
Name Links
Food Ontology "A simple vocabulary for describing recipes, ingredients, menus and diets."...
Classification plan of the Autorité des Marchés Financiers "The Authority's classification plan is a hierarchical and logical structure composed of groupings and sub-groupings based on the processes and activities of the organization."...
Statistical Terminology "It is not unusual for students to forget important concepts learned in an earlier course...
Classification of Legal Forms of Legal Units "The National Statistical Institute has prepared a complete and coherent classification of legal entities by legal form...
iDAI.gazetteer Thesaurus "The iDAI.Gazetteer is a webservice that connects place names with coordinates and works in two directions...
CERL Thesaurus (CERL) "The CERL Thesaurus File is a unique facility developed to address the particularly European issue that place name and personal names in Europe varied from country to country in the period of hand press printing (1450 - c...
Weather Words "Weather forecasts and warnings have to compress a lot of information into standardised, brief messages...
CERIF "CERIF is: A concept about research entities and their relationships – Specification (Conceptual Level); A description of research entities and their relationships – Model (Logical Level); A formalization of research entities and their relationships – Database Scripts (Physical Level)...
General Multilingual Environmental Thesaurus (GEMET) "The basic idea for the development of GEMET was to use the best of the presently available excellent multilingual thesauri, in order to save time, energy and funds... API
The national term bank of science "The Bank of Finnish Terminology in Arts and Sciences is a multidisciplinary project which aims to gather a permanent terminological database for all fields of research in Finland...
GeoNames "The GeoNames geographical database is available for download free of charge under a creative commons attribution license...
Resource Type Vocabulary "The Resource Type vocabulary defines concepts to identify the genre of a resource... API
Institute of Education Thesaurus See "IOE Thesaurus Terminology Rules" (http://eprints.ioe.ac.uk/18585/7/IOE%20Thesaurus%20Terminology%20Rules%20v1.docx)....
Cairo Gazetteer "The Cairo Gazetteer is a tool for the identification and indexing of documentary collections relating to Cairo's monuments, which raise difficulties of treatment because of the many variants resulting from the transliteration into Latin characters of Arabic toponyms...
Open Data Handbook Glossary Glossary about the topic Open Data by Open Knowledge International....
Bureau of Meteorology Subject Thesaurus "Bureau Metadata Encoding Scheme used for web page 'Subject'."...
Bureau of Meteorology Glossary "The terms and definitions found in this glossary relate to the science of meteorology."...
NATOTerm "NATOTerm contains non-classified military terminology, as well as non-military terminology relevant to NATO...
WIPO Pearl "WIPO’s multilingual terminology portal gives access to scientific and technical terms derived from patent documents...
CASRAI Dictionar "The dictionary is shared infrastructure meant to serve as a key component of the national and international interoperability strategies of research organizations...
Licence Types "Types of content licences."...
Organization ID Types "The nominal type of unique ID used for an organization."...
Extensible Observation Ontology "The Extensible Observation Ontology (OBOE) is a formal ontology for capturing the semantics of scientific observation and measurement...
EUNIS Habitat Classification "The EUNIS habitat classification is a comprehensive pan-European system to facilitate the harmonised description and collection of data across Europe through the use of criteria for habitat identification...
Comic Book Ontology The Comic Book Ontology is a metadata vocabulary for describing comic books and comic book collections...
Vocabularies for Vocabulary Schema "The ANDS Vocabularies for vocabulary schema (lists of terms or permissible data values) are a source for metadata values recorded in the ANDS Vocabulary Portal."...
ECLAP, Performing Arts Vocabulary "The ECLAP vocabulary provide classes and properties for the description of multimedia content related with performing arts...
Ontologie géographique de l'INSEE "Ontologie des objets géographiques de l'INSEE, en particulier des territoires administratifs de la France."...
IoT lite Ontology "The IoT lite Ontology is a lightweight ontology to represent Internet of Things resources, entities and services...
