
Iwi – New Zealand Standard Classification

"Statistics on the size and demographic characteristics of Iwi affiliates are needed: to allow the Crown and Iwi to monitor the performance of Treaty of Waitangi obligations; to assist in allocating resources and funds to Iwi; to assist Iwi in planning social and economic developments; to assist Waitangi Tribunal decisions on land ownership, fishing rights, etc; to assist central, regional and local government agencies planning and providing services to Iwi in areas such as housing, health, social welfare and special assistance programmes; to assist local government in the administration of the Resource Management Act 1991.

Iwi is a hierarchical classification with two levels. Level 1 represents Iwi region (rohe) and is to be used for summary purposes only, and does not imply any future or present confederation of Iwi. Level 2 shows individual Iwi. Level 1 has 14 categories and level 2 has 128 categories – excluding residual categories."

"Statistics on the size and demographic characteristics of Iwi affiliates are needed: to allow the Crown and Iwi to monitor the performance of Treaty of Waitangi obligations; to assist in allocating resources and funds to Iwi; to assist Iwi in planning social and economic developments; to assist Waitangi Tribunal decisions on land ownership, fishing rights, etc; to assist central, regional and local government agencies planning and providing services to Iwi in areas such as housing, health, social welfare and special assistance programmes; to assist local government in the administration of the Resource Management Act 1991.

Iwi is a hierarchical classification with two levels. Level 1 represents Iwi region (rohe) and is to be used for summary purposes only, and does not imply any future or present confederation of Iwi. Level 2 shows individual Iwi. Level 1 has 14 categories and level 2 has 128 categories – excluding residual categories."

  • Iwi – New Zealand Standard Classification
  • IWI
KOS Type
  • en
  • mi
URI http://bartoc.org/en/node/804
Homepage http://www.stats.govt.nz/methods/classifications-and-standards/classification-related-stats-standards/iwi.aspx
  • The Boulevard
  • Pipitea
  • Wellington
  • New Zealand
  • en
  • mi