
Name Links
BARTOC data formats (bartoc-formats) Data formats for Knowledge Organization Systems as listed in BARTOC.org... API
BARTOC access modes (bartoc-access) This vocabulary is used to specify the access modes of a knowledge organization system listed in BARTOC.org: free (the vocabulary is freely available), registered (access requires registration), or licensed (access requires a personalized license).... API
Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC) "The Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC) system, devised by library pioneer Melvil Dewey in the 1870s and owned by OCLC since 1988, provides a dynamic structure for the organization of library collections... API
ISO Language Codes (639-1 and 693-2) and IETF Language Types (ISO639) Comprehensive language code information, consisting of ISO 639-1, ISO 639-2 and IETF language types... API
KOS Types Vocabulary (nkostype) The NKOS KOS Types vocabulary have been developed as Dublin Core Application Profile by the Networked Knowledge Organization Systems (NKOS) group based on an overview of KOS types by Marcia Zeng.... API
BARTOC vocabulary API types (bartoc-api) Vocabulary service API types... API
Multilingual Thesaurus of the European Union (EuroVoc) "EuroVoc is a multilingual, multidisciplinary thesaurus covering the activities of the EU, the European Parliament in particular... API
Integrative Levels Classification (ILC) "The Integrative Levels Classification (ILC) is a knowledge organization system featuring experimental innovations... API
Australian Public Affairs Information Service Thesaurus "The APAIS thesaurus lists the subject terms used to index articles for APAIS: Australian Public Affairs Information Service, a subject guide to literature in the social sciences and humanities...
The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Thesaurus "The IEEE Thesaurus is a controlled vocabulary of over 9,000 descriptive engineering, technical, and scientific terms as well as IEEE-specific society terms...
Thesaurus for Gender Studies and Women "Classification by subject headings, without the proper and constant reevaluations and updates made by experts from each field of study, tends to become a pile of words with little efficacy for the collection, storage and retrieval of documents...
European Committee for Homeopathy Homeopathic Thesaurus "This controlled thesaurus of keyterms in homeopathy is for use when indexing literature on homeopathy and also when searching databases which have been indexed according to this list of terms...
GEODOK Thesaurus Thesaurus of the Geographical Literature Database GEODOK....
British Columbia First Nations Subject Headings "CAPs indicate Xwi7xwa subject headings...
Multilingual Thesaurus of Nations "Thesaurus Builder experts are working to construct a thesaurus which contains information about countries in various categories using Thesaurus Builder...
European Union multilingual Thesaurus "Eurovoc is a multilingual thesaurus...
The thesaurus of the Parliament of Catalonia "The Eurovoc thesaurus is a multilingual, multidisciplinary prepared by the Parliament and the Office for Official Publications of the European Communities (OPOCE) that covers all areas of activity of the European Union and allows indexed documents that manage institutions Europe in order to facilitate their consultation...
Glossary of the European Higher Education "The Glossary is a collection of the EHEA multilingual Catalan, Spanish, English and French keywords on the European Higher Education explained extensively from the documentation generated by this new reality...
A table of geologic time "This work is a collection of about a thousand words, the result of two centuries of accumulated scientific development...
BBC Ontology "The BBC ontology is used to describe BBC concepts in the store...
International Index to Film Periodicals Subject Headings "A hierarchically ordered controlled thesaurus, containing more than 20,000 subject terms...
Business News Ontology "The Business News Ontology describes the concepts that occur in BBC business news."...
CMS Ontology "An ontology to represent the content management systems and their interaction with the triplestore...
Core Concepts Ontology "The generic BBC ontology for people, places,events, organisations, themes which represent things that make sense across the BBC...
Creative Work Ontology "This is the model we use to express the minimum metadata necessary to express a piece of creative content in the platform...
Curriculum Ontology "This ontology aims to provide data model and vocabularies for describing the national curricula within the UK."...
Food Ontology "A simple vocabulary for describing recipes, ingredients, menus and diets."...
Politics Ontology "An ontology which describes a model for politics, specifically in terms of local government and elections...
Programmes ontology "A vocabulary for programme data...
Provenance Ontology "The provenance ontology supports data management and auditing tasks...
Storyline Ontology "The News Storyline Ontology is a generic model for describing and organising the stories news organisations tell...
The Thesaurus Network Computerized access to the Collections of Museums Institutions "The 3 thesauri in free consultation on this site are the result of several years of work and have been specially created to meet the specific needs of the museums members of the AICIM Network, which evolve every day thanks to the additions and suggestions of the museums...
Wildlife Ontology "A simple vocabulary for describing biological species and related taxa...
Cell Line Ontology "Thousands of cell lines have been artificially developed and used for different applications...
Thesaurus engineering and management The "Thesaurus Technology and Management (TEMA) offers (...) the most comprehensive structured collection of the current technical vocabulary for production and technology-oriented management"...
Cell Cycle Ontology "CCO basically contains genes, proteins, interactions (comprising genes or proteins that participate in them), processes from the cell cycle subtree of GO, molecular functions (GO), taxa, and ontological constructs (like an upper level ontology and relationships) to stick everything together...
Plant Ontology "Plant Ontology project is a major international bioinformatics effort on standardizing the nomenclature, definitions, synonyms and relations of various terms/keywords/vocabularies that describe anatomical entities as well as the growth and developmental stages of plants...
Clinician's Thesaurus "With over 350,000 in print, the Clinician's Thesaurus is an indispensable practitioner resource and course text...
Healthcare Common Procedure Coding System "The Healthcare Common Procedure Coding System (HCPCS, often pronounced by its acronym as "hick picks") is a set of health care procedure codes based on the American Medical Association's Current Procedural Terminology (CPT)."...
Evidence Codes Ontology "The Evidence Ontology (ECO) describes types of scientific evidence within the realm of biological research that can arise from laboratory experiments, computational methods, manual literature curation, and other means...
Tick Gross Anatomy Ontology The anatomy of the Tick, Families: Ixodidae, Argassidae...
List of Museological Art Terms of the Acceder Collective Catalog "7053 terms, 8052 relationships between terms, 881 terms not preferred."...
Information Coding Classification (ICC) "(...) ICC (.) is based on the premises that whenever information is to be generated or to be presented (in code form) at least two items are necessary one which plays the part of a subject and the other one that of the predicate of a sentence, with both these items being framed into a third one...
Classification for general libraries (KAB) "The classification for general libraries (KAB) is a library classification developed by the Zentralinstitut für Bibliothekswesen (GDR) and is still being used today (in an revised version) in most municipal libraries of the new federal states, according to the General System for Public Libraries (ASB ), As the east-German counterpart, it is the most widely distributed system in public libraries in Germany...
System of the Real-Catalog of the University Library of Heidelberg "The" Zangemeister signatures "go back to Heidelberg's chief librarian, Karl Zangemeister, who headed the University Library from 1873 to 1902...
Systematic overview of the catalog of dissertations, programs and brochures "The so - called" garter catalog "for dissertations, programs and brochures covered literature up to the year 1935, into 44 systematic groups, within which the titles were arranged in alphabetical order...
The new systematic catalog of the University Library of Berlin "In 1975, the Systematic Catalog of the University Library of Berlin (...) was aborted, as it did not allow a materialization of the material to meet the requirements of teaching and research...
Sears List of Subject Headings "Since the first edition in 1923, the Sears List has served the unique needs of small and medium-sized libraries, suggesting headings appropriate for use in their catalogs and providing patterns and instructions for adding new headings as they are required...
Directory of Materials "RVM has been a world leader in controlled French vocabularies for more than 70 years, serving French-language and bilingual libraries in Quebec and elsewhere in Canada...
Systematic and alphabetical keyword register of the catalog group
Expanded Thesaurus "The goal behind this project is the development of an extensive Arabic thesaurus that would encompass all fields of knowledge – something that most libraries and information centers in the Arab world lack – to serve as the basic instrument of subjective analysis of information retrieval devices, and to keep abreast with developments taking place in information technology...
Subject headings for children's materials "Subject cataloging, in principle, is the same in all types of libraries...
Mediterranean House of Human Sciences Phonotheque Thesaurus "12799 terms...
United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction Terminology "The UNISDR Terminology aims to promote a common understanding and usage of disaster risk reduction concepts and to assist the disaster risk reduction efforts of authorities, practitioners and the public...
Proposed International Standard Nomenclature for Fields of Science and Technology "The Proposed international standard nomenclature for fields of science and technology was proposed in 1973 and 1974 by the Division of Science Policy and Statistics for Science and Technology of UNESCO and adopted by the Scientific Advisory Committee...
Field of Science and Technology Classification (FOS) "Statistical units in the PNP sector are classified into the six major fields of science and technology suggested in UNESCO’s 'Recommendation Concerning the International Standardisation of Statistics on Science and Technology' (1978)... API
Thema subject classification scheme (thema) "Thema is intended for use by all parts of the book trade: unlike other book trade subject classifications, it aims to be globally applicable... API
UK Standard Library Categories "Note this scheme was originally published as a draft and called e4libraries Subject Category Headings...
Children's Books Marketing Classifications "These codes are for marketing purposes only...
Product group system "The product group system was developed by the bar retailers and has been used in the book trade since 1997...
System for Information on Grey Literature in Europe Classification "System for Information on Grey Literature in Europe, is your open access to 700.000 bibliographical references of grey literature (paper) produced in Europe and allows you to export records and locate the documents."...