LExicon Model for ONtologies The lexicon model for ontologies is designed to allow for descriptions of lexical information regarding ontological elements and other RDF resources...
Ontology for archival description "An ontology for the description of archival data (OAD, “Ontology of Archival Description”) using the Web Ontology Language (OWL)...
The Publishing Roles Ontology "PRO, the Publishing Roles Ontology, is an ontology written in OWL 2 DL for the characterization of the roles of agents (people, corporate bodies and computational agents) in the publication process...
The Publishing Status Ontology "PSO, the Publishing Status Ontology, is an ontology written in OWL 2 DL for characterizing the publication status of a document or other publication entity at each of the various stages in the publishing process (e.g...
Nomisma (NOMISMA) "Nomisma.org is a collaborative project to provide stable digital representations of numismatic concepts according to the principles of Linked Open Data... API
ReMetCa Ontology "Ontology for poetry description."...
RDF Logging Ontology "This is a helper ontology for NIF 2.0 to be able to log errors and warning messages."...
Stories Ontology "Stories are present throughout our everyday lives and our history: books, film, television, and radio weave events into narrative and plot; myths and legends are passed between generations; news stories describe both ongoing and past events...
Vocabulary of a Friend "VOAF is a vocabulary specification providing elements allowing the description of vocabularies (RDFS vocabularies or OWL ontologies) used in the Linked Data Cloud...
Void Warehouse Ontology "An extension of W3C VoID that is able to represent these metrics for expressing the Connectivity Metrics of a Semantic Warehouse."...
The Wfprov Ontology "The wfprov ontology shows how to express minimal provenance information about the execution of a workflow described using the wfdesc ontology."...
The Weighted Interests Vocabulary The Weighted Interests Vocabulary specification provides basic concepts and properties for describing describing preferences (interests) within contexts, their temporal dynamics and their origin on/ for the Semantic Web...
BBC Wildlife Ontology "A simple vocabulary for describing biological species and related taxa...
Weighting Ontology "The Weighting Ontology specification provides a vocabulary for describing weightings and their referenced scales, on/ for the Semantic Web."...
Data Source Type "Includes a typology of data sources."...
Kind of Data Format "Describes the physical format(s) of the data documented in the logical product(s) of a study unit."...
Sampling Procedure "Includes a typology of sampling methods."...
Ontology for Education for Sustainable Development "Kestävän kehityksen kasvatuksen ontologia (KEKO) laadittiin ympäristöministeriön rahoittamassa Yhteinen käsitys 2 -hankkeessa vuosina 2014–2015...
Natural resource and environment ontology "AFO soveltuu erityisesti luonnonvara- ja ympäristöalojen (mm...
Tesauro National Archiving System "The Tesauro of the National Archiving System is made up of the various controlled vocabularies present in the CAT SAN scheme as a support for a standardized description of the various resources - conservation institutes, archiving complexes, producer entities - coming from different systems belonging to the SAN... API
Taxonomy of Free Will Positions
Shelf Classifications Slavistics This is the classification system for Slavistics at the University Library of Trier....
Historic England Periods Authority File "Terminology used to record the broad date of a site, monument, building or structure... API
Weston Library Music Open Shelf Classification "The open shelf music material in the Weston Library is classified according to the following sequence."...
Australian and New Zealand Standard Research Classification: Fields of Research "The Australian and New Zealand Standard Research Classification (ANZSRC) is jointly produced by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) and Statistics New Zealand (Statistics NZ)...
Australian and New Zealand Standard Research Classification: Socio-Economic Objective "The Australian and New Zealand Standard Research Classification (ANZSRC) is jointly produced by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) and Statistics New Zealand (Statistics NZ)...
Tenement Type "This concept scheme defines terms used to describe the type of mineral tenements granted in Australian and New Zealand jurisdictions (eg, exploration licence, mining lease)."...
Tenement Status "This concept scheme defines terms used to describe the status of mineral tenements in Australian and New Zealand jurisdictions (eg, granted, application, expired)."...
