012 bijgehouden en beheerd door de Koninklijke Bibliotheek t.b.v...
"This document describes requirements for some important aspects of the character model for W3C specifications...
Composite Capability/Preference Profiles (CC/PP): Structure and Vocabularies
"This document describes CC/PP (Composite Capabilities/Preference Profiles) structure and vocabularies...
Italian Thesaurus on Childhood and Adolescence
The Italian Thesaurus on Childhood and Adolescence (Th.I.A.) contains all the terms used to enter the documents acquired by the Centre (bibliographic materials, rules and regulations, statistics and films) into a subject catalogue...
Data Repositories Taxonomy
"The Data Repositories taxonomy is a categorization of research data repositories that have been evaluated by the Scientific Data team as being suitable for archiving research data in conjunction with a Springer Nature publication."...
DHA Taxonomy
"DHA taxonomy is a knowledge organization system designed to describe resources and subjects within activities of Digital Humanities Austria."...
Document Object Model (DOM) Level 2 Traversal and Range Specification
"This specification defines the Document Object Model Level 2 Traversal and Range, platform- and language-neutral interfaces that allow programs and scripts to dynamically traverse and identify a range of content in a document...
Dublin Core Collection Description Frequency Vocabulary
"The Collection Description Frequency Vocabulary provides a set of terms that can be used as values of the dcterms:accrualPeriodicity property in descriptions of collections...
Prehistory and Protohistory Vocabulary
"Controlled vocabulary used for indexing bibliographical records for the 'Prehistory and Protohistory' FRANCIS database (1972-2015,"...
Art and Archaeology Vocabulary
"Controlled vocabulary used for indexing bibliographical records for the 'Art and Archaeology' FRANCIS database (1972-2015,"...
History and Sciences of Religions Vocabulary
"Controlled vocabulary used for indexing bibliographical records for the 'History and Sciences of Religions' FRANCIS database (1972-2015,"...
Vocabulary of Philosophy
"Controlled vocabulary used for indexing bibliographical records for the 'Philosophy' FRANCIS database (1972-2015,"...
Sociology Vocabulary
"Controlled vocabulary used for indexing bibliographical records for the 'Sociology' FRANCIS database (1972-2015,"...
Mexican Macrothesaurus for Educational Content
"Contains 20,604 terms of the alphabetical corpus, permuted index, hierarchical indexes, list of controlled identifiers of characters and institutions."...
Classification scheme
Vocabulary of Heat Transfers
"Controlled vocabulary used for indexing bibliographical records dealing with 'Classical Thermodynamics / Heat Transfers' in the PASCAL database (1972-2015,"...
Electronics and Optoelectronics Vocabulary
"Vocabulary used for indexing bibliographical records dealing with “Electronics” in the PASCAL database, until 2014...
Biodiversity Thesaurus
"This bilingual thesaurus structures the key-concepts of biodiversity in its fundamental and applied ecological components...
Thesaurus Cognitive psychology of human memory
"This bilingual (French-English) thesaurus, developed at Inist-CNRS, identifies the concepts of the cognitive psychology of human memory (memory systems and processes, empirical effects, memory disorders, study methods, theories and models), organized in the form of hierarchical (generic and specific terms), equivalence (synonyms) and association relationships."...
Thesaurus of Blood Transfusion
"This thesaurus is based on the vocabulary used in scientific publications dealing with Blood Transfusion and neighbor fields...
ITIL – Information Technology Infrastructure Library
"ITIL is a set of detailed practices for IT service management that focuses on aligning IT services with the needs of business...
LRMI Alignment Type Vocabulary
"A concept scheme that defines the types of relationships between a learning resource and a node in an educational framework."...
LRMI Educational Audience Role Vocabulary
"A concept scheme that defines the primary or intended roles of the audience (beneficiary) of the resource being described."...
LRMI Educational Use Vocabulary
"A concept scheme that enumerates the educational uses of a learning resource."...
Systematics of the bibliography of the musical writing
"With the systematics of the bibliography of the musical writing system, you can call up a chronologically sorted overview of the publications for a specific area by clicking on the search results...
