Integrative Levels Classification (ILC)
"The Integrative Levels Classification (ILC) is a knowledge organization system featuring experimental innovations...
Storyline Ontology
"The News Storyline Ontology is a generic model for describing and organising the stories news organisations tell...
System of the Real-Catalog of the University Library of Heidelberg
"The" Zangemeister signatures "go back to Heidelberg's chief librarian, Karl Zangemeister, who headed the University Library from 1873 to 1902...
Thesaurus for the Designation of Architectural and Structural Works
"The thesaurus of the designation develops in a methodical form the 1135 terms useful for the designation of architectural works and the 2529 useful for the designation of the movable works The organization proper to the thesaurus thus makes it possible to situate each term in a hierarchy whose entries Are categorized according to functional categories related to religious, funeral, industrial, etc...
Codices Salemitani X,44a library system
"Library classification from the year 1783."...
List of Authority Actions for the Indexing of Local Archives
"The authority list 'Actions' brings together descriptors designating stocks, intervention methods or procedures...
Vocabulary for Photographic Techniques
"The purpose of this vocabulary is to provide a standardized list of terms for describing the variety of photographic techniques that archival holdings can contain...
Glottolog Classification
"Languages are classified (...) into 243 families and 189 isolates, i.e., one-member families...
Electronic Government Controlled Vocabulary
"O VCGE é um esquema para ser utilizado no elemento assunto.categoria (subject.category) do Padrão de Metadados do Governo Eletrônico (e-PMG)1...
Digital Atlas of the Roman Empire (DARE)
"The Digital Atlas of the Roman Empire (DARE) is a gazetteer of ancient places of the Roman Empire, based on the Barrington Atlas of the Greek and Roman World among other sources...
Spanish Medieval Poetry
"Controlled Vocabulary on Castilian medieval poetry (from metric to general terminology of tratadística) elaborated in the framework of the projects of the group PoeMetca,"...
Military Ontology Specification
"The Muninn Military Ontology marks up information about military people, organizations and events."...
Vocabulary Of Attribution and Governance
"VOAG stands for 'Vocabulary Of Attribution and Governance'...
Aggregation Method
"Identifies the type of aggregation used to combine related categories, usually within a common branch of a hierarchy, to provide information at a broader level than the level at which detailed observations are taken."...
Analysis Unit
"Describes the entity being analyzed in the study or in the variable."...
Character Set
"Standard set of characters upon which many character encodings are based (Wikipedia)."...
Commonality Type
"Describes the degree of similarity between two items or schemes (collections of items)."...
Data Type
"Identifies the type of data, which has a bearing on the acceptable data values, the operations that can be performed with the data, and the ways in which the data are stored...
Date Type
"Specifies the type of date...
Language Proficiency
"Describes the level of proficiency of an individual in a natural language."...
Lifecycle Event Type
"Specifies the event happening over the data life cycle that is considered significant enough to document."...
Mode of Collection
"The procedure, technique, or mode of inquiry used to attain the data."...
Numeric Type
"Specifies the type of numeric data."...
Response Unit
"Indicates the entity that provided the information carried by the variable."...
Software Package
"Indicates the statistical software package used in the production/processing/dissemination of the data...
Summary Statistic Type
"Specifies the type of summary statistic...
Time Method
"Describes the time dimension of the data collection."...
Time Zone
"Time zone specification as an offset from UTC (Coordinated Universal Time) in terms of hours and minutes."...
Type of Address
"Identifies the type of address entered as contact information for an individual or an organization."...
Type of Concept Group
"Specifies the rationale for creating a concept group."...
Type of Note
"Includes a typology of notes."...
Type of Telephone
"Identifies the type of telephone entered as contact information for an individual or an organization."...
Open Threat Taxonomy
"The goal of this project is simple, to maintain a free, community driven, open source taxonomy of potential threats to information systems...
Library Ranking Plan of the Bpi
"Le plan de classement propre à la Bpi est en effet librement inspiré de la CDU (Classification Décimale Universelle) : ce système, utilisé dans de nombreuses bibliothèques dans le monde, donne une représentation de l'ensemble des connaissances humaines en dix grandes classes, comptant chacune dix subdivisions, qu’on peut encore développer en dix parties et ainsi de suite...