Stratigraphic Rank "This scheme specifies concepts used to categorize the stratigraphic rank of geologic units, as compiled by the IUGS Commission for Geoscience Information (CGI) Geoscience Terminology Working Group...
Simple Lithology "This scheme specifies the concept space for Simple Lithology concepts, as defined by the IUGS Commission for Geoscience Information (CGI) Geoscience Terminology Working Group...
WordNet-Affect Taxonomy "WordNet-Affect is an extension of WordNet Domains... API
Registry Interchange Format - Collections and Services (Vocabularies) "The RIF-CS schema is a data interchange format that supports the electronic exchange of collection and service descriptions...
NEII Site Status "Site status provides a description of whether an environmental monitoring site within the National Environmental Monitoring Sites Register is active, in-active, decommissioned etc."...
NEII Licencing "Site licencing describes the type of licence that data are available under."...
AODN Geographic Extents Vocabulary "A vocabulary of geographic regions and their bounding box coordinates...
AODN Organisation Vocabulary "An AODN controlled vocabulary describing organisational entities."...
AODN Parameter Category Vocabulary "A classification scheme to support faceted searching across parameter types in the AODN/IMOS Portal 1-2-3."...
AODN Platform Category Vocabulary "A classification scheme to support faceted searching across platform types in the AODN/IMOS Portal 1-2-3."...
AODN Platform Vocabulary "A controlled vocabulary for platforms that can be used in Marine Community Profile metadata...
AODN Sampling Parameter Vocabulary "An AODN controlled vocabulary describing sampling parameters."...
AODN Units of Measure Vocabulary "A controlled vocabulary for units of measure that can be used in Marine Community Profile metadata."...
AODN XBT line vocabulary "This register contains a controlled vocabulary for XBT lines."...
AnaEE Thesaurus "The AnaEE thesaurus aims to provide a controlled vocabulary for the semantic description of the study of continental ecosystems and their biodiversity...
LandVoc - the Linked Land Governance Thesaurus "The Land Portal Foundation has taken the lead in the land governance sector to develop such a standardized vocabulary: LandVoc, the Linked Land Governance Thesaurus...
Land Portal Resource Types "The Land Portal's Land Library contains highly curated metadata of over 20,000 land-related publications, articles and multimedia...
ARCHE access restrictions "A list of access restriction types for ARCHE."... API
ARCHE life cycle status "A list to indicate the life cycle status of an object in ARCHE."... API
ARCHE Resource Type Category "The general resource type an object can have based on controlled vocabulary of DataCite metadata schema 4.0."...
Data Repositories Taxonomy "The Data Repositories taxonomy is a categorization of research data repositories that have been evaluated by the Scientific Data team as being suitable for archiving research data in conjunction with a Springer Nature publication."... API
Prehistory and Protohistory Vocabulary "Controlled vocabulary used for indexing bibliographical records for the 'Prehistory and Protohistory' FRANCIS database (1972-2015, http://pascal-francis.inist.fr/)."... API
Art and Archaeology Vocabulary "Controlled vocabulary used for indexing bibliographical records for the 'Art and Archaeology' FRANCIS database (1972-2015, http://pascal-francis.inist.fr/)."... API
History and Sciences of Religions Vocabulary "Controlled vocabulary used for indexing bibliographical records for the 'History and Sciences of Religions' FRANCIS database (1972-2015, http://pascal-francis.inist.fr/)."... API
Vocabulary of Philosophy "Controlled vocabulary used for indexing bibliographical records for the 'Philosophy' FRANCIS database (1972-2015, http://pascal-francis.inist.fr/)."... API
Sociology Vocabulary "Controlled vocabulary used for indexing bibliographical records for the 'Sociology' FRANCIS database (1972-2015, http://pascal-francis.inist.fr/)."... API
Vocabulary of Heat Transfers "Controlled vocabulary used for indexing bibliographical records dealing with 'Classical Thermodynamics / Heat Transfers' in the PASCAL database (1972-2015, http://pascal-francis.inist.fr/)."... API
Electronics and Optoelectronics Vocabulary "Vocabulary used for indexing bibliographical records dealing with “Electronics” in the PASCAL database, until 2014... API