Human Rights Terms
"Human Rights Terms is a controlled subject headings vocabulary covering mainly human rights literature, and is maintained by the Human Rights Library, part of the UiO Law Library."...
Thésaurus ArchiRès
"Le thésaurus ArchiRès a été élaboré par le réseau documentaire des écoles d’architecture...
NPG Subjects Ontology
"The Subjects Ontology is a polyhierarchical categorization of scholarly subject areas which are used for the indexing of content by Macmillan Science and Education."...
Thesaurus KBcode
American Planning Association Library Subject Headings
"This list is intended to be used with and supplement the Library of Congress subject headings...
Basle Bibliography for Historical Performance Practice Classification Scheme
"The Basle Bibliography differs from all other music-oriented bibliography databases (e.g., RILM, BMS) above all due to its classification scheme (i.e., Index)...
Wessex Classification Scheme
"The Wessex Classification Scheme is a revision of the National Library of Medicine (NLM) schedules incorporating current UK medical and health practice...
Wessex Annotated Subject Heading Index
"This annotated index to the Wessex Classification Scheme was produced primarily for cataloguers within the SWIMS Network (formerly SWRLIN) Cataloguing Co-operative...
Systematic Bibliography on Deir el-Medîna Classification Scheme
RILM Classification System
"Browse RILM’s Classification System which groups 87 classes under 12 super classes."...
Justice Thesaurus
"This is the seventh edition (2016) of the Justice Thesaurus of the Dutch Ministry of Justice and Security."...
DemoVoc Thesaurus
"The thesaurus DemoVoc, which aims to facilitate searching and indexing of documents in the field of population studies, is derived from the Popin thesaurus, created and maintained by CICRED (Committee for International Cooperation in National Research in Demography) from 1979 to 1993...
Jefferson's Library Classification
Thomas Jefferson created this classification for his private library...
MoTIF Pilot Thesaurus of Irish Folklore
"MoTIF, the pilot thesaurus of Irish folklore, is intended to accompany the Thesaurus Construction Guidelines: An Introduction to Thesauri and Guidelines on Their Construction and act as a sample thesaurus and demonstration of the international principles and best practices outlined in that document...
Military Thesaurus of the Union
"O TesJMU tem por finalidade padronizar a linguagem de representação temática dos documentos constitutivos das bases de informação dos órgãos da Justiça Militar da União, com vistas a facilitar a recuperação de informações por seus usuários internos – magistrados e servidores – e externos – advogados, cidadãos e outras instituições do Poder Judiciário...
Carpet Encyclopedia Glossary
"(...) different terms and expressions from the world of carpets are explained and outlined."...
Σχεδιασμός και κατασκευή πλοίων: ορολογία, ονοματολογία, διαστάσεις πλοίου
English-Greek Glossary of Air Traffic Management Terms
"Το παρόν λεξικό εκπονήθηκε από την ΟΜΕΟΔΕΚ με την επιστημονική συνδρομή της ΕΛΕΤΟ...
Wine Glossary
"(.) Wine Glossary is an informative resource of key wine terms...
Sailing Glossary/Terminology
"A glossary of all the key sailing/yachting terminology used in sailing."...
Classification scheme of historical-musicological documentation
Illegitimate Dept Glossary
"This glossary is to clarify some of the terms that may be specifically used in the discussion of debt and the political, economic and financial concepts that are involved."...
English Wood Structure Terminology
Swiss Classification for Surgical Interventions
"Im Rahmen der Medizinischen Statistik werden jährlich in allen Krankenhäusern und Kliniken der Schweiz sämtliche stationäre Spitalaufenthalte erfasst...
Access Right Name Authority List
"The access-right authority table is a controlled vocabulary listing the access rights or restrictions to resources...
Address Type Name Authority List
"This table provides the address types as used in the EU Whoiswho."...
Administrative Territorial Units Types Name Authority List
"This table provides the various types of administrative territorial units within the Member States of the European Union...
Administrative Territorial Units Name Authority List
"This table provides the list of the various administrative territorial units of the EU Member States...