Hornbostel-Sachs-systematics "The Hornbostel-Sachs system is a classification system for musical instruments, published in 1914 by Erich Moritz von Hornbostel and Curt Sachs in the Zeitschrift fur Ethnologie under the title Systematik der Musikinstrumente Classification of musical instruments (...) The Hornbostel-Sachs system has a hierarchical structure, each category corresponds to a number, with a number being added in each detail step, so that the number of digits increases with increasing concretization Of the number, while further characters (-,:,], +) allow the notation of special meanings... API
Classification Scheme for Illinois State Publications "The need for a scheme/system to classify state documents has become increasingly apparent as more and more emphasis has been placed on libraries to acquire and service this important body of material...
Powerhouse Museum Object Names Thesaurus "The thesaurus has been developed specifically for our collection...
Systematics for children's and youth libraries (SKJ) "The systematic classification of children's and youth libraries is based on age grades and on formal criteria, whereby children's and youth literature is structured in the same way as the ASB groups."... API
Classfication of the city library Duisburg (SSD) The classfication of the city library Duisburg (SSD) is a classification for the content development of public libraries and was developed specifically for the needs of the Stadtbibliothek Duisburg in line with the ASB... API
Sound carrier systematics "The sound carrier systematics are practice-oriented according to content (musical genres and forms) as well as formal (occupation) criteria."...
Andalusian Historical Heritage Thesaurus "The Andalusian Historical Heritage Thesaurus (TPHA) is the first integrating experience of all disciplines related to Historical Heritage in a single documentary language...
SFI Coding and Classification System for Ship Information "The SFI Group System is the most widely-used classification system for maritime and offshore industries worldwide...
Document Classification Scheme "At the same time, the National Library, the National Archives and the Greater Montréal Public Library, the Bibliothèque et Archives nationales du Québec (BAnQ) gathers, preserves and disseminates the Quebec and Québec documentary heritage."...
Plan de Classification des Documents "Les Musées de la civilisation sont : le Musée de la civilisation, le Musée de l'Amérique francophone, le Musée de la Place Royale, la Maison historique Chevalier et le Centre national de conservation et d'études des collections."...
Plan de Classification des Documents "À la fois bibliothèque nationale, archives nationales et bibliothèque publique de grande métropole, Bibliothèque et Archives nationales du Québec (BAnQ) rassemble, conserve et diffuse le patrimoine documentaire québécois ou relatif au Québec."...
Hydro-Québec Document Classification Scheme "Hydro-Québec's classification classification plan is a hierarchical and logical structure made up of headings in which the company's activities are presented and which allows the classification, classification and identification of documents produced or received by the company, Company, whatever the medium...
Classification Plan "The classification plan is a structure consisting of ratings and headings describing all the processes and activities of the DGEQ, which are used to classify all documents and files and to contribute to their identification...
Telecommunications Object Thesaurus "The structure is designed to accommodate additional terms...
Model files for evangelical-reformed political communities "The file plan provides all the tasks of a community from...
Musteraktenplan für Schulgemeinden "Der Aktenplan bildet sämtliche Aufgaben einer Gemeinde ab...
Model files plan for evangelical-reformed church communities "The file plan provides all the tasks of a community from...
Musteraktenplan für römisch-katholische Kirchgemeinden "Der Aktenplan bildet sämtliche Aufgaben einer Gemeinde ab...
Peacekeeping File Classification Scheme "The PK FCS is based on the functions and activities of peacekeeping operations...
Records Classification and Retention Plan "Every unit shall use the RCRP to organize, sort, destroy or permanently retain records produced or received during the course of their activities...
Chart of Accounts and Functional Classification " The harmonized accounting model MCH2 provides the basis for the presentation of the financial statements of the cantons and municipalities and was developed from MCH1 by the Study Group for Cantonal Finances (FkF) at the request of the Conference of In accordance with the International Public Sector Accounting Standards (IPSAS) and in co-ordination with the new Federal Accounting Model, the FkF has developed the 20 recommendations of the MCH2...
International Glossary of Hydrology "Agreed terminology is essential for communication, shared research and joint action, especially at the international level...
International Meteorological Vocabulary
Public Company Thesaurus
Thesaurus of Audiovisual Documentation "996 terms, 110 relationships between terms, 240 equivalent terms."...
Thesaurus Bibliothèque du Cirac "CIRAC is a center of research and expertise on the German economy and society and Franco-German relations."...
Thematic Nomenclature GeoBretagne "This nomenclature is important since it allows the viewer to search for data via a thematic entry, and is required for sharing with all GeoBretagne partners who are invited to use this nomenclature for the internal classification of their data... API
Thésaurus dph "Les thesaurus, c’est à dire les listes de mots-clés utilisés dans le réseau DPH, sont l’outil indispensable de l’échange d’expériences...
Classification of soils in Switzerland "The classification of the soil has the objective of systematically classifying soils due to their diverse profile and location characteristics, making it possible to identify, compare, distinguish and assess subsoil soils.The classification has its importance mainly within the soil customer himself, Since pedological research and experiments should always be carried out on well-defined and classified soils, so that results can be compared...
Thesaurus of Religious Objects of the Catholic faith "This work is basically derived from the one made in an international project produced by the Ministry for Cultural and Environmental Heritage, by the Central Institute for Catalog and Documentation, the Cd-rom" Thesaurus Multilingual Of the Ecclesiastical Kit "(ICCD, Rome 1999) and by the Ministry of Culture et de la Communication the volume" Thesaurus Objets religieux du culte catholique - Religious Objects of Catholic Faith - ecclesiastical Kit of Catholic Cult "(éditions du Patrimoine, Paris 1999)...
Standard Air Pollution Classification Network: a Thesaurus of Terms "The purpose of this thesaurus, is to present the special standardized terminology used for the storage of, and search for, information in the APTIG file...
Thesaurus of Terms Used in Microbial Risk Assessment "Federal and international agencies, private sector organizations, and academics use terms and definitions differently in their microbial risk assessments...
Coastal and Marine Ecological Classification Standard "The Coastal and Marine Ecological Classification Standard (CMECS) is a catalog of terms that provides a means for classifying ecological units using a simple, standard format and common terminology (CMECS uses the term 'unit' to refer to any defined entity in the standard at any level of the hierarchy; 'units' include seagrass bed, sand, lagoon, and water mass)...
ASFA and Oceanic Abstracts Classification Codes "The classification codes and descriptions are broad subject headings that are specific to various databases...
Historical Thesaurus of English "The University of Glasgow Historical Thesaurus of English was initiated by the late Professor Michael Samuels in 1965, and the first full version of the Thesaurus was completed in 2008 under the direction of Professor Christian Kay...
Thesaurus of Rock and Soil Mechanics Terms "The thesaurus was originally compiled by J P Jenkins of the Rock Mechanics Information Service in 1976-1977...
Dana Classification "The Dana System of Mineralogy was first published in 1837 by James Dwight Dana, a leading geologist of his time; it is in its eighth edition (1997 ed.)...
Unified Soil Classification System "The Unified Soil Classification System (USCS) is a soil classification system used in engineering and geology to describe the texture and grain size of a soil...
Petroleum Abstracts® Exploration and Production Thesaurus "The E&P Thesaurus is a collection of words and phrases that are descriptive of the concepts and equipment pertaining to petroleum exploration, development and production, exclusive of geographic areas and named geologic terms, which are included in the Geographic Thesaurus and its supplement...
RAPRA Classification Code "Over the past twenty years, Rapra Technology Limited has developed a computer database for use by the rubber and plastics industries, together with the necessary thesaurus...
Thesaurus of the Bildarchiv of the German colonial society in the university library in Frankfurt am Main
Subject area system of the University and State Library Düsseldorf (FULD) "The subject system, which divides the knowledge areas into main groups and subgroups and is expressed by a combination of letters and numbers (notation), allows you to search professional-thematically in the search portal...
LanguaL™ Thesaurus "The thesaurus provides a standardised language for describing foods, specifically for classifying food products for information retrieval...
Standard Glossary of Terms used in Software Testing "Much time and effort is wasted both within and between industry, commerce, government and professional and academic institutions when ambiguities arise as a result of the inability to differentiate adequately between such terms as ‘statement coverage’ and ‘decision coverage’, ‘test suite’, ‘test specification’ and ‘test plan’, and similar terms which form an interface between various sectors of society...
Thesaurus for Soil Invertebrate Trait-based Approaches "The T-SITA proposes a non-exhaustive, semantically structured, list of traits and ecological preferences...
Getty Thesaurus of Geographic Names (TGN) "TGN is a structured vocabulary currently containing around 1,106,000 names and other information about places... API
Thesaurus of Sustainability "This Thesaurus is a collection of terms and concepts that survey the broad discourse on sustainability...
FTSE Environmental Markets Classification System "The EMCS is a detailed and comprehensive structure for analysis, facilitating the comparison of companies across two levels; sector and subsector, and across national boundaries...
Army Medical Library Classification Medicine "The Classification covers the field of medicine and its related sciences...
Medical and Health Related Sciences Thesaurus "The Medical and Health Related Sciences Thesaurus is the list of indexing terms developed and maintained as an integral component of CRISP (Computer Retrieval of Information on Scientific Projects), a comprehensive system furnishing scientific data on all research projects supported by the Public Health Services...
Austrian system of the scientific branches (ÖFOS) "The Austrian Systematics of the Sciences 2012 (ÖFOS 2012) is the version of the revised International Classification of Fields of Science and Technology (FOS), adapted to the Austrian situation, whose application is binding in international comparison, and particularly within the European statistical system ÖFOS 2012 consists of 6 main groups: natural sciences (1), technical sciences (2), human medicine, health sciences (3), agricultural sciences, veterinary medicine (4), social sciences (5) and the humanities (6) 3-digit groups In order to be able to deal more closely with the national situation in the new Austrian system of scientific branches, these 3-positioners were provided with further subgroups (4-positioners), taking into account the explanations of the international classification Groups, currently no , The 3-positioner has the same designation as the subgroup (4-positioner, e.g... API
Application of the International Classification of Diseases to Dentistry and Stomatology "When any substantial volume of data has to be recorded, a coherent system of classifying and coding the data is essential, particularly where electronic or mechanical means of retrieval or analysis are to be used...