Biodiversity Thesaurus "This bilingual thesaurus structures the key-concepts of biodiversity in its fundamental and applied ecological components... API
Thesaurus Cognitive psychology of human memory "This bilingual (French-English) thesaurus, developed at Inist-CNRS, identifies the concepts of the cognitive psychology of human memory (memory systems and processes, empirical effects, memory disorders, study methods, theories and models), organized in the form of hierarchical (generic and specific terms), equivalence (synonyms) and association relationships."... API
Thesaurus of Blood Transfusion "This thesaurus is based on the vocabulary used in scientific publications dealing with Blood Transfusion and neighbor fields... API
Skill Classification System "System Klasyfikacji Umiejętności (SKU) to autorski projekt ekipy edugracji: jest to graficzny system, wzorowany na systemie PEGI, mający na celu pomoc w zdobyciu informacji o umiejętnościach rozwijanych w grach dla dzieci i młodzieży...
French Communes "This thesaurus lists all the French communes including metropolitan France and overseas regions and departments...
WO2 Thesaurus "De WO2-thesaurus is een gevalideerde, hiërarchisch georganiseerde trefwoordenlijst voor de thematische ontsluiting van (digitale) bronnen uit de periode 1940-1945... API
Concepticon This resource presents an attempt to link the large amount of different concept lists which are used in the linguistic literature, ranging from Swadesh lists in historical linguistics to naming tests in clinical studies and psycholinguistics...
KBpedia KBpedia is a comprehensive knowledge structure for promoting data interoperability and knowledge-based artificial intelligence, or KBAI...
Encoded Archival Description (EAD) "EAD stands for Encoded Archival Description, and is a non-proprietary de facto standard for the encoding of finding aids for use in a networked (online) environment...
PICO Thesaurus "The Thesaurus of the Italian Culture Portal is a controlled vocabulary, designed to subject indexing and classification of very heterogeneous resources, from cultural extremely different domains data-source... API
Public Health Thesaurus "This fourth edition consists of 12825 terms, or 7144 descriptors, divided into 57 subdomains (also called 'fields' or 'micro-thesaurus') and 5681 synonyms, or 'non-descriptors', which refer to a valid descriptor The BDSP thesaurus can be freely used in documentation centers or libraries working in the health and social sectors."... API
International Classification for Industrial Designs "The Locarno Classification (LOC) is an international classification used for the purposes of the registration of industrial designs...
International Classification of Goods and Services for the Purposes of the Registration of Marks "The Nice Classification (NCL) is an international classification of goods and services applied for the registration of trademarks and service marks...
International Classification of the Figurative Elements of Marks "The Vienna Classification constitutes a hierarchical system that proceeds from the general to the particular, classifying the figurative elements of marks into categories, divisions and sections, on the basis of their shape...
Australian and New Zealand Standard Product Classification "The Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) is decommissioning the Australian and New Zealand Standard Product Classification (ANZSPC) as the Australian statistical standard for products...
Standard Economic Sector Classifications of Australia "This publication describes the suite of economic sector classifications used by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) to produce Australia's official economic sector statistics...
Standard Australian Classification of Countries "The scope of the SACC is all countries, as defined above, currently existing in the world...
Australian Standard Classification of Religious Groups "The scope of the classification is all religions and subsets of religions in the world as defined above...
Australian Standard Classification of Languages "All world languages are in scope of the classification...
Australian Standard Classification of Education "The Australian Standard Classification of Education (ASCED) is a new Australian standard classification and replaces the ABS Classification of Qualifications (ABSCQ)...