CDEC Classification Scheme
"To know the books owned by the CDEC Foundation library and to carry out a thematic research (eg 'Jews in Italy', 'Shoah', 'anti-Semitism', 'Jewish personalities'), you can consult online the Classification of the library with links to the OPAC catalog pages...
Browser Name Authority List
"The browser authority table is a controlled vocabulary listing the different web browsers used in web crawling...
Capital Classification Name Authority List
"The Capital classification NAL provides possible locality statuses."...
Case Report Name Authority List
"This table provides the different names of the case law reports of the Court of Justice."...
Case Status Name Authority List
"This table provides the different statuses used for a case at the Court of Justice."...
Concept Status Name Authority List
"This table is an internal table at the Publications Office and provides the various statuses used in a harmonized way amongst the various tables (NALs)."...
Continent Name Authority List
"The continent authority table is a controlled vocabulary providing a list of continents...
Corporate Body Classification Name Authority List
"The corporate-body-classification authority table is a controlled vocabulary providing types of corporate bodies...
Correction Status Name Authority List
"The Correction status NAL provides the possible statuses of proofreading of labels and descriptions."...
Court Type Name Authority List
"The Court type NAL provides a classification of courts."...
Crawler Name Authority List
"The crawler table provides a list of programs used for web crawling designed for web archiving...
VIGOR Video Library Catalog classification of library sections
"The inner library is divided into several thematic areas...
MDR data themes
The Data theme authority table was developed in the context of the revision of the DCAT application profile (DCAT-AP)...
Dataset Status Name Authority List
"The dataset-status authority table is a controlled vocabulary providing possible statuses for datasets...
Dataset Type Name Authority List
"The dataset-type authority table is a controlled vocabulary providing possible types for categorising a dataset...
Distribution Type Name Authority List
"The distribution-type authority table is a controlled vocabulary providing possible distribution types...
Documentation Type Name Authority List
"This table provides possible documentation types...
EU Budget Amount Status Name Authority List
"This table provides possible statuses for amounts in the EU budget...
EU Budget Stage Name Authority List
"This table provides possible stages of the EU budget preparatory actions and pilot projects...
EU Budget Status Name Authority List
"This table provides possible statuses of the EU budget preparatory actions and pilot projects...
EU Programme Name Authority List
"This table provides programmes financially supported by the EU...
Frequency Name Authority List
"This table provides the accrual periodicities in the 24 official languages of the European Union."...
Schema di Classificazione del Materiale Monografico
"Lo schema di classificazione del materiale monografico è stato elaborato all'interno della Biblioteca, con la collaborazionde di diversi docenti e rispecchia a grandi linee l'organizzazione dei corsi attivati in Dipatimento...
Grammatical Alternation Name Authority List
"The Grammatical alternation NAL captures the phonological alternations based on whether the first letter of the succeeding word is a consonant or a vowel, completed with a syllable rule...
Grammatical Consciousness Name Authority List
"The Grammatical consciousness NAL provides the grammatical features regarding consciousness of a substantive...
Grammatical Gender Name Authority List
"The grammatical-gender authority table is a controlled vocabulary which provides the list of the grammatical genders in languages which have gender distinctions: "male", "female", "neuter" or "utrum"."...
Honorific Name Authority List
"This table provides the honorific titles used in addressing or referring to a person as used in the EU Whoiswho."...
Human Sex Name Authority List
"This table provides the list of human sexes."...
Internal Procedure Name Authority List
"The NAL internal procedure lists the different procedures used in the context of data exchange between the institutions."...
Label Type Name Authority List
"This table provides the various forms of labels that are considered as 'alternative labels' in the SKOS format...
Legal Proceeding Type Name Authority List
"The procjur-type authority table is a controlled vocabulary that provides the three different types of legal proceedings at the Court of Justice...
Licence Name Authority List
"The Licence authority table is a controlled vocabulary that lists the European Commission Reuse Notice and the European Union Public Licences...
Licence Domain Name Authority List
"The Licence domain authority table is a controlled vocabulary that provides a list of domains covered by licences in the Licence authority table...
