Multilingual Thesaurus of the European Union (EuroVoc)
"EuroVoc is a multilingual, multidisciplinary thesaurus covering the activities of the EU, the European Parliament in particular...
"The Hornbostel-Sachs system is a classification system for musical instruments, published in 1914 by Erich Moritz von Hornbostel and Curt Sachs in the Zeitschrift fur Ethnologie under the title Systematik der Musikinstrumente Classification of musical instruments (...) The Hornbostel-Sachs system has a hierarchical structure, each category corresponds to a number, with a number being added in each detail step, so that the number of digits increases with increasing concretization Of the number, while further characters (-,:,], +) allow the notation of special meanings...
Hochschule Konstanz University of Applied Sciences (HTWG) classification scheme (HTWG)
Classification scheme for the Hochschule Konstanz University of Applied Sciences (HTWG)...
Konstanz library classification (KonSys)
The Konstanzer Systematik (KonSys) is a classification scheme for academic libraries, developed at the Library of the University of Konstanz in 1966 for the newly founded University as an in-house classification scheme for its own extensive holdings on the open shelves...
PLOS Subject Area Thesaurus
"The 'Subject Areas' panel on each article page displays a set of terms selected for that article based on its content...
"Controlled vocabulary of Norwegian terms with Universal Decimal Classification numbers; library metadata from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology."...
Science subject terms
"Realfagstermer is a multilingual, controlled vocabulary of pre-coordinated subject headings which mainly covers the physical sciences, mathematics and computer science...
Classification for Romance Studies of the Bonn University and State Library (ULBB)
“The entire Romance Studies Collection of the Bonn USL is indexed according to a special classification system (more than 250,000 titles)."...
Open Research Glossary
"This glossary is designed to be a resource to inform people about the culture of ‘open scholarship’...
Metadata dictionary
"Metadata Dictionary is a terms and expressions necessary for the description data entity that includes both ISBD-item rules and the terminology of the RDA item's instructions...
Finnish Geospatial Domain Ontology
"Paikkatieto-ontologian (PTO) toinen versio muodostuu Yleisestä suomalaisesta ontologiasta (YSO) ja sitä täydentävistä noin 1020 paikkatietokäsitteestä...
Finnish presentation composition vocabulary
"The Finnish Presentation Composition (SEKO) is a single-language vocabulary covering music presentations...
GND subject categories
The GND subject categories are used to provide a broad classification of concepts in the Integrated Authority File....
NPG Summary Types Ontology
"The SummaryTypes Ontology is a categorization of summaries – including Short Summary, Long Summary and Standfirst – that are associated with specific articles...
NPG Review States Ontology
"The ReviewStates Ontology is a categorization of the various states that mark the review status of a publication...
ArticleTypes Ontology
"The ArticleTypes Ontology is a categorization of kinds of publication which are used to index and group content published on
NPG Blogs Ontology
"The Blogs Ontology is the master catalogue of blogs from Macmillan Science and Education."...
NPG Journals Ontology
"The Journals Ontology is the master catalogue of journals from Macmillan Science and Education, including the Nature Publishing Group and Palgrave Macmillan imprints."...
NPG Publish States Ontology
"The PublishStates Ontology is a categorization of the various states that mark the publishing status of a publication...
NPG Relations Ontology
"The Relations Ontology is a catalogue of the kinds of relation which are used to manage our linked publications...
NPG Severity Levels Ontology
"The SeverityLevels Ontology is a modelling of the syslog message severity values from RFC 5424...
Genre and subject headings for rare books by the AAD (AADGENRES)
The genre headings by the Working Group on Rare Books (AAD) serves as the basis for a consistent tagging of rare books published until 1850 in the GBV Common Library Network...
Bibliographic Classification of all the Sciences
"The BC consists of 14 main topics which are arranged in 25 main classes...
Human Rights Terms
"Human Rights Terms is a controlled subject headings vocabulary covering mainly human rights literature, and is maintained by the Human Rights Library, part of the UiO Law Library."...
NPG Subjects Ontology
"The Subjects Ontology is a polyhierarchical categorization of scholarly subject areas which are used for the indexing of content by Macmillan Science and Education."...
Jefferson's Library Classification
Thomas Jefferson created this classification for his private library...
