The Gale Real Estate Thesaurus is a subset of the master Gale Business Thesaurus in the narrower domain of the business of developing, managing, financing, buying, selling, leasing, renting, and investing in real property. It includes terms related to office buildings, shopping centers, commercial property, and all types of housing. Also featured are terms related to real estate development, real estate agents and brokers, real estate management firms, real estate management, real estate investment, real estate investment trusts, title companies, mortgage banks, mortgage brokers, real estate lessors, and real property. All thesaural relationships (BT/NT, RT, USE/UF) are included, and some terms have scope notes. The thesaurus contains 318 preferred terms/concepts (2019) and is continually updated.
- 27500 Drake
- Farmington Hills
- MI
- 48331
- United States
318 preferred terms/concepts (2019-02)