Australian Standard Classification of Drugs of Concern "The Australian Standard Classification of Drugs of Concern (ASCDC) is the Australian statistical standard for classifying data relating to drugs which are considered to be of concern in Australian society...
Australian Standard Classification of Cultural and Ethnic Groups """The Australian Standard Classification of Cultural and Ethnic Groups (ASCCEG) is the Australian statistical standard for classifying ancestry data within the Australian population...
Australian Culture and Leisure Classifications "The Australian Culture and Leisure Classifications (ACLC) are part of the commitment of the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) to develop national standards for culture and leisure information...
Australian and New Zealand Standard Classification of Occupations "The Australian and New Zealand Standard Classification of Occupations (ANZSCO) First Edition (cat...
Australian and New Zealand Standard Industrial Classification "The Australian and New Zealand Standard Industrial Classification (ANZSIC) 2006 (cat no...
Australian Statistical Geography Standard "The ASGS brings all the regions for which the ABS publishes statistics within the one framework and will be used by the ABS for the collection and dissemination of geographically classified statistics from 1 July 2011...
Australian Standard Geographical Classification "The ASGC provides seven hierarchies of geographical areas...
AFO - Natural resource and environment ontology "AFO soveltuu erityisesti luonnonvara- ja ympäristöalojen (mm...
Department of the Environment and Heritage Thesaurus "The DEH thesaurus is broadly based on a subset of the Thesaurus of Environmental Protection Terms, Department of Environmental Protection, WA, 1995...
BNCF Thesaurus (NSogg) "Nuovo soggettario, edited by the National Central Library of Florence (Biblioteca nazionale centrale di Firenze), is a subject indexing tool for various types of information resources...
FISH Archaeological Objects Thesaurus "Physical evidence, usually portable, resulting from past human activity or environmental remains that can be recovered from archaeological fieldwork...
Australian and New Zealand Standard Offence Classification "The third edition of the Australian and New Zealand Standard Offence Classification (ANZSOC) has been developed for use within Australia and in New Zealand for the production and analysis of crime and justice statistics...
FISH Archaeological Sciences Thesaurus "Used for recording the techniques, recovery methods and materials associated with the archaeological sciences...
International Patent Classification "The International Patent Classification (IPC), established by the Strasbourg Agreement 1971, provides for a hierarchical system of language independent symbols for the classification of patents and utility models according to the different areas of technology to which they pertain...
Australian and New Zealand Standard Research Classification: Type of Activity "The Australian and New Zealand Standard Research Classification (ANZSRC) is jointly produced by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) and Statistics New Zealand (Statistics NZ)...
Components (EH) "Elements of a monument relating to the built or buried heritage...
FISH Event Types Thesaurus "A development of the ALGAO events wordlist...
Evidence (EH) "Terminology covering the existing physical remains of a monument, or the means by which a monument has been identified where no physical remains exist...
FISH Building Materials Thesaurus "Construction materials for monuments relating to the built and buried heritage... API
FISH Maritime Craft Types Thesaurus "Craft types which survive as wrecks for the RCHME's maritime record and can be used to describe types of ship... API
FISH Thesaurus of Monument Types "Types of monuments relating to the built and buried heritage in England...
Intellectual Property Services Classification "The Intellectual Property Services Classification (IPSC) defines types of business activities that are executed by companies active in the IP market...
CSO Standard Fields of Education Classification "The CSO Standard Fields of Education Classification is a classification of the various fields of study which can be undertaken...
Event Ontology "This ontology is centered around the notion of event, seen here as the way by which cognitive agents classify arbitrary time/space regions (...)...
World Register of Marine Species (WoRMS) "The aim of a World Register of Marine Species (WoRMS) is to provide an authoritative and comprehensive list of names of marine organisms, including information on synonymy...
Citation Typing Ontology "CiTO, the Citation Typing Ontology, is an ontology written in OWL 2 DL to enable characterization of the nature or type of citations, both factually and rhetorically, and to permit these descriptions to be published on the Web...