Access Right Name Authority List
"The access-right authority table is a controlled vocabulary listing the access rights or restrictions to resources...
Address Type Name Authority List
"This table provides the address types as used in the EU Whoiswho."...
Administrative Territorial Units Types Name Authority List
"This table provides the various types of administrative territorial units within the Member States of the European Union...
Administrative Territorial Units Name Authority List
"This table provides the list of the various administrative territorial units of the EU Member States...
Browser Name Authority List
"The browser authority table is a controlled vocabulary listing the different web browsers used in web crawling...
Capital Classification Name Authority List
"The Capital classification NAL provides possible locality statuses."...
Case Report Name Authority List
"This table provides the different names of the case law reports of the Court of Justice."...
Case Status Name Authority List
"This table provides the different statuses used for a case at the Court of Justice."...
Concept Status Name Authority List
"This table is an internal table at the Publications Office and provides the various statuses used in a harmonized way amongst the various tables (NALs)."...
Continent Name Authority List
"The continent authority table is a controlled vocabulary providing a list of continents...
Corporate Body Classification Name Authority List
"The corporate-body-classification authority table is a controlled vocabulary providing types of corporate bodies...
Correction Status Name Authority List
"The Correction status NAL provides the possible statuses of proofreading of labels and descriptions."...
Court Type Name Authority List
"The Court type NAL provides a classification of courts."...
Crawler Name Authority List
"The crawler table provides a list of programs used for web crawling designed for web archiving...
MDR data themes
The Data theme authority table was developed in the context of the revision of the DCAT application profile (DCAT-AP)...
Dataset Status Name Authority List
"The dataset-status authority table is a controlled vocabulary providing possible statuses for datasets...
Dataset Type Name Authority List
"The dataset-type authority table is a controlled vocabulary providing possible types for categorising a dataset...
Distribution Type Name Authority List
"The distribution-type authority table is a controlled vocabulary providing possible distribution types...
Documentation Type Name Authority List
"This table provides possible documentation types...
EU Budget Amount Status Name Authority List
"This table provides possible statuses for amounts in the EU budget...
EU Budget Stage Name Authority List
"This table provides possible stages of the EU budget preparatory actions and pilot projects...
EU Budget Status Name Authority List
"This table provides possible statuses of the EU budget preparatory actions and pilot projects...
EU Programme Name Authority List
"This table provides programmes financially supported by the EU...
Frequency Name Authority List
"This table provides the accrual periodicities in the 24 official languages of the European Union."...
Grammatical Alternation Name Authority List
"The Grammatical alternation NAL captures the phonological alternations based on whether the first letter of the succeeding word is a consonant or a vowel, completed with a syllable rule...
Grammatical Consciousness Name Authority List
"The Grammatical consciousness NAL provides the grammatical features regarding consciousness of a substantive...
Grammatical Gender Name Authority List
"The grammatical-gender authority table is a controlled vocabulary which provides the list of the grammatical genders in languages which have gender distinctions: "male", "female", "neuter" or "utrum"."...
Honorific Name Authority List
"This table provides the honorific titles used in addressing or referring to a person as used in the EU Whoiswho."...
Human Sex Name Authority List
"This table provides the list of human sexes."...
Internal Procedure Name Authority List
"The NAL internal procedure lists the different procedures used in the context of data exchange between the institutions."...
Label Type Name Authority List
"This table provides the various forms of labels that are considered as 'alternative labels' in the SKOS format...
Legal Proceeding Type Name Authority List
"The procjur-type authority table is a controlled vocabulary that provides the three different types of legal proceedings at the Court of Justice...
Licence Name Authority List
"The Licence authority table is a controlled vocabulary that lists the European Commission Reuse Notice and the European Union Public Licences...
Licence Domain Name Authority List
"The Licence domain authority table is a controlled vocabulary that provides a list of domains covered by licences in the Licence authority table...
Membership Classification Name Authority List
"The Membership classification NAL provides a list of politico-economic units for classifying countries, localities or languages...
Modification Type Name Authority List
"The Modification type NAL provides a list of modifications to the legal act resulting from instructions in the modifying act or corrigenda."...
Notation Type Name Authority List
"The authority table notation type provides the list of notation types used in EU Vocabularies authority tables as well as in the context of DCAT-AP."...