Periodicals - Classification Schedule
"The Library has a rich collection of periodicals in the field of economics and social sciences, consisting mainly of series, largely complete, of the most important journals of European and American economics...
Membership Classification Name Authority List
"The Membership classification NAL provides a list of politico-economic units for classifying countries, localities or languages...
Modification Type Name Authority List
"The Modification type NAL provides a list of modifications to the legal act resulting from instructions in the modifying act or corrigenda."...
Notation Type Name Authority List
"The authority table notation type provides the list of notation types used in EU Vocabularies authority tables as well as in the context of DCAT-AP."...
Number Name Authority List
"The Numbers Named Authority List (NAL) is a controlled vocabulary listing a set of cardinal and ordinal numbers in the 24 official languages of the EU...
Organization Type Name Authority List
"The organisation-type authority table is a controlled vocabulary listing the various types of organizations as used in the EU Whoiswho application...
Position Grade Name Authority List
"This table provides the position grade of the staff employed by the European institutions, bodies or agencies...
Position Status Name Authority List
"This table provides the position status of the staff employed by the European institutions, bodies or agencies as used in the EU Whoiswho application."...
Position Type Name Authority List
"This authority table provides the list of possible types of position of the staff employed by the EU institutions, bodies or agencies...
Procedure Nature Name Authority List
"The Procedure nature authority table is a controlled vocabulary that provides a classification of procedures applicable to the adoption of legislation and other acts by the institutions of the European Union as defined by the treaties...
Product Form Name Authority List
"This table provides the various product forms published at the Publications office, mainly those related to the general publications (brochures, leaflets, …) and the EU Open Data Portal (ODP).."...
Statistics and Documentation - Classification scheme
"The Library has always paid particular attention to the acquisition of statistical documentation...
Publication Theme Name Authority List
"This table provides the various themes used for the general publications."...
Role Nature Name Authority List
"The role-nature authority table is a controlled vocabulary that provides a list of values used for controlling the attribution of roles with the respective authority codes...
Role Qualifier Name Authority List
"This table provides the quality of the interveners at the Court of Justice."...
Basic Classification (BK)
German decimal classification system based on the Dutch Basic Classification (NBC)...
Script Name Authority List
"The script authority table is a controlled vocabulary providing a list of distinctive scripts...
Site Name Authority List
"This table provides the sites referring to the premises occupied by the various EU institutions and bodies."...
Subdivision Name Authority List
"This table provides the subdivisions of acts used for legal citations...
Subdivision Position Name Authority List
"The Subdivision position NAL is used for the consolidation of legislation...
"The classification system results from the aggregation and standardization of 6 different international classification systems of scientific journals in various fields of social sciences (ISI, SCOPUS, ESF, AERES, CAPES and CERES)...
Target Audience Name Authority List
"This table provides the target audiences used for the general publications."...
Time Period Name Authority List
"The time-period authority table is a controlled vocabulary which lists the periods of time in the 24 official languages of the EU...
Treaty Classification Name Authority List
"The Treaty classification NAL provides the list of types of treaties of the European Union and its predecessors."...
Use Context Name Authority List
"This table provides a list of the different applications or environments that make use of the various tables (NALs)...
Website Identifier Name Authority List
"The website-identifier table provides a list of websites (URL) included in the domain and subdomains...
Writing System Name Authority List
"The Writing system NAL provides the list of the main writing systems...
IxTheo classification (IxTheo)
The classification of Index Theologicus bibliography uses uppercase letter notations for topics of theological interest....
Dictionary of Techniques
"The technical complexity and material diversity used in the processes of conformation and decoration of objects require an approach from different disciplines...
Middle French Dictionary
The easiest way to search for a word in the dictionary is to use the form located on the homepage...
National Information Center for Educational Media Thesaurus
"Titles (about 60,000) are indexed by the thesaurus developed for NICEM which contains 6,000 subject terms...
Skill Classification System
"System Klasyfikacji Umiejętności (SKU) to autorski projekt ekipy edugracji: jest to graficzny system, wzorowany na systemie PEGI, mający na celu pomoc w zdobyciu informacji o umiejętnościach rozwijanych w grach dla dzieci i młodzieży...