Ovid Nursing Subject Thesaurus "Ovid Nursing Subject Thesaurus is a proprietary Controlled Vocabulary and associated Nursing Lexicon which ‘speaks nurse’ to meet the specific needs of nursing professionals of all types and is designed to enhance retrieval of relevant documents for nursing professionals and students...
SRS Research Information System Thesaurus "The SRS Research Information System Thesaurus was empirically derived from the language of reports of research supported by the Social and Rehabilitation Service, Department of Health, Education, and Welfare...
Classification System for Rehabilitation Program Evaluation Technology and Literature "The classification system's purpose is to control the nuances of expression relevant to indexing and retrieving information, technology, and literature of interest to rehabilitation personnel and others concerned with program evaluation...
Instructional Materials Thesaurus for Special Education "The thesaurus delineates the standard terminology used to index and retrieve instructional materials for exceptional children in the Special Education Instructional Materials Center/Regional Media Centers Network...
Canadian Subject Headings (CSH) "CSH on the Web offers free, up-to-date access to over 6000 subject authority records in the English language, providing in-depth coverage of Canadian topics, including those recently in the news...
The Moving Image Genre-Form Guide "While developing terminology for application to the moving image holdings of archives and libraries, the Moving Image Genre-Form Guide follows the traditional methods of film and television scholarship as closely as possible...
ANASTASIA Thesaurus "ANASTASIA is a documentary network specializing in psycho-social sciences, health promotion, nursing, office and business management, sustainable development, psychomotricity, agronomy, hotel management, poverty , In matters related to immigration, North-South relations, pedagogy...
Thesaurus Library of the Center for Health and Social Services of Laval "The library is a major player in the acquisition and sharing of knowledge...
Thesaurus Laboratory of Solid Physics "The research activities of the Laboratory of Solid Physics cover a broader field than its title would suggest, and we are interested in condensed matter in all its diversity, even if we like to group our activities According to three main axes, involving a roughly equivalent number of researchers: New electronic states of matter, Physical phenomena with reduced dimensions, Soft matter and physical-biological interface...
Thesaurus Oniris Chantrerie "ONIRIS is an institution of higher education and research of the Ministry of Food of Agriculture and Fisheries...
Thesaurus Oniris Géraudière "ONIRIS is an institution of higher education and research of the Ministry of Food of Agriculture and Fisheries...
Thesaurus Pavillon Bosio - Higher School of Plastic Arts "The specificity of the curriculum given at the Bosio Pavilion is to provide its students with a versatile training in Art & Scenography and to give them the tools they need to translate their personal research into the spaces of the stage as well as those of the exhibition ...
Thesaurus Overseas "Since it exercises the authority of the Overseas State in the Overseas Departments, its powers are those exercised by the Ministry of the Interior in metropolitan France...
Thesaurus National Alpine Veterinary School "The National Veterinary School of Alfort is a public and administrative institution of higher education and research under the supervision of the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Forestry and maintains strong ties with the University of Paris -Est, ANSES, INRA, INSERM...
Thesaurus Integrated Center for Information Management "The Integrated Center for Information Management (CIGI) is a unique documentation center specializing in physical disability accessible from a distance...
Thesaurus Collective Alpha "The Alpha Collective has been organizing literacy courses for adults, men and women for the past 40 years, from the age of 18...
Thesaurus Circus "Applied in the online catalog 'PasseparCirque' of the 'Cirquotheque'...
A Proposed Taxonomy of Postsecondary Education Subject Matter Areas "The development of the NCHEM taxonomy came about because of a need for standardized and comprehensive structures for cataloging and organizing information on the multitude of instructional programs and activities presently functioning in the various levels and sectors of education...
Star Wars Thesaurus "The Thesaurus lists the authority name, nicknames (including military and civilian titles), use for names, related planet (usually homeworld), political alliance/related alliance, and related characters for each Principal Character...
Thesaurus of Development Communication "This controlled vocabulary comprising approximately 1,030 terms commonly used in the field of international development communication was created by the Clearinghouse on Development Communication of the Academy for Educational Development to analyze and index documents...
Taxonomy of Exemplary Secondary School Programs in the State of California "A research project undertook to develop a system whereby information could be exchanged about exemplary secondary school programs within California...
Cancer Etiology and Selected Aspects of Cancer Pathology: A Decimal Classification "This is a hierarchical decimal classification of information related to various types of carcinogenesis (Chemical, viral, hormonal, radiation), cancer demography, and selected descriptive and 'in vitro' aspects of cancer pathology...
Cancer Biochemistry and Host-Tumor Interactions: A Decimal Classification "This is a hierarchical decimal classification of information related to cancer biochemistry, to host-tumor interactions (including cancer immunology), and to occurrence of cancer in special types of animals and plants...
Hierarchical Decimal Classification of Information Related to Cancer Research "The classification may be used (1) to identify cancer research efforts supported by NCI in selected areas of research (at any general or specific level desired), (2) to store information related to cancer research and retrieve this information on request, and (3) to match interests of cancer research scientists against information in published articles so that scientists can receive copies of articles specifically related to their research (Selective Dissemination)...
Slide Classification System for the Organization and Automatic Indexing of Interdisciplinary Collections of Slides and Pictures "Almost all disciplines make extensive use of the resources provided by slide libraries and picture collections...
Classification Scheme for Career Education Resource Materials "The introductory section of the paper expresses its purpose: to devise a classification scheme for career education resource material, which will be used to develop the USOE Office of Career Education Resource Library and will be disseminated to interested State departments of education and local school districts to assist them in classifying their own career education resource materials...
The Development of a Classification Scheme for Reading Research and Reading Resources "The development of a new scheme for classifying the more than 7,000 documents on reading in the ERIC/CRIER data collection is described...
Thesaurus for the Designation of Architectural and Structural Works "The thesaurus of the designation develops in a methodical form the 1135 terms useful for the designation of architectural works and the 2529 useful for the designation of the movable works The organization proper to the thesaurus thus makes it possible to situate each term in a hierarchy whose entries Are categorized according to functional categories related to religious, funeral, industrial, etc...
Classification plan of the Autorité des Marchés Financiers "The Authority's classification plan is a hierarchical and logical structure composed of groupings and sub-groupings based on the processes and activities of the organization."...
Thesaurus of Educational Technology Terms and Their Collocations "This Thesaurus pulls together all the knowledge acquired in the development of ET until now, to update the existing inventory of the terms in this field and to make up a complete list (as complete as it is virtually possible) of the current terms describing all the areas of ET, to single out separate areas of ET and to structure it as a special field, to differentiate between separate phenomena and specify the meaning of the existing terms, and also to give the educators, researchers, students, developers of educational software and educational administrators the tool for understanding and using ET...
Thesaurus of Outdoor Recreation Terms "Presented in this thesaurus are keywords and cross references for the indexing and retrieval of outdoor recreation literature...
Keyword Thesaurus. A List of Terms and Codes to Identify Areas of Interest for Research and Other Types of Sponsored Programs "This list of program types and keywords (with codes) was prepared for program officers at the National Endowment for the Humanities, the National Institute of Education, and the National Science Foundation to use when preparing program announcements and requests for proposals...
Child Abuse and Neglect Thesaurus "The thesaurus contains approximately 4,000 terms used in indexing material for the National Center on Child Abuse and Neglect...
Kellogg Adult Education Thesaurus "This thesaurus was designed for users of the Adult and Continuing Education Research Collection in Syracuse University (New York), which contains the archives of organizations and individuals central to the development of adult education as a field of study and practice...
Dokumentation moderner Fremdsprachenunterricht: Thesaurus "Der Thesaurus umfasst einen systematischen und einen alphabetischen Teil...
Evaluation Thesaurus "This is a thesaurus of terms used in evaluation...
Vocational Education Outcomes: A Thesaurus of Outcome Questions "This thesaurus is designed to provide the vocational education community and its relevant audiences with a comprehensive, organized listing of outcome questions and hypotheses...
Human-Factors Taxonomy "This taxonomy provides a structure for identifying human factors for the purpose of scientific research and system test and evaluation...
Thesaurus of Household Objects "Le Thésaurus de la désignation des objets mobiliers constitue la réédition, revue et complétée, de l'outil élaboré par l’Inventaire général des monuments et richesses artistiques de la France et édité en 2001 par les éditions du patrimoine, dans la collection Documents & méthodes...
A Classification System and Manual for Placement Office Libraries "A classification scheme is given for materials related to occupational and educational opportunities collected by the Rutgers College Placement Office Library...
Shelf classification of the Central Library of Sports Sciences "Shelf classification of the ZBSport"...
Tesqual "Microthesaurus Tesqual is a controlled vocabulary with a structure based on hierarchical, associative and equivalence relationships...
IMO Thesaurus "The Maritime Knowledge Centre (MKC) provides collections, information resources and services to support the IMO Secretariat, Member States, representatives and delegates...
Keyword list of the Pro Senectute library "The Pro Senectute Library is Switzerland's largest media and information center on the topics of age, aging and generational relationships...
Current Index to Legal Periodicals Subject Headings "We keep our Subject Headings simple and limited to fewer than 100, so we can index law review articles quickly and get the Current Index to Legal Periodicals (CILP) into your hands as soon as possible."...
Classification Scheme of the Institute Library Information Science "The good old ViBI can still be used for a transitional period for orientation about the stock (works created until March 2010)...