Number Name Authority List
"The Numbers Named Authority List (NAL) is a controlled vocabulary listing a set of cardinal and ordinal numbers in the 24 official languages of the EU...
Organization Type Name Authority List
"The organisation-type authority table is a controlled vocabulary listing the various types of organizations as used in the EU Whoiswho application...
Position Grade Name Authority List
"This table provides the position grade of the staff employed by the European institutions, bodies or agencies...
Position Status Name Authority List
"This table provides the position status of the staff employed by the European institutions, bodies or agencies as used in the EU Whoiswho application."...
Position Type Name Authority List
"This authority table provides the list of possible types of position of the staff employed by the EU institutions, bodies or agencies...
Procedure Nature Name Authority List
"The Procedure nature authority table is a controlled vocabulary that provides a classification of procedures applicable to the adoption of legislation and other acts by the institutions of the European Union as defined by the treaties...
Product Form Name Authority List
"This table provides the various product forms published at the Publications office, mainly those related to the general publications (brochures, leaflets, …) and the EU Open Data Portal (ODP).."...
Publication Theme Name Authority List
"This table provides the various themes used for the general publications."...
Role Nature Name Authority List
"The role-nature authority table is a controlled vocabulary that provides a list of values used for controlling the attribution of roles with the respective authority codes...
Role Qualifier Name Authority List
"This table provides the quality of the interveners at the Court of Justice."...
Basic Classification (BK)
German decimal classification system based on the Dutch Basic Classification (NBC)...
Script Name Authority List
"The script authority table is a controlled vocabulary providing a list of distinctive scripts...
Site Name Authority List
"This table provides the sites referring to the premises occupied by the various EU institutions and bodies."...
Subdivision Name Authority List
"This table provides the subdivisions of acts used for legal citations...
Subdivision Position Name Authority List
"The Subdivision position NAL is used for the consolidation of legislation...
Target Audience Name Authority List
"This table provides the target audiences used for the general publications."...
Time Period Name Authority List
"The time-period authority table is a controlled vocabulary which lists the periods of time in the 24 official languages of the EU...
Treaty Classification Name Authority List
"The Treaty classification NAL provides the list of types of treaties of the European Union and its predecessors."...
Use Context Name Authority List
"This table provides a list of the different applications or environments that make use of the various tables (NALs)...
Website Identifier Name Authority List
"The website-identifier table provides a list of websites (URL) included in the domain and subdomains...
Writing System Name Authority List
"The Writing system NAL provides the list of the main writing systems...
IxTheo classification (IxTheo)
The classification of Index Theologicus bibliography uses uppercase letter notations for topics of theological interest....
Helsinki City Library Classification System
"The Web-HCLCS is the webversion of the Helsinki City Library Classification System...
Bielefeld University Library Classification System (UBBI)
The classification system of Bielefeld University Library is a universal shelf classification developed in the 1960s with the foundation of the University....
Physics Subject Headings (PhySH)
"PhySH (Physics Subject Headings) is a physics classification scheme developed by the American Physical Society to organize journals, meetings, and other content by topic...
Accessibility Name Authority List
This table provides a list of options for the use of accessibility criteria for person with disabilities in the technical specifications within the domain of public procurement....
Applicability Name Authority List
This table provides a list of the options pertinent to be chosen for a matter concerning the applicability of predefined fields...
Award criterion type Name Authority List
This table provides the list of rules to be taken into account for the award decisions within the in public procurement procedures...
Buyer legal type Name Authority List
This table provides a list of the the type of procuring authorities within the domain of public procurement according to legislation....
Change corrig justification Name Authority List
This table provides the codes and values used in case of justification of correcions applied to a notice within the context of public procurement....
COM internal consultation type Name Authority List
COM internal consultation type Named Authority List...
COM internal event Name Authority List
COM internal event Named Authority List...
COM internal procedure Name Authority List
COM internal procedure Named Authority List...
Communication justification Name Authority List
This table provides the justification for restricting access rights to resources within the context of public procurement....
Concept status Name Authority List
This table is an internal table at the Publications Office and provides the various statuses used in a harmonized way amongst the various tables (NALs)....
Contract nature Name Authority List
This table provides a list of different types of subjects and goods that can be acquired by means of a public contract such as works, supplies and services by one or more contracting authorities from economic operators....
