The Classification of Purpose of Non-Profit Institutions Serving Households of Korea (COPNI-K) of non-profit organizations serving households is one of the attached categories for Korean standard purposes prepared by the National Statistical Office and classifies transactions related to final consumption, intermediate consumption, total capital formation, current and capital transfer spent by non-profit organizations. It is used as a system of national accounts (SNA) and criteria for classifying household expenditure surveys and consumer price surveys.
가구에 봉사하는 비영리단체의 목적분류(the Classification of Purpose of Non-Profit Institutions Serving Households of Korea, COPNI-K)는 통계청에서 작성하는 한국표준목적별지출분류 중 하나로 비영리단체에 의하여 지출되는 최종소비, 중간소비, 총자본형성, 경상이전과 자본이전에 관한 거래를 분류한 것이다. 국민계정체계(a System of National Account, SNA) 작성과 가계지출조사 및 소비자물가조사 항목분류 기준 등으로 활용되고 있다.
- 189
- Cheongsa-ro, Seo-gu
- Daejeon
- 35208
- Republic of Korea