List index of the institute library information science "1) The following subject categories were not included in the keyword list: Keywords (example: Kisch, Egon Erwin), Geographical / Ethnographical Keywords (example: Germany; (Example: Saarbrücken / University), title words (example: the computerization of the company / Nora, Simon), that is, in this keyword list there are only keywords...
National Clearinghouse on Aging Thesaurus "The National Clearinghouse on Aging Thesaurus provides a retrieval vocabulary for the document collection currently housed at the Administration on Aging...
List of Subject Headings for Small to Medium Sized Law Libraries "The List itself is not exhaustive, nor is it meant to be...
Thesaurus for Graphic Materials (TGM) "The thesaurus includes more than 7,000 subject terms and 650 genre/format terms to index types of photographs, prints, design drawings, ephemera, and other pictures...
Moys Classification Scheme "The Moys Classification Scheme is a system of library classification for legal materials...
Legal Classification of French-Speaking Switzerland "The documents of the collection of our library are not indexed, but are classified by means of the legal classification of French-speaking Switzerland...
Classification Modern literature
Classification Literature Middle Ages
Linguistic Classification
Classification reference works / dictionaries / bibliographies. Classification reference works and dictionaries and bibliographies...
Classification Généralités
NILS INsource Insurance Thesaurus "NILS INsource is a Web-based regulatory research tool designed exclusively for insurance compliance professionals...
T.M.C. Asser Instituut Classification Scheme "The T.M.C...
Terminology for Integrated Resources Planning and Management "To achieve the implementation of land-use planning and land management cooperation among experts from the disciplines involved and integration of the respective results are required in order to identify and evaluate all biophysical, socio-economic and legal attributes of the land...
Thesaurus Mass Communication "The thesaurus comprises two parts...
Landscape Architecture Classification "This is the first comprehensive classification of the field of Landscape Architecture...
Subject Headings of the Morris Swett Library "This list of subject headings is used at the Morris Swett Library...
Theology in Aotearoa New Zealand: An Annotated Bibliography under Subject Headings "This annotated bibliography is focused on contextual theology in Aotearoa New Zealand...
Low Intensity Conflict Thesaurus "This thesaurus is a presentation of terms to be used for the indexing and retrieval of documents dealing with the subject area of Low Intensity Conflict (LIC)...
DTNSRDC Library Subject Thesaurus "The DTNSRDC Library Subject Thesaurus, which exists both as a printed document and as an on-line computer file, supports the indexing and retrieval functions of the library's automated storage and retrieval system...
PCA Cement and Concrete Thesaurus "The PCA Cement and Concrete Thesaurus, a list of accepted terminology for all aspects of cement and concrete, can now be accessed online...
Thesaurus of Engineering and Scientific Terms "In the fall of 1965, two large projects were set in motion to develop contemporary thesauri in the fields of engineering and science...
Engineering-to-Biology Thesaurus "Biological inspiration for engineering design has occurred through a variety of techniques such as database searches, keyword and antonym searches, knowledge of biology, observations of nature and other 'aha' moments...
Defence Technological and Scientific Thesaurus "DEFTEST now contains 24000 entry terms with 155000 cross references...
MATRIS Indexing and Retrieval Thesaurus "Categories covered in this hierarchy: Manpower; Recruitment, Selection/Classification/Assignment; Education and Training; Human Resources Management; Organizations; Human Factors Engineering; Information Processing/Cognition; Human Performance; Data Management; Program Management; Defense/Welfare; Personnel; Skills; Task/System Analysis; Quantification/Analysis Techniques; Safety/Environmental Factors; Systems/Equipment; and Media/Documents."...
Thesaurus of Musical Instruments "Containing 1480 entries from Accordeon to Zvegljica...
Thesaurus of FAA Descriptors "This edition, with 3,123 descriptors, includes new terms established since the last publication, in November, 1965...
Thesaurus for Pharmacological Literature of the U.S.S.R., East European Communist Countries, and People's Republic of China "Among the features of this third edition of the thesaurus are: (1) Listing of new or not previously listed pharmaceuticals from the above countries...
Keyword dictionary of theology
Glossary of Forest Terminology "This forest terminology largely follows that contained in the British Commonwealth Forest Terminology, or the Forest Terminology of the Society of American Foresters...
Compilation of Forestry Terms and Definitions "The terms and their definitions were collected from publications and by utilising the Internet...
Glossary of Forestry Terms
Glossary of Common Forestry Terminology
Terminology for Forest Landowners "We prepared this reference bulletin primarily for forest landowners...
Forestry Terms for Mississippi Landowners "You are a member of an important group...
Legal Terms and Concepts for Forest Landowners "Greater economic value will result in an increased number of intrusions into forestlands...
Controlled Vocabularies for Use in Rare Book and Special Collections Cataloging "These thesauri provide standardized vocabulary for retrieving special collections materials by form, genre, or by various physical characteristics that are typically of interest to researchers and special collections librarians, and for relating materials to individuals or corporate bodies."... API
Glossary of Optical Communication Terms "This glossary was first published in June 1986 by the Engineering Division of the FAA Technical Center, under the title "Glossaryof Fiber Optic Terms" (Division Report CT-110-86-15)...
Statistical Terminology "It is not unusual for students to forget important concepts learned in an earlier course...
Common Violin Terminology "Terminology for string players."...
Glossary of Poetic Terms "Find the definitions and examples you're looking for."...
Glossary of Literary Terms "This book defines and discusses terms, critical theories, and points of view that are commonly used to classify, analyze, interpret, and write the history of works of literature...
Glossary of Linguistic Terms "This is a glossary of terms used in the morphological, syntactic, and pragmatic analysis of text."...
The Alliance of Information and Referral Services Linked Open Vocabulary "The AIRS Linked Open Vocabulary is a way to describe human services information and referral (I&R) concepts...
Brain Architecture Management System Thesaurus "The search of Thesaurus in BAMS 2.0 consists of a simple yet powerful form, which allows users to search by strings included in the thesaurus' terms, abbreviations, references and definitions."...
Australian Emergency Management Glossary "The aim of the Glossary is to provide a list of emergency management terms and definitions...
Brazilian Thesaurus of Information Science "The recovery of information has been and continues to be a key issue in information science since its emergence as a scientific field to date.With the advances of science and technology and the era of the information society, the Internet and the vertiginous proliferation of information, Thesauri are essential tools in the search and access to information.The consistency, precision and relevance of the information are basic qualities in this process and depend mainly on thesauri...
The Union List of Artist Names (ULAN) "The ULAN is a structured vocabulary currently containing around 293,000 names and other information about artists... API
New Jersey State Legislature Thesaurus "A guide for locating valid subject headings used in indexing Bills Legislative Session...
Thesaurus craft "The original thesaurus consisted of an OVERVIEW (only upper terms, = at the same time position of the library, file system), an INDEX (Alphaliste of all slogans) and a SYSTEMATIK (overview with all subdivisions, synonyms, related terms) ...
Leeds University Library Classification Scheme "Leeds University Library has a unique classification scheme."...
Max Planck Institute for Marine Microbiology Library Classification Scheme Library Classification Scheme for marine microbiology of the Max Planck Institute....
Brian Deer Classification Scheme "Xwi7xwa Library uses a modified version of the Brian Deer classification system, developed by Kahnawake librarian Brian Deer for the National Indian Brotherhood (now the Assembly of First Nations) in the 1970s...
Classification of Legal Forms of Legal Units "The National Statistical Institute has prepared a complete and coherent classification of legal entities by legal form...
business Rating "The business classification is a requirement of capacity and solvency must certify businesses in procedures for the award of certain typical administrative contracts (Article 65 of TRLCSP)...
Friedensauer library system "The Friedensauer Bibliothek-Systematik combines large parts of the system for libraries (SfB - http://www.sfb-online.de) with specially created system groups for archeology, children's books (KiBü), theology (theol) and Hochschulschriften (HSS) ,This, on the one hand, makes it possible to provide a suitable picture of the Library of the Theological University of Friedensau...
Institute of Economic Ethics "By the end of July 2010, the publicly available institute library was structured according to the following system."...
Library system Theological Theological College Gießen A PDF file about the library systematics of the Freie Theologische Hochschule Giessen...
Vocabulary of Circus Discover the circus arts through our illustrated vocabulary grouped under a tree of subjects...
Shelf Classification of the Library of Topography of Terror Foundation Shelf Classification of the Library of Topography of Terror Foundation....
Categorization Scheme of Neue Galerie Graz "It wasn't until the 70s that the stock was categorised and stored systematically...
German Protestant Institute of Ancient World Studies of the Holy Land Jerusalem Library Systematics Library structure of the German Protestant Institute of Archaeology....
Classification System of the Library of the Hamburg Institute for Social Research "The classification system of the Library of the Hamburg Institute for Social Research is a general system that determines the on-site location of our holdings...
Library systematics of the Department of Sociology at the Vienna University of Technology
University of Navarra Library Classification System Classification System of the University of Navarra Library...
Clasificación Temática - Biblioteca Instituto Internacional de Sociología Jurídica "El sistema de clasificación temática de los libros, de diseño propio, desarrolla las áreas y subáreas de la sociología jurídica permitiendo localizar las secciones de interés para cada investigador, unido a las facilidades del acceso directo a los fondos."...
RESI-Thesaurus for the information system for reactor safety "In the development of the RESI-2 prototype system within the framework of the research project 'Information System on Reactor Safety RESI', a first approach has emerged for a structured index in the problem area 'Atomic Approval Approval Procedure' The computer-assisted system RESI-2, developed by the Institute for Reactor Development of the Gesellschaft für Kernforschung mbR, Karlsruhe, works with the GOLEM program from Siemens, which contains an alphabetical thesaurus for both the so-called bound descriptors (aspects) such as Also for free descriptors The structuring into sub-and superspecies as well as the introduction of synonym links requires a separate work process And overlapping between the administrative and technical vocabulary in the field of reactor safety and the nuclear licensing procedures...