Digital Europa Thesaurus
The Digital Europa Thesaurus (DET) is a multilingual thesaurus covering the main subject matters of the European Commission's public communications....
Direct award justification Name Authority List
This table provides the list of reasons for using a procedure which allows awarding contracts directly without the requirement of publishing a call for competition in the Official Journal of the European Union....
Document collection Name Authority List
This technical table provides the codes used for internal purposes in the CELLAR application....
DPS usage Name Authority List
This table provides a list wether a dynamic purchasing system is involved in a procurement and, in case of central purchasing bodies, whether it can be used by buyers not listed in the notice of the Official Journal of the European Union....
Economic operator size Name Authority List
This table provides the different categories in which the tenderers to whom a contract can be awarded are classified, according to their size (using as criteria the number of employees)....
Environmental impact Name Authority List
This table provides the information about whether a procurement includes (and how) an approach to reducing the environmental impacts of the work, supply or service used in the technical specifications, award criteria, selection criteria or contract performance conditions or not....
File status Name Authority List
The file-status authority table describes the different stages in the life cycle of an act (or in the decision-making process of an act) from the moment it is launched until the final step is completed....
Form type Name Authority List
This table provides the codes and values used for the type of forms according to procurement legislation....
Framework agreement Name Authority List
This table provides the list of codes to distinguish the different type framework agreement involved in a tender....
Grammatical number Name Authority List
The Grammatical number NAL provides the list of the grammatical numbers....
Innovative acquisition Name Authority List
This table provides the codes and values used for the type of innovative works, supplies or services being procured within the context of public procurement....
Interinstitutional procedure Name Authority List
The Interinstitutional procedures NAL lists the different procedures used in the context of data exchange between the institutions involved in the legislative process....
Legal basis Name Authority List
This table provides the legal basis based on the legal acts used for a given public procurement procedure...
Main activity Name Authority List
This table provides the list of main activities of the buyers...
Measurement unit Name Authority List
Measurement unit...
Missing info submission Name Authority List
This table provides the list of codes indicating wether tenderer-related information (complete or parcial) can be supplemented even after the submission deadline....
Modification justification Name Authority List
This table provides the main reasons for modifying a contract within the domain of public procurement....
Non award justification Name Authority List
This table provides the list of reasons of the buyer for not choosing a winner in the procurement procedure....
Notice type Name Authority List
This table provides a list of public procurement notices according to procurement legislation published once a project is approved....
Number fixed Name Authority List
This table provides the codes linked to fix values within the context of public procurement....
Number threshold Name Authority List
This table provides the codes linked to the type of threshold values within the context of public procurement....
Number type Name Authority List
The Number type NAL provides the grammatical distinctions of numerals...
Number weight Name Authority List
This table provides the codes linked to the type of weight values used in award criteria within the context of public procurement....
Organisation role Name Authority List
This table provides the list of the different functions of the organisations in a procurement procedure....
Organisation subrole Name Authority List
This table provides the list of the different sub-functions of the organisations in a procurement procedure....
Other place service Name Authority List
This table provides the broad geopolitical areas linked to the location of works and the place of performance or delivery within the context of public procurement....
Permission Name Authority List
This table provides the codes linked to the different values of permission and/or obligation....
Procedure phase Name Authority List
The Procedure phase authority table is a controlled vocabulary listing phases of various decisional processes...
Procurement procedure type Name Authority List
This table provides a list of activities leading to the conclusion of public contracts used in public procurement according to the legislation....
Public event type Name Authority List
The table defines public event types...
Received submission type Name Authority List
This table provides the list of relevant categories used to classify tenders or requests to participate received within the context of public procurement....
Reserved procurement Name Authority List
This table provides the values used to indicate wether the participation in the procurement is reserved for specific organisations....
Selection criterion Name Authority List
This table provides the list of condictions that are concerned for evaluation purposes...
Social objective Name Authority List
This table provides the values linked to any social objective promoted by the technical specifications, award criteria, selection criteria or contract performance conditions included in a procurement....
Strategic procurement Name Authority List
This table provides the information about whether a procurement aims to reduce environmental impact, fulfil social objectives and/or buy innovative works, supplies or services...