Cadastre and Land Administration Thesaurus (CaLAThe)
Cadastre and Land Administration Thesaurus, shortly CaLAThe is a controlled vocabulary for the domain of cadastre and land administration...
LIDO Terminology Actor Type
"The LIDO Terminology refers to LIDO – Lightweight Information Describing Objects, the XML Schema for contributing content to cultural heritage repositories, provided by the CIDOC LIDO Working Group...
LIDO Terminology Event Type
"The LIDO Terminology refers to LIDO – Lightweight Information Describing Objects, the XML Schema for contributing content to cultural heritage repositories, provided by the CIDOC LIDO Working Group...
LIDO Terminology Identifier Type
"The LIDO Terminology refers to LIDO – Lightweight Information Describing Objects, the XML Schema for contributing content to cultural heritage repositories, provided by the CIDOC LIDO Working Group...
LIDO Terminology Record Metadata Date Type
"The LIDO Terminology refers to LIDO – Lightweight Information Describing Objects, the XML Schema for contributing content to cultural heritage repositories, provided by the CIDOC LIDO Working Group...
LIDO Terminology Record Type
"The LIDO Terminology refers to LIDO – Lightweight Information Describing Objects, the XML Schema for contributing content to cultural heritage repositories, provided by the CIDOC LIDO Working Group...
LIDO Terminology Repository Set Type
"The LIDO Terminology refers to LIDO – Lightweight Information Describing Objects, the XML Schema for contributing content to cultural heritage repositories, provided by the CIDOC LIDO Working Group...
LIDO Terminology Resource Representation Type
"The LIDO Terminology refers to LIDO – Lightweight Information Describing Objects, the XML Schema for contributing content to cultural heritage repositories, provided by the CIDOC LIDO Working Group...
LIDO Terminology Term Materials Tech Type
"The LIDO Terminology refers to LIDO – Lightweight Information Describing Objects, the XML Schema for contributing content to cultural heritage repositories, provided by the CIDOC LIDO Working Group...
Thésaurus ArchiRès
"Le thésaurus ArchiRès a été élaboré par le réseau documentaire des écoles d’architecture...
Money Aggregate Vocabulary
"Money Aggregate Vocabulary, or MoneyAggVoc for short, is an attempt to catalogue money aggregate measures listed in the Exhibit 3 Definitions of Money in Reading 19 on Economics of the CFA Program Curriculum 2016 Level I (ISBN 978-1-942471-19-6) with some minor additions...
MoEML Gazetteer of Early Modern London
"The MoEML Gazetteer of Early Modern London is a descriptive gazetteer in that each place is linked to an Encyclopedia page with a 'thick description' of place...
Polythematic Structured Subject (PSH)
"Polythematic Structured Subject Heading System (PSH) is a bilingual Czech–English controlled vocabulary of subject headings which is used for organizing and searching the documents by subject...
"AGROVOC is a controlled vocabulary covering all areas of interest of the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations, including food, nutrition, agriculture, fisheries, forestry, environment etc...
UNESCO Thesaurus
"The UNESCO Thesaurus is a controlled and structured list of concepts used in subject analysis and retrieval of documents and publications in the fields of education, culture, natural sciences, social and human sciences, communication and information...
Transporter Classification System
"The TC-DB website details a comprehensive classification system for membrane transport proteins known as the Transport Classification (TC) system...
Universal Decimal Classification (UDC)
"The Universal Decimal Classification (UDC) is the world's foremost multilingual classification scheme for all fields of knowledge, a sophisticated indexing and retrieval tool...
Letteratura Professionale Italiana Schema di Classificazione
"This classification scheme replaces the one previously used since Volume 44, Issue 1, March 2004 of the Bulletin."...
Thesaurus for the Indexation of Local Archives
"The revised thesaurus remains a mono-hierarchical thesaurus, that is, a given descriptor is linked to only one thematic branch...
CONICET Classification by areas and technologies
"Classification of areas and technologies used in the field of CONICET for the structuring and management of its activities and projects, based on the Revised Field of Science and Technology (FOS)...
Unified Astronomy Thesaurus (UAT)
"The Unified Astronomy Thesaurus (UAT) is an open, interoperable and community-supported thesaurus which unifies the existing divergent and isolated Astronomy & Astrophysics thesauri into a single high-quality, freely-available open thesaurus formalizing astronomical concepts and their inter-relationships...