Subject Headings for Church or Synagogue Libraries "This guide to subject headings for church or synagogue libraries begins by providing guidelines for the subject cataloging process...
Thesaurus of economics and social sciences ThESS - Thesaurus of Economics and Social Sciences of the Library Mario Rostoni is a controlled vocabulary constructed by drawing the terms mainly but not just from business-legal and business documents...
Adult Community Learning Thesaurus
ZINE Thesaurus of Subject Terms "All of the subject terms in the catalogue have been organized by common themes and groups in a Zine Thesaurus...
Civil Aviation Technical Service Thesaurus
Diocesan Library of Versailles Thesaurus Search by term allows to search by keywords in different thesauri....
CIMCIM Terminology "All of us are frequently confronted with the problem of identifying musical instruments and their components correctly, whether in the process of defining a part that has been damaged or restored, or trying to transmit our knowledge to school children, students or our academic colleagues...
Boggs and Lewis Classification of Maps and Atlases "To classify maps, atlases, and globes most advantageously in a collection extensively used by geographers, historians, economists, technicians or other specialists and students, it is believed that the categories to be considered, in order of importance, are: (1) Area, (2) Subject, and (3) Date, with (4) Author, frequently necessary...
Library System of the Hans-Bredow-Institut Library System of the Hans-Bredow-Institut for Media Research at the University of Hamburg...
Shelf Classification of the Library of Deutsches Liturgisches Institut The library's holdings are systematically organized, ie organized according to subject areas...
GEOMAR Helmholtz Center for Ocean Research Kiel Library System Library System of the Helmholtz Center for Ocean Research...
GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel Subject Headings
John-F.-Kennedy-Institut für Nordamerikastudien Bibliothekssystematik "Im Zeitraum vom 1960 bis 1980 wurde eine speziell auf die Erwerbungspolitik der JFKI-Bibliothek zugeschnittene hauseigene Systematik entwickelt...
Bibliothek der Schweizerischen Theatersammlung Systematik The new entries after 1979 are cataloged according to 23 groups....
Linguistics Thesaurus "Keywords are always nouns:....
JGSGB Library Classification Code "Each book is numbered using the JGSGB's own Library Classification Code...
Library system of the Geographisches Institut der Ruhr-Universität Bochum
Library of the DHBW Mannheim system "The stock of the DHBW Mannheim library is arranged according to an in-house classification scheme."...
Werner Oechslin Library Foundation systematics "This preliminary overview (as of 2011) unites about 41,000 titles that have been registered so far in short abstracts, organized into a thematic order (classification scheme)...
Institute of Business Information Systems
Arbeitsstelle Studium und Beruf Bibliothekssystematik
Library Christian Catholic Theology Systematics "Die Systematik (.) gibt Aufschluss darüber, welche Signaturen sich im Compactus oder im Seminarraum befinden...
Library Evangelical Theology systematics
Musicology Seminar Library Systematics Library systematics of the musicology seminar....
Faculty of Philology, Department Library of Scandinavian Studies Shelf classification Shelf classification of the Department library of Scandinavian Studies...
Linguistics Thesaurus "935 terms."...
Faculty of Philology, Department Library Classical Philology Shelf Classification Shelf classification of the Department of Classical Philology...
Faculty of Philology, Faculty Library of Comparative Studies Shelf classification of the department library for comparative studies...
Faculty of Philology, department library Slavic Shelf classification "Systematics: Linguistics, Description of Slavic Individual Languages, Linguistics / Semiotics / Literary Theory, Literary History, Authors / Reginal studies."...
Faculty of Philology, Department library of Linguistics Shelf classification Shelf classification of the department library for linguistic research...
Faculty of Philology, Department library for Romance Shelf classification Shelf classification of the Department of Romance Studies...
Faculty of Philology, Department Library Media Studies Shelf classification "The media science publications are assigned to the upper groups of film, television and media science."...
Faculty of Philology, Department library for Theater science Shelf classification Shelf classification of the Department library of Theater Studies...
Faculty of Philology, Department of German Studies German Studies Linguistics The linguistic literature is gathered under the signature group Sp on the 3rd floor...
Faculty of Philology, Department of German Studies, Shelf Classification of Dutch studies Shelf classification of the Department of German Studies library of the Faculty of Philology for Dutch Studies...
Faculty of Philology, Department of German Studies library, Shelf classification Folklore Shelf classification of the Department of German Studies library of the Faculty of Philology for Folklore...
Electronic Dictionary of Colombian Literature "153 terms."...
Faculty of Philology, Department of German Studies, media studies Installation system for the field of media studies...
Faculty of Philology, Department of German Studies Medieval Latin Installation system for the field of Medieval Latin...
Nomenclature for Museum Cataloging "Nomenclature for Museum Cataloging is a structured and controlled list of object terms organized in a classification system to provide a basis for indexing and cataloging collections of human-made objects... API
Department of Finance Controlled Subject Vocabulary "The Department of Finance Controlled Subject Vocabulary (gcfin) is based on the organizational chart of the Department of Finance...
Canadian Race Relations Foundation Glossary of Terms "This list includes many of the terms commonly used in anti-racism and equity discourse today...
WAVES Thesaurus "If you wish to be positive that you find everything there is in WAVES about a particular species, or that is in a certain series, or that is by a particular corporate body, you may use the Thesaurus Search option on the left menu...
Global Medical Device Nomenclature "The Global Medical Device Nomenclature (GMDN) is a system of internationally agreed generic descriptors used to identify all medical device products...
MedDRA "In the late 1990s, the International Conference on Harmonisation of Technical Requirements for Registration of Pharmaceuticals for Human Use (ICH) developed MedDRA, a rich and highly specific standardised medical terminology to facilitate sharing of regulatory information internationally for medical products used by humans...
Library Systematics Political Science In-house classification scheme....
Library of the Geographical Institute
Harry Potter Thesaurus "The purpose of this project was to examine the issues involved in thesaurus construction and to undertake the creation of thesaurus of Harry Potter novels...
Classification System of the University Library Vetmed Classification scheme of the library of the University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna....
Classifications of the Central Library "All media from the Zentralbibliothek of the Hanover University of Applied Sciences are freely accessible and systematically arranged according to subject areas...
Klassifikation Bibliothek Stadtarchiv Werne "The holdings of an archive are basically formed according to their origin and their place of origin...
Classification Scheme of the Library of the Center of Finance and Justice Rotenburg a.d. Fulda
State College of Music and Performing Arts Mannheim Bibliothekssystematik "Here you will find the systematics for the music writing (books), for the music (notes) and for the phonograms (we also use for videos and DVDs) as well as a register to the phonogram system as a pdf file (...) You can also browse the OPAC within the 'extended search' to see the works you are looking for....
Institute of Contemporary History Library Classification System "The IfZ system provides you with structured access to the collection areas of the library in chronological and thematic groups...
Systematics of the Gellert library Systematics of the library of the Gellert Museum...
Sigmund Freud Private University of Vienna Library Systems "A system provides information on the layout of the outdoor area of the Lesesaal."...
Alice Salomon University of Applied Sciences Berlin Library Classification Scheme
Institut für Mittelstandsforschung Library Classification Scheme
Literature study case glossary "Kirjallisuudentutkimuksen thing vocabulary been prepared according to Finnish language thesauri preparation and maintenance instructions (SFS 5471) and the principles of the general Finnish thesaurus, which are here the main points in brief: Keywords are always nouns; either yksittäistermejä, word associations, or compound words (for example, genre, literary language, ambiguity in point.) ...
Library systematics of the Institute of Statistics and Mathematics The aim of the institution is to provide doctoral students and WU staff who are involved in applied empirical research with competent advice on the use of statistical concepts and methods...
Joseph Wulf Mediothek Systematics The Mediothek is named after the historian Joseph Wulf (1912-1974), who failed in the sixties with the attempt to set up a documentary center in the villa for the investigation of the national socialism....
Arbitration Documentation and Information Center Library Systematics "The inventory of the library is covered by a uniform system, and an overview of the inventory (space plan) is available."...
Department of "Historische Fachinformatik und Dokumentation" Library Classification Scheme Shelf classification of the department of "Historische Fachinformatik und Dokumentation" at the University of Graz....
Economic, social and technological history Descriptors / Keywords of the library system "In the course of the integration into the faculty library, all books are given a new signature according to the Regensburger classification."...
Classification scheme of the Birkach house Classification scheme of the study centre "house Birkach" of the evangelic state church of Württemberg....
ISO 5127 Information and Documentation Vocabulary This International Standard is intended to facilitate international communication in the field of information and documentation...
ISO 4791-1:1985 Laboratory Apparatus Vocabulary "This part of ISO 4791 lists the names of items of laboratory apparatus, made essentially from glass, porcelain or vitreous silica, together with items of equipment, made from other materials, which are commonly used in association with such apparatus...
ISO 4885:1996 Ferrous Products - Heat Treatments Vocabulary "This International Standard defines the terms used in the heat treatment of ferrous products...
ISO 5138 Office Machines Vocabulary "Office machines give rise to numerous international commercial exchanges which often become difficult, either because of the great variety of terms used in various fields or languages to express the same concept, or because of the absence of, or the imprecision of, useful concepts...
Children and Youth Literature "194 terms, 1928 relations between terms."...
ISO 6196 Micrographics Vocabulary "Micrographics gives rise to numerous international exchanges of both an intellectual and a material nature...