Subcontracting indication Name Authority List
This table provides the list of codes and values used to indicate information regarding the share of parts of a contract to third parties...
Subcontracting obligation Name Authority List
This table provides the list of codes and values used for the obligation of the economic operator of sharing parts of the original contract to third parties...
Subject matter Name Authority List
The Subject matter classification shows the concepts used for the indexation of notices published on EUR-Lex...
Usage Name Authority List
This table provides the list of codes and values indicating the application of criteria or other concepts and information....
Winner selection status Name Authority List
This table provides the list of codes and values used to indicate whether a tenderer was chosen to be awarded with a contract and wether the competiotion is open....
User-oriented vocabulary for public services in Norway, maintained by the Norwegian Digitalisation Agency...
Wikidata (WD)
"Wikidata is a free linked database that can be read and edited by both humans and machines...
"A thesaurus that originates from the humanities and social sciences, but has grown to cover most subjects...
Nature Publishing Group Subject Ontology
"The Taxonomy of subject areas used to index content on"...
"ORCID provides a persistent digital identifier that distinguishes you from every other researcher and, through integration in key research workflows such as manuscript and grant submission, supports automated linkages between you and your professional activities ensuring that your work is recognized."...
IANA Language Subtag Registry
The IANA Language Subtag Registry contains language tags (abbreviated language codes) as defined by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF)...
Melvil Decimal System
"The Melvil Decimal System (MDS) is based on the 1922 public domain edition of Dewey Decimal System with class labels adjusted to modern language."...
Australian and New Zealand Standard Commodity Classification
"The ASCC classifies domestically produced transportable goods...
Finnish General Thesaurus (YSA)
"Outdated, do not use...
Finnish Music Thesaurus (MUSA)
"Outdated, please, do not use...
Integrated Authority File (GND)
"GND is a standard file for people, bodies, conferences, geographics, subject - matter and work titles, mainly for the cataloging of literature in libraries, but increasingly also for archives, museums, projects and web applications Is co-operated by the Deutsche Nationalbibliothek, all German-speaking library associations, the Zeitungsdatenatenbank (ZDB) and numerous other institutions...
Library of Congress Subject Headings (LCSH)
"LCSH in this service includes all Library of Congress Subject Headings, free-floating subdivisions (topical and form), Genre/Form headings, Children's (AC) headings, and validation strings for which authority records have been created...
Thesaurus of the University of Barcelona
The Thesaurus of the University of Barcelona (THUB) is a tool that facilitates the consultation by subjects in the Catalog because: it normalizes the way to access the indexes of subjects; unambiguously identifies the term sought; Group the catalog documents from the accepted forms...
Library of Congress Classification (LCC)
"The Library of Congress Classification (LCC) is a classification system that was first developed in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries to organize and arrange the book collections of the Library of Congress...
Regensburger Association Classification (RVK)
"The Regensburger Verbundklassifikation (RVK) is a classification scheme for academic libraries...
Taxonomy of Digital Research Activities in the Humanities (TaDiRAH)
"This taxonomy of digital research activities in the humanities has been developed for use by community-driven sites and projects that aim to structure information relevant to digital humanities and make it more easily discoverable...
Finnish Public Libraries Classification System
"The WebPLC is the webversion of the Finnish Public Libraries Classification System...
Names of Finnish Corporate Bodies
"Please, do not use...
Roles Name Authority List
"The Roles name authority list (NAL) or authority table is a controlled vocabulary listing the roles relevant for the descriptive metadata used at the Publications Office and the core metadata used in the data exchange between the institutions involved in the legal decision making process...
Places Name Authority List
"The Places name authority list (NAL) or Common Authority Table (CAT) is a controlled vocabulary listing locations relevant for the descriptive metadata used at the Publications Office and the core metadata used in the data exchange between the institutions involved in the legal decision making process...
Interinstitutional procedures Name Authority List
"The Interinstitutional procedures name authority list (NAL) is a controlled vocabulary listing the procedures that are part of the legal decision making process with their authority code and label(s) in the 24 official languages of the EU (when available)...
Formation of the Court Name Authority List
"This authority table is a controlled vocabulary showing the composition of the courts of the European Union according to the case they are seized with (Articles 251, 254 and 257 of the Treaty on Functioning of the European Union (TFEU)...
