"The WHO Indicator and Measurement Registry (IMR) is a central source of metadata of health-related indicators used by WHO and other organizations. It includes indicator definitions, data sources, methods of estimation and other information that allow users to get better understanding of their indicators of interest.<br />
It facilitates complete and well-structured indicator metadata, harmonization and management of indicator definitions and code lists, internet access to indicator definitions, and consistency with other statistical domains.<br />
It promotes interoperability through the SDMX-HD indicator exchange format and allows incorporation of appropriate international standards such as SDMX MCV (Metadata Common Vocabulary), ISO 11179 (Metadata Registry), DDI (Data Documentation Initiative) and DCMES (Dublin Core)."
URI | http://bartoc.org/en/node/1926 |
Homepage | http://www.who.int/gho/indicator_registry/ |
Type | terminology repository |
Vocabularies | search in BARTOC |