DCMI Metadata Terms "This document is an up-to-date, authoritative specification of all metadata terms maintained by the Dublin Core Metadata Initiative...
Activity Classification for the Time Use Survey "The Activity Classification for the Time Use Survey (ACTUS) was developed to assist in the study of time use in the New Zealand context...
New Zealand Accommodation Classification "The standard classification of accommodation is a hierarchical classification of three levels...
Age – New Zealand Standard Classification "Age is a flat classification with single-year categories from 0 years to 119 years inclusive, plus a category for 120 years and over...
Air Routes Classification "Air Routes is a hierarchical classification of four levels...
Standard Classification of Area Unit "The standard classification of area unit is a flat classification and contains 2,020 categories...
Business Type – New Zealand Standard Classification "The classification of business type is a flat classification with 15 categories."...
Child Dependency Status Standard Classification "Child dependency is an important variable in determining the composition of families and households...
Cigarette Smoking Behaviour Classification "Information on cigarette smoking behaviour is used by both government and private health sector agencies, special interest groups, researchers, other organisations and individuals to plan health promotion programmes, identify and monitor changes in smoking prevalence and withdrawal rates and to identify at risk groups in the population...
Country – New Zealand Standard Classification "Country is a key variable for determining population and economic statistics that relate to birthplace, country of residence, overseas trade, and balance of payments data...
Currency – Standard Classification "Currency is a flat classification with 62 categories."...
Dwelling Address Classification "Dwelling address is a key variable for determining the geographic characteristics of the population...
Dwelling Occupancy Status – Standard Classification "Dwelling occupancy status provides information on whether dwellings are occupied or unoccupied, or are under construction...
Energy Types Used in Private Dwellings – Standard Classification "Information on the types of energy consumed in occupied New Zealand private dwellings is used for marketing research and to monitor changes, over time, in the energy types used by New Zealand households...
Ethnicity New Zealand Standard Classification "The standard classification of ethnicity is a hierarchical classification of four levels...
Family Type "Family type is a key variable for determining the demographic characteristics of a population...
Fertility – Standard Classification "Fertility is one of the main ways through which the size and/or composition of a population may change...
Statistical Classification of Financial Assets and Liabilities "The main purpose of classifying financial assets and liabilities is to provide consistent and relevant statistics that support economic analysis and macroeconomic management for New Zealand...
New Zealand Framework for Cultural Statistics "In 1993, the Ministry of Cultural Affairs approached Statistics New Zealand to discuss strategies for improving the range and quality of statistical information available on New Zealand's cultural sector...
Classification of General Electoral District "Access to general electoral district is a flat classification with 64 categories."...
Household Composition Standard Classification "Household composition is a key variable for determining the demographic characteristics of a population...
Income Bands - Standard Classification "Income bands are a convenient and alternate way of collecting income information when income is not the prime focus of a survey...
Statistical Classification for Institutional Sectors "The main purpose of classifying statistics by institutional sectors is to provide information that supports economic analysis and macroeconomic management...
Iwi – New Zealand Standard Classification "Statistics on the size and demographic characteristics of Iwi affiliates are needed: to allow the Crown and Iwi to monitor the performance of Treaty of Waitangi obligations; to assist in allocating resources and funds to Iwi; to assist Iwi in planning social and economic developments; to assist Waitangi Tribunal decisions on land ownership, fishing rights, etc; to assist central, regional and local government agencies planning and providing services to Iwi in areas such as housing, health, social welfare and special assistance programmes; to assist local government in the administration of the Resource Management Act 1991...
Main Means of Travel to Work – Standard Classification "Main means of travel to work is a key variable in monitoring changes in travel patterns and in planning transport services...
Māori Descent – Standard Classification "Māori descent is a key variable in meeting the demand for information on the number, distribution and characteristics of the tangata whenua...
Māori Electoral District "Māori electoral district is a flat classification with eight categories."...