Historical International Standard Classification of Occupations (HISCO)
"Starting in the 1950s the International Labour Office has developed an International Standard Classification of Occupations (isco) allowing classification of occupational activities worldwide...
OLAC Video Game Vocabulary
"Video games are extremely popular materials held by both public libraries and academic libraries...
Lexicon of Greek Personal Names
"The Lexicon of Greek Personal Names (LGPN) was established to collect and publish all ancient Greek personal names, drawing on the full range of written sources from the 8th century B.C...
Dictionary Network
Web NDL Authorities (NDLSH)
Web NDL Authorities is a service by the National Diet Library (NDL), Japan, to access authority data created and maintained by the NDL...
EBU SKOS Classification Scheme for Role Codes
A vocabulary defining television, radio and associated media contributor roles....
CINAHL Subject Headings
"The CINAHL subject headings are based on the MeSH headings, with additional specific nursing and allied health headings added as appropriate...
ADMS Controlled Vocabularies
"The Asset Description Metadata Schema (v1.00) (ADMS) proposes six new controlled vocabularies (...), and specifies for each vocabulary and term corresponding term URIs (...):
Asset Type: e.g...
Accession Method
Vocabulary of accession methods....
Multilingual Dictionary of Cataloguing Terms and Concepts
"The Multilingual dictionary of cataloguing terms and concepts contains definitions for many terms and concepts used by the library cataloguing community...
Controlled vocabulary for Mexico 1968: information resources
"El vocabulario en cuestión se construyó con base en el análisis temático de documentos recopilados y transcritos por María de los Ángeles Knochenhauer durante el movimiento estudiantil de 1968 en México...
Thesaurus City of Paris
"Ce projet a pour objet de constituer plusieurs thésaurus pour Lightroom en français, hiérarchisés, et avec des synonymes (et si possible la traduction anglaise dans les synonymes)...
Thesaurus City of Lyon
"Ce projet a pour objet de constituer plusieurs thésaurus pour Lightroom en français, hiérarchisés, et avec des synonymes (et si possible la traduction anglaise dans les synonymes)...
Culinary Thesaurus
"Ce projet a pour objet de constituer plusieurs thésaurus pour Lightroom en français, hiérarchisés, et avec des synonymes (et si possible la traduction anglaise dans les synonymes)...
French Communes
"This thesaurus lists all the French communes including metropolitan France and overseas regions and departments...
Helsinki City Library Classification System
"The Web-HCLCS is the webversion of the Helsinki City Library Classification System...
Money Aggregate Vocabulary
"Money Aggregate Vocabulary, or MoneyAggVoc for short, is an attempt to catalogue money aggregate measures listed in the Exhibit 3 Definitions of Money in Reading 19 on Economics of the CFA Program Curriculum 2016 Level I (ISBN 978-1-942471-19-6) with some minor additions...
Filipiniana Subject Authority File
"Subject authority headings for Filipiniana materials.This will contain terms on: 1...
"HurtLex is a multilingual computational lexicon of hate words...
UPIANA Classification Scheme
"The UPIANA Classification Schedule forms part of a set of three special classification schedules developed by the Cataloging and Metadata Services Section of the University of the Philippines Diliman University Library...
Fashion Glossary
"The language of the fashion world is plagued by foreign language and technicalities that appear frequently in the media due to the multitude of events and meetings held in this sector and the expansion of the specialized press...
Gale Accounting Thesaurus
The Gale Accounting Thesaurus is a subset of the master Gale Business Thesaurus in the narrower domain of accounting and its principles and procedures...
Gale Advertising Thesaurus
The Gale Advertising Thesaurus is a subset of the master Gale Business Thesaurus in the narrower domain of advertising...
Gale Aeronautics and Astronautics Thesaurus
The Gale Aeronautics and Astronautics Thesaurus is a subset of the master Gale Technology Thesaurus in the narrower domain of design, construction, and operation of aircraft and spacecraft, and the technologies and processes that apply directly to the science of flight...
