
A Synoptical Classification of the Lamiales

"Estimated # species in Lamiales = 22,000. The goal of this project is to produce a working infraordinal classification of the Lamiales to genus with information on distribution and species richness. All recognized taxa will be clades; adherence to Linnaean ranks is optional. Synonymy is very incomplete (comprehensive synonymy is not a goal of the project, but could be incorporated). Although I anticipate producing a publishable version of this classification at a future date, my near-term goal is to produce a web-accessible version, which will be available to the public and which will be updated regularly through input from systematists familiar with taxa within the Lamiales."

"Estimated # species in Lamiales = 22,000. The goal of this project is to produce a working infraordinal classification of the Lamiales to genus with information on distribution and species richness. All recognized taxa will be clades; adherence to Linnaean ranks is optional. Synonymy is very incomplete (comprehensive synonymy is not a goal of the project, but could be incorporated). Although I anticipate producing a publishable version of this classification at a future date, my near-term goal is to produce a web-accessible version, which will be available to the public and which will be updated regularly through input from systematists familiar with taxa within the Lamiales."

  • A Synoptical Classification of the Lamiales
KOS Type
  • en
  • la
URI http://bartoc.org/en/node/536
Homepage http://depts.washington.edu/phylo/classifications/
  • University of Washington
  • Seattle
  • WA
  • United States
  • en
  • la