ISO 787 Fuel Injection Equipment Vocabulary "Establishes a vocabulary with terms and definitions relating to fuel injection pumps for compression-ignition engines...
ISO 8147:1995 Shipbuilding and Marine Structures - Derrick Rigs and Component Parts Vocabulary "This International Standard establishes the vocabulary for the various terms in use relative to the most important components of derrick rigs on ships...
TECHNOSEUM Keyword register for library systematics
Systematics archive and library of the Berliner Geschichtswerkstatt e.V. Die Systematik des Archivs und der Bibliothek der Berliner Geschichtswerkstatt e.V....
Shelf Classification Cultural anthropology of the textile Shelf Classification Cultural Anthropology of the Textile of the Emil-Figge Library....
Classification scheme of the Herzog Anton Ulrich museum Classification scheme of the Herzog Anton Ulrich museum in Brunswick...
Institute for Modern Art Nuremberg Archive / Library Classification Scheme
Cambridge University Library Classification Scheme "This is the Library's 'three-figure' classification scheme which is used to determine the subject stem of the classmarks of the great majority of monographs on the open shelves...
Study Library BASIC system "Because the library BASIS mainly includes Swiss law, it has its own system."...
Regus of the Empire Thesaurus "The systematic thesaurus of the Opac is a hierarchical collection of categorization covers, which are used to assign the entries in the database to corresponding subject areas, time sections or geographic locations.You can search all categories by full-text search or alphabetical tabs, or in the tree view of the systematic thesaurus The thesaurus divides the titles according to: Geographical assignment, time allocation, thematic assignment...
Classification scheme of the Institute of Law Classification scheme of the Institute of Law of the University of Zurich....
American Planning Association Library Classification Scheme "The Library of the American Planning Association (APA) developed the American Planning Association Library Classification Scheme...
FHNW Olten Classification Scheme
Schiller Classification System "The Schiller system is a locally developed system for classifying foreign, comparative, pre-literate, ancient, medieval, and religious law materials...
Bodleian Law Library Classification "The Library has separate sections either for jurisdictions or for certain legal systems or legal topics...
Universal Binary Classification "This proposed new classification scheme is based on two main elements: hierarchism and binary theory...
Classification for Asian and African studies
Classification of the antiquarian research
Classification for European Documentation Centre Kaisa House Shelf Ratings: EU Information Center...
Classification for philosophy A classification for philosophy of the Helsinki University Library....
Thesaurus of Language and Literature "1079 terms, 998 relationships between terms, 92 equivalent terms."...
Classification for history of Finland, Scandinavia and Baltic countries Kaisa House Shelf Ratings: History of Finland, Scandinavia and the Baltic States...
Yleisen historian hyllyluokitus
Archeology shelf classification
Classification for folkloristics A classification for folkloristics of the Helsinki University Library....
National Shelf Classification Kaisa-Haus Shelf Classification: Ethnology...
North America Research Shelf Rating Kaisa House Shelf Ratings: North American Research...
Shelf rating of research in Russia and Eastern Europe
Fiction classification of fiction Kaisa-Haus Shelf Classification: Fiction...
Classification for Finnish Shelf ratings of Kaisa House: Finnish language...
Classification for Finno-Ugrian Studies Shelf ratings of Kaisa House: Finnish-Ugrian languages...
African Studies Thesaurus "It contains some 5,200 English descriptors (or preferred terms)...
Classification for English Kaisa House Shelf Ratings: English Language...
Classification for Germanic languages A classification for Germanic languages...
Classification of Nordic languages Kaisa House Shelf Ratings: Nordic Languages...
Romance Language Classification -...
Classification for Slavonic and Baltic languages
Yleisen kielitieteen hyllyluokitus
Law School Shelf Rating
Shelf Rating of Literary Research, Aesthetics, Theater Science, Film and Television Research
Classification for musicology Music Anthropology shelf classification...
Shelf rating of art history
Canada School of Public Service Controlled Vocabulary "1883 terms, 2729 relations between terms, 493 non-preferred terms...
American Folklore Society Ethnographic Thesaurus "The AFS Ethnographic Thesaurus (version 2.2) is a vocabulary that can be used to improve access to information about folklore, ethnomusicology, ethnology, and related fields...
Classification for biblical and Jewish studies Kaisa House Shelf Ratings: Biblical and Judaism...
"Practical Theology Shelf Rating " The Helka catalogue includes collections of Helsinki University Library, National Library, Institute for the Languages of Finland, National Board of Antiquities Library, Finnish Literature Society, Library of the Labour Movement and Baltia-kirjasto....
Classification of the Orthodox Church and theology (Coct)
Practical Theology Shelf Rating The Helka catalogue includes collections of Helsinki University Library, National Library, Institute for the Languages of Finland, National Board of Antiquities Library, Finnish Literature Society, Library of the Labour Movement and Baltia-kirjasto....
Luther study shelf rating
Classification for systematic theology Kaisa House Shelf Ratings: Systematic Theology...
Classification for social sciences
English and American Studies Library Classification Classification of the Department of English and American Studies at the University of Vienna....
Sirkuksen tiedotuskeskus luokat ja hyllypaikat
University Archives Classification Schedule "This Archives Classification Schedule is an outline of the holdings of the University Archives...
American Museum of Natural History/Division of Anthropology/Collections Thesaurus "This thesaurus is based upon the Art & Architecture Thesaurus (AAT) produced by The Getty Research Institute and follows as closely as possible its theoretical model for the organization of concepts (categories)...
International Psychoanalytic University classification scheme Our mission includes the prevention of landslides and coastal erosion, sustainable and effective soil works, know-how and methods to remediate contaminated sites and climate adaptation...
Classification Roy "The Roy classification is unique to the Law Library of the Université de Montréal, and our documentation is entirely classified according to an alphabetical system that divides it into two main areas: general collections and specialized collections."...
Classification system for sound recordings "BAnQ has a collection of more than 100,000 sound recordings, and the collection's classification system makes it easy to find a record and make great discoveries." The Iris catalog offers helpful help features for more detailed research...
Film Classification Plan "Fiction films are grouped into eight major cinematographic genres to help you choose from the collection...
German Historical Institute Warsaw Library System Library system of the German Historical Institute Warsaw....
Schwules Museum* Bestandssystematik The Gay Museum * was founded in 1985 and today is one of the largest and most important institutions for archiving, researching and communicating the history and culture of the LGBT * with its highly acclaimed exhibitions, archive collections, numerous research papers and more than thirty-five - mostly volunteer employees - I * Q communities...
Systematics of the subject library economics "The literature in our library is organized in a systematic manner...
Musikwissenschaftliches Seminar der Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg/Br. Systematik der Bibliothek
Max-Planck-Institut (MPI) für Kognitions- und Neurowissenschaften Bibliothekssystematik Bibliothekssystematik für Kognitions- und Neurowissenschaften des Max Planck Institutes....
Library of the State College of Music Trossingen Systematics "You can also click directly in the OPAC through the systematics and display the titles by selecting the corresponding systematic group in the search field (eg A-Gb) in the advanced search in the scrolling menu 'System group' and then right on the tab click."...
Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada Subject Thesaurus "Welcome to the Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada Subject Thesaurus (IST), which was developed to make retrieval of Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada (INAC) information more efficient...
University of Applied Sciences Schwäbisch Gmünd Installation system of the university library
Classification scheme of the house of the history of women Classification scheme of the house of the history of women in Bonn...
Classification of the Iglf-Bibliothek Classification of the Iglf-Bibliothek...
Göttingen online classification (GOK) "You get systematic access to the Göttinger Universitätskatalog (GUK) through the Göttinger Online-Klassifikation (GOK)...
Systematics for Protestant libraries (SEB) "The media collections of Protestant libraries are developed with the aid of the system for Protestant libraries (SEB)... API
Nonfiction classification of Catholic public libraries (SKB) "The presentation of the material from the various fields of knowledge, also as a report, an experience sign, a guidebook or a reference book, are organized according to the 'Specialist System for Catholic Public Libraries' (SKB-E) and the enlarged version (SKB-E) Non-book media for children are classified according to the 'Systematics for Children's Books' The systematic catalog opens up the material stock in libraries according to content (systematics) and provides information on the question whether media is available on a specific topic or subject area, For example, which media are to be found in the library on the subject of the "family" or "child education" The classification of the subject media into the shelves is determined by the systematics, the 'Sachbuch-Systematik for Catholic public libraries' Library in two differently finely divided editions: The basic edition (p KB) is used in Catholic public libraries with small non-fiction books...
The Schleswig Collection Signatures & Classification "The collection contains books, journals, pamphlets, etc...
Library Classification System of the Gregorian Pontifical University "The Pontifical Gregorian University Library has developed her own system to classify books and periodicals...
Classification of Youth Literature Genres "Fiction narratives are sorted according to a genre rating specifically designed by the Aosta cataloging center...
TEsauro Sealed for Organization of Parliamentary Documents "TESEO is a classification system used in the most important databases of the Senate, the Chamber and some regions...
EURISLAM Thesaurus "The EURISLAM bibliographic database for researchers and teachers lists all publications on the current situation in the wider Europe of Islam as a religion (beliefs, religious practices, religious sensibilities) and Muslims as (Muslim immigration, community institutions, public regulation)...
Ontologia del Senato della Repubblica "La presente ontologia consente la rappresentazione dei dati relativi all'attività parlamentare e ai Senatori, ed è coordinata con la corrispondente Ontologia della Camera dei Deputati...
Ontologia Camera dei Deputati "I principali Governi internazionali si stanno adoperando per rilasciare in formato aperto i dati pubblici...