Gale Agriculture Thesaurus
The Gale Agriculture Thesaurus is a subset of the master Gale Business Thesaurus in the narrower domain of the science or art of cultivating the soil, producing crops, and raising livestock...
Gale Alternative Medicine Thesaurus
The Gale Alternative Medicine Thesaurus is a subset of the master Gale Health and Medicine Thesaurus in the narrower domain of herbal medicines, homeopathic treatments, and non-Western therapies such as acupuncture...
Gale Anatomy Thesaurus
The Gale Anatomy Thesaurus is a subset of the master Gale Health and Medicine Thesaurus in the narrower domain of the human or animal body as a whole and all of the body’s systems, regions, and parts...
Gale Anthropology Thesaurus
The Gale Anthropology Thesaurus is a subset of the master Gale Social Sciences Thesaurus in the narrower domain of the origin, development, and varieties of human beings and their societies...
Gale Astronomy Thesaurus
The Gale Astronomy Thesaurus is a subset of the master Gale Science Thesaurus...
Gale Automotive Thesaurus
The Gale Automotive Thesaurus is a subset of the master Gale Technology Thesaurus...
Gale Banking Thesaurus
The Gale Banking Thesaurus is a subset of the master Gale Business Thesaurus in the narrower domain of banking...
Integrated Classification of Scientific Journals
"La Clasificación Integrada de Revistas Científicas – CIRC se propone como objetivo la construcción de una clasificación de revistas científicas de Ciencias Sociales y Humanas en función de su calidad integrando los productos de evaluación existentes considerados positivamente por las diferentes agencias de evaluación nacionales como CNEAI, ANECA)...
Gale Biology Thesaurus
The Gale Biology Thesaurus a subset of the master Gale Science Thesaurus...
Gale Building and Construction Thesaurus
The Gale Building and Construction Thesaurus is a subset of the master Gale Technology Thesaurus...
Gale Business Thesaurus
The Gale Business thesaurus is a large, general business thesaurus in the domains of accounting, advertising, agriculture, banking, commerce, currency and coinage, finance, human resources, industries, insurance, investments, management, marketing, labor, products and services, public relations, real estate, and taxation...
Gale Chemical Technology Thesaurus
The Gale Chemical Technology Thesaurus is a subset of the master Gale Technology Thesaurus in the narrower domain of commercial and industrial applications of chemicals and chemical processes...
Gale Chemistry Thesaurus
The Gale Chemistry Thesaurus a subset of the master Gale Science Thesaurus...
Gale Commerce Thesaurus
The Gale Commerce Thesaurus is a subset of the master Gale Business Thesaurus in the narrower domain of the exchange of goods or commodities between different countries, or between different regions of the same country...
Gale Communications Thesaurus
The Gale Communications Thesaurus is a subset of the master Gale Technology Thesaurus in the narrower domain of voice, data, or both delivered through the air or over wire and cable...
Gale Computing Thesaurus
The Gale Computing Thesaurus is a subset of the master Gale Technology Thesaurus in the narrower domain of personal, business, and large-scale computing...
Gale Currency and Coinage Thesaurus
The Gale Currency and Coinage Thesaurus is a subset of the master Gale Business Thesaurus in the narrower domain of currency, government notes, and bank notes that are in circulation as a medium of exchange...
Gale Diseases Thesaurus
The Gale Diseases Thesaurus is a subset of the master Gale Health and Medicine Thesaurus in the narrower domain of diseases, disorders, conditions and symptoms (both physical and psychological) that impact humans or animals...
IUPAC Compendium of Chemical Terminology
"The Compendium is popularly referred to as the 'Gold Book', in recognition of the contribution of the late Victor Gold, who initiated work on the first edition...
Gale Drugs Thesaurus
The Gale Drugs Thesaurus is a subset of the master Gale Health and Medicine Thesaurus in the narrower domain of chemicals and other substances that are administered (usually orally, topically, or subcutaneously) to diagnose, treat, or prevent human or animal diseases or disorders...
Gale Earth Sciences Thesaurus
The Gale Earth Sciences Thesaurus is a subset of the master Gale Science Thesaurus...