Legal proceeding result Name Authority List
"This table presents concepts relating to the results of a case or procedure following the delivery of the decision...
Treaties Name Authority List
"The treaty authority table is a controlled vocabulary listing the different EU treaties, including treaties and protocols, accession treaties, Schengen Convention and Charter of Fundamental Rights...
Legal proceeding Name Authority List
"This table presents concepts relating to different legal remedies available to an applicant before the EU Courts (Court of Justice, the General Court and the Civil Service Tribunal) (Articles 260, 263, 268 and 270 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union)...
Resource type Name Authority List
"The Resource types named authority list (NAL) or Common Authority Table (CAT) is a controlled vocabulary listing resource or document types with their authority code and label(s) in the 24 official languages of the EU (when available)...
Multilingual Name Authority List
"The multilingual authority table is a controlled vocabulary based on the language authority table...
Language Name Authority List
"The Language authority table is a controlled vocabulary that lists concepts associated with languages...
File Type Name Authority List
"The File types name authority list (NAL) or Common Authority Table (CAT) is a controlled vocabulary listing file types (...) with their authority code and label(s) in the 24 official languages of the EU (when available)...
Country Name Authority List
"This country codes authority table is intended to provide a code related to the names of the countries – in a short and in a long form – in the 24 official languages of the European Union.These codes are used for the documentary metadata and may present slight differences with those used for the production of documents at a stylistic level...
Currencies Name Authority List
"The Currencies name authority list (NAL) or Common Authority Table (CAT) is a controlled vocabulary listing currencies with their authority code and label(s) in the 24 official languages of the EU (when available)...
Event Name Authority List
The Event authority table (AT) is a controlled vocabulary listing the events that are part of the legal decision making process...
Corporate bodies Name Authority List
The Corporate bodies name authority list (NAL) or Common Authority Table (CAT) is a controlled vocabulary listing corporate entities such as European institutions and bodies with their authority code and label(s) in the 24 official languages of the EU (when available)...
Newspaper Genre List (NGL)
The Newspaper Genre List is an attempt to standardize terms used to designate genres of newspapers...
L-scheme is a controlled vocabulary for legal terms....
Norsk tesaurus for sjanger og form (NTSF)
Thesaurus containing genre and form terms, mostly applicable to printed and electronic publications, and covering literature for children as well as adults...
Bibbi authorities (BIBBI)
Bibbi authorities is the integrated authority file of Biblioteksentralen, containing authorities for persons, corporations, place names, meetings/events and subjects....
Algorithm Metadata Vocabulary (AMV)
"Algorithm Metadata Vocabulary is a vocabulary for capturing and storing the metadata about the algorithms (a procedure or a set of rules that is followed step-by-step to solve a problem, especially by a computer)...
Bibliographic relation type
Type of collection
A list of genders....
Retrospective classification of medical, scientific, legal and theological prints (retrohab)
"In the 1980s, the Duke August Library made an attempt to retrospectively classify its old holdings...
21 Books of Universal Knowledge or Universal Partitioning (gessner)
"In the mid-16th century, the learned physician Conrad Gessner (1516-1565) published his „Bibliotheca Universalis“, a comprehensive bibliography that claimed to list all books printed in Latin, Greek and Hebrew in alphabetical order...
Theses or loci communes of the whole medical field (brunfels)
"In 1532, a student of the learned physician and theologian Otto Brunfels (1488-1534) published an extensive and widely recognised loci communes collection on the field of medicine, which he had compiled on the basis of Brunfels' lessons...
Catalogue of the Thuana Library (thuana)
"The catalogue of the Bibliotheca Thuana was first published in 1679 in two parts...
Semantic Mapping Vocabulary (semapv)
The Semantic Mapping Vocabulary provides and defines terms used for creating and maintaining semantic mappings, in particular mapping metadata....
Types of functional texts
Controlled vocabulary of types of functional texts by Eckard Rolf (1993) in its online version by FactGrid (2023)...
Lexicon Model for Ontologies (lemon)
The aim of the lexicon model for ontologies (lemon) is to provide rich linguistic grounding for ontologies...
SPDX License List
"The SPDX License List is an integral part of the SPDX Specification...
Open Definition License List
"These licenses conform to the Open Definition and are:
Reusable: Not specific to an organization or jurisdiction...