Central Institute of Art History "In order to facilitate this process, the books are arranged according to a so - called system of positioning, which is reflected in the signatures The individual signature groups in this sense refer to the main contents or types of literature listed in the (.) Overview...
Classification system for The Faculty of Theology
Agricultural Communications Thesaurus "1351 terms, 458 relations between terms, 240 non-preferred terms."...
Marianist Library Classification "The schedules that form the Marianist Library Classification were developed because the classification scheme most commonly used in Marianist libraries, 'Marianist Classification 1960; For Archives and Documentary Libraries' developed by Father William Ferree, SM, became impossible to implement successfully...
Astronomical Observatory of Trieste Library Classification system -...
The Faculty of Theology Faculty Library Classification Schemes "The Library of Biblical Exegesis has a comprehensive classification system that applies to all sub-areas...
Classifications of the Zentralbibliothek of the Roman-Germanic Central Museum Classiification sheme of the Zentralbibliothek of the Roman-Germanic Central Museum....
Hochschule Konstanz University of Applied Sciences (HTWG) classification scheme (HTWG) Classification scheme for the Hochschule Konstanz University of Applied Sciences (HTWG)... API
Geographic Thesaurus for Ethnology "GeoEthno is a geographical thesaurus designed for the geographic indexing of documents in the field of anthropology and is a documentary tool for establishing a standardized list of keywords that can be used for indexing and / Questioning the bibliographic database of the Eric-de-Dampierre library (the 'catalog') and more broadly in the other libraries of the 'Ethnology Network'...
Classification of the Country library "The books on our shelves are arranged according to Sachthemen, and our library system allows you to see where in the house you can find works on a certain topic."...
Bielefeld systematics "In addition to the library systematic for all subject groups, we also offer the search for a Bielefeld system in the online catalog, especially for the literature on Bielefeld, which serves to further improve the factual relevance of these publications, and also has the advantage of being quickly comprehensible...
Brandenburg University of Technology (BTU) Cottbus-Senftenberg Systematics of the University Library "The inventory of the University Library of Cottbus, which is freely accessible to our users, is arranged in a systematic order, and the system underlying this list is divided into several hierarchical levels, within which the different groups are represented by a notation consisting of numbers and partial numbers Numbers and letters...
Viennese system for public libraries "The system serves the content development of the media and can also help to limit the amount of hits."...
University for forestry in rottenburg (HFR) forestal shelf classification of the university for forestry in rottenburg...
The Royal Library Systematic Catalog 2nd Edition. "SK2 (Systematic Catalog 2nd Edition) is used for books in the University Library Collections acquired since 1995."...
The Royal Library Systematic Catalog 1.th. "SK1 (Systematic Catalog 1st Edition) is used for books in the University Library Collections acquired 1980 - 1995."...
Systematic Register to the Nordic Journal of Criminal Science 1983-2012 "In 2013, the Royal Library has made a pragmatic assurance that the Nordic Journal of Criminal Law and its replacement of the Nordic Journal of Criminal Science from the period 1912-2012 has been made available on the internet...
European Documentation Center Classification Plan "To facilitate the user access to the document and to use the information contained therein, a classification plan for 19 topics, based on the same tabular storage on the shelf after a quota system."...
University Groningen University Classification Scheme
Iwi-Hapū Names List "It is derived from the waka, iwi and hapū names in He Puna Kupu Māori and Tāpuhi and has been reviewed by Te Taura Whiri (Māori Language Commission)...
Hospital System Classification System "The hospital system classification system (SKS) consists of several thousand codes that are used to provide structured information to different information systems...
NOMESCO Classification of Surgical Procedures "The Classification of Surgical Procedures (NCSP) is based on the traditions of the surgical profession in the Nordic countries and reflects surgical practice in these countries in 1994...
Management Classification "Management Classification (...) is a new classification developed for use in property management...
Omaha System "Consists of three relational, reliable, and valid components designed to be used together: Problem Classification Scheme (client assessment); Intervention Scheme (care plans and services); Problem Rating Scale for Outcomes (client change/evaluation)...
Classification Scheme of the Tecnun Library "The library of Tecnun has a system of classification of works of its own.The signature of each work is alphanumeric being formed by one or several letters and by a number, which indicate: The matter (A Mechanics, B Computer science, etc.) The sub-material (indicated in letters and numbers: A Tribology 001) The order number within each section "...
General Archive of the University of São Paulo Classification Plan "The Classification Plan is proposed as a tool for ordering, organizing and finding the documents generated or received by the University in the fulfillment of its duties, competencies and activities...
Document Classification Plan of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul
Library of the Order of Lawyers Classification plan of the documentation The lawyers' office of the library is a resource center specializing in the acquisition, technical processing and dissemination of legal information, with the primary objective to meet the information requirements of lawyer and legal trainee....
Classification Plan and Temporary Table of Administrative and Judicial Documents of the Superior Labor Court "The classification code is a working tool used to classify any document produced or received by the Superior Labor Court (TST), and, where applicable, it will also be adopted by the Superior Council of Labor Justice (CSJT) and by the The classification by subjects is used to group the documents under the same theme, as a way of accelerating the recovery and facilitating the activities related to the evaluation, selection, elimination In the classification code, subjects are given numerical codes, which reflect the functional hierarchy of the organ, defined through classes, subclasses, groups and subgroups, always starting from the general to the particular...
Classification of the medical central library Classification scheme of the medical school of the University Hospital Magdeburg....
Treasures of Jewish Education Thesaurus "This is a controlled vocabulary of education-related subjects and terms linked to the Hebrew index."...
Institute of Comparative City History Library Systematics
German Kinemathek - Museum for Film and Television library system Library system of the Museum of Film and Television....
Codices Salemitani X,44a library system "Library classification from the year 1783."...
Library Classification "There are already in the field many rival schemes of classification for libraries...
IAC Library Book Classification System "The IAC library has its own book classification system."...
Archival Information Classification Plan for Local Administration In this course, the initial assumptions of the project were maintained, namely: a) Creation of a single tool with classification and evaluation concerns; b) Construction of an instrument that promotes transversality and semantic interoperability; ) Application of the classification plan to the documentation at the stage of its creation or reception...
Secretariat of the Environment Classification Plan "The SMA - 6 Resolution of 8-2-2007, published in the Official Gazette of February 10, 2007, approved the Classification Plan and the Timetable of Documents of the Activities - End of the State Secretariat of the Environment The Document Classification Plan and the Temporary Document Table are the basic instruments of Document Management and are the result of a process of analysis that allows the identification of the values ​​of the documents for the purposes of defining their custody and destination deadlines...
INA Web Thesaurus
Thesaurus of University Terms "In creating TUT we relied extensively on existing finding aids to generate terms and tested the thesaurus against a broad range of record series, thus ensuring that the vocabulary would have literary warrant...
Document Classification Plan Is not an instrument of retroactive application, nor does it intend to reorganize the documentation already produced; (D) Use of the instrument to classify documentation on paper or other media...
Cultural Research Thesaurus "Asia glossary contains key terminology folklore studies, cultural anthropology, ethnomusicology, comparative religion (especially the people of faith study) and ethnology in...
Thesaurus of ASTIA Descriptors "The Thesaurus is divided into three major sections: the Schedule of Descriptors, the Scope Note Index, and the charts of Generic Relationships...
Energy Data Base Subject Thesaurus "The Energy Data Base: Subject Thesaurus contains the standard vocabulary of indexing terms (descriptors) developed and structured by the technical staff of the Office of Science and Technical Information as part of its subject indexing activities for the building and maintenance of energy information data bases for the Department of Energy...
International Energy Subject Thesaurus "The International Energy Agency: Subject Thesaurus contains the standard vocabulary of indexing terms (descriptors) developed and structured to build and maintain energy information databases...
Geopressured Geothermal Bibliography "This thesaurus of terminology associated with the geopressured geothermal energy field has been developed as a part of the Geopressured Geothermal Information System data base."...
Thesaurus of Descriptors for the Vertical File System "The Thesaurus used for the NYIT Energy Information Center is presented...
Environmental/Chemical thesaurus "The Environmental/Chemical Thesaurus approaches scientific language control problems from a multidisciplinary view...
iDAI.gazetteer Thesaurus "The iDAI.Gazetteer is a webservice that connects place names with coordinates and works in two directions...
Code of Classification of Archive Documents of the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation "The document classification code is a working tool used to classify any document produced or received by an organ in the exercise of its functions and activities...
Teaching unit Philosophy Library system "In the historical department the philosophical primary and secondary literatures are placed, arranged chronologically according to the birth years of the philosophers, beginning with -800 (Zarathustra), the year of birth being a primary part of the site signature And the year of publication of the present title, or the year of publication of the first edition...
Systematics ARUBI Systematics of the library of the University of Kaiserslautern....
National Museum of the American Indian Reference Lists (Thesauri) "The following reference lists represent NMAI controlled terminologies in their respective hierarchies...
Systematics Biology Systematics for Biology at the University of Kaiserslautern...
Systematics Bibliology and Librarianship Systematics for Bibliology and Librarianship at the University of Kaiserslautern...
Systematics Chemistry Systematics for Chemistry at the University of Kaiserslautern...
Classifications of Electrical Engineering and Computer Engineering Classification sheme of the Electrical Engineering and Information Technology of the Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology, University Library Kaiserslautern....
Systematics Pedagogy Systematics for Pedagogy of the University Library Kaiserslautern....
Systematics History Systematics for the subject of History of the University Library Kaiserslautern....
Systematics Computer Science Systematics for Computer Science of the University Library Kaiserslautern....
Systematics Art / Media Systematics for the Arts and Media of the University Library Kaiserslautern....