Schema for the description of research data repositories "The re3data.org schema is a list of metadata properties describing a research data repository regarding its general scope, content and infrastructure as well as its compliance with technical, metadata and quality standards...
Classification of Meshblock "The standard classification of Meshblock is a flat classification and contains 46,643 categories in 2014...
Religious Affiliation – New Zealand Standard Classification "Religious affiliation is a variable of strong interest to religious organisations, social scientists, and can be used as an explanatory variable in studies on topics such as marriage formation and dissolution, fertility and income...
Standard Classification of Territorial Authority "The standard classification of territorial authority is a flat classification and contains 68 categories...
General Finnish Ontology (YSO) "General Finnish Upper Ontology YSO is a trilingual ontology consisting mainly of general concepts... API
Ontology for Music "Musiikin ontologia MUSO on kehitetty musiikin kuvaamiseen, perustuen suomenkieliseen Musiikin asiasanastoon MUSA sekä ruotsinkieliseen sanastoon Specialtesaurus för musik (CILLA)...
The Finnish Ontology of Photography "Valokuvausalan ontologia VALO perustuu Valokuvan asiasanastoon, jota ylläpitää Suomen valokuvataiteen museo...
Kulttuurien tutkimuksen ontologia "KULO - Kulttuurien tutkimuksen ontologia on Suomalaisen Kirjallisuuden Seuran kirjaston laatiman ja ylläpitämän kaksikielisen (suomi-englanti) Kulttuurien tutkimuksen asiasanaston (Kula) pohjalta muodostettu erikoisontologia... API
Ontology for Museum Domain and Applied Arts "Taideteollisuusalan ontologia TAO perustuu Muotoilun ja viestinnän asiasanastoon, jota ylläpitää Savonia-ammattikorkeakouluun kuuluva Kuopion Muotoiluakatemia... API
KOKO Ontology "KOKO is a collection of Finnish core ontologies, which have been merged together...
Julkishallinnon ontologia "JUHO on julkishallinnon erikoissanasto, joka pohjautuu Valtioneuvoston asiasanastoon...
Julkisen hallinnon palveluontologia "Julkisen hallinnon palveluontologian tavoitteena on edistää palvelujen semanttisesti yhdenmukaista kuvailua ja löydettävyyttä eri verkkopalveluissa sekä helpottaa palveluja koskevan tiedon käyttämistä ja tuottamista tietoverkoissa...
Liiketoimintaontologia "Liiketoimintaontologia (LIITO) koostuu noin 3000 liiketoimintaan ja yrityspalveluihin liittyvästä käsitteestä... API
Merenkulkualan ontologia "Merenkulkualan ontologia perustuu Merenkulkualan asiasanastoon, jonka ovat koonneet Suomen merialan kirjastot...
Puolustushallinnon ontologia "Puolustushallinnon ontologia PUHO on Puolustushallinnon asiasanaston pohjalta muodostettu erikoisontologia, joka sisältää maanpuolustukseen liittyvää käsitteistöä... API
TSR ontology "TSR-ontologia laadittiin Työsuojelurahaston rahoittamana hankkeena, joka toteutettiin alan asiantuntijoista ja Sanastokeskus TSK:n terminologeista koostuvassa työryhmässä vuosina 2011–2013... API
Finnish Names of Plants "Kasvien suomenkieliset nimet ­-ontologia tarjoaa kattavan kokoelman suomenkielisiä nimiä ja niiden tieteellisiä vastineita...
Finnish Ontology of Health and Welfare "Tero eli Terveyden ja hyvinvoinnin ontologia on mm...
Ontology for Fiction "KAUNO is an ontology for works of fiction...
Kirjallisuudentutkimuksen ontologia "KITO - Kirjallisuudentutkimuksen ontologia on Suomalaisen Kirjallisuuden Seuran kirjaston laatiman ja ylläpitämän kaksikielisen (suomi-englanti) Kirjallisuudentutkimuksen asiasanaston (Kitu) pohjalta muodostettu erikoisontologia...