Gale Economics Thesaurus
The Gale Economics Thesaurus is a subset of the master Gale Social Sciences Thesaurus in the narrower domain of economic theories, principles, systems, policies, practices, concepts, and conditions...
Gale Education Thesaurus
The Gale Education Thesaurus is a subset of the master Gale Social Sciences Thesaurus in the narrower domain of teaching, training, and learning...
Gale Electronics Thesaurus
The Gale Electronics Thesaurus is a subset of the master Gale Technology Thesaurus in the narrower domain all electronic devices and components used by consumers and industry in the form of finished products or parts for manufacturing except computers, computer components, and peripherals specifically intended for use with stand-alone or networked computers...
Gale Energy Thesaurus
The Gale Energy Thesaurus is a subset of the master Gale Technology thesaurus in the narrower domain of the production, distribution, regulation, and uses of energy resources, including new sources/production methods and their environmental ramifications...
Gale Engineering Thesaurus
The Gale Engineering Thesaurus is a subset of the master Gale Technology Thesaurus in the narrower domain of general engineering as well as specific engineering disciplines, such as civil engineering, and the systems created by practitioners in those disciplines, (e.g., water and sewer systems, public works, etc.)...
Gale Facilities Thesaurus
The Gale Facilities Thesaurus is a subset of the master Gale Business Thesaurus and includes subject areas related to a number of types of facilities, buildings, structures, and locations at which commercial or industrial enterprises conduct their manufacturing, distribution, or retail operations...
Gale Finance Thesaurus
The Gale Finance Thesaurus is a subset of the master Gale Business Thesaurus in the narrower domain of international, domestic, corporate, and personal finance...
Gale Fine Arts Thesaurus
The Gale Fine Arts Thesaurus is a subset of the master Gale Arts and Humanities Thesaurus...
IUPAC Nomenclature of Inorganic Chemistry
"The Rules of Inorganic Nomenclature (the 'Red Book'), first published in 1958 by the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC), were most recently updated as Nomenclature of Inorganic Chemistry 1990...
Gale Food, Cooking and Nutrition Thesaurus
The Gale Food, Cooking and Nutrition Thesaurus is a subset of the master Gale Health and Medicine Thesaurus in the narrower domain of foods and beverages consumed by humans or animals; the noncommercial production, processing, cooking, and serving of those foods and beverages, and the related human or animal nutrition, including the non-medical study of nutrition and the non-medical application of nutritional principles...
Gale Geography Thesaurus
The Gale Geography Thesaurus is a subset of the master Gale Social Sciences Thesaurus in the narrower domain of the description, distribution, and interaction of the physical, biological, and geographical features found on the earth’s surface...
Gale Health and Medicine Thesaurus
The Gale Health and Medicine Thesaurus is a large thesaurus in the domains of alternative medicine, anatomy, diseases, drugs, food, cooking and nutrition, medical equipment, technologies and procedures, medical personnel, occupations and services, and pathogens...
Gale Herbs and Supplements Thesaurus
The Gale Herbs and Supplements Thesaurus is a subset of the master Gale Health and Medicine Thesaurus in the narrower domain of herbs, herbal remedies, and dietary supplements that affect human and animal health...
Gale History Thesaurus
The Gale History Thesaurus is a subset of the master Gale Social Sciences Thesaurus in the narrower domain of the description, analysis, and interpretation of past events involving human beings...
Gale Human Resource Management Thesaurus
The Gale Human Resource Management Thesaurus is a subset of the master Gale Business Thesaurus in the narrower domain of the field of management that has responsibility for recruiting, hiring, training, developing, compensating, managing, and supervising employees...
Gale Humanities Thesaurus
The Gale Humanities Thesaurus contains the subject areas of fine arts, language, literature, performing arts, religion, and philosophy...
Gale Industries Thesaurus
The Gale Industries Thesaurus is a subset of the master Gale Business Thesaurus in the narrower domain of distinct groups of productive or profit-making industries, enterprises, companies, and firms...
Gale Insurance Thesaurus
The Gale Insurance Thesaurus is a subset of the master Gale Business Thesaurus in the narrower domain of the business of insuring persons and property...