Mechanical Engineering / Process Engineering Systematics for Mechanical Engineering and Process Engineering at the University Library Kaiserslautern....
Systematics Mathmatics Systematics of Mathematics, University Library Kaiserslautern....
American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Thesaurus "The ASHA Thesaurus is a controlled vocabulary used to organize information in the fields of audiology and speech-language pathology."...
Location-free systematics Mathematics Systematics of Mathematics, University Library Kaiserslautern....
Systematics Music Systematics for Music of the University Library Kaiserslautern....
Systematic Philosophy Systematics for Philosophy of the University Library Kaiserslautern....
Systematic Physics Systematics for Physics of the University Library Kaiserslautern....
Systematic Politics System for policy of the University Library Kaiserslautern....
Systematic Psychology Systematics for Psychology of the University Library Kaiserslautern....
Systematic Law Systematics for the subject area Law of the University Library Kaiserslautern....
Systematics Sociology Systematics for Sociology of the University Library Kaiserslautern....
Systematics Sport Systematics Sport of the University Library Kaiserslautern....
Systematics Linguistics and literary sciences Systematics of the language and literature sciences of the University Library Kaiserslautern....
European Language Social Science Thesaurus (ELSST) The European Language Social Science Thesaurus (ELSST) is a broad-based, multilingual thesaurus for the social sciences... API
Modern Language Association Thesaurus "A thesaurus developed by our thesaurus staff is used to standardize the terms used in the bibliography...
Systematic Religion Systematics for the Department of Religion of the University Library Kaiserslautern....
Systematics Economics Systematics for Economics of the University Library Kaiserslautern....
Clinical Care Classification System "The Clinical Care Classification (CCC) System (...) provides a standardized framework and a unique coding structure for assessing, documenting, and classifying patient care by nurses and other clinical professionals in any health care setting...
Thesaurus for Parliamentary Materials "The parliamentary documentation supports you (.) With the thesaurus 'PARTHES', which contains a fixed vocabulary of slogans which are assigned to the documents, but also synonyms are fully recorded in the thesaurus and refer to the keyword 'Used for the synonym' radicalism ', you can search for both terms in such a case, since the referral ensures that you can also find with' radicalism 'all the documents found with' extremism ' The terms contained in 'PARTHES' accurately represent the parliamentary work.To determine whether your search word is included in the thesaurus, you can call the thesaurus function via the corresponding button next to selected search fields...
ISO 37120 indicator URIs "This OWL file defines a class for each indicator defined in the ISO 37120 standard...
Global City Indicator Foundation Ontology "Contains the foundation ontologies required to represent ISO 37120 city indicators, including Placenames, Time, Measurement, Provenance, Statistics, Validity and Trust...
Open 311 Ontology "This ontology generalizes the concepts that appear in 311 open data files published by several cities (Toronto, New York, Chicago, Vancouver) across North America...
International Contact Ontology "This ontology provides basic classes and more detailed properties for representating international street addresses, phone numbers and emails...
TOVE Organization Ontology "Based on: Fox, M.S., Barbuceanu, M., Gruninger, M., and Lin, J., (1998), 'An Organisation Ontology for Enterprise Modeling', In Simulating Organizations: Computational Models of Institutions and Groups, M...
Global Agricultural Concept Scheme (GACS) "GACS explored the possibility of creating a global repository of concepts and terminology in the area of agriculture... API
Thesaurus for Fiction "Hierarchy and preferential relations: management of linguistic equivalents The descriptors are arranged on the same hierarchical level in each large lexical field.To limit their number, it is decided to keep a certain number of non-descriptors (which refer to descriptors They could have been used as generic terms, but it is unfortunately not possible to manage several levels of specificity in an alphabetical index...
Directory of UQAM Authorities-Subject "RASUQAM is an encyclopaedic thesaurus developed since 1994 by the Library Service of the Université du Québec à Montréal and is used for the indexing of its collections.RASUQAM has about 47,000 descriptors , Including common names, organization names, titles, geographical names, chronological terms, form descriptors, and some uncontrolled descriptors...
ASIS&T Thesaurus of Information Science, Technology, and Librarianship "Recognized as the authoritative reference to the terminology of information science, technology, and librarianship, the updated and expanded third edition of the ASIST Thesaurus is an essential resource for indexers, researchers, scholars, students, and practitioners in the field...
Education, Skills and Children's Services Thesaurus "The Education, Skills and Children's Services Thesaurus is the controlled vocabulary developed and maintained by the UK Department for Children, Schools and Families...
CERL Thesaurus (CERL) "The CERL Thesaurus File is a unique facility developed to address the particularly European issue that place name and personal names in Europe varied from country to country in the period of hand press printing (1450 - c...
International Coastal Atlas Network Coastal Erosion Global Thesaurus "Terms used at all hierarchical levels in the ICAN global thesaurus for coastal erosion...
Oregon Coastal Atlas Coastal Erosion Thesaurus Markup Terms "Terms used at all hierarchical levels in the Oregon Coastal Atlas for coastal erosion layers, datasets and discovery."...
Oregon Coastal Atlas Coastal Erosion Thesaurus Discovery Terms "Terms used at all hierarchical levels in the Oregon Coastal Atlas for categorisation and discovery, but not for layer or dataset markup."...
MIDA Coastal Erosion Thesaurus "A collection of terms used by the Irish Marine Data Atlas in association with the topic of coastal erosion."...
BODC Annotated Reference Material Classifiers "Terms used to classify the type of reference material used by laboratories in the verification of analytical techniques in terms of consistency, accuracy and precision."...
Systematics Media studies, Performing Arts, Theater, Dance, Artistics, Film, Broadcasting, Radio, Television "The 'old' system for the field of media science in the library of the University of Konstanz was no longer up to the requirements of the rapidly developing subject, the list was too coarse, a differentiated research was not possible, we wanted to thank our scientists and the large number of researchers The library of the University of Constance under the leadership of Ralph Hafner (specialist for media science) in cooperation with the university The media in Stuttgart (Prof...
Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Straight Islander Studies Thesauri "Pathways contains the terms we use to describe the items in the AIATSIS Collections...
Systematic Philosophy Systematics for Philosophy of the University Library of Constance....
Classifications of the German Language and Literature Science Classification sheme of the German Language and Literature Science of the University Library of Constance....
Systematics General Linguistics A systematic for general linguistics at the University of Konstanz...
Systematic book setting up of the Ancient Classical Studies, Classical Philology Systematic book setting up of ancient science, classical philology of the communication, information, media center (KIM) of the University of Konstanz....
Systematics Archaeology Systematics for Archeology at the University of Konstanz...
Overview of the subject classification system of Educational sciences A system of the Unibibliothek Konstanz for the educational sciences...
kid-shelf-mark A german shelf mark about kid-books...
Systematic book setting up of the law Systematic book setting up of the law of the communication, information, media center (KIM) of the University of Konstanz....
Shelf Classification Mathmatics "The signature of the mat books is composed of the basic signature and the individual signature, the basic signature is separated from the individual signature in the OPAC by '/', and on the signature sticker in the book by a horizontal line (...) The unambiguous identification of a book becomes By means of the individual signature.It is formed by the initial letter of the title followed by two digits.Then the volumes are followed by '-' in multi-volume works, if there are several editions of the book, the edition is indicated in parentheses....
Systematic book setting up of music Systematic book setting up of music of the communication, information, media center (KIM) of the University of Konstanz....
Maori Subject Headings "The list of over 1,000 headings and their associated references is appropriate for use at a public library level...
Systematic Table of Physics "The signature of the phy books is composed of the signature and individual signature, the basic signature is separated from the individual signature in the OPAC by '/', on the signature sticker in the book by a horizontal line (...) The unambiguous identification of a book is achieved by means of the individual signature, which is formed by the author 's initial letter followed by two digits, and in the case of multi - volume works, the band is followed by' - ' The circulation is indicated in brackets...
Systematic book setting up of sociology Systematic book setting up of sociology of the communication, information, media center (KIM) of the University of Konstanz....
Systematik Ethnologie Systematics of the Ethnology of the University Library of Constance....
Systematic book setting up of sports science Systematic book setting up of sports science of the communication, information, media center (KIM) of the University of Konstanz....
Overview of the subject area of general literary studies A systematics of the University Library of Constance for the Literary Studies...
Systematic book setting up of the English studies/American studies Systematic book setting up of English studies/American studies of the communication, information, media center (KIM) of the University of Konstanz....
Systematic book setting up of Near Eastern studies Systematic book setting up of Near Eastern studies of the communication, information, media center (KIM) of the University of Konstanz....
Systematic book setting up of other Languages ​​and Literatures Systematic book setting up of other Languages ​​and Literatures of the communication, information, media center (KIM) of the University of Konstanz....
Book collection system Romanistik Since its inception as a university of applied sciences, excellence in teaching and study, internationality and interdisciplinary cooperation have existed for the University of Konstanz in 1966...
Buchaufstellungssystematik Slavistik
Regional Asset Thesaurus "The information it contains is not definitive and is subject to editorial review and discussion by the scientific community...
Systematic book setting up of Theology Systematic book setting up of theology of the communication, information, media center (KIM) of the University of Konstanz....
Systematic book setting up of Economic Sciences Systematic book setting up of economic sciences of the communication, information, media center (KIM) of the University of Konstanz....
Systematic book setting up of Stastical Source Material Systematic book setting up of Stastical Source Material of the communication, information, media center (KIM) of the University of Konstanz....
Konstanz library classification (KonSys) The Konstanzer Systematik (KonSys) is a classification scheme for academic libraries, developed at the Library of the University of Konstanz in 1966 for the newly founded University as an in-house classification scheme for its own extensive holdings on the open shelves... API