Kielitieteen ontologia "Uralistiikan tutkimuksen bibliografian asiasanaluettelon pohjalta on tehty alan julkaisujen sisällönkuvailuun soveltuva kielitieteellinen asiasanasto, johon tämä ontologia pohjaa... API
Catalan classification of productes per activitats "The statistical classifications are grouped into typologies of family anomalies, principally economic classificacions (economic and product activitats) and demographic and social classifications (occupations, education and health)...
Pleiades "Pleiades gives scholars, students, and enthusiasts worldwide the ability to use, create, and share historical geographic information about the ancient world in digital form... API
Geology thesaurus The aim of this work is the creation of a "Thesaurus of Geology" exclusively nourished with terms from the ICYT database of the CSIC...
Dictionary of mathematics and statistics Concise dictionary of mathematics and statistics with encyclopedic supplements, intended to be useful in helping to write and understand mathematics and also including biographies of the most important mathematicians in history....
Silk heritage thesaurus Thesaurus about silk developed by SILKNOW, "a research project that improves the understanding, conservation and dissemination of European silk heritage from the 15th to the 19th century"....
Geography file It's recommended to use Geonames, Wikidata or the GND (entity Geographika)....
ScAPA : Scottish Archaeological Periods & Ages (ScAPA) "List of archaeological periods & ages for cultural heritage use in Scotland."...
Status of property (MK Berlin) "The type of ownership or legal status of property of an object in the collection, e.g...
Owner (MK Berlin) "The owner of the collection in question."...
Weight The weight of a (numismatic) object...
Manufacture (MK Berlin) "The technique of manufacture, e.g...
Peculiarity of production (MK Berlin) "A notable, characteristic or unusual physical feature of an individual numismatic object which distinguishes it from other examples of the same group, or of a group of numismatic objects that marks it out from other groups, and which is related to the process of production of a numismatic object."...
Corporation (MK Berlin) "A corporation, public or private, which is related to an object in the collection."...
Country (MK Berlin) "A modern state or country to which certain regions, places (as mints, places of issue for paper money), and find places are being assigned to."...
Material (MK Berlin) (mk-material) "The physical material from which an object is made."...
Class/status (MK Berlin) "The legal status of the person, ethnic, or institutional authority under which any numismatic object is issued...
Denomination (MK Berlin) "Term indicating the value of a coin or banknote within a certain denominational system."...
Object status (MK Berlin) "Term to describe the physical status of an object, e.g...
Location (MK Berlin) "The location or place, in which a coin was minted, paper money issued or an object found."...
Period (MK Berlin) "A period in time and in the history of humans, also used here to categorizing certain periods in art history."...
Person (MK Berlin) "Any individual in his or her relationship or role to an object in question."...
Region (MK Berlin) "A region either historic or contemporary within a modern state."...
Item (MK Berlin) "The type of a numismatic object, e.g...
Secondary Treatment (MK Berlin) "Any features which arise subsequent to the actual production of a numismatic object; for example halving, chop-marking, etc."...
Die-axis (MK Berlin) "The relationship between the orientation of obverse and reverse of a (struck) coin or medal...
Type for person and corporation (MK Berlin) "Term to describe the role of an individual or corporation regarding a numismatic object, e.g...
Type of Source (MK Berlin) "A website, portal or digital resource which either represents a database to browse a certain collection or allows for a systematic presentation of types or concepts in relation to individual numismatic objects."...
Currency (MK Berlin) "A system of monetary units in common use, issued by a state, city, or any other legal authority, consisting of various subunits and multiples (denominations)."...
Accession (MK Berlin) "The type of accession of an object into the collection: e.g...
Analytical methods for geochemistry and cosmochemistry "This concept scheme contains skos concepts for analysis methods used to produce observation results with information about the physical properties, chemical or isotopic composition, crystallography, or molecular